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This is what they took away from you.
They can keep it tbqh
Suspension is a marketing gimmick
no it's not?
I miss the 26 inch wheel as well

700c road bike or 650b tri bike became standard mtb why.
rollover probably
suspension goes in the seat. via steel springs. anything else is gay and over-engineered garbage.
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i am gay and overengineered, you caught me
Buy I have a single pivot fs 26in bike with 100/100 travel.
I use it for offroading, and since it's a 2009 model the modern fox suspension+hydro disk brakes are awesome.

If I was doing deliveries in the outback maybe I would take that, otherwise a full ridgid with big tires is more my jam.
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You got legs and arms why do u need suspension a bike only weighs like 20lbs
And thank god for that.
You will never take my 29inch full sus trailbike with modern geometry, a ton of carbon and electric shifting from me.
Bike tech is literally peaking right now.

looks like we didn't need to
5 year carbon replacement guarantee sorts that out for me
I have one of these it fucking sucks dude
It's for granny bikes exclusively
Wait wait wait suspension goes in the tires, via air springs. Anything else is overenguneered cope for thin ass tires
your grandma is more of a man than you are
That must be why every single motorcycle is fully rigid with comically large tires
i'm not retarded enough to think suspension is a gimmick, but comparing a 550lb+ vehicle to one that crests [redacted to prevent fatty cope] lbs is stupid. a road/gravel bike does not need or benefit much from more suspension than sufficiently wide tires can provide.
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>a road/gravel bike does not need or benefit much from more suspension
I used to believe that until I tried a bike with suspension
sorry your roads are xc trails
You don’t have to hit every pothole, you can steer around them.
There are tons of used 26 full sus bikes for sale. Seen multiple giant atx 970's go for sub 100
old specialized epics around 250-300, trek fuels, etc.

$0 is too much for a FS 26er
not even worth a decent reply
My grandma is a nice lady you take that back
i got this for 70 dollars (with old tires of course)
mean and rude
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what's this thing? im guessing 1997ish? ive only ever had hardtails before and i'm tempted to pick it up.
This is a mountain biking thread, not a pogo sticking thread
40 dollars is all thats worth, its not gonna be that great, but you're not getting scammed or anything for that price.
It's neat, but personally I would use it as a bike trail bike mostly.

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