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and even though i as a 40 year old millennifart boomer often shit on gen-z i think it is kinda cool. Just imagine them going to whatever social gathering they are assembling in, bringing out all these cool semi-vintage digicams that nobody gave 2 shits about until recently..
The market is absolutely booming right now.. they want it all. The shittiest model you can imagine? Guess what.. they want it and they want to pay more than yesterday.
In certain niche markets these things sell for even above ebay prices which is insane.
Gen-z is unironically making photography fun again?
It is also quite interesting to think about the conditions that made this possible in the first place. So what happened exactly? My viewpoint is the following:
Younger Gen-z social media users have only used cellphones for photography.. they have finally realized that the platform has limitations.. they look at pictures their parents took of them when they were kids using digicams and want that particular look etc, meanwhile the large camera companies have completely neglected this market segment thanks to plebs only using their phones. just look at Canon for instance.. they haven't released a single Ixus model in 7 years and their last hoorah was nothing special in terms of specifications so we have to go back even further to find their high end models. Other companies have done the same.. there is nothing to be seen from the likes of Nikon, Sony, Olympus, Fuji, Samsung or any of the companies that for years made these ultra-compact and cool looking cameras.
It find it all really strange. You have a generation that simply loves this type of stuff and nothing to sell them. Just imagine these cameras with updated hardware, maybe some fresh colors and "limited edition" varieties.
Also feel free to post pics of cool digicams.
"Retro" Digishit camera collecting is trending on tiktok
And I see every YouTube “photography” shatter putting out “get THIS old camera for FILMLIKE photos” type of videos pretty regularly also. It’s cool I guess but you know these zoomers will take Instagram snaps for a week then forget it in a drawer or something lol. I just can’t see them getting used to the extra steps vs just using their phones.
Can I exchange some old digishits for prime zoomer boypussy?
The amount of "This camera takes unlimited film like photos!!" Videos on YouTube is retarded.
And they are always older Fuji's or random digicams. Then if you see the results and think those photos are kinda nice the cameras price is absolutely bloated on eBay.
But luckily most people on marketplace or local selling sites usually just think this is an old shit camera worth $20.
Yes, there are added steps obviously, but it doesn't seem to hinder them at the moment. I saw one of these type of videos you are talking about myself recently while brainlessly browsing youtube shorts. Suddenly this 20 year old girl showed some photos she had taken.. looked like any snapshit taken with a flash and she was like "omg guise this is straight out of camera i didn't do any editing at all so everybody go out and buy this camera!!!".. looked at her profile and it turns out that this insignificant young lady has a following of over a million subscribers so obviously things like that affects the market, but in my experience, at least here this isn't brand or model specific even though certain models probably trend higher.
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>But luckily most people on marketplace or local selling sites usually just think this is an old shit camera worth $20.
With this knowledge i have flipped a few cameras and cut down cost on gear.. they are still available for cheap here and there. picrel for instance.. found one in box for about $10, resold it for over $100.
I really need to list most of my digishit collection on eBay. I have about 30 random ones, mostly nicer powershots, that I've bought the past few years. Just seems like such a hassle to pack and ship items for a measly ~$40 profit each.
I've been making bank on this. They're readily available on marketplace for peanuts and I've been reselling them on eBay. Most models go for $100+. Anything Canon IXUS is $200+. I created a new eBay store with cringe marketing specifically for zoomy digicam buyers. I have around 120 cameras listed right now, + 80 for accessories and chargers. I sell the cameras with cheap Chinese replacement chargers and sell the genuine ones separately as they often go for ~$30. Total value listed is over $20000 and total invested is just shy of $3000. Have a couple of bulk lots on their way to me from Japanese auction sites, too.
Based zoomie scamming chad
>Just imagine them going to whatever social gathering they are assembling in
I find that unexpectedly difficult to do
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I’m actually trying to buy a cheap s90 off of marketplace right now, but the dumb broad won’t respond. I doubt it’s hotly contested since it’s been posted for days, I’m leaning more towards sold and not updated, but you never know! Wish me luck lads.

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Got a s100 for $40 the other day, 2 batteries, no charger though. Got one on the way from China.
>all the retards buy jpeg digishits
>leave all the raw-capable compacts for cheap
>leave all the raw-capable compacts for cheap
Hahaha, I wish. I wanted to replace my old $40 Powershot G10 or maybe even get a G15 and nope, they're $300 now.
as much as I love the hardware
the problem with such cameras is their inability to shoot RAW
as such, zoomers buying them are all dumb nigger consumers never acknowledging the basics of photograhy and are just trendy retards

nothing about this is cool
The sooner zoomzoomz embrace "fuck you big camera niggers, shoot RAW or go into the dumpster" the better.
smartphones are objectively better camaras when shooting RAW vs 99% of point and shoots that ever came to market.
Point and shoots were artificially gimped by BigCamera manufacturers and deserve no respect even if they have okay lenses/sensores.
No Raw = No use
If you disagree you are a certified trend following nigger of no value who doesn't even recognize the point of capturing scenes as they are, and are nothing more than a fan/shill of some proprietary post-processing methods for some $100-$250 budget camera which makes you a fucking joke of an individual.

zoomes if you are reading this, invest in a monoopd or tripod instead and use your phones. Please. No, don't use hacked gcam bullshit, just use something like OpenCamera which provides real unedited RAWs, and use Darktable not shitty Adobe software like Lightroom that edits your RAWs by defaukt,, the sooner you all will all realize you are in control of your own data and as soon as you stop bowing down down to kike software like Adobe and other big software behemoths where they want you paying monthly to do nothing special, the better.
so I can sell my almost mint Fuji Z900 you say?
good to know.
Phone niggers deserve death
Is this you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw
>some proprietary post-processing methods for some $100-$250 budget camera
That's the only thing making phones competitive, shoot RAW and you lose the computational photography benefits. It basically does multiple exposures and composites them on the fly.
blacked raw cucks don't know the joys of snapshitting
>joys of snapshitting
yes, its called Kodak Gold 200
have done this, works a treat, especially the chinky ones
>assuming most digicam-buying zoomies use android
It ticks me off, actually. Yet again, I missed cheap bounty.
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yummy ISO
Most big photography channels solely exist to gatekeep poor people out of photography
do you get anxious when they buy your camera and message you about their batteries not working a week after selling it to them

also do you buy them with batteries (and pay for UPS) or have the courier dispose of it and buy your own locally

t. sold 5 digicams so far
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Oh, so that's why old digishits have gone from €10 to €50 at my local flea market.
Yup. Even old junky film point+shits are inflated now. Similar how to the x100v was still selling for over retail until the vi announcement, because tiktok people kept saying “This camera is a FILM LOOK hack!” Or whatever dumb shit
Judging by the prices some of the IXUS cameras are going for they have also found out about CHDK sadly.
When I buy a camera I charge the battery and fuck around with it for a bit. If I can take 100 shots in quick succession and the battery level isn't flashing red, I feel confident in selling it like that. If the battery life is shit, I sell it with a cheap Chinese replacement. I have a bunch of the most common replacement batteries on hand that cost me a few bucks each from AliExpress. For example, you can cover like 30 different Nikon Coolpix models with one battery type.

I'm not in the USA so I don't know about any of that UPS shit.
since we're here what are some good digishit cams with video capabilities? not really looking to shoot pics with it unless it shoots RAW since i usually shoot film.
Look up on the chdk site which ones it supports and try any of those. That’ll usually be better video in most ways compared to other digishits, since it basically removes a lot of restrictions.
>Yup. Even old junky film point+shits are inflated now. Similar how to the x100v was still selling for over retail until the vi announcement, because tiktok people kept saying “This camera is a FILM LOOK hack!” Or whatever dumb shit
It's just a trend and it will pass because now that people are aware that they sell for good money they will flood the market. It is not like these cameras are rare.
>If I can take 100 shots in quick succession and the battery level isn't flashing red
holy shit good idea i havent thought of that before. i do fuck around with em for a bit but not enough to stress test em. thanks

>I'm not in the USA so I don't know about any of that UPS shit
i'm not from the USA too but based on this i'm assuming your bulk lots from japan don't have batteries? just because of the two battery rule japan post has
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I still have OP pic camera. Rarely used it. But the pictures I shot with it were nice and can't find them anymore.
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Man i was just thinking about this last year
I saw so many old point and shoots at goodwill for $5 and considered starting a market for them but never did it. fuck

I still have my TL100 from 2009 though
I almost bought an Olympus FE-230 at a local thrift shop. It was only like 5 bucks, but it didnt have a battery.
Its a pretty neat size and I think it would have been fun. But I didnt want to deal with buying a battery for it. I dont think most of these cameras are worth getting new aftermarket batteries for.
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It's a dumb trend. You can mimic 90% of this look with a phone pretty easily by reducing dynamic range and adding some noise in post. Xenon flash is what makes the biggest difference imo.

Decent digicams made by well known brands from mid 2000s onward produce results that really aren't that different from smartphone photos. Ancient crappy late 90s digital point and shoots are a somewhat different story, they give more of a uniquely shit digital look.

I noticed this digicam (and camcorder) trend emerging a while ago, and had a thought of buying some for resale purposes in the future, but realised that market is really saturated, there are tons of forgotten digicams laying around. I doubt their value will ever inflate as much as Mju II and Lomo LC-a for example, and if it does, it's really difficult to guess which model will be sought after. Years ago though, I ended up buying a few old Fuji super CCD sensor digicams I managed to find for cheap, Finepix 710 and Finepix 700. They make nice soft photos with for the time unbelievable dynamic range. I'm sure some would think it "looks like film"... that CCD cult idea is what grinds my gears way more than this zoomie digicam thing.

Why do some people claim CCD "looks like film" now? I'm old enough to remember when those cameras were new and back in the day nobody thought they do. I did notice the difference in the look when I switched from CCD Nikon D80 to CMOS Canon 60D, but calling it film like is a huge stretch. What was very strange to me is that older CCD did look better than newer CMOS, smoother, warmer, less noisy, but only on base iso, as soon as you went over it cmos started showing it's strengths (that's why every manufacturer switched).
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I have a camcorder with a 1/2" CCD chip from the late 80s. All i can guess is that it looks "grainy" which is more of a byproduct than an intention. This was a capture taken from the video out from the camera (bypassing the VHS portion)
When zoomers say “looks like film”, it’s bit similar to how you see people on here say things have soul/aRe soulless. It doesn’t really mean any one particular thing, but to the zoomer it’s basically what you describe. Old ccd cameras tended to have poor dynamic range, low resolution, and noisy output. for the zoomzooms that grew up with iPhones and advanced digital cameras and HD etc, anything that isn’t a “technically perfect” image, starts to “look like film” for them. But the thing is “technically perfect” images could come from ancient cameras as well, as you say. Basically, when you hear people say “it looks like film”, they generally mean more towards that lomography, littered with imperfections type of aesthetic, despite the fact that film could produce images as clean as a modern camera. Basically they’re retarded, and renamed something that already existed (zoomers love doing this, see things like “quiet quitting”)
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>quiet quitting
Why bother
Plant your balls on the table and make the boss sweat, ypur time in the company is over anyway
Sold a Samsung digicam made in 2008 to a zoomette recently. After it sold she sent me a message asking if it had a flash. Looked up her instagram and she had of course lots of photos that left very little to the imagination. This is quite typical for buyers of these cameras. They are for zoomers who want to post pictures of themselves online and they have gathered from social media that these cameras give a different look than their phones. It is not because of collecting, investing, historical interest or any of that sort that these things are in demand, but purely narcissism.
There's nothing wrong with that. Without narcissism, the rest wouldn't exist.
lmao, digishit thing was started by millennials. now zoomers overpay for shittiest canon digishits from scalpers
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The cycle of life.
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you are a retard
nobody's phone photo is a "technically perfect" image it's further from reality than ever before
these digicams are just different software, it has nothing to do with hardware

also old CCDs aren't noisy
they're LOW NOISE, just worse at at high ISOs
you give them enough light (and their wells are deep) and they look great (the raw CCD images)
but almost every digishit cam is a JPEG producing piece of shit and this is no different than buying some faggot youtuber's Adobe "presets" for some shitty look
i still have my sony cybershot from 2011. not getting rid of it coz it has served me well since i got it. i bought it for street photo and some landscape as well.
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It's not about dynamic range or whatever you sound like a salty micro four thirds user. Film had nearly as much dynamic range as full frame digital (13 vs 14 stops) and grain != digital noise. Grain is tonality breakdown from over-enlarging, not signal errors, its literally the image slowly tearing apart. Otherwise film was also very sharp.

It's about the look of accuracy. Film was accurate. It didn't have an algorithm turning a grainy "GAS STATION" into an smeared "OA8 STNTION" created by noise reduction and sharpening. CCDs, digishits, and minimally processed modern cameras can get this look (especially if they have the sharp grain of pre-PDAF bodies) but their phones can not.
lmao I accidentally nuked the used market of the canon G11 with a video recently. ppl in the comments were saying it hit $400 which is fucking hilarious, that’s almost X100 money
These are the same people who buy Tesla stocks at 1000$. They don't know the value of things but the price.
I just dug out a coolpix l610 that my wife had to play around with it. Forgot that the door design was shit and it was broken. Can't find a replacement part for reasonable price. I then go see if I could find a new or similar model... and well of course the market explodes. Just my luck.
I think both the spike in film and "vintage" digital is a fad that will come to pass. There is more than enough of these cameras to satisfy demand.
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just buy them up at garage sails and such, to help rape the price, and don't sell them lol fuck zoomers

that was a nice photographic opportunity. shame no photographer was there to take advantage of it.
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most passive aggressive comment ive read all day
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Good thing I kept my S95 in mint condition.

It shoots raw.
Ah so that is why the S90-200 series are sought after.
So you are telling me someone would actually pay for my 20yo Sony cybershot?
based, sovl, kino, etc. etc.
If it has been featured in some tiktok or youtube shorts then yes.
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why would anyone want this shitty old look back again? I had a kodak easy share in 2006 and it was ass

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it's crazy I looked again and my mx-1 goes for up to $600 on eBay now, last year or two it was only $500
and I have an LX7 that I thought was worthless (got it for free from my cousin who went mirrorless [also]) they are going for up to 400.
since ai denoise is a thing now I was thinking of just taking one of these 1/1.7" compacts on vacations now and a shitty phone as the cameras won't leak data
Be honest, you’re just viewing on your phone at or near Instagram size anyway, cameras have been producing images more than good enough for such non-critical viewing for 20 years. You don’t even need the denoise. That’s only if you’re pixel peeping or printing (come on, this is /p/ lol)
Looks Just Like SLIDE FILM that's been overexposed due to user error
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>slide film without the soul


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I bought mine for 10€/10.74$ this month. 8.1 Megapixels are good enough for me. People just need to do more research to finde the one that is decent and yet not inflated in price. I have mine for the feel and also as budget edc because I don't use smartphones.

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Still working and shooting raw.

S95 incoming.

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>great blue heron
>yuropoor license plates
c'est quoi fuck?
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1.17 MB JPG
Ardea cinerea
They're like pigeons, very common in cities in the Netherlands.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelCanon DIGITAL IXUS 960 IS
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.6.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.3
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)109 mm
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Image Created2024:03:09 09:26:07
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Who cares? Gen Z are a bunch of trend following lemmings that rely on group think for everything. Sell them 80s clothes, now sell them 90d clothes, now sell them friends now sell them seinfeld now sell them film cameras now sell them flip phones nope too far now lets all get pingole cameras no thats too much work now sell them polaroids ugh this thing is huge what are the hot posers on tiktok selling us this week so now we sell them lofi early digital snaphits, hey can it make my pictures look like this oversaturated blown out shitstew, its assthetic, blah blah fuckity blah goddamn mindless children jfc

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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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Color Space InformationsRGB
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Ah, so there's a Grey Heron in Europe that looks very similar to our Great Blue.
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1.12 MB
1.12 MB JPG
muh IXUS

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Image Created2024:04:13 12:00:08
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File: CRW_0035.png (3.06 MB, 1440x1080)
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>It is also quite interesting to think about the conditions that made this possible in the first place.

older point and shoot cameras have way more soul then cellphones. modern cell phones look good but they have crazy amounts of automatic post processing. also small sensors with high megapixel count has the effect of making photos look soulless. then you sprinkle a CCD sensor and you got a winner.

I think I helped start this trend and the A590 has been on of my favorites.
Marty’s mom really needed to do some hardcore gonzo titty worship porno in her prime and it’s an unforgivable sin that she didn’t tbqhwy
File: dt_CRW_0732.jpg (1.2 MB, 1920x1440)
1.2 MB
1.2 MB JPG

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Get ahead of the curve and start buying vintage DSLRs before it's too late

They're already more expensive because they were always expensive, from launch. Are you ready for the future of $1200 D800s and people paying near MSRP for old EOS lenses?
File: NPC photographers.png (1.53 MB, 1024x1024)
1.53 MB
1.53 MB PNG
>Only $100!? This "film" camera takes infinite photos!
>Don't order that mirrorless until you've tried THIS
>Which one will people choose? D700 vs Z8 BLIND TEST
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1.21 MB
1.21 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Maximum Lens Aperturef/3.4
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)53 mm
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Image Created2024:04:30 14:24:32
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Image Width2488
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File: nikons.jpg (107 KB, 1464x386)
107 KB
107 KB JPG
Damn it’s alresdy over..

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They are too big and intimidating.. looks too much like a real camera. I can consistently pick up Rebels and Nikons from the same era for $50 a pop.. snoys sometimes even less. They are a hard sell for more. I don't think they can depreciate much more though.
>real camera
>some shapeless plastic blob
File: smug.png (1.87 MB, 1442x1056)
1.87 MB
1.87 MB PNG
The nipocalypse

RIP cheap F mount lenses
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47 KB
Not if I can help it.
For normies.. They are the ones buying all this crap and pushing the trends in the first place you know.
16 years ago I was at Urban Outfitters buying a Diana F+ and recording bedroom pop to a Tascam cassette 4 track- shit doesn't change.
>DX primes and fast zooms go to the moon because people actually want to use them and the advantage in real photography is tangible
>pieces of shit that only "ken f/11 and sat+3" rockwell would praise like this stay cheap
Calling it now
File: M2QT8693_Converted.jpg (3.73 MB, 2008x1504)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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could never stand cameraphones so i generally keep a cybershot with me, it is precious and the colors and images still beat any chinkphone released this year with fake bokeh and blur effects to denoise, and get a resolution of shit. I prefer to have a cheap camera I can carry anywhere and take any shot I like.

but speaking of, I found a sony nex c3 for 50eur on leboncoin, it's cute, looks compact, going to be a nice secondary camera. will try to screw some vintage M42 prime on it to see how it's like.

what's the point of creating aislop for this. can't find a hipster?

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im so glad i got my sd200, a590, g2, and s95 all 3 years ago. i think the most expensive one was the s95 at 50 bucks. all these models are between 50-300 bucks now except maybe a590, i dont think the zoomers have caught on to that one yet. insane.
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1.2 MB
1.2 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:03:31 14:49:11
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Trends are wild. I was sitting on my Fuji XM-1 thinking that it wasn't even worth selling anymore, but then I found out that I could make back the money that I paid for it almost 12 years ago while still asking less than anybody else on ebay, so I sold it in a heartbeat.
Thank you, youtubers.
File: Tyrone_Power_Zorro2.jpg (33 KB, 569x362)
33 KB
>I sold it
you understand NOTHING
if it was worthless I'd probably have converted it to IR at some point, but now I could buy and convert another camera that's just as good and still have something like $200 leftover
File: DSCN3509.jpg (161 KB, 1600x900)
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161 KB JPG
the smart move would have been to recognize you own something that is worth and will be worth selling only when the money is needed and not before not foolheartedly not like a fool not like you

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it's not like owning a Leica or a cool old analog camera, its value was merely dictated by a trend that can end at any point so leaving it to pick up dust in a closet until nobody will want it would have been dumb. This way I used it for years at zero cost and now some zoomer somewhere is having fun with it, it's the best possible outcome

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDMC-G80
Camera SoftwareVer.1.5
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.7
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)50 mm
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Image Created2021:06:25 14:50:27
Exposure Time1/1300 sec
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Focal Length25.00 mm
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
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184 KB JPG
lost my coolpix digishit (picrel) lately and don't even remember which coolpix it was, what should I look for at flea markets to replace it?
There are so many models I just aim for before 2010 and a 4-10ish MP count
Phone cameras suck. They have great sensors, but all is negated by shitty software or even hardware processing which you can't bypass.
Old shitty camera, it has CPU barely enough to overlay UI elements over the fucking preview of image, so it is incapable of processing shit, so you get what sensor really sees. Not shitty combined image of 9000 snapshits.
That said, I still don't understand the craze behind CCD. CCD, CMOS, same shit, difference marginal.
Not even talking about optics.

That said, I should buy a camera, all old camera equipment I had is unobtainable. Phone sucks. If it can't take a bird pic, in trash it goes. And no phone can take a bird pic. So you know.
Anymore of this one?
I've made probably $500 in the span of a week just buying and selling digicams in the same marketplace.
>Sort by newest first
>Save certain keyword searches
>Browse regularly
There is always someone that is pre-covid in their mentality when it comes to valuing these things
>Oh that old shitter? My phone takes way better pictures and it is more practical.. put it up on shitzo for $20 and see if anyone is stupid enough to buy my e-waste
In comes me and purchase said old shitter, take some more "professional" looking photos in good lighting and list it for way more.. usually sells within a couple of days.
I will milk this trend for what it is worth until they start making cheap digishitters again.
Any insights on the market? What's selling and what's the average buyer like?
I sell here in yurop so things may be different wherever you are, but my take is that anything sells, but IXUS cameras in particular are extra hot, smaller cameras tend to be easier to sell.
They are plentiful, not rare at all. People have these things in drawers, closets and attics all over the place so you will find deals. It is not like trying to find a rare Pokemon card...
Anyone of those credit card sized ones from 2007-20016ish are easy money as there is nothing that comes close in retail stores today. That form factor is simply gone. Esthetics have a say, colorful cameras tend to sell for more.
I suggest sourcing them on local classifieds and just look at everything because often sellers don't bother doing proper search engine optimization and are sparse in their descriptions and they don't even take good photos.. for instance i picked up an unused newer Ixus model this week that was listed as "Digital Camera" with very little information about it other than it being new and unused. A buyer has to decipher what he is looking at. That camera i listed as soon as i got it and it sold instantly for a $100 profit.
Usually it's just a photo of a dusty camera laying on a table with a charger next to it.. ironically enough taken with a smartphone.. not exactly inviting, which is something i try to exploit, not just when buying by taking advantage of their ignorance, but also when listing i ensure that the frame is filled with the camera, turned on to show that it is working, in good lighting conditions so that i do get more views than those who have things listed at market value, but don't bother with proper photos etc. There is also no point in being overly technical in the listing description from my experience as the buyers are not interested in in-depth specs, just the basics and what is included is sufficient.
The buyers are usually zoomer girls and they are all exemplary, never got any complaints and they usually don't haggle.
>The buyers are usually zoomer girls
Ever talk with them outside of business?
Now I wonder what the guy I bought my first camera thought of me, the competition being mostly zoomer girls is hopeful

>each and every

Pajeet pls go
>There is also no point in being overly technical in the listing description from my experience as the buyers are not interested in in-depth specs

Yeah, anyone who cares about tech specs will already know what they are or where to look. Good to leave room for quick and simple marketing techniques.
That is not proper English?

It's a little redundant don't you think?
your life is redundant

Oh man, I'm going to kill myself now that you have completely shattered my ego.
It's a time honoured turn of phrase, DUMBASS
this thread made me look at my pile of electronic junk...
Found picrel, never used and I don't have the chargers anymore.
Which one should i keep for myself and the ones I should sell to zoomers?
Sell all of them and buy a leica
I hope you mean leica glass and not another digishitter.
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1.86 MB
1.86 MB JPG
>buy a Leica
I already have a Fuji XE-2, I'm good

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I found a F810 fujifilm the other day, only thing it needs is a compatible SD card. Anyone know what I'm looking for? I think this one might be what I need but I'm not sure.
Yep. There are adapters that accept micro-sd though. Those XD cards have been out of production for quite some time so they are costly. When buying any XD-based digishitter on the used market one should always ensure that it has a memory card. Picked up one of those mju egg-shaped digicams the other day for the sole reason that it came with 2 xd cards so i have an extra in case i need it.
Some roastie has had a G9 for $220 on Marketplace for months now. Should I talk her into bringing the price down?
for a moment I thought about the Panasonic G9 and that it's a great price for it, then I realized what thread we are in. Yeah $220 is way too much for a fucking Powershot G9 imo
I wonder if/when people are priced out of digicams and move to M43.
They want "cute" cameras, not cameras that look like they have a learning curve.
silver Olympii are cute
>and move to M43
Never without the Pen series.
I wish I had a gen z boyslut slurping on my millennial cock and taking photos of it with a digishit
Just watched Peter McKinnons latest youtube video about the R1 and he mentioned that while in Paris at a concert he saw lots of digicams in the crowd.
It is fascinating that none of the large camera companies have caught on yet.. as if it is impossible to make similar products today. You see some Chinese companies trying to cash in on the hype, but they are failing.. consumers don't want them.
so he saw 5 maybe? People that didn’t want to pay for and carry a flagship phone and wanted something better than an iphone SE.., a very small market of people that are mostly afraid of having their phone stolen.
Sony makes the only ones. Also the smallest FF gear.
No they don't. They haven't made these things in a decade.
Anecdotally being one that has flipped all sorts of crap online for close to 2 decades my opinion is that this is not a small market. I don't think this has anything to do with not wanting their phone stolen because that goes with them everywhere regardless.
RX100 series cameras are still in production and have new models planned.
If you mean dirt cheap shit, china makes a lot of genuine digishits too (dirt cheap trash IQ) but nobody cares because they aren't le retro. just search amazon or ebay for "camera".

Sony has the most dedication to portability out of any camera brand in general - they're the only ones that still care. No one else is making a PNS anymore, nor giving a shit about the size of their FF/APSC cameras. Meanwhile, Nikon's upcoming 3rd gen cameras are all rumored to be closer to the size of the Z8 and those lenses are huge.
>Sony has the most dedication to portability out of any camera brand in general
In terms of what we are discussing in this thread they have nothing, just like all the other camera brands.
at least where i'm from people who have digicams also have iphones
that or they use digicams to hide the shit quality when uploading on instagram as android users
>No one else is making a PNS anymore
Panasonic still does.
Android cameras are higher quality than ifag cameras lel

No, sony definitely makes a point and shoot. Its just expensive because its actually a good camera and not a “slowing down makes ur fotos good - see all building corners” cope camera.
>They have nothing
what else is there?
om system tough - rebranded tg6. smaller sensor than sony compacts. worse iq. at least it's water-proof-ish right?

after sony ducks out all pns cameras will be baby sensor chinese generics such as these
and many more to be found on aliexpress

no, all lumix zs and lx cameras are totally discontinued and use smaller sensors than phones so who the fuck cares. tards will prefer old models because le retro, photographers want 1" sensors at least.

never mind that LE RETRO 1/2.3 sensor compacts are not any different from the brand new ones made in china... kek. a fool and his money are soon parted after watching a "....takes infinite film photos" youtube video.
>Android cameras are higher quality than ifag cameras lel
that's not what i'm saying lol any advantage androids have is nerfed when uploaded to instagram
>advantage androids have is nerfed when uploaded to instagram
I don't actually think that's true. At a certain point (iirc like 26mp) Instagram will reject the file for being too big, so I did an experiment where I downscale it to 20mp vs a 2mp (1080p) file and the smaller file was very soft in comparison. Letting them do the compression for you results in higher image quality. Given that the differences are going to be less drastic than that, it should preserve the differences between them.

But then again I don't believe that android cameras would look significantly better to begin with, all phone cameras look like shit
>photographers want 1" sensors at least
If that's the bar to reach, Canon still has their X models.
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Waiting for when zoomers realize kodak brownies are 5-15 bucks.
modern camera phones take far more filmlike photos than ancient digishits.
I wonder where my old Canon S400 ended up.
my grandpa actually gave me one of these not too long ago, it's even in a cool red color, I gave it a delicate cleaning but I've yet to get some film and try it out. Btw do you have some advice on which film to get for it?
Got my hands on an IXUS 100 or ELPH SD780 IS as it is called in burgerland. Must be the smallest Ixus they made.. thought the 130 was the smallest until i got it. Quite remarkable how small they were able to make these things and just how much they were able to cram into that tiny body.
Think about your phone. It is even smaller.
I never think about my phone and i also never take it with me anywhere.
Those as well go for above retail now because of low supply.
Supply was low to begin with and now with all this digicraze and summertime it created extraordinary market conditions, nobody gives a shit about 10 year old dslrs though.
The IXUS 130/SD1400 (17.8mm) is slimmer than the IXUS 100/SD780 (18.4mm) by a hair and lighter (133g vs 155g) even though it is wider and taller.

Most phones weigh more and are physically much wider and taller than the ultracompacts that were popular back then. They really are cool pieces of engineering. Companies could take the smartphone sensors and lenses and make a similar sized camera but with all the new technology and I would buy it in a heartbeat.
>Most phones weigh more and are physically much wider and taller than the ultracompacts that were popular back then.
Kinda true.
>They really are cool pieces of engineering.
Yes. How to make a camera, that shoots good, is compact and cheap to fabricate.
A combination of software, sensors, optics, calibrated by professionals that sell cameras, not modems with touchscreens.
>Companies could take the smartphone sensors and lenses and make a similar sized camera but with all the new technology and I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Same. Phones these days sometimes come with pretty big sensors, like iPhone 15? idk. 1/1.56"?, which is bigger than typical digishit 1/2.3"
There is a downside however. Old CCD and CMOS digicams had 12 bit sensors... And most phones do have 10 bit ADCs, so colors always suck (since it leaves no freedom for software to adjust them to fit best on 8bit jpeg or monitor).
So yes, I want slightly better sensor than in the phone, but made with modern CMOS technology, which gives it surprisingly good low light performance, high pixel density for high resolution photos. And I want proper lens, like on bridge cameras with idk, 24-500 mm eq, or at least 24-300 mm eq.

As for phone sensor + phone lens, you can get such cameras on aliexpress for $30-40 but apparently they all are shit (idk, never seen one IRL). And most importantly, why? Phones have them and everyone has phones. You need something better than phone to sell it, or else people won't just get why.
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What zoomers think of when they talk about a "vintage look".
VHS handycam
>Kinda true.

Most ultracompacts were around 10cmx5cm and 150g. The most popular iPhone, the 11, is 15cmx7.6cm and 194g.

>And I want proper lens, like on bridge cameras with idk, 24-500 mm eq, or at least 24-300 mm eq.

Quite a few ultracompacts with a 12x (24-300mm) ish range. 20x and the thickness and weight go up quite a bit and that's for the 1/2.3" sensors although still easy to carry something like the SX720/30/40.

The 1" compacts are pretty nice with the ZS200 doing 24-360mm. AF is dfd. The RX100 series does 24-200mm with good AF. Not a bridge camera guy myself but the RX10IV would be nice to have 24-600, pretty fast 1" sensor.

Most of the small digicams I've collected are BSI-CMOS which tended to be pretty standard toward the last few years of the digicam golden age. One thing none of them had is an ultrawide (14mm) which my phone has. Probably have to just use a separate module for that for my dream digicam and that would be fine.

People complain about the 8 or 9mm camera bumps on phones but even with those, they are thinner than any digicam ever was. The Xiaomi 14 has a 1" sensor at 23mm f/1.6 so I'm sure you could get a 1" sensor and a 35mm with an extra 10mm of thickness.

I'll have to check out Aliexpress and see what the tinkerers in Shenzhen have come up with. Maybe there are a couple sleepers there but I'm guessing you are right and they are all junk meant for impulse buys at Walmart or something. Likely no manual control, no RAW, crappy lenses. Even if they did copy a flagship phone camera setup, the one thing that almost all digicams had that almost all phones don't is a xenon flash. I used to have a Nokia 808 (and N8) which had xenon flash and you could use an optical slave but it was finicky but the results could be spectacular. If any bored camera exec browses /p/, build the radio flash control in camera (leaf/global shutter only)!
I bought a cheap camera off Facebook to try it out and after recognizing my gift I'm buying a OM-D
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Storyt time with the oldfag.
My first phone as a poorfag in the late 90s was a phone a rich friend of mine won in a competition. The trend was already then pointing towards smaller and smaller phones so i got severely bullied to such an extent that my hatred for long plank like phones persist to this day. I didn't even buy a smartphone until 2016 or so because i got forced into it in order to use bank services.
Yeah. Or Lumix TZ-90? But I think Canon is smaller.
I personally have recently acquired non-fresh fujifilm bridge (s4200) because I got fed up with camera in my phone (which never was really anything ground breaking), as it couldn't get up close enough to the gulls, and in my opinion birds are the only thing worth taking a photo of.
So idk, for me ultra-wide is something that I don't really understand. Even 24 mm equivalent of fuji s4200 is kinda too wide. It distorts the image (but that's more of a fujifilm s4200 being a cheap camera even back then)
>People complain about the 8 or 9mm camera bumps on phones but even with those
I'd say only tech reviewers complain about shit like this. Nobody gives a fuck about phone thickness. Most people use them with cases which add 2-4 mm extra. Same for bezels. Thin bezels suck, they make phone unusable without the case.
I would happily trade some millimeters of thickness for bigger battery and bigger camera. And maybe even non-glued clip-on rear cover so you can actually replace the battery without flooding the LCD with alcohol or whatever.
>The Xiaomi 14 has a 1" sensor at 23mm f/1.6 so I'm sure you could get a 1" sensor and a 35mm with an extra 10mm of thickness.
With fixed focal length you can achieve that even with current phone thickness. Problem is that it's a fixed focal length. And this is what sucks the most on phones, since they tend to use one good sensor for idk, 23 mm, and then just add 3 shitty sensors for wide and tele. In addition to that, it also interpolates/crops the image to get desired zoom.
And I think only Xperia something has real adjustable focal length camera. But with $1000+ phone... I might just buy $200 phone and $800 worth of camera equipment lol. Since I don't care for phones at all. It's just a modem with a touchscreen for me.
>Likely no manual control, no RAW, crappy lenses.
Definitely no RAW. Idk about lens quality and manual modes.
But yeah, I think the biggest problem with cameras is that they are god damn expensive right now.
Back in 2012, that fuji shit? it was $250? Where the fuck are mine $350 bridge cameras now? Nowhere to be found, they all start at like $700?
And for $700, I'd just consider buying used mirrorless or DSLR with zoom lens and teleconverters or idk.
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TZ-90 was one I also looked at but 960mm in the Canons was just too neat to pass up. I don't shoot birds but I just love the idea of having that kind of reach. Mostly I shoot a lot of indoor with family so I end up using wideangle a lot. Even the """normal""" lens on my phone which is 24mm isn't enough a lot of the time when I'm up close building legos with them etc.

End up using 14mm on my phone which is always annoying. My ideal perspective is 50mm setup a ways away. Distortion annoys me as well with the stretched heads and stuff.

Tech reviewers absolutely wrecked cameraphone progress. A lot of people with giant otterboxes but man was the Nokia 808 blasted for its camera hump. Agree as well a few mm for battery and lens would make a huge difference.

>With fixed focal length you can achieve that even with current phone thickness.

Not currently but maybe soon. Earlier 1" sensors needed wider angles and smaller apertures. Getting a 23mm 1.6 is quite the feat. I'd be fine with a digicam that had multiple lenses. A couple fixed fast ones for ultrawide and wide. And a telephoto zoom on a 1" or slightly smaller sensor.

My phone's telephoto, like every other phone's telephoto is pretty bad because of the small sensors. But I guess it's going to stay that way as long as super thin phones are in fashion. The Xperias has a zoom, probably a periscope, but the sensor follows the same pattern of good main, crappy other ones.

>Definitely no RAW.
Dang. A real easy feature to implement though most of my ultracompacts don't have it either I think. Do you have CHDK or whatever it is on your IXUS?
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>Tech reviewers absolutely wrecked cameraphone progress. A lot of people with giant otterboxes but man was the Nokia 808 blasted for its camera hump. Agree as well a few mm for battery and lens would make a huge difference.
Tech reviewers ruined everything, from phones to laptops.
As for Nokia, I don't think it was the bump that killed it, it was symbian and windows. Dunno.
> A real easy feature to implement though most of my ultracompacts don't have it either I think. Do you have CHDK or whatever it is on your IXUS?
I don't have IXUS. I have fuji finepix s4200.
But yes, I think most cameras can save raw. In case of my fuji, there is an option in the engineering menu to save one RAW file, a raw-RAW file with no header, no nothing, just pure data from the sensor (which exposes how shit 1/2.3" CCD is indoors and how good image processing is on that 2012 piece of shit). Oh, and you can take only one RAW file, otherwise camera crashes lol (probably it doesn't clear RAM)...
I don't know why didn't they add an option to save RAW files, especially since it is mostly implemented already. This is the example of raw file from the fuji digishit bridge.

I think phone manufacturers aren't really interested in the cameras. It is not a priority for them. They are making a phone. They won't do "color science" calibration stuff and lens picking camera manufacturers did. They would make bare minimum so it can take a picture of a document at the desk, and idk, a whiteboard or smht.
Hm. Apparently Kodak still makes digishits and bridges... Well, Asia Optical. Its not alibaba, it's next door
I wonder how shit are those. They promise aspherical lenses and idk CCD in 2022 lol
What kind of new old stock is this
>Sniped a popular IXUS model for $60 including shipping
>Photograph it and put it up for sale for $180 immediately
>After 1 day a zoomer girl wants to buy it and asks me to tell her if someone bids more
I just wanted the $120 profit so I just took the offer.
>As for Nokia, I don't think it was the bump that killed it, it was symbian and windows. Dunno
True. I didn't have one of the Windows phones. Symbian did everything I needed; browser, maps, text, phone but the app market was poor. The reviews for the 808 focused on how it was a thick phone with a large camera bump and were gushing everytime a phone got 0.5mm thinner.

>I think phone manufacturers aren't really interested in the cameras.

Apart from Nokia. They really worked hard to push the limits when Apple and other smartphone makers were content to put the crappiest 1/3.2 modules in. I'd argue that phone manufacturers have stepped up their game, probably since the Pixel but there was a good gap between the 808 or even Lumia big sensor and the Pixel.

Smart. Fast easy money.
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They’re so crazed for digicams they’re buying Chinese knock off cameras that are just webcams with a shitty lens. It’s actually incredible.
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Even more incredible is that no camera manufacturer has decided to cash in. The generation that buys that stuff is also way more into "limited edition" crap than previous generations. Imagine short runs of certain color variations in collaboration with famous "artists" etc. Probably billions on the table.
Instead they give us picrel which is so undesirable that it is now selling for 50% of retail.
>Even more incredible is that no camera manufacturer has decided to cash in.
The x100vi is literally that camera.
>dogshit lens
>point and shoot
>files look like mushy ass
>fashion accesory
>bought by no one that is serious about photography
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Hmm. Intredasting.
>No, that's not a typo. Kodak has just dethroned Canon as the #1 manufacturer of digital cameras because of their wildly successful compact digital cameras, capturing 22.5% of the entire market in Japan.

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>We were struck by how much this Kodak’s appearance and operation is exactly the same as the kind of compact digital camera that was being sold everywhere 10 to 15 years ago, and has largely disappeared since.
Of course they are, they think everyone but them is shit, so they have only themselves to learn from. These fucking retards only know what they’ve seen on tiktok & in a few sentences posted in gaming chats. For as much as the hated boomers fucked up by not recognizing their dirty hippies were right about almost everything, the shit GenZ is prepared to/already fucking up makes boomers look like a little sparkler before a nuclear fireworks show, starting with their own brain development. Boomers, GenX & Millenials tried to warn them but now they’re fucked.
>Boomers, GenX & Millenials tried to warn them but now they’re fucked
Warn them about what?
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So absolutely nobody is buying these old cameras because they genuinely like digishit, right? They are buying them because zoomers have used swiss army knife do-everything devices their whole lives and they are just rediscovering single-purpose devices now.
YEEEEESSSSSS finally can sell the old shitty cameras to dumbass zoomers for a massive profit and buy something that isn't shit, wtf this is great.
Umm... no, they're buying them because they're popular, and anything with the word """"vintage""""" brings you status in the world of zoomers.
they're buying them because they want to 2000s CCD look
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I dont have high hopes for the CCD look but who knows

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