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>bought a new bike
>got stolen in the next day
How do you deal with bike theft? I don't want to ride those ugly ass scooters or euc's
use a lock
How was it locked?
Where did you lock it?
Is your city theft prone?
What lock did you use?

All of these questions need addressing as it suggests you failed to meet the requirements of either of them. ABUS or Kryptonite, everything else is dogshit. If you leave your bike in a sketchy area locked using a plastic 4$, anyone would steal it.
supposedly a reasonably common tactic in london is to take the seat post with you after locking up. the rational being that they're less likely to steal it as they won't be able to sit on it. seems a little lackluster to me but preventing theft is always about deterrents so the more there are the better.
that happened to me over a decade ago. freshman year of college i rode an old bike around campus (first timeriding since childhood) and really enjoyed it, so i got a new bike over the summer. one of the first few days of classes, it got stolen because i parked it outside

i then got another bike, a nice used road bike, and ive never left it out of my sight since, unless its locked up in a bike locker. im too afraid to ever leave it locked up outside even in front of a store or something.
lockpickinglawyer makes me uneasy about using a lock, but I still use one. The best you can do is make your bike less appealing/easy to steal than other bikes.
Where tf do you guys live?
I never locked my bikes over the last 15 years and nobody else does it too.
There are constantly 5k ebikes outside my grocery store that arent locked up.
not everyone lives in japan

in the west bike theft is extremely rampant for "reasons"

watch alot of videos online of how to keep your bike safe
My place was like that ten years ago but somehow not anymore. I wonder why
Just say USA and ghetto cities in the EU.
do people really do nothing if someone with an angle grinder has a go at a bike lock in a public place with 10+ people in view?
>risking life and limb for someone you don't know, isn't your ethnicity, and isn't of your tribe
I would be tempted to help, but probably wouldn't since I don't want to go to jail in case the dude "can't breathe" and dies.
That's a lot of words just to say you're subhuman.
>2 sentences is too much! my brain hurts!
t. the guy who thinks libraries are for taking drugs
Your not fooling anyone with your "need to transport expensive-looking bike parts". Did you have an entire trailer full of Di2 parts? Do you know how much shit you need to carry to start looking suspicious? You're either severely disconnected from reality or a stealing nig.
No, I'm not abandoned bikes guy, and I guess you didn't realize this but my wheels cost more than your car
Not my problem
>t. brownoid
>I guess you didn't realize this but my wheels cost more than your car
Yeah your definitely terminally online as well as brown.
>can't read 2 sentences without getting a headache
>can't differentiate between "your" and "you're"
Yeah it's you alright >>1990293
For your next act I predict you will say I'm "ESL" since most ESLs are better than you at your own native language, but nah, I just went to school in a blue state where the librarians haven't been thrown in prison for "grooming" (letting people look at printed words on a page)
>he shat up another thread
>dont hate us 'cuz you ain't us

you buy a lock, the thief uses an angle grinder
you buy a lock that resists angle grinders, the thief will go for the railing the bike is locked to
the solution is to kill all poor people
Have a (You). 8/8 b8.
>be me
>ride amtrak for years with bike in the luggage car
>conductor this time gives wrong bike to a different passenger
>I'm stuck with some other guy's sovless shitbike
bike theft is common all over the UK and canada as well
>Just say USA and ghetto cities in the EU.
accurate, but "ghetto in the EU", I'd say instead ALL countries in Western EU. Theres migrants everywhere in the west (and that incudes romanian/eastern europe gangs), and however much we may not like it, bike theft is shit-rampant


300,006 bike have been stolen in Germany in 2017
In the United Kingdom, 96,510 bike have been stolen from november 2017 to september 2018.

In Italy this number seems to be even bigger with 320,000 bikes stolen in 2013

In Spain, the study “Barómetro de la Bicicleta en España 2017“ indicates that 10,3% of respondents have declared to have been a victim of one bike theft and 5,7% more than one, in the last 5 years. This makes more than 800,000 bikes stolen per year in Spain.

Its a shitshow. It used to be very safe 20-30 years ago, not anymore.
no joke

shit on your fucking bike
have fake poop smears all over your bike. make it muddy as hell. cover any logos or make the logo into a really cheap walmart brand.
i wish that in some cities where bike theft is common, oyu have some vigilante who buys bikes and stands at a distance with a sniper rifle to put a bullet in the brain of any thief working on stealing it. strike fear into them that if they try to steal a bike they could get their head blown off

or cover the handlebars in cyanide or some other solution that will absorb into their skin and kill them instantly.
>someone stole your bike
>it's your fault

>your wife cheated on you
>it's your fault

>your house burnt down
>Uhm, akshually, you should always make sure there is nothing flammable inside your house, I bet you didn't even spend 1000 dollars on the cooker, if you buy a cheap cooker you should expect it to burn down and consequently burn your entire house down.

This way of thinking is so flawed.
if you lock long time in a rough place in a city with a cable lock that can be cut with a pair of strong scissors the theft is kinda your fault and if you fry chips drunk and the oil catches on fire and you dump water on it and your house burns down then that's your fault and if you refuse to give her gentle back touches then that's your fault but all those things can also happen for no good reason it's situational.
99% of bike thieves are not going to pick your lock. They'll just cut it in 5-20 seconds which requires 0 skill on their part or not bother if they think that it's not worth the trouble.
>complain about bike theft on /n/
>banned for racism
Every time
Obviously a criminal won't stop by telling them what they're doing is illegal. The cops don't care one bit here so protecting your property yourself is just about the only thing you can do here. Atleast for homes and cars there's mandatory insurance
I've not seen any cut locks around here. They all either unlock the front-wheel or carry the entire bike rack into their van. 95% of cases they just steal the next bike that isn't locked.
I've seen people of all colors steal bikes, it shouldn't be an insinuation by default
Just don't post about color.
When I did realistically we have all colors represented in the ghetto around here and it only took them one night to take my scooter.
You were complaining about some place on reddit and white people being racist while being racist. Fuck off with your /pol/ shit already
>How do you deal with bike theft
I don't leave my bike outside for that long and opt to park it in basements of buildings or other closed areas when I can. Bike theft isn't even that common where I live, but I'd rather be careful than without my bike.
>Where tf do you guys live?
Where tf do YOU live? Little bike heaven island?
he didn't say anything about reddit though, read the post again >>1996432
>It gone
Good riddance
This happened outside my local pub. Two scumbags rode up on a scooter and tried to angle-grind a bike they were going to steal, but they were unsuccessful. Everyone in the street just sat watching them until the guy who owns the shop they were outside came out and challenged them. They threatened him and he didn't back down, and still nobody came to help. But in the end, they left empty-handed. I wasn't there for any of this, but I would happily have gone full Internet-tough-guy and waded right in with a chainsaw if I had been there, and if I owned a chainsaw, and if I took it to the pub with me.
Motorcycle it
don't put a brand new bike outside retard
>if you buy a cheap cooker you should expect it to burn down and consequently burn your entire house down.
Unironically yes. This is why developed countries have safety standards certifications in order to sell products.
I have one bike that I'm happy to leave unattended. It's a nice old bike, a sweet ride but it's been shitted up. mismatched tyres, cables and grips, tatty saddle, frame is a nice hand built columbus beauty, but I rattle canned it a hideous green and put kids stickers on the tubes.

It's a joy to ride, and I don't want it to be stolen, I have some low key security measures in place - allen key skewers and seat tube bolt, I lock it up, but I know that it'll be OK, it looks shit and would be too much hassle for most thieves.

My main bikes I never leave unattended, so I really don't worry too much about bike theft. Making the beater unstealable is quite a rewarding process and part of me looks forward to having to do another.
I keep it inside and stay close by it if I'm outside.
See way too many bike chop shops in plain view whenever I go out, so very aware what happens to bikes if you aren't careful.
I sometimes see people leave their bike out while they pop into a liquor store for something, but couldn't do that myself.
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There's a direct correlation between how relaxed you can feel about leaving your bike, and how much diversity there is around here
People will use an angle grinder. Picking of padlocks is a meme. You can't win against the battery angle grinder with CBN / diamond disc.
be me
>steal bikes
>fuck others wives
>arson when tipsy
The good life.
If you only lock one wheel and not the frame you're basically saying "free bike" and I think it is reasonable and lawful to take it.
Fuck you. Don't take other peoples stuff. I should be able to able to park my bike completely unlocked without some shithead like you nicking it.
Yes anon, all of those things are your fault.
Especially the cheapo frier.
Make bike ugly. Very ugly
Mini u lock. MINI
Sheldon Lock method
Front wheel gets a chain to u lock
Top cap gets a ball bearing glued in
Axles get locking skewers
>How do you deal with bike theft?
unironically death sentence
the train station stole my bike bros
they sold me a ticket with a bike space but then i tried to get on the train and was told no because the bike carriage entrance didn't stop on the platform
i really had to get that train so i told them to put it in lost and found and i would try get it shipped back
no such luck, incompetent fucking retards
"what bike we dont have any bike here"
fucking keep it then if an entry level 29 mtb with grease forks is worth that much to you
bought a nicer bike, will not be leaving it anywhere or letting it out of my sight or trying to take the train a long way with it
fuck em
this level of unaccountability is unheard. Where was this?
scotland. train staff were faggots i asked very nicely if i could just pop it on the train and perhaps take the wheels off and walk it through to the bike carriage but nah
found a local bike shop who would go get it and ship, but the train company were more interested in blaming other departments/companies/whatever and by the time i got past all the corporate bullshit and form filling in they said they didn't have a bike of that description, oh well. at least i fancied an upgrade anyway
A shame really. You were too nice and they were too cocky. It happened to me here on the continent to find some train chief on ego trip, but not if you have a ticket for your bike. What a pos he could have at least left it in the office. Must be one of those UK privatised companies right?
i did get a little more forceful with it but i knew i was fucked as soon as the person i was dealing with was a shouty lesbian with a bodycam. yeah privatised. fuckin lovely.
next time I have to encounter any of this type of shit I am wearing a "vax" mask
everywhere it says to lock the rear wheel and the frame, but i lock the front wheel and the frame because im afraid of the front wheel being stolen.
why does no one mention locking the front and frame? i have 1 D lock
I lock the front and frame with the ulock because I think the front is easier and most often stolen but the consensus for locking the rear over the front is the higher value of the rear wheel with its cassette.
yeah, the logic anon said is why. rear is more expensive to replace. you can do whatever you want, though.
you can remove the front wheel and set it next to the rear and lock both wheels and frame in one go. it's easy with quick release wheels but nobody does it. the most common strategy is to put the D-lock through rear wheel and frame and run a cable around the front wheel and put both cable ends through the D-lock and then lock everything at once.
>Where tf do YOU live?
Some monoethnic white country or Japan
>Lock it somewhere public, where there's witnesses
segue into
>Don't leave it locked up overnight
>Replace any QR skewers or seatpost clamps with allen keyed ones (Optionally you can superglue a ball bearing into the screw and remove it with solvent when you need to be able to change parts
>Lock the frame and rear wheel to something secure, run a cable through your front wheel
>The strength of your lock doesn't matter if you attach it to a pot metal rack
>Your bike is never theftproof, but you should try to make it the least appealing bike to steal with a combination of making it look cheap and using a resilient lock

And finally, nothing will save your bicycle except TND
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Follow this man's advice for where to live and leave your bike
if you can manage two D-locks, you should carry two. one you lock the rear wheel to the frame, the other you lock the front wheel, frame, and post in the ground all together.
yeah just fight the guy with a dangerous power tool and prob has other knives or guns
I know it's going to cost more than it's worth but now I really want to see a high end specialized painted and decal'd over so it literally looks like a walmart bike. Nothing like mogging weekend freds with a huffy and they're just like...wtf

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