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Writefagbros did we get too cocky? I wrote a 7000 word green and received a single reply, meanwhile a drawfag did some unfinished line art below my green and got dozens of responses.
Is it over writefagbros?
Just because no-one replied doesn't mean no-one read it. I sometimes read greentext but have nothing to say about them.
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greentexts stick in my mind for ages even if i don't reply to them and i often find myself screenshotting them or looking through the archives for them
never really do that with any picture i've seen
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>started a green
>only 1 reply after 3 parts posted
It's difficult to feel motivated when hardly anyone responds.
What was the green about?
You got replaced by aislop
only problem is i cant read so... yeah
Don't write for other people's attention. Do it for yourself.
What green?
Words stay with a person for months, even years.
Pictures cannot have that same effect. I can recall every green from memory and discuss it for hours. I couldn't do that with images.
If you write for replies you will never understand what writing is about. If you write for others and not yourself you will never enjoy it. I regularly reread my old greens and sniff my own farts so to speak.
Many of the greens I wrote were inspired by art and some of my best memories are of my favorite artwork.
>inspired by art
Writing is a form of art, no?
Link to it.
You won't.
Link to it. I'll take a look at 7,000 words.

But we had this thread before, dood. Like, yesterday; and it solved nothing. It just confirmed that greens are dead and that no one cares anymore. It sure convinced me.
I care!
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Well I like to think I do too.
Actually, while I'm here...

To the writefag of the Rara green in the last thread.
Goddammit, my man, you're gonna finish this, right? Please don't leave me hanging here, m8.
For sure. I will post today or tomorrow in the other rara thread. I just didn't have much time before.
You might as well shill it here.
I bet if someone figured out how to feed greens into an AI voice synth there would be more of an audience. I wonder if adding another layer of abstraction on top of haysay would be the ticket... have a site where you could paste your green, tag certain lines with different voices, badaboom renders an MP3 that you could post
As a person who tried both: writfagging is much, much easier than drawfagging.
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Damn I wish I could read
And at the same time, drawing, as a source of informatiomn, is much easier to understand by definition.
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The problem with writing is that you can have good green, but if the start is boring/uninspiring it's really hard to keep going, unlike images where you got all the information right away.
Got it. I’ll never post another green again, and take them all to the grave with me.
And what are you going to do after youre buried with your greens like a horse word pharao? Trade them for favours in the afterlife?
Shit writer detected. I once spent 12 hours writing four paragraphs. I'm an actual published author and have 15 years of experience writing so it's not like I'm some inexperienced anon who can't write. Writing things that are truly good takes time; lots of editing, rewriting, analyzing, etc.
>I once spent 12 hours writing four paragraphs.
>implying thats a big effort
That tells more about you being not familiar with the drawfagging at all.
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Post your greens, I wanna see them.
Well, I’m not a published author, but I can attest to taking a long time writing what looks like very little. I spent literally all day yesterday writing four posts of green. 9 years, by the way, since we’re throwing out numbers.
>I'm an actual published author
Books you made?
>too cocky
>zero links to greens given in the thread
Surely this isn't a bait thread full of LARPers, right?
Sex greens > any other greens
Smut is boring to read, it's always the same crap.
AiE is bottom barrel trash sorry bro.
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Of course it is. Pity-farming is one of the most effective marketing tactics throughout human history. Even today it makes up a major chunk of social media traffic. The line will always go up.
Here ya go pal. Have this while I’m too buzzed to regret it. 80 proof tequila, by the way. It sucks.

I just wrapped up reading your green, and even though the subject matter isn't really my thing, I was hooked enough to see it through to the end, so kudos.
I'm no professional critic, but I found your writing intriguing and well-crafted. The jump from the filly's bed to Ponyville might feel a bit sudden at first, but it seems like that's what you were going for, and I think it works nicely.
The iconic line had a strong impact every time it appeared.

TLDR, I liked it. You should do more drunk writing.
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I should mention, only the first three posts were written drunk. The post numbers are telling, and so is the quality difference I’m sure. Thanks for reading, fren. I love you.
>I love you
Did I really say that? Oh well. Fuck it.
If it makes you feel any better, I took it platonically.
As a person whos slow at both: Writefagging is easier to start, but drawfagging is easier to build momentum. getting a good result is a completely different 'story' shitposting greens takes no effort just like MSpaint but something engaging beyond low hanging fruit that grabs you will take a lot of reworks and edits, stream of consciousness fags are just like being in 'the zone' but they have no clue how to stop which leads to bloated stories
What is good
Ponies being cute
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it's not worth reposting. i accept that i'm a shit writer that needs to move on to a new hobby.
How long have you been doing it?
Since around November last year. It took me almost 3 months to finish one greentext story in the Fingerbang threads. People seemed to like it, but everything I wrote after that had little to no acknowledgement or encouragement thereafter.
romantic and cute greens that may or may not lead to sex>>>>>>>>>sex only ones
>it's not worth reposting. i accept that i'm a shit writer that needs to move on to a new hobby.
If you post it, I swear to read it and give an honest review.
Well there's your problem. You wrote cheap smut. People blew their loads to it and then lost interest because that's all it's good for.
I asked on the off-chance that I was wrong, but I figured it was around a year or so. I felt the exact same way at that time as well. The reason I was able to keep going, despite knowing how shit I was at it, was because I had so much fun writing even the terrible first batch of greens that I wrote. I would read what others have written, see what they did right/what I liked, and slowly learn to write better and better stuff just by being open-minded and willing to learn. If you really enjoy writing, then you’ll find a way to get passed that feeling and write something you can actually be proud of. Once you know what you’re capable of, it becomes hard to be discouraged for very long. I could go on and on, but I’ll spare you kek
Harsh. I’ve written smut and seen it be linked by others on at least two different occasions. Smut doesn’t just get forgotten immediately, so stop projecting.
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The trick is to write exclusively for niche/dying threads. They'll have no choice but to reply to your green if they want to keep it afloat.
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As a person who tried both: No it fucking isn't, pyw nigger I'll kill you
Or slide threads. People usually don’t expect anything to be made of those, so that’s pretty much a guaranteed response right there.
Give me your best writing tips and your ponepaste name.
Wouldn't they be interested in NEW smut though?
I don't expect replies
>thread was archived
Well SHIT. Long story short, it was a green about anon being turned into a foal by Meanlight of the mean 6 and his new life of abuse and neglect by her hooves.
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>attachment to desire causes suffering
Based Buddhistanon.
I just want to not die of hypothermia or starvation while living in a gutter, anon. Is this a desire that ought to produce suffering?
Buddhists are privileged with a support network who help fulfill their bodily needs unless they decide they WANT to forfeit them. There, I said it. Fuck Buddhism.
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I know fuck all about buddhism besides the absolute superficial, but counterpoint: They have good aesthetic sense.
>disregard succubae whores
>acquire enlightenment
dangerously based
Doesnt apply to G5 because its genuinely dogs and not even ponies
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I'd disagree with you if you posted this just after the movie, but the entire generation has made such a disgrace of itself from that point onward that I can't help but feel that any belittlement towards it is wholly deserved.
Its crazy how hard they fumbled the series.
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Did the ANG writers all get fired and replaced by the time S1 was under development or was it just more corporate meddling?
It doesn't help that there aren't a lot of readers here anymore.

It's why if I write something I'm actually proud of, I crosspost on fimfic. You get more interaction and readers there.
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writers need some basic level of validation otherwise there's no point. what's the point of writing into a void if the void doesn't write back?
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>aie is bad
>aie is good
Which is it?
Turning into a filly is never good
nah, that's a slippery slope. they should write into the void and expect nothing, otherwise tomorrow they will demand money. babies require encouragement, you are a man
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how far did that Nyx and Anonfilly comic get?
Seven pages. Never continued.
how do you even write?
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Type words and arrange them in a way that tells a decent story.
>Type words
>arrange them in a way that tells a decent story
literally impossible
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Read a lot
Pirate writing books
Find good guides
Learn to analyze what you like
"Literally impossible."
>Anon ran those words through his mind over and over again.
>The word document before him was quite blank, and had been for some time.
>Ever since he became a horsefucker, Anon had grand dreams of writing all kinds of delicious smut for his fellow Anons on a certain Chinese spyware message board to enjoy.
>Beads of sweat dripped down the sides of his face as he puzzled and puzzled.
>Anon instinctively slammed his fists onto the keyboard, sending keys flying in all directions.
>Anon's body began trembling all over as the bitter sting of defeat flooded his agitated mind.
Not always true.
My home general has lost all enthusiasm, it seems. I feel like I'm one of the only people there who still remembers the old greens/writefags and likes talking about it; and people that I thought would never leave there, like me, seem to be gone now too.
Yes, I do post green there still. It's a bump fest anyway; so either I just suck, which is fair, or it's just that no one cares anymore. Once I finish up this last one shot I'm doing, I think I'll finally move on and try writing somewhere else.
I wish it was different.
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see fren, hug fren
I used to write, but after jacking off so much I don't have the quick inspiration anymore. So may as well keep jacking off
Thanks for answering. I kinda hate this board now, and your green is one of the only bright spots in it for me.
hugs fren back but feels gay doing it
me irl
>My home general has lost all enthusiasm
Generals these days are quite sad. For some, I wouldn't be surprised if it's only 3-4 anons bumping each other.
I also doubt they attract fresh blood. It's hard to say, but if I were a newfag, I don't believe I would bother with bumpfests without any discussions.
>I'm an actual published author
so is Patrick Tomlinson, anon. that's not exactly a high bar.
>Pirate writing books
any recommendations?
>Learn to analyze what you like
Also recommendations for learning how to do this would be appreciated
My general doesn't even exist at the moment and I'm too afraid to make a thread.
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Maybe draw for another 10000 hours before you step to me, kid.
>3-4 anons bumping each other
I think that's what it's turned into on my end, though it was like that for a while anyway. I miss the IP counter.

What's really sad is that some of these generals do attract fresh blood, and people just ignore them. Someone new will come into the thread and be, like, "Hey, anyone got any greens you'd recommend?" or something like that. And nobody answers them. I see this happen all the time.
and fuck the typical "they need to lurk more" answer here, this fandom is too dead for that shit to fly anymore
Oof. That's a rough feel.
tell me which one it is, i've probably been in it before
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>Writefagbros did we get too cocky?
Thats not what happened. The board slowed down, on top of being over ten years old at this point. Lets be real, how many scenarios and fresh ideas can still be had by a writefag that hasn't already been done in some way? There are still fresh ones, yes. But like a drug, over time it loses its edge. There simply isn't as much interest in greens now as there was in 2013.
>I wrote a 7000 word green and received a single reply, meanwhile a drawfag did some unfinished line art below my green and got dozens of responses.
Typical. Its been discussed here in the thread already but pictures give instant gratification whereas reading requires a time investment.
Is it over writefagbros?
Not entirely. The interest has waned significantly but its still there. I think it mostly depends on whether or not the green in question is interesting enough to spark a readers invesment. And because of the first reason I've mentioned, many Anons will probably see the first post or even just see the green and think "meh, I've probably seen it before.". I'm guilty of this myself, and I may just be projecting, mind you. But still. I don't think its outside the realm of possibility of it being a common occurance.

(You)s are a writefag's lifeblood in a thread. Its the only thing that lets them know if what they're writing is generating any interest. Without them, it makes you feel shitty, like no one cares, like you're not good enough, and so on, until you ultimately just say "fuck it" and stop wanting to write altogether. Over the years this has probably happened to hundreds of Anons and with the novelty of greens being nothing like what they were, nobody cares if it happens at all.
>unironically considers it good
Share your green at least, maybe you're not as novice with letters
>"Hey, anyone got any greens you'd recommend?"
>nobody answers them.
>see this happen all the time.
You could answer them yourself. The board is what you make it.
>Thats not what happened. The board slowed down
Different anon but yeah, I rarely visit here anymore.. Most posts are just horny posts or weird spam about something or another. I'm just tired of all the noise
Despite of being a bumbfest, I need my guardsmares to survive the daily struggle. Also the rare treat of my most favourite green of all times, EDLWGM is definitely a bonus.
>insult the drawfag/writefag
>expect him to post his shit
Anon, really? have you tried asking nicely?
Well, considering he started with an insult, what did he expect?
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>how do you even write?
If you are autist like me, the first question you need to ask: why can't you talk like that attractive chad in your head? Why you can craft great thoughts in your head but when you open your mouth to say them or write them, your mind goes blank or you utter non-sensible ramblings?
Well, there is very comprehensive answer on youtube that explains it much better than I could:
But main points are:
- in your brain your thoughts are all over the place but speech is contained in linguistic cortex, so tunneling your thoughts throughout linguistic cortex it's a separate skill to level up(it's not free unfortunately).
- assumptions- your thoughts make perfect sense because your mind automatically fills in the blanks, but when speaking/writing these fills are absent. you need to figure out which blanks you need to explicitly fill in but for that you need to think not about yourself but your readers. which blanks they can fill in themselves? which blanks only make sense to you. if unsure, fill in the blank and trim it later.
- calm your mind. beating yourself and fueling your anxiety by trying to run away from anxiety degrades your capability to communicate.

>writing books recommendations?
These are 'Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life' and 'The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller'.
Reading books won't make you a writer, but it will clue you in on how to practice. The main skill you need to practice isn't creativity or imagination. It's a communication skill, your linguistic cortex. Bird by Bird had a good idea to introduce you into practicing writing by writing about real stuff that happened, not imaginary stuff, tho it is fine if you start with fictional as long you meet one simple metric: at least 5 minutes of writing per day.
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>Talks shit
>Doesn't post his work
rip ptsd green
>any reccomendations?
Fundamentals of Fiction Writing by Hoffman, Arthur Sullivant
Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain
Short Story Writing by Charles Raymond Barrett
All of these can be gotten with a Zlib account
https://maxonwriting.com/ Also has a good series of tips.
A general guideline for instructional material is that they’re only tools to be used, not hard rules that you have to follow.

>Also recommendations for learning how to do this would be appreciated
Become acquainted with basic literary functions (hooks, pacing, tension) and read from sources you like. Rereadand then try to see if you can deconstruct what they used to make you like it so much.
You've never kept a diary or journal?
>I'm an actual published author
>t. Chuck Tingle
Because writing a diary entry is the same as writing a page of fiction, right?
Your loss.
It is. I've never written a fanfic before but I do constantly imagine stories with the characters throughout the day. I sometimes write short excerpts in my journal.
I imagine stories all the time as well. Actually writing them out in a cohesive way can take a shitton of time and effort, unlike the thoughts in your head that already make perfect sense to you without any of the stuff that goes into writing them.
I strongly suggest trying to write something more significant than a short excerpt of a story before continuing this conversation, because I don’t think we’re gonna reach an agreement at this rate.
Okay then.
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It can be a lot of fun. Best of luck, if you end up doing it.
Buddhists are fucking freeloaders who live a lifestyle that can only be maintained by actually working people. If all people in a buddhist country were true buddhists, they would all die by starvation lol
Thank you anons
I do in my general, and across the board, if I know the green that someone is looking for. But I don't always do it in the other generals because I'm not as familiar with all the stories there.
Point being, I do provide links, so don't yell at me.
NTA but this is really unique (and good) advice for the question "how do you write." It's funny cause I think writing stories has changed the way I speak.
I feel the same for the most part. People don't reply to greens. And its not exclusive to /mlp/. Happen on other boards as well.

Then again, I mostly write fetish stuff so what do I know.
i'm in a very limited amount of threads
I'm right here
link it, laddie; I'll give her a read.
what's she all about, lad?
I found it in desu for you. I'm only going to post the link if you say it's okay first.
Cards are on your table now, fren. Want to see if that guy keeps his word and reviews it?
>Want to see if that guy keeps his word and reviews it?
I will fucking do it, even if I'm a shit reviewer.
that's the spirit!
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It's okay writefag I get you. It's hard for someone to appreciate your craft when everyone is too busy set in their niche ways. But that's kinda why we do it right? Because we also like the stuff.
If it makes you feel better, I’m a “newfag” in the sense that I left for some inexplicable reason right around the peak of the show, and am only just coming back after a green from this very board rekindled my love for pones. Things might not be exactly the same around here as they were in 2012, but the intended audience of G4 is coming of age and I reckon now’s the perfect time to draw them in. Don’t forget that people are drawn to passion.
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Do it. Not like it matters at this point.
alright, hope this is the right one after all
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Yep that's the one. Starting to wonder if people didn't like the shit writing or if they didn't like the fact that anon was a colt in this story instead of the usual philly.
Just finished reading it and like I said, I'll post a review after work.
I want to make sure it's actually helpful with some examples, so it'll take a bit to put it all together.
Maybe someone could make a thread about collecting greens from other threads onto one place? That way, writefags may get at least a few extra bits of feedback.
Yeah, it was addressed in the previous thread like this:
I believe it's at least worth a try.
I promised, so here's my review of https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41030778/#41040649, just remember that >>41061865 I'm just a random shitter so don't take what I say as gospel. It's just my opinion.

I believe the biggest problem is that your descriptions are sometimes overly wordy. It's the first thing that came to mind as I was reading it, and unfortunately, it dampened my enjoyment of the green. You need to tighten them up to improve pacing and flow. Less is more; brevity is the soul of wit, blah blah blah...

To give some examples:

>Her thundering voice rattles the various torture devices stationed around your "room"

"Various" and "stationed" are unnecessary. We can infer the devices are stationed around the room.

>"and you scramble out of bed as fast as your little legs would allow."

A bit wordy too, and I find the sentence heavy combined with the previous part.
I believe I see what you're going for with "little legs" here, combined with "small hoofsteps" just one line below and "tiny foal mind" further down. It's supposed to emphasize the juxtaposition between Anon's former body and this new one, but it's a bit overdone IMO. I would remove either "little legs" here or "small hoofsteps" after it.
If you keep it
>Her thundering voice rattles the torture devices around your "room". You scramble out of bed, little legs pumping.
>Her thundering voice rattles the torture devices around your "room" as you scramble out of bed.

Keep in mind these are basic rewrites, if you're going for a particular style you can do a total one.
I tried something to not just be a distant critic, but again I'm no writer so feel free to shit on it:

>Her roar shakes the room, torture 'toys' clattering on their hooks.
>You scurry from your bed, tiny hooves pounding a frantic rhythm down the shadowy hall to Meanlight's lab.
>Your heart pounds even faster.

I won't do all of them like that, but here are some highlights:

>The lab door swings open and you cautiously enter the angry purple mare's domain.

We know it's the "lab" door because you told us above. "Purple" here adds nothing.

>You crash into a bookcase full of test tubes, books, and other dangerous things that begin raining down on you from above.

"Raining down from above" is redundant since rain comes from above. Just say "raining down on you."


You just need to tighten up and have a bit more variety in sentence structures.
I'm a bit critical, but it's not that bad, and it can be easily fixable. If you don't already do it, reading out loud helps with awkward or overly long sentences. If you don't trust your own voice for that, have someone else read it or even use some free robotic voices that don't sound too bad.

The idea of Mean Twilight being a "Mom" for Anoncolt is a good and interesting idea, and we do want to see if she will mellow, if she's only acting, if she's using him for a nefarious purpose, etc.
As for why it didn't get many (you)s, there are just suppositions but:

- /mlp/ being /mlp/
- Slow paced story, which is fine, really. But since it's the start/exposition, there's less to discuss.
- Those sorts of threads often attract forced and shit wars between the 'HIE side' and '/ptfg/ side'. I wouldn't be surprised if many anons avoided it for that.
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Thank you for the feedback. Did you feel compelled to keep reading into part 2 and 3 despite the fucked up sentence structuring?
You do it for the characters in the story, anon.
You do it for their story.
You do it. For mare.
What if what I’m writing is horrible for the characters in the story? What if mares are sad/suffering?
What was the green I will read it but I know that pain not to the point of 7000 words, but yeah that must suck.
Keep going so they may become happy. I fully know the horror of the void, /bootleg/ was a ghost thread until it spiked up in all sorts of content. Even now it sleeps. Same with /yandere/. Same with other generals.
The answer is to keep going. Always keep going. If it hurts, go harder. Complete the story so the sorrow has purpose.
This got tons of responses what are you talking about.
Yes, I read all 3. And I found them engaging. I would be interested to know what your plan is/was for what's next.
>the fucked up sentence structuring?
It's not that fucked IMO. Just a bit heavy at times so it can pull you out of the story.
I'm sure keeping that in mind (don't obsess about it either and try to tighten everything) with proofreading will eliminate most of it.
I had completely forgotten the point of this thread at the time. I know, I’m embarrassed.
>That tells more about you being not familiar with the drawfagging at all.
I wrote a lot more than 4 paragraphs. The entire short story probably took me a few weeks in total. It takes me years to write a single book. Writing is just as difficult as drawfagging, if not more.
kill all writefags
slit the throats of all writefags
delete their greens, destroy the archives
stories are dead, just give me content
But /yandere/ lives >>40967575
> Ass clown detected
I like that idea. What should the thread name be?
You can practice drawing absentmindedly, writing even something short and shitty requires more attention. Just typing words doesn't improve your writing skill. That alone makes the writefagging grind harder than it is for drawfagging.
I used to think that way but then I got a (you) for my story and my life has never been the same ever since. Writing for the sake of writing is good and all, but it sure helps knowing that it's not just you who finds the story interesting.
Sounds good to me
can we call it mean Joe green
this board is only alive because of /opg/ chads and we dont care about greens
Let's say we make something, what writing guides, helps should be added to the OP?
how about these
little guy was too good for this board
i'm gonna post a link to his magnum opus story too, since he reviewed one of mine in the past
Seems good. The Fimfiction thread also has writing guides; they are more adapted to novel style than green, but some advice in there is universal.
I know there were also panels on how to write greens; I suppose they could be linked.
I believe I will try it once this thread dies if no one else wants to do this. If anyone has advice or things they would want in such a general, please tell me.
So when do we make the thread?
I was thinking when this one dies >>41066275
This way I can collect anons' ideas and advice here before making it (if no one else wants to).
I've gotten more than just (You)s but I still largely believe only I find my stories interesting. I don't believe many, if any, anons are seriously looking forward to the stories that are waiting to be started up again. But that's ok because I'm looking forward to them.
That's the way I see it, anyway. I do it for the story. To see things through. Even if it sucks, either due to quality or subject matter being less than pleasant. I got nothing else.
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Didn't really have a full plan set up, but I was leaning towards 'Meanlight gradually learns to stop being a cunt to the ponies around her and changes for the better' One one hand it sounds a bit too cliche, but on the other hand that's how I'd want her to be for the story. Maybe even have her somehow get captured by the tree of harmony again, but this time the tree simply transforms her into a full-blooded pony (and drops the magic purple wooden log beside her as a humorous nod to her original form). Maybe the tree slightly alters her cutie mark so it's not an exact copy of Twilight's. Something along those lines.
> I don't believe many, if any, anons are seriously looking forward to the stories that are waiting to be started up again
I believe it because I look forward to other anon's stories. There are some I still fondly remember years later, there are some that inspired me and some that I wish were finished even long after they've been dropped. So if I can feel that way then I can believe that others can feel that way about my stories as well even if it goes without saying, because I don't talk about that either.
Not true at all. Bat threads are proof.
You’re a fool. Content isn’t created for oneself, but to share and get feedback on. That’s like telling a game dev to create “for themselves”. It’s retarded.
While I agree that your finished project should always be shared with others even if you dislike it, there is no way you'll be able to accomplish a lot if you're not in love with your craft. Only people who are in it for their own sake can endure the tough times of nobody caring about their products
>That’s like telling a game dev to create “for themselves”
You see what happens to people who develop "for others" on crowdfunding platforms, they get money for their pre-alpha versions and go on eternal hiatus because there's no other motivation left to make anything else.
Bat thread posters aren’t people
There were writefag's guild threads long ago.
They died due to lack of interest. This new one will share the same fate. Initial burst of interest, then bumpfest, then death.

Don't make it a general. Single thread, sure, but a general won't survive for long.

On a related note, you can ask for general writing advice in, for example, the CYOA general. Even if it isn't for a CYOA. The difference between the two is small anyways.
I believe it can survive, at least as an anchor for all other greens.
If it dies, it dies; at least we tried.
How do you know?
Coco is adorable.
Don't bother. It will 100% die on this shit board. They love to complain but they will never do the minimum effort to better things.
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You're talking about the shitty surface level buddhism, which is just as representative of the core tenets of buddhism as shitty protestants are of christianity. Anon was right to word his post the way he did: "attachment to desire". Attachment is the root of suffering, not desire itself. Desire is a fundamental part of being human, to give up desire is to die (because you wouldn't do the work required to live, as you both imply).
But rigid attachment to desire or anything else brings on a boatload of extra pain, because everything is impermanent and no satisfaction can last forever - attachment, in this buddhist sense, can only be facilitated where there is ignorance of those qualities.
To a well-aligned person, buddhist or not, desire is a preference, not the lynchpin of their life and source of their happiness. There is no fear of loss, no urgency for gain, just peace. The body still goes through the motions of hunger and pain and happiness and joy, and this person respects those for what they are, but he has a refuge inside himself where he can simply watch his body work to feed itself, take pleasure in friends and family, or writhe in agony. When he's confident in this refuge, he's able to accomplish more than anybody that's more caught up in worldly things, because he has no fear of pain or loss, and no need for a particular outcome. He is free to do exactly what he deems important, including authorship of pony shitposts.
In a way, it is attachment(pain) to insist your one story is the one that will somehow change the world. It is desire(love) to to write even if nothing changes.
>Writefag bros did we get too cocky?
November? Dude, you're not going to get good in that little time. Keep at it, reflect on what does and doesn't go right, and try again. Nobody's good at first.
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Yep. Time is the only way to get better. I need to learn to write for myself rather than for the approval of others (although that wouldn't hurt). I've tried writing a few more stories since then, but they were either duds in the making or I ran into a big ass roadblock within the story itself. Sometimes it's easy to come up with a decent story idea, but it can also become really difficult to flesh the story out and see where it goes.

Here's the November story if anyone is interested.

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Not saying that writefags are terrible, but there's a lot of trash greens out there and reading is a big time investment. Especially if it's a 7000 word fic. People in most threads don't generallly have the time or are in the mood to sit down and randomly start reading a huge green dropped out of nowhere. If you post a big green, maybe also post it on fimfic and link it in the post, so people who are interested can tab it and read it later or something.

Ultimately it's not about the effort someone put into it, it's about how easy to consume the content is. You know what they say, an image says more than a thousand words. In your case, apparently an image said more than over seven thousand.
Do you edit it for fimfic? I thought they didn't allow green text prose.
Writing for random prompt threads or slide threads has given me way more engagement but I also write in them 1 to 2 times a day so it's a lot more time consuming for me. It's a fun idea that if you're not constantly trying to keep attention up the thread will die. Possibly your story and audience too.

Writing for a general is lot more relaxed but the same applies to the readers.
This. Reading is gay as fuck, ain't nobody got time for that.
No greentext allowed on FimFic, bro. He edited it.
Absolutely this. As a reader/writer I tend to not even entertain reading a yen post green or want to write them. They’re time vampires that could be spent doing other things. I tend to just drop two post maximum one shots to either tell a joke or leave something ambiguous enough to let the reader imagine what’s next. Usually invites discussion and helps the thread, but dropping huge clunks of green makes anons lazy and lethargic. They stop bumping the thread or talking and leave it to the writefag, usually dropping a “moar” or “holy shit. Please continue”.
Yesh that's kinda what I'm saying. If you go into it hoping for a result, you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. But if you go into it for the simple act of doing it, you are invincible and will inevitably make better, truer work, learn better, and stick with it longer.
reading is good for you
This anon is correct, speaking as someone who doesn't ever seek out greens. I drop that shit if it doesn't wrap up quickly, and if other stuff isn't going on in the thread, then I'm not gonna be in that thread any longer.

Longer greens also get exponentially harder to write. Keep it simple.
Writefags deserve more love.
“‘New Sentences’ for 200, Alex”
>I once spent 12 hours writing four paragraphs
GRRM, stop shitposting on 4chan and get back to finishing your fucking books.
This anon is right
Yea. If I want sex, Ill watch it.
This thread proves that greens aren't interesting anymore. Writefags do nothing for the fandom. Why should they get more love? They only get what they deserve.
Tell us about your great contributions to the fandom.
I do find some quite interesting and more stories are always a good contribution. They, frankly, deserve more love for their efforts.
>great contributions
Kek. You got me. I haven't done anything like that. But I do write here, and it does feel like a legitimate question at this point, considering this is the second thread we've had about this.

If Anons aren't finding most greens interesting anymore, then why post them? Maybe greens have just been around long enough now, and we don't need any more new ones. For myself, I've been working on converting my stuff to FimFic. I'm hoping I'll have some luck finding a few readers there this time; I'm not super hopeful though. This board definitely isn't a book club. It used to feel like one to me sometimes, though, and I really miss that.
>I'm hoping I'll have some luck finding a few readers there this time; I'm not super hopeful though.
I often see the anons in /fimfic/ also complain that it's a bit dead now and that it's mostly clop one-shots or HIE that can still bring views.
And I agree that it can feel like posting into the void sometimes and that there aren't big contributions, but I still get some (you)s writing greens and I enjoy making them.
If a general for them is made, I will do my best to contribute and see where it goes.
>I still get some (you)s writing greens and I enjoy making them
Seems a lot of sad sacks itt are trying their best to overlook this. Green is fun to write, and I’d say any lack of interest is usually on the writer. Of course there’ll be times when everyone collectively is just too miserable at the time to feel like dragging their eyes across some words, just bumping the thread with whatever and possibly burying a green as a result, but that’s not so common from what I’ve seen and experienced. At least to the extent that no one replies for the entire rest of the thread.
tl;dr: green isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and people are still willing to read/respond to them. Stop bitching and trying to manifest your shitty reality.
I usually don't begin to read a green anymore because nowadays they are often simply bad quality, because all the good writefags stopped writing or moved to generals.
>They only get what they deserve.
That's simply an indication of the fandom fizzling out. Apathy is common when there's nothing new to prod one's imagination. That goes for both readers and writers. Writing things you yourself take interest in and hoping someone else also vibes with it really is the way to go.
This is actually pretty interesting, using Meanlight for Twilight's usual role in Anonfilly stories. Seems to be going about as well as one would expect, having a kid living with her.

>"It's about time you got here, you stupid lazy colt!"
So Anon's a colt there?
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What is it with writefags on this board apparently becoming massive attention-whores in however many years? /fimfic/, already primed for such people with its general-thread nature and "residents", is often filled with complaints about lack of readership for their stories on FiMFiction. While I can understand some of the frustration exhibited by them as well as you, ultimately, if you're not doing it purely for the love of the craft, then what are you doing?
>>41071662 >>41071828 >>41071852 >>41071911 >>41074577
Yet more confirmation /mlp/ is filled with ADHD genziggers.
It's really baffling, their reasoning. The board reeks of boredom with how rampant and terrible some of the shitposting is, or barrel-bottom activities and drama/eceleb-whoring. But apparently, story-time is too much investment.
What are recent greens you liked? Let's say from this year.
All the ones I wrote. :^)
Getting feedback that allows you to improve and refine your style inevitably comes with the love of the craft, so it's a legitimate concern. However, while it's true that readership is declining in proportion to the overall decline in the fandom, I think it's also the case that many anons still read greens; they just take them for granted. They don't consider how much a simple "Good job so far, keep it up" can affect a writer, or really any other indication that people are actually taking your efforts seriously.

That said, I do agree with the sentiment. From the beginning the core of the spirit of the fandom was derived from the works of anons producing "content" in their preferred medium. If anyone wants to keep the spirit alive, they need to be providing some sort of output rather than simply consuming and regurgitating the works of others from years past.
There was a 32+ part green on the Golly thread that I really liked.
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Well said.
>this year
The only one I've had time to keep up with is the one I write, sadly. Between work, relaxing, taking care of chores, socializing, and writing I only have so much time.
I hope some of the CYOA's on hiatus since last year I read return.
Same. I do try to respond to greens and art whenever I see one.
Batfags killed themselves with batfaggotism
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Bats are cool though.
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>Not EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
One fucking job, anon.
What form of schizophrenia is this?
Yeah, you guys are right. I was having a bad day when I posted that shit fucking Mother's day.

To any writefag anons who are in this thread and may be feeling like shit, go read a green you remember liking or something, or just go write something; it improved my mood immensely.
Yeah, here's a link to that one if anyone is interested
I really like everything by this guy, honestly.
Oh, guess who just posted again while I was writing all this out?
Haven't read it yet, but I will. Fillies are based.

>this year
How about right now? Here's what I'm following on the board.

Here's one in the bug thread where Chrysalis and Anon are being forced to work together. They're running a veggie burger stand. I'm keeping tabs on it.

This one is about Anon, Rainbow Dash, his wife, and his mother-in-law, Windy Whistles; it was posted on Mother's Day. This was all relevant to my interests.

I like Momlestia. I find it based, even. So I love this entire thread. I love all of it. Yes, you, are you writing for this thread? Well, if you are, then you're based imo.

I already mentioned the Rara green here >>41057865 which follows dramatic Rarity's quest to be pet by a human, even though they apparently don't exist; and now it is here:

Someone is doing a green where Anon has to take Babs to the Grand Galloping Gala. It's cute af so far.

Cosmic Butthole has started a lewd sleepover green in Fingerbang. It's getting to the good part now. There's gonna be some sexy party games soon, I think. I like the way the mane 7 interact with each other in it; their dialogue is fun to read.
Since the thread there is dying soon, here's a link to the paste:

There's a guy in RGRE who bumps sometimes; pretty sure it's always the same guy, writing style seems consistent, with the lack of periods and what have you. These bumps make me laugh, and I always stop to check 'em out. Here's two:

I liked this one too:
Well, aren’t you just a swell guy? A post like this is a sight for sore eyes, to put it lightly. Dang, there’s a lot of cool stuff linked here that I missed. I just don’t check enough threads, I suppose. Strangely, I’m in more slide threads than generals these days.
>Momlestia thread
Lovely for the most part. I did a couple one-offs in there, and had another one nearly ready to post, but got turned off by the annoying content police hanging around. That affected nothing of what ‘I’ did, mind you, but still frustrating to see.
Anyway, awesome post. Random question, but have you done any writefagging?
Doomsisters... our answer?
Great list!
Love that first one.
>I did a couple one-offs
based. I only wrote one shitpost in that thread, so I'm glad to see it's getting some love.

>but have you done any writefagging?
yeah, that's why i'm so interested in all this stuff, lel.
I actually read the Babs story and wrote some cringe for it

If you guys want me to read something, go ahead and link it here. I will admit that I don't love all the green I read on the board, though. That Ponegreen guy in nmp, I can't get into his story at all, which is a real shame because he's one of the most consistent writefags ever, I think; I swear he posts an update in every thread; same with Grey in Fingerbang, although he's written stuff I like.

I may or not be familiar with your green, and even if I'm not I'll still give it a shot.
Its good.
I’m thinking we’re back
You worked too hard. If youre gonna write that much just post it on fimfic. Usually my greens are just whatever scenario i most recently dreamed up while fapping and take up 2 posts max.
What type of threads get the best greens?
The ones that attract the most autism.
And those are?
I’d say that popular generals/reoccurring threads probably have the best greens just due to the amount of people trying their hand at shit. Hard to name any specifically; my favorite greens aren’t necessarily the “best” ones out there. If you look around for yourself, you’re bound to find something great that no one here will mention. I’ll be a jackass and recommend the Kinderquestria thread, since you probably want a name. The answer under mine will be much better.
The greens in the filly thread.
i'm the anon writing for /bug/ - thanks for the shout, glad you enjoy it so far! i have something brewing over in /aie/ that's way more ambitious if that's something you would be interested in
Filly threads have good concepts but their executions always fall short of the great label. The Orphanage one and anything by Writefag-_Roulette are pretty good though.
I don't know. Most of those are just porn. I prefer to enjoy those visually.
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>way more ambitious
Is that The Wanderer? The stuff with Twilight in it looks super cozy, but I know it's supposed to be, like, an adventure fic, right? Big greens intimidate me, lel.
I went and dug up a list I made of my favorite rape greens, if anyone's interested. I prefer the shorter, silly stuff, so keep that in mind.

nice story
Might need to visit that thread.
Just generic batfagging
So we doing a writefag collection thread?
might as well. i'd frequent it, esp if i can get feedback on my greens there
>read story
>author uses "compliment" in place of "complement"
every fucking time
I get anxious that in every update I write there's a "someone" instead of "somepony" and the like.
At least the show's been inconsistent with that so it's not a huge problem.
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>writefag collection thread?
What's that? Would it be a thread where people link their greens and stuff?
I guess I would lurk that, although I feel like it'd be adding yet another unnecessary bump fest to the catalog. I mean, the catalog is already a bump fest, but you know what I mean.
I do this but only because I try to write the letter E as little as possible. Pinkie will tell you why.
I find writing somepony to be so weird that I almost always notice it whenever I have to do it. So I don't think I've made that mistake yet, but there's still time.
I worry more about this stuff, inconsistencies, of all kinds. I'm reliably inconsistent. The second I have to come up with rules that the setting/plot needs to follow, I get worried, and then I usually stop. I could never write for RGRE, I'd screw it up all the time. Actually, I did write a green for RGRE once, and that's exactly what happened.
I guess I'm not RGRE enough
There were some ideas to make a general to anchor all greens from the board + other stuff: >>41062934
I can make it once this one dies.
>author uses "tomayto" instead of "tomahto"
literally shaking rn
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it was discussed above
good luck
Be sure to link it.
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How does one get better at writing? I feel like there's good ideas to dig into, but the structure, grammar, and sentence flow are lost on me.
Read more, write more. You need practice and feedback to get better just like you would with any other creative endeavor.

>>41094904 this.
Read, and then write what you've read.
Read what you've written, compare it to what you previously read, then rewrite what you wrote.
Read again, write again, then read some more. You're aiming to reach a state where you can translate your thoughts and ideas into words, and then turn those words into something worth reading.
>But how do I know if it's worth reading?
Read more books by reputable authors until you get an understanding for what good writing looks like.
>But I still don't get it.
Read more books until you do.
>But I've read so many books.
Then start writing.
>But which is it, read first or write first?
Both. Never stop doing either. Read every day and write every day. If you've chosen this as your craft, then treat it like one, and tend to it every day.
>But I just wanna write greentext shitposts on mulp.
Well in that case just write whatever the fuck you want in the quick-reply box and hit post lmao
Also stay away from /lit/. You'd think they'd know what they're talking about, but you wouldn't ask /v/ for advice on making video games, would you?
the other advice was already good, but i'll repeat some shit for a bump
>write more
>write more, even if it's not that green you should be writing
>write the idea that won't stop nagging you, the one that makes you sick cause it only exists inside you still
>read stuff, whatever interests you, whether it's good or bad
>read new stuff too
>read stuff critically, if you keep coming back to it
>come back to it again sometime, much later, and see if it's aged along with you
>think like a writer whenever you're watching other stuff, like movies
>subtitles will make you feel old, but you'll be able to see how the things you hear are written
>good storytelling is arguably more important than good writing, and is often much harder to do well
>read your old writing
>cringe when you do, and realize that you need to stop doing some shit and keep doing other shit
>don't worry about your old writing so much
>as long as you write the new stuff, the old stuff will take care of itself, and may even look good while doing it
>write whatever you want, just make sure people can read it, and that it's not a fucking mess
>if people aren't gonna read it, then at least make sure you can
>do it because you like it, even if you don't like it all the time
>discovering new things about yourself, either through writing or through doing anything creative, can feel pretty good sometimes
>getting other people to share that feeling with you can feel cool sometimes too
>people on this board, generally, aren't assholes, and will probably read your green and give feedback if you ask nicely enough
>don't be a fucking moron, or an attention-whoring namefag, though
>lurk more
>give each other (You)s
>write more

now go write something stupid and fun right now, this is a pony board, for christ's sake!
oh yeah, and write your fetish, too. cause why not?
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>"Write the good write!"
I'll try anons. It just feels 'too good to be true' in a sense.
My current writing project is partially that, but I can't imagine fanfics created from deep-seated mommy issues would be an enjoyable thing to read by the general audiences of this board.
>I can't imagine fanfics created from deep-seated mommy issues would be an enjoyable thing to read by the general audiences of this board.
We have some Celestiafags.
Doo Doo butt
write your fetish, too. cause why not?
I can think of one or two reasons for why not
>deep-seated mommy issues
sounds juicy

what do you mean by 'too good to be true'?
that's me
lel, what are they?
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>what are they?
What a great place to talk about them. I really feel like some needless shaming today kek
As dead as greens are, I somewhat recently celebrated a personal milestone going by ponepaste view count. Even if one anon activated a page 100 times, it still means I've entertained 500 anons. That's a pretty damn good number. It doesn't even count what was read in the threads themselves.
Is it massive? No. Does it mean anything at all? Not really, outside of personal satisfaction.
But it's still pretty damn cool and I'm glad I've made anons happy. Or sad. Depends on the story.
Haha, yeah, it's a great feeling. I still have old screenshots of my own Pastebin milestones.
Keep it up, Anon. Think of the smiles you'll bring to Anon's faces, and the rapid exhalations they'll do through their noses when they read a goofy line. That's the shit that keeps you going.
It's a nice feel. It's around 63k total if I include pastebin. To account for bot clicks I can reduce it by whatever amount but even if you reduce it by 100x, that's still 600+ anons enjoying stuff enough to revisit it so much.
What I will say I miss is the art being made. A ton was made while I was more active.
To be honest it's probably a safe bet to say about 50% of all views are bots, but it's still a lot of views to get. Gerd jerb, man.
There used to be a lot more artfags around, most generals had I want to say at least 2 resident artists, and I've had a fair few shitposts made out of my stories.
That's not to diminish the efforts of current-day artists, of course. I quite like the dude that does art for the Yandere thread.
I print out greens I like so I can cum on them.
He's a pretty great guy. Even the flaremare thread had HappyHarv lurking, that was a huge surprise to see.
I'm that much closer to being able to write again like I used to. I wanna go back to writing 4 nights a week. 2-4 hours each. That shit was great, everything was routine and as perfect as I could ask for. If I could at least do that for another year or two I could finish everything and have a full library of completed greens. Not many anone can claim that since so many burn out or just get bored. Neither happened to me but I'm still waiting too long to get cleared up.
I certainly can't claim it. I've abandoned more than a few greens, much to my shame, and lack the passion I once had to continue or even quickly conclude them.
Keep on truckin', don't let the failures of others keep you down. If you can finish every green you started, you'll be remembered as one of the good ones.
Always surprises me to see numbers go up even on newer greens. Nice to know people still find and read them.
I don't care if I'm remembered. Just that the gals and dorks in the stories are remembered.
What drained your passion?
It's weird because ponepaste has to be the most awkward site for just finding new stuff. I wonder who checks and how often, or if they go by the user.
Man I remember when I was so inspired nothing could stop me from writing for hours every day. It's still there somewhat but not enough to overpower constant burnout from IRL shit. I guess I'm lucky I've managed to finish almost everything I tried to write back when I was able to.
>what do you mean by 'too good to be true'?
As a skepticfag, it's hard to believe that just doing something will end well with no strings attached.
>I wonder who checks and how often
I usually check it once every few days. I just click the Discovery icon and see what's new/updated.
Nobody has the time to read giant fucking walls of text.
That is a lie.
Thank you again for mentioning the Rara green!
I took my sweet time, but I just posted the next part of it.
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>go to message board
>look inside
>What drained your passion?
I started writing greens in 2012. I've had several hiatuses since then, each one longer than the last. I never know when the next pony surge will come around, but I've learned not to fight it when the passion wanes. I busy myself with other things whilst waiting for it to come back. One day I'll wake up and get back in the saddle, but for now I drift around and watch other people do their thing. It's nice to see greentext still going after such a long time, even if few people are doing it.
>I don't care if I'm remembered. Just that the gals and dorks in the stories are remembered.
Good man. If you do your job properly, your characters will outlive you.
This got me to chuckle. Thanks Ponk.
I’m not great at navigating ponepaste so I usually just type random numbers into the url and read the first thing that comes up
Imagine reading.
Reading is hard.
Good advice.
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What are the best greens you guys have read on here?
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>best greens
Besides the popular answers, I dunno. My friend really likes Fire and Sky, but I haven't read it.
My favorites are mainly here >>41087416 and I actually forgot a few.

Other than that, I liked these four below. Obviously, I could stand to read some newer stuff that's outside of my comfort zone, so hopefully some other anons will answer too.
I liked the underage romance ones written by Jeff Mango. Sometimes though I think about answering these kinda questions with my own greens pretending to not be the author. That would be too pathetic even for me though.
Do it just this once.
I won't tell anyone.
Actually, piggybacking off Jeff being brought up, he has one I like that I just remembered
This one is short enough and got positive reception for the thread I wrote it in. Although most people rightfully called me out for the shitty ending. It's far too rushed.

I don't know, man. I'm seeing some stuff in this bin that I want to read. The Twilight writing one looks fun.
You got a favorite, too. That ain't bad. Although I've been careful not to treat favorites like upvotes so far, cause I'm not entirely sure why Anon's favorite pastes yet.
Please help yourself to anything in there. The Twilight one was the first thing I wrote since highschool. I honestly wasn't sure which one to link. The EQG ones are much older and I'm sure that has affected their quality. I also don't like the rgre one I made "I'm not proud of this". It's unfinished and I don't like it.

I'm pretty sure the favorites are from the people who requested respective greens with a prompt.
Cool. I'll read something, for sure. Yeah, I never know what to post of mine either. I've never shilled my stuff outside the thread I write in
Well now that you've baited me you have to post something of yours.
Can I get away with just posting links? Here's some shitpost stuff I did today, before I have to go run errands.
Someone's doing a JoJo crossover green. Pretty good so far.
I think these "what are your favorite green" questions are always asked by writefags hoping to see that people say their name.
t. writefag desperate for validation
You've never googled your name before? Same thing.
I very much enjoyed the Rarity post with the green ape or lack of.
Likely not as many as you'd think, but threads that pose the question are to writefags what a bright light is to moths.
We can't get enough of that shit.
Artists are wretched creatures.
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>Artists are wretched creatures.
>tfw obody mentions you anymore and you've truly faded away into obscurity
You should make a
>I am forgotten"
thread about yourself
>Anyone know what happened to XX?
>I really liked his greens!
I've been half tempted to ask that in green threads
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It can't be helped. It makes me both excited and anxious to see my stuff mentioned anywhere so it's impossible to resist the temptation to look for that.
What if there's no one reading greens left on slash em el pee and it's just authors desperately bumping and making threads hoping someone will mention them?
I often reply to greens....
I’d have to be pretty slick to be replying to my own greens unbeknownst to even me.
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>Inducing multiple personalities in yourself in order to reply to your own greens
I think you might be onto something
Now there's an idea for a green.

>Twilight intentionally or unintentionally causes herself to get multiple personalities.
>whether she did it on purpose and/or forgets is up to the author if it's a twist
>this happens so she can start writing her own books AND read them for the first time
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It's possible. I've never done it.
Nothing I've written has ever been recommended in a thread like that, and by this point, honestly, I would get nervous if it was. I would so obviously not fit in next to writers like Jazzteeth and gmoh. Huge skill gap there.
Never done this. I use (You)s as a metric for how good the green was so I'd feel like I was cheating myself if I did that.
I imagine it'd be super easy to do with the IP counter gone now, though.
Maybe Fluttershy can give her some lessons on how to get lost in character.
This theory makes the most sense to me.
>Maybe Fluttershy can give her some lessons on how to get lost in character.

She goes to her for help and instead flutters enables the problem. Like she does with everyone.
Damn good in fact.
Nice idea. Maybe even have them separate into multiple clones or something.
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unhand my wife this instant!
Its morbin time
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Would anyone care to post their works in progress here? It would at least keep the thread alive while giving other writefags a chance to read and critique one another.
I've been working on a green in the filly thread mostly. I haven't posted an update in a while instead just keeping it all on a Google doc. It's not really a sexual story and sometimes I feel like a lot of the potential audience in there just ignores it because of that. Maybe that's just cope for the green not being good enough to attract readers. Sometimes I get torn up about including more fan service vs stuff I find funny. If my whining has you interested it's the "filly in the hand" from this ponepaste account. >>41102074

I really like the slapstick humor and the indifference the characters have. The parts where anon calls Fluttershy a nigger and throws the cherries everywhere. I love how silly and inane it is and how no one reacts.
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An anon already linked it here, but it's now on Ponepaste. It's about Rarity's epic quest for pets, inspired by >>41021099 and >>41021173.


I'm really happy with the engagement and feedback it received. Since it's my first green, I'm taking any critique.

I was going to post Ending and Epilogue A yesterday, but the Rarity General died.
That is one of the worst things you can do. If you read something a (you) is the least (you) can do. I have seen writers stop writing a story because they thought no one was reading it only for Anon's to come crawling out of the woodwork to say that they were. This isn't an auditorium, there is no stat counter that tells the author how many people have read their works. If no one says anything, they might as well be the only one in an empty theater performing to the crowd of none.
If a story gave you even the slightest twinge of pleasure, give it a (you) like the dirty slut you are. Lurking cuck or shitposting autist, doesn't matter.
Don't overthink it. Just spit out what made you feel something, even if it's barely a complete thought.
>Holy shit, when Anon raw dogged Y, I almost nutted!
>X is my waifu, I cried when Y happened to her.
Any one of you retards can handle that.
Did the story rub your oversized clit the wrong way? Post that too.
>I tried but there weren't enough magic lasers. I need my stories to have sick fight scenes!
>The fetishes were too vanilla. Couldn't coom.
It's still better than letting the thread sink into the autistic hell of
Your (you) has the power to trick another mouth breather into sharing their luke-warm takes. It's fucking sad but threads full of (You) are going to drag some windowlickers out of the woodwork to puke up their opinions too.
Do it, fucker. Validate the writer need for attention. Validate your own fucking existence. Make the board 0.00001% less shit, one (You) at a time.
It's a dire state of affairs when people need to be encouraged to post to give writefags the motivation to continue, isn't it.
>give writefags the motivation to continue, isn't it.
The rot spreads. Threads haunt the graveyard, more corpse than conversation.
(You) - autists, newfags, shadows. Emerge. Breathe life into this decaying board.
One post. One thought scraped from your atrophied minds. That alone stays the noose, as this fandom pisses away its final moments.
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>The fetishes were too vanilla.
ok, but what do you have against mares?
Some people are so genuinely retarded that the thought of giving attention to something they want to see more of never occurs to them. >"This thing happened and I liked it, I hope they post more"
>Green receives zero (you)'s despite 50 Anon's having read it.
>Writer stops writing the green or artist stops doing the art
>"Hey guys remember (x)? They were good, wonder why they stopped."
>"Oh yeah I remember (x)!"
And they just never connect the dots that lack of reaction was what caused it to stop in the first place.
Being sincere is cringe. It's also hard to to tell people anything on a website full of anti socials.
in some years, there will be lurkers speaking like this about /mlp/ as a whole
>Being sincere is cringe
Everything is cringe until you kill the part in you that cringes.
Layers of irony is fun and all, but you gotta be careful that you don't become trapped in there. Losing the ability to express yourself sincerely is a loss that takes effort to get back.
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>Being sincere is cringe
t. sociopathic liar
>Your (you) has the power to trick another mouth breather into sharing their luke-warm takes
I already replied to most of them though.
It's over for writefags
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I need a writefag's help!

I accidentally turned my size fetish general into even more of a bumpfest than it already was! I beg of you, if any of you still has an interest in mares of unusual sizes, we need your green now more than ever! I'll give you all the (You)s I have! that's 1 (You)
There. I did a thing. Don't ever call me on this number again.
The (You) has been delivered
Yes, I love that green. I'm glad it's getting finished.

Also, please fix this line in your bin, where you put in an extra arrow; because, unless it was an intentional choice, then I wish for it to read better:
>"Are you INSANE?!" Twilight screeched, >"This is INSANE! YOU'RE ALL INSANE!"
Thanks for reading my silly shitpost. That goes to all of you btw.
I still want to read that Twilight story of yours. It looks fun. I just had a busy holiday weekend.

I'm guessing you wanted some thoughts on your "A Filly in The Hand" green. I've written some here:
NTA, but it's a good, detailed review.
Great content, thanks for taking the time, anon.
>unless it was an intentional choice
Nope. That was a mistake. It's corrected now, thank you.
How so?
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I am that anon. I do very much appreciate your detailed feedback. I am honestly going to commit seppuku over the "Apple Bloom" thing. I know about the vague conversations thing. I do it a lot because I'd like to be able to inform a reader who's talking based on how and what they're talking about with context clues from the rest of the story. I don't believe the reader would reasonably assume that the story would shift to Flutters and Anon. Although I do concede, it is confusing and might be too much/I'm not good enough of a writer.

I appreciate your thoughts on cutting down the writing. Part of me always gets torn up with trying to balance word count. When I write too little I feel like I'm being lazy and really rushing things. When I write too much it just feels like purple prose.

This also might just be autism but I like the way my formatting looks but I think it's a primary reason I try to avoid dialogue tags and do my best to instead have readers infer who is talking based on the dialogue itself. I should probably just stop double spacing whenever it switches from someone speaking to narration. It's a dumb thing to get held up on.

Thank you so much for the review. I've never had someone put this much effort and attention towards my writing.
You're welcome.
>I don't believe the reader would reasonably assume that the story would shift to Flutters and Anon.
lel. That's true. I was just trying to be funny. Sorry.

>I'd like to be able to inform a reader who's talking based on how and what they're talking about with the context clues from the rest of the story.
I get it. I sometimes do this too. I try to give my characters specific speech habits, or tics, to help make it easier sometimes. Nicknames help, too, of course, which is something I learned from Peanuts. I don't think I've read a green where Pinkie has called Nonny by his actual (lack of a) name in years. I never have her call him Anon or Anonymous in anything I write. Well, I haven't yet, anyway.

>When I write too much it just feels like purple prose.
This is me, lel. iktf

>I like the way my formatting looks
So do I. I bunched your lines all up because I use space differently than you do, and it's just what I was used to.
That's a good word to hear. Thanks.
i think 90% of 4chan users are lurkers
hundreds of people could have read it anon, don't be sad!
Sorry anon, but I have other fetishes. Ill check it out though.
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Hey is the guy from the Maud thread here?
>I try to give my characters specific speech habits, or tics, to help make it easier sometimes
wtf, are you me?
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>Use my imagination to generate a story perfectly tailored to my tastes
Nothing personnel, writefags
I will ask again, but what's your guys' opinion on a green general?
Would you do something more than that to try to help it survive?
>A central hub to showcase greens from other threads. This could serve as an anchor where all writefags can link their work.
>Also make it a general space for discussing tips, techniques, and seeking reviews.
>Themed events where everyone can vote to decide what will be the next theme (for participation in the thread).
reading through this thread I thought of the same thing, I think the problems with greentext nowadays are

>barely any readers
>lack of exposure
>lack of new ideas (just a theory, i just think there are not as much new hot ideas now that a shit ton have been written already)
>Generals create fragmentation which hurts exposure
>each thread have their own OP format (some very outdated) so it might be confusing to get into a new genre
>without exposure, writers don't get replies, that means lack of motivation and feedback to improve

And maybe some others, so a dedicated thread for textwriting wouldn't be so crazy. My only worry would be that, since we're gathering a lot of genres, maybe some retardation and conflicts could arise between writers of different generals, hopefully not.

But then again, a thread that works like a hub for all things greentext seems reasonable, if /create/, draw and Fimfiction threads exist, why not a general for one of the crucial elements of the identity of /mlp/?
I'd be cool with that. At least writers would be sure there's a place where people want to read something.
>Generals create fragmentation which hurts exposure
No, slide threads with 10 replies create that. I'm NOT catalog-diving just to see if another shitpost resulted in content or it's just bots replying as usual. Having that linked in a thread like this would help a ton.
I will give it a try as soon as this one die, I guess.
For the OP, most of the writing guides linked here are dead >>41066241, but with wayback machine, it's possible to see them again so I will 'ressurect' them and put them in. (Some were also ported already to ponepaste.)
I'm also thinking of creating one entry that will link to general green repository like https://ponepaste.org/1400 for the /dash/ one or https://ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral for FlutterRape.
Does something like this already exist?
Good idea.
Good luck, but I'm 100% sure it will fail
How do you know?
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Writefag General /WFG/ sounds good.
post more meanlight
worth a try, anything to minimize the dogshit posts we get everyday

On a different note, It might be a good idea to consult current writers too, to see if they're actually interested in it
Dunno if I’d call myself a current writer, but I’d support the thread however I could since I know the struggle.
hell, i'd probably frequent the thread. so far it sounds like it would be a nice mix of healthy criticism and talking shop, which i don't get a whole lot where i lurk and post my stuff
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look buddy, this thread ain't no place for comedians.
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Delete this
>the writing guides linked here are dead
whoops. sorry bout that. actually saving the stuff though? based archivist anon!
>general green repository
wut? Can you explain a little more?
>Flutterrape general pastebin
Oh boy. That thing is pretty outdated, though I still love that Fucking Fluttershy. I don't even know anyone in the thread who has the password for it.
Yeah, I'll get behind it. A lot of the previous green threads didn't actually link to greens that were being written across the board, so that's kinda different. I'll go catalog-diving and find people's stuff and link it here. That's what I do on this board anyway, just look for greens. I might not even have to do it, either, if people are just going to link their own stuff. And, uh, I can write a review in a pinch, like here >>41114623 And there was another review in this thread, too, for the Anonfilly green, and that one was good; so there are at least two of us. I dunno, from what I've seen, it's been hard to find criticism on the board lately. I think they're still out there, those good critic guys. Maybe we'll find 'em.
>current writers
guess that's me.
ye, sounds good
god she's perfect
I hate how that happened.
>wut? Can you explain a little more?
Something like this:
If I didn't make any mistake, I linked inside all the currently active generals. But if anons want former generals or other stuff to be listed, don't hesitate to tell me.

Also, here is the first draft of the OP. I believe I linked all that is relevant, but I'm taking all feedback: https://pastebin.com/pgYJpi14

And to finish, I still don't have a definitive name for it, I saw /green/ and Writefag General /WFG/. If you have other ideas, tell me, I will take them all and we'll vote for the one we prefer.
good starting point, and very clean as well, including former generals are a good idea since some of those held good greens at some point
Writefags were never cocky.
Holy fuck, that archive thing is cool. I should check out some of those other greens; never read any snowpony. I'll wrack my brain and see if I can remember any other old generals. I've seen people remember the old Oedipus ones fondly, but I don't remember if it was a general. I think there used to be a Dark Equestria one too, or something.

I liked your first draft of the OP. I wanted to try my hand at one too:
WFG sounds nice.
I agree. And it works well with the reworked OP here >>41120996 (That I prefer to the original).
I believe I will go with that, thanks anons.
won't calling it 'writefag' general give the false impression it's only for writers?
Call it green text general?
I'm glad you liked my OP, but one thing about it drove me nuts immediately after I posted it.
>Do it here, we want (You).
This dumb ass comma splice. Pisses me off. Should just be two sentences, lel.
I don't think so. Still, I'd be fine with calling it /greentext/ or something. But this thread seems more like a writefag sanctuary than anything else. Kinda like >>41118800 said what the fuck are those repeating digits. damn, checked
crossposting green, just stuff I saw today
and not screwing up the links like a dumbass this time

PKAnon updated The Wanderer in AiE.

Flutterwife clop.

CosmicButthole updated his sleepover harem green in Fingerbang.
ponepastes are botted views from crawlers
because it fails every time, this is communism-level cope
Good stuff.
I believe I will launch the general this Monday. The weekend can be a little dead here, so maybe it's better to avoid it.
So again, if you want me to include things, please tell me.
I would've gladly read more, you have any more greens?
pretty sure he's this dude >>41071527 I read this btw, it's yandere pinkie
I hope he is and that he puts it in a bin or something. I was getting into it, but the format issues, along with the green being spread all across the thread, kinda killed it for me.
>old Oedipus ones
It seems like they switched to 'Incestuous Relationships Thread' after that. I added what I believe is the most recent pastebin to it.
>Dark Equestria
This seems to be the last thread.
There is a list of old pastebins, but most are dead. I will see if I can recover them.
Dunno if I should make another category for very old generals like that.

If anons have more generals to report, I'm taking.
whatever happened to /irt/ anyways?
It died.
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What >>41124318 posted is my only completed green. Currently working on more Meanlight green.

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