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Are there any anons here practicing erotic photography? How do you find your models willing to pose for such photos? Or do you have to pay them?
i threaten them with rape
I like traps, and they’re hard to find in my area on dating apps. I make posts looking for trap models (I shoot on a vintage 1890s field camera) telling them I want a historical trans rights photo shoot. Get them there and offer more to eat their asshole and I have a 80% acceptance level. I do pay them but no more than $100 per shoot m
man here is living my fucking dream.

godspeed you bastard
What are the best lenses for photographing tits?
Telephoto from afar or wide angle up close?
35mm is the best boob focal length.
Bikini art, not NSFW (site may be though)
On the left would I need a 20 or 24 or something to capture that?
I assume top right would be 50-135 territory?
Would 35mm work for the bottom right? (Camera held above head looking down at subject from a few feet away)
>16-35 f4
>high res ff camera with good apsc mode
You dont need more

I shoot nude models. A few factors will override these questions.
Your location will determine your focal length. Almost always nude models are shot indoors so you will be in the 24-70 range in a full frame. Outdoor locations where people won’t see for a 2 hour shoot are incredibly hard to find.
You will be paying the model especially if shooting spread leg shots of good looking 18-24 year old women.
It’s worth learning strobes, they are easy to use indoors and will produce nice even light over the model every time.
Finding the models is by far the hardest part. Expect to only find a few really good ones per year. Unfortunately so many girls cover themselves in feral tattoos or won’t shoot spread leg nudes. Finding a hot girl who will is hard work.
Ideally you are rich and live in Europe. They have the biggest supply of good looking women shooting nude then you just need nice locations, hire models constantly and you can produce an amazing body of work. Join Flickr, that’s where the majority of photographers shooting nudes are. You will easily rack up millions of views posting nudes there.

It’s definitely a good thing to get into. The models love it and it’s less pretentious than the non nude glamour thots in their lingerie who only care about being cool on Instagram.
The models who shoot nudes are always more interesting people.
I can’t even comprehend people who get into photography and don’t shoot nudes. It’s the most fun thing to shoot.
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>I can’t even comprehend people who get into photography and don’t shoot nudes.
it's already been answered 10 times, you hire escorts
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I’m not in the boudoir business, seems fun and like nice work if you can get it. The key would be don’t be creepy, collaborate with your subject to make something that makes them feel good and empowered. Nudes are a lovely challenge. How can you make the human body into origami? What can you do that hasn’t been done a million times already? I just tried to ape some Edward Weston stuff. Would love to have another swing soon with a cool model. I’d like to work on some more male nudes too.

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>The key would be don’t be creepy, collaborate with your subject to make something that makes them feel good and empowered. Nudes are a lovely challenge.
You sound so gay dude
Yeah buddy!

Any tips for getting coeds to shoot? I live in a large college town. Should be a good supply.
hell yeah brother
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I do periodically. Don't come off as a creep and don't be too fat and people will work with you. See if there are any TFP groups on FB or IG in your area. Show them what it is you're wanting to do especially Helmut Newton's stuff, he works with mirrors which is also my thing.

If you want IG e-thots who have to be directed and flake on you, do TFP, but if you want experienced people who will show up and know what they're doing, pay. I have 4 shoots lined up for middle of May and one of them I'm paying and she has been published several times, signed on with an agency. Something to think about.


>Based Weston

Learn how to do solarization and take another swing at this composition, would be bad ass.

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How often do the models hit on you or give off dtf vibes?
I’ve seen solarization edits on digital, is that possible or it’s analog only? Happy to read up on it if you have any material you can link.
>I have 4 shoots lined up for middle of May and one of them I'm paying
Just imagine paying a tattooed whore with single mom tits to take photos of her to boost her confidence. The absolute state of incels.

Well, honestly, met my current GF that way. Doesn't happen often. If you're using your camera to get laid you are fucking pathetic. Mine just happened but if you are intentionally going out there to take pictures of naked chicks for the sole purpose of trolling for pussy you are an incel and need to hang yourself faggot


I'm honestly not sure how you would do it on digital. But this guy knows.



You left out this part poorfag

>but if you want experienced people who will show up and know what they're doing, pay.

and this one

>and she has been published several times, signed on with an agency.

if you are referring to them as tattooed whores with single mom tits, who is the incel here? Faggot
according to an interview with a prostitute on the soft white underbelly, whores get asked to model for photos all the time. and then the photographer fucks them or something. seems expensive
>TFP groups
what is that
Trade for prints maybe.
whores are cheap. Can be had for $100 for an obvious drug addict, or $250 for a not-obvious-in-pics drug addict. Or can get a whore (they call themselves escorts) who are drug free for ~$700

These are all for an hour or so of time. Prices in Europe and Asia are substantially lower than this with a much higher quality of people as well.

>t. mongerer
I forgot to mention I >>4309125 girlfriend is an obvious whore, to have the gaul to shame others for trying to get pussy with a camera while proudly admitting you have done it yourself is retarded. Enjoy the used up roastie
>met my current GF
you dont have a gf if you're paying other women to take pictures of their tits. also lol at dating a grill who lets men pay them to take pictures of their tits. captain save-a-hoe right here.
have you seen a photo of sugar.
I am amazed that he is not dating a tranny
>much higher quality of people
Why's that?

I wasn't trying though shit just happened because I have game, don't be salty. You gonna let a 300lb fat balding autistic truck driver out-fuck you? That's pathetic. That's some peak incel shit right there dude, you're not even better than a lolcow at courting women. gg no re


I'm not paying to see their tits, most experienced models, actual models not IG e-girls don't do topless or nude. She doesn't model for anyone else, we're exclusive. get some life experience and come back here when you stop wetting the bed and your balls have dropped, faggot
>we’re exclusive
Aha, the classic “she rode miles of cock but I’m the lucky winner now”, nice.
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>get some life experience
nigger i have a kid, you're the incel paying for whores who wont even show you their tits.

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Stop posting your kids retard

Having a kid isn't rocket science there's plenty of people with kids who have no life experience, congrats you got some broad knocked up. moving on.
You just need to develop an insatiable lust for power over vulnerable and insecure women. The rest will come naturally.
stop posting photos of babies in the thread you stupid fucking nigger
read the OP
your shit does not belong here
>stop posting photos of babies in the thread you stupid fucking nigger
nigger this is a blue board, no one is posting erotic photography here

>anyone can have a kid
>b-but i have to pay women to see their tits

I have a gf I don't have to pay to look at her tits, I'm actually looking at them right now. have a nice day faggot
>I have a gf
again, gf/wives arent going to let you pay prostitutes to take pictures of them.
Most of the time i have to pay them. Remember, the ones you pay are usually the ones that are more experienced. You can start with amateur models, but you might get shit results.
I find most of them through instagram now.
>Hey guys, "Sugar" has a gf...
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I take photos of my wife sometimes. Not sure how to get models otherwise.

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>How do you find your models willing to pose for such photos?
chinatown and asian massage parlors
never employ white women unless you want a false rape charge in a few years
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Tasteful. I like them.
Nice nails
NTA but i had a fetlife and posted pics (tasteful, or at least tasteful enough) and i did have one dude asking if he could "do a shoot" and that he had like lingerie and stuff but i didnt do it because i wasnt confident enough about my looks, but also because its sus lol. I would have considered it, maybe, if i had at least known the guy. but yeah maybe try that but if you do make sure you at least take the girl out for a coffee so she doesnt get raped on the spot
>If you're using your camera to get laid you are fucking pathetic.
>Mine just happened but if you are intentionally going out there to take pictures of naked chicks for the sole purpose of trolling for pussy you are an incel and need to hang yourself faggot
you are a soi numale
kino, the rest of the thread is just coomers.
you can smell the soi reeking off this post
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This one's just a tiny bit more lewd. This and the first weren't meant to have the empty bar at the bottom, but I fucked up the alignment when I respooled the film for the double exposures. I think I like how it came out though.

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>>If you're using your camera to get laid you are fucking pathetic
Excuse me sir, but if i’m up to me nuts in guts, you can think i’m pathetic as ya want and i d n g a single f. And bitch plz, a camera id no different than any other object. Using any object to get laid is the best possible use of that thing. If a pencil sharpener utterly fails to sharpen graphite but leads me to irrigate some pretty girls lower intestines with baby batter, then that is the very finest pencil sharpener ever and i will remember it fondly. Get your priorities straight, love people any way you can, then worry about your toys you sad nihilistic antisex fuck.
>Sticking your dick in shit
Wow, what an achievement.
You would understand why it's an achievement if you've seen the photos he posts of himself.
Wait, is this still Sugar?
These are really interesting photos. How did you get that effect? If the flowers are behind the glass and you are shooting the reflection of your wife, how don't you appear in it? I'm new to photography...
let's see some photos
Occasionally yeah. Used to a lot more.
Instagram is still a decent place to find models, or local Facebook groups. But where I live now, models are flaky as fuck and end up canceling more than half the time so it makes me want to not bother.
Easier to motivate them if you’re paying them.
If you can read context at all then you can usually tell from a model’s portfolio whether she’d be willing to shoot what you’re interested in. But you need to be professional and present yourself professionally.
If you want a hooker then hire a hooker.
or is it the other way around? That would make even less sense I think... Also, how do you set the camera settings to get the flowers to be clear and coloful, but your wife just a silhouette? I'm really impressed by these photos lol

That is not me lol I don't ever drop my trip here because it makes faggots seethe.


These are outstanding, probably some of the better erotic work posted here.
Are you drunk right now sugar?
I really miss Craigslist for finding models. Last time I posted an ad there, years ago, they deleted it and told me to fuck off.
Anyone find an alternative yet?

OnlyFans and COVID killed off that market.
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OK this is how I do it.
FetLife, it's a social media site for people with kinks, If you're that way inclined you can definitely find people there. Go to events, make some friends, tell people that you want to do erotic photography and want to find people who would want to model for you.

BTW the photo is a self portrait I did a few days ago.
nice, very creative
Thanks dude
I've been wanting to find somewhere to post more of my photos, but I don't really know where outside of FetLife. If you know of any good sites that allow nsf, let me know?
Maybe I should just start posting some of my stuff too /p/
>tacky selective color
i bet youre a faggot too
lmao, bi
nice cock mate


They didn't harvest all of his penile tissue.
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no i'm uncut
Wait, you’re telling me these are the same cock, what the fuck? I’m uncut and I don’t get all cut looking when i get hard, what gives
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yep, same cock.
The answer is pretty simple not all dicks look the same
only Model Mayhem or facebook groups, but in the former case you are dealing with women who are usually 35+ and in the latter you are dealing with turbo flakes
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bro... I'm gonna need you to delete this. I don't like this feeling I'm having
They're double exposures. I took some photos of flowers, then took pictures of my wife lit from behind. She's standing between a bare lightbulb on a light stand and a slightly off white wall, causing the silhouette.
It's ok my guy. It's only gay if the balls touch.
how does he keep getting away with it
away with what ;-)
the way your hips make me want to grab them is definitely gay and I do not like it
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it's not my folt if you're a homo. lol
Maybe I should post more of my stuff in the future.
I’m not gay or anything but if that was a trans clitty girldick I’d be hot and bothered rn (not gay cause trans women are women chuds)
>not gay
As someone who like trannies more than you, you're at least bi
We DESPERATELY need some women on this board. RIGHT. NOW.
women ruin everything though
The implication you are making here that liking a trans woman is anything but heterosexual is extremely problematic chuddie
I don't care. I will hold this opinion and still choke on thick tranny cock multiple times per day everyday

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