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Is there an easy way to tell which mushrooms are edible? Like an ap or something?
I'm fully homosexual.
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iNaturalist is really good for fungi
That one's edible. I'd eat it for hours.
On me I dated a lil white girl that worked at Sierra that looked exactly like this
>Is there an easy way to tell which mushrooms are edible?
Yes, learn which ones are impossible to mistake for others and eat those. It's really not hard.
This.Most of the really good mushrooms are hard to mistake for anything else.Morels,chicken of the woods,hen of the woods, black trumpets,bears head tooth,lions mane,cauliflowers,are all prime eating,and easily distinguished.Stick with eating those until you learn how to identify the other edibles.There's a ton of other edible mushrooms,but I'll be honest,a good portion of them aren't worth the effort or risk of misidentifying.Chanterelles are probably the exception.
no. also every eatable mushroom has a similar looking poison one.
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>Is there an easy way to tell which mushrooms are edible?
I only know one way
They're all edible, some may just kill you
don't be glib, sillyface

Best option is to buy a book and look for similarities or to target a specific mushroom that you know for a facr isnt poisonus
oysters are easy to identify.
>lust inducing image
I hate you faggots so much
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I have read too many stories that go like:

>Acclaimed university mycologist of 40 years dies of organ failure after eating poisonous mushroom.

Like.. If it's apparently pretty easy for turbo published university professor experts to liquefy their internal organs on a bad mushroom... There's no way in shit I'm ever picking a wild mushroom.
This image induces lust for you? Seek help.
the only one i know is that if it's a spongey mushroom (no gills) these are indications of it being toxic:
>red anywhere on the cap, stem, or bottom sponge part
>cut it in half and smush, the bruise quickly turns blue
there's another mushroom that grows nearby to me, if you squeeze the gills a milk substance will come out of them. i know some of that type is edible, but most of them are toxic. so, if the mushroom produces milky substance, i avoid.
the problem of the milk test, and why i avoid, is because when the mushroom is mature, it will not make milk.
but, for safe measure, if the mushroom or any nearby similar looking, younger mushroom, produce milk, then i stay away.

to be honest, OP, I would spend time studying and bring a field guide for your area, and gain some familiarity with the mushrooms native to your species.
maybe decide on one type of mushroom you'd like to learn to ID as a start.
once you do learn to ID a mushroom or two, start going on some foraging adventures. my grandfather always told me to bring a mesh bag, especially for morel hunting, so you can spread pores as you walk.

finally, for morel mushrooms, they like birch trees and elm trees. I find them by the same old birch tree from my city every single year.
so, maybe it's also a good idea to learn "what plants do the edible ones like to grow near??"

Good luck!

professor learned from book, and probably book written by man who also died of mushroom.

my grandfather, and the expert foragers of my town, learned from the professor mistake. they bring along the university man, and let him taste test all sorts of mushrooms. when he die, they say "ok, now we know to avoid this"
and thus they survive, unlike the book man.
>cut it in half and smush, the bruise quickly turns blue
That's psilocybin bro
shhh I want him to leave those be so I can take them.
read books, faggot zoomer
I am of the opinion that if you are truly stupid enough to trust an app with deciding whether or not something you want to eat is going to turn your liver into liquid, then you kind of deserve what you get. Thoughts?
I'm just out for magic ones, and that is low risk where I live. There are a few species that look similar but if you accidentally ate one it would taste bad, and wouldn't cause anything worse than mild shits, if that. I've seen what looked like generic closed cup mushrooms in certain places but I didn't risk cooking them.
Name of the mushroom you're talking about?

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