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California university president put on leave for ‘insubordination’ after meeting Gaza protesters’ demands
Mike Lee had agreed to move toward divesting from Israel and giving a pro-Palestinian group more sway over campus decisions.


California State University placed Sonoma State campus President Mike Lee on leave Wednesday after he agreed to protesters’ demands to involve them in university decision-making and pursue divestment from Israel.

Lee sent a campus-wide memo Tuesday indicating that he had made several concessions to occupants of a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus. The memo was sent “without the appropriate approvals,” CSU Chancellor Mildred García said in a statement, adding that she and the 23-campus CSU system’s board are “actively reviewing the matter.”

"For now, because of this insubordination and the consequences it has brought upon the system, President Lee has been placed on administrative leave,” García said.

The punishment marks perhaps the harshest disciplinary action against a campus chancellor or president in California over the handling of protests of the war in Gaza. It also underscores an unwillingness to divest from Israeli weapons manufacturers — as pro-Palestinian protesters across the country have increasingly demanded the last few months — among leaders of the CSU system and its sister University of California system.
I guess we can see that the Jews really are in charge.
Why are white people like this?
Unironically a Christian apocalypse cult.
>to where?
Just pick a fucking direction and walk. If you reach water just turn left or right. Once you get through Israel, you are guaranteed to reach a muslim country.
Man it sucks that two groups that hate White people are fighting, guess I'll just have to put my feet up, eat some popcorn, and enjoy the show. I wouldn't want to be a White Savior and steal agency from those poor, inbred parasites after all.
They don't want them, Palestinians are notoriously ungrateful and tried a terrorist coup in Jordan when Jordan tried to shelter them.


1. They’re being systematically starved to death
2. They’re not allowed to leave
3. It’s their land
Zionist propaganda and brainwashing.

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