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Name a better ship
Izzy x Sunny
Anon and (You)
(You) x another dirty nigger
Me x both of those pegasluts.
Pipp x Zipp x Haven
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From the latest comic.
Misty x Comet
RMS Titanic.
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Next episode will destroy your incest cringe into smotherings
Sprout X His Mom
I like it. They have pretty good chemistry and the art is cute
>They have pretty good chemistry
No shit. They're sisters.
What, do you think being related equals automatic chemistry between characters?
No, Posey deserves better
It's a classic girly-girl and tomboy
So one of the tropes that makes most lesbian ships popular
Princest is Wincest.
Always is
Explain Appledash or Celestia and Luna
Explain what? That those ships happen to not have that trope? Rarijack does, as well as Flutterdash, etc. That's it.
It's not the same trope, but petalstorm is also extrovert x introvert royal sisters like og princest, and levelheaded x dramatic with banter like appledash
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Their biology… is a match!
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>Name a better ship
RMS Titanic
Anything straight, for starters.
>couldn't even survive one (1) voyage
Yet more than 100 years after its demise people are still talking about it.
A match made in Haven.
Incest is gross.
The more people whine about this ship the more I appreciate it
I need a cheek blush edit
Having no ship at all.
Kek. Underrated post.
Posey is only thing that make G5 worth watching, i love her.
Latest scene where they look into each other's eyes yet again
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What about Jazz?
Full clip?
Give me the sauce
And hold hooves
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Of course. It's their sisterly signature
Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle/Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle/Applejack
Rainbow Dash/Applejack
Twilight Sparkle/Pinkie Pie
Twilight Sparkle/Fluttershy
Twilight Sparkle/Rarity
Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie
Applejack/Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash/Rarity
Rarity/Pinkie Pie
Lyra/Bon Bon
Bon Bon/Zephyr Breeze
Octavia/Vinyl Scratch
Twilight Sparkle/Celestia
Twilight Sparkle/Luna
Twilight Sparkle/Cheerilee
Twilight Sparkle/Sunset Shimmer
Twilight Sparkle/Trixie
Twilight Sparkle/Starlight Glimmer
Starlight Glimmer/Trixie
Apple Bloom/Scootaloo
Apple Bloom/Sweetie Belle
Scootaloo/Sweetie Belle
Twilight Sparkle/Spike
Dr. Whooves/Derpy
Rainbow Dash/Soarin
Fluttershy/Big Macintosh
Twilight Sparkle/Flash Sentry
Pinkie Pie/Cheese Sandwich
Cheese Sandwhich/Diamond Tiara
Twilight Sparkle/Discord
Pinkie Pie/Discord
Rarity/Fancy Pants
Shining Armor/Cadance
Sunset Shimmer/Flash Sentry
Starlight Glimmer/Sunburst
Cheerilee/Big Macintosh
Maud Pie/Maud Pie
Yona Yak/Adagio
They are royals so it makes sense.
Wrong and trying to hard
>not the based NS savanna
woman answer anon.
Usually though it's cousins for royals unless we're talking zoroastrians or egyptians
I don't think Haven would even mind. She can always make her and Alphabittle's future child the heir after Zipp becomes Queen.
Pipp x Zipp but they're older
Better than Misty taking the throne
While they're in their 40s or 30s? Why?
Why would Misty take the throne? Because she's becoming their step-sister? I don't think that's how it works.
50s and 60s. Just to see what would happen
You just like seeing grey-haired mares kissing
I don't dislike the idea of them as MILFs
Explain yourself
>Maud Pie/Maud Pie
Pipp was made for being hugged by her older sister
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I used to like Hitch and Zipp but not anymore. I don't bother posting it
Same, simply because they made Hitch too much of a beta. Movie Hitch and Zipp was alright, but not this.

At least it's not as bad as Misty/Zipp.
Movie Hitch and Zipp would have never become popular, as him being a beta is the exact reason the xitter crowd accepts the ship. The other reason is that they see it as male/male because of trans Zipp.
Good thing I don't let what people on Twitter think influence me.
And Zipp was made to hold and protect her little sis
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The only misty crackship that I like is Misty and Comet since they're both blue and autistic
But Comet is green.
>captcha PRSYY
Turquoise so technically both
me x anypony. all ships besides that are trash.
He is not green
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Anon x his waifu
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Adorable blushing
Me X Posey
Me x Ur mom
>mfe he likes jazz
I liked her when she was an earless freak. It was g5's derpy, caused by animator incompetence.
Smooth Jazz
Fluster her more, Pipp.
But then Zipp will blush even more!
Izzy X Zipp
Love Zipp's Vegeta face.
Pipp is on a mission to bring out Zipp's cute side and she cannot be stopped
>Zipp's cute side
For real though I just want a Zipp makeover episode
They literally can't have children
Magic is pretty wild, you never know
As long as Sparky's not involved
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Pipp looks so happy to be in Zipp's arms
Of course, it's a big snuggly hug from big sis
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Hitch is such an annoying faggot that his supply of shipping art with Zipp has been decreasing and petalstorm is on the uptick
Makes sense.
Huh, now that you mention it, you're right. There's also been more Zipp x Sunny art lately.
So you wouldn't like derpy without her eyes being derped even with the same personality. how can one be so shallow
A very interesting thing to see an uptick in for a moralistic modern day fandom…
Before episode 100, Derpy hardly had any personality.
I am actually starting to like Zunny more than Zitch nowadays.
This better happen in canon sometime. Pipp deserves a good cuddle from Zipp.
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I prefer Sunny with somepony else
In the drafts of the movie, Izzy had bullies. I wonder if Sunny had any bullies when she was younger.
I wonder who of the two sisters is the better lay.
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Not only is Izzy's "All For The Love of Trash" a top three TYT song, it also has this choice lyric:
>looking for a ring for Sunny

Izzy needs to act fast because Zipp is moving in. This gen is a bit AI sloppy on Sunny's part, but the setup and Zzzzipp really get me.
>S-Sugar Skank?
>So hush, filly, just get lost in the rush
>Hypnotized by the words I'm sayin'
>Feel the heat, then the beat, mesmerized, put to sleep
Opaline "takes what she needs." The song is a bit charged, wouldn't you say?
>cute and shy mare being dominated by another confident mare
And by her bully, no less
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posey-pipp plugging
let your magic run wild
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fun in the sun couple
what did they mean by this?
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It means this
>Another sister who Zipp's shipped with
Does she have a type?
She wants to be the big sister
It’s “complex”
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Celestia on a cracker. I didn’t watch the episode so these screenshots are throwing me. Posey is an angry lesbian while Pipp has always been trysexual.

Pipp is sistersexual
After this many mutual loving gazes between these two people start to get curious
I'm not curious anymore, I want commitment
>wet manes
>wet manes at sunset
That’s it…

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