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Saw this steaming by while hiking in the Marin Headlands on January 8th.

Strange ship. Seems like it’s a few decades out of place given how small it is and how old it looks. Like the kind you would’ve seen in the 70s.
for future reference, there are marine traffic maps you can look at live, you could have checked on the spot. looking at traffic from 6 months ago costs money.
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pretty sure it is a cable layer but cannot identify a specific ship. matches pic related in plan except for funnels.
found it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUKgC6bgBs0, cs rene descartes,
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definitely needs a coat of paint
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A fine vintage meme.

I’ve always wondered how the Hell cable-laying is supposed to work when everything’s miles underwater and doing something as simple as maintenance is basically impossible.
>doing something as simple as maintenance is basically impossible.
You lay a new cable.
If the cable physically breaks, the ships will literally fish for one or both ends of it with a grappling hook then resplice them to each other or a new length of cable.

If there's an internal fault, they will also grapple for it, fix it once on deck, and repair the multiple cover layers. Or, they can lower down a robot to work on it.

Neal Stephenson wrote a great nonfiction story about ocean cables in the 90s, https://www.wired.com/1996/12/ffglass/

There are a bunch of books about the original trans-Atlantic cable. They used the Great Eastern to hold the cable, and just like today, the cable broke multiple times and they had to fish for it and splice it back together.
Found a better view of the ROV. It's used aboard the same class of ships as OP's pic.
at some point does it just make more sense to not perform regular maintenance or is this just a bad owner
>no masts
>doesn't have 3 masts

Nice boat.

Next you'll be complaining that it's not made of wood
it's not made of wood
The company is called Orange, they are just letting it rust instead of paying for orange paint.

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