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From the Edo, Meiji or Taisho periods. Here my own attempts at paper models from over 200 years ago.
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These are called Tatebanko in Japanese,
honestly pretty fucking cute that people actually use this board, i was just expecting porn and shitposts but this is wholesome and impressive AF
Janitors are pretty good about cleaning up shitposts here
We mostly get dumb people from /pol/ misposting here
love the japan culture in art.
Has anyone got any more of these? Specifically very old ones like OP

I'm making an effigy of a McDonald's nightmare golem
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this is fucking great op
As a European, I don't get it, what does this moon-like figure represent? Racism or something?
>OP post was on 2021
Oh God

Yeah basically.
Around 15 years ago somebody was making racist music with a TTS program, and used the moon-headed mascot for an old McDonald's advertising campaign for the videos because he happened to be popular for memes on YTMND at the time. For whatever reason, the association stuck.

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>always liked origami as a kid
>like every other kid i guess
>recently decided to get back into it
>started working through a book
>using printer paper because i don't have origami paper
>got to about halfway through the intermediate models
>having a ton of fun
>one night i accidentally leave one of them out on the kitchen table
>wake up next day
>mom rips up the origami
>starts yelling at me
>says she knows i've been "wasting" paper with this shit
>calls me a retard and tells me to stop right away
>all joy is sucked out of it
>haven't felt the need to make another one

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Figure out your basic living situation before focusing on niche worthless hobbies you fucking retard
i was a father once. my kid wasted tons of paper drawing and coloring doodles, including my signed rx paper (im a doctor). i used to yell at him for wasting those.

after the divorce, he went off with its mother. now he's a videogame artist and 3d modeller.

i regret yelling at him so much. i wish i could waste some more paper with him just once
wow you are fucking gay
yelling at him done him some good
Hey at least you're a doctor lol

I grew up in the 90s/00s and small arts and crafts were common but even then the fact that I was folding paper in school bc I was bored was bad like I was bored, that's bad. Your mom feels insulted in a way or like you should spend your time better. People will always criticize though even if you are like learning to code

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Do you guys only fold paper cranes and glue Warhammer figures? I've never seen a bookbinding thread here.

Printed and bound House of Leaves. Split it into 2 volumes because I was afraid to work with so many pages at once. Covered with paper-backed vinyl (black) and linen fabric (red), which will probably collect a ton of dust pretty soon.
Couldn't decide how to put the titles on. Should have made a debossed rectangle with a paper label glued inside. But I hoped that hot ink transfer would work. So I made the covers first, then printed the title on ink transfer paper, and found out that pressing a hot iron to the cloth-covered board warps the board due to heat expansion. Tried on small swatches first (picrel). This method won't work.

As I understand it, my current options to put the title are limited to
>linocut transfer
>screening (sponging the ink through a trafaret)
>just print a paper label and glue it on top
Don't have any hot stamping tools to work with foil, nor the desire to purchase these materials.
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>Got to join in a book binding workshop yesterday at the local library.
How did you find out about them? I'd like to join one. So far I've only done perfect binds (just gluing), I tried proper stitching earlier and it's not as hard as I thought.
Pretty based. How much does this hobby cost to start?

You guys are alright here. I am from /pol/ due to a mistyped web link.
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I do some moreso out of utility than as an art. I get pdfs of stuff I'm interested in that would otherwise be hard to find as an actual book (mostly /x/ shit) and make them into these softcovers with a flap. The design I stick with is based on this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJY4SJipiIo (there's actually three, this is the first one in the series.) Simple, cheap, and functional, just the way I like it. Bonus is you can use the flap as a bookmark.

Depends what you want to do. You can go crazy with expensive materials and tools if you really want to. But just getting started all you really need is paper, thread, a needle and a sharp knife. Of course there are more specialized tools that make things easier, but the bare essentials are pretty cheap as far as hobbies go.
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For reference here's all the stuff I use to make these>>619908

Pic 1: Needles and Thread (it is linen thread which is different from your regular sewing thread and may or may not be harder to find depending where you live), beeswax for the thread (not necessary, but cheap and good to use), scissors for cutting thread, an awl, the Bone Folder, Knife.
Pic 2: Glue (I got a nice bottle of from a real bookbinding supplier online, but there are cheaper alternatives even though this isn't particularly expensive), brush for glue, printer paper, construction paper for the cover, some cheap leather (I think it's suede technically?) for the spine support
Pic 3: My homemade book press, really all you need is something heavy and something flat to press the pages under. I put this together for convenience that way I can move stuff around easier in my workspace.

Also not pictured is a $50 used laser printer I got off ebay with free shipping.

I probably spent a little over $100 total on all my equipment, but most of that was the printer and like I said not everything I bought was absolutely necessary if you're just getting started. If you're just making journals and stuff with blank pages anyway, or if you have access to free printing (student or through work somehow) you won't even need a printer.
Where does everyone get their supplies and tools here? For tools, I usually go for Talas but they're pretty expensive.

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more here:
Cute OINK!
I love that /po/ is so slow that there a bits from the April fools still arround

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i just realized that like in a hundred yrs from now people who are looking at like old archives will see posts like this and realize that the anons who said this are dead or incredibly past the natural human lifespan and have like bedpan tier mobility
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I will save this on my computer

I've looked everywhere and can't find anything the artist is called Ingrid Siliakus she does some cool stuff but wondering if she had any templates or does she keep this stuff secret?
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That's beautiful. What do you use to cut the paper ?
I fucking love po.
me too
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diy kiri for brainlets
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>2292 days and 10 hours ago

Hello, this topic is for people to make "public" exchanges, that is, post a file publicly and the other person posts another, so that everyone can download it. For example, I have Origami Double and I want to exchange it for Marine origami. If anyone posts Marine origami publicly I will post Origami Double the same way. Thanks for understanding.
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its out of print due to copyright strike
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Can anybody get me a clearer version of this faint c.p thats half covered in text ?
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Could someone please share this diagram? The author is Morisue Kei and it was published in the magazine "Betwwen Folds" #2. Thanks in advance.
He has a video tutorial. Between folds 2 has only three diagrams in it.
Dou you mean it's not a diagram? It only shows how to solve the CP? Even that would be helpful.

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Does Origami help getting a gf?
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samefag here, kinda peeved that op never updated us…
Yeah but desu a lot of women like when men are willing to do "girly" stuff. Honestly depends on the personks4s
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thanks mate I made one and it looks nice
Why tf is this thread still up after all these years (6 years)
Op is still waiting for his origami gf.

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Feel free to post your collections, your works in progress, or your star hordes! You can find lots of inspiration in the old thread (http://boards.4chan.org/po/thread/515222) Remember /PO/ is a slow board so please don't bump the thread. I created the last thread over two years ago. Here's to two more.
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yes, PDF file template
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That is just photoshopped onto this image lol
I feel so dumb for being unable to make these
Same >>546818

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Can someone share either of these books here? I know it was shared somewhere on 4chan but I can't find it
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Does anyone know the shipping price for EU countries when buying books on SAOC online shop? I am interested in Chinese New Year Origami 2024.
Go through the ordering process, and it will tell you before you complete the order.
I know that. But then I would have to create an account. There's no ordering as a guest option on SAOC.
You would have to create an account either way, so what's the problem?
14-24 eur. Depending on the book

Previous thread's life finally ended after 3 years. >>553409
Let's start a new one!
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Awesome, thanks!
Second one seems difficult too, but I'll eventually give a try to all of them.
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i've been working on this one for a while, i'm still working on my folding
Nice model! Is it your creation?
It could probably become an ambiance light if you insert a dim lighbulb.
yeah, it isn't as good as i want it to be though.
i need to take my time with it.
i'll try the light too, probably an led or something like that (maybe a bigger model too)
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I tried the rooster.
Any advice to get better result?

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>British Origami Society | Origami is increasing

>Cranes for Ukraine Take Flight British Origami
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I'm a master of origami because i fold pube up like paper
unfathomably based
Where am I?
origami blockhead when?
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>British Origami Society
Yer 'aving a laff if you think am goin' all t' way down there jus' t' fold some bloody paper. Can do that at home or at local if I really fancy it like.

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i made this for my mother
happy birthday mom
please share your creations too ^_^
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also im a girl so obviously me and my mum love this type of girly shit without being a pedo you retard
based anon, and good work. i'm sure your mum appreciates your gifts
this other fucker is just either trolling, projecting their pedophilia, or just a fucking retard. don't even bother
sick Miku anon ! where'd you get the pattern ?
Wow thats cool af. Could you share the pattern?
i found it in a really old mega folder, the scans were kinda faded so i modified them to my preference. i cant find the original files im sorry.


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Favor compartir los libros de József Zsebe, iniciando con este.
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faltaría este de zsebe
kaypiqa faltanmi umaykilla
I don’t speak Spanish
These all look really nice! Thanks for sharing, anons.
>it's in their shit inbred genes
I was wondering what that smell was, you must have shit in your jeans.

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