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> Mountain biking deep in the woods last week
> Take a trail, assume it's point-to-point, ending at the road
> Somehow get turned around. End up on the back of the mountain, in the middle of nowhere.
> The trail gets smaller and smaller.
> I'm hoping that means I'm closer to the road, but instead it dwindles to nothing. It's a glorified deer trail at this point.
> I see something in the distance.
> What the actual fuck??? It's a camper.
> Looks like pic related, exactly like Breaking Bad, maybe even more ramshackle.
> Covered in spray painted pentagrams, and the hood reads "LIAR"
> How the fuck did it get all the way out here?
> It's got to be five miles to the nearest road.
> I get a better look. There are spent propane tanks all over the place
> I see galvanized metal tubs. Someone has been cooking out here.
> Begin to put two and two together, and I get the feeling I'm being watched.
> Can't see in the windows. Realize someone might be looking back at me.
> Someone has been here recently.
> Realize the trail never led back to the road.
> It was an access path to a FUCKING METH LAB... (To be continued)
> I need to get out of here before the occupant spots me.
> I've already wasted too much time. The shadows are getting long, and the sun is starting to head over the horizon.
> I have to make a decision. Do I bike the ten miles back over the mountain, or press forward and hope to intersect the road?
> If I try to go back the way I came, I'm going to end up out here at night.
> Everything looks different at night. I'm definitely going to get lost out here if that's the case.
> Fuck it. I decide to push on in the direction where I'm pretty sure the road is.
> Give a suspicious glance over my shoulder, scan for threats.
> Press forward and bushwack through the woods
> I get about a half mile before I start to sink into the mud.
> Motherfucker is living in a camper five miles into the woods in the middle of a swamp cooking meth
> My shoes are falling off. I sink knee deep in the mud, pressed by the weight of my bike
> Swarms of biting flies. I drop my bike in the mud while trying to swat them... (To be continued)
> Finally I get to dry land. Have to climb a cliff to get out of the water
> Proceed North another two miles through brambles, all exposed skin gets cut to hell.
> Now I understand why the trail stopped rather than try to go through here.
> I catch the last light of the evening through a clearing in the trees.
> I trip through the bushes and collapse into a dirt road.
> I'm bleeding from multiple places and I'm covered in mud.
> Finally able to get on my bike and speed the fuck away from there.
> In the darkness, I find my way back to a paved road, and I end up in an adjacent town.
> Bike about 10 miles until I get home and collapse.
> Never was able to figure out the location of that meth lab, though I tried several times.
> No roads lead to it. Nothing on Google Maps. For the life of me, I don't know where I was.
Is fiction allowed on this board?
Brother, it's not fiction. I lived it, just last week.

Do you want me to try to find it and take pics to prove it?
Okay, I'll try to go back, but it will take a couple days.

I'll remake the thread if it's dead by the time I get back.

> BTW if I get killed by methheads, I blame you motherfuckers. XD
bro if you do take a gun and watch out for yourself.
Wouldn't be too worried about meth cookers mate I'd be more worried about your farken shit sense of navigation In the /out/ doors that nearly got you in genuine trouble, good job you live somewhere that you can't walk a few miles in any direction without stumbling across a road.
You didn't take pics or give GPS coordinate?
I was pretty sure it was occupied. Things were set up in such a way that they could see me but I couldn't see them. I got out as soon as I could.
if theyve seen you they will be turbo paranoid now. if this isnt a larp you might not want to go back. or at least not for a while.
I'm going to try to make a run at it tomorrow.
when i was a young anon, i found a trailer in the woods. but back then nobody made meth.... it was just filled with old pornography magazines. i dont know why but the older generation use to just dump trailers in the middle of the woods and fill them with smut. Maybe these tweakers found an old porn trailer and converted it to a meth lab.

im being 100% serious.
Are you kidding? 80% of the posts on this board are fiction.
fucking call the cops you dumbass. Nature doesnt need those fuckers polluting up the forest
>When I came home I started to take off my muddy clothes and clean the stuff I was carrying
>Inside the backpack I found a hand hook man car door
>will never know who was phone
Can confirm, that’s how I encountered some of my first smut too.

Someone’s older brother found a couple of boxes of nudie mags in the woods, took as much as he could carry but there was so much of it. Told his little brother, who was our friend, and we went to check it out ourselves. Sure enough, there were a bunch of boxes of nudie mags back there. Off name random late 80s - early 90s smut. That was some time in elementary school I think, maybe 6th or 7th grade at the absolute latest.

I also remember finding a box of porno tapes in a closet at a college house. It was cool at first but then Danny’s Dudes turned out to be about a guy named Daniel instead of a girl Danielle, that was weird.
Maybe they sent a hunting party to the road you came from and you made a wise decision going forward
Use a motorized transport if you go back
Are you having a stroke or something?
It's his own lab and he's on a tweaked out creative writing spree

>t. former meth user
You boutta get a buss waived in your face
you should have gotten a pic while you were there
Lurk more.
I'll make a run at it tomorrow and post pics.
did the crackheads get OP
No. The whole thing was made up.
Something interesting and it's fanfiction. Op hasthe disease of faggotry like usual.
>Northern NorCal
>weed grower wiggers still riding the high and notoriety they got from some crappy documentary about how "dangerous" this place is because of them
>have to keep eye on greenhouses and suspiciously cleared areas in public lands
>have to keep an eye on old posts and wire since these people don't maintain their fences
I hate these weed grower fucks. I'm glad legalization is killing their industry, no matter how much they try to deny or counteract it
Welcome to 4chan newfag
Or burning it to the ground.
>1 week later
>No OP to be found
Fake and gay thread
There was a good meat eater podcast with a dude who works in some special ops unit of the forest service or someshit. His job is basically to go /out/ and find these grow operations and raid them. They cause extensive environmental damage, he comes across set ups where entire creeks are being dammed and piped to grow sites which fucks habitat downstream. They're using large amounts of poison to kill all the animals in the area so they don't graze on the grows, the shit goes on and on. They do lots of damage. He has had shootouts with them and carrys an AR for the job. I think he was a biologist or something and figured out the damage they were doing and showed his superiors the evidence and they gave him a full time job doing it.
Word of warning: dont eat the brownies here
Sounds based af tbdesu
Sounds like nerdcore fantasizing tbdesu.
>uhh yeah I'm a biologist for the Forest Service but I'm so good at killing druggies that the USFS gave me a full time job doing it
He might be dead, which would be slightly interesting if verifiable
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George Costanza - Marine Biologist
'The sea was angry that day my friend'.
He is you stupid faggot. Try not being a tourist and you'd know he speaking memes.
Thats fucking scary. have a similar story.
>be about 15 years ago or more
>was about 13 or so
>me and my friend playing vidya on xbox 360 until super late in the evening, maybe mass effect one
>eating pizza, drinking coke for like 10 hours straight until 3 am
>shit dude, we gotta at least go outside for a walk or something
>live in an area frontiering raw nature
>go walk on a nearby road in a new road cutting into the woods, just a dirt path innawoods basically
>walking for a while
>see a pickup truck wheel slowly at the bend behind us
>friend is rarted he says it could be construction workers
>tell him to hide, while i run into some bushes
>he just sits on top of a log pile like 6 feet into the woods
>truck rolling up at a walking pace
>surrounded by dudes with long rifles, just slowly walking, not saying a word
>friend freaks out, scampers off the log pile and runs into the woods, kicks some logs down making a lot of noise
>dudes with guns just stop walking, they don't even make a noise or freak out
>decide to keep hiding
>dude with a gun walks right up to me, maybe he sees me, maybe he doesn't
>either way he walks away, maybe he let me go
>they keep on walking into the woods
guess i should finish the story even tho there's no real end to it

>find friend after like 15 minutes of searching
>we basically just fuck off and go home
>probably some drug trade
>i think they were native americans, some soulless white junkies/hells woulda just killed us

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