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1 of the members of Atarashii Gakko was apparently assaulted during one of the shows yesterday.
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If the new album includes once again Otona Blue as a remix, english or spanish version or some other bullshit they will be confirmed as a one hit wonder
This board is so slow you can have one thread about some trash weeb bait group up for a whole week.
There's something about this group in particular that really annoys me
otona blue acoustic

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Come to Brazil edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>121909279
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t. doesnt know what hiss is
>During the 1780s Haydn wrote more than twenty symphonies, among them the great sets of six and three symphonies for the Comte d'Ogny (82-87 and 90-92). [...] There is not a measure, even the most serious, of these great works which is not marked by Haydn's wit; and his wit has now grown so powerful and so efficient that it has become a sort of passion, a force at once omnivorous and creative. True civilized wit, the sudden fusion of heterogeneous ideas with an air paradoxically both ingenuous and amiably shrewd, characterizes everything that Haydn wrote after 1780

Hehehe... hehehe...
The real comedy is in writing and publishing a passage like that with the utmost sincerity and seriousness. Also, huh, just learned 'ingenuous' and 'ingenious' are two different words, or rather, I suppose I learned of the existence of the former.

>4. Ingenious. [Obs.] Shak.

> (Formerly) printers did not discriminate between . . . ingenuous and ingenious, and these words were used or rather printed interchangeably almost to the beginning of the eighteenth century. G. P. Marsh.

>The trio of the minuet [Symphony no. 92] is high farce [...] The orchestration is part of the joke, as the winds and strings seem to have different downbeats. Later, by the time the listener has caught on, Haydn shifts the accent, and introduces pauses long enough to throw him off again. This minuet is the greatest of all practical jokes in music

I'm going to stop now, I have to catch my breath!


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*transcends zestiness*
how did he do it bros?
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Bro made a song about fucking his sister in 1980. I don't think being religious would've stopped him from coming out, if he actually was.
bisexuality isn't real
Yeah Larry Graham, bassist for Sly and the Family Stone.
[spoiler]Also the guy who pioneered slap bass technique[/spoiler]
>dmx and dr dre
Did I miss something here?
unironically, by being small

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Is this true?
No, Radiohead fans don’t have balls.
You've probably never farted your balls out even once, keep your mouth shut faggot.

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Rate it
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better than kid a for sure
10, easily their best album by far
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essential part of my childhood and I cannot rate it clouded by nostalgia/10
8/10, High and Dry and Sulk are low points and I don't like Street Spirit

I saw Radiohead in 2008 and they played Planet Telex. The song ended with dueling black and white -> rainbow lights switching off in sync with the drums

it was amazing
Street Spirit's awesome but I'm with the band on High and Dry, there's nothing special about that one.

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forgotten already
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I mean she just had a number 1 album, 2 #1 singles, currently has 86 million monthly listeners on Spotify and was just seen as one of the two stars of the Wicked trailer for later this year. I think she's okay.
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I thought it was just a meme, but I finally broke off of my NEET/hikki phase and went back to the secular world, started socializing again and meeting new people.
Girls really do care about what music guys like, it isn't just a meme.
What gives? Why do they care so much?
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How is going through a bunch of one night stands and never forming a lasting relationship not remaining single?
its honestly not even just girls lots of people are this way now. even if you're just talking to guys in a friendly way they'll tend to admire gaming skills. especially speedrunning.
I listen to pop like The Weeknd and Dua. Halo or failo?
Or should a man listen to rappers?
Being too into music gives then the ick. Just say "I listen to everything", generic but works the most
I remember when one of my girlfriends was interested in me playing remnant, last ex played evil within with me ( she got scared shitless LOL)
And had that in girl in September, she was thick, with nice titss and tattoos but I was a bit retarded that day so after I fucked her instead of talking with her I just played Titanfall 2 all night. Fucked her two more times, one in the morning and she left and never contacted me ever again
The only reason I sucked at Titanfall is because I haven't played in years and the only people left are veterans who played for ages

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Why do snooty hipsters hate him so much?
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Holy fucking kek
He's just cringe. Like when he started he could take the piss out of himself and have fun. Later on he began to take himself a lot of seriously and this is when he became cringe.
He still has fun all the time. It's the critics that take him serious which in turn makes listeners think hes being seriously. Then theres the fact hes old now and white which of course are both seen as corny/lame by most Americans with white guilt like Fantano.
>Americans with white guilt like Fantano.
That Italian bitch ain't no American.

What fucking drugs were this guys on?
Nothing else sounds as hypnotic as some of their albums
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it's probably more about their occultist influences and practices rather than any drug they take though.

the remote viewer, moon's milk
how can Coil be so good bros
balance said that many of their songs were born out of homosexual lust so there’s your answer
based horny gays

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She looks like Chris Chan on Ozempic
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Rare 10/10 post from a Non-faggot OP.
this is like a crossing between Sam Hyde and that one image of Xochitl Gomez
I always said Billie was the female Sam Hyde
is that tsimfuckis

This is literally heavenly music
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This weirdly reminds me of the Bends era Radiohead for some reason, the spacy instrumental
Which is best: Brown Sugar, Voodoo or Black Messiah?
And why?
not music
Brown Sugar for swag
Voodoo for chilling
Black Messiah for tasty sounds

All albums 10/10, but I have a feeling that Black Messiah is the most interesting one. There are so many details in the background, you always hear something new. Delicious album
his best album
Back To The Future is my favourite song ever, wont say it saved my life exactly but was a source of comfort and inspiration during a rough patch. Cant really describe it, it just hits me deep in the feels. same with Really Love and Betray My Heart.
This is real grown adult music, you cant fully appreciate this album until you've lived a bit and gone through real emotional struggle

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Do Taylor Swift fans only listen to Taylor Swift? Do they not engage in any other music? The oldest Swift fans are probably old enough to where they should at least have heard of Paramore.
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Paramore is a hidden gem
what's the deal with Ed Sheeran? he's sort of the Millenial Jimmy Buffett but much blander and has no actual aesthetic or subculture he represents.
So what you're saying is that Paramore should be right up their alley
What I learned from this thread is Paramore is for white women with mental issues both fake and real while Taylor Swift is for all white women and gays.
no one said anything that would imply either od those things itt

where is he
what is he doing now
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He's one of those scummy landlords in Toronto that bought a bunch of houses and then rents them out for a high price. Part of the reason why housing is so expensive here
What he did was pretty scummy but cmon, he can't be any worse than the musicians who literally murdered people
the most based man in music
Lol, he's supposedly a rapist. I mean, I think raping is worse than killing people (only exception would be if they were tortured before dying).
That's not Ian Watkins.

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I posted cunny today
Gotta suck suck Jackie suck and mastabate me
their best album no cap as the young fellows say

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two Gordon Lightfoot threads in one day, /mu/ must be healing
There’s already a Shitefoot thread, stick to that.
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I honestly had no idea. I've just been singing this song in my head all day. I hadn't even browsed the catalog before posting.

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