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Just got certed and i think it’s my new favorite activity. General discussion, also anyone in CO want to dive some alpine lakes with me?
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I usually go diving for lobster, mussels or just for fun
Kelp forests really are a totally different world once (you) get in them

>also anyone in CO want to dive some alpine lakes with me?
sounds cool and piss cold
How long can you stay down there while swimming around? Sounds cool but I can't hold my breath for shit
How do you get certed in free diving? What does that even mean?

>yo you have a licence to hold your breath

I go spearfishing. Tropical water, no wetsuit needed. Its a lot of fun. I go down about 15m max. More gets exhausting fast and I'm kinda paranoid about shallow water blackout too, because I go mostly solo.
You make a course with a diveshop and get a "I did a freediving course" badge.
That looks cool as shit, I will remember that.

You evolved to thrive underwater anon, google the mammalian dive reflex.

Before i took the course some /out/ist told me "you can learn everything you need to freedive from youtube". I called his bullshit and took the course and I'm glad I did because:
1. initially I struggled with equalization and it was good to have some pros help me overcome it
2. you are introduced by professionals to the different disciplines within an established sport, as opposed to dicking around alone in a snorkel
3. they taught yogic breathing and meditation as part of the class. Not everyone's cup of tea but I consider that knowledge a skill unto itself
4. by day 5 I was able to dive to 75 feet, in no universe would I have been able to accomplish that on my own
5. My form in the water is dogshit, it was helpful to have pros around to point out how I could be more efficient and thus consume less oxygen
6. nothing I read online mentioned anything about shallow water blackout, I would never have known it was a thing.
7. I can now use my cert to dive with schools in many exotic places around the world
My mom dated a rich guy with a boat when I was a teen, I got into this sport to enjoy the coral without a diving cert. I managed to breath train myself at night to the point where I could manage 3 minutes. It meant a different thing underwater, however. Sometimes I would black out and have to blindly find my way to the surface.
>Before i took the course some /out/ist told me "you can learn everything you need to freedive from youtube". I called his bullshit
He wasn't wrong though, you can learn all that shit from YouTube. We're there cute girls on your course, that's the only acceptable reason I'll take.
You can go like 5 minutes with enough practice, for normies at least. I'm not super into it but I can stay underwater for like 2 minutes. Just practice holding your breath and you'll get the hang of it.
Are you one retard or multiple retards pretending to be the same retard? You have such a distinct and retarded style.
>doesn't know baconrider
how new are you? go back where you came from nigger
I want to do this so bad! Anyone in SoCal wanna go?
>nothing I read online mentioned anything about shallow water blackout, I would never have known it was a thing.
Bullshit, you didn't even try to learn online did you?
Where in CO did you go to dive school?
Also I cant imagine alpine lakes would be very exciting to see the bottom of
Actually I did the cert in Taiwan but there’s like 3 dive schools between Denver and Boulder, fuck knows why
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,,ilove fish,,spent a winter getting Close tothead Sheepshead.,
,all sheepshead in the area are female except ONE!,when He dies 'thelargest female will 'transition and turn male.,
,,,'Shep' would bolt to deepwaters asi gotoclose,,but day after day he let me closer till i could just hang 9 feetaway(thats 3yards foryou EUROS).,
,,,,hewas Hugh,,bigteeth,,black with Red belly.,
,,dayafterday just watching over his territory keeping the girls safe.,then i didesert fora week.,
,,,go looking for Shep,,,?not at our normal rockthrone?,,notout by the girls?,,strange,,check everywheres?,,no Shep?,,odd.,
,,reading news paper that night,,fliping past sports and see pic,,,"Monster Catch",,pic of some spear fisherman holding Shep?,"I just swam up to it and shoot it.",,HE KILLED SHEP?,
,34 pounds,,,,i was LIVID!,complete A'hole for months hasseling spear fishers,,,,im sorry.,
Normally I can hold my breath for like 2 minutes but while swimming I can only do it for long enough to dive 2 metres deep
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>,"I just swam up to it and shoot it."
YouKilledShep!,,,trained him to TRUST humans!,
,,noworkickingassneak thru canyonslide under seaweed and spook fishard.,
,,,,befrens with seals., everybody loveseals!,nohugs though,,,imnothat kind of human!
Nice catch bacon
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notmy,,,catch.,just webpic of sheephead.,idonthink i couldeatone,,,other fish?NOMNOMNOM!,yellow tail NOM!,
,,biggest catch washark,,6 feets blue.,drag setotight,,,almost losthe pole!
,,idideat abalone.,they stayalive in the pan,,,,sorta ruff,,squirming,,writhing,,,quietscream.

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