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Forest Hike Edition

For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>40936954
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Safety bump before sleep. Don't want this archiving again.
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>has no prior experience with buckball
>instantly figures it out
Smart girl. She's a fast learner.
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we're so back
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Beautiful Flutterbelly.
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Makes my heart melt when she's looking at me like that.
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What a meanie.
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I want Flutterbat to turn me into a quite literal bat-man.
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Love this dress.
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Reposting a drawthread /d/ here.
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Cute draw.
Great draw drawfren!
As cute as she is tired!
Wow she's literally me
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Kiss the cook!
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>Anon, d-do you think that love can bloom on the battlefield? ;-;
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such a cuddable little pone
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We're married now? Well, let's do... what a husband and a wife usually do in bed.
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Going to work soon. Does anyone have a Flutters doodle request?
Draw her in a two-piece swimsuit. I don't care that the bra covers nothing (except maybe her chest floof), it looks cute and hot on mares.
She looks like she already has that in mind. Or some intense cuddling.
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She loves you.
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Draw her wearing a garter belt.
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>I don't care that the bra covers nothing (except maybe her chest floof), it looks cute and hot on mares.
I am now imagining this silly mare wearing just a garter belt without stockings, so the straps are just hanging loose.
Nice job!
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Good job.
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I wish I was that chair/stool.
Two wonderful mares!
She's so pretty bros.
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I'm pretty eepy too Fluttershy. Good night.
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ahh shes so cute!! i love it when people draw her in those thigh highs ^^
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Sweet Flutter tummy yeeeeessss!
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Looks very nostalgic.
Flutters has some fat thighs!
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Work doodle. Tried to go for cute and bashful, but the expression is too much on the cringing side. Oh well.
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Flutterbat in the day? Still pretty though.
I don't see the cringing part, but I'm also not good at reading emotions.
Damn she cute though. Does anyone at your work ask you about your cute pony doodles?
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From calmly sipping to SuperFluttersx3. What could cause such a change?
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I imagined her eating a sandwich I made and it was so cute that I couldn't stop myself from smiling. pic related is close to what I imagined.
This drawing also makes me smile.
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My wife is so STRONG.
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I like these ears.
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Cloud watching with Fluttershy!
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I'd rather prefer foals then these freaky half breeds.
I love the idea of having an adorable satyr daughter and a rough housing son
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What a cutie!
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Nice socks you got her anon!
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Sometimes it just hits me really hard, the feeling of how much I love her
It's a wonderful feeling when it occurs isn't it?
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These small gifs from the series are very cute.
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Good morning beautiful!
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>"Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?"
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I slept wonderfully in your embrace Flutters!
I wish this fuzzy yellow cutie would "violate" me, if you know what I mean.
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Slow day on the thread.
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Please someone reassure to me that Fluttershy is actually very full of personality and isn’t a hippy and wouldn’t be liberal in the real world
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>implying a mare from Equestria would care about shitty categories for human retards
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Every day I yearn for assurance from her that everything will be okay
Just a single moment lying beside her as she comforts me
But I will never know the peace of her belly pillow and I don't deserve it
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Fucking touchscreen god damnit
Deletion error too
God damnit
I was trying to post a pony
I should have just gotten drunk and went to bed
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Okay, but at least you could have posted Fluttershy instead of offboarder shit.
It was a mistap I didn't see until after posting
This phone is cracked and cheap enough that repairs outpaced the value of the device itself
Oh well, I forgot to update the posts. Sometimes I forget that is even relevant on /mlp/.
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I find it delightful to imagine how Fluttershy greets the migratory birds in spring, returning after their long journey.
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I love my Fluttershy. She's a cutie.
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look at this sexy mare
Sexo wife.
What gorgeous teats my wife has!
Anyone here have that pic analysing Fluttershy critique from Suited for success?
"the armscye's tight, the middy collar doesn't go with the shawl lapel, [...] But, uh... you know... um, whatever you want to do is fine."
Seemed like the one who wrote it knew pretty well what he was talking about. That aside I quite like how the writers decided to give Flutters an interest and skill in fashion, fleshes out her character besides just timid, yellow, nature lover.
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I need beautiful high res and tasteful Fluttershy images for a custom tcg playmat. Suggestions?
Here’s a suggestion: stop playing tcgs and use that money on your rent. Or better, commission a life sized Fluttershy plush.
A-anon, I...
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Cute Witchshy!
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Life support for best pone
I wish to hear her lovely singing voice again
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I'm an addicted slut for flutterpussy.
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Then I'd recommend a rewatch of "Filli Vanilli".
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She's always my Princess.
She's a cutie, isn't she?
I want to breed Fluttershy.
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Look at this cute Floot I got in the mail! in an envelope that looked like it had been stuck in a wet corner of a post office for 5 months
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I crave Fluttershy's pussy.
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Now THAT'S Wormwood
Pretty Floot! She has some big flanks.
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She has them watermelon-exploding thighs. The perfect mare ass.
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Sounds and looks like the peak mare form.
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>tfw no ted shed to share with your marewife
>tfw stuck living around mouthbreathers, separated from the power process
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Looks like AI sloppa.
yea, looks like AI
so i deleted it
Best pone best dress.
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I love my cute shy wife.
Bumping again.
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I love it when my beautiful wife is smug.
Roses for best mare!
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I want to breed Fluttershy.
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So many things seem off about this image. Is it AI generated?
My wife.
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The image is from '16, long before AI.
It seems like that because the anatomy is completely busted. Human shoulders, the mane seems to mingle with the tail, and it's unclear if that's a chestboob or her left hoof is bent that way (the image got tagged on derpi as b@thro long after the upload because of her seemingly naving a chestboob, just so you know).
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It is certainly an achievement of confusing anatomy.
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Doodled this at work today. Thank you for your patience.
O-okay, I'll bring them for you.
Nice work btw.
t. the OG requester
Your Fluttershy's are so cute! Nice work anon.
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You Flutters always make me smile.
I too remember when Shout was good
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So this is why booping could be considered a criminal offense in Equestria.
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please accept this fresh butter based flutterbros
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nice flutter butter friend
Thanks Lunachad.
Nice chest fluff.
Boards moving fast. I need to get to a device that has my Flutter folder to start bumping with pics again.
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Good morning Fluttershy general. What are you thinking about Fluttershy wise today?
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Holding her hoof.
And then kissing her hoof.
Posting here a fluttertum I colored that was for a chubby mares thread that just died.

I know I'm very late, but thanks for the /d/ of my two-piece swimsuit flutters /r/!
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forgot pic
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Might as well post the other chubby flutters I drew for that thread with a belly that's bigger while I'm at it. I want to cuddle her and use her belly as a pillow so bad bros.
beeg tum
Lovely Flutterbelly!
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May with Fluttershy.
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May is my birth month. Would love to spend it with Fluttershy.
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page 10 bump
What is this drawing of Angel trying to convey?
How Flutters asserts dominance.
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Page 10 bump for Fluttershy.
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some practice art of flutters
Nice work!
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Very pretty I love her mane
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Looks good.
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Wake up thread.
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Come on. You can show more love for Fluttershy then that!
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Very Calming.
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I need to cuddle with this cute pone
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Need some Fluttercake if you know what I mean.
Just magical!
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Confused Flutters
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It's tough seeing her sad, just makes you wanna hug her and never let go.
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Slow thread. Any other Flutterfrens?
I hate my life.
But I love my butterwife.
I barely get fazed by having nightmares at this point (maybe because my actual life is just as bad). The real nightmare there is Shy crying.
Yo, I'm back from loads of bullshit happening.
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I wish she would assert dominance on me.
Welcome back. Most of my dreams are also nightmares. Hopefully I'll get a Fluttershy dream someday.
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Emergency bump.
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She has LOTS of snowpity.
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It is truly special. All mares might be pretty but Fluttershy makes my heart soar with every majestic depiction of this mare.
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For some reason, she looks extra cute while asleep.
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That's because she's most vulnerable when she's asleep, so you want to protect her.
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that's a really cute pic of her, so simple but so good.
Agree. Thinking about it and imagining myself with her in that moment is very calming.
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More like Flutter-brocoli
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Very cute! Nice draw.
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posting this here cuz no one else i know would get it
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She's so cute!
She's just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.
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Absolutely beautiful.
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Love that pic.
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Bumble Butt.
Not to put to fine a point on it
That silhouette of a big moth on the headboard might be a bit scary at night
Back up from page 9 you go Flutters.
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My breedable butterwife.
Silence your mouth. Such primitive mode of talking is reserved for Dashtards.
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I'm going to breed my shy butterwife and the only thing you're going to do about it is to say
out loud in a corner, bitch.
My Princess!
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smug amre
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I want to enjoy my morning tea with Flutters everyday
What a cozy picture.
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A bump for Flutter.
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What kind of books might Fluttershy like?
ones with aminals
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She sure likes her aminals.
Flutters go up.
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can any of you recommend some good Fluttershy greens?
She sure does.
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I love fucking Fluttershy!
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Was about time I drew her at work again.
Mega cute! I love pictures of her looking at small critters.
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Nice drawing! Do you like drawing on lined paper?
Wonderful Fluttershy anon!
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Have a restful sleep Flutters.
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Love you to Shy!
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Emergency bump!
Fluttershy is based.
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Based on what?
Based on her ass on top of my face.
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Based on deez nuts, which she drained.
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flutterfag meet up next mare fair?
So cute!
No escape
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Like I'd ever want to escape Fluttershy!
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Maximum smug!
Shy booty!
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Maximum oversmug.
She's so pretty!
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She has mastered the art of weaponized snowpity.
A weapon to surpass metal gear!
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That's a big hoof she's got.
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god look at that plump ass. I can't wait to impregnate this mare and see motherhood change her body. milfshy would just be too much for my dick.
Like the other anon said. What an incredibly sexy, motherly Shy.
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Here's some AIsloppa cuddles.
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Anon's nose is so about to bleed from the weight of this sexy mare lying on him it's end is visible on his mask.
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you love to see it
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I want her to dom me so bad
Very cute Cheerleader Shy!
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Me too.
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Me three.
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That image made think of something, hold on...

>You were trying to calm your crying wife down for an hour now
>All of this started in first place because you were having a nightmare
>It's not like you were more than slightly fazed by nightmares, but that one was particulary shitty and has left you still being shocked
>And of course, whatever you did when you were asleep made Fluttershy very worried
>You yellow, loving wife became obsessed with your well-being, and any deviation from it makes her feel really bad, no matter the source of your upsetment
>You really hated seeing her feeling any bad, and have always tried to make her happy
>But she has always told you that your happiness and comfort is her happiness and comfort
>Now she's suggesting going the Gala as a way to comfort you
>You don't like the Gala
>It's pretty boring, and even going with your sweet little wife couldn't redeem it for you
>Hearing other ponies drop shitty jokes makes it an even unsufferable experience, and your discomforts escaping your private matters makes it a hard no
"No, sweetheart. We're not going to the Gala."
>"W-why? I just want to make you feel happy again..." Fluttershy sniffed as you hugged her
"Because I want you to be happy so I could be happy. Our discomfort going out of our private matters is going to upset us even more. Trust me. Please, stop crying."
>Her beautiful, teary eyes looked right at yours
>"Y-you want me to feel good so you could feel good too?"
>You wiped her tears up as she maintained eye contact for a while before speaking again
>"I-I think I know of something better, sweetie."
>She began to take her Gala outfit off, carefully placing it aside
>"Please, lay down for me." she said softly, but also firmly, a sudden change from her sad tone
>You were happy to oblige, right as she got on the bed
>Then she began to take your pants off, intending to take it along with your underwear
>As she always did whenever she wanted... it
>You couldn't help but get hard as Fluttershy touched your hips
>You take your shirt off and throw it aside as your pants are thrown there as well
>Your erect, throbbing penis is now right in front of her muzzle
>She pulls your foreskin down, and then eagerly engulfs your dick
>You let a pleased groan
>She moans lustfully and lets your dick out, giving a sloppy kiss to your head
>"Mmmhh... my handsome husband is so tasty~"
>She gets up, standing over you
>"If pleasing me makes you happy, then why don't we do that right now?"
>She seductively wiggles her flank, and you could see a string hanging from her pussy
>She turns around, presenting her horny, winking slit
>She carefully sits on your face, placing herself right on your mouth
>Her powerful smell coming from her horny little hole clouds your mind with lust
>You begin to stroke your cock as you lick her, giving all of your passion to her beautiful, fertile marehood
>"Keep stroking yourself, sweetie. Show me how much you love eating me out~"
>She moaned as you smooched her winking clit
>She started to passionately ride your face while she lustfully moaned and groaned
>You unleash more eager licks, kisses and sucks on her mare pussy, drinking her delicious nectar
>She tastes like strawberry and banana, and her juices were the best thing you could ever drink
>Her moans became longer, more continous as you lovingly kissed her pussy and sucked her winking clit
>You edged yourself, drinking from your wife's lovely, delectable pussy
>She rode your face harder, her marehood contracting and convulsing around your tongue
>You moaned into her pussy, from the pleasure of drinking her ambrosia, from hearing her cute little moans, and from edging yourself
>She's cumming soon, and it's clear
>She's riding your face harder and harder, her tasty juices are getting more abundant
>She's wailing in pleasure, crying your name in pleasure
>Her pussy is convulsing violently as she orgasms on your face
>She cums hard in your mouth, filling your stomach with more of her delectable mare juice
>She stays on your face, not moving until her violent orgasm settles down
>She moans loudly as you continue to lovingly kiss her
>She gets up from your face, allowing you to wipe your mare cum from your face
>You moan as you lap up the remaining love juice from your palm
>She lays beside you for a while
>"Good boy... you did so well."
>She placed her forehooves on your sides, carefully massaging your ribs
>She then gets up on your body, her forehooves are on your chest now
>"Don't move. Just relax and enjoy, my little love." she said as placed her pussy on your cock, enveloping you
>In a single trust, you're completely engulfed by your love
>She starts to passionately ride you, her sexy little moans filling up the air
>You obey to her command, being mostly inert as you let your wife take care of you
>You can't help but enjoy the view of her riding you; at her bouncing, comparatively large for mare standards, but still smaller than your palm crotchboobs, her clit winking on your cock as she ravished you harder with each thrust, her throbbing, flaring wings, her big chest fluff emitting pheromones, making you crazy with lust
>You moan as Fluttershy gradually rides you harder and harder
>She lays down on you, placing her forehooves at your shoulders
>She looks lustfully into your eyes, riding you even harder than before
>You lose yourself in her lustful gaze, groaning louder from so much pleasure and lust
>Her hot pulsating pussy violently contracts around you
>Her pleased moans and groans are growing louder
>She moves to kiss you, her forehooves shifting to the back of your head, holding you
>She invades your mouth, dominating your tongue completely
>You moan as wrestle her tongue in a losing battle
>She reciprorates by moaning into yours, enjoying the moment
>She pulls back, the string of saliva connecting your tongues
>She kisses your mouth aggressively, smearing the mixed saliva on your mouths
>Her riding even aggressive as you her name in pleasure
>"Keep moaning for me, love!~" she encouraged, wailing lustfully as she contracts herself harder on you
>Her wet, hot, pulsating pussy is driving you closer to climax really fast
>Convulsing in so much pleasure, her marehood seeks to drain your balls
>She slams her firm, fluffy, well-toned flanks on your hips, the obscene sounds filling the air accompanied with your and Fluttershy's groans
>Her clit is winking hard, signifying that your wife's orgasm is close
>She's pounding you hard on the bed, as it creaks under the pressure
>The pleasant feeling is building up rapidly in your dick
>Your wife's loud, pleased moans, her contractions around you are making your orgasm inevitable
"I'm going to cum, sweetheart!"
>"Yes! Make me pregnant, my love!" your wife demanded as she bounces hard on you
>She cums on your cock, glazing you with her love juices
>You unleash your thick ropes deep inside your beautiful, painting her trembling walls white as she slams your head against her womb, fucking you with her orgasming, ejaculating pussy
>She wails in mad pleasure, crying your name as she's plapping your hips hard
>You cry her name in pleasure, your balls being drained to the last drop
>The powerful orgasms falter in your bodies
>But you still feel stunned, moaning softly in your afterglows
>After a while, both of you regain consciousness
>You lovingly gaze into each other's eyes, like each of you are the most beautiful things they've ever saw
>"My... you made me so full. Looks like I made you really happy." she giggles as your softening dick falls put of her fertile marehood
>The mixed cum leaks out of Fluttershy's pussy, covering your dick
>"And so did you made me happy."
>You pepper your beloved's adorable face with kisses, running your hand through her silky fur
>"That's a good boy. You've did so well for me today."
>She kisses your lips with a passion
>She lifts your head, as you kiss each other a few more times
>She buries her snout in your hair, taking a whiff
"I love you. I love you so much, my love." you kissed your mare into her soft cheek.
>"I love you too, my little one. I will love you forever."
>She began to pet you, as you nuzzle into her cheek.

Here's some smut, she came out here as pretty dommy here because I'm into it. Might do Fluttergoth dom one day.
*became even more aggressive as you moaned in her in pleasure
Derpy is a genius compared to me. IWNBAGW (I will never be a good writefag.)
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I still liked it. Thanks for the green anon!
nice green anon, very well done
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Thanks, men.
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I need more fluttershy shenanigans
She's great at making friends!
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What a lovely green where I bang my hot wife Fluttershy. Well done, writefren.
Might do Fluttergoth dom one day.
that's kinda hot
Thanks, Anon.
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Might as well hit image limit while we're at it.
So cute when sleepy.
Great thread for a great mare! Look forward to the next one.
I want to hold her hoof as we fall asleep together.

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