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Biden demands Texas reopens it's border after the state reduced illegal border crossings by nearly 60%
The 18-inch deep river would only be federal jurisdiction if they could prove it's a commercial waterway, so Biden's lawyers argue that the rio grande is in fact a commercial waterway because they could "imagine a lot of border streams and creeks where you could have friends ferrying Girl Scout cookies in a small rowboat"
Biden administration, Texas duel in US appeals court over floating migrant barrier

May 15 (Reuters) - The Biden administration on Wednesday urged a U.S. appeals court to rule that Texas cannot keep a 1,000-foot-long floating barrier in the Rio Grande, one in a series of measures taken by the Republican-led state to deter illegal border crossings.

The full New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments for about an hour in an appeal by Texas of a judge's ruling that said the state needed the federal government's permission before installing the buoys last July.

The case is part of a larger battle between the administration of President Joe Biden, a Democrat, and Republican officials in Texas and other states who say the federal government has failed to address a recent increase in illegal border crossings from Mexico.

Wednesday's arguments focused on whether the area of the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, Texas where the barrier was placed is under state or federal control. Under a U.S. environmental law called the Rivers and Harbors Act, the federal government would have the authority if the area were navigable for commercial purposes.

Lanora Pettit, a lawyer for Texas, said the U.S. border with Mexico, is as little as 18 inches deep in that area and there is no history of commercial use of the waterway.

"The Rio Grande is little more than a creek with an excellent publicist," Pettit said.
Michael Gray of the U.S. Department of Justice countered that small border patrol boats, kayaks and ferries all operate in the area, showing its potential for other commercial uses.

It was not clear how the court was leaning, though a few of the judges seemed skeptical of Gray's arguments.

Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan, an appointee of Republican former President Donald Trump, said that other courts have treated waterways as navigable only when they can be "used as a highway" by boats moving up or down the waterway. Ferries, by contrast, cross rivers, he said.

Gray responded that ferry traffic "establishes a highway for commerce" and that because the Rio Grande forms an international border, its use necessarily affects foreign commerce.

"I could imagine a lot of border streams and creeks where you could have friends ferrying Girl Scout cookies in a small rowboat," he said.

The full court agreed to hear the case after a divided three-judge panel sided with the Biden administration in December. Twelve of the court's 17 active judges are appointees of Republican presidents, but two of the three judges on that panel were appointed by Democrats.
>the federal government would have the authority if the area were navigable for commercial purposes.
>Biden administration tacitly arguing that they commercially profit from illegal aliens
Why do Chuds get so angry about nations having laws? I thought y'all were pro-law and order...
Yeah we have laws, I'm not sure why the president wants foreigners to break them
He doesn't. That doesn't mean you can just build a random wall on the border and obstruct everything else in the area.
The federal government has no control over that land. It's not is not, never had been, and never will be, a commercial waterway. It's Texan jurisdiction and no matter how bad you or Biden want illegals to be crossing it, your pipe dream is likely going to be shot down by judges.
>Why do Chuds get so angry about nations having laws?
Because the law is just a proxy for the things they want. If the law gives them what they want the law is based. If the law doesn't give them what they want then they don't give a fuck.

>The federal government has no control over that land.
This is what is being argued in court right now, anon. Not sure why you would pretend like the ruling is settled already when it isn't. What is settled is that the federal government has ultimate authority over immigration and border enforcement. States cannot, by law, supersede the federal government in immigration or border enforcement. That isn't up for debate. What is up for ruling is whether or not the specific piece of land in question is under state or federal control.
>navigable for commercial purposes.

It has absolutely noting to so with that, this is straight-up the Biden administration treasonously betraying America for the benefit of Wall Street Globalists.
>treasonously betraying America for the benefit of Wall Street Globalists.
All you had to was add tranny and you woul've hit every /pol/ schizo buzzword
> can't counter the point?
> call him a schizo and declare victory!
There's no point to counter. You just said a bunch of baseless shit and expected some kindo f measured response.
>baseless shit

Bazillions of illegal 3rd world invaders pouring over the border.
Biden administration refuses to stop it.
Texas forced to try and stem the flow
Biden administration forces the border back open.

Why are Dems and their lackeys such traitors?
At least he didn't call you chuck shumer or some other super retarded reply, he just used a normal retarded reply
Fucker. You made me read the article to see if that quote was true.
And the fucker actually said it.
I've been trying to find a picture of him to see how big his nose is, but there don't seem to be one.
Shoot the illegals...
Shoot to kill!
Nothing you said is based in any kind of reality. Despite whatever far-right slop hole you've been getting your news from, there aren't bazillions of illegals pouring in. The Biden administration is exercising its federal power to enforce immigration, as is allowed under the constitution - the same way Trump was when he was in office. Texas, under the same constitution, has zero authority in enforcing national borders. This is the law. The reason this upsets you is because the law is preventing you from doing whatever you want.

>Why are Dems and their lackeys such traitors?
Unfortunately, you're a victim of political brain poison. You've lost your ability to engage with the system and somewhere along the line your mind was captured to the point that you think people disagreeing with you is being traitorous. The irony is that people who think like you, in the framer's minds, are actual enemies of America - people who have no consideration for rule of law and instead insist that your particular belief system should be exempt from constitutional enforcement. You are, in no uncertain terms, un-American.
lol fag ass eating take right here...
>The irony is that people who think like you, in the framer's minds, are actual enemies of America - people who have no consideration for rule of law.....
Yea like listening to your king.. Handing over your guns when asked.. Paying your taxes...NOT overthrowing your goverment... Except thats exactly how this country was founded you stupid fuck.
Go read the Constitution fake ass fag.
>The federal government has no control over that land
????Yes it does?????? Wait until you find out about eminent domain.
??? If you don't like the law, why are you so angry when it gets broken???
His middle two points are completely true
???no it doesn't??? That's why there is a texan barrier in it right now and the Biden admin are in court right now trying to argue that it's a commercial waterway because girl scouts could sell cookies on it.

Texas followed federal law, it's not a commercial waterway, hence it's not under federal control.

The federal govt literally does not have control over the river right now and they want the court to change that

>Eminent domain
Oh shit son, you just outsmarted the entire Biden administration with your armchair legal theories! Quick, better send that one over to biden's legal team, I'm sure they haven't thought of it yet
>"I could imagine a lot of border streams and creeks where you could have friends ferrying Girl Scout cookies in a small rowboat," he said.
Wow, that's one hell of a legal argument, isn't it?
Its the non enforcement thats at issue.
Like sodomy.
The only law being broken here is immigration law.

It's not a commercial waterway so Biden administration is trying to wrest control of it from Texas to allow people to once again cross illegally
>not a commercial waterway
Oh i am laffin XDPP
Immigration law is 100% decided by federal governmentz specifically the powers of the presidency.

If Biden actually wanted total open borders, it would be 100% constitutional. Sorry that this fact hurts your feelings.
Well, you can't send anything more than a kayak down it as it's not even 2 feet deep, but I guess the Biden administration is at least admitting that they think illegal immigrants should be commercially exploited, thus the waterways they cross at are federal jurisdiction
>Immigration law is 100% decided by federal governmentz specifically the powers of the presidency
No you retard.
Law is decided by Congress, not your despot
>Libtards actually think this
The power of the president was vastly expanded in 1891, which was the start of the modern immigration system as we know it in order to attack Chinese people from getting in. Before that the country was pretty close to open borders. Sorry that this fact hurts your feelings.
Sorry Chang, it's not my fault you can't differentiate between law and executive policy.
I know over in your place of birth Winnie the Pooh can make law, but US presidents can not, they can only decide how they want to enforce it
I didn't say they make the law. I said "decided by the federal government" which includes Congress but is "specifically the president". Learn to follow conversations and you won't embarrass yourself.
>I didn't say they make the law
>"Immigration law is 100% decided by federal governmentz specifically the powers of the presidency"
Coming from morons who think the border is open, that's a compliment.
The border is in fact closed now in Texas, so it's not open currently, much to the disdain of the Biden administration
Illegal immigration is at an all time high
The border is pretty open
Border's open. The enforcement is literally to bring them into the US.
It couldn't be more open than that.
It could be more open, actually. Biden could win his fight to open back up the Texan border. More than half the US-mexican border lies along texas
>Congress isn't the federal government
Oh, Congress doesn't have any of the powers of presidency as was claimed

Keep lying though, you almost tricked yourself into believing yourself
>I'm retarded
The only retard was the retard who claimed that deciding immigration law was exclusively the power of the executive branch

Biden can say whatever he wants, Texas isn't going to reopen it. Nobody cares, courts don't matter, the federal government is fake and gay. Ain't it grand?
When you selectively enforce the laws, we get to do the same. Fair is fair, after all.
It's not random, it's to stop lawbreakers. What "everything else" is being obstructed there besides illegal spic aliens?
It's weird because it's actually a thing they've picked up from the Soviets.
>a diagnostic category used in the Soviet Union to describe what was claimed to be a form of schizophrenia characterized by a slowly progressive course; it was diagnosed even in patients who showed no symptoms of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, on the assumption that these symptoms would appear later.[2] It was developed in the 1960s by Soviet psychiatrist Andrei Snezhnevsky and his colleagues,[3][4] and was used exclusively in the USSR and several Eastern Bloc countries, until the fall of Communism starting in 1989.[5] The diagnosis has long been discredited because of its scientific inadequacy and its use as a means of confining dissenters.[6] It has never been used or recognized outside of the Eastern Bloc,[7] or by international organizations such as the World Health Organization.[8] It is considered a prime example of the political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union.[9]
>Sluggish schizophrenia was the most infamous of diagnoses used by Soviet psychiatrists, due to its usage against political dissidents.[10] After being discharged from a hospital, persons diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia were deprived of their civic rights, credibility and employability.[11] The usage of this diagnosis has been internationally condemned.[12]
>Someone did something I think is bad, therefor I will also do bad things
Thanks for openly admitting you have no values
>schizo cope
>What "everything else" is being obstructed there besides illegal spic aliens
Actually nothing. I guess your right.
My bad.
Good post
That was not what I said, nor was it what I meant to say, nor could it in any possible way be taken from what I said. You chose to weaken federal rule of law, and now you are reaping the consequences of those decisions, it's as simple as that, really. We all warned you it was stupid, and your leaders did it anyway. You made this bed, get raped in it.

Exactly, when a leftist says "schizo", it's a cope, it's a cry for mommy government to gulag a dissenter, nothing more. Not even a word, a sound as meaningless as a fart.

Thank you for admitting it.
If it's not shot down by judges it's going to be shot down by armed men in Texas State Trooper and Natty Guard uniforms, with backup from half the other states. When men abandon civility, they cannot be surprised that civility will be denied them, and unless soft-bellied office workers from federal agencies want to fight the guys who get in regular gunfights with cholos poor old Joe Biden is just going to have to sit there and pout.
The judges will do what Abbott wants just because a judge's power comes from the law being respected and if they don't go with the flow (and just get overruled by force) it erodes their own position. Also because Abbott is objectively correct, but there are multiple reasons why this is a done deal. Shame, really, I looked forward to seeing feddies get humiliated by cowboys.
>If it's not shot down by judges
Why would any judge rule that a river which has never been used for commerce is a commercial waterway?
>immigration law was exclusively the power of the executive branch
Low IQ. Stop posting.
Because it can be. Cope, seethe, dilate, etc.
Are you implying the president decides immigration law, retard?
You know you're talking to retards who unironically think the border was completely closed on January 19, 2021 and then was somehow flung wide open by Joe Biden on January 20, right?
National borders are federal jurisdiction. The state government can go get fucked.

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