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>Discrimination and bullying is le good!?
troons aren't people and they shouldn't be doing womeme's sports
Why do you care? It's just a game.
because troons shitted up /gif/ and made pikamee cry. we must make sure troons never feel a moment of joy in their lives. plus they could injure the womeme they are competing with
Why are you so obsessed with transpeople? Why do you care if a man larps as a woman?
a. don't call them people
b. they made pikamee cry and shitted up /gif/
And you are ruining /news/. Leave.
nah, anti troon site. if you don't like it go back to where you came from, faggot
where do you people get this shit from?
hating troons is normal, faggot
>where do you people get this shit from?
Repressed desire to be bottomed by a tranny. Its why /pol/ chuds are so obsessed with talking about them 24/7.
>if you hate a tranny it means you want to fuck it
so does that mean all dems want to get fucked by trump?
Bleeeecch!1!, they look somewhat like women but they have cocks, some of them have really big cocks, DISGUSTING!1!
>Projecting this hard
You might feel better if you just gave in to your urges, anon. If you get it out of your system you might be able to start thinking and posting about other things.
>look like women
so you hate trump because you want to spread your ass to him and take his orange cock? interesting. Do you call him "daddy"?
>Incoherently rambling about trannies
>Brings up Trump daddy anal sex fetish out of nowhere
You have some feelings you need to work through, anon. Genuinely.
>so does that mean all dems want to get fucked by trump?

Many such cases(although it's repressed like your sublimated desires are)
Even more so among MAGA
you love trump and he gets you hard, doesn't he fag boy? you want trump to fuck you so bad that is why you are so anti trump. you want trump to grab you by your tranny pussy
>look like women
although there are some quite beautiful ones, and having sex with one is on my bucket list, but beautiful troons are expensive, so i may have to settle for an ugly one with 5 0'clock shadow.
Infant circumcision ban when? Oh right, never, because you people worship Israel, and that would be antisemitic.
>anon shares "news"
>look inside
>campaign promise

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