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Opinions and facts about cheap high quality forests to live near.
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The Chattahoochee National Forest , Cherokee National Forest and Nantahala NF all join where the states of Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina meet. It is a great /out/ area.
There are actually jobs available in Buckhannon WV too.
I live in Washington. It’s really expensive but very beautiful, easily the most beautiful forests I’ve ever seen.
where can i find a sense of genuine community?
retirement community with a rec center
im not 50+
Off grid Christ-hippy cult commune
You will own nothing and be happy
I just want friendly helpful neighbors. I don’t want to join a cult.
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americans already don’t own anything. the bank owns your house and land. miss one mortgage/property tax payment and see if you truly own it
Where I live

i'd love to know as well...give me a nice little city where you can eat,drink,socialize but then walk out into the woods and go on forever and ever
Literally any city in Northern Ontario but in my mind Thunder Bay in particular.
WV panhandle and remote parts of rural PA is the cheapest houses in close proximity to /out/ i can think of that isnt in a completely cucked pussy state
Kentucky has really good ones but it has a problem with mad max tier rednecks on meth so it's a good idea to carry a gun in the boonies not because of bears or rattlesnakes but because seemingly the entire population is willing to engage in thoughtless violence for a sense of honor I can only imagine goes all the way back to Gypsy caravans in Scotland and Ireland.
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Here, put these on.
a lot of nice scenic places mentioned but the real killer is the gun and knife laws, here in ohio i can go camping with a 50 cal, two swords, and a pair of nunchuks...
northern michigan has plenty of beautiful forest
and i haven't even seen the upper peninsula yet.
one day i'll be a billionaire and reforest the entirety of ohio and reintroduce buffalo like we had in the 1700s before the entire state was razed for farmland...
rip america's old forests i can't even imagine what the continent looked like before the masses made it out west
A better question is what the hell is an expensive forest to live next to?
for just the USA. anywhere in hawaii, anywhere in alaska south of the copper river meridian (61d north) lake tahoe area, western washington, northwest montana, north idaho, south central idaho, and jackson, wy area. never been but i assume upstate new york and new hampshire, vermont, and western maine are also expensive.
how risky is out in a lot of the recommended states with the rise of fracking and mining, wv, ky, oh...all their forests are being fracked to shit that water could be pretty lethal if you depend on a well
Roughly ALL of the waterways, even natural streams are contaminated with petroleum byproducts and heavy metals in this area. You absolutely should not drink that shit. Your IQ is going to take a hit. But bacteria wise, you can find "clean" water.

Other than that humans are BY FAR the most dangerous creature in these woods.
rip america's forests we really had to tear every mofuckin forest to the ground
bumperino...post more forests fuckers
anyone know where the best michigan hiking is?
>jackson, wy area
Shit are people flooding WY now too?
It's like Colorado but you get to be /k/, it was only a matter of time
That town in Arkansas where Walmart is from.
Lot of migrants live in kentucky too and the cities are Nog epicenters.
Safe to say that many rural kentuckians will be very protective of tresspassing in addition to the large amount of poachers, moonshiners, and illicit grow operations.
You will frolic in the honeysuckle and dead ash trees and be happy about it
Colorado is too expensive.
Any place with lots of land, little people, and any sort of peace abd tranquility will be ruined by californians, coasties, migrants, and drug addicts priced out of their apartments and trailer homes.
I hope Wyoming gets to enjoy the full experience of dollar stores, cheaply built cardboard mcmansions, horrible traffic, and everything else in between.
What jobs?

It's about 70 miles by car from here. I'm about 30 miles east of nate petroski.
I grew up walking through the woods and from farm to farm in Kentucky

Kids can still do that there
Fuck. You're telling me that my state is responsible for walmart? That probably explains why we have 2 that are literally 100ft apart
What’s y’all’s opinion on hoh rainforest in Washington state?
No, everyone please stay away from NW Arkansas

You must be either a transplant or a serious backwoods redneck to not know Walmart started in AR
the only correct answer here is tennessee. everything else is wrong. by far cheapest state with the best forests.

How would the Tennessee community treat you if you aren’t religious or believe in politics?
Not speaking from personal experiences but my assumption is you would be outcasted
What is the best state to live out of your car near the forest?
That's not what the thread is about
California easily
Best chance of survival there and there's already tons of hippies and hobos so it's easy to fit in
I already live in California and I hate it here. It’s too hot and too expensive. I don’t think you could survive the summer living in your car in Cali.
Then just live in da woods
Bro, that’s not the question I asked. I asked where can I live in my car where I won’t bake to death? Lol
Colorado has some Native areas where you can still get land for cheap just outside of the reservations and nobody will bother you about permits, close to normal towns too
Could I live in my car on the land?
>if you can't pay for a thing you don't own it
WHOA really
How do I find one besides following the smell?
Oregon is underrated. Just avoid NW Oregon and don't tell any fags anything good about the rest of the state.
NE is closer knit for community. I especially like La Grande.
SW is more libertarian so less community. Rogue river siskiyou is really nice. That stretch from Oakridge to Gilchrist is also a good area.
West Virginia. Wyoming if you'd trade dense forests for rocky mountains. Overall, owning a home isn't cheap. If you're on such a strict budget that you have to ask this, no matter where you move you're going to be living in very close proximity to neighbors or in an apartment complex away from the forests.
Based on what I saw of the horrendous temperatures throughout North America last summer, the only place that remained consistently cool that wasn't on top of a mountain, was Edmonton, Canada
What would constitute a sense of genuine community? Ask yourself that, and then try it in practice. See who sticks around.
Quincy and Susanville California, oddly enough, gave me a sense of clarity and mental reset.
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Could you upload clearer quality?
people really don’t give a shit man i’m not the typical redneck in my small town nobody cares.
Arizona is like 70% Forestry/BLM Land.
Not cheap though :(
I do hiking/rock collecting during the fall/winter, Fishing and Camping year round in different places in the state.
Prices are going up though, fucking development and all the faggot snowbirds staying because its cheaper then their Michigan homes.
Arizona is too hot
Sedona is beautiful tho
But too hot
in your mind anon. The sense of community is inside your mind.
>go someplace without a forest
>plant a forest

simple as. you don't want to have to share the forest with the public, do you?
If only I could live 1000 years to watch my saplings flourish into a forest.
I haven't even turned my AC on yet and usually don't until mid June. A lot of people farther north and higher up with older sturdily built houses don't even own ACs as it rarely touches even 90F.

t. below 5k ft AZ
What about north california?
You can add East Idaho to that list also. I lived in Island Park for a short while and it suffers from being a price-gouged tourist trap like West Yellowstone
Shit no. California's expensive as hell. Everything there is price hiked to shit and back.
the western part of Washington State
You just reminded me that I saw a kid, too young to drive, driving a car to a small DNR/county maintained park. I was going fishing, and he was going for crayfish. I had waders on, but the water is way too deep at the moment, so I left. Kids can drive to and from school in this state starting at 14, but this was not a school and was a Sunday.
mortgage rated are 8% rn

even if you get a cheap house like that you'd be near house poor.
My brother bought my parents old house for a similar price and had to get a second job to support is family

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