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>Bro, I totally hate jazz, that's why I made a jazz album
>stewart COPEland

What fucking drugs were this guys on?
Nothing else sounds as hypnotic as some of their albums
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how can Coil be so good bros
balance said that many of their songs were born out of homosexual lust so there’s your answer
based horny gays
Sara Dale's Sensual Massage is a really good ambient album.

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I work at an arena. Why do late 90’s early 2000’s rock bands like Disturbed, MCR, Slipknot, etc seem to attract the lamest, most redditsöy bastards on the planet? I mean people with pickle rick t shirts. I dudes with septum piercings and pop culture tattoos. I mean in shape dudes with fat fuck wives. I mean unironic pube beards growing on the neck. What’s going on? Where
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fuck is wrong with a pickle rick t-shirt?
theyre safe edgy
and millennials are getting old and most are aging into s oyjak archetypes because they drink a lot and are balding
central massachusetts definitely
Markiplier never said that
Absolutely nothing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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Music that reminds you of traditional femininity? I need some good background tunes while I work, preferably instrumental.
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Rap and hip hop are trash.

Thanks, though I'm looking for something less folk.

The summer of our lives edition

>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Remember to use vocaroo.com to post your tracks/WIP: posting a vocaroo is just providing sound for a question, posting a Soundcloud link is making self-advertisement and the thread doesn't need that.

Remember to check other peoples' vocaroo links to keep the thread healthy.

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Real good. I would probably lower the highs a few db, just slap and eq on whatever bus the higher instruments are sitting on and drop it a bit. Maybe even a high shelf on the master if you're feeling froggy just be careful. There is a lower octave brass that's being panned to the right that's definitely too loud. It pops out at :34, :44, and 1:31. Bury it a tiny bit more in the mix.
Just play an instrumental of the song on a laptop and play and acoustic guitar + your vocals over it. No one will give a shit if you don't have a billion other live players with you. You're very talented. Make the vocals more present in your mix tho.
For sure on the right track, just get better at mixing. Make it less muddy and louder. Cool stuff.
You have been blessed with triples alhamdulillah
Opinions on Bitwig? 50% sale is still going on and I'm on bloody Reason
I switched to cubase during their recent sale;
Reason 13 is a joke lmfao.
I haven't used Bitwig but if you can find a good community for it (do they have official forums? not sure), then I say go for it.


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spooky scary nadya cleavage edition

thread theme: https://youtu.be/nR7wLz-ZZs0


- Dua Lipa:

- Taylor Swift: https://youtu.be/uEssK8o3jKg

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Cringe op
God I wish I was a lesbian
Life would be so much better
no, just you.
You have AIDS
not yet

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Post album tier lists and rate other tier lists
Starting with Dylan (only albums I know well)
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not familiar enough with the above ones to comment on them, sorry
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move up jwh to S, please, you're underrating the shit outta that album
I can see it, but I find way too "generic", if you know what I mean, compared to the other albums.
When I saw him live in '22, he played I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, which was the song he put the most energy in that night. I like that one, and Watchtower of course. Everything from Drifter's Escape to Down Along the Cove is not very memorable, sadly.

Why do zoomers hate AC/DC?
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Lack of testosterone. Also, the fact that their vocalists sound like ass.
I like ACDC. High Voltage is a pretty alright album
This doesn't really become fact until 1995. Pre-Ballbreaker AC/DC albums are all distinct from each other.
Bon Scott got sacrificed for this
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zoomer here

AC/DC is the hard rock equivalent of mumble rap. AC/DC is like the lil yatchy of rock. Anyone who seriously enjoys the full 4:53 of Thunderstruck should be put down with one of those bolt guns they use at slaughterhouses.
It's annoying, it's boring and both their vocalists sound like an ungodly cross between Dee Dee Snider and Axl Rose.

AC/DC are just terrible. They're very fun, but they're fucking terrible.

Roger Nicols Edition

>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed.

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Malebros...How do we bounce back?
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What's the meaning behind spotify's EQUAL promos then?
The only way to be relevant as a male in modern pop culture is to be a faggot or tranny.
women behave like a hivemind
men have varied tastes and don't stan for the same 3 people for 10 years
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Shouldn't Kanye be coming out of the woodwork to somehow claim his album was the biggest?
All 3 of those artists are American though

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What's next for her?
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she can do whatever she wants to i'll always support her
Olivia’s white, she only plays the “I’m 1/123456789876554321 POC” card to bait retards like you.
You seem to be confused.
FilipiNOs, the men, are very lovable, fuckable, marryable, have gigantic dicks, and would be the most loving, devoted husbands and fathers ever.
FilipiNAs, the women, especially mayonnaise mixed cunts like Olivia, are rude cunty whores who would sooner abort your baby than actually have it.
Abortion pills are not the same thing as regular birth control. The latter is designed to prevent pregnancy and isn’t meant to be taken while pregnant for any reason. If you take a bunch of it with the intention of killing the fetus you are going to do serious, irreparable damage to yourself.
Abortion pills are designed specifically to kill the fetus immediately.
What this cunt gave to her underage fans for free was not birth control. They were abortion pills.

idgaf she's hot af and ill do anything for her

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Now that the dust has settled, they were right about napster all along
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Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
rms is a jew thoughbeit
It's crazy to think that Rob is actually the longest serving bassist in Metallica at this point.
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No one saying they were wrong about pirating.
People hate them for it cause they began listing names of their fans in court.

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so just one week in the top 10 for Dua Lipa... onlyfans next? meanwhile 2019's Lover casually re-enters the top 10

Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Department 397m (2,601b)
Ariana Grande - Eternal Sunshine 97m (1,861b)
SZA - SOS 77m (7,946b)
Benson Boone - Fireworks & Rollerblades 73m (988m)
Gunna - One of Wun 72m (111m)
Future & Metro Boomin - We Don't Trust You 69m (912m)
Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti 65m (16,453b)
Morgan Wallen - One Thing At A Time 65m (4,827b)
Travis Scott - Utopia 64m (3,725b)
Taylor Swift - Lover 62m (10,216b)
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dont you have fucking general
hello, how can i get a ticket for eras tour in europe? Its really over? I know 4chan bro know
>Future and Morgan Wallen are female pop stars
who do you spend most of your time with?

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Talent or just a pretty face?
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gracie only looks hot in professoonal shoots
>being so bogged at 25 that you look the same age as a 45 year old man
that's not how you spell Tate McRae
stop watching porn immediately
you need Jesus Christ and a catholic priest
any girl here who really think this much makeup is alright?>>121965809

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I thought it was just a meme, but I finally broke off of my NEET/hikki phase and went back to the secular world, started socializing again and meeting new people.
Girls really do care about what music guys like, it isn't just a meme.
What gives? Why do they care so much?
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I remember when one of my girlfriends was interested in me playing remnant, last ex played evil within with me ( she got scared shitless LOL)
And had that in girl in September, she was thick, with nice titss and tattoos but I was a bit retarded that day so after I fucked her instead of talking with her I just played Titanfall 2 all night. Fucked her two more times, one in the morning and she left and never contacted me ever again
The only reason I sucked at Titanfall is because I haven't played in years and the only people left are veterans who played for ages
Don't talk about music unless asked.
If asked about what you like, be like "uhhh whats that new song? i forget the name but its pretty catchy" and try to kill the topic without actually naming anything
Then when she gets in ur car, play like 2 Hours of Amazon Rainforest Sounds for Sleep or something really loud

Do this, haha, yea, I guarantee you she will think youre super mysterious and crave your seed like someone put a demonic curse on her
Breeders lol
I was thinking the other day that a girl who eats cheetos or a chip that leaves a powder on the fingers would be unattractive to me
So in this picture the fattie is filming them having sex and the dude is like, "AHHHH NO STOP".

Since when do fat chicks randomly start filming Lol

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