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Previous thread: >>40845538
Archive Link:
- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40845538/

>What is this thread about?
This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.

>Can you elaborate more?
Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.

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Those prices are fucked
Dragons are useless, yaks can barely perform manual labor, and why the fuck did they even bother making a price tag for something as incompetent as a nuling?
>Dragons are useless
Self powered space heater/fire starter. Pretty handy for cold climate camping.
Useful for demolition jobs.
Makes good spies. Tell them to turn into furniture or rocks.
Drat, sorry to disappoint, but I've been dealing with a service launch at work, with all the problems that brings with it. I've even been neglecting my neglect of Meyermer! I'd have to work hard to just not write it out of sheer laziness!
Take it easy my man! We can wait a little longer for your awesome writing.
Slave must find gainful employment.
Lazy slave
why is gilda so cheap?
only 1 hole
A disgusting cloaca?
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Master... Halllpp...
How did she managed that? She is pretty big to climb in via the prize retrieval hole.
That would be Applejack actually
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She was put into the claw machine as a filly to entice users to spend more, but since claw machines are rigged nobody ever managed to win her. She has lived in the machine for almost a decade.
Made for brushing
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Imagine the amount of hair all over the house...
Ponies require frequent full-body brushing to manage their shedding. And when spring rolls around their winter coat needs even more effort to deal with, you need to brush them multiple times a day for around three weeks before its fully replaced by their summer coat.
If you're looking for a low maintenance pet, try a cat instead.
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I don't want a pet cat. I want a slave pony!
The beltings will continue until bumpslave efficiency improves.
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poner is overstimulated
From the style I can already tell this artist has an ear fucking fetish.
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Pony works the counter
Pony serves the coffee
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I'll want to have Terramar as my maid.
Highly portable bat
Eats all the slaves that'll fit in her beak. That's where all the fillies and colts went, straight to her fat ass; Cutie Mark Crusaders became Catbirb Meaty Chub. A shame too, Babs at least had her special talent in scissoring, and Silver Spoon kissed ass like no other.
Shit, and I wanted to put Diamond Tiara in her place: My seat.
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> Salki was avoiding her. Thistle had sought him out after her disastrous encounter with Saule, but he said he was busy and left. She considered following and demanding answers, but ultimately decided against it.
> There was no one else she could talk to, either. If she told any of the other nomads what had happened, they would brand Salki an 'animal fucker', and it would severely damage both his, and his mother's reputation. Thistle wasn't certain who would become the chieftain after that, but Willow was an obvious candidate and that would end poorly for her, and likely for her friends.
> She couldn't even confide in Xuan! The woman would probably understand, but this was in no way a certainty and Thistle didn't want to risk losing perhaps the only other ally she had in the camp.
> Telling Janus was also out of the question. Even if she managed to explain it in a mixture of broken Equestrian and Nomad, he would be just as disgusted as all of the others. For most of them, it was unthinkable. It was one thing to do it with a captured Ruslan, who was an enemy and could be humiliated in revenge, but a rumor like that about any of the camp nomads was a far more serious accusation.
> A simple drunken kiss had nearly turned Darga against her!
> All Thistle wanted to do was go somewhere she could be alone, where at least she could have a good cry, but even that was to be denied her. Soon after her altercation with Saule one of the older girls sought her out and told her that she was needed at Janus' tent.
> The mare collected her wits, set her face into an impassive mask, and made her way there. The reason was soon obvious. Darkhan had produced the rudimentary bellows, and some of the camp women had gathered a large pile of wood. Janus had dug a firepit and lined it with stones. A small, but fierce fire blazed in it while the man fiddled with his anvil.
> Thistle had to push her way through the crowd which had gathered to watch this marvel. She was in no mood to apologize, or even talk, so she simply butted legs out of the way with her head, and didn't care of she stepped on toes. There was some cursing, and a few ineffectual slaps on her back, but she made her way to the center.
> Almost immediately Janus spotted her and waved her over. "Come, come!" he spoke in Equestrian. His words were a lot surer in that language when it came to his craft, and he didn't even try with Nomad. "Come, you put wood on fire! You use bellows. I say when! Come!"
> Even though she wasn't really in the mood for something so public and complicated, Thistle was very likely the best person for the job. Out of all of them, she at least had a vague idea what smithing looked like, and she was the only one who really understood the language.

> Salki and the others could also speak it a little, but when she looked around the crowd Thistle couldn't see them. The important people were there: Darga, Intor, Kantuta, even Darkhan. But none of the young men who had accompanied her to the foreign lands. Either they were following Salki's example and avoiding her, or they had gone out to hunt.
> She resigned herself to the task and went over to stand by Janus. At least, she thought bitterly, it would raise her esteem in the eyes of the people.
"What do you need me to do?"
> "I say already! Put wood, use bellow. I say when," Janus replied, a little irritably at having to repeat himself.
> Thistle sat herself on a patch of dry-looking dirt and waited her cue. She watched the blacksmith unpack his tools and lay them out, close to hand. He pulled several lumps of yellow metal from his cart. She recognized them as bronze, although they didn't shine like the objects she remembered from Equestria. Then again, those had been largely ornamental, and they'd been finished products, whereas this was raw metal. Perhaps it was not meant to look nice.
> Janus held his hand over the fire, then turned to her. "More wood," he told her. "Wood, then bellow."
> She went to the large pile of dry twigs and branches. It must have taken a lot of effort to gather and drag over, and Thistle was secretly glad they hadn't sent her on that particular errand, at least. Compared to collecting the fuel, it was simplicity itself to toss some of the larger pieces into the fire.
> After that, she looked for the makeshift bellows Darkhan had constructed. It was made of two wooden paddles, sown into several pieces of leather to make a sack. It opened at the thin end, but there was nothing which would prevent it from smoldering.
> She would have to be careful and not stick it directly into the fire. Perhaps Janus could make a nozzle for it in time, but until then the little leather spout couldn't be allowed to get too near the heat.
"Help me move this," she said to Janus.
> The contraption was large and unwieldy, cumbersome to move with hooves. It wouldn't have been too bad to get into place before the fire was lit, but now the two handles flopped every which way and they could end up in the coals all too easily.
> Janus quickly saw her problem and hurried over to help her move the thing. It was easier for bipeds who had two five-fingered hands, and in a matter of moments the bellows was set just right. Janus had left out one of the stones in the top ring, so that air could be blown right into the heart.
> She experimentally lifted up one handle, but had to hurriedly step on the other one to keep it in place. It would be awkward work, and Thistle began looking at the crowd to find a volunteer after she'd demonstrated the principle.

> Without springs, a bellows was a complicated object for a pony to use, especially one this large. Still, she made do, and when she pushed the handle back down, a large gust of air blew right into the flames, which leapt and crackled with fierce intensity. She could feel the heat on her muzzle.
> Satisfied with the results, Janus selected a small lump of metal and simply dropped it into the fire.
"Won't it melt?"
> He looked from it, to the mare, then back, before laughing. "Fire not hot enough. It will go soft. I will take out when soft, and hit with hammer."
> "Keep bellow air!"
> She fumbled with the handle to lift it again, then pushed another good blow of air into the fire. She cast a quick glance at Janus, and he nodded and waved his hand up and down, so she did the same thing once more.
> After the first few minutes, it became a routine, although she still had to wrestle a bit with the unwieldy wooden stick. If she was going to do this often, Thistle thought, she would have to get Darkhan to make some kind of a strap for her hoof.
> For now, it seemed to be a satisfactory performance and she heard faint murmurs from around them during the few quiet moments while the bellows were either full, or empty.
> She saw the people were talking excitedly, and a few were pointing at the fire. The bronze was gradually, almost imperceptibly, changing color. She tried to watch it for a while, but her eyes began to water from the heat.
> "More air," Janus said, needlessly. He hurried over to the wood, browsed through it for a few larger branches, and tossed those on the top, one by one.
> Gradually, with the combination of heat and exertion, Thistle began to sweat. It wasn't too bad, and the moisture dried almost as soon as it appeared, but she was starting to get thirsty. She scanned through the crowd again for a potential replacement so she could rest for a bit.
> Her attention was diverted when Janus selected some tongs and pushed the glowing embers apart a little. She held the bellows fully extended, but didn't push it down while he checked on his metal.
> "Little more," he told her and stepped away, so she could give the fire a few good blasts of air. After that she stopped once more, and he went back to inspect it.
> This time he found what he wanted and pulled the glowing lump of bronze out. It went to the anvil, where he held it with one hand, while he plucked a large hammer from his belt with his other.
> He hit the metal with a resounding clank, a small shower of sparks and, a moment later, an exclamation from the observing nomads.
> It was also Thistle's chance to rest, since there was nothing left in the fire. She let the bellows fall to the ground and went to sit down a little distance away to cool off.

> She'd almost forgotten Salki's anger, and now she kept a curious eye on what Janus was doing. It was hard to see from her vantage point, but he hammered at the metal with quick, sure strikes. There was nothing primitive about his craft, even if his tools were rudimentary.
> Perhaps the strangest thing was how the people watched, mostly in silence. A few of them spoke, or pointed, and there were ragged cheers every now and then when Janus made particularly many sparks glitter through the air. Darga and Intor were conversing, but it was too quiet for Thistle to hear.
> "Come. More fire," Janus said at last, and held up the lump. It had more of a shape, elongated and rounded, rather than lumpy, but Thistle couldn't guess what he was making. Crucially, the bronze had cooled so it barely glowed, and there were black flecks crumbling from it.
> Janus put it back in the fire, and motioned her to the bellows. With a small sigh, Thistle returned and fumbled to grip the handle once more.
"What are you making?" she asked, mainly to pass the time.
> "Small knife and arrow."
"Just one arrow?"
> If so, it would be a waste of metal, unless the nomad who had it made very sure to always retrieve it.
> "Many arrow!" Janus explained. He prodded the metal in the flames again, but then began to look around the crowd. She saw him smiling and followed his gaze, to where a few of the older girls were standing it a group. Their faces held open admiration.
> Thistle rolled her eyes and focused on the bellows.

> ~~~~

> The first blade had gone to Willow. Thistle had thought it would belong either to Salki, or his mother, but there was a big argument and in the end they had to give it. After all, Salki had brought a knife from the foreign lands, and Darga didn't go out on hunts. It was war time, so there was no room for extravagance.
> The arrow tips were a different matter. Salki was still one of the best with a bow, so it made sense to give him the best weapon.
> Despite the row that evening when Janus had finished and dunked the metal objects into a clay pot of water, the atmosphere in the camp was jubilant. Someone had brought a skin of old, stale beer from somewhere, and a few of the women began making bread. A donkey was killed, and the people decided to have a little festival.
> It was quite badly needed, especially after the tension and worry Thistle had sensed in the air ever since they'd returned. Times were hard, and the future was uncertain, so a night to forget it all would help everyone.
> Salki was still avoiding her, and the few times she tried to talk to him, the young man just turned around and pretended she wasn't there. It was infuriatingly juvenile and soon her teeth hurt from grinding them in impotent rage. Even worse - no one wanted to give her any beer, so Thistle was stuck with a few crusts of rough bread and a couple of toasted yams. Those were nice, but they didn't help her relax.

> In the end she gave up on the situation, at least for the moment, and went to see how their new horses were doing. Bulat and Zaur, who had the most experience with the animals, had become their unofficial keepers, and it wasn't strange that they were with their small, new herd, rather than enjoying the party.
> They offered Thistle friendly nods as she joined them, but continued talking about the four horses.
> "[Janus said the mare will be in heat soon. Did you see how she fought with the other one?]" Bulat was saying.
> Zaur, on the other hand, just spread his arms helplessly. "[Janus said that when we were still on the other side of the mountains. Neither of the mares have gone into heat yet!]"
> At that, Bulat pointed a finger. "[It will be soon. See how she lifts her tail?]"
> The statement just made his friend snort with laughter. "[Pah,]" Zaur shot back, "[she only does that to take a shit. They are the same as donkeys, only bigger.]"
> For a moment the two glared at each other, then they both turned to Thistle, who was staring in shock at their conversation.
> "[Thistle,]" Bulat said, "[what do you think? Will the big mare go in heat soon?]"
"[How am I supposed to know?!]" she squeaked, face coloring slightly.
> The nomad looked uncertain for a moment, but then wheeled his arms in a helpless gesture. "[I don't know! Can't you smell it on her or something? I thought animals can smell this kind of thing!]"
"[Ugh. No!]"
> Both men looked at her with blank expressions and Thistle felt something more was expected.
"[Look, maybe donkeys can smell it on donkeys. Maybe horses can smell it on their mares! We ponies can't-]"
> Her ears folded down and she looked away from them, even as the red in her face deepened.
> "[What is it?]" Zaur insisted.
"[Well, we can't smell it before it happens. We can smell it when it's happening.]"
> "[Well, horses are like big ponies. Try!]"
> Thistle looked from one nomad to the other in shock. Surely they weren't serious? Unfortunately, the pair were looking at her with expectant, eager faces, and even stepped aside to clear her way to where the horses were tied up.
"[They're a different species! I've never even seen a horse in heat!]"
> Zaur's grin softened a little, and he came closer so he could put his hand in her mane. His fingers pried one of her ears up a little so he could scratch what he knew to be her favourite place. "[Come on, just try. We won't mind if it doesn't work!]"
> He gave her his most winning smile, and Thistle let her head hang. She couldn't believe she was even entertaining the idea.
> "[Yes. Please?]" Bulat added.
> She grumbled under her breath, but walked between the two nomads and approached the horses. She just wanted to get the silly pantomime over, so she could go back to-

> Back to where? The party was crowded and loud, and she would run into Saule and Salki, both of whom were giving her dark looks, or ignoring her completely. She could instead stay around Darga and Intor and Willow, and listen to their argument about who should get metal weapons next.
> Buygra was out on patrol, and Xuan was with her daughter. The rest of them, she didn't know very well, so the best Thistle could hope for was awkward conversation, especially if they'd heard she and Saule had had a falling out.
> Luckily none of the camp people knew what had happened, or else she and Salki would be in deep trouble, but rumors abounded in the small community and by now every nomad in the camp knew that they were fighting over *something*. Salki would *have* to speak with her, if only so they could get their stories straight!
> Thistle let out a sigh.
"[Do you have any beer?]"
> The two nomads looked at one another, then shook their heads, almost in unison. "[No, sorry,]" Bulat answered for both of them. "[There were no traders. No one has beer.]"
"[Someone had a skin, back there,]" she said and pointed a hoof.
> "[Yuck, if it was from the spring, it must be gross by now.]"
"[It's not about the taste.]"
> Thistle dragged herself forward until she was right by the smaller of the mares. The horse watched her with slight curiosity, but seemed as if she was ready to go to sleep. That was good, and it meant Thistle probably wouldn't get kicked.
> She cast a quick glance back at Bulat and Zaur, both of whom nodded at her and made shooing motions with their hands. Thistle signed again, and went behind the mare. She wondered what she was supposed to do. Wait until the creature peed, then sniff it? Stick her muzzle right in the other mare's bits? Poke with a hoof and then smell *that*?
> Thistle rolled her eyes in exasperation and lifted her head. As if on cue, the mare flicked her tail, awarding her a good view of her dirt-encrusted backside.
> It just stank of horse urine and their grass-filled poop, nothing else. Not pleasant, but also not particularly bad.
"[Nothing, like I said!]" she told the two nomads.
> "[Try the other one!]" Bulat suggested.
> Thistle stomped an annoyed hoof, groaned to herself, but nevertheless obeyed. The other mare was more alert, and snorted at her when she approached. Her tail flicked more often, and she leaned her head down to sniff at the smaller pony.
> It was different enough that Thistle began to think it might mean something. She tried to walk around, but the mare followed her.
"[Bulat, come and hold her halter.]"
> The man sprinted over and grabbed the bit of leather around the mare's head. This finally allowed Thistle to get behind.
> She didn't have to wait long. She saw the same set of *bits*, the same dirt, the same smells.
> Except...
"[Wait. Zaur, come here,]" she said.
> The other nomad was by her side in a few moments.

"[Grab her tail. I can't see, she keeps swishing it too much!]"
> He caught the fine hairs and pulled them aside.
> "[What is it?]" Zaur asked.
> Thistle pointed a hoof.
"[See? There is liquid on her- on her- there. Did she just piss?]"
> To her surprise, horror, and a sudden, unexpected burst of red hot excitement, Zaur stuck his finger right in the other mare's parts, then brought them to his nose. A moment later he lowered them for Thistle to also smell.
> She did it.
> It was not urine.
"[I guess that's it then?]"
> "[See?]" Bulat said happily. "[I told you you can do it! I guess we keep her away from the other mare, and together with the stallion.]"
> The two nomads let the mare go, and Zaur patted Thistle on her back. "[This is good!]" he exclaimed. "[We will have baby horses!]"
> Despite herself, she was excited, too.

Technology! Progress! Horse breeding!

Things are turning up for our intrepid mare. Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
Awesome update as usual! Thanks!

I wasn't able to respond to the old update >>41012468 since the thread died. But why is Saule so pissed? Wasn't it Saule and Salki that was about to sex up Thistle before they left to trade for horses? Or am I mixing up Saule with someone else?
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Having a bedwarmer is nice, but maybe I should've got one with more training than just that...
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Thank you kindly. It's always good to hear someone is enjoying the green.
Breeding yay! At least Meyermare has some technological progress to occupy her while life stuff happens
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Pony has been hired against her will
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>Salki was avoiding her.
That's not a good sign. That potentially means the "rumour" is known by more besides Saule.
>Telling Janus was also out of the question
But she can ask if there were similar cases in the previous pony group.
>he would be just as disgusted as all of the others
The mayor thing what's buggning me in this story as a whole is how you completely ignore the fact that Mayor is used to be the mayor of ponyville. Being a mayor comes with certain skills like the ability to convince others, communicate well, keep track of who knows what, predicting what would others think, being more assertive, etc. General "was a leader" type traits and abilities. In this case Janus did not treat her as an animal at any point, he has a complete different relation to Mayor being a pony and Mayor does not seem to take this onto account. Mayor's character feels like she was never a mayor.
>butted legs out of the way with her head
She is a ram in disguise.
>very likely the best person for the job
Mostly because she speaks Equestrian.
>nothing which would prevent it from smoldering
Except it being in use and cooled by air.
>Keep bellow air!
Mare is for air!
>went to sit down a little distance away to cool off
And she will be needed in about a minute, the bronze cools really fast especially during shaping.
Oh he knows the word for it?
>first blade had gone to Willow
They traded for a few metal knives didn't they? So Salki probably already has one.
>Salki had brought a knife from the foreign lands
I remembered correctly!
>A donkey was killed
I wonder if the jack is still alive who fucked Mayor.
>Even worse - no one wanted to give her any beer
That is definitely the worst!
>how she fought with the other one?
Or they are just establishing the herd hierarchy.
>See how she lifts her tail?
Oh no Mayor might have been busted much much earlier!
>I thought animals can
Still an animal...
>Come on, just try.
Why don't she turns this around and ask them if they can smell it or not.
>both of whom were giving her dark looks
Salki were giving a very different look while he was riding her. He can be only angry at himself. Maybe a little angry at Mayor since she kinda forced him continuously.
>Luckily none of the camp people knew what had happened
That's good.
>and it meant Thistle probably wouldn't get kicked
She should establish herself as the alpha mare. If the horses consider her a horse.
>Zaur stuck his finger right in the other mare's parts
That was out of the blue for sure.
>I told you you can do it!
But not by smell...

Thanks for the update!
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I'm gonna fuck that maid
>The yak and the old plug are priced too high.
>"Ten bit's for the both of 'em if you throw in a bowl of soup.."
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is being a pet slavery?
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That's a Hassenfeld brand Comfort Pony™
Basically the same thing but the paperwork is a lot simpler.
You're keeping this old general alive, thanks Aspiring!
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I yearn for nothing more than to be pet and comforted like this

Why can't I just be a collared pony and not have to do work and write code and think?
when the benevolent ai singularity overlord takes over it will grant your wish
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Pegasi are known to be ...very dedicated companions. What do unicorns bring to the table to make themselves a competitive choice for the same role?
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Pony takes care of master
It's a hard job because humans are so complicated, but she does her best
AI equestrian caregiver? Sign me up and collar me up!
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90% cat
they even have the same itchy spots
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"[Salki, stop and listen to me!]"
> Thistle hurried after the young nomad. She'd chosen her ambush well, and thanks to the crowd it wasn't that easy to simply evade her. Before long she had the man with his back to the bonfire and surrounded by impenetrable walls of happy, partying nomads. The noise was deafening, but that just meant their conversation would be essentially private.
> Salki looked around, but the only way through would be to physically shoulder people aside, and she would easily follow him through that. His arms slumped and he focused a glare at her.
> "[What do you want?!]"
> Her ears splayed at his icy tone. For a short while she couldn't meet his eyes and she simply stood there, examining a patch of dirt in minute detail, but then she pressed her lips together and forced herself to look at the man.
"[We have to talk about Saule!]"
> It was Salki's turn to study the ground between her hooves. Once more he looked around, but there was no place to go. The bonfire was a popular spot in the cool, summer night, thanks in part to all the food which was being cooked. The easiest way to leave would be right through the mare, where the crowed thinned a little in deference to the smaller pony.
> Salki's shoulders went up and down, but Thistle couldn't hear his sigh above the general din of conversation, laughter, and singing. He took a step closer and said: "[Fine, let's go to the tent.]"
> Was he trying to run away? She watched him warily as he shuffled around her and began to push through the crowd of people. It was still possible for him to make a break for it once he was clear. Despite his words, Thistle didn't fully trust Salki, not after the way he'd avoided her.
> There was no trick, however, and she followed him the short distance to a tent near his mother's, on the other side from Janus.
"[What is this? Whose tent is this?!]" she asked, bewildered.
> She couldn't remember if it had been there in the morning. Salki hadn't slept in his cot the previous night, and she'd assumed he was either with his friends, celebrating the expedition's success, or with Saule, catching up. Now she began to think that he'd moved out already.
> The young nomad glanced back at her, then gave a small shrug. "[It's mine. Mine and Saule's.]"
"[But she was at her mother's tent this morning!]"
> Salki grunted a non-answer and ducked into the relative calm and quiet of the inside. She pushed through the tent flap and let it close after her. It was dark, but her eyes soon picked out a faint red glow from the few remaining coals in the center.
> She sat down near the entrance, not bothered very much by the bare ground. It was dry and well-stomped, and in late summer it wasn't cold.
> "[Saule will live here soon. Mother and Mitra are talking about it.]"
"[Why your mother and Mitra?]"

> "[I will be Chieftain, and Mitra is friends with Intor, who wants Willow to be Chieftain. Mother says we must get Mitra to agree that Saule will marry me, not Willow.]"
> It came down to politics, and Thistle began to wish she'd paid closer attention to the social undercurrents. She saw Salki sit opposite her, and she slid down so she was lying on her side. It felt like it would be a lengthy conversation.
"[Look, I'm sorry Saule is mad. I thought we- us three- You remember that night before we went away? When the traders came?]"
> Salki gave her a curt nod. "[Me and Saule fucked for the first time.]"
"[I thought all three of us would!]" Thistle said, with a slight whine to her voice.
> She prodded at a bit of charred wood with a hoof and pushed it into the embers.
"[We were all- there. Remember? We were kissing. You played with my- you put your finger- *there*! I thought we liked each other.]"
> The sliver she'd pushed began to burn with a bright little flame in the darkness of the tent, and it illuminated Salki's thoughtful gaze as he stared into it. "[I remember. I think Saule thought I was hers, after we laid together.]"
"[Well, I'm sorry. I thought we would share, all three! I liked- I like Saule. I thought we were friends. I thought she saw me as a friend, too! That we could be more.]"
> "[I think that's the problem,]" Salki replied pensively.
"[What do you mean?]"
> He gestured at the mare with his hand. "[You're like a woman. Saule thinks you're trying to steal me away from her. She thinks I will marry you, and then you will be Chieftain's wife.]"
> Thistle's mouth fell open and her ears folded back in shock.
"[What?! But everyone else will outcast you if they knew! They'd call you 'animal fucker' and your mother would disown you!]"
> It was Salki's turn to play with a dry twig he'd picked up from the ground near the fire. He wouldn't meet her eyes as he spoke: "[Yes, but Saule doesn't think that way! She doesn't think of you as an animal.]"
> The mare was stunned speechless for a short while, and her heart gave a painfully strong thump. She stared at Salki and leaned her head to one side in incredulity.
> Salki gave her a single nod in response.
"[We have to make up. I'll tell her I'm sorry. We can work this out!]"
> "[No, Saule won't talk to you.]"
"[Why not?!]"
> Salki tossed his twig into the embers and let out a chuckle. "[Because we fucked while we were away. She thought her and I were promised after we had lain together. She hates you.]"
"[Well, you have to talk to her. I don't want to be enemies with Saule! I really thought we were friends.]"
> The young man looked doubtful.
"[Promise you'll talk to her!]"
> "[She said I shouldn't see you any more.]"
> It felt as if one of the few people who really saw her as a person, not just a useful animal, or a resource, was slipping right between her forelegs. Over something stupid, too!

> She'd never expected to supplant Saule, but she'd really hoped they could stay close. She had never wanted to get between the two, but as the only pony in this world, did she not deserve a bit of love in her life? Thistle slammed her hoof on the dry, packed dirt by the fire.
"[Salki, that won't work! We have to help each other! You'll need me when you are Chieftain, and I want to help the camp! We'll have to talk!]"
> Salki kept his large, dark eyes on her face for a long time, before tossing another small branch into the fire. "[I'll try,]" he said, but his voice was rather faint. He didn't believe it would do any good.
"[Thank you. Just- Just get Saule to talk to me. I'll apologize. She can beat me if she thinks it will help. Whatever it takes.]"
> Perhaps, Thistle thought, if she offered some sacrifice. She closed her eyes, swallowed, and continued in a weak voice:
"[Tell her- tell her I promise we won't fuck again. I just want me and Saule to keep talking to each other! I want to keep talking to you!]"
> Without her guidance, Salki wouldn't last very long as a leader. He was too direct, too honest, and too inexperienced. Intor and Kantuta would eat him for breakfast, especially if he couldn't rely on his mother for advice.
> Darga did want her son to take up the mantle, but only because the people were getting restless and did not want to have a woman for a leader any more. It was a stupid and backward point of view, but unlike pony culture, the nomads didn't trust their females with a lot.
> For that matter, it wasn't just the nomads. She'd seen something similar in the lands to the west. Thistle wondered if it was true for all the peoples of this world.
> Salki and his mother didn't always see eye to eye, either. They fought often enough, and if they fell out, the others would take advantage. Intor still wanted her son to become the chief, and she would not be easily deterred.
> It would take very careful hoofwork to tread the middle path, to appease all the factions in the camp just enough to keep them working together, and guide them all through this crisis with the Ruslans, and through any future problem they might find themselves in.
> Things would get easier now that they had their own metalworker, and once their herd of horses became larger, they would be able to move faster than with donkeys.
> The clan *had* to retain control over their lands, if Thistle wanted any chance of finding her way home to Equestria.
> Thistle realized they'd been staring at the fire in silence for a while, and let out her breath. She gave Salki her best, most winning smile, together with her widest, shiniest eyes, and ears folded completely flat.
"[Please Salki, I want us all to be friends. I'll make it up to Saule, and I'll swear to her I won't touch you again, we just have to talk for a while. You can convince her to do that, can't you?]"

> It worked on the young man and he soon averted his gaze from her weaponized cuteness. "[Fine,]" he said, and hurled a bit of wood into the fire so hard it made sparks fly. "[Fine! I'll talk to Saule, but I can't promise anything!]"
> Thistle had an idea. A good one, but also one which sent a pang of sharp pain through her very centre.
"[Tell Saule that you and she have something special you and me can't ever have. You can have children.]"
> The young man looked at her, and even in the red glow of the dying fire, she thought his face was flushed. "[I- I guess,]" he mumbled.
"[Tell her she will marry the Chieftain, and she will have the Chieftain's son, who will be a Chieftain, too, one day. Tell her I will help you to do this.]"
> "[I'll try,]" he repeated.
> Thistle thought for a while, but couldn't think of anything else to say. If she forced it, things would become awkward. She pulled herself up to her hooves and turned to leave, but paused before she touched the tent flap.
"[By the way, I think one of the mares is going into heat. We will have baby horses soon.]"
> Salki visibly perked up and even flashed her a brief smile. He didn't stand up just yet, but he braced the palm of his hand on the ground, ready to lift himself. "[Really? That's good!]"
"[Yes. With luck, the other mare will be in heat soon, too. We only have one stallion and we-]" she began.
> This was difficult to explain with the nomads' lack of even rudimentary Equestrian education.
"[We have to make sure the blood mixes well. We will need more horses, soon. We have to make another expedition next year.]"
> "[We don't have anything to trade,]" Salki said.
> Thistle had been thinking the same thing, and her ears lowered as she said her next words.
"[We will have to steal some more.]"
> This made Salki smile, and he quickly got to his feet and walked over to her. His hand patted her side and he said: "[Good. You're starting to think like us.]"
> She didn't know if she should be proud, or ashamed, at this praise. Thistle decided to pick the former, and gave Salki a smile.
"[Let's go and see if there's anything left to eat. Tomorrow you, and me, and your mother have to sit down and figure out what to do about the Ruslans.]"
> "[Fine.]"
> Thistle was about to push through the flap, but drew back and folded her ears down in apprehension.
"[Um, go first and check that Saule doesn't see us together. You should talk with her first. I'll stay away until then.]"
> "[Good idea,]" Salki replied. He sucked out of the tent and held the flap up in his hand while he glanced around. "[It's safe. Come on.]"
> Thistle leapt through the opening, brushed her muzzle on Salki's thigh, and hurried back toward the central bonfire. She was feeling a little better about the future, and realized she was quite hungry. Some more bread, and a couple of baked yams would be a nice end to this miserable day.

A somewhat short update, due to a few late-night work extensions this week. I gotta get my stuff in a good state, because I have a business trip to the good ol' US of A next week. (Incidentally, I most likely won't be around to write.)

In either case, maybe Meyermer can return to the lonely, drunk mare life and clop to the sounds and smells of Salki and Saule going at it, right?

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
Thanks for the update! This explains somewhat why Saule was mad. Hopefully they can clear it up and have hot steaming threesomes together! =)
bumpin to read later
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>but there was no place to go.
>Mine and Saule's.
>not Willow
Why does it matter who Saule marries?
>She doesn't think of you as an animal
Well she said the exact opposite the last time Mayor tried to talk with her. Then that was supposed to be an insult.
>Because we fucked while we were away.
And who told Saule?
>She said I shouldn't see you any more.
So Salki picked Saule.
>Salki, that won't work!
Finally being assertive while also giving reasons to convince the other.
>tell her I promise we won't fuck again
That's a big sacrifice.
>wouldn't last very long as a leader
Mayor isn't showing any leader characteristics either.
>and once their herd of horses became larger
That will take years.
>Fine! I'll talk to Saule
Salki does seem to hold both Saule and Mayor's decisions above his own.
>I will help you to do this.
Something that both appeals to Salki and Saule. Salki is definitely onboard, but Saule might need some convincing. I think only a little bit will be needed, her current temper seems like a brightly burning flame, rather than something which will last long.
>We will have to steal some more.
Or go back and trade the horses themselves. Trade the stallion for another, or travel one of the mares and trade for time with a stallion.
>Tomorrow you, and me, and your mother have to sit down
Now she is taking charge. Good.
>brushed her muzzle on Salki's thigh
That promise won't hold long.

Thanks for the update!
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Pony understands the boots, but pony does not understand why master makes her wear the strange tiny pants.
What a cutie!
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>Most Recently Completed Story:
>Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag
Damn, been gone for about 3 years and nothing actually changed.
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We're getting old, anon. The world is wearing us down.
Five years ago I was throwing out ideas left and right in a dozen different threads. Now I get home from work so tired I kinda just stare into the void while I try to work up the energy to make myself dinner.
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good job writefren
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The pony catcher is on the way
Freaking horses cant even read a sign
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She wears it well
She's going to be more trouble than she's worth, and she was free.
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The pony audience opened up many new businesses and a few entirely new industries.
Yet another boost to the economy.
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Pony works hard for master
She's addicted to cuddles
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>>41093115 + >>41093743 = Happyponer
a cute!
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That thing needs love before it can be a cat.

> Things between Thistle and Saule did not change much. She hadn't expected a miracle, but the young woman's unwillingness to even see the mare hurt. At least she'd convinced Salki that they needed to keep talking, but even that was causing tension between the couple.
> There wasn't much Saule could do, however, especially since it was Darga's command that the mare be included in discussions. Janus had continued to produce small blades and arrow tips from his rapidly diminishing stock of metal, and the big question in air was who would get these new weapons. There Thistle's previous life had proven somewhat useful.
> The final arbiter of these decisions was still Darga, but thanks to Salki having a quiet word with his mother, Thistle had been allowed to sit with them when they were deciding. It wasn't a council, or a committee, or any kind of official governing body, but the circle who allocated this important new resource included the most powerful members of the tribe, or at least the ones with the most influence.
> Darkhan and Willow, of course, and Rinat, all three of them sitting together and as far away from Darga as possible. Closer to the current chieftain were Salki and Thistle, although no one paid the mare much attention, thinking her little more than Salki's pet at these hearings. There was also Usman, but only because he was filling in for Hisein, who would have sat opposite Darkhan.
> The fact that their places around the central fire were so strictly determined was a surprise to Thistle, but after listening in on their first session, she understood it. The Chieftain wanted to have her friends near her, and her opposition in front of her, where it would be easier to keep her eye on them. That put Darkhan and Usman between the two groups, as some kind of a neutral party.
> It also allowed the mare to keep a very watch over the nomads she most disliked - Willow and his father, Rinat.
> She had come a long way over the past year and now that she'd gotten used to them, she could read a lot from expressions on their faces. For one, she could tell immediately that the three people sitting opposite the Chieftain didn't want to be there, but dealing with her was the only way to get some of these shiny new weapons for their own faction.
> That told her that the blacksmith was, at least in the eyes of the influential, firmly Darga's property, or at least that the fruits of his labour were nominally hers to give away. That followed, Salki had explained, from the fact that Darga's expedition, led by her son, had found the man.
> Furthermore, Thistle noticed with some surprise, Darga did not unfairly grant these new weapons exclusively, or even *mostly*, to her own friends. Despite her distaste - and it was plain to see on her face, even to the mare - she granted the tools to their best fighters and hunters.

> It made sense. They were at war, after all, and the clan's survival had to be their top priority.
> That fact gave Thistle an idea, and after the second such hearing had ended, and everyone was standing up to disperse, she laid a hoof on Salki's knee to keep him in place.
"[I want to talk to you. Stay.]"
> He gave her a puzzled look, but settled back down while the others filed out of Darga's tent. The Chieftain left, too, and the two of them were finally alone.
> "[What is it?]" the young man asked.
"[You and Darga are giving weapons to people you don't like. To Willow and some of his friends.]"
> It was a statement, not a question, and the young nomad scowled at her. "[Mother says we have to, because they are defending us against Ruslan attacks.]"
"[She is right.]"
> For a moment Salki's mouth hung open, but then he shut it and glare darkened. Thistle raised a hoof to forestall his outburst.
"[Listen to me. It's the smart thing to do, but you can- you can make it better for yourself and your mother.]"
> His eyes narrowed in suspicion, but he didn't speak.
"[Let's meet with Darga, and Darkhan, and Usman before the others come. We will discuss who is best to have the new weapons each time, and we will propose them to Willow and Rinat.]"
> "[Why? They will demand the weapons go to their friends anyway, why make it easier for them?]"
> The mare rolled her eyes, but despite her exasperation at Salki's lack of political acumen, she smiled a little as she delved into what her cutie mark was telling her.
"[There is an important difference. Let me try to explain. Imagine that you are hungry, and you come to the central bonfire, where Intor is making bread. She is giving it to Willow, and Rinat, and Kantuta. Then she gives it to Tashi, and Yasin, but you are still hungry.]"
> Salki gave a shrug, as if he had been expecting nothing less. "[That's right. She is a bitch and will feed her friends first.]"
"[Exactly. So then you approach her, and ask for some bread because you are starving. She glares at you, and tears off a small piece, and tosses it into the mud at your feet.]"
> Despite the fact that it was only a story, Salki was glowering and his hands were bunched into fists. "[Yeah? So what. I wouldn't take it, not from her! I'd rather starve to death!]"
> Thistle laid a hoof back on his leg and gave the young man a rueful smile.
"[Okay, now let's try that again. Let's say it's a different day, and once gain Intor is making bread, and you are hungry. You come to the central bonfire, and Intor sees you. She smiles at you. Willow has his hand out for a piece of bread, but she shakes her head to him, and gives it to you instead. She says: 'Here, Salki. You are hungry. Have this, and I will make more for everyone.']"
> He blinked in confusion at the mare, then said: "[Intor would never say that!]"
> Thistle grunted in annoyance and patted his thigh firmly with her hoof.

"[Just imagine. Do you see the difference in the two stories? The result is the same: you get some bread to feed your hunger. Yet they are not the same.]"
> The nomad looked blank, and she waited for a few minutes to see if he would understand. When he didn't speak, Thistle took a breath and continued:
"[It is not only about the result. Intor's friends will get the weapons because they are the best fighters, and we need them to fight better than the Ruslans. If we decide who gets the weapons beforehand, and propose it ourselves, it will not feel to Willow and Rinat that they have to argue with us to get weapons. They will feel respected, and in turn they will respect us.]"
> Salki's hand had found its way to her foreleg, and his fingers wrapped around her fetlock. Thistle glanced down for a moment, and her tail swished with sudden longing, but she dragged her mind back to the task at hand.
"[This is what we have to tell your mother. Distribute the weapons fairly, to men who will make best use of them, but begin with those on Intor's side, and then those who are undecided, and give to your friends last. Show them that being one clan, together, is important to you and your mother.]"
> He still seemed undecided, and his fingers gave her leg a squeeze. The touch was so familiar that Thistle's ears flattened and her tail twitched upward without her conscious control. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from letting out a needful sigh.
> "[I don't know. Maybe.]"
"[Talk to your mother. Tell her what I said. She will understand.]"
> He leaned his head to one side and stared at her face, and while he thought, Salki put his other hand against the side of her muzzle. His thumb gently brushed her nose. "[I will talk to her, but I don't think she will say yes.]"
"[Tell her it is important the people in the clan become friends, even Intor and Willow.]"
> Saying that left a foul taste in her mouth, but the times being what they were, they couldn't afford a civil war or more mistrust between them. They faced a very serious threat, and needed everyone to pull together.
"[We have to be friends and look out for one another, otherwise we will not survive. Only together are we strong.]"
> To that, at least, Salki gave a nod. "[Together we are strong,]" he repeated. "[We will beat the Ruslans. They do not have metal weapons.]"
"[We do not have very many,]" she pointed out. "[We will have to go look for metal rocks, like Janus said.]"
> That was a more palatable topic of conversation, and Salki quickly grasped it in lieu of what they had just been discussing. "[Yes. Mother says we will move. We'll go to the camp near the forests. It is a long way, and perhaps Ruslans will not pursue us. We will take our lands back when we have better weapons.]"
"[Why there?]"

> "[The forest will give us wood to make this burned stuff Janus needs for his fire. There are also rocks in some places, and maybe there are metal rocks. We will search for them.]"
> This made a lot of sense, and Thistle's ears flicked up in sudden curiosity.
"[Wait! If these lands are far away and safer, why did the people not go there before?]"
> Salki patted her muzzle, then withdraw his hand and released her hoof. It slid off his leg as he stood up. "[Because they had to wait near here for our return. If they left, the Ruslans would capture us and they would have the horses, and also a blacksmith, even if Mother didn't know we were bringing one.]"
"[Oh. That's right. That's good. But we can leave now?]"
> "[Yes. We will wait for Janus to make a few more arrow tips, and then we will move. There will be easier hunting in the forest, but there are more wolves, so we will have to send larger hunting parties.]"
> The mention of wolves made her ears fold down flat, but the mare gave a slight nod to all that and followed the nomad outside. For a moment the mid-day brightness of the late summer sky nearly blinded her, but her eyes quickly adapted and she hurried to catch up to Salki.
"[Good. Oh, by the way, the horses have mated. The larger mare went into heat and she has mated with the stallion. She will have a baby in the spring. I think the other mare will be ready soon, too.]"
> Even talking about it was making her tail hitch up, and Thistle had to focus and firmly clamp it down. She hadn't had a release in some time and sorely needed it. Unfortunately Salki was now off-limits, and no one else in the camp would consider it.
> She wondered if Janus could be convinced. He seemed horny enough himself, despite all the young women who had been visiting his tent on most nights. Thistle had heard them, even through the thickness of two leather layers.
> It helped his cause, she thought, that he'd taken to smithing without his shirt, which went a long way to show off his muscular chest and wide shoulders. Celestia, it was even doing something to *her*, and she wasn't even a nomad!
> Salki had said something and was looking at her expectantly. Her ears went flat and her face went even more red than it had gotten in her quiet excitement.
"[Sorry. What did you say?]"
> "[I asked if we can mate one of the donkeys with the horses. What will happen? They look similar.]"
> Thistle swallowed and averted her eyes. There had been rumours floating around Equestria, even though neither she, nor anypony she'd known had ever seen such a thing for themselves.
"[I- I think they can have children, but those children will not have any more.]"
> "[So we can get more horses, but they will not produce more?]"
"[Not horses. I'm not s-sure what they will be, but not horses, and not donkeys. Something in between.]"

> Salki took this under consideration, then shrugged. "[We will try. Some of the donkeys will go into heat soon, we can pair them with the stallion. I don't think he will mind. If we get larger, stronger half-donkey, half-horse, that will still be useful.]"
> The mare swallowed a lump and a tiny squeak escaped her. When Salki looked, she gave him a nod, but quickly averted her gaze.
> "[Good. I will go tell Bulat to try it. Come on.]"
> Again, Thistle bobbed her head up and down, then followed the nomad with her tail firmly, consciously pressed between her legs.

I survived my trip, with only a mild case of jetlag and some plane-flu, so that's good. I'm getting back in the saddle, and so (presumably) will poor little Meyermer.

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
Nice work! Thanks for the update! Well written as always.
very foofla poner
bumpin to read later
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ponny is for carry
>Thistle had been allowed to sit with them
I would have loved a small scene before this where Draga invites Mayor.
>Salki's pet
She would like to assume that role every night.
What's up with the two kids?
>firmly Darga's property
If she can keep her position.
>exclusively, or even *mostly*, to her own friends
Well, they are not exactly living the bountiful times, it makes sense to give tools to who can use them best.
>He blinked in confusion
He is still not the smartes tool in the shed.
>decide who gets the weapons beforehand
I bet there will be still arguments why someone got one and another did not. Also, I don't know if they will perceive this as goodwill or weakness.
>Salki's hand had found its way to her foreleg
He will be railing her again sooner than later.
>She will understand.
I don't think so.
>these lands are far away
Also, now they have horses. They can travel to these sections faster. So if by any chance they replicate some primitive carriage what the horses can pull, they could stay in a safer place and go farther out for resources.
>But we can leave now?
And Hisein gets left behind twice. If he is even alive.
>but there are more wolves
That means they will need to protect the horses.
>wolves made her ears fold down flat
Hey, she survived!
>Salki was now off-limits
For the time being.
>but those children will not have any more
Poor Matilda.
>mare swallowed a lump
Would be funny if it turns out that she is pregnant from the jack but have not yet noticed.

Thanks for the update!
*shudders* the dreaded beakjob
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This is an acceptable amount of blush.
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Pony needs to understand that master works from home and needs to concentrate on his job.
Playtime waits until after he's done for the day.
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Master warmed it up for her during this "telecommute" thing he does every day. Pony got worn out from lounging on the couch all day and she needs a nap while master is cooking dinner.
Pony has a busy life.
Pony is sleepy after master done her good.
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The pony uprising has begun
She knows she will be in trouble if caught!
>ponies putting on their owner's clothes thinking it'll fool the hoomins into believing they're one of them so they can go into stores unaccompanied and buy snacks on their own
>and master isn't there to warn them about any future tummyaches!
>later that day
>oh no
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Roseluck is a pretty mare. Are there any good greens or Fimfics starring her?
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god thats so fucking cute i wish that were me
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two for one deal at pony emporium
he has no idea what he's getting into
Someone please explain why all the office desks at The Pony Depot have a pony door at the rear and wood panels that force you to sit with your legs widely spread?
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They know you eat there
Are you sure you entered The Pony Depot? I think you mistook it for the The Pony Deepthroat.

> Thistle lay on her side and tried to focus exclusively on breathing. Each heave of her barrel sent a fresh tinge of pain through her hide, but she didn't quite care. Little white lights swam through her vision, and veritable rivulets of sweat dripped on the dry grass.
> She managed to lift her head enough to look at the gash on her flank. It was bleeding less, which was a good sign, but she was still worried. It had to be cleaned and bound, but none of the nomads could help her, and she wasn't sure she could do it herself.
> A Ruslan spear had grazed her. The man would have killed her, but he'd grunted at the wrong moment, and her pony hearing had saved her life. She'd flinched at the unexpected noise and the stone tip aimed at her heart merely struck her side.
> Her mind still spun with the torrent of images and noise. Angry, yelling people. The wailing of women and children. The screams of the wounded. The clash, and the twang of bowstrings. The braying of donkeys.
> The attack had come from two sides!
> Everyone had seen the Ruslans coming from behind. In fact, Darga and Willow had anticipated an attack. A camp was at its most vulnerable when it was moving.
> Their own fighters had responded quickly and rallied in the way of the attacking force to fend them off. Perhaps they were a tad too confident because of their new weapons and the bows. None of them had noticed that the attack was mostly young men, weak and inexperienced. It had been a feint.
> Once their own warriors had been drawn out, and away from the main group, the other Ruslans rose up from the tall grass ahead of the caravan and attacked.
> True, they were immediately seen on the open plain, but in the sudden panic and confusion among the non-fighters in their tribe, they couldn't get word to the hunters time.
> The fake attack broke and ran then, which drew most of Darga's fighters in gleeful pursuit. The few of the more thoughtful soldiers, who had the experience or the smarts to realize something was wrong, weren't enough on their own.
> The Ruslans had done a lot of damage among their most vulnerable before they'd been driven off. It was only their new, shiny, metal weapons, and the bronze-tipped arrows which had prevented complete disaster.
> The clan, and by extension, Thistle herself, had come very close to dying. Everyone was shaken, and that was only partly because of all the carnage.
> A lot of them were wounded, and many - too many - were dead. Thistle didn't know which of her friends were hurt, not even which were still alive. She hadn't had time to think about it, much less look for survivors. After her personal brush with death, she'd ran with the other nomads until they stopped, and then she'd collapsed.

> The bags she'd been carrying were strewn on the ground, somewhere, probably lost. She had had to take care of herself, first, so she'd shaken the burdens off to run faster. Perhaps, after she'd made sure her friends were alright, they would go look for the things they'd left behind.
> It wouldn't be for a while, though. Her side hurt like bucking Tartarus! Once again she lifted her head to look. It was barely past noon, judging by the position of the sun, and even with her poor vision she could see the slash was deep and an ugly, angry red.
> It went right across her cutie mark, too! She idly wondered if it would heal properly, if it would still be recognizable after. Would she bear the scar for the rest of her life?
> The nomads near her were rushing about, some tending to the wounded, others looking for lost family members and friends. No one paid her any attention.
> Her panting had abated a little, and her vision began to clear. Her muscles burned with the effort, but the exertion hadn't been debilitating and she could use her legs. She pushed herself up to a sitting position.
"[OW! Ow!]" she whined at the sudden pang. "[Fucking... fuck!]"
> Swearing in nomad worked a lot better than Equestrian, that much she'd learned in all her time with them. It was more satisfying.
> She reached a hoof to her wound, but stopped when she saw the dirt on it. All she'd do was get an infection. She needed water.
> Celestia damn it, she needed rubbing alcohol, local anaesthetic, and a suture needle, but she didn't think she'd get it. She'd have to settle for water and, if she was very lucky, some kind of fabric for bandages. Even leather might work, if she cleaned it thoroughly.
> The mare rose all the way to her hooves with barely a whimper of pain escaping through her gritted teeth, and went to look for someone she knew.
> She stumbled into Buygra first, and was glad to see the young hunter was unscathed. There was blood on his hands, and his quiver was nearly empty, but he was alive and unharmed.
> He looked at her, saw the slash, and winced in sympathy. "[What happened to you?]" he asked.
"[Man with spear. I think they were going for the donkeys and thought I was one.]"
> "[Did you kill him after he gave you that?]"
> At first she was about to shake her head and snort in amusement. She was a pony, she wouldn't kill. Even after all this time, that instinct was still very deeply ingrained.
> She couldn't shut out the memories, though. Thistle stared, her eyes wide with shock. She'd done it without thinking. The force of his strike had pushed his stone-tipped spear into the soft ground, where it had stuck, at least for a moment.
> While the man had been trying to pull it out, Thistle, in a thoughtless, pain and fear fueled rage, had lashed out with her hind hooves, right into the small of his back.

> She was pretty sure his spine had snapped, but she hadn't stayed around to check. She'd run, as much from the confusion of the battle as from the pain in her side.
> Her rush had taken her between some of the friendly hunters, who were going the other way. If the man had survived her kick, they would have finished him off.
> Thistle let her head hung down and held her breath, fighting to keep her crazy emotions under control.
> The man had been trying to kill her, and all her friends. She hadn't had much of a choice. If she hadn't done it, he would have freed his spear and come at her again, and the next time he wouldn't be fooled by an involuntary flinch.
> She'd done the right thing.
> It just felt as if a piece of her soul died, and Thistle wasn't sure how many of those she had left.
> She only became aware that Buygra had cupped her chin in his palm when she wondered, idly, why her tears were dripping on his hand.
> He lifted her face up. "[You did good,]" he told her. "[You probably saved your life, and someone else's too. We wouldn't have gotten there in time.]"
> Thistle closed her eyes and gave him a weak nod. She knew he was right, but she couldn't stem the flow of tears. She was grateful for the moment of human contact.
> Eventually Buygra spoke: "[You're hurt. I'll help you.]"
> She gave another nod and opened her eyes. His fingers withdrew, and he walked around to examine her wound.
> His hand froze, almost touching.
"[We need to wash it. You have to wash your hands, first, otherwise I will get a fever.]"
> Some of the nomads had scoffed when she'd explained, but Buygra took her seriously. His hand dropped and he looked around the landscape. "[There is no water near here.]"
"[Then leave it. The bleeding has stopped. We should leave it until we can get water.]"
> The nomad looked uncertain, and he kept looking around. "[Should we all do that? No one will wash the wounds with water. We don't have enough.]"
> Thistle closed her eyes and tried to remember her lessons in first aid.
"[If it's bleeding, it has to be stopped. That is the most dangerous. Bind wounds with clean cloth or leather, but only to stop the bleeding. If the wound is not deep, or it stopped on its own, like mine, leave it.]"
> She wasn't sure if that was right, and shook her head to try and jog her memory.
"[If there's dirt in the wound. I don't know. We have to clean it. Use water, even if we don't have enough to drink. We will find water!]"
> While she waited for him to think this over, someone off to one side moaned loudly in pain. Thistle glanced that way, and her ears flicked down in commiseration, but she returned her gaze to Buygra.
> Buygra inclined his head. "[I'll go and tell people, but I'm not sure they'll listen.]"
> Another, horrible thought occurred, and Thistle winced as it popped up into her head.

"[Tell Janus to start a fire. Find someone for the air sacs. Get your knives hot, so they glow.]"
> "[What?! Why?]"
"[You can use glowing hot metal to stop wounds from bleeding. It will also clean them.]"
> Buygra looked incredulous. "[Really? That sounds like it will hurt. A lot.]"
"[It will hurt like all fuck. What if it's a choice between this, or dying?]"
> The nomad swallowed a lump, then gave a slightly shaky nod. "[I guess. I don't know if we have time to make a fire. We need to move. It is too easy to attack again on this land.]"
> "[They won't attack,]" another voice sounded behind her, and Thistle nearly smiled with relief. It was Salki!
> He walked around her and repeated: "[They won't attack again today. We have beaten them too badly. They didn't know we had metal weapons.]"
> The young hunter sounded confident, and his voice was light, all things considered. Thistle almost didn't dare to ask, but she gathered up her courage and spoke anyway:
"[Are any of our friends dead?]"
> "[I've seen Saule, and both Bulat and Temir are okay. Zaur was with us. Mother is fine, too. Janus wanted to fight with us, but Mother made him stay back. He is too valuable.]"
> Thistle sagged with relief at those news, but then she looked up at Buygra.
"[What about Xuan and Guuni?]" she asked.
> The nomad just waved his hand in dismissal. "[Both are alive and well. Xuan killed a man with her knife. You know you don't have to worry about her.]"
> She couldn't help the wave of relief, so Thistle just let it bubble up. She went and pushed her face against Buygra's waist, and he scratched behind her ears. This time her tears were borne out of relief, rather than pain.
"[Good. That is good. I'm glad. Salki, what will we do now?]"
> "[Mother is talking with Willow and Intor. We have to move and we can't stop until we've reached the camp site.]"
"[We've lost a lot of things in the fight. My bags-]"
> "[We'll leave them!]" Salki interrupted. "[Some of the men will go look for weapons and metal-tipped arrows. We can't let the Ruslans have those. We'll leave everything else. The rest of the fighters will stay with the people and move fast.]"
"[Why? You said they won't attack again.]"
> "[No, but we have to build the camp and set up defences before they do. It's a long way, still.]"
> The mare let her head drop, but she lifted it back up almost immediately. Their very survival was at stake, and if she wanted a chance to ever see her home again, she would have to pitch in.
> As many of the wounded had to survive as possible.
"[I can carry someone. I've done it before,]" she pointed out. "[We can also use the horses. Are they okay?]"
> "[Yes,]" Salki confirmed. "[Bulat and Temir defended them. The Ruslans didn't know we had horses, so they weren't looking for them.]"
"[Good. They can carry some of the wounded, and the donkeys can carry the rest. We'll move faster that way.]"

> Salki gave her a pat on the neck. "[Yes. Let's go and organize it. We may have to leave some tents behind, but we'll share until we can make new ones. There is plenty of game in the forest, we will make more leather.]"
> He straightened up and looked into the distance, in the direction they had come from. "[Then we will find the metal rocks, and we will make bigger spears, and knives, and arrows. We will kill every last one of those donkey-fuckers!]"
> Thistle's muzzle scrunched up in distaste, but she gave a slow, hesitant nod. They'd attacked without provocation, and they'd gone for the women and children, and for their animals.
> Perhaps there was no other way?
> A part of her still wished to try diplomacy, if only she could get a few Ruslans around the fire with Darga and Salki, and talk with them. What was left of her pony soul wanted that.
> If it were possible.
> Salki went off to organize things, and she followed Buygra to find his wife and child. Perhaps seeing them well would calm the turmoil inside a little.
> All around them were the bewildered, frightened people, clustered in small family groups. There were a lot of injuries, a few grave. The sounds of crying, or whimpering, were especially poignant to her ears, even above the occasional scream.
> They found Xuan tending to an older man, as she was pressing a blood-soaked bundle of cloth against his side.
> "[Bastard got me with his knife!]" the elder was muttering through clenched teeth, "[but I showed him! I pulled it right out and gutted him like a rabid wolf!]"
> He fell silent as Xuan looped a long strip of leather around his midriff and tightened it. The man's face was pale, and he hissed in pain, but he didn't complain.
> "[There, it will stop the bleeding,]" Xuan said. "[You tell your son and your daughter they'll have to help you walk.]"
"[We can use the horses and the donkeys,]" Thistle pointed out.
> Xuan turned around and smiled at the mare, but it slipped from her face when she saw her side. "[That looks bad!]" she said and hurried over.
"[Don't touch! It looks worse than it is. It stopped bleeding.]"
> "[What did you say about the horses?]" Xuan asked.
> Buygra answered instead: "[Thistle said we can use the horses to carry the wounded. Salki agrees. We'll leave some of the tents and things behind. We can always make more.]"
> His wife gave a thoughtful nod. "[True enough. It is summer, we can sleep without tents for a few more weeks. We have to bring all the food. It will take time to settle in the new camp.]"
> "[Agreed. Where is Guuni?]"
> Xuan turned and pointed in some direction. Thistle followed her gaze, but a hand on her withers brought her attention back. It was the old man. "[I heard what you did for old Bakar. Will you carry me to safety, too, little pony?]"
> She looked at where blood had dripped down his clothes, and gave a hesitant nod.

"[I will, if you can't walk, and if there is no horse to carry you.]"
> "[I saw you kick that bastard who gave you this,]" he said and pointed at her flank. His raspy laughter became a grunt, and then a curse of pain. Despite that, the man continued: "[Good job, there. And good job bringing the blacksmith. We'll beat those damned Ruslans yet!]"
> Thistle gave the man a nod, but then heard the happy little gurgle of Guuni and turned around.
> The child was being carried by Ning, and the mare felt a pang of shame for not having thought of the two children before now.
> She'd made sure they were being taken care of, but other than that she'd hardly paid them any mind ever since they'd returned from the expedition.
> It was good to see they were both alright and she went over to give them both a quick nuzzle. Their little hands patted her head, and she closed her eyes for a moment.
"[I'm glad you're alive.]"
> Fen Ko looked sullen and humphed. When Thistle gave Ning a curious look, the girl explained: "[He sad he no let fight. Xuan say no fight. Xuan say: take baby. Hide behind me. She say Fen Ko no weapon, no fight.]"
"[Good. You're too young for fighting.]"
> The boy stuck his tongue out at her, which proved that his understanding of the nomad language had grown, even if their ability to speak it was lagging behind.
"[Xuan? What will happen to them now that Hisein is-]" her voice hitched for a moment, but she forced herself to continue: "[is dead?]"
> The woman shrugged, which made Gunni giggle with delight in her arms. "[I don't know. We will have to ask Darga what to do. Maybe Intor will take them in, or maybe-]"
> Thistle stepped protectively in front of the siblings.
"[I will take care of them. I'll speak with Darga.]"
> She felt Ning's hand on her back, and turned her head to see the girl smiling.
> It was one good thing she could do, at least. Surely she had enough pull in the camp to make it happen. She probably couldn't return the children home, but she could make sure they wouldn't sold, and that Ning wouldn't be used by some malodorous, twisted nomad in exchange for some skins of bear.
> "[We'll have to talk with the Chieftain,]" Buygra repeated after his wife, but he gave the mare an approving nod.
> "[Here, Ning. Take Guuni and stay with Thistle. I will go help the others. We'll have to move soon.]"
> The child switched hands once more, and the mare got an idea.
"[Here. Put her on my back. Don't worry, I won't let her fall.]"
> Ning did so, but she kept her arm around the child, who was, of course, too young to sit up by herself. That was fine with Thistle, since it only meant that the girl would stay by her side. She needed someone close to her, so she wouldn't think of the man she'd killed.
> Buygra patted the side of her neck. "[I'll go and help the other hunters to find all the weapons and arrows. Stay near Xuan and watch over my girl.]"
"[I promise!]"

Good ol' Thistle can handle herself in a pinch. We's gonna make a warrior mare out of her yet!

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
Exciting update! I'm a little sad we didn't get invited to the action though. I hope everyone "important" will be ok.

Thanks alot for the update, Writefag!
>gash on her flank
Did they got attacked?
>A Ruslan spear had grazed her.
Better than getting impaled by one.
>After her personal brush with death
Why did the Ruslan tried to kill her? In their eyes she is an animal. Or did they let the guy go who Mayor raped? Or they just spied on them for long enough to notice that Mayor is not a dumb animal.
>slash was deep and an ugly, angry red
If it cut into the muscles, that will hurt.
>Swearing in nomad worked a lot better than Equestrian
>She needed water.
I don't think that's any cleaner...
>Even leather might work, if she cleaned it thoroughly.
Yea, no. Not really possible to clean it well enough.
>I think they were going for the donkeys
Why? Sounds stupid. Sure, they can kill them to disrupt their food source, but in the middle of a fight those spears could be used for killing nomads instead.
>She'd done it without thinking.
>or it stopped on its own, like mine
So its not that deep thankfully. The bound scroll will get a bit wider.
>Use water
Do they have a few bronze cups to boil water? Else whatever water they can get their hands on is just as dangerous as dirty hands.
>You can use...
Finally, she takes the leading role.
>if we have time to make a fire
It don't have to be that big.
>horses. Are they okay?
Horse meat taste test this night! Oh wait they already killed horses who pulled the caravan.
>Then we will...
It's good that he has plans, but the current objective is to recover from this attack.
>Don't touch!
Hopefully Mayor was the first one who got cut by that spear. If not, the tip could carry some nasty stuff and transfer it right into her wound.
>we can sleep without tents for a few more weeks
Mosquitoes approve!
>I will, if you can't walk
And risk tearing her fresh wound?
>I saw you kick that bastard who gave you this
Did the guy die?
>Don't worry, I won't let her fall.
Seems like her wound does not hurt that bad if she can balance this well.

Thanks for the update!
bumping to read later
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Thistle he didnt know how to ask you out on a date. That Ruslan was autistic.
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>tfw no unwilling slave mare to forcibly muzzlefuck after not showering for a month

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