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Only reason I use a tent is in summer for snakes, mosquitos and spiders. In winter and colder months I try just sleep under the stars.

In saying that, we don’t have big animals here that will fuck your life up.

Don’t actually know what I’d do if camping in the US. I’d be terrified of being taken by a fucking wild cat. That thought of that is just insane to me lol.
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1. Be aware.
2. Be armed.
3. Be in comms.
4. Don't give a fuck.
I've camped, solo, several times in the same are I've caught mountain lions and black bears. I've never seen them while out there. Just tracks, scratch marks and trail cam video. I do carry bear spray and a 9mm handgun(ccw) But I don't think I'll ev er actually have to use them. Both mentioned animals generally go out of their way to avoid us. When there is an encounter, it's usually a surprise on both ends. Unless either is with a cub or feels cornered, they'll choose retreat. Even if there is a cub, they're more likely to grab it and run than to actually attack.

That said, in areas where they are re-introducing wolves, I'd suggest only camping in numbers. Fucking retarded activists, they don't understand that the only reason we're no longer afraid of the "big bad wolf" is because we killed them all! It was only after this that outdoor recreation became possible for the average city dweller. They'll learn. Fucking pisses me off that we'll all suffer for it though. One of the OR packs has been seen in my CA county and one of the CO packs has been seen a couple counties to the south.
^caught on trail cams... not traps. lost my train of thought.
>Stay noided
>carry a gun
Do you set up a cam or two in the area when you're camping? I've been considering this, you could rig it to an app on your phone and have a little forewarning of the local fauna bumping around at night without leaving your tent. I know next to nothing of trailcams though, so it's a learning curve for me.
>nb4 stop talking about gear and go outside.

No, I am prepared to do my patriotic duty and consume in this case.
I have several trail cameras around the area, along popular animal travel routs. I do have another camera that I set up to see if anything passes through my camp, either when I'm not there or sleeping. I seldom see anything. Saw a house cat once...all the way out here! Saw a ringtail once, some squirrels, birds, but nothing big. On the long term cameras I've seen bears, mountain lions, bobcats, deer, turkey, quail, ringtails, foxes, skunks, raccoons, many smaller flying birds, squirrels(ground and tree), coyotes, cows(AG land a couple miles away) and a fisher. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Lots of wildlife out there.
Watching your own camp is smart. how much does a good trail cam cost? I think I'll get a cheap one and mess around with it next time I'm out.
It’s been 30 years since they put wolves back in Yellowstone. There hasn’t been a single dangerous encounter despite millions of people in the back country. Same with the boundary waters in Minnesota. Thousands of wolves, zero deaths.
That have been reported....
As mentioned above, current statistics hold that there are only 29 open cold cases relating to missing people in state parks. Independent researchers estimate this number is about 1100-1600. Given that over 600,000 people go missing each year in the United States, this is still a relatively low number – but significantly higher than the official statistics show.

Reporting dangerous animal attacks tends to discourage tourism. Wolves have been one of the primary predators of man, until their numbers were greatly curtailed. It only follows that re-introducing them will lead to the same outcome.
Ticks and skeeters are the only thing to worry about. Maybe you don’t have diabetes as bad as us being euro but I can’t even feel when I’m skeeter bit or got ticks latch unless I happen to see it. I’ll have dozens on my legs when I take a look.
They should introduce siberian tigers in the north, african lions and cheetahs in the plains, restore grizzlies to their former range and clone and release smilodon, cave bears and mammoths.
Stay in the city, if you can't handle being around a couple big animals.
Sounds like your typical Collage Urban Liberal Type response...
>in places where there are no wolves

None of those places have wolves so…

> Reporting dangerous animal attacks tends to discourage tourism

This is just exceptionally retarded cope. People who get killed by wild animals don’t get swept under the rug you stupid Cunt. You hear about every dangerous grizzly encounter that happens it’s newsworthy. Any mountain lion attack gets reported the same would be true with wolves. It just doesn’t happen.
>I’d be terrified of being taken by a fucking wild cat.

That doesn't happen.
First story in Denver
Second covers all 50 states and specifically mentions Yellowstone
good job proving you're a headline reading ignorant faggot
Niggers kill 147 times more people per year than grizzlies, black bears, cougars, and wolves combined throughout the last 100 years...

But it is good to keep people afraid so citidiots dont shit up my outdoors
wolves are their pet project, they could be held liable if the reintroduced wolves attacked or killed anyone. Of course they have clear motivation to cover it up. Who's coping now?
Real practical question, what do you do if you see a cougar and its not immediately backing off? I think I wouldn't hesitate to shoot at it, but I figure there would be dumb consequences
> Who's coping now?
You are. There hasn’t been a fatal wolf attack in the lower 48 in 150 years. Wolves have been in one of the most heavily visited national parks in the country for 30 years there hasn’t been a single aggressive wolf encounter
Research cameras in the Whetstone Mountains in AZ recorded a jaguar around the same time I went solo camping 5 miles in. A fucking jaguar. Just chilling out there with me. I wish I could see one.

The Pinaleno Mountains supposedly have the highest concentration of black bears in the US. I've tent camped there many times (not solo though) and never seen a bear there.

My wife and I were several miles into the Rincons, close to the backpack-only campsite where we were headed, and found fresh bear shit on the trail. We were the only people in the campsite that night, probably the only people for several miles around. Didn't see any bears, nothing went bump in the night. Sad.
A pack of coyotes could also punch my ticket. Seen them take down 600lb elk. But I don’t scurry away with my tail between my legs when they start yapping on that cold night.
Wolves are fucking cool. If you can't handle being harassed by a pack of wolves all night you're pussy who shouldn't go /out/. Stop fucking complaining that you get to experience such a cool.animal that has such an important history with mankind.
Based Wolves.
Wolves are also your pet hate, word gets around in small rural towns where locals all hate wolves and like fuck they'd keep that quiet. It'd be all over every hunting media, you'd be telling us all about it right now. But instead you're telling us some /x/ level conspiracy about how they're hiding wolf deaths.
>600,000 people go missing each year

Most are found within a few days. Mostly runaways or non-custodial parents taking the kid.

"Luckily, the vast majority of missing persons cases are quickly resolved. For example, in 2021, 521,705 missing person cases were reported, more than 485,000 of which were resolved within the year."

One time, I was driving to the airport from a week backpacking Glacier NP. I noticed movement near the small animal pen on a Blackfoot indian reservation. I stopped because it was a mountain lion, an absolutely gorgeous cat, and he was sniffing the pen with no aggression on display. He marked a fence post with rubbing and spray and then glanced at my truck nonchalantly and slowly walked across my path into a small patch of corn stalks. This cat seemed about nine feet Iong from stem to stern. It was probably used to hunting jackrabbits and hares and it almost certainly would have kept away from a person innawoods. While they do attack people, it's extremely rare because N. American cats don't want to risk injury or death when smaller game is so plentiful.

Now coastal brown bears and grizzlies are scarey. When I venture near them, I always carry 44 or larger hand cannons loaded with appropriate bear medicine.

Oh yeah, I aktually go /out / instead of pretending.
the really fucked up part is how far their territory has spread and how hard forestry and government try to cover it up. I grew up in middle TN where there are "no big cats definitively!" about 15 years ago someone hit a fucking black panther on the fucking highway. now ok, I guess this could have been one of those pet big cats that got loose and no one claimed it because legal reasons, but there are countless trail cam vids of mountain lions all over the east coast, but they will deny it because muh tourism. so the best thing you can do if you encounter a fucking mountain lion around your property is kill it, bury it as deep as possible, and never speak a word of it. shits. fucked.
lol you think the fucking national parks would tell ANYONE that someone was attacked/killed by a wolf? just another missing 411 case nothing to see here, ignore the shovel covered in blood an dirt in the back of my truck good sir! I'm a forrest ranger!
do you not have hair on your legs? that's how I always feel ticks is them crawling through my body hair looking for a warm place to latch.
I would like to thank all the pussies who are afraid to play innawoods. Hopefully, you will inspire others like your fellow defectives to remain at home and stay outta my beautiful /out/. Also, we're full here.
you better have a big enough gun and not miss
I'm gonna need some substanitative proof that big ecology and big tourism is covering up wolf and cougar attacks but not bear attacks.
I wanna eat him
I don't have proof they are covering up attacks, but I have first hand experience with cougar denial in Appalachia. they refuse to acknowledge their existence because it will effect tourism.
There aren't supposed to be cougars in central Texas either. But I saw a roadkill cougar heading from Ft. Worth down to Lockhart. Pretty substantive evidence there's at least one.
the only thing to really worry about is brown bears. all the other shit usually stays away from you. cats are naturally skittish and avoid detection in most cases. more people are attacked by moose than wolves, cats, hyenas, sharks, and bears combined. stay the fuck out of the way of the moose. kek
There’s only been one missing person case in Yellowstone in the last 50 years and that’s from before they even put wolves back. When people get attacked by dangerous animals it’s not something they can hide. Somebody gets as much as a scratch from a grizzly bear. It’s front page news. Never mind that there are plenty of wolves outside of the park in the surrounding national forest with lots of people hunting and trapping wolves, and yet still no reports of a single dangerous encounter.

Your cope is so retarded. What the fuck is your problem?

I don't believe (((statistics))) from the same people who lie about literally everything else, I guess that's my problem.
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It takes months and over a thousand shekels for me to get a ccw where I'm at. How fugged would it be bringing my water gun out crossing several state lines?
You have to understand the dynamics surrounding wolves. The NPS and surrounding towns love them because of the tourist money. A lot of the other locals hate them, and would be sure to capitalize on any dangerous wolf encounter. Hundreds are hunted and trapped every year. Wolves around here pretty much avoid humans at all cost- how that dude hit one with a snowmobile I have no idea. Grizzly bears are far more dangerous to humans than wolves.
that makes logical sense, and I've never really thought wolves were a problem for humans unless you're in a no guns state, but for livestock it won't be good if they are allowed to spread. also, if they avoid humans at all costs, why would they being in more tourist money? genuine question.
>genuine question
Part of it is the way Yellowstone is. Most of the wolf sightings take place in the Lamar Valley, which is a wide expansive, mostly treeless valley with a few rivers running through it. People set up spotting scopes, and can watch packs from a mile or two away. It’s not like coming across the grizzly bear grazing through a field next to the road oblivious to the tourons. Occasionally you might see a wolf cross the road but packs are never hanging out anywhere close to humans. I go to Yellowstone frequently several times a year. I’ve never seen a wolf closer than a mile away.
Again, need something concrete instead of a claim. Like a link to a press release by the tourism industry that denies a population of cougars
Similarly, did they claim zero cougars recently or are you basing it off of something you read a while ago?

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>There hasn’t been a single dangerous encounter despite millions of people in the back country.
Because the wolf population is still nothing like it was 100 years ago.

>That doesn't happen.
Only because people have guns.

>cougar denial
Meanwhile in Russia:

>In the winter of 2010-11, a "super pack" of wolves numbering up to 400 reportedly terrorized the Russian town of Verkhoyansk (population 1,300) in northern region of Yakutia, one of the remotest inhabited areas in the northern hemisphere. More than 30 horses were killed in just four days, according to local officials, and teams of hunters were established to patrol neighborhoods and shoot the wolves on sight. Animal experts suspicious of the claims say that wolves usually form packs of no more than 10 to 15 animals, although the particularly harsh winter may have killed off the wolves' usual prey, forcing them to attack larger animals.

its just a kitty cat anon give him a pet
I've been hunted by several cougars in my younger days, but in my mid 30s they seem to leave me alone now.
canada here. I've camped a lot in remote parts of the rockies and in ontario. Wolves are a least concern. I have only seen one once in my life and once had them howling all night 50 m from where i was camped (totally alone) and also they are prevalent where i own some land in ontario and I never ever have problems. Your chance of being attacked by a bear is far, far, greater. That being said, like you said most animals try to avoid people. But I'd be more careful in spring and fall especially. Cougars scare the ever loving shit out of me and I've had a large adult grizzly sauntering my way within 50m and just calmly walked away without much concern. Anyway, any animal can be dangerous given the right conditions.
He was rejected by a female wolf and now hates all of them
yea over here bears and cougar's are as numerous as rabbits. its crazy. one out of every two camping trips i get chased by something. whatever.
Imagine fighting off a 180 pound male cougar without a firearm
More gun....
Also a knife.
Stay strapped or get clapped.
why bring a firearm when brass knuckles will do the trick?
Why bring brass knuckles when you can use your dick?
hey now we're talkin!
It's a cougar, I don't need weapon. Compliments and wine and you're set.
the original post was talking about a male cougar, just thought id remind you.
I saw a cougar in CenTex in the middle of the city when I was pretty young. Was in some woods next to a major hospital. Saw another in a corn field also in the city but on the outskirts.
Looks surprisingly easy to fap to
Way easier than I expected
>How the fuck do you solo camp in USA
you don't, sorry bud ;)
shouldn't have imported niggers
> Fucking retarded activists
Wolves are a vital part of the ecosystem and they’re preferable to yotes.
The only retards here are you. If you’re having a dangerous encounter, just use your gun and bear spray.
> There aren't supposed to be cougars in central Texas
Bullshit they’re all over the continental US. Out West they’re common but in the central and eastern USA, their numbers are far less due to habitat loss and hunting. We even have a few mountain lions here in southern ohio that cross over the river from Kentucky.
Knowing Texas with its massive ranches, the state and the industries that control it lupe probably prefer the extinction of these big cats for the sake of their cows.
If you don't shut up I'll compliment and get you drunk off cheap wine, then I'll dick you down.
You're far more likely to encounter a wandering pitbull anywhere you go in the western world these days. People just let them roam. I can't tell you how many time I've had that happen.
because that's a tourist area. full of cars and large groups. Plus there are brown bears to worry about.
>free dog
The elites don't want you to know
Blast the heckin’ pupperino and tell the fuzz it was charging at you. Police and paramedics typically have a great disdain for the pit bull menace.
>free inbred dog
>will have to deal with its inbred owners later on
Shit breed for shit people.
Cougar denial strikes again
Shoot it and get the hell out of there, dont tell a soul, and definitely dont report it to FWP. After how they try and crucify anyone who dares defend themselves against a grizzly, mtn lion, wolf, or nigger.

It sucks thats the society we live in now, but it is designed to protect criminals from law abiding citizens, not the other way around.
Eat shit Montana FWP, you spermburping pozzed faggots. One day you will be made to remember who you work for, and it isnt these califaggots invading and ruining our state.
Wolves are wiping out big game in the north western u.s. you obviously know fuck all about them besides whatever jewtube videos or natgeo propaganda youve watched.
Twra repeatedly denied for years that there were ANY cougars in Tn. Once trail cams became popular they could no longer deny it outright. They were terrified people wouldnt hunt as much anymore due to fear of being attacked..which is also stupid. Twra is a joke. Dont get me started on their abysmal handling of the CWD outbreak
I can't wait for the "muh ebil pibble" phase to be over. Used to be dobermans, then it was rottweilers, next it should be something like yorkies
dobermans and rottweilers have never attacked or killed as many people. in fact, probably all doberman and rottweiler attacks combined throughout the entire history don't even equal pitbull attacks in a single year, lmao. if you agree that certain breeds like terriers are more neurotoc because they were bred for different things, why do you deny that shitbulls are just backyard bred hyper agressive breeds too? the mental gymnastics of a pitbull owner kek.
> "muh ebil pibble" phase to be over
fucking municipalities are revoking their anti-shitbull laws to appease the godless baby killers and race mixers that own them. Any sort of “phase” is the wave of regret of not exterminating those dogs in their pounds or keeping these laws.
I never said anything about breeds being neurotic, nor do I own a dog. It's just boring to see a bunch of shut-ins repeatedly posting murder fantasies like they wouldn't immediately get ventilated if they killed someone's dog. It'd be funny to see posts like "don't let your teacup shi tzu off leash around me, everyone knows they're cold-blooded killing machines"
you're delusional if you think a shi-zu on the loose is a threat in comparison to a shitbull on the loose. lmao.
thanks for the back up
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https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CoqigF0uf3w Joe Rogan Vs Grizzly
>but but but reading is so much harder than hating dogs
Yes anon, the point was to pick a dog that is especially non-threatening. That's why I said it would be funny. Try to keep up.
>Wolves are wiping out big game in the north western u.s
Bullshit. Montana's elk herd is at a record high and bigger than it was 10yrs ago.
>After how they try and crucify anyone who dares defend themselves against a grizzly
hunters kill griz in self defense all the time. they dont get crucified
>because that's a tourist area. full of cars and large groups
>3000 square miles.
Yellowstone gets a couple hundred thousand over night back country visitors a year. thats millions of visitors over 30yrs away from the crowds and still nothing.
>Because the wolf population is still nothing like it was 100 years ago.
in the 3000 square miles of Yellowstone, its likely that the wolf population is quite similar to thatof pre-white man- in this specific area- as the wolf packs and population have stabilized and pretty much reached capacity for the park. ...and yet, there have been milions of more people in the area over the last 30yrs than there ever have been before so theres that
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Good rifle, a bit heavy though(for a scout rifle). I haul it around when hunting, but I wouldn't want to hail it everywhere all the time while /out/ With scope and 10 rounds in the mag it's less than 10 lbs, so not really heavy either. But it's not nothing. I carry bear spray and a 9mm. Don't plan or expect to ever have to use either, just a case of I'd rather have and not need than need and not have. I'd feel really silly if I were attacked by a wild animal and I didn't have them on me, knowing I had them and could have. The 9mm is in a CCW holster and I'm used to wearing it all day anyway. The bear spray is a tad bit more cumbersome, it's not small enough to easily fit in your pocket. But not so large that you can't find a spot for it.
Why put a scope on it if you are worry about weight. with 10 round and no scope you are talking less 9 pounds.
I'm not concerned with it while I'm hunting, I said it's not that heavy. I just wouldn't want to have to haul it around every time I went out. It's cumbersome. It has nothing to do with the scope. I was just giving an estimate of total weight that I carry it around with, when I do, during hunting trips. A one pound difference is nothing and wouldn't change anything. I just don't see any reason to take it everywhere when I have lighter, easier to carry alternatives for a near zero chance encounter.

As for heavy for a scout rifle, that's a category standard I didn't set. Just saying it doesn't meet the official Jeff Cooper standard.
I carry a bag of catnip and an Egyptian Rasheed. The cat must choose, peace or death.
dont be such a wimp. They're gentle creatures
Only have cougars and black bear to worry about on my usual spot. Cougars might get nosey and sneak up on you at night but won't attack you. Don't be a retard and eat anywhere close to where you sleep and either hang your food or have a bear canister a good ditance from where you sleep. Also sleep with a flashlight/headlamp and pistol within reach.
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You are probably right, the Rossi R92 Triple Black, Wood, Black Cerakote, .44 Mag, 16 in would be liter.
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I love my Rossi, but I'd prefer my shockwave over it.
>Can blast all shorts of shit.
Not sure if you're trolling or just not getting it. It still has little to do with the weight, it's about carrying a long gun, any long gun. They're just not convenient to carry around. Especially for an encounter you have a near zero percent chance of being in.
Solo camped a few times.
The big thing is bring a gun. There are both two and four legged threats, that you probably won't have to deal with. That said, they exist, and so does the solution.
I prefer to camp during winter. I'm down south, so it's get muggy without usually freezing. If I can get a fire going, and if I have enough water, I'm just fine. Bugs won't bug you during the winter.
It's a nice way to get out, smoke a cigar or two, maybe drink some whiskey, and read a book.
Summer camping kind of sucks, because you need to keep spraying everything with DEET and that's kind of lame.
what an interesting way to say 40k people go missing with no answers after 12 months
so when were you diagnosed?
Pistols are just so limit. You are talking 10 or maybe 30 yards.
A fellow Rasheed owner?
On /out/ of all places?
So there's not going to be even a single case where someone (or even a group) was attacked by wolves but survived to tell about it, as there are with every other large predator?
Why would I kill it?
I dont believe stats either, but common sense says that if wolves are actively killing people youd also have people who remain ALIVE that would report aggressive but ultimately non fatal encounters, or even an encounter where there was an attack but the person succesfully fended them off. Wolves go for the kill and are then thwarted regularly when hunting any other animal, why would it be the case that when they hunt humans they only do so with a 100% success rate?
First story sounds like a murder cover up.
Second story they found remains, but I dont see any reason to think it had to be wolves, couldn't it have been the robbers?
Third and fourth seem possibly legit.
pitbulls have mental instability, its not how you raise them, they can be a 'good dog' and snap
>the retarded mouthbreather breed of dogs
>loved by the bottom-of-the-barrel working class
>bred specifically to be aggressive (bull-baiting, dogfighting)
You can raise any dog responsibly or irresponsibly, but just get yourself a normal breed at this point anon.
Lmao can’t handle non (((domesticated))) canids.
>be me doing /out/ shit 2015
>walk around corner of abandoned structure
>see moon dog
>at least 1.5x bigger than biggest GSD
>make eye contact and he is definitely appraising the situation
>we both turn around and go our separate ways

Anti wolf people literally believe big bad wolf stories from the 1400’s. Do you take silver with you also, and rune carved old wood talisman?
so it doesn't kill your kid, pet, or live stock.
I'm in upstate NY and the story is there's no mountain lions but I don't believe that for a second. We have the adirondacks and the whole park system. I would believe there are no wolves, but don't believe for one second there are no mountain lions.
You should get one more mm. 10mm is perfect for woods carry. 9 is better than nothing but it wouldn't be ideal for something like a bear or a moose in that extremely unfortunate scenario.
> no wolves

their silence is deafening
as someone once said before me
>ignore the problem
>it goes away
Not so long ago there was a mountain lion that lived in Beverley Hills/Hollywood Hills and ig never attacked any humans, so if they can live there you're basically always in range of some dangerous animal. Just learn their behaviors and know how to protect yourself. Unless you get something coming out of hibernation or with offspring they'll choose easier food than you.
unless you're sleeping by a cave wildcats are rare as fuck
A lot of the time they're gonna be nocturnal and stay out of the way of people.
No real reason to go after you unless it's a juvenile or you're encroaching on it's territory. Animals are smarter than we give them credit for.
they know what humans are capable of even if they go their whole lives not encountering one. Go point at gun at an animal, it's gonna get scared shitless or riled up
it knows what it is.
You got mountain lions in the hill country regions of texas
you dont hear about them often because they usually dont come out during the day. Shit the trail cam photo we have is from the 90s. Either way recent or not the photo of it was taken at night
Not fucked if you got a gun.
Those kitties, they will fuck you up and not care one bit about your attempts to walk away. You won't even know they are there unless they want you to know.
There are no laws against crossing state lines with a long gun, the only laws that matter are the specific regulations on where you end up when asked about it, and that is easy to research.
The biggest worry is states with super tight gun regulations right next to states with little-to-none. I grew up in New Hampshire which is probably the most lax gun law state in the union (or at least it did) while Connecticut is a two hour drive away and has the tightest gun laws, to the point you would have to be retarded and/or actively trying to create a big legal issue if you brought something from NH into CT for a weekend trip.
NTA, if you're having to use your gun in self defense of an animal, it'd going to be within 30 yards.
But what if you have to use it in self defense from people? Never bring s pistol to a rifle fight.
rumors of rednecks who shoot 22's over the campsites of faggots from the city are highly overstated
If you say so, but here in Oregon a lot of people go missing every year. I am think it might be people
Been watching a lot of car camping videos. Been wanting to go car camping. But then all I'm gonna do is sit around and make food a couple times.
I can fish but I don't want to keep them. I don't have a dog.

Pay attention and carry a firearm. don't slather yourself in meat juices helps too. in well over 1000 outings i've run into a handful of bears and only ever seen a big cat twice. bears that snoop around camps either get relocated or killed pretty quick.

600k "go missing" and 99.9% of them either turn up quickly or end up being oh little johnny was in the closet the whole time.

suicides, serial killers and people who want to drop off the grid all happen at about 1000x the frequency to joe the mountain ranger found remains and didn't tell anyone. real life isn't a TV drama.
foid shit
>600k "go missing" and 99.9% of them either turn up quickly or end up being oh little johnny was in the closet the whole time.
majority end up being found. I remember do some wilderness survival training/EPREP merit badge for scouting and the guy speaking for the class was a S&R dude. States the majority of his calls are teengagers running away from home into the woods or mental cases on the lamb. Thanks to technology such as GPS, cell phones, and aerial surveillance the amount of people that end up missing has dramatically reduced over the years.
Also a number of people who end up going missing in parks are sometimes suicide cases where the missing guy doesn’t want to be found and to enjoy his final moments in the bliss of nature before hanging or shooting himself.
If you live in Europe you most likely have wild boars who are more dangerous than bears and lions, because while they will try to avoid fires and sounds, boars will actively try to fuck your shit up because they meet lots of humans
I think I got bad blood or something because mosquitoes don't bite me and ticks don't even dare climbing on me, even when I go into tick territory and my friends get at leasta a couple on their legs. My grandfather was also like this, mosquitoes would sit on his arm and fly away a second later without even trying to bite.
wonder how often the Big Bad Wolf was your neighbour who strangled you and then dumped your body in the woods, so wolves would get blamed after they ate it.
Bears will generally leave you alone and mountain lions aren't a problem in most states.
idk I think its cool to have wolves in the ecosystem again the way god intended. All things considered, wolves are supposed to be frightened of humans and will be ultimately inconsequential to most. Stay strapped, clap back if they start getting too bold

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