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Post your trailcam photos. This is the only thing I’ve captured in 4 months.
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I was able to capture this fat fuck who was clearing his own special little dirtbike road through my property. I called the cops and they knew exactly who it was. Some dink down the road who used to put cats in the microwave when he was a kid. They went down and "had a talk" with him and the shit stopped tout de suite.
3 yotes tugging on a mulie carcass
If you can't defend private property, you don't own it. You didn't defend it in this case.
How much land do you own, anon?
what the fuck is this retardation? the forest is about 2500 acres and has many owners and we all enjoy the freedom to roam and nobody damages anybody's shit, it's never been necessary to monitor because everyone has respect. and then chucklefuck thinks he can chop down trees and clear a mud thoroughfare for his douche canoe through like 9 peoples' properties so I put a sign up i which he defaced and then i called the cops. I pay taxes, I'm not a retard who's sitting under a tree in a ghillie suit every day
I'm going to be blunt, it's more than you will ever own. And it's unfenced.
>I don't own any
kek. Is that your cat or some random stray?
Lice LARP faggot.
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2016 is when this happened though
South American?
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Nevada,,,,east of Carson by Walker River..
,,,,,Walker river is safe to eat fish unlike Carson river mercury fish,,,
You are South American.
What the fuck is up with al these cuck anime faggots posting faggot anime shit all over /out/ FUCK OF TO /a/ YOU DUMB CUNTS!!!
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they must be going to the same party :3
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These are two different mountin lions. I think this first one is a female and the second is a male following her.
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What is the least pozzed trailcam? Going to be setting one up in the woods 30 ft from my house so preferably something that I could periodically connect to with my phone to check what it's captured.
Based. You literally defended your property and got a result. Dunno what this goon slapper is on about
thank you anon. I thought so too.
Communists don't believe in private property. Seeing as the only good commie is a dead one, I suggest taking down the camera and picking up that ghillie suite and a shovel. Do the world a favor and reduce the communist population.
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the only real solution honestly
I mean, there's a lot of ways accidents can happen in the woods. People disappear all the time, never to be seen again.
Seconding. I want to get one as a Father’s Day gift

All of the following were taken with 2 different cheap amazon solar trail cameras. Neither are currently available, but just about any with a decent rating will get you similar results. One was $100(two separate cameras for day and night) the other was $80.

The $100 one also had wifi, but I've found it to be useless. It doesn't connect to your wifi, it acts as a wifi that you connect to to download your pictures. Sounds useful, right? Well, you have to connect to it with bluetooth to turn on the wifi, which turns back off after 15 minutes. So, you have to be in bluetooth range to connect to it. Then you have to use the app to turn on the wifi. Then you connect to it like any wifi. Use the app to download photos/videos. Well, I can tell you from experience, if you're already going out to the camera, it's faster, easier and more convenient to just swap the memory card.

The solar cells have saved me unknown numbers of batteries. Both take 8AA batteries but also have a rechargeable solar battery. The cameras use the solar battery first and only use tyhe AAs if that runs dry. I've had mine out for almost 2 years and never had to replace the batteries. Well, that's not true. I had to replace them once, when I first got the camera and it was my fault. The solar cells weren't getting enough light. And that is also a limiting factor. You will need to place them where they can get sun, which will limit where you can place them.

how can a trailcam be pozzed lmao
not really
Gotta wonder how many people have set up trail cams looking at popular swimming holes
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Me and my friends used to spend long days and nights out innawoods by the railroad tracks Stand By Me style, drinking beers, having fires, smashing all our bottles on the railroad gravel, etc.

Railroad company eventually clued in on all the broken glass along the tracks (they even had to regrade it once so their maintenance vehicles could pass without getting flat tires kek).

Whelp, unbeknownst to us they set up trail cams around the area and caught us in full flagrante delicto smashing bottles and burning campfires, running to hide everytime a freight train would pass in the night. And they sent all the photos to the local police and literally nobody lifted a finger to bust us. Town cops don't give a FACK unless you're doing it on their property. feelsgoodman and fuk u CSX
Based. Fuck the rail fags, fuck BNSF Railway, and FUCK WARREN BUFFETT.
Based. Stand by me vibes.
Any recs for a cellular trail cam? Looking for one that accepts sim (not a data plan like spypoint..:)
Here’s my souvenir railroad spike. I treated it and sealed it like a museum piece
A bunch of them require subscriptions to use
What is a good one that doesnt?
sounds like he did defend it
>no matches
Based anon.
Hello. I'm interested on buying my first trail camera. I don't hunt and i'm not a biologist. I just like getting pictures of animals and uploading them to iNaturalist.
What are some decent cameras that you recommend in the price range of 50-100 usd?
I don't live in the U.S. So the price might add like 20 usd here.
I just like mething that doesn't take potato quality pictures and has a easy settings menu
nice cat
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piebald doe
If you're buying off of ali, they're all about the same. They're all chinese clones of the originals. You're not likely to find an original "name brand" camera for under $100. So, just look at the reviews and pictures/videos others have taken and shared and pick one. That's your best bet. I recommend solar, it'll save you a small fortune on batteries. Memory cards are cheap, a 128gb card will take months of video and years of pictures. I've yet to see a cellular camera that doesn't require you to pay to get the pictures, so I do not suggest those either.
never seen a white one, we don't have that around here
NTA pied animals are also known as leucistic, which is a partial loss of pigment. It's similar to albinoism, which is the complete loss of pigment.
I use this one:


I was skeptical at first cuz of it being "pozzed" (got it as a gift) but it works pretty well. It replaced just a regular cam and the pics are comparable. It is nice getting a pic immediately when something triggers it. You can request videos to be sent but they are stored on the sim card. it sends a pic every 24hrs so you know its working. battery life is decent. I happen to have great cel coverage at this location which helps im sure
Is that a fox diving into the snow? That's an awesome catch! Did you get video?
yes and yes. This fox is about all I have seen this winter but he comes thru regularly.
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cat for cat
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popular spot
Yeah, it's a fairly high traffic area, lots of prints. That's why I put the camera there.
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heres a wolf butt a got a couple of years ago
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and a small griz
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and 3 lions
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been waiting to post this
this one is even better bros
Why are their tails so small?
You have to go back.
looks like mange
I thought mange was lousing fur in splotches
That's weird, I don't see the thi-
mange is caused by mites, they lose hair wherever the mites are. Look at the "sick" fox in the second video, he's missing hair all over the place. He's much firther along. But they all look like they have it. Look at the hind quarter near the tail in the first video, it's starting to thin there too.
I'm in awe
of what? the bear or the fact he was on camera?
Both the bear and the fact Anon got a shot of one.
Cool footage
I didnt realize you posted so much more...thanks for contributing
the camera angle is janky cuz the elk rubbed up against it. They actually rubbed up against again and it moved back into position lol
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This cheeky cunt won't stop using my trailcam as a perch
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you aren't wrong friend
Is that a raven?
how am i supposed to wank off on a tree with all your damn cameras everywhere?
No reason to stop. Just don’t look at the camera pls it ruins the moment
Stare directly into the lens and finish like a man
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Mostly a lot of extremely boring clips of urban deer standing around eating apples, but this one is neat
>how you like them apples
I couldn't sleep knowing they're out there walking around
All on the same camera? thats crazy. Where?
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Here are a couple coyotes I reciently caught on camera. One would move and then stop, then the second would move, stop, and the first would move again.
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Bucks are starting to get antler buds in Northern California
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Last time I saw a gray fox was a decade ago at my parents ranch. Love those little guys.
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Good thread
Is that a hornless jackalope?
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To be honest, im not sure. Heres another angle.
>something that I could connect to my phone
So any model that takes SD cards. Unless you have an iPhone and then you need an adapter. Or hear me out, just buy a 2 pack of microSD cards and swap them out when you pass by. Only thing I've noticed is the cheapies really hate the frost and cold. Nothing happened to mine then as the spring came the NV died.
Also, that's why I came to this thread. What in a trailcam breaks when the NV stops working? Is it just a gear, shaft/gear connection, a gear tooth? It almost feels like it should be mechanical; you can hear a filter being flicked out of the way. I have some cheap Tasco or Simmonds cams that all died around the same time. NV is captured very rarely (ie. only in testing) and when it is captured, it's obvious the IR lights are being flicked on and off real quick and something isn't right. Going to take one apart; can't hurt it much more than it already has been and I have two others if I fuck it up bad. If it goes well, all three will have NV again and I'll know for the future.
I've never pulled one apart, but I'm guessing the clicking you're hearing is the aperture opening and closing. If it died during a frost, I'm guessing it wasn't completely waterproof, some moisture got in there and froze. This could have damaged the mechanism. If you've never gotten good NV images/video it may be a dud from the factory. I'm just throwing guess out there for you though, none of mine have failed(knock on wood...)
Well I took it apart. Cameras were used and all in working order, like new other than a little battery terminal corrosion which appears to not have done any damage, nor did it cause any issues for the months I was using them. Appears the mechanism for moving the filter (pink/blue to the naked eye) can move but something is preventing the mechanism from moving the post that flick the filter out of the way (probably a broken plastic gear or something). The little filter can be moved rather easily and the little post that moves can move rather smoothly. I didn't see the filter move when NV was attempting to turn on though, which means I probably have to pull it apart further and see what's broke. At the sizes those gears would be, I have little hope to repair and shape teeth so I'm hoping it's a motor shaft -> gear attachment issue. The only thing I noted was a small ~2mmx3mm piece of dried grass when removing the filter slide which I may have introduced after disassembly. I removed the slide that filter was on but didn't go any further.
>but I'm guessing the clicking you're hearing is the aperture opening and closing.
There is no aperture in a cheap digital cam like this; think of it as nothing more than a webcam with a computer attached to save pictures & video. Exposure is done digitally. The only difference is a little mechanism to slide that IR filter on and off so your daytime pics don't look pink. The filter used in a cheap action cam is shown in this video; in trailcams this filter is slid out of the way at night time with a special mechanism. https://youtu.be/nppnme-9ZOA?t=689
(cont. maybe with pics)
>If it died during a frost, I'm guessing it wasn't completely waterproof, some moisture got in there and froze.
The "NV stopped working lol" problem seems to plague cheaper NV cams in winter but I haven't read reviews for a couple years so maybe it's finally solved. While I camo painted the ones I got used I think I might hold off painting new ones I buy from Walmart, etc. to still have the ability to exchange them should they up and die (1-2yr warranties offered for like $3). It may also just be the cold; IIRC I've heard people mention that their cams never worked out of the box which makes me wonder if the small parts just crack in the cold, whether from shrinking on a metal motor shaft or just being brittle and cracking while moving. It's fully possible that the cameras could've been exposed to below freezing temps in shipping or storage before ever being used, which would possibly point towards the shrink and crack theory. I haven't heard anything rattling in the cameras but who knows; it could just detached from the motor shaft. Parts could just get warped out of place or in a position to jam it up for all I know. Camera lens gears are delicate, cheap ones especially.
>none of mine have failed(knock on wood...)
From my experiences, I wouldn't leave your nicer ones out in the cold. But then again, if you spend above $100 maybe they actually don't die in the snow lol. My cameras work fine in day but it's really the night time I'm interested in! Either way, whatever; it lets me know when game comes through an area at the times I'd actually be awake and ready to hunt. That's all they really need to do. Them being so cheap is a bit of an anti-theft mechanism in itself. Painted. Carved. Cheap AND outdated. Fucked up night vision. You'd get like $0.50 for it at a pawn shop, lol. The mount, if I use one, would be worth more. The straps I use are worth more ($3-4/ea) and they're also painted lol.
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So here it is without a case. For size reference, the screws are the ones you'd expect in any cheap piece of electronic junk, like the one holding the case of a dollar store calculator together. The LEDs are the size you'd expect them to be; no bigger or smaller, whatever the most common size is. The filter is over the lens but hard to see at this angle/with this lighting.
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IR filter moved out of the way as it should when filming NV and the top cover for the camera mechanism upside-down showing its tracks (?).
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Filter removed. No clue what's going on, I'd have to dig in further and I'm wondering whether it's really worth it.
Ended up getting a TC08
what are these?
>be mutt
>own a 100 acre property with nothing on it that you don't use
>even if you go there, you use like 1% of it
>probably can't even afford a fence
>some guy with a dirtbike drives through there

why the fuck do mutts do this? are they fucking dumb?
If the dumbass dirt bike rider (or anyone for that matter) hurts themself on your property they will sue your dick off, that’s a big reason.
Obsessed btw
no fences because freedom to roam. hikers, skiers, horsey riders, etc all come through and none of them damage the land. this asshat was cutting down trees and tearing up his own little road. it's because the trail he used to use got closed by another property owner who got tired of the noise and damage. so then chucklefuck decides it's time to make a new road through everyone else's peaceful acres.

the only one being selfish and destructive here is the fucking douche canoe rider
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2 wolves that came by 2 minutes apart that were checking out this mule deer carcass that these yotes were snaking on earlier this winter>>2719024
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>hangs out in front of your cam for 45 minutes and wastes your cams batteries with dozens of pointless triggers
Why are they like this?
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>that small smile
To fuck with you, apparently
Cheeky cunt
that happened to me. Bull elk sat down for 3hrs in the middle of winter and blew thru 100s of pics and dozens of vids lol. the only vid i kept was when the mapgpie was nitpicking in his fur.
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Not my pic. A friend of mine sent me this trail cam pic of his of a pride of mountain lions he got last summer.
holy schidt that's both amazing and kind of terrifiant
Yeah, imagine those things creeping up on your tent at night
Crazy reminds me of this video
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>see fox in a field
>hmm, maybe the fox will go in the woods at the wooded valley area between fields rather than be so in the open
>just get videos of squirrels and deer
Rofl....I feel your frustration. Half of the videos I get from my traps are squirrels(tree and ground). I've found that heavy traffic animal trails are less prone to squirrel bombs if they don't have a spot they can get high enough to climb and spot from. No stumps, logs or anything else they can sit on top of. Seldom uses dirt roads are often very productive. You'll still get deer... you'll always have deer if you're watching a high animal traffic spot. But you're also more likely to see other animals too.
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i've been hoping for this guy to come back around but i haven't seen any more of him yet.
>finally put cameras up higher
>deer just keep 25-30ft distance and do the head up/head down bobbing game looking at it like it's going to explode if they take another step
Fugggggg. I just took the cameras and put them lower and hid them in brush better. Also turns out my cheap ass camera I put out to record the squirrels will corrupt the DCIM folder of the SD card when it gets full. Good thing to learn that recording birds and squirrels at home than forgetting a camera for 4 months and coming back to corrupted bullshit.
I feel like I could kick this mountain lion's ass
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my nearest neighbor is a half mile away, so seeing pets is kinda weird. I mostly see birds, quail and rabbits
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anyone know wtf this thing is? doesnt look like a domestic animal, nor a rabbit
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anything under $100usd is going to be chink shit so its basically all the same.
I only buy game cameras with no-glo night vision, fast trigger speed (0.1 seconds) and lately, I only buy game camera with solar power/rechargeable batteries

I'm using this one right now and its pretty good https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CBS72X1H/

The solar panel is a game changer
I was like 99% certain I could kick my cat's ass and actually I could not.

Now scale that up to a cat close to 20x their size (approx the weight of an average non-fat adult person) and a successful wild predator, and it's just about guaranteed for the fight to go exactly how the mountain decides it should go. Which normally means it would completely overwhelm you and then escape the moment you go into your desperate survival instinct throes, because no surviving predator takes any personal risk of injury.

The cat will take off with your blood on all four of its paws and mouth and you will both live another day. The cat will keep doing what it does, and you will modify your own behavior.
Nice, I bought my brother in law this same camera for Christmas last year.
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artists rendering
>I was like 99% certain I could kick my cat's ass and actually I could not.
Sounds like a (you) problem.
No offense but it's a pretty shit pic because of the lack of contrast at the edge of the IR (all mid-dark greys) and because of the distance. I see a black stripe on the face and I see some movement blur (see: eye) so I'm assuming a raccoon. Are you in the US? Really looks like a raccoon looking towards the camera behind a small weed.
tweaker logic
>being blunt
>some vague bluff
>some weird flex
nigga what

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