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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing
Assess how well you fit into the filly hivemind: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8

>I don't like this thread because of reasons.
You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old Mare: >>40980466
not regular op but since noone baked the bread i did it
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The filly is for suffering.
Filly is responsible for at least a third of the suffering she experiences.
Unfortunately she's too dumb to realize it and too stubborn to change her ways.
Filly doesn't like being created by AI
I've been away from home for a few days and the first thing I did after I got back was bust a fat load in my life sized filly plush, nothing more satisfying than that.
i hate that I know who you are
Who am I then, homo?
I don't remember your name
How would the fillies react when I introduce them to the concept of taxes?
She's french?
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they all will call you a commie nigger
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>commie nigger
>"Da, and?"
Show the plush, I want to get a big filly too
Me on the right
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Me out of frame way way waaaay to the right. Was so tired I fell asleep while we were playing at the park and the others decided to go on without me because I'm always extremely tired and it's annoying to deal with.
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I wonder who this sign is for
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they would not understand, there's no taxes on Equestria.
No fun allowed
You would've been a great serial killer if you were born 50 years ago. What a shame.
My name is Anon, Anon!
Pic related. It's worth it.
Oh, I think I've seen lewds of this filly before.
Anon, you do realize Cherry Berry owns what basically amounts to a helicopter? And even normal Equestrian fillies aren't afraid to borrow things without permission. Sure, toon physics mean you'll live. After all, Rainbow Dash slammed into the ground at mach Jesus and got off with nothing more than a broken wing and a week long hospital stay. But it's not going to feel good.
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There's already a thread for turning Anon into a pony. >>41089173
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>turning anon into a pony thread
>look inside
>just some random hooman ocs

also i hate that fag who repost my fillies into that ptfg shithole
>A fucking Satyr
Watch your mouth, little lady.
I think that's just a TF in progress image.
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>he thinks a little pain is gonna stop the Revolution
Joke's on you comrade, being a commie already means suffering.

>bunch of fillies getting into arguments about politics
Sounds adorable.
Nah if you want real un=ironical suffering. be an actual Nazi they have great uniforms
I'm with you, Filly.
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Seething Filly
KEK love the cartoony nature of the expression hella based
Little do you know, filly isn't angry because someone on the horsenet likes thing she doesn't like. Filly is angry because her hooves are too fat to use the keyboard.
>you can type URAFAGIT just by sweeping a finger across a row
Forget Dvorak, this is the keyboard you need.
I had to take 3 seconds to understand which side was right
>he doesn't have a faggot key
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fresh filler mocking your heterosexuality
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Some shitty filly drawing I just did with the mouse.
>you think I’m cute?
>that’s really gay of you!
insult me all you want cute green filly, I’m not the one who’s trap in a pony body
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What the fuck even is this thread

Like do you people actually unironically want to be turned into a child cartoon pony so you can be fucked or "bred" by people from /mlp/ or you yourself fuck an /mlp/ user that has been turned into a little filly? Do you realize how ridiculous that is
This is by far the most degenerate general on /mlp/ I mean it combines fucking pedophilia, transformation, beastiality and/or xenophilia and whatever other fetshes you might have and Tbh I gagged a lil bit upon discovering this thread
Please consider psychiatric help and reevaluate your life of you unironically browse this general and look at anon filly pictures
how does she type with hooves?
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nice copy paste, I remember this one, you even used the same pic as well
Smells like fresh Filly in here
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are there any good artist that do anon filly early days of ponification art/comics?
I haven't seen any in years
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lots of fillers from me today
Smells like Dewritos™
There are many filly. But who is alpha filly?
me everyday
i wonder why anoncolt never took off
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Anonfilly takes the main aspect of anoncolt (fish out of water element) and enhances it with the unwanted genderbend, as well as the fact that people just like mares/fillies more. Anoncolt is bland compared to the filly, but still eccentric enough to where more standard plotlines would struggle to accomodate him, whereas Anonstallion or vanilla Anon cater perfectly to them. He's just functionally useless as a characters as most of his roles can be performed by other Anon archetypes.
These threads just wouldn't be the same without this post, thank you for your service.
Many erfs. who alpha?
biggest horse iz boss
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movin n groovin c:
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look at her go!
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Me on the right.
I'm so tired.
What exactly are filly taxes? Does she have to go up to Canterlot and give sunbutt an adequate amount of hugs?
I have no idea, but I do know that sign is on the outside door of the Richmond airport.
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no howling
Throw her in the pit with the others
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>not regular op but since noone baked the bread i did it
Regular OP here, sorry about that. I'll try to be quicker on the draw next thread
As a cross-poster who loves both anonfilly and ptfg, it saddens me that the resident autist sours relations with us and the rest of the board. There should be no brother wars among those who appreciate cute fluffy ponies that used to be Anon.
It did though, dadoneques was around for ages and its primary tale was Anoncolt. Just never spread far outside there
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Bought this magnet for my fridge from RedPaletteArt on etsy
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This is pretty accurate especially for me.
>the furry offboarder who literally mass-carded /ss/ anons letters saying "my boyfriend is my interpreter here so I don't have to sully my eyes with your posts, please go to my tumblr and buy my merch!"
I don't care if she apologized, she took the time to directly tell us she wants nothing to do with us, on fucking horsemas. Burn that sticker.
>Barges into the thread where few / no one is talking about fucking / getting fucked
>proudly proclaim that we’re all talking about anonfilly getting raped

Thanks for your invaluable input anon. Do you wanna add anything else or would you like to keep wasting everyone’s internet bandwidth?
It's a meme you dip
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>tumblrina: "I hate 4chan and everyone who uses it!"
>also tumblrina: "Please buy my 4chan-pandering merch."
Blyat, the classic case of "iT's dIfFereNT" mixed with greed and bloated ego.
It's pointless to burn that sticker now, it's been paid for.
But in the future, if that cunt ever shows up again to peddle her crap, one should make every effort to let everyone know what she thinks of her clients and talk them out of buying anything.
>But in the future, if that cunt ever shows up again to peddle her crap, one should make every effort to let everyone know what she thinks of her clients and talk them out of buying anything.
That'll honestly just drive other people to buy out of "solidarity".
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she horni
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Tumblrinas don't put their money where their mouth is.
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Anyone has that pic with filly holding a sign with an edited "free hugs" into "ree u suck"
I want to remake the sign as best to my abilities and give it to my filler to hold when on cons
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Shut the fuck up retard. Did anyone ask for YOUR fucking opinion? No? So why the FUCK are you talking here? Go back to /PTFG/ you fucking nigger.
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Not quite what you’re asking for anon but hopefully it’s close enough for you to use photoshop/ GIMP
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Summer's out already?
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Bait used to be believable
I can practically smell the new on you
Gosh I love that batpone
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I've got the one you're asking about, and have stickers of it as well. Could just put the stickers on a popsicle stick or something. Was originally in the draw thread.
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Did you just get out of secondary school buddy?
I wish
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yeah nah that is not it, but thanks anyways

Yeah that's it. What I want to do is to replicate the same sign on a carboard or something, and hang it around this little big shit's neck. I do plan on getting some stickers to give out to anons who come and give her a boop
Many such cases
Free fillies! COOL!!!
Stop leaving your beer bottles on >page 8, faggot
cum inside filly
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Ha, mouthbreather filly
shes smiling extremely you noose dangler
She doesn't have nostrils
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>Anonfilly thinks that she is better than Anon because she had a bigger dick than Anon has before she came to Equestria.
"Why are you looking at my dick you faggot?"
>Anon takes a moment to ponder why he didn't turn into a pony upon appearing in Equestria.
>Anon realizes that penis size is the determining factor that decides if you stay as a human or become a pony.
>Anonfilly calls Anon a dicklett and threatens to tell his waifu that he has a little pecker
>Anon rapes Anonfilly for laughing at his totally average sized dick.
>They both call each other faggots the whole time and then agree to meet up again later. . .
Anon filly is almost always an earth pony, but between the other two options is pegasus Anonfilly or unicorn Anonfilly more common?
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Pegafillies are the biggest sluts.
>Poni wears mask for no reason
>Despite ears being on top of head, draws the ear loops going around the sides of head
What a retard
Why do government bootlickers let a government mandate from a couple years ago seep into their personality so much that they start making OCs that wear masks and shit?
Because they don't have a personality and so have to adopt whatever traits the authorities (whatever those are for the bootlicker) tell them to.
It's also why all legbutts have identical personalities of "obnoxious entitled prick".
I've only heard the term in the context of the ultra-fat. The saggy fat on their limbs form butt-like protuberances.

Are you talking about fatties?
The image is from 2020 and the bat-pony doing the boop is a variation on Corona-Chan. The only other case of the artist drawing a pony with the mask on I can find is an "anniversary" thing. It isn't "for no reason", it's the "well behaved" one following the then-contemporary advice, and it didn't "seep into their personality", they just made a few images with it as a topic.
Porona came about from me offering to pay the commission rate for any artist who wanted to do Coronapone. One of 'em designed that bap and sent the files over saying "here are transparent poronas" and here we are. It was a way to help out artists who had just had their convention income removed, and I got a cute pone out of it.
Any good greens where Anonfilly is the daughter of Anon and a pony, thus a pony from the start and not a transformed human?

I did see a prompt once where she's the daughter of Anon and Bombshell or whoever that OC is.
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Oh my god, shut up. Nobody cares, you've been at this for over 3 years now. If I knew of any I wouldn't tell you anyways because you're such a colossal faggot.
There was one where filly was a daughter of Anon and Redheart, but it was of the RGRE variety.
As far as I remember it was good. Might be worth asking there if you're interested.
>longfilly vs yllifgnol
The final battle for our nuggies has begun.
Write one if you want it this badly.
It's really fucking good but it ended after 4 chapters due to NOF/Fuggman getting off the ride.
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>it ended after 4 chapters due to NOF/Fuggman getting off the ride
>NOF — aka "Not One Finished"
>not knowing anonfillies just absorb air
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>faggot detector
it's actually detects her and not fillies in the wall, the rees from the wall are your schizophrenia
Hey, these are stallions!
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>Filly secretly films Anonstallion getting his ponut pounded by whatever floozy he picked up at that weird seafood bar
>Sells it as amateur gay porn after some minor editing, as well as blurring out the faces and the butt stamps
>one of Anon's "dates" turns out to be his fan
>he can't believe he's dating a famous gay porn model
>Anon's butt clenches so hard at that it nearly cuts off the circulation to the guy's horsecock
>demands more details or he can say goodbye to his dick
>one angry gay sex scene later, Anon is stomping towards the Twiggles' eyesore of a castle
>intent on turning the little green goblin inside out, then demand his cut
>the lil' shid laughs in his face and tells him to get fucked
>he replies that he already did that with a shit-eating grin
"I know, I was just about done blurring out the guy's face. Some angry fucking that was, got my filly bits all-"
>"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR YAOI FETISH! I want my fucking cut!"
>proceeds to throw a massive bitch fit like the bratty bottom he is
>threatens to tell on her to Twilight if she doesn't cut him in
>she threatened to tattle to Twilight about him turning the local stallions gay faster than even Rainbow Dash can
>seriously, she should learn some fucking manners or something, it's not even funny anymore
>filly refuses to share the profits
>as the fag Anon pointed out, he's the one that gets fucked
>…to which the filly asked why he's not the one DOING the fucking
>making him blush fiercely and sputter some half-baked insults
>eventually they decided on a deal
>he's doing the easy part and gets his fag button booped
>filly is doing the filming and editing, thus obviously deserving a bigger cut
>and if he doesn't like it he can edit that shit on his own
>also market and sell it, and whip the fans into donating frenzy
>thoroughly dominated, fag Anon concedes and accepts what little he'll be getting
>which is still more than an honest day's work so he's just being a stingy bitch
>meanwhile the filly can have all the tendies she could want
>…and some occasional bling to flex on Tiara
>Capitalism ho!
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>blurring out the faces and the butt stamps
how would actually ponies stay anonymous for selling clop? i feel like censoring faces and buttmarks isn't enough. maybe they should as well greyscale the image or something
See, this is always the funny thing about 4chan, people being anonymous, yet everyone always trying to deduce which individuals posted what, and being wrong 99% of the time.

I have no idea what you're talking about as I'm not a avid frequenter of this general, but I'm assuming this idea has been brought up more than a few times in the last three years, and now you believe whenever it is, it's the same person.
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Mane and coat dyes, fake cutiemarks, and masks. Pretty much the same stuff we use.
For most ponies, a covered/fake cm would be enough, if they look like your average horse Joe.
A distinctive face would need blurring or a mask, mane+coat color combo can be hidden by dyeing.

But if you've got a distinctive build like that of Big Mac or Bulk Biceps? Well, some things you simply can't hide, especially if they're part of the package you're selling.
So just pile on as much as you can to create sufficient deniability, then deny any and all accusation, and hope for the best.
This topic sounds interesting I wish there were a comic about it. Perhaps, I could draw it as well but I don't have any good ideas for the plot.
Imagine getting a cutie mark for pole dancing
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>be filly
>get cutie mark for pole dancing
>tell mom that is a fireman pole
>she didn't find out
>grow up
>now you have to work as a fireman
>actually fires rarely occur in equestria so you spent most of the time presenting for stallions
Maybe a simple slice-of-life about the day-to-day life of a clop model?
What he or she does on stage, and what they're like in daily life, and how do these two may overlap.
There's gotta be more to them than just someone who makes ponies horny.

Regardless of whether you make it about Anon, whatever form he may take, or some one-off OC, that still sounds like an interesting topic to explore.
Godspeed in your creative pursuits anon.
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>>Be Me
>>Be a gamer
>>Plays COD fish, TF2, Blyat Strike:Cykan offensive, Overwaifuwatch 2, and other games normies play
>>Slams keyboard
>Cykan offensive
Shit taste. "B Rush" was better in every way.
Okay question autist
Movie night with my fillers. LETS GOOO
Photo taken moments before the Bureau of Anonfillies, Twizzlers and Faggotry shot her teddy bear
Fuck taxes
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>the weak should fear the strong
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her expression when at rest
No thoughts only filly
Ok Steve Wilkerson from Minnesota, 2nd Street #351 age 27 unmarried dating a 26yo girl IP
I like to imagine that I got it exactly right from guessing in an alt universe and you are now freaking out.
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ummm jannies??? doxxing is illegalllll
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uh oh
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She's become too powerful
Filly has regained her boomer powers. Purple doesn't stand a chance now.
What's she gonna do? Devastate the economy and force crippling debts on her?
That actually sounds pretty hot. Assuming you don't want to risk the dye washing off with just a bit of sweat or an accidental water spill or something, it'd probably need to be pretty good dye, and that means not something you'd just apply for one evening or session since it'd be too much hassle. They'd probably live something more like a double life, with periodic weekends or stints at the club where they get dyed and put on their escort persona for days at a time, then painstakingly wash it off once it's time to go back to normal life.
>Anonfilly is a boomer that died of ass cancer and reincarnated as a pone.
>Anon is the typical "Woke up in the everfree" Anonymous.
>One day Anonfilly is being a little faggot and telling Anon how if he wants to ever get a mare, he needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps and make something of himself.
>Anon just replies "Okay Boomer" and leaves.
>Anonfilly scrunches at being by some yuppy faggot.
>Twilight overhears the end of their conversation and asks what a Boomer is.
>Anonfilly doesn't want to talk to her about it and runs off.
>Twilight goes to ask Anon what a Boomer is.
>Anon tells her that Boomers are magically unstable humans that are unable to release built up magic in their bodies. Because of that, they can cause very large magical explosions of upset or when in danger.
>Anon then tells Twilight that it is how it was how Anonfilly died in her past life as a human and mentions that it is really too bad that Anonfilly was born an earth pony instead of a unicorn who could have used magic to expend the magical buildup.
>"Ponies have a much larger Mana pool than humans have. A human exploding would destroy a couple houses at most, but a pony? A pony may destroy half of ponyville!"
>After seeing Twilight's pinprick eyes, Anon snickers to himself as he heads home.
>Twilight let's everypony know to be super nice to Anonfilly.
>She even tackles Diamond Tiara at one point she sees her picking on Anonfilly.
>Boomer Anonfilly is extremely confused as to why everybody is looking at her with either fear or pity and especially why ponies are starting to avoid her.
Spergle would take that seriously, kek
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Pocket Sweetie, free to good home
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Are you in the right thread?
Am I?
You’re in the wrong thread anon, the anonfilly thread is a few pages to the right
One would assume a Pocket Sweetie is more portable than a Sweetie Classic, therefore she fits right in any thread you can bring her to
Fuck you
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get back to pg1, you little shit
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Filly is trying to escape! Send the hellspawn after her!
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>Doesn't need wheels
>Doesn't even need legs anymore
Trixie truly is Great and Powerful
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Petting Anonfilly
Booping the little fillendo right on the snooter
Gliding your hand along the filly's mane
Scritching behind the filler's ear and watching her lean into it
Squeezing the filfil's face and watching her blush
Picking up the fillerino and telling her how adorable she is
Watching fillenium nuzzle into your chest in a futile attempt to hide her embarrassment
Holding the lil fil's hooves
[Spoiler]Kissing the filly[/spoiler]
Goodnight fillies
Epic spoiler fail
I want to be hate-cuddled by anon...
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I hate typing with hooves
highlight text
[Spoiler]That way you don't mistype your tags.
I've been re-reading "Mommy" and couldn't help myself from editing the thing to correct the terrible grammar and emphasize some moments.
Would anyone be interested in this rewrite?
I'm not the original author, just a grammar autist.
>He says while messing up his spoiler tags
I don't remember the green but if you're already doing the edits anyway, then do post them - especially if you think it's an enjoyable story. Have your work at least be available in case anyone does want it; and if the plot is good, you'll be salvaging it by making it actually readable.
It's the 2012ish green where Twiggles turns anon into anonfilly and anon loses (permanently) all his memories, so twiggles becomes his(her?) mom, and she hates (hated? spoilers I guess) with a passion, to the point of beating her constantly. Mind you that here, anon fully turns into a 4 year old filly, mind and all, so from her eyes, she's being a bad filly and gets punished.
It then takes a tonal shift when Anonfilly tries to take the pain away by eating some painkillers and falls into a coma for a couple months, during which Twilight is dying inside for having driven her child to do that.
There are 3 endings, the canon good one, and 2 alts, one where Filly gets kidnapped and raped and another where it turns out that Filly's forced transformation spell was miscast so she has 6 months to live, tops. This last one hits different, good sad prose. Without going too purple with it.
I manually typed out the last one. I was trying to get it to mess up exactly the same, but, yeah, it looks like I messed up messing it up.
Oh right, that one! Personality death is one thing that's truly icky to me so I probably won't re-read it regardless, but my point still stands that if you're editing it anyway then no reason not to post your work for others to enjoy.
>The Princess of Friendship lobotomizes Anon and then beats him.
You need better "friends".
Remember that this was made during the hyper edgy phase of the fandom, all the way back to 2015 (just checked). That's almost 10 years ago.
You're off by a few years...
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filly is very weak to flirting
I wish to get a hold of a socially weak and vulnerable anonfilly and mold her to my desires
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That's quite the spud of a filly
There's technically an ending 4, though most don't know. It should really be on the doc, and I'll add it in a bit. It's incomplete.
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Blank flank
Flank blank
>There's a scare spreading through Ponyville
>So called "Defloration Parties" have become popular with the younglings
>The Mane six are worried that the CMC might get involved in something like this
>Anon tells them not to worry
>Scares like this spread all the time back on Earth, and they were always totally baseless
>If they're so baseless, they contend, then Anon wouldn't mind going undercover as a filly to find out for sure
>It's a bit contrived, but Anon agrees
>Becomes the little filly, meets up with the CMC
>He starts to think that something's up, they're throwing around a lot of innuendo and planning something in secret
>Right as he's about to blow the lid on the whole operation, it's revealed to be a surprise party for Twist
>Anon calls in the false alarm, the Mane 6 six are relieved
>Everypony learns a valuable lesson about trust
>Twilight tells him to enjoy the party, and to come by her castle afterwards to regain his humanity
>Then she closes communications for the final time
>As the party begins to wind down, Applebloom tracks him down and leads him away to a shed tucked away on the corner of the property
>As soon as the door opens, the strong scent of sex fills his little nose
>Twist pants as Rumble pulls his dripping cock out of her
>There's a click from behind him as the door is locked
>"Hey guys, got another one here that hasn't been bred yet!"
>His blood runs cold as a large colt who looks like he's been held back a few grades saunters up to him
>"She's a real cutie, ain't she? I'll take this one."
>You are Anon.
>You are a filly now.
>Twilight faggot fuck-face cunt Sparkle turned you into a filly.
>You walk down the road, kicking a tin can with a sour look on your face.
>Holy shit, it sucks being a horse.
>Even worse, a female.
>But the worst thing-
>You stop and look behind you.
>He's still following you.
>Applejack's creepy brother has been following you around for several days now.
>He never says anything.
>Only creeps twenty feet behind you.
>Sporting a large swinging erection.
>You stop and whip around.
>Big Mac hides behind a tree.
>Fucking creep.
>You turn back around and keep walking.
>His hoof steps start up again behind you.
>You stop and brush your tail aside, exposing your privates.
>You look around while screaming this.
>Unfortunately, no other ponies are around.
"Uh oh..."
>Big Mac begins to charge at you, hearts in his eyes and big cock swinging.
>You take off running toward home.
>Fuck this place.
>Fuck Twilight.
>Fuck ponies.

>"Anon, you have to be more careful... You're not some big human male anymore."
>Twilight rubs your head and you pull away.
"You don't think I know that?"
>You flick your tail uncomfortably.
"It's bad enough I have to be on red alert for Applejack's creepy brother rapist, but-"
>You turn and pull your tail aside, pointing at your vagina.
"I thought having one of these would be awesome!"
>Twilight blushes and turns away, "Anon, please!"
"NO! I'm serious, do you know how much a horse vagina stinks? Of course you do, you have a BIG GAPING ONE!"
>Twilight grabs your hoof and pulls it up, raising you off the ground.
>She casts a look of fury upon you.
>Suddenly you have an idea.
>Twilight wants you to be a good little filly.
>She hates it when you're vulgar.
>So the logical thing to do would be to-
"Suck dick..."
>Twilight gives you a confused look and sets you down.
>"What did you say?"
>You laugh and point at her.
"That's right! I'm going to suck dick! A lot of dick! Like, all the dicks! I'm going to become Ponyville's cocksleeve! I'll be the biggest little filly whore Equestria has ever seen!"
>Twilight flushes bright scarlet, "ANON STOP!"
"HAHAHA! That's right, Twilight! I'll suck so much fucking stallion cock, they'll name me the Element of Slurp! I'll take so much dick in this little filly cunt, they'll tell tales about 'the filly filled with semen' long after Celestia dies! I'll take so much dick in my ass that-"

>You sit on your bed, rubbing your sore cheek.
>Twilight slapped your cheek and grounded you for a week.
>Tears well up in your eyes.
"What a cunt... SHE could use some dick..."
>She'll pay for this.
>Maybe you can get Big Mac to rape her.
>You start to laugh quietly.
>Twilight shouts from her room upstairs.
>Fuck this place.

>Even though you are grounded, Twilight made you go to Applebloom's stupid birthday party.
>This is gay.
"This is gay."
>Applebloom gives you a hollow look, "What's wrong, Anon?"
>Well for one, you're in their gay little tree house.
>Two, you're sitting at a table for a tea party.
>Three, Twilight made you wear a frilly saddle that can only be taken off with her magic.
"Can't we do something... I dunno, cool?"
>Sweetie Belle raises her hoof, "OH! OH HOW ABOUT WE SING A SOOOOOOONG~?!"
"Fuck no."
>You brush your plastic tea cup off the table and frown.
>Scootaloo rubs her chin, "We could play truth or dare."
>Applebloom and Sweetie bell squeal, clopping their hooves.
"Sure. Fuck it, why not? Just no weird shit."
>Big Mac's head pops up in the doorway of the tree house.
>He stares at you with wide eyes.
>"Y'all girls playin' truth or dare?"
>You get up and back away.
>Applebloom looks excited, "Mah big bruther should join in too!"
>Big Mac hoists his big ass into the tree house and sits at the table, inches from you.
"No. I'm not playing if this creep is!"
>You feel Big Mac's hoof creep along your flank under the table and slap it away.
>"Me first!" Sweetie Belle squeaks.
>She looks at Big Mac and giggles, "Truth or dare?"
>The stallion grabs your hoof and tries to bring it to his swollen member under the table.
>Sweetie Belle shifts her mischievous gaze to you, "I dare you to kiss Anon..."
>In an instant, Big Mac has you pinned to the floor with his tongue down your throat.
>Your feeble filly body can't even budge his hooves pinning you down.
>His hard cock slides around on your belly, already oozing pre-cum.
>The thing could skewer a fucking walrus.
>Instead of helping, the crusaders all hoot and cheer, watching you be molested.


>You are Twilight.
>Having trouble focusing on your reading.
>You hope Anon is behaving.
>She's going to have to just accept her punishment and the fact that she's a filly now.
>She'll be just fine.
Pedo Mac is something that I never really considered. Kinda funny to be honest.
One must imagine the filler happy
Excuse me, do you know how to get to Ponyville?
Never ask an Anonfilly for directions. You will fall into a death trap and she will laugh as you are eaten alive by giant worms and bugs like in that king Kong movie.
You can easily make the filly happy by presenting a 20-pc box of McNuggets.
Pizza works too.
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And ice cream, Doritos, and Xbox.
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>One must imagine the filler happy
Because you sure as shit won't see it any other way. Fag.
All I can hear is the higher tempo, upbeat version of "You Are My Sunshine", like Jimmie Davis's or Gene Autry's renditions.
For me, it's I Wish I Was In Dixie Land
for me it's anonfilly.mp3
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A war is coming...
Good ending
Gaggle of anonfillies reenacting Civil War battles
The fuck is your problem? I just wanted to post a happy filly. Here's a happy filly with peetzer.
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What is this faggy shit?
A real filly would START a civil war!
Reminder that Mommy (Twilight) loves me because I'm a good little filly and the rest of you suck ass.
Only because you're the only one who gets excited when she magicks a dick onto herself faggot
fresh filler hot right off the press
At least I get laid shitlips
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Lay off the peetzer you thick fuck
qtqt ear fluff :)))
The insect of butter has been observed
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Hispanic filly that has a ¿ cutiemark instead when
Make her a princess so she can kick off one of those shoes to throw like a chancla
Very cute
Some namefag on the mlpol thread used to go by "Nueve" with a gimmick of speaking in broken english and art was drawn of the namefag as a filly with such a cutie mark, but I don't have the image saved.
That's too much power for a filly.
Even a based hispanic filler.

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