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A quest about finding a way out of a cursed forest and defeat wicked beasts to help your companions.

>Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40996849/

>Previous threads but it’s a paste: https://ponepaste.org/9167
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After you defeated her, Black Fang came back stronger still, and at the moment she seems ready to crush you to dust. You don’t think you have much hope to fight back here, so you run away from the mare that’s over twice your size.

By the time you make it back to the settlement, the sky has turned to the colours of dusk. Your companions left the gate open as they awaited your return, and Chord Care is the first to notice you from the guard tower as you arrive through the wall. Soon, the mares of varying sizes gather around you, relieved to find you alive, but a little angsty that Verdant isn’t with you. If it goes the same way it did before, the guardsmare should reappear the next day in the village.

“How did it go today, Lance?” Frog Chaser is the first to ask. “You’re looking rather fine. But Verdant, she’s not with you because of… the usual, right?”
“Yes. I merely lost sight of her. We’ll see her again tomorrow.” You reply with a nod. “Now, on the bright side, I could bring some more essences back.” You show your loot to your friends. “But, however… I encountered that witch again. I could beat her this time, but she didn’t stay down and she, well, became a bigger problem than before.” You look toward Sand Carrot. “About as big as you at this point.”
“Oh, geez…” Frog Chaser frowns. “That’s gonna be an issue if beating her doesn’t keep her down.”
“I’m sorry.” Graces adds. “I’ve yet to understand from the light how we can get through this mare.”
“Now, now, I don’t think that’s a problem we’ll solve by beating yourselves down.” Sand Carrot attempts to show a big smile to the rest of the group. “Lustre came back alright, and that’s what matters. I’m gonna prepare dinner for everypony so we can all calm down.” And then the large mare turns to you. “I can help you get cleaned up too if you want, Lance, now or later. You still got yourself a couple bruises today.”

>What do?
>Accept Sand Carrot’s offer?
>Give an essence to somepony?

>You have 2 essences
>You have 1 big essence
Accept Sand Carrot's offer. Did Frog Chaser dig up anything today as well?
Not sure who to use the big essence on yet, but using it on our blacksmith is tempting so we can get higher quality armor and weapons. Can't fully rely on items all the time.
Yes let's accept Sand carrot offer plus it will be wise to give the big essence to Scoria our blacksmith since black fang got bigger there may be more stronger enemies in the forest now so we're going to need better equipment to fight them and to last out in the field longer do it and I can tell that Scoria will love the idea about being a giant mare around the village let's see how much more efficient she can be.
I would wait until tomorrow to see the next mare's appearance before making the choice. Granted, it's going to be hard to beat a blacksmith, but better to have an idea of our options.
No way hose beside we can't just give the big essence to a newcomer the next day they need to spend a day around the village first so they can learn how to adapt to the situation besides if we give it to Scoria now then she'll get a headstart making powerful weapons and armors for Verdant and Lance.
Fair enough points. Don't know if Scoria will get materials to create those armaments when she grows (most likely since it'd be pointless growth otherwise) but her making better equipment is going to matter in the long run anyways.
I'd say to not accept Sand offer due to our encounter, I wouldn't look at a mare that large the same way after being on risk of being pummelled by her, something we hadn't felt before coming from Sand but now being aware of
Yet, I agree about giving scoria the big orb and none for the newcomer. Also I wonder if we can give a small orb for Sand to experiment and make a dish with to boost everyone temporarily or something
For the last small orb, giving it to chord care would do anything? I say we should at least try, if as an apology for angering her...even if I don't remember why, but I remember the bard mare being mad.

Also, on that note, I hate how fags jumped at getting together with Verdant instead of leaving things open, but too late now I suppose...
*Risk of being pummeled by one as large as her
Not literally by Sand
Give the orb to the blacksmith and accept Sand carrot offer it will give us an excuse to spend time with her plus maybe if she's willing maybe sand carrot will allow us to sleep with her since she three times the size of verdant and can fill in the spot until verdant comes back.
Oh heck yeah accept the giant mare offer now as for the big orb I want to give it to Grace to see whether or not the essence will grant her back her legs so she can walk on all fours again, but I hate to admit it but the safety of the village must come first we need more defensive measures and Scoria is the mare who can provide that for us. Perhaps we can tell Grace that the next time we get another big essence we're make sure to give it to her she doesn't deserve to live with a disability handicap and we'll prove that to her by giving her one of our comforting hugs she loves so much to audicate our promise towards her.
Yes to Sand's offer. Before we start using our essences, I'd like to run a few tests with the basic one.
“And next…” After stashing the new essence you bring out the big one and present it to Scoria. “… I think it’s better if you have his one.”
“Okay!” The blacksmith mare doesn’t need to be told twice and grabs the orb without any more ceremony. The evening is illuminated by a flash of magic as the energy of the essence is absorbed by Scoria’s body. In front of you, the mare soon doubles in size, growing a bit taller than Frog Chaser, yet still quite far from reaching the size of Sand Carrot. The blacksmith mare’s limbs, neck and everything else also get thicker, and as the light subsides you can see that it’s mostly a lot of muscle she gained.

“Oh, wow! What a rush!” The now large and muscular mare exclaims, while she marvels at her new self. As her eyes fall on you again, the smile she can’t refrain looks a little smug. “Well, hello there little guy! You’re looking a bit puny all of a sudden, Lance.”
“And you sure look like you’re enjoying this.” You comment. “But how about we talk business a little? Do you think you could make even better weapons now?”
“You bet I could! I feel like I could mold a chunk of steel with my bare hooves right now. But still…” The blacksmith mare looks at her house which sized up in proportion to her owner. “Give me a few minutes to look around this little gem of a workshop, I’ll tell you if I have the tools and materials I need for some new blades and armour.”

“Sure. While you’re at it, I’ll take you up on your offer for a scrub, Sand Carrot.”
“Of course!” The mare nods. “It’ll be easier if you come to my house. The guardshouse might be a little small for me, and I’ll be able to heat some water on the stove while I put the food to cook too.”
There’s no reason for you to refuse, so you follow Sand Carrot into her home. The place has a pleasant smell of aromatic herbs, and the neatly cleaned but oversized equipment awakens a blurry nostalgic feeling in you. This is what a family home must have looked like to the colt you once were. The house is just one huge room, with all the cooking equipment on one side, shelves full of sacks and jars of food and herb one the other with the bed of the big mare in an alcove next to a window in the back.

>What do?
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Sand Carrot brings out a wooden washbasin from under the shelves, and it’s big enough you could take a bath in it. For now, you just step inside and let Sand Carrot pour hot water on you, and then scrub your back with a piece of cloth imbued with soap. Despite her prodigious size, Sand Carrot’s touch is as gentle as always, and the hoof she drapes around to hold you in place is enough to feel like a hug already.

“I’m going to make my signature soup again.” Sand Carrot starts chatting while she washes you. From the way she’s going, she won’t stop at just the unreachable parts of your back and scrub you entirely clean. “Frog Chaser loves that one! Verdant likes it too, I mean, I believe so… she’s a bit hard to read. I’m happy that you’re a couple with her, Lance! The two of you really look like you go along, well, when she’s here. Oh! I know, I’ll save her portion for tomorrow…”

>What do?

Ignore the what do of the previous post
Umm hey sand carrot would it be okay if you would smuggling with me in bed tonight since Verdant isn't here would you be happy to keep me company for today?!
That's a very good idea. Verdant with no doubt appreciate that. Verdant may be...well Verdant, but she's a more caring mare she really shows.
Can't think of anything else but checking up on Scoria to check if she found anything new in her workshop after a few minutes. If not, maybe a small essence will get the materials she needs to get started tomorrow?
Keep it in horny anon.
What's wrong with a mare sharing a bed with a stallion the size of (in comparison) a colt?
I had a couple of experiments I wanted to do with the small essence once we got some privacy.
What are those experiments?
You are right about that me and verdant do seems like we can actually hit off, but can I be honest with you Sand what Me and Verdant has you coulda had that with me first before her if you had been more active on getting my attention. I know you had some feelings for me but you kept them reserve because you felt that you were outmatch with frog chaser advances towards me, however you didn't have to match her way of flirting just do it in a way that feels right for you and who knows maybe I woulda been putty in your hooves right now. And well here's the thing ok me and verdant are dating now but who's say it will even last for a long time maybe it might not work out or if it will then perhaps me and her might one day want to consider being more open minded about our relationship towards others. You might still have a chance for a happy ending for love yourself Carrot. Hold on to that Dreaming Hope!
Too many things wrong here to name, so I'm just going to save the spiel and just say not this.
Or something good might happened seriously man sometimes there are some things that are worth the risk to fight for and I'm fighting for the harem path for the 4 mares who actually has feelings for the main character.
A couple ideas I had for possibly using an essence for ourself, but they're all longshots.
Way to direct. If you want to pursue the harem path, ya gotta be subtle to the point that you can always laugh off whatever is said, else you'll chase away everybody including Verdant. Better to find them embers of the feelings they had for us and gradually rekindle them. Make it so that they try to seduce us and than play hard to get.
I'll support the harem path once you have a better silver tongue and strategy anon.
Are you by any chance actually anti-harem and are trying to sabotage us? Also, are you by any chance one of the guys that hit on Chord Care immediately after we announced we were with Verdant?
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“I’m sure she’ll love that.” You say with a chuckle while you enjoy the hot water and soothing touch of Sand Carrot’s hoof. “She’s more caring than she lets on, you know?”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that.” Sand Carrot nods. “She’s always looking out for everpony else. A bit like you do, Lance.”

You remain silent as Sand Carrot finishes to wash you. You want to ask the big and soft mare if you could sleep and snuggle with her tonight, or even tell her you want to love her just as much as Verdant, but you keep these thoughts locked in your mind for now. It’s only this morning that you announced you were in a couple with Verdant, so you’re not sure it’s a good idea to let your desires for other mares run wild so soon.
Well… The part about loving her, you’re about sure this is off limit at the time, but shouldn’t platonic friends be able to share a bed and some body warmth without shame in such difficult times?

The farmer mare is done cleaning you by the time you can figure out a definitive answer to that. Your body relieved from the stress of the day, you and Sand Carrot join the rest of your friends for dinner. You had a hint the soup would be good from the smell you experienced earlier, and the dish indeed lives up to your culinary expectations.

“Sorry, Lance.” Scoria soon speaks up. “I got all the tools I need in the smithy, they’re even at a proper size for me to use, but I got no material at all. That’s a real shame, but I can’t make anything at the moment. But you know… at this point I feel like I should come with you in the forest if I don’t have anything to work on during a day. Just with the tools I have I feel like I could probably break a beast’s kneecap or two.”

>Give some essence to Scoria? 1 essence, more, or a glowing essence if you combine all 3?
>Ask Sand Carrot if you could spend the night next to her?
>Attempt something to absorb an essence for yourself once you’re alone?

>What do?
She's free to join and crush as many beasts as she wants! Maybe that'll get them to take them and Verdant seriously instead of focusing on us so dang much! Also, in terms of having materials, we'll likely give them to her in the morning after we do a couple of more experiments on the essence we do have currently.

Maybe anon will now tell us what experiments they want to do instead of being vague about it. Spend the night alone in Verdant's bed as well.
Give 1 basic essence to Scoria to see if it becomes material.
In that case, Verdant and I could use another ally in the fight against the monsters in the forest Scoria so we can have an easier time to get more essences needed to for you to get the materials for your blacksmith armory and to level up more of our friends.

Giving Scoria an essence now will be pointless it's going to need a glowing essence or another big one If she'll gonna get the resources needed so we'll hang onto to it for ourselves for now. As for the testing it out when we're alone let's try it out maybe we could absorb the essence we just need to do it in a alternate way that only works for us alone.

Finally, after our attempts to somehow absorb the essence into us and depending how much time will pass in the village if she's stilI up and available I would want us to ask Sand if we can spend the night with her if not asking frog chaser will be too risky, so asking Graces will be more safer since she doesn't have a problem wanting to snuggle up close to us tightly and full of warmth it makes her feel whole again so we should give her that passionate feeling once the opportunity presents itself!
>Giving Scoria an essence now will be pointless
Growing her didn't create material, so giving her the basic essence that has been turned into consumable resources multiple times before does have merit.
Huh having Scoria in the expedition with us means a three pony squad against the monsters in the forest might give us the edge we need and if you think about it we haven't tried that before so something new might happen as a result, let's test it out the next day shall we. Next on the agenda, being able to sleep with sand has a 50-50 success rate she'll be concerned but if we're careful on what we say carrot will be okay with it, but depending how the situation will go it always a good idea to have a backup plan in place in case we couldn't ask her or she's becoming uncomfortable with the idea. Graces is the only viable pony who Chord told us who's feelings for us is misinterpreted she does has feelings for us but she thinks it just platonic unless we show her otherwise which in turn will allow her to discover more about herself and want to sincerely seeks us out and love us more.
Even if I am lightheartedly inviting Scoria out to join us in the forest in my own post, I do think we should wait before experimenting before bringing her with us. More ponies with us might increase the overall threat of the beasts we face, and I'd rather we meet to talk with Black Fang before we test that theory out with Scoria's inclusion. After all, we don't really have the health or tankiness to deal with huge threats, without resorting to running or items.

...Also, like the other anon said, are you trying to sabotage us? The hell is with the insistence on getting someone to cuddle with us after recently getting in a relationship?
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“More of us to fight those beasts can only be a good thing.” You nod at the blacksmith mare. “When we have a good occasion, I’d be happy to count on you out there. Maybe our foes will finally stop targeting me only with you in the way.”
“Heh. You can count on me, Lance!” Scoria smiles back. “And I’m glad to hear you’re not going to treat me like a damsel to protect. You can stand behind me all you want! Together, we’ll crush them beasts before they can give a scratch to anypony at all!”

After the fights of the day, the time is soon ripe to go to bed.
But in the dim light of Verdant’s room, you attempt to get some power out of the essences for yourself, but don’t get any more results than the other times you tried. You can’t eat them, you can’t cut them in pieces, and trying to press them against yourself or between your hooves doesn’t yield any kind of result. The essences remain completely inert under your touch.

After half an hour of this, the rest of the hamlet has fallen silent as everypony else went to sleep.
There’s still some dim lights coming from the places of Sand Carrot and Graces, so this could be your last chance if you want to try and interact with them today. You could even do so with quite discretely now that you have the cover of the night…

>What do?
Let's go to Grace and check in on how she's doing and then ask her if she would be willing to spend the night with us.
I wanna see sand carrot snuggle lance up like he's a soft plush to her but after reading the post where we shouldn't let our desires for the other mares run too wild just yet seems to me we have to do this delicately if we actually want to have any chances of the mares to be our special somepony too. So we'll play it safe and go sleep cuddling with Grace instead of taking a bold high risk-high reward with the triple size mare we don't want to make her feel bad about trying to be close to us. Therefore, lance being with grace will cause less suspicion and won't raise any red flags for there to be any sort of bad tension to happen in the village.
Just go to bed alone.
Even if Grace accepts, how do you guys plan on getting her to be silent on the matter with others if she sees cuddling as no big deal? Or do you guys really plan on telling her to explicitly stay silent and add more moving pieces that will potentially fall?
I say we kill two birds with one stone sleeping with Graces will allow both characters to get what they want Grace will feel the warm soft tight comfort of a stallion she trusts and is fond of and Lance will get to subtly bond with her discreetly by telling her that once we get another big essence we'll give it to her hopefully it will restore her legs and if it doesn't we'll always be happy to lend her a helping hoof with her Bodily discomfort with or without her legs we would love to continue having close hugging sessions with her!
The tests I wanted to do was see if our equipment could absorb one (have it "grow" in our stead) an see what happens if we press it against our junk (our most bestial part). Since the mares are getting bigger, a certain part of us needs to grow as well if we're to keep up.

Kinda want to go around and check on the sleeping mares without disturbing them. Just to see how well they're doing.
Was waiting for an anon outright say the experiment (and even predicted what it would be). Now I get to only look like a partial degenerate for support trying it out!
Not supporting checking on sleeping mares though. Why are we even checking while they sleep, assuming they don't lock their doors?
Nightmares and such. I'm not perving on sleeping mares, I'm just curious about whether or not there are problems in the village that we're overlooking while focusing on combat and dating drama.
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Before anything else, you try a couple more things with the essences, but those don’t help you improve your weapons either. Neither the one for slashing, nor the one for thrusting.

As much as you feel that remaining in your own bed would be the wisest option, your curiosity gets the better of you. Quietly, you exit the guardhouse and sneak your way toward Graces’ place. There’s definitely some light coming through the stained glass. You can’t see clearly through those, but since there’s only a curtain instead of a door, you can stealthily take a peek through here.
You see Grace sitting in front of the altar, probably praying. You observe her for a while. She took her wheels off, and remain motionless for the time you look. However, about a minute in, Graces suddenly perks up and turns around to face you.

“Oh, hello Lance.” She speaks as softly as she always does. She recognized you instantly even through the curtain. “Did you need anything?”
“I… Uh, Sorry.” You stammer. “It’s just that I saw some light, and I was wondering if everything was okay.”
“Don’t worry. I’m just praying.” Graces turns back to the altar and lets out a little sigh. “…or more like… meditating I suppose. The signs of the Light are much harder to hear at night, so I feel like I’m on my ow right now.”

>What do?
Are the nights much harder for her? She knows we're here for her whenever she's facing trouble. If she wants, we can even hug and be close to each other for a moment, just like last time, so she can better meditate. We can go however long she wants or needs.
If your having trouble praying we can do it together like before after all prayers are much stronger when theirs more than one pony in agreement. So tell me what are you praying and meditating about?!
Tell me something Grace I know using those wheels really takes a toll on your body but what about your little perks underneath does it hurt them too if it does I'll be happy to help you tend and treat their injuries so you don't overexert yourself trying to mend them from the pain.
Lance begins rubbing part of Grace's cutie mark flank leading towards her missing legs"I hate seeing you like this Grace you don't deserve to live like this its hurting me inside the moment I get a big essence your the pony next on my list to get it okay I want to help you get better and the power it possess should grant you more powerful blessings, your prayers having more precise answers, and might even restore your legs we have to try".
Would you like some company?

Way too horny.

Way too much false hope.
Hey it's not false hope there's a lot we still don't know about these essences except that they basically power-ups for our friends and when they absorb them it brings back some of their memories and further develops more of their unique personalities.

And we're not doing anything wrong just offering to help her reach towards areas that she may have trouble getting to and whether or not it gets horny depends on how much more grace wants to feel it.
I believe what you're describing would be classified as sexual harassment. You're not even asking something like "would you like a massage" and just straight up grabbing her ass.

What's with anons and porn logic?
Technically It's not grabbing it feeling there's a difference! So it not sexual harassment.
>What's with anons and porn logic?
It's really beginning to look like intentional sabotage for the humor of it, judging from the severe lack of response to anons requesting on knowing what they're doing and the lack of any long term plan.
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“Would you like some company?” You ask, keeping your voice low.
“Oh, sure.” Graces smiles shines just a little brighter in the night.

You walk up to Graces and sit close to her. You’re still not particularly receptive to the mare’s beliefs, but her obvious faith is enough to comfort you.

“So, what were you praying… or meditating about?”
“I was trying to get more answers from the Light, on how we can get out of here or defeat the witch of the forest.” Graces says. “But I should know that’s too complex of an answer to figure out straight away. It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve tried this, so just another evening session surely wasn’t gonna solve everything… At this point, I think the best I can do is pray that everypony will be okay for another day.”
“Then we can pray for it together.” You offer. “That’ll have more chance our wish is heard by the light, right?”
“I think so.” Graces smiles, before letting out a little sigh. “Faith in the Light and dedication will make prayers come true. Well… That’s how it’s supposed to go. I prayed for peace the whole day, but from what you say it feels like it didn’t help at all. Maybe with your help this prayer will turn out better.”

Her voice and body remain steady as she talks, and Graces looks absolutely serene as she closes her eyes and brings her forehooves against her chest to pray. Still, her words did betray some degree of malaise.

>What do?
>Say something about it?
Mimic what Grace is doing and copy what she's saying perhaps having an additional voice will help soothe the mare's worries and pain knowing theirs somepony with her to help her through this ordeal that she's going through.
Not sure what she means about the prayer not working. We're not even sure what it was supposed to do anyway.
After we're done praying with her Lance should"Hey Grace one way or another we will get out of here count on it, until then if you need somepony to talk to or to just listen to your problems..." Lance lifts out his forehooves in a come hug me gesture"I'll always be here for you should you ever feel lonely or lost your important to me Grace and you've have a special place in my Heart"!
Will have to come back on friday probably
alright, will try to keep the thread up
Unfortunately I will have to ask o One more Day of bumps if you'd accept
No prob
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“What do you mean, it didn’t work?” You ask “I’m not sure what it was supposed to do anyway.”
“Yeah, that’s what I mean.” The cleric mare gives you a slightly sad look. “You told me my prayers helped in the past, and peace is one of the aspects of the Light that I adhere to the most. But today, it didn’t help at all so I’m… let’s say, I’m disappointed. Whether it is because my prayers weren’t good enough, or because peace can’t help us much in here, I’m a bit frustrated that it didn’t work out.”

You don’t have an answer about the specifics of her worries, but still you don’t want to just let Graces in her distress, so to her surprise you decide to take her in a hug.
“We’ll get out of here, Graces.” You say as you gently hold the mare close. “Until then, you don’t have to fight or pray alone. If you need to talk about your problems, you can always come to me. You’re important to me, okay?”
“Lance… I…” You feel her hesitate, but then she softly hugs you back “Thank you.”
“Mmh.” You nod. “So… tell me when you want to go back to your prayer.”
“Ah, don’t worry. We can pray like this, if it’s not too much trouble for you.”

You certainly don’t feel like pushing Graces away, so you pick your prayer where you left it.
Following the mare’s advice from earlier, you wish for everypony to be safe. And to whoever’s watching over you, the Light, the stars, companions from the real world, you’re glad they’re here.
After a while like this, you realise that Graces is no longer praying, and instead fell asleep in your arms.

At this point, all that’s left to do is to bring the pious mare to her bed, and after putting out the candles, you get back to the guardhouse while trying not to wake up anybody.

The next morning, you’re all first woken up by Sand Carrot’s call.
As expected, Verdant popped back into existence in the middle of the village. Sand Carrot’s helping her back on her hooves when you arrive. However, that’s the only mare you find. Unlike what you expected, no other new pony appeared today.

While you prepare breakfast, you tell Verdant what happened after she disappeared. The guardsmare frows at the idea that Black Fang became a bigger threat, but doesn’t let that get to her.
“We’ll defeat her.” She says. “I say It’s best we run away if we encounter her for now, but we’ll definitely find something against her and we’ll beat her.”

>What do?
>Ask Graces for a blessing or some insight?
>Give an essence to somepony?

>You have 3 essences that you ca merge in a glowing essence.
I want to know if everybody is single.
All right since we have 3 essences that can merge into a glowing essence give it to Scoria so she can gain the materials she needs to construct better gear for us or at least enough to build herself a weapon and armor. Next, this is strange there's always a new mare after every three days why stop now something feels off here or not right ask Grace for some insights about that. Finally, let Verdant know that now we have another big teammate to help us on our forest expedition to gain more orbs on our mission.
Combine the 3 essences to make a glowing essence so Scoria can hopefully make a weapon. If she can't or doesn't want to use her hammer as a substitute weapon, she can make one herself one before we leave. If she's fine as is, get her to make us an even better weapon for us.

Ask for general insight on how the village functions. Most important question is why there's no new mare today, but wasting an entire day's insight on that alone isn't worth it, so hopefully by asking a more general question we can answer that and learn something more we don't know already. Who knows? Maybe we may confirm that attacks only happen if we're out of commission.

Tell Verdant about the personal difficulties that Graces faces in her life, and ask if she can spend time today with her today, even going as far as staying behind for today to spend more on it for Grace. Grace shouldn't seek comfort from us alone, after all, and while Verdant isn't exactly religious, she does have the patience to be there for Grace while she prays. Reassure Verdant that we'll be fine with just Scoria. While the MAIN motivation behind this is to comfort and hopefully give Graces another friend, it might also interest the brain horny anons that Verdant 'might' sympathize with Grace and let her be with us. Again, this should never be the main goal, but the possibility should make anons happy. I stress this because the next part requires us to have the right motivation in mind.

Finally, speak with the observant fortuneteller, and apologize for what we said yesterday. While it shouldn't be her we should mainly apologize to, we do apologize for where our headspace went to yesterday. We realize now that what we said and thought was unacceptable on another level. It was frankly stupid. Hopefully, that should be enough to stem her justified distrust and anger towards us and let her help us again. If she is willing to set it all aside, have her draw a card for us.
Dude that third anon is worrying too much about saying sorry to Chord care about the harem idea he needs to get a grip man, yes he does have some points on that however we should at least be honest with care by telling her that the idea of having a herd in the village is very fonding and flattering to Lance heart and mind! And giving Scoria is the safer bet I want to see if a reaction will take place giving her materials or not for her armory. I'm pretty sure praying for insight for the whole day about why there's no new mare today is important.

I doubt we can just figure it out with general insight what the heck does that even mean a question or something?
Not this.
You're not subtle, anon.
Have we tried giving her materials with a basic essence yet? Also, she won't be able to make us anything if she's coming with us today.
Dude, why the fuck are you doubling down on prior stupidity? All this will cause is for her to go around gossiping about how fucked up we are while we're away.
You need to calm down, its a game so I'm having fun if its a problem for you then get out of here, don't play it, and go to a different cyoa story game thread thats all it takes is it really so hard to just walk away do that instead of wanting to cause trouble here with other anons and whine about it Mister or Misses!
Don't remember if she has time to smith a weapon before it's time to go, unless I'm forgetting.
That's exceptionally weak.
It's bait anon. Just vote to go against it and move on.
We had 2 essenses from the fights, no?
So you consider killing CYOAs to be fun?

+1 That Frog Chaser dug up

You gave 2 regular essences to Scoria so she could smith some armour and a sword for you a few days ago, so you suppose that if you want something better, you’ll have to give her a stronger essence. You combine the 3 essences, and give the resulting glowing essence to Scoria. Upon making contact with her hooves, the ball of light turns into a couple of metal ingots. As she starts examining them, Scoria’s eyes soon go wide with excitement.
“Ooh, Lance!” She says with a smile. “I… I think that stuff is mithril! Might be the first time I see som, but I’ll be able to make some pretty awesome pieces with this!”
“That’s good to hear.” You nod. “Would you mind starting with a sword for me?”
“With pleasure!” The blacksmith mare enthusiastically nods, and then lifts the two ingots up so the sun may reveal the blue-hued reflection on those. “I’ll need to work on it for a day, though. It would be a crime to half-ass a job on these beauties, and I wanna get started as soon as I can!”

>Scoria will make you a better sword today.

You guess that means she won’t be accompanying you should you go on an expedition today.

Next, you decide to go talk to Graces. You believe it could mean something that there isn’t any new mare in the village today, so you decide to ask Graces to pray for insight about it. And should she have an answer easily enough, you ask Graces to get more insight about how the village works in general.

>Graces will pray for insight today. You can change this until you go out on an expedition.

Another thing you meant to do is have a word with Chord Care. After that conversation you had with her the other day, you’re not sure what she thinks of you anymore, and feel that you should try to smooth things over. You hail her after breakfast.

“Hey, Chord Card.” You start, and then to get things rolling not too awkwardly. “Would you mind drawing a card for me? I’d like to see what future holds for me today.”
“Oh, but of course.” Chord Care gives you a polite smile in return, and you follow her as she goes fetch her deck in her cart.
“Also… I suppose I should apologize. I mean, no, I’m sorry Chord Care.” You force yourself to say while the musician mare shuffles the cards, impassible. “I know I said some… bad stuff to you the other day. Sorry about that.”
“Mmh… I’m not sure what you’re apologizing for, Lance.” The mare calmly replies. “Or is it that you’ve changed your mind about what you want?”
“I…” You know that’s the issue, but you can’t lie to Chord Care about this. As in, she’ll almost certainly see through it right away. “No. I still can’t help but to be tempted to give affection to all the mares here. That’s just how I feel toward everypony.”
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“Strength!” Chord Care announces as she reveals the card. “Being honest to me is a good first step I’d say, and the stars shine upon you so you may go forward.”
“That’s good fortune, right?” You force a smile on your face. “Does that mean we could… maybe set aside that talk of the other day, and that you could help me figure stuff out again about our friends again?”
“Oh, but of course!” Chord Care smiles. “Here’s the best advice I can give you. Stick to Verdant, Lance. Really. You know, in another time and place, I could have entertained myself with your attempts at being hated by several mares at once. But as much as I like romantic drama, we’re at a point where your lust could end up breaking the confidence everypony has to each other, in this little camp, in the middle of a forest, full of evil beasts. I think this could be -actually- dangerous for us given the situation we’re in, so… sorry, but you’ve made me re-evaluate my offer to you. And… I’d rather not help you hear Verdant. She’s a good girl, you know…”

“Ah, but… Please, I really could use your help.” You ask. “I don’t even know if everybody here is single.”
“Oh, come on now.” Chord Care rolls her eyes. “None of us have our memories, so we can’t know for sure, but I believe whatever happens here will be forgivable... Unless you meant to ask whether there are any couples in our little community? No, there isn’t. Unless you satisfy yourself with Verdant of course.”

>What do?
>Try to talk more with Chord Care?
>Go on an expedition?
If Scoria is willing to accept help, go help her through the process of making our new weapon. Who knows? It might speed up the process in time for her to join.
Again, ask if Verdant is willing to spend time with Graces out of worry for her. Although, Verdant will most likely join us on our expedition if Scoria won't finish in time.
>No. I still can’t help but to be tempted to give affection to all the mares here. That’s just how I feel toward everypony.
I don't know why you're giving this bait anon more say despite all the talk against it, Growfag. Especially when it comes to damning our character to having brain rot and getting locked out from personal relationship help from Chord.
Thank you for time Chord Care, but before I leave I want you to know that I don't want to intently hurt Verdant, only want her to understand that I'm not making it all about me but for the other 3 mares who still has feelings for me I want them to be happy just as much as I am making Verdant happy.

We should check in on Verdant and ask her how she feels after the bombing we thrown was she hurt from it, did she saw anything new, off, weird when she came back. Here an idea Lance looks for Verdant sees her from a distance and surprise her with a tackling hug in front of her unexpectedly and she did not see that coming anywhere lance holds her tightly and says''I'm so sorry about yesterday, I thought I'd lost you from that explosion Verdant...I miss you so much. I love you! I love you''!
Not this.
Voting to actually change our mind about wanting our other friends to Chord to get past this already. Beside that, just get ready for the expedition.
>>41109791 >>41109698
Hey you two leave that anon alone at least he's contributing on making the story interesting.
You got my vote on herding anon!
For your sake, I hope you're being intentionally obvious on what you're doing instead of thinking you're in anyway clever anon.
I'm worried we'd end up getting in her way

Stop verbalizing our lust! If you want to herd, talking about herding is the absolute WORST idea.

Us anons would have to change our minds, not Lance. So one, our even a few anons, voting is absolutely pointless.
Listening to the herders reminds me of this:
These anons have no imagination they're so narrow mind about not herding they really need to learn how to become more open-minded to it we're hooking up animals together not people sheesh are they so blind to that major fact they can't see it.
>I'm worried we'd end up getting in her way
Most likely, but doesn't hurt to ask the expert if we'll get in the way or not ahead of time. It is about time we become better friends.
>Us anons would have to change our minds, not Lance. So one, our even a few anons, voting is absolutely pointless.
Don't see why that means we must remain committed to the brain rot and get treated like an idiot by Chord, if there's such indecisiveness in the first place. Also, nothing would get done if even one anon had the power to veto what the mc motives and drives are.

Also, stop taking the bait.
One anon does have the power to derail everything. How many did it take to spill the spaghetti infront of Chord?
Two anons followed by complaints from multiple other anons against it after the fact. Never was saying it was one anon.
Disregard the last sentence from my last post anyways. Don't make sense, and don't even remember what I was trying to say.

Back on topic, how many anons will it take to make it clear to fix this and change our desire for herding the village? I'll even support >>41109791, even if my first post was clear on where I stood.
I, for one, wouldn't mind strict monogamy if it was only about ponies in the camp. But what are we supposed to do about Fang and her precarious existential status? Play hard to get like a faggot? Or legitimately attempt to break up with her and leave her alone with her mission?
I enjoy seeing Lance having this strange close fondness with Black Fang and would love to see her being a part of Lance's herd.
With how the god has latched onto her, it's kinda inevitable we face each other, especially with how often we run across each other as is in our expeditions. As for what to do with her, that depends on Fang's philosophy. If she's absolutely psychotic, then the most we'll probably do is be a faggot and play hard to get with her. If her philosophy isn't entirely evil, then I'm fully happy giving in and working with her. Yes, that'll break Verdant's heart when she finds out, and even go against the wishes of the entire village, but secretly working with a dominant and lewd mare like Fang, who's able to keep up with up with our lewdness, and is happy to listen to any changes we suggest, is more fun in my opinion. At least that's more fun than intentionally acting like an idiot, like what anon is doing here. Looking forward to seeing her this expedition and learning more about her personally.
I'm okay with herding as long as we don't ruin relationships or convince others to hate us in the process.
I'm okay with herding as well. It just shouldn't be our reason or motivation to be around our friends. It should just be a happy coincidence and compromise that we arrive to if it ever comes up, like in the process of helping Graces for example.
Yes, it has to be the mares that bring it up, not us.
Well, there is the third option of which involves becoming the pony representitive to get ponies and monsters closer, if Fang has any control or say on how they act. Really tie the unity of both by doing the most primal thing two beings can do. Breeding. Curious if gods can do such a thing and have lasting lineage.
On a slightly more serious note, it's best just to just wait for answers. Speculation on our potential options is fun though.
Aye yahh can't Growfag answer back faster and more often it's taking him or her so longer lately like a whole entire day is needed instead of every few hours.
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“I… Thanks for the talk, Chord Care.” You nod slightly. “Just, please, I guess you don’t think much of me at the moment, but I ask you to believe I really don’t plan to hurt anypony, Verdant or another mare.”
“Let’s hope you act up on that thought, then.” Chord Care says before walking away.

At this moment, you feel foolish. This whole idea of every mare you meet becoming your marefriend just seems like a teen’s lewd dream you should have outgrown long ago. The time feels right to get a hold on yourself, and wholeheartedly commit to loving Verdant… but the issue is, you don’t know how long you resolve will last. Now, you believe you’re done just telling Chord Care about such plans, and you probably won’t try to hit on another member of the camp, but you don’t know how you would react if, let’s say, Graces, Sand Carrot, or Frog Chaser made a move on you. You fear that you may not have the heart to refuse.

And let’s not even talk about the most devilishly lusty of all the mares of this reality, Black Fang. Not only does the witch probably have the means to force herself on you at this point, but her sensuality is so overwhelming, you fear that you could give in to her entirely should she show the tiniest hint of being something else than an evil nutjob.

For now you have to cast these thoughts away, and you show go see Verdant. After helping Sand Carrot with the dishes, you see she’s heading for the guardhouse.
Unless you can catch her before that.

You dash at the warrior mare, and you’re already going for a tackle when she finally notices you with a little gasp. However, the stalwart Verdant is only slightly staggered by your charge, and instead she catches you and you find yourself between the mare’s strong legs. You might as well not let this surprise hug go unreciprocated, and wrap your own front legs around your lovely marefriend.

“Hey, what’s the big idea little colt?!” Verdant says after a satisfied chuckle. “Can’t a mare catch a break after reappearing from the aether?!”
“Sorry, I’m just too glad to have you back.” You reply with a smirk. “I know you’ll come back the next day if I lose sight of you in the forest, but I’m still worried when you’re not there. I’m happy we’re together again.”
“You don’t have to worry that much.” Verdant shakes her head. “I’m getting used to this, and I know there’ll be times you won’t be able to keep your eyes on me in a fight. Really, it’s almost a routine to me at this point.”
“Well, sorry again, but I can’t help worrying anyway because I love you so much.”
“C-come on now, you’re embarrassing, Lance…” The guardsmare says. She looks away after the cheesy declaration, but grins while a big blush glows on her face.
“Then let’s talk about something more concrete.” You start, finally letting go of the mare’s muscular neck. “There’s something I’d like to ask you. I believe Graces is feeling a little down at the moment. Would you mind spending some time with her, and accompanying her prayer maybe? I believe some company would really help her feel better.”
“Oh, uhm…” Verdant seems a bit bothered. “I can try talking to her, but… I’m not sure I can help much. Plus, I don’t think she’ll appreciate if I were to fall asleep while praying. I am rather tired right now…”
“Trust me, she won’t mind.” You smile to the big mare. “I saw it first hoof that Graces is not above getting drowsy during prayer herself. I’m sure she’ll appreciate your presence regardless.”
“Well, if you say so…” Verdant smirks, and places a little kiss on your forehead. “We could have gone to bed together, but I’ll try to cheer Graces up if you think she needs it more.”

After that, you decide to go ask Scoria if she could use some help at the forge. Maybe you could speed the smithing process with the two of you, but…
“Haha! Not a chance, Lance!” Scoria heartily laughs in response. She’s already heating up the forge. “I mean, you could be useful after I showed you the ropes, but I want to put the due diligence this metal deserves and commit to it myself. I’m not in the mood for looking after an apprentice while I do that. Maybe next time if you bring me more of that metal, ok?”

>What do?
Okay since Scoria doesn't need our help let's go see how Frog chaser is doing maybe we can help her out with her activities, perhaps gain some more items we can use for battle in the forest and cheer her up as a result.
Help with Sand Carrot with what she needs to do before going on our expedition for the day. Give Frog one more day before we interact with her again.
Also missed out and wasn't aware that disappearing didn't recover your tiredness. In that case, it's probably better for her to recover first before talking to Graces.
I support this.
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“Alright Scoria.” You nod. “I’ll go make myself useful somewhere else, then. Can’t wait to try out the result of your work!”
“Yeah, this time I’m about certain you won’t be disappointed.” The blacksmith mare replies, going back to her craft.

If you won’t be helping Scoria, you suppose Frog Chaser could maybe use a hoof instead. The green mare already climbed into her hole again, and you use the ladder to join her.
Her galleries have expanded quite a bit since the last time you saw them. There’s at least 5 ways you could go, and only 2 of those that you se the end of. The tunnels are also more than roomy enough for you, given that the mare who dug them is more than a bit taller than you are.

Probably hearing you coming, a mud-covered Frog Chaser is quick to come and see you.

“Oh. Lance?” She seems taken by surprised. “Did you need anything?”
“Nothing in particular.” You reply. “I just though I could help you dig something up today again before we prepare an expedition. Is that okay with you?”
“Uhm, sure.” The mare nods a bit nervously. “Grabe a shovel and, uh… pick any path you want. You know the drill, right?”

You can’t help but to feel a bit sad about Frog Chaser’s attitude. After the mud battles you waged down here, her sober greeting feels very out of place. You guess she hasn’t figured yet how to deal with you and Verdant coming out as a couple.
Maybe she needs more time, or perhaps there something you could do to cheer her up.

>What do?
Hey Frog chaser this large pit you dug up with multiple paths do you think this area might be an underground mining caravan you have been finding a bunch of different assortments of items here. Who knows with any luck the more we dig down here we might even stumble upon a hidden hot spring below us now that will be blast to have around here in our little village don't you think?!
Unsurprisingly, a single day isn't enough to resolve Frog's feelings and going to her was the wrong move like Chord warned. Just save adding anymore awkwardness my helping now that we're here and keeping talk normal. After we're done, it's finally time for the expedition.
>>41115037 >>41115019
I agree with this choice of words it will help frog chaser smile from this little joke comment.
I'm beat and 'll be coming back tomorrow

Is there something else you want to do before, or will you be going on an expedition with Verdant next
Yes, after mining with Frog chaser let's go see if Sand Carrot needs some help with farming the crops or something.
Nothing to do after but ask Verdant how it went with Graces before going on an expedition.
Also, since Fang can hear those in the forest, once we reach the forest, whisper under our breath to make an encounter with her seem at least genuine at first if our partner remains with us long enough to meet her. More believable to lose sight of Verdant in the heat of it than just randomly.
Want to increase our chances of seeing her this expedition, but don't know how to increase those odds besides whispering for her to come find us with all her power.
Presumably, it's already been decided that we'll help Frog Chaser before we leave for the expedition. Won't have much time to help Sand before needing to leave.
Should probably explain what I mean by genuine. Talking about her just false charging or activelt getting in the way between us and Verdant, for example. Something that doesn't require us to get hit by her, since I doubt we're prepared to withstand it yet.
We'll end up falling asleep working this much everywhere for everyone
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You take up a shovel and go inside one of the galleries.
“Hey! You’ve carved a whole cavern, Frog Chaser!” You call, the green mare having returned to work in another path. “With a little luck, we might find a hot spring a little deeper! How cool would that be?”
“Yeah. It would be nice.” You hear the mare succinctly reply.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like Frog Chaser is in the mood for chit chat. The work will keep both of you busy through the morning though.

>You dug up a throwable bomb

When noon draws near, you come out of Frog’s hole to lend a hoof to Sand Carrot with lunch. Once you’re done eating, you can ask Verdant how it went with Graces.

“I hope I helped a little.” The guardsmare recounts. “Graces didn’t tell me there was anything wrong when I asked, and… Well, those benches aren’t so bad for taking a nap. But you were right, I think she was a little glad I took some rest there regardless. Oh, and Chord Care came around to chat with Graces too at some point. I think Graces feels okay, at least for now.”

Soon enough it is time you wandered into the forest with Verdant. Since you had a god night of sleep the day prior and that Verdant could get a nap this morning, you’re both ready for the task even if you worked this morning.
“Listen, Verdant.” You whisper once the gate of the settlement has been closed behind you. “Keep your cool if we encounter the witch. I want to make it seem like we’re gonna fight her at first.”
“Huh?” Verdant gives you a frown. “I don’t get your plan. It won’t do us any good even if we can trick her and defeat her. What’s the point of doing anything else than running away?”

But before you can explain your idea, your first opponent emerges from the cover of the trees, and you feel a shiver as it’s the imposing form of the witch that you immediately encounter.

“Oh yes, you can run away!” Black Fang nonchalantly says as a greeting, her eyes darting toward Verdant… “But only you, little huntress.” … and then to you. “I have business with Lustre Lance, so he’s gonna stay with me.”
“Tsk… It’s a shame but we have no choice but to leave!” Verdant calls before readying an arrow. “I’ll cover for you, Lance! Get some distance with her, don’t worry about me. I trust that I’ll be gone before the worst can happen to me.”
“Hey now, do you really think you can afford to ignore me?” The witch shows the two of you a toothy grin. “I said, only one of you will be leaving today.”

You face the witch.

>Escape! (50%) Or pretend to.
>Look away from Verdant.

>You have 1 throwable bomb.
"Understood Verdant live to fight for another day". Pretend to escape and come back so we can be alone with Black Fang her eyes aren't glowing red so we can spend time with her and get more information from her. But make sure to give fang a subtle wink letting her know our plan to come back for her in a little bit.
Pretend to escape so we can talk to Black Fang privately. Also, the idea to pretend to fight was to make Verdant believe we lost sight of her naturually. Goes against the point of it if we tell her about our plan.
Also, once we're alone, and Black Fang can begin her philosophy talk, start switching between ignoring her body and throwing looks at it. No doubt she's going to do the same thing as last time and pose and move her body seductively, so play around with her on that front.
Hmm I'm tempted with the idea to fight the witch with the bomb and verdant bow damage we should be able to beat black fang in two turns but if we do then we can't have fun with her only get Intel in her defeated state and make her evolve even more that's it. And it has been a long time for these two to be together so allow them to bond with each other. Let there be love tonight! Pretend to escape!
We can only "have fun" with her as you put it when she's defeated. Who knows what strings she's pulling to get us in an easy state to get hurt.
If you say we can defeat her, maybe we can try with everyone, if it's successful and she's indeed not under any influence then maybe we can chat. Not like she can die with the gods curse/blessing on her, just like us when we fell.
Since black fang is willingly to talk to us we should also ask her this question along with her philosophy once we come back from faking our escape"Black fang just what am I to you do you actually have feelings for me?! Or am I just a toy for your little amusement in this little game of ours I deserve an earn honest answer about that at least so I can know where you and I stand on the matter between us".
Not this for obvious reasons.
I just realized something maybe a new mare didn't show up today because of black fang sudden transformation she is more powerful now so maybe she had something to do with it we should ask her about that too during our little talk.
Her smile is definitely something. Much more better and interesting than her masked neutral act.
Holy dubs streaks
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“Alright Verdant, let’s live to fight another day.” You say as you start backing away, but you make sure to meet Black Fang’s gaze as you do and give her a wink.
“Oh, you won’t be getting away…” The witch says, but then focusses of Verdant. “And I won’t let you get in my way!”
The giant mare gaudily performs a stomp that Verdant can evade, and as you friend is entirely focussed on Black Fang, you can advert your eyes so only you and the witch remain.

“Ah… I take it your friend doesn’t like the idea of us getting along.” The giant mare banters as she takes a more relaxed stance. “Such a shame. We don’t have to be enemies you know?”
“We’ll see about that.” You try to make sure not to let your eyes wander too much on the curves under and behind Black Fang while you talk. Can’t let her believe you’ll be an easy catch. “You told me to come back to you last time, when we defeated you. So what do you have to say?”

“It’s rather simple.” The witch smirks. “I am getting closer to my goal, and now I’m strong enough to have much more agency than before. We are close to the end, Lustre Lance. Let us hunt together. Be the one to help me ascend to goddesshood, and you’ll discover all the perks that come with it. I’ll share my power with you, and together we’ll make both our dreams come true.”

As you remain rather stoic despite her promises of greatness, Black Fang let out a nonchalant sigh.
“But we can start small if you want.” The mare lies down in front of you. On her leg, you see an arrow stuck around the top, droplets of blood running down from it. “It looks like this little gift from your friend didn’t disappear with her. Funny how that works. Anyway, would you mind pulling this off for me?”

>What do?
Pull the arrow out.
Anything asked after the post linked above is a good question worth asking, so ask those away, while we tend to her injury and playfully go along with some of her attempts in charming us. Impossible to look away from those curves, after all. Do we have anything to dress the wound as well?

>Be the one to help me ascend to goddesshood, and you’ll discover all the perks that come with it. I’ll share my power with you, and together we’ll make both our dreams come true.
What does she mean? What could she offer us, and if she had more to offer than laying a hoof on a growing goddess, why didn't she say so earlier?

>I take it your friend doesn’t like the idea of us getting along.
Clarify that no one in our village seems to have a welcome opinion of her... and that we are in relations with Verdant. (Better to be honest, and going to guess that she welcomes the idea of using her pure seductiveness to charm a taken stallion.)

Had more personal questions to ask as well, like:
What abilities does she have now, since she seems to have heard our name without us in her presence?
Does she know why no mare has arrived today?
Why does she not use magic at all? (Clarify that she doesn't have to answer if it's personal)
Does time flow normally for her as opposed to us jumping in time? If so... what does exactly do when we're not here? Seems... lonely.
What's with the mask, and why is it gone?
How does she find us, and why doesn't she chase us?

If her words on her views on being a goddess of monsters is 'reasonably' horny. Aka nothing too dubious, then ask the following:
Does she produce milk as promised? If so, after the demonstration she gives us, playfully and teasefully say that that amount is not enough to impress us. Perhaps she needs more changes before she becomes the goddess she wants to be. In fact, we have a lot of potential changes she can undertake that may sway us...
>potential changes
potential ideas for changes
Do you mind if I can also pull off your armor while you take off mine let's make ourselves comfortable shall we after all we have a lot to talk about my friend.
You promised me an explanation to why your risking your life to do all this Black fang what's the whole point of this? Next have you try using those bat wings, how does it feel having them? Move importantly, I don't know Black fang hunting with you to complete your evolution I'm scared say I do that with you and you achieve it what's going to happen to this place, to me and my friends, and what about you will still recognize you in the end I'm just concern that you'll might lose your sanity in the end I don't want to hurt you or lose you because of it.

Is becoming the goddess of all monsters really what you want or are you just lonely and looking for some companionship with somepony?

Exactly what kind of powers can you share with me? Finally, I hope you actually manage to fill your teats with milk in them from my wish I ask you to undergo cause I'll be disappointed if you didn't. I want to enjoy satisfying myself with you little miss giant!
Lance proceeds to take the arrow out of black's body with his mouth and then playfully flirts with her "If you play nice with me Fang maybe we both can get what we want. After all I've been waiting to play with those huge boobs of yours with more than just my hooves I wonder what they may taste like". Lustre licks his lips as he adds a nuzzling to her face and neck after that

So once your all powerful what happens next will you automatically kick the current god of monsters out of here easily or will you have to fight him to do that. Do you want my help with that problem too?
>>41121579 (me)
>that amount is not enough to impress us
Got another horny change and idea in mind to comment to her while I'm at it. Besides convincing her to produce even more milk to get her to noticeably leak without needing to squeeze her hindlegs together to produce a similar effect (I want her to create puddles naturally by staying still for too long dammit), also suggest the idea of creating more backup storage when milk builds up without enough release overtime. In other words, her teats growing from the sheer build up of milk that she would need to handle, or far more preferably, get us and maybe her worshippers to handle before they become too engorged.

Got more even more horny changes in mind, but those are a lesser priority to this one, and rather not waste time creating a whole list just to throw it away if Fang is too crazy.

>I hope you actually manage to fill your teats with milk in them from my wish I ask you to undergo cause I'll be disappointed if you didn't.
Too late, she's not noticably leaking in this or our last encounter. A clear sign that there's not enough milk produced for us to be needed to milk her consistently to relieve that pressure.
I really hope we get to see an image of Lance sucking on Black Fang milky Crotchboobs and then an image of Lance kissing her passionately too in this thread Growfag lance tasted her blood the last time they kiss so how about when they kiss this time you mention both lance lustre and black fang feel and taste her milk together inside lance mouth once he first tastes her teats and then he proceeds to let her have taste of it as well.
>taken stallion
I mean, there's more than lust between us and Fang. We're the hunter and she's the god of beasts. We symbolically kill her and eat her body and we are expected to ask for her permission every time we hunt, her monsters may kill and eat us at any moment and she appreciates us. This connection may be older than most kinds of love.
By the way, she called Verdant a hunter, too. I thought the wounded ponies are being brought to the forest to be prey. Or the possibility of turning the tables is essential to Fang's philosophy? Are we wounded ourselves somehow but are not aware of it? How does she think, are the insights Grace draws from the Light accurate or reliable?
>your friend doesn’t like the idea
We haven't really tried to introduce Verdant or anybody else to this idea because we didn't know what's Fang's deal. It's hard to pitch something if you don't know what it is. But we may do it later if Fang wants it.
Is she still going to be forbidden from ever visiting the village once she's done with her ascension? What are the rules about visiting the world outside of this dream?
Hold on a second here if all you need to ascend now is just from receiving one big essence or if I defeat you in combat again. Doesn't that mean my friends also has the same chance as you do to become God-like here if given the chance from enough of these essences?

Is there a way to restore my friends memories in this magic prison world fang?
If you really meant it about not wanting to be enemies then be honest with me Black do you actually like me and want what we have to be turn into something meaningful and long term or is this only temporary because I have already grown fond of your presence and want to see you in my life more.
Not this. Just let things naturually develop for now anon. At the very least hear out her answers to these questions so we can become familiar with her more before deciding if this mare is someone we want to be around. Hell, we don't even know why she wants to be a goddess yet.
Came up with another question. Since she believes she needs only a little bit of essence left to be in control, will she be unable to take in any more essence, or can she willingly take and grow even more?
Suck on her crotchboobs!
coming back tomorrow
Makes sense. Guessing the next post is going to be massive with the needed explanation dump and numerous questions that are going to be answered. If it isn't too late, there is one more thing from me to add again.
Bored these past few days, as you can tell.
Suggest to her to also seek to make her body much more sensitive to pleasure from the act of feeling her teats, gradually storing milk, and from milking of course. Tease her about feeling such intense pleasure when she finally gets release after a long day of storing such a treat from a goddess such as herself. A being of such sensuality deserves to experience such acts themselves to their fullest, no?
Patience anon. If her motivations are good, and if we're going to side with her, we should hold the fun until we retrieve the essence(s) needed to make changes. Guaranteed she'll be much more enthusiastic showing her appreciation with us at that point.
Teasing, staring, voicing our desires, and so on, is the where the fun is. The build up makes it all worthwhile.
Pull the arrow out. Compliment her new wings. They suit her very well. Compliment her new assets as well, notably her flank. We're all teat and lactation focused right now, but can't forget about the other change she went through for us. Let's appreciate it fully.

If we're going to suggest to sky rocket her milk production to cause such an effect on her body, then we may as well suggest bigger teats as well once more. Not that the ones she has now aren't big already, but suggesting more lactation without adding more boob feels like a crime against lewdness. Also imagined any lactation growth shenanigans having a higher minimum teat size anyways.
I request more lewd and happy Black Fang! Also, bump.

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