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I don't understand. I've been taking photos and videos for over 10 years yet they still suck. I don't know why that is. I get told by family and friends my images are good, but every time I post it on the net there's someone there that says it's awful.

Do you all know?

(Side note to mods. The pepefrog image is related to photography. It shows him using a camera).
Post your best/favorite images. I'll give you an honest and fair critique.

Do you have a series to share, possibly?
This is my imgur page


And this is my YouTube page. Please for the love of God don't creep on my audience.

They're all just pretty average snapshits
They'd look good to someone who only uses their phone, but anyone who has used a dedicated camera for a while wouldn't pay any attention. Kinda shocking you've been doing this for 10 years.
Like I'm already dealing with a lot asking you all and I don't need someone who literally sees the world like an opportunistic rat to weave through things. This website scares me a bit of what you all will do to me and my audience. I got families and kids watching my videos okay.
95% of all your pictures are just of things. Like you went "hey that's cool! Let me just take a zoomed in and center framed image of this thing and call it a day!"

I can scroll through basically all your pictures and see everything they have to offer in less than a second each. There's no greater thought, or artistry behind most of your images.

Contextualize your shots through composition, find something meaningful, beautiful, interesting, or unique to photograph!

The one that stood out was the photo of a house on a lake, but I'm sure some will say that the colors are messed up in it.

I won't say it's insulting, but it's a little obnoxious to offer my help and then have to wade through all your snapshots to see if there is any merit to any of your work. Exactly why I ask you to post a few of your favorite images.
I don't think anyone has taken me seriously in any creative field thus far. Writing for example I'm still having issues with as well.

One of the reasons why I switched majors in college as I knew I'd still have issues finding paid work.

I'm about to get another commercial done for a local bar soon though.
Thank you nonetheless
>I don't think anyone has taken me seriously in any creative field thus far.
That won't change in the foreseeable future.
>One of the reasons why I switched majors in college as I knew I'd still have issues finding paid work.
silver lining
In all honesty part of me thinks you're a troll and this thread is just really weird bait.

How do you not have any 6 or 7/10 images if you went to school for it? You should atleast have gotten a reasonable frame of reference as to what constitutes a good photograph, right?
damn that A E S T H E T I C video isn't half bad
I'm going to send lewd messages to people that comment on your vids
I have taken photography classes before. In high school I made a C and one in College I made a D. Added, the change in the major happened when I was committing to core classes. I changed my mind significantly on the major after discovering how far behind I was from other filmmakers/photographers. I too as well have been in theater.

I know I'm mediocrely broken and it's ridiculous but I'm human.
Photography is not just photographing things as they are which. Is what you are doing.
Photography is about lying. You are effectively working to make things look better than they are.
That’s what people pay money for or every single person who ever posts on social media is doing.

If you want to move forward that’s what you need to start figuring out.
You're a rat that won't stay out of my pantry. Thank you for liking a video.
Subject matter is boring. That's really it. I'm of the mind that the essence of the moment matters most than the actual technical aspects of the photo, something that makes you go "that's sick!" on a disposable camera trumps a 4x5 shot of a cat IMO.
What I'm saying is you need to photograph more interesting things.
>100% POV shots in shit light with no contrast whatsoever
This is why color photography was a mistake and anyone that wants to take it seriously instead of snapshit should start with black and white
It’s just Zach the resident schizo, he posts manically for a few days and disappears for a few weeks, and so on.
I was thinking the same thing, I refuse to believe this isn't bait.
Photographers have issues too. We're all human.
Photographers are some of the most catty people I've had the displeasure of talking to in any hobby and that includes car geeks and fashion nerds. They don't look at any of the good aspects and will just pick on the weaknesses to put you down and if there is anything they see as better than what they do, they won't acknowledge it but rather try to appropriate it for their own work. And sadly normies are not aesthetically experienced enough to appreciate "good" photos the way a hobbyist or professional can. You either have to accept this negativity or simply not share your work in photo hobbyist circles.
No excuses anymore. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Everyone has their own fucked up life. Simply do better. Not a single person except your mother cares that you're an autist taking photos. They care about your photos.

One simple way to start getting better is to look at a bunch of classical photographers/cinematographers, pick you favorite, and try to emulate their work. The point isn't to copy their work, but create your own images inspired by their style.
Okay then. I'll take better images from my camera.
>They don't look at any of the good aspects and will just pick on the weaknesses to put you down
It's effective
I'd rather hear my weaknesses. If they don't mention something, consider it a strength. If they highlight a fuckup, it is a direct way of seeing where you need to improve.
I'm the photographer who makes rock music with his piano while you all are the classical musicians with their camera who abuses themselves to their art.
Do it in this thread. Tell us all the photographer you've chosen and share the image you make with us.
I've just chosen to be myself. That's all Mozart.
The best photographers on /p/ are kurwa, huskyfucker, gfx50 tranny, literally ken rockwell, figuratively ken rockwell, nikon/lf tranny, a random guy from /fgt/, some nikon macro wanker, alec soth, and some weirdo with an a7ii and an oddly sexy doll. You are not among prestigious critics…
The rest are often worse

And your alternative is even worse modern art wankers that think alec soth is good
Your favorite photographers*

Your post is an admission of your own inability to critique work.

Zack's entire body of work is the definition of a snapshit.
You can do both
Take photos that you enjoy and take photos that other people will coom over
You know that saying "You are the carbon they want to reduce." when referencing absurd political bullshit?
Your photos are the carbon that should be reduced.

They're trash.
How can you be at this for 10 years and still take shit photographs?

Pic related.
This has to be a joke.

Another one
What the fuck, looks like you shot an ISO 25600 image of an LCD screen showing a JPEG of a bird

Another one
Nigger what? Why are the horses glowing neon blue?

Another one
>final color correction
You what?
Why does this also look like trash?

What the fuck are you doing using some shit $40 point and shoot camera?

There's no way you own and use this setup.
Your images prove that isn't being used.

Let me guess, you don't even shoot RAW?
All of those people are isi btw
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For what reason would you see this in the dark and think it's a good idea to take a picture of it with on camera flash?
Like can you seriously explain that to me?
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I genuinely want to know what camera this was taken with and what software processed it.
How did the image quality and up this bad? Did you demoisaic it by hand?
It looks like a photo of a photo that was printed on canvas
Judging from quick peek at thumbnails my (hobbyist) suggestion is you need to think about your compositions. A good photo usually has subject in relation of its surroundings and frame. Finding which kind of approach in composition would be the best one for the scene at hand of the most difficult parts of taking a photo at least for me. Center the subject in frame and snap is not valid practice for that.
>but every time I post it on the net there's someone there that says it's awful.
welcome to the internet
I'm happy I opened and read this thread after all, I was just expecting boring snapshots but some of it is a level of suck I wasn't expecting. I saw flowers and geese and I like flowers and I liked the honey and the vases but your description of the double-jpeg-disaster bird has me giggling like a retard.
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What going on here?
neon blue horses caught me by surprise. Good lord, this mighht be the best post I've ever seen on /p/.

sheeeeit, that traffic cone looks pretty good in the dark, imma take a picture of it
I like it.
Dude, we've seen your photos. You're no Jerry Lee Lewis, you're a six year old using a single finger to make the piano go "plink plink plonk plonk plunk plunk klonk".

You've "been yourself" for ten years now and instead of getting you showered with the praise you crave the end result is that you're on 4chan begging for advice (and then rudely dismissing some of the advice you get). If you want people to like your photos you need to take better photos, because as it is they're just excruciatingly boring. And to take better photos you're going to have to change things about how you take photographs. You can't get better without change, because going from being bad to being good is in and of itself change.
Of course, this wasn't what you wanted to hear so you're just going to either ignore it or dismiss it with some bit of smug bullshit. What you won't do is improve, because you simply can't make yourself do anything differently.
Thank you I'll look into it.
That's a female bunting bird sitting on a tree branch in the afternoon 20 feet away from a lens at 210mm.
>you're a six year old using a single finger to make the piano go "plink plink plonk plonk plunk plunk klonk".

Thanks for the laugh. It's been a while. Great comparison and feedback. And probably understandable for most of the 6 year olds, too.
Why does it look like shit?
I didn't mention anything for you to look into so... as predicted: smarmy bullshit.
I had to crop on to the image for the bird because the taking lens was not long enough for you to get a 4k resolution image of the bird.
If won't listen to anyone's feedback and just give canned responses that don't even address them, then why should anyone take you seriously? For every up-and-coming photographer that just needs a few right words to set them straight, there's dozens more like you who waste everyone's time and plays victim afterwords.
Okay? I think as a photographer I'm actually pretty open to different opinions. If you're getting this riled up I think someone needs to go outside and take some images of nature getting their mind off of social media.

There is no competition anon, so I'm confused why you're acting like it?
you've been thanked, he'll be looking into it
that being said at least he posts his body of work (and a bunch of unrelated videos of himself)
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>ken rockwell so good he's mentioned twice

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He thinks I'm pulling a Taylor Swift or one of those odd emo kids slamming the door yelling "fine dad!"

In all honestly I'm just looking at my phone confused.

Literally something tells me they don't get much clients if they get this easily impatient with a simple no.
You know you could just not take the picture or get closer right? It's like you have no self awareness
Why do you think your photography is not well received by anyone but your friends and family?
Waste an opportunity to photograph a nice bird, no.

Learn from experience to take better bird photos, yes.
>you've been thanked, he'll be looking into it
>>4310047 and >>4310118 are different people. I'm the former and if you look at my post there it didn't exactly contain anything to look into, so Zach's reply was hardly sincere gratitude.

Dude, you're not our client here, nor are we posting shit just because we want to see you do it. You literally came here begging for advice. Free advice. That's where you are in the hierarchy.

It isn't that he took the photo that tells us he has no self-awareness, but that he posted it online.
well anon you posted multiple pictures like that so it doesn't seem like you learned.
You know what your problem is? You're one of those people that has a story and an excuse for every point levied against you. Stop making excuses and just listen to people trying to help you. The way you do it sucks so by that logic you should abandon your methods entirely right?
He's been allowed to use/gotten away with the autism excuse for his entire life.
Maybe I've been a bit too melodramatic, but there's nothing wrong with taking an opportunity to capture something. Look at WW2 footage and you'd see a lot of issues with the footage, but yet again we were able to see truly what the war was.
Okay, I'm not a professional photographer, but I want to tell you a couple of things. First of all, you did well to start collecting feedback. Repeating the same actions without taking into account feedback is the worst thing if you want to improve your skills.

Secondly, my advice to you is to try new things. See the guides, how certain photos turned out and try to repeat them. You seem to be doing well with the composition, there are interesting shots, but there is a clear problem with the light and the quality of the pictures. Perhaps it is worth measuring the capabilities of your lenses and camera with what you are photographing.
All your pics are "here's something in the very middle of the frame". Go to a big city and take some street shots, or go to nature and do some landscapes. You need to frame a scene instead of just make sure something is in the middle of it.
yeah anon with tech that was 100x worse than yours while there were people shooting and bombing them. Any pic they could have snapped would have been good because it's the most destructive and biggest war in history.

Your lack of awareness speaks volumes if you just unironically compared yourself to a WW2 photographer who used shitty film cameras with film from the 40s. You have a digital camera capable of taking infinite pictures for free and you've chosen to take garbage pictures and make excuses as to why they're actually good.
You will NEVER improve until you stop doing that. Mark my words
Lol okay.
Your approach seems to mostly be about you trying to find 'pretty' subjects. This is a purely rational or logical way to try to do photography. Take photos that make you feel something, you have to tune into subtle feelings instead of thinking through what you think 'logically' would be a good subject. Pay attention to how the framing makes you feel before you hit the shutter. Take photos when something clicks with you internally and you're struck with beauty, not when you think 'that would be a cool photo'.

I think you're kinda tryharding and overthinking basically. Cultivate sensitivity and clarity of perception
Good advice.
I would.
No problem. Adding to this, technically skilled photographers will be able to produce photos that look pristine and have good framing etc, because they have learnt the craft and have good gear. That's the end result of what your approach is, except that I think you're attempts to learn the mechanical side of photography aren't great so far (blurry, bad overediting and stuff).
The accomplished photographers who have learnt the technical craft of gear, editing, composition, produce sound photos, but they often seem soulless. Your attempts at learning to take photos in that logical way aren't great or interesting either. Going down that logical crafty path probably is pointless for you then.

You can absolutely develop your sensitivity and perception and take great photos that way instead of going down the logical path.
This book will teach you how to start developing this - "The Practice of Contemplative Photography: Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes".

Hope that's been constructive feedback bro :)
Thanks, I guess. I can't read tho. Is there an audiobook version???
Ehhh... I'm good. I know center framing irritates some people, but it's how my dad takes photos so I copied him. On top of that George Miller's cinematography is center framing.

I like center framing simply because it's easy to look at and understand. Where I'm getting at from other photographers here is that they want to see more action and more of the background rather than a plopped subject. An image that tells a story rather than something that is the equivalent of a selfie.
Bru. That's so bad. I feel bad for you. 10 years? Did you ever look at other photos? Read anything about composition? It's so lame it comes off as trolling, but if you're being serious, then that's all I can say to help you. For the love of god, read something, watch something, look at some tutorials on composition, style, editing. The compression is so bad I can't even tell how in/out of focus they are, but some are obviously not.
>Can't read.
That explains the rest of this thread...
I understand I know I can't please everyone.
The issue is that center framing is largely just boring to view due to it being compositionally bad in most cases. Good photographs are the product of sound composition (defined minimally as the way visual elements are aligned within a picture), interesting (or not uninteresting) subjects, and favorable light. (Not to mention color, contrast, balance, space, rhythm, lines and other aspects that would fall under "composition"). I think it was you who made a thread a while back asking people to post photos they like, go back and reexamine them and look at common characteristics. You absolutely need to be aware of rules to either properly break them or leverage them in your own images. Center framing can work (e.g. Wanderer above the Sea of Fog or your preferred George Miller) but there's a reason that it's largely avoided.
center framing is based don't listen to that other anon he will diminish your craft
Is there a way I can mathematically figure that out? I'd like to read a book on composition that makes me think in terms of the image being mathematically pleasing instead of going in going by feel. My autism seems to prevent me from having that NT feel photographically wise.

I know my subject matter ain't all that bad and is in fact thereupeutic. I know half the people here would throw their hands up in the air amazed at me if I got a good image of a hot e-girl, but I decided to do nature since that's what I'm near.
>Is there a way I can mathematically figure that out?
Not really. There are some guidelines formulated in mathematical terms but all said and done this is a question of art,not hard science. Apply these guidelines in a purely mathematical fashion and the result will be just about as bland and boring as your current production.

>I know half the people here would throw their hands up in the air amazed at me if I got a good image of a hot e-girl, but I decided to do nature since that's what I'm near.
There you go again, insulting the people you're asking for help. That's rude asshole behaviour. And it ain't like you can use your autism as an excuse either, because the advice there can be summed up in exceedingly simple and direct terms which you are to apply robotically: don't.
Yes I'll try to communicate better than that when receiving advice.
I have seen the same kind of photos in facebook groups where everyone is 80 years old and almost blind.

you can do better son
Thank you. I'll continue trying.
In some respects there is a mathematical aspect to composition but I don't think it's a very helpful way to look at it. Like I said go back and examine the composition of what are considered great works whether photos or paintings and start breaking them down into lines, shapes, and segments so that you can appreciate the thought and attention to detail that goes into creating such works. It'd be weird to think that these photographers just happened upon something that looked cool and clicked the shutter, right? Or that the painter just lucked out on his landscape. When you take/make a photo almost every aspect should the result of your intention.
>I get told by family and friends my images are good
That's because you're a mentally disabled person, and they are kindly encouraging you to pursue a harmless activity you enjoy.
>but every time I post it on the net there's someone there that says it's awful
That's because they don't have any reason to care about you, and are only responding to the quality of the photos.
Impossible. I am incapable of self reflection. My photography is perfect because I was taking it for myself.
Okay then, thank you I'll look more into studying art.
I didn't say to breakdown your photos, I said to breakdown and analyze great photos, there's a purpose to the latter

Can you just say my photos are like a C- or something?
To be honest this is the best poster of the thread along with a few others. Let's stick to the subject of photography.
>My photography is perfect
stop posting retard
I just said call my photos a C- that's all. I don't know where that poster was coming from? He seems like a rat that won't stay out of the pantry.
I am convinced this dude is posing as the owner of those accounts and trying to troll us.

If that isn't the case, you really need to study composition man. Pointing and clicking won't get you anywhere if you're truly wanting to improve. A lot of the photos are poorly focused, subjects are often cropped and/or centred, and you almost always shoot from the same perspective.
Nah, I'm just seeking constructive criticism for my photographs.
Post something new on one of them right now to prove it. A youtube short, another shitty snapshit, or whatever. Doesn't matter. Just make a new post right now.
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Well then you should stop defending yourself when people criticize and start taking it constructively. You aren't in a place where the people you're interacting with are going to coddle you, but they will tell you what they think.

This gas station photo is the only one in your entire library that stands out and actually seems composed and in focus. It looks like you keep cranking up your ISO to the max with how awfully grainy your pictures are. You never utilize your aperture to create DoF except for your plant pictures, but those are all out of focus.

What you need to do if you are serious is sit down and study how your camera works, because, by the looks of things, you have no idea what any of the settings mean or how any of the mechanisms work.
I don't think you understand. Conversations don't work in that when someone criticizes something you go suck their dick for it. With your view on my photography, I agree with it here and there but some parts I disagree. Some I agree and some I don't.
You aren't here to "have a conversation" you're here to hear what people who are more experienced than you have to tell you about why you admittedly suck at photography. Sit down and listen, otherwise go keep snapping unappealing bullshit that your grandma tells you looks super good to pump up your ego.

I feel sorry for whatever poor fool hired you for a commercial.
Uhmm... No I don't have to accept your opinion entirely on my photography. I'm an American I can pick what opinion I agree with and what I don't you can too. You don't have to agree with me nor do you have to disagree with me.
>I'm an American
and autistic
You're helpless and unbearably retarded. I'm stating facts, not opinions. I'd tell you to sell your gear but you'd hardly get a quick tug from the local crackhead for a T2i.
So? Nothing wrong with that.
I think you're fighting ghosts.
lurk moar faggot
you're not qualified to disagree on anything
There's no excuse for taking such a shit photo of a bird in todays world unless you outright advertise your using a Motorola smart phone from 2008.
you're not qualified to give advice nor disqualify others from disagreeing on things
my photos don't look like shit though
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I think everyone is so up their own ass they are missing how great these are. I am big on the importance of great composition and lighting but these are great in their absolute lack of giving a shit. To be 100% truthful, I think they are amazing in the context of this thread and forum with the ceaseless bitching about the rules of photography and art and soul and whatever else you pussies keep on about.

Photo of a Tomato is one of the hardest images I've seen shared on this stagnant puddle of faggotry.
to you
What would you call the series?
BORING. I would title it "autism" so people would say I did such a great job on all my photos.
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You are not even Zack, as its spelled with a K NOT AN H

What do you think of my photo tho?

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Idiot, and a fool. Look at OP and apologize.

Your picture reminds me of the first image you see after a jump cut where a car drives over that bottle in a fast and furious movie.
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Actually I was curious why your youtube is Zack but your name here is Zach. Also I do kinda love your photos and the straightforward titles of them so Photos is what id call it.

Also I only saw Fast and Furious once but thank you. Heres another i offer for your enjoyment and descriptions.

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Thanks, I'll consider it.

Reminds me of myself when I hear a meanie tell me my photos SUCK! JERK!
Okay that's cute.
Thank you.
And thank you again from taking away all the posers from me so that I can keep to the honest people to me. Yeah much better not worrying about any posers in my life anymore.
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it's like you're studying the chaos of life and trying to label it all... good luck lol... my only advice would be to relax and let things develop around you, capture the context & the subject... later on try and put them together to tell some little story and build a slice of life.

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This one image is better than all of yak's images combined.

When you take a photo why do you do it? I can't sense any purpose in them, maybe purely self satisfaction... When I take a photo I do it because I am trying to capture the feeling of being there. I think my purpose for taking pictures is to capture the moment that I felt seeing in person, I find joy in sharing the moment with other people. Your pictures give me the feeling that you're not really trying to do that, you're either autistic and no body can understand what you're doing OR you're doing photography for no purpose, other then joy maybe. You seem to care what other people think so it suggests to me that you're not doing it purely for yourself.

/p/ is small time photojournalists and wedding photographers taking vacation/pet snapshits

There's nothing separating us from magnum except inadequate nasal longtiude. If we, as a board, could do to our schnozzes what nikon did to their primes, your average tripfag would be in multiple galleries. Just take a look at magnum or VII, it's all /p/ grade with a plane ticket.
I was expecting a more respectful form of criticism that's why I freaked out.

Yet I don't know how to talk to you all? You take offense to any response I make.
And the moderator here is really strange.

If someone says, "nice photos for a fucking pussy ass faggot."

And I say, "please don't call me a faggot." The mod bans me for defending myself.
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I would ignore the flamers and post on
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Cropcore aesthetic is kinda comfy, makes shooting fun again
>Please respectfully tell me why I suck
We did and you didnt get it, so like training a dog that keeps gong after rattlesnakes we had to up it to shock collars.

Your photography is fucking awful and makes the idle snapshits of cats we take when bored look like professional pet portraits. There's no life in any of your photography. It can not be called still life. There is no life. It is purely observation. Like a child was given a camera for a day. You have been taking the exact same photo over and over again for 10 years.
Now watch this,

Yes anon I understand and will do better next time.

How will you take that response?

That you're just saying that because you think that's what we want to hear and that you have demonstrated time and time again that you are incapable of understanding criticism. Post some better photos that demonstrate your ability to listen, that's the only objective metric.
If I say yes I agree.

Were you thinking I meant out of the following two

"Yeah sure I guess I agree everything sucks"

Or did you think I meant

"Okay I'm motivated to take more images learning from the criticism I invoked on."

In my humble opinion believe you have the wrong tone and attitude when I talk to the people here.
hes right your photos are totally lifeless pov junk. absolutely no implied movement, no leading lines, nothing is dynamic, the viewer is never there, they are as titled, just photos. not moments. not experiences. soulless reproductions.

the best you can do is a phone snapshit of your cat making a funny face
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thx... Tmax 100 fucks.


if you want to make sure people's criticism are appreciated literally do agree and tell them WHY you do, like put it in your own words.... don't just agree to take more photos, you'll have another 10 years of the same stuff lol.

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By themselves most of these fotos arent that special. But as a serie its pretty funny.
yeah most of the photos are competent enough but feel lifeless due to a dullness and drabness, not saying you have to deep fry them mfs, but try to find good light and make it pop first - maybe challenge yourself to shoot in golden hour?

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idle snapshits of cats based genre

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This photo has life in it

It's a moment and an idea. Not a world changing one, not worth framing except for maybe two people, not fine art, but it's an example of what it looks like when someone actually enjoys photography.
>There is no life. It is purely observation. Like a child was given a camera for a day.
this is me and i can't fix it
I'm going to have to agree to disagree on this. You should never encourage someone to beat themselves up. Not even my photography professor or theater professor would encourage this behavior. If you're trying to have drill sergeant level of criticism there is more to it than just attacking and giving pain and telling them it is all shit.

I'm not even so sure Seskel and Ebert wanted the film directors they've criticized to talk about how shitty they are.

Not even the military as in the military when you're criticized they would have just wanted you to say yes sir and be done with it.

I think this is going too far. I appreciate what everyone else has said about how the quality of the images need to improve and how I should try to make them more unique, but outright belittling behavior is another thing.

Hell my Dad who is strict wouldn't even tell me to suck up to someone like that.

To me you're encouraging depressive behavior.
He's encouraging you to either quit or get good?

how can "a photo of a traffic cone" possibly have any meaning to anybody. everything is just "a photo of something" dear god man you're barely brushing up against "dpreview sample gallery" levels of taste. do the exact opposite of whatever the fuck you are doing. these photos belong in a low budget middle school textbook from 2007.
What he's trying to do is have me give him a rant of why I suck at photos.

I'm surprised no one took my advice in saying just call it a C- as I'm sure there would have been worse people with a camera than me. I know for certain it isn't an A or a B, but me knowing my worth it is a C- or even a D+.
Apart from that the reason why I've been taking photos of these things is to get my mind off of the serious things in life. I'd much rather be thinking of flowers and birds than I would of all the violence going on in the world.
I grade you an F+ tops

>I'm playing with a button as a form of stress relief instead of doing photography for the sake of the photographs
Correct, you just don't portray any peace or serenity, it's depressing, lifeless glances at banal objects from eye level. Shit light, overcast day, ugly world? You're just snapping for the sake of it

I do this when I want to get through a roll of film and use a different stock
It's the exact same shit with the same resutls - taking random awful photos of everything I see just to take photos regardless of the lighting and framing, nothing is portrayed except for that the object and my camera were aligned for a second.

it's not that everything is centered. a lot of good photography is centered. it's that you just point your camera at stuff and that's it.
My next photo is going to be one of a possum and snake soon.
Oh boy I hope you actually make the conscious choice to use certain lighting and apply a framing decision besides "standing, camera at eye level, center AF point on center of subject"
70 IQ photography
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Second thought I'm going to take one anons idea and post a photo of a electric pole.
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Is that a photo you actually took or did you search google images for "squirrel" and add vaporwave filters in photoshop

based if the latter, cringe if the former
Here is the newest image.
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Cringe. It was in my front yard.
I know it's surprising but all my images were taken in my neighborhood. I live in a waterfront area in rural Alabama.
So you could have been photographing sick kudzuscapes this whole time, and didn't? What the fuck man
ok ill bite. do you think this is a good photo? Can you explain why it is or isn't good?
It shows the subject it being a squirrel eating an acorn in its natural habitat.
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That appears to be GIMP's canvas texture applied to his noisy shit JPEG.
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Newest image I took with a smartphone.

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Do you see how strange the colors look? What differentiates this photo from how you normally see squirrels? What makes this better than any other photo of squirrel ever?

Centre frame, standing shot, not in focus, extreme crop with no elements to frame the subject. Same old shit from you again.
It was taken during the mid day and the squirrel is a gray squirrel. The grass is yellow due to age.
What exactly is wrong with a snapshot to begin with anon?

>I don't understand. I've been taking photos and videos for over 10 years yet they still suck.
>Do you all know?

Because you explicitly asked how to get good at photography and why you suck so much. Snapshits are not photography, like how gaping your ass open and forcing your Chipotle lunch all over a canvas isn't painting.
How do those things make it better?
Hi Zack. I visited your YouTube after I read some of your posts here and you came across as autistic. First video I see is you talking about autism. So that seems to be the problem. You just aren’t able to understand what a good photo is supposed to look like. Your photos look like something an alien would take visiting earth. They are completely devoid of any human artistic input. I mean that in and of itself is probably an accomplishment, but your aesthetic is incredibly boring, lifeless, hopeless and autistic.
This is your best photo. It’s so decent I didn’t think it was yours at first. Now take what I said as truth and really look at it and study it and then come back and tell the class why it’s a good picture.
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I mean, you're right, but why are you pretending to be me?
I’m not.
Alright, I thought that's what you meant by
>Now take what I said as truth
while quoting me ano no other post
Alright got it. Snapshots are shitty because they lack any creative input. Snapshots are the equivalent of stick figure drawings in the photography world.

Yeah, about time you said something reasonable
>https://imgur.com/user/Zack194/posts -these are just snapshits- nothing worth looking at desu.

Look up Joel Peter Witkin, Bruce Gilden, Vivian Maier, Weegee- look up paintings for crying out loud! and try to mimic that!
You come off very LEFT brained to me in a paradoxical way- like your ideas are coming from the right side, but being filtered through the left side almost as if you're too insecure of pure creativity or you're over thinking things- Kinda like how directors aren't responsible for cinematography, the director of cinematography is lighting and photographing a movie- the director is just dictating. You come off more as a director in my analogy.

Logistically, i think you need a lower aperture to get more depth of field, and you need better compositions and framing.
Try and mimic some twee shit to start off with. Start a tumblr if you wanna dilute your brain with images. Watch some criterion collection movies... i dunno.

I also suggest you to buy an slr 35mm film camera. Learning the basics about how aperture, shutter speed, and iso affect images will help you be a little more discriminate in your choices for photos, especially when your snaps are limited and cost you money. Any cheap slr will do. You be surprised how much an actual lens gives depth and character to your images compared to your cheap phone. Learning how to use an external flash is going to help you by elevating your shitty compositions. If you learn proper compositions flash will make your photos look professional. Nothing of what i saw looking decent on your imgure except for this image here.

once you learn how to shoot with an external flash find a model and set up a photoshoot. you can find models for free on your local facebook groups. just be honest and upfront about how you want to develop your porfolio- models are usually willing to work for free in these groups.
I completely agree with this. He has no idea how to use his camera, and he didn't even acknowledge how he has to study composition instead of pointing and clicking at things as if he's blind.

what do you agree with? because it seems like they were giving you really great constructive criticism, and everything they said was really worth taking it.

It seems you got upset at it because it hurt your feelings or you don't believe him out of stubborness. You really don't ever utilize depth of field, white balance seems all off, compositions are terrible, you don't even shoot at golden hour to make the best of ambient lighting.

I also agree. Buying a manual 35mm camera forces you to understand the camera in order to get a photograph. Paying money per snap forces you to really think about what your photographing. And you really have to be slow and steady in order to shoot with a manual camera, at least newbies.
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Newest image shot on 28-70 Sigma OM mount lens on T2i at ISO 200 at a shutter speed of 1/125 with an F/stop of 2.8.

I was influenced by vaporwave for this image.
If I called you as a photographer lifeless, shitty, mock you, call you retarded, you suck, that people should feel sorry for you, a whiney baby, lame, impossibly this dumb, a 6 year old, a joke, trash, the n word, tell you no one cares about you, schizophrenic, and tell me when you're told that by other people, would you appreciate it?
Oh yeah I forgot what another poster here, a faggot, would you like being called that and told it is constructive criticism for your photos?
I don't think you know what that style is
Your sensor is just terrible and your glass fringes like a motherfucker
>fringes like a motherfucker
yeah hes shooting a shitty zoom wide open and blowing the highlights, im surprised it's not worse.
tip for ya Zach for bright sunlight: ISO 100, 1/250, F4 at least, in RAW format and recover the shadows.
You are all of those tho

Soory bud

What is the subject? How did you choose to frame that subject? What made you choose your perspective (standing at eye level once again) in relation to your environment?

You didn't ask yourself any of these questions before you took yet another snapshot. The blue paint is cropped out on both ends of the frame so the court in its entirety isn't the subject. One could say the net is the subject but that isn't even the main focus (or in focus for that matter) of the image.

I guarantee you everyone's eye went immediately to the red SUV in the very cluttered and ugly background. The background is so horrendously ugly it's insane, every inch of your frame is a part of the photograph and you considered approximately zero.
I was trying to do a photo version of this image.

This guy is right also. Like I said yesterday, you REALLY need to learn what your camera actually does. Go watch videos on youtube even, just learn these things. Bonus good boy points if you can answer these questions in your own words.

What is focal length and how does it impact a photo?

What is shutter speed and how does it impact a photo?

What is aperture/f.stops and how does it impact a photo?

What is ISO and how does it impact a photo?

How can these concepts be used together to compose a good photo?

That image has composition and a discernable color palette. The backdrop of the blue sky and the blue wall separated by the foliage is pleasant on the eyes, it is not cluttered and creates separation between the blue gradient of the sky and the wall, making the court stand out on its own. It also has strong lines and a clear subject that direct the viewer's eye to the most important parts of the composition. The subject clear and is the star of the piece. When you look at this image you are not distracted by overexposed chainlink fences and electrical boxes or brightly colored vehicles and randomly placed foliage.
You did'nt even answer my question- you went straight to your weird faggy victim narrative like a retard.
btw I have been called that and worst here on /fgt film general thread- it's fucking 4chan you little retarded nigger. But you know what? when i post something good or interesting those same fuckers shut up and acknowledge the effort- sure there will always be haters here and there, it's fucking 4chan. But i've gotten some great advice on here that has changed the way i view and work. The only reason that was possible is because I put aside my ego and didn't develop a victim narrative for myself. I implemented their advice- i didn't ignore it or let it break me.

Nowhere on this thread >>4310392 did that guy say anything derogatory to you- his first statment was purely constructive, and so what his second.

this guy too gave you nothing but constructive criticism- yet no acknowledgment or agreement with it.

Keep creating this weird narcissistic victim narrative for yourself where you make an entire thread about your shitty photos asking for help and advice- and when someone gives it to you you outright reject it or ignore it. You're problem is your retarded attitude.
I appreciate things quietly anon. I just choose not to respond to them. It's not apathy if you don't respond to every poster anon.
>visual illiteracy is not a meme
Are you doing okay?
Sorry OP but the problem is unironically your autism
You are a faggot and sound like a shitty photo professor, who gives a fuck. His style is to dispense with all of that because it just doesnt register. He doesnt even mean to do it but its a godamn grey squirrel with an acorn and the grass is yellow. Its right there for all to see. These photos are a mirror to all of your incessant need for things to mean something because deep down you know you are as meaningless as a center framed grey squirrel with an acorn in yellow grass and that terrifies you.
Imagine how much better this would be if the cat was center framed instead of being crammed to the left to show busy bokeh-y OOF fence posts
You sound angry. Do you feel personally attacked because your photography is yack tier as well? The cat looks much better on the left side because it has implied motion to the right. The picture would feel awkward and cramped if it was tighter and in the center. The fence is meh, but my eye goes straight to the in focus cat, and not some blurry shit in the background...

Go ahead and make a crop how you wish it was for us all to see.
Your photos are unredeemably awful

You will never be a good photographer because you are profoundly autistic and devoid of any creative sensibility.

Try playing Minecraft or any Sonic game, or learn everything about trains, they'd all be much more productive and far less embarrassing
I'm sure one day my photos will look good. :P
At least your family and friends loves you. You can download good photo, but not friends.
Yeah I know.

In many ways I'd much rather have them than this place.
At your rate you will need another 30 years of effort.
You claim to be shooting APS-C and have a shoulder rig for shooting video with a windscreen for your mic and everything yet your photos look like this.
You are hopelessly bad at photography, not on some artsy faggot metric, but objectively.

You can't get things (that aren't even moving) in focus.
You can't properly expose things so you use ISO 25K.
You don't know what a tripod is.

I'm not sharing my opinion and saying I don't like your images.
I am telling you that they are simply trash.

If you are autistic, maybe this can help you.
Because you have a DSLR, the OVF doesn't work if you don't have 20/20 perfect vision. Focus in live view mode (on the LCD) or use autofocus. Manual focus to "perfection" in the OVF won't yield a sharp photo because you'll be focusing on defective eyes that don't align with the focal plane of the sensor.

Other than that, I think you're utterly hopeless.
You should unironically buy a smartphone instead. You'll get better images.
Zack threads are the gift that keep on giving
Considering you've spent 10 years creating absolute shit, I really doubt that.
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composition-wise, any recommendations?

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is that all that you noticed?

Yeah I'm just cranking my hog over here
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All your photos focus on a singular subject without taking into account of everything else that's present in the frame--that's bad composition. You've been shooting for over a decade and probably know the inside out about the technical aspect of how the camera works so go learn how to set your shots up to make it more interesting, keeping in mind of the scenery beyond the focus.
>probably know the inside out about the technical aspect of how the camera works

That's clearly not the case
Welp, I tried.
this name fag just refutes anything you say just ignore him
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New photo cat eating food

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I dig that one. Its a good one. Can you describe your thoughts on my photo Zach?

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Still shit get gud
Oh my god, Zach posted an in-focus photo. It even has DoF.
Get even lower next time to get on the cat's level, breddy gud mostly
>You will never be a good photographer because you are profoundly autistic and devoid of any creative sensibility.
Literally me.
I'm glad my photography provides you with some pleasure
11/10 composition
I don't I can add to much to what other people have said, and I'm guessing you've been bullied off coming on here anymore but I'd like to add to it, because this shit actually offends me

You seem like you take photos because you want to tell people you're a photographer. It's like actually taking photos is the annoying middleman you have to put up with, so you get to walk around with a camera.

What photos of other people do you like? What does your eye see? You really need to completely shift the way you see the world with a camera in your hands imo. Ask yourself what actually makes a good image. Not just- cool thing, take pic of it. This is how bird photographers are born

I'm not kidding, your work is offensive and you should feel bad. Don't give up, but start again with violently different perspective
>don't actually take a picture of what you like
>You MUST have some faggot ass artistic message to show all of your homo friends!
/p/ in a nutshell.
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Correct, art is a medium for telling other people a message or stimulating emotion. Not the masturbation of "things you like".
photography is not art lol much less your snapperonis
It's a medium, with a message. It's either effective or not. Stop being an obtuse tard.
whats this called?
painting. They used to do it before photography
i think you just have a boring life in a boring town, thats all
get around more and more more interesting pics
is there a fujifilm recipe for this?
nigger its ai
Do I have to show you detailed proof that I photographed my images?
Anon, this image >>4312817 isn't a painting.
You are either mentally handicapped or take great pleasure in ragebaiting nerds. I can almost imagine you running around town with the cheapest and shittiest snapshit point and shit you could find, taking great care not to accidentally take a normal or even good photo, giggling while fucking around with the metadata whilst thinking: ‚Bro imma make those nerds rage so hard lmao.‘

At least that‘s the only explanation for your images I could come up with.
Okay, have a good day. Thank you for viewing my pictures.
there is an archetype of person that never ever ever improves because they can't stand even the possibility of doing something wrong or needing to change themselves.
We should all laugh at zach. He got banned for off topic whining on the film general when he admits to not shooting film.

All his posts were deleted too. Lmao.
Dear Zach, I think you should do the following: Set a ‚trigger‘ for each day you are going out taking photos. These triggers can be anything. The color blue, bikes, a pretty sky, anything specific. When you go out to shoot with the specific trigger in mind, I want you to shoot at least 500 photos. Try different angles, distances, use different elements to frame your subject, like branches, inbetween two parked cars, whatever is there. Look for ways to either frame your subject or put it in perspective.
From what I see, you always fill the frame with your subject, which is good, and you always scan your image edges for distractions, which is also good. I think I can see where you want to go with your very subject orientated images. But maybe you just need to go a bit wider, a change your angles a bit. Sometimes you have to do things differently for a while or things you don‘t necessarily want or like in your images to get a better understanding for what you actually want to do. I also know it is hard to work with criticism when you have autism, and yes: many of the comments here were very negative to you and your photography. Bur remember the following: There are no rules. The only thing that matters is that you are having fun. Don‘t break yourself trying to do what others deem ‚better‘. Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone to improve what you actually want to do. This is true in all art. So take the bitter pill, do things completely different and against your instincts, if that‘s difficult for you, maybe try with just one shot a day where you deviate from the usual. You don‘t have to tell or show anyone. I really want you do enjoy photography and I hope this comment helped you.

I am also very active on reddit (AskPhotography, postprocessing, photocritique), and I think the overall more positive environment there could help you more to get where you want to be.
>every time I post it on the net there's someone there that says it's awful
That's because there are always cunts on the web who want to tear down other people. No more so than in this fucking shithole.
Keep taking photos, anon. Godspeed.

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