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Man I liked his stuff but he really comes off as a prick
Did he strike a nerve?
normies ruined it like everything else good
dude is autistic and probably got fed up with people bugging him and trying to doxx him.
>but he really comes off as a prick
I would too if I had a bunch of obsessive groupies constantly getting on my nerves
but everything he wrote is completely reasonable and true. and not in a 'use the truth as an excuse to be shitty' way it's just... yeah he's right lol
If he seems like a prick to you, then you're the reason he had to write it
He's not a prick. This is what needs to be said. Don't contact him. Let him have his own life. Some people make videos then later realize they want to live a completely private life and do everything they can to try and get their privacy and normalcy back. He doesn't want to be public property anymore. Faggot YouTube groupies. The fact he has to say 'no I didn't save your life' is so pathetic. OMG YOU SAVED MY LIFE YOUTUBER!
he just wanted to do his thing but faggots fucked it up by getting creepy with him and trying to find him and be his friend. many such cases. he doesn't sound like an asshole here, he sounds annoyed at people developing a strange "relationship" with him when they've never even met.

best of luck to him in whatever he does next
Youtube is a cancer where people are forced to keep making meaningless shorts to maintain an audience
>antisocial expunk 4chan type from seattle comes off as a prick
Damn fr? No way. I did like his vids though. Only YouTube “personality” I can stand besides michael moore
OP is the main reason this guy had to write that, get a life cunt
>makes travel videos
>posts them to the largest video hosting website in existence
>nooooo why are people watching my videos noooo stahp :’(
His videos were based but he tries way too hard to come off as le mysterious stranger.
He is not trying to, he just moved on, something you seem incapable of.
Way back in the day people pointed cameras away from them when they used them. Crazy I know but its true
hes a prick because YOU are a prick. Stop being a prick and suddenly you understand he is not a prick.
general rule of thumb is anything that attracts r*ddit will get ruined
r*dditors ruin so many hobbies, niche interests etc
> Only YouTube “personality” I can stand besides michael moore
I so hope this is bait.
I don't even know who this is.
Sorry typo. I meant fuckin malcolm moore. Idk something with an m. He does snowboard shit
He literally had to say nothing or I'm done making videos yet he went on a pissbaby rant
People would pester him into eternity
If that post makes you angry, it's meant for you.
He's just an angry autist. I've seen lots like him in technology communities/discussions before where they're absolutely blunt and have 0 intention of being friendly to anyone. People being curious about others on the interwebz is a given, especially if you're a Youtuber.
lol he's not talking about people being curious, that's not the issue you weirdo. go watch more youtube and make friends with the screen
>I don't like the tone of his writing therefore I'm going to bitch about it
you're a fat female aren't you
>what a prick
All's I see is a dude who absolutely knows how to deal with the trash that lives on youtube /out/ videos.
why, he is just honest?
and i dont even know who the fuck he is/was. you being sad and insulted that a youtuber told you to fuck off say way more about you than him.
There is no diffrence
>telling the /out/ist to go outside.
I've always been a fan of his. its blunt, but a totally correct response.
the people getting mad at his response are hilarious.
Guy went out trolling
this is why you dont make videos on vagabond shit. fuckin moron. i hope they never stop harassing him
>go outside
I can't thats why I watch the videos
I'm just wish I could do things too
But I can't. I've never had friends. I can't go outside. This is the best I can do.
quit being sad in here you're making everyone else sad too
I hate being alive so much
>bitches about people stalking him
Hahahahahaha, how the fuck is e-stalking real, hahahaha nigga just log off and never log back in, hahahahaha nigga just walk away LOL.
>makes antisocial traveling videos bitching about autistic subjects
>surprised he attracted weirdos
It makes a lot of sense that he attracted a bunch of loser nerds to obsess over him when you watch his vids and look at the comments. For example one of the top comments on his forbidden island vid is some gay reddit shit about how he has a "video game voice actor" voice.

I feel bad for the dude but he should've found a way to get rid of his autistic speech patterns if he didnt want an army of gay weeaboos trying to suck his cock. Im glad that he stopped making vids instead of playing into it.
>film and upload yourself committing multiple felonies leaving your fingerprints everywhere and using your own voice with your smartphone that had geolocation enabled and who knows what else, don't you have to upload your ID to post on youtube these days or something?
>make the feds and state look like incompetent idiots to millions of people
>for the lulz
>think you'll get away with it
He accepted the plea deal. Don't blame him. It was either this or prison. I fail to understand why so few people think this is his own organic response to the situation. He simply got too confident. sleeping in the bushes is one thing, doing multiple state and federal felonies and brazenly uploading it to the internet is another.
Hold it right there, the guy's phone had the geolocation disabled. He travelled with everything downloaded to it.
Besides he used a passport to get in legally, so they'd find him if they really wanted.
You just have to accept you aren't as clever as you think
Yeah thats why his videos took off he acted unintentionally like Solid Snake
no he didn't he literally films his phone screen with the geoindicator active
>passport to get in legally
the entire island is owned by the state of washington and is restricted.
If you watch the actual video he says he has the internet disabled and uses an app to download maps to his device so he can travel in complete stealth.
>moving the goalposts
you are a fucking faggot stfu moron
watched a random video of his to see what all the fuss was about and he acts like a douche all the time so good riddance I guess
For real he's literally Rick from Rick and Morty nhilist
I think you might be the pissbaby
everytime this
There is not a chance in hell anybody cares enough about a dude trespassing to get fucking fingerprints taken you absolute retard. No actually you are retarded
Am I supposed to know who this is? Qrd?
Stealth camper/Urbexer that stands out a little more than the rest of the same
can't believe my best friend did this
OP is a parasocial faggot
Touch grass
It wasn't just trespassing.
Still mad about being busted via the international squatters thing huh? Yeah figures he'd quit after that. Once the face was out there from SCM it was pretty simple to figure out the circles he was in. Let this be a lesson- Do not hang out with dangerhairs and commie adjacent fake community ruined people.

Nah he just doesen't have the /int/ freegan community to feed him easy spots to find without effort anymore.

Expunk / Squatter who didn't hide his shit nearly as well as he thought unfortunately.

It's weird that people chose to complain about this guy instead of just saving for a shitty ticket to somewhere and doing it themselves.
stop pretending to know who he is
no. the cycle of growth and decay in society is simple. the visionary inventors create something amazing in their garage. they sell it and make a cool hundred bucks. the businessmen catch wind and give them a cool million bucks. the product is marketed and sold to the public en masse. then the the businessmen muscle the inventors out and continue running the business machine until its so saturated with ads, shitty materials, a billion self serving people that cut corners, etc., that the whole thing just implodes. and people just sit around waiting for the next big thing to take its place.

pop culture destroys everything eventually. it belongs to everyone and no one. its cliche garbage and doesnt ever try to create anything. it rides the wave, makes a few bucks, and eats fancy food for a few years.

on the beaten path or off it is similar in that its hard. its hard to deal with clowns at the circus, and its also hard to survive alone in the wilderness...
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Either you don't know the lore or you are him doing damage control. Funny either way. I'd tell you to do your own research but you're clearly not interested.
His bio is perfectly normal and based
Wtf else were you expecting from him. Disillusioned retard.
He wasn't a "youtuber". He was some anon archiving his travels on yt. Get these faggoty Fagtuber misconceptions out of your head-- uploading video =! being a fagtuber.
This is true. Doesen't mean we wasn't badly doxxed as a result though. You don't throw up a No need to find me post if you aren't worried about it after all. Experiences suck especially when you're just trying to do your own thing. Public facing shit is always so risky with the way it goes now.
he was probably pissed off at the literal grifters making content off his videos
you dont know who he is. Still. Parawako. And no i am not him.
Can't wait till you farms scum are round up and euthanised you glowie adjacent degenerates.
you have to go back
Whats a farms?
4chan incels are much worse for that. Sorry anon but it's true.
kiwi fruit farms, community of losers that obsess over wanting to dox and stalk anyone that gets any internet prominence.
Some of their members are the literal hellspawn of glowies
Oh wow. Thats a new one for me. God damn the internet is so gay now
>doesn't realize that website has existed for decades
I did not. I dont spend every second of my life dicking around on my computer
Prick? Nah. Corny as fuck? Yeah
He won't have a response for that.
that's great and all but can you recommend any similar channels?
Did he delete any videos or is everything on his channel?

Also is he Surveillance Camera Man?

He claimed to be familiar with the internet, than outed himself as a braindead normie.
Tell me if you find some
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Heres your prize for being the biggest internet faggot. I found it outside while you were autistically obsessing over strangers
You don't know how to express your thoughts coherently and accurately, a tell tale sign of being a braindead retard. I'm sorry for your loss.
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Heres another one. I like the colors on this one. I figured it could brighten up your desk since you spend so much time there
>>2695104 how much do you lift
Post body.
Thanks for a highres pic of your fingerprints, i needed some for a project.
5. The callouses are mostly from climbing nowadays though
I hope its nothing illegal, anon
Congrats feeling like you have to prove you go outside without solicitation so you can get some e-clout on chudforum.com. You're so special and definitely don't spend too much time on the internet.
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Another one? Well ok, but I really think you should go outside and start finding your own. Its a fun way to spend a rainy day. Was thinking this is a porcini
Why aren't you outside right now you fucking fraud?
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Because I have a job. I don’t understand where this hostility is coming from. I’m just trying to show your contributions to internet faggotry are recognized and appreciated. Without internet faggots like you, where would society be right now? I was trying to think of a suitable prize considering this is an outdoors board but I take it you dont like mushrooms.

How about some corn I grew? Its not sweet corn so you can’t eat it. Pretty though
Where would we be without braindead normies who bandwagon onto everything hip and trendy but detach as soon as they sense that it's socially undesirable? Gtfo off this board COVID tourist.
No idea who this is but it sounds like you are the dumb one.
Just go outside ffs.
maybe you should stop being so obsessed with someone on the internet and trying to harass him for his address and personal life updates, faggot
its actually normal and good to expect and desire privacy on the internet, and also broadly in daily life. and whatever arguments you can use to defend mass surveillance and big data, if you intentionally post your real info and likeness on the open web you've been psyoped.

lea heem aloh
yeah he sounds like a fag and funny how he thinks that's going to stop people
now the stalkers might start acting maliciously because he can't keep help but being a rude faggot
I don’t know who this thread is about or anything about the conversation but I will always assume anyone who says “pissbaby” is a doofus whose opinion on anything can comfortably be ignored with nothing of value being lost.
Literally who
Eh, the only problem with this is it seems to be addressed to his general audience, instead of those who were pestering him (if that was the case).
>People wanted to find him
Never heard about that nor has he come across any "fans" or complained about it on his videos. Weird that it gets brought up as a point.
Even Shiey isn't this much of a pissbaby about people and he's fucking well known and has gotten doxxed once or twice.
>tfw we'll never get another person as kind and as interesting as stobe
He was just taking a video
>Also is he Surveillance Camera Man?
>using normie as an insult unironically
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From the seattle riots. Anyone interested?
>comes off as a prick
Do you need a safe space, OP?
you type like a womxn
Holy based
>some random guy

I don't know who this is and Tbh I don't see why this post keeps getting bumped.
If only there were somewhere you could look him up
What’s your source vid anon?
>he really comes off as a prick
Just getting to that now? The guy has some great videos but a shit personality. Would seek out for entertainment, wouldn't have drinks with type of guy.
>I can't
unless you're bed bound then you absolutely can, friends or not.
Nah that’s him, he’s even got that milsurp backpack on
Fuck, I'm interested now
his personality was half the reason people found his vids good. Was funny hearing him shit talk everything.
He seemed like a good guy considering how well he got on with everyone he met
why do people live vigorously through the videos of these travel youtubers? I've been guilty of doing the same in the past but never to the point of posting dick ridding comments and wishing they dated every girl that somehow comes across their path like many people on youtube do.
the word is vicariously
>Anyone interested?
go ahead anon
Give me the cliff notes.
Shut your ass up you retarded buttlicker. jesus christ and muhammad started anonymous then they became full famosity, this is the way, God is invisible but fully present and umbreakable
he is not a prick. He is just white. Every single white person is like that. You dont come from the OG semitic pipol, you come from that retarded autistic Jafar, you are also imparentaed with those faggot chinks lol. Thank God He made me brown. OG brown.
That reads perfectly fine to me. The Wiki article he linked is apt, the internet and who is posting on it is not important. If someone disappears from it, they're probably fine.
This is one of the most cringeworthy things I have ever read and I didn't know anything about this guys existence until this thread. Leave your house.
You say this as if not being online enough to know about kiwi farms is a bad thing. If only I could be so disconnected from this awful noise.
vagrant hands typed that post.
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Imagine the face he made when he typed that out and how long it took him.
Sad sack of shit.
>t. the kind of person he's talking about
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if that post makes you think he's a prick maybe you should try and not be such a fucking pussy lol
Yeah that'll show 'em!
Do I need to be up on this latest /out/ drama?
>ITT: Vagrant Holiday decides to shill his dead channel on /out/ after being pushed out of /trv/ multiple times and deflects when people poke fun at him
is the VH in the room right now?
Maybe he wants nothing to do with parasocial fags.
grow up samefag
What's mature about being way too attached to a YouTuber?
>i cant believe me broadcasting all my shit got me attention, woe is me
>haha dont pay me too much attention silly boys, im actually very dark and cool
I lose my temper every time this hummus-loving emo hobo gets mentioned.
The only people who are attached are the retards who still vehemently defend him in these threads. Every single person with common sense immediately stopped giving a shit about him and his channel once he posted his schizo rant on YouTube. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
He's a wetwipe and his schtick got old fast. Cunt thinks he's Holden Caulfield

>this is lame everything's lame
>I'm going to camp in a bush because I just don't give a fuck
>Food is lame I'm just going to eat bread and houmous
>Is Surveillance Camera Man
>Gets upset when people invade his privacy

>Considering how well he got on with everyone he met
you mean the one slag who took him to an abandoned building, or the drug dealer who kicked the shit out of him?
Sounds like to me, a guy who just go there, that you guys that go outside are very weird and he is tired of you.
>schizo rant
>muh feelings were hurt by reality
Back to re--it and dreamland.
don't you have some hummus to eat
I raise poultry and cattle and literally a backhoe shows up in about an hour to dig out a sizable duck pond.
Off in the distance is an old Caboose I'm rehabbing.

Really not even sure what hummus is.
>im literally a farmer guys literally
No. I am wealthy from my business and crypto and I'm building a farm. Yesterday I drove my tractor around and arranged my other equipment.
I'm a real farmer now. Seethe harder and you go back to whatever hummus is.
Some kind of nut I imagine.
>p-p-please believe me, im really succesful from my business crypto venture! and also seethe
Does it make you feel better about yourself?
I wish more creators were willing to end projects like this. His catalogue of videos is already perfect; he can only rehash what he's already done and it would only be pandering to the audience. It's clear that these videos are his art and that they mean a lot to him. They also seem like a ton of effort to organize, fund, and edit so I don't doubt if that's another reason to stop making them. They don't strike me as being very profitable and I really respect that he hasn't tried to cash in on them with spin-offs or podcasts either.
Hi Vagrant Holiday
No, you were triggered and then implied I eat hummus.
So, now you are talking to me.

Yesterday I chopped large logs with my 8 lb axe.
You'd be surprised how thick a log you can split if you come straight down on it. It's technique more than power.

I know it irritates you to find that you are a normal average person.
I however, embrace it.
How about you make seven more posts about your life and who you are, clearly you feel you've got something to prove.
I just know that people doing things in real life and achieving things and self actualizing really irritates online chuds.
To others it's inspirational and I would read these posts before I did anything and get ideas and it helped me a lot.
But for people like you I know it's highly irritating.
You ooze "I don't do anything."
>bunch of ad hominem
No tell me more about you. Apparently all it takes to set you off is the mention of hummus.
I can't say I understand, as someone that doesn't know anything about the guy and hasn't watched his videos. "I'm done now, leave me alone," doesn't seem that weird, and it seems people that watched the channel are the ones fussing, like OP.
Hey, I'm sorry it didn't go over well with you. YOU brought it up.
It's very nice here and I'm going to carry my little daughter out to look at the hole and see if it's to my liking.
Monday is my fasting day so the sun will help keep me energized.
That's more like it, hummus boy
They're all suffering from parasocial relationships with ecelebs. Autistic people are unable to make friends in the modern era so they attach to online personalities and pretend that they know each other. Look at all the lonely guys who donate to those digital hookers on onlyfans and twitch. It's sad.

Vagrant Holiday got doxed due to his riot video years ago and no one paid attention to it. Then a bunch of zoomers discovered his videos from reposts on tictok which lead to the dox showing up again and that pissed VH off to the point where he quit as autistic manchildren kept trying to met up with him.
I think its best if you leave him alone.
I met him in person he's a complete schizo and weirdo ehh but bretty good guy
that's LITERALLY what he did
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Trevor mogs him in every way
>i'm too cool for my audience. If you watch me you're cringe. You don't know me, fuck off.

Why is he like this? He made good videos then goes out of his way to insult everyone who watches them. Like why is he so negative about everything? This city is shit! Food doesn't matter! I hate torusit attractions! I'd rather eat cold beans sleeping in a bush next to shitting junkies! This is real travel! Spending half the day looking for a bush to sleep in without getting stabbed and refusing to pay 4 euro to do anything touristy! I'm so much better than people who enjoy their vacations! Travelling is only cool if you reek like shit and eat a diet of cold canned beans and shit in bushes while complaining about everything! My audience are fucking losers!!!
If he wanted to "flfo his thing", he could have vagrant traveled without filming every fucking moment, spending days editing it, then uploading it for the world to see. He acts like he ISNT a travel vlogging youtuber, when thats literally his channel- except with a gimmick that he sleeps in bushes. It's nothing more than recreational tourism/vlogging.
from the get go he made it very clear he hates the typical redditor, he openly mocks them in a video, he also mocks antifa, anarchists and basedboy etc
A lot of the people he mocked seemed to naturally gravitate to his vids seeing him as the real deal.
nah, I'm under the impression it's him who continues to make these stupid threads and having them bumped, it's not just /out/ that has this fag on here every now and again, majority of the thread is usually people talking trash (rightfully so) about his shit content and fans
No dad, you don't get it! It's not a phase! I'm not like other young adults travelling to India to find myself!! I'm this super cool guy who eats dog food, sleeps in bushes and doesn't afraid of anythign
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Didn't know about this dude until this thread. I like his content so far and can relate from being a former vagrant.
Supremely based
You could gather that VH is an insufferable prick to be around just from his videos, so why are you surprised? He made very good content for what it is worth. I wish he made more because I had a blast watching, but at the end of the day you can only watch so much of this stuff before getting sick of it or better yet doing it yourself.

A lot of these urbexers have similar personalities I've noticed.
Overparanoid retards are so stupid, you're afraid of your own shadows. Unless you run some high end criminal empire you've no reason to worry about any of this.
>I know... le things
no one cares faggot




wow I just assumed he must be hot as fuck because every time he introduced a "friend" in a video it's some cute slut hanging off his every word but instead he just looks like your average nerd
is he just like 6'4" or something? that'll probably do it desu
There's nothing paranoid about it. You don't get to brazenly and knowingly break into a fucking prison island, find a meth lab, and then upload it for a million people to see and get away with it. I principally agree with you, but you're wrong in this case.
No one is going to pursue you for trespassing. Even if they wanted to it's a big hassle. You would not need to worry about what kind of phone you are using and what government spyware it is, your only concern is YouTube because they would be the first people government would ask who uploaded the video. They wouldn't try finding your prints years later or figuring out what phone it was uploaded from, it's a complete waste of time for some trespassing. If you uploaded with a channel that isn't linked to any of your main accounts or personal information, they won't be able to do shit. If there was any real trouble the video would receive a notice to remove it before anything else and seeing no one has requested anything years after it was uploaded, there's no risk.

Whoever wrote the 'plea deal' fantasy are still dumb.
The stuff is abandoned for a reason. Nobody cares. There's urbex youtubers doing worse while fully recognizable on camera without repercussions. you fell for YouTube dramatization tricks.
you sound unreasonably upset
>Still mad about being busted via the international squatters thing huh?
>Let this be a lesson- Do not hang out with dangerhairs and commie adjacent fake community ruined people.

gonna need a qrd
nah he just gives off chad energy
If any of what he wrote comes off as dickish, it's because you're the target audience of his note on parasocial relationships. Touch grass.
who's that?
I don't know who this is and I don't understand why people keep bumping the thread.
The sperg that made this thread to advertise himself as the second coming of VH.
It's never that serious.
Fingerprints?? For trespassing??? get real
so what's his yt?
Wow! The single most popular type of glasses? The ubiquitous one? That every single person with glasses has worn for 20 years? That PROVES that uhhhhhhhhhhhhh he wears glasses lol
Hi VH. Bumping your own thread again?
An autistic homeless guy just climbed over my house!
He's a redditor himself, so that doesn't make sense.
If you are defending him, it's because you're the target audience of his note on parasocial relationships. Touch grass.
Yup. It's a nu-out thread.
>moved on
to murder/suicide, that ps killed me. I'm ded.
Literally who? My only /out/ youtube/podcasts are steve rinella and clay newcomb
Rinella is based.
No Rinella is a fed
I always knew he was a prick, but once Machete Cut came I decided to give the guy a chance and would have wanted more videos from him.
He tries too hard but I can sympathise if he's sick of the weird para social shit, youtube culture is pathetic
No, he is pathetic.
yandex says trevor daneliuk
confidence and words are more important, anon
t. lonely 6'2" handsome autist.
You will be surprised to learn that many women jump to a guy with a little bit of fame. Look at how lolcows like DSP and Boogie keep getting women. You might not get 10/10s or 6/10s but you will still find desperate enough women.
Bump, don't let this thread die
is this the boltcutter guy? help me out here anons
I think this is the stealth camping guy, the one that slept on a roundabout or whatever.
I liked his videos of course.

The meaning of the statement the guy said is completely rational and fine. The way he phrased it came off like a prick. Still, he has a right to sound like a prick if he wants.

Just for common courtesy he could have said all his points in a more polite way, but the guy is not polite, so whatever.
Was it ever fully confirmed he was svc?
I think you meant to Bump this thread.
Yes a long time ago
Why are necrobumping?
lmao was your life saved by sitting on your ass and watching youtube videos all day?
now go on reddit and say 4chan is better. ill wait for you when you get banned kek
Hummus hands bumped this thread.
I liked these videos, I was laid up with the flu and watched them all back to back, good stuff.
Thanks for ruining another good thing r*ddit
Are you going to keep this trash alive until bump limit?
It's a desperate cry for attention. But he's a youtuber so what did you realistically expect?
Yeah he confirmed it personally in the Island tresspass when he pointed his cam at a CCTV cam and said "Just shooting a video". Also see hands in >>2691443
There were also articles about SCM before vagrant holiday. He was pretty overt and not trying to hide is my take on it.
Dancer just dropped Forbidden Island Pt. 2
>it has now become a right of passage for some americans to paddle to nonce island and evade the nonce police
You type like a romanian trying desperately to copy the english.
He's kinda a pussy though, having a couple parasocial simps isn't that bad, just be a little courteous to them, it's easy, it's like breathing. The schizo ones are a little spooky but overall harmless.
Fuck any sheep lately?
Troon fupa enjoyer posted this
Speak English.
People who think acting aloof and detached is a personality piss me off. Fucking reptilians

also the Japan video was fake
>the Japan video was fake
What do you mean it was fake?
>What do you mean it was fake?
That he kept getting caught by the police and he pretended to sleep outside while living in hotel rooms.
like half the point of his videos are him being a prick
i think thats why newfags don't get his vids. Why they blew up was him just shit talking everything he sees as a form of anti-tourism, like in the Japan video.
Thx for the plug, already knew Poison and Tomz but I'll be checking out the other ones too, when I have time.
I love that you bitches can't take rejection even from some random on the Internet. Look how mad you are that dude left and told you to fuck off.
I respect what he said and you're seething
VH will always be a legend.
Why not?
Bye, have a beautiful time.
Bump. We need to keep this thread on page 1 all the time.
You normies ruined it. I was watching back when he had a thousand subs. Who tf are you? Once he became known I had to stop watching. Fuck you normies
Fuck you, entitled prick
You don't know how Zoomer cool works. He tries to shit on everything to make himself look cool. Normally, having a bunch of followers is cool but he is trying to look cool to other contentfags, so he tries to "mog" them the only way he knows. He talks shit on followers, which immediately should ingratiate himself into the community of contentfags that hate their miserable lives and their parasocial followers. Like moths to a flame!

Too bad that all backfired and now he has nothing, so he has to pretend that THAT is cool. Famewhoring kinda sucks, my dude.
White boy got his ass beaten up on another adventure of his and permanently retired lmaooooo
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I think it's obvious someone either found him or got too close to finding him.
>Read the text
He sounds fun, thanks for recommending the channel OP
Bookmarking these too, thanks
>guy comes off as a smartass antisocial asshole in his videos
>turns out to actually be one
woah, what a fucking surprise, who would have thought?
>he kept getting caught by the police and he pretended to sleep outside while living in hotel rooms
i need a source for that
Shit I almost forgot to bump this
>I should totally bump this thread, that guy is like a 4channer, surely he will see my posts and resume uploading videos!!
Who said this?
I think he's just having an autism fit. Let him be.
y'all know what time it is
I don't think it was the normies
I liked the rogue/anarchist camper sort if thing he did.
That sounds horribly cringey.
Sue me
cool mushrooms anon, I went picking for the first time last week
one of the only 3dpd dudes i have ever jerked it to
Yeah, I’m thinking we keep this thread alive.
Hard agree
Daily bump
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>He Made that post about people like You
I never really gave a shit about any of his personal stuff nor did I even think about him until his gay little rant. I've done the same shit he has I've slept in bivys outside of factories in Luxembourg and in parks in bologna I even accidently started a abandoned building on fire with a candle
Daily bump

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