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Lucian, once a peasant, has ascended the ranks to become a Grail Knight. Now he must return to Bretonnia, to the Duchy of Mousillon. There the threat of Vampirism, those under the Sway of Nagash, seek to send forth their terror upon Bretonnia.

++The Rules++
>Vote with Greentext, otherwise they probably won’t be accepted.
>Write-ins can be accepted, and might even be used in the final without majority rule.
>If you are going to change your vote, make it so your post only links to the numbers of the previous vote. It's cleaner that way.
>If you mix votes together without modifying them in any way, I reserve the right to employ your top most pick as your vote. Claiming it as a write-in won’t work either unless you modify it to convince me otherwise.
>The aim for rolls is low. Crits override (1’s overrides 100’s)


For the update schedule expect to be semi-daily with the chance I disappear for a week. If something comes up for myself I am placing that before this quest, so that should be kept in mind.

Dramatis Personae

Morr’s Company
Lucian the Durand Grail Knight
Adok Fireskin Runesmith
Tee-Ny-Tyny Mage-Priest of the Heavens
Satherafax Sun Dragon

Duchy of Bordeleaux
Duke Moriset; Knight of the Realm Duke of Bordeleaux and Regent of Aquitaine
Ducal Prince Gillot; Knight Errant Heir to Bordeleaux
Luquin; Knight of the Realm Court Herald
Robinet; Knight of the Realm Warden
Emelina of Carlton Niece to Duke Moriset
Count Remon Mentor to Lucian

Duchy of Aquitaine
Albera the Golden; Damsel of the Lady; Priestess of the First Chapel
Sir Galandril Grail Knight Warden of the First Chapel and Twin Slayer
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The sun rose to the highest point in the sky from the east. Beyond the sun were lands of the Fey, creatures who kept to their island realm. They did not worry themselves with the affairs of the other realms. They were untouched by the mystic terrors of Necromancy and have not felt the true touch of chaos in so long that many have forgotten what it was like.

For those who sailed though the memory was freshly born upon their flesh. Scars, injuries, bones that had only recently healed from the terrors that were inflicted upon them. They were the survivors of a nearly decade long battle against the forces of Chaos as they attempted to take their island away from them.

They were saved though. Saved by a Knight in Black and Golden armor who was but a foreigner to their lands. Yet through his might and chivalry he brought down the terrors that threatened to take their livelihoods away from them and turn them into the slaves of dark powers.

It was under his banner, a Raven consuming a cluster of grapes, did they make sail towards the Lands of Bretonnia. Just as the foreigner saw their lands of another world entirely consumed by the fogs of mystery, these men were traveling to lands of their own myth. Where hordes of green monsters roamed and men armored from head to toe did battle against them and each other.

As their King stood at the front most vessel, the men were resolved for their mission. To give to the man who had rescued their people what he needed. What that was, was an army who could help destroy the forces of chaos who infested the Divine Warrior’s own realm.

They all watched as the man flew above them upon the back of a golden dragon. The beast easily the size of a vessel, it was their only way to navigate the seas. Indeed they had never ventured further than the sight of their coastlines.

Now, in open waters, they knew to fear Mann. Each of them watched the horizon with baited breath as they wondered if the God of the Seas would strike them down for trying to so brazenly cross his waters.

After all, each of them knew that Mann’s monster still inhabited the waves underneath their very ships.
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Lucian the Durand was a Grail Knight.

This was an honor that the Lady of the Lake had bestowed upon him with the support of Morr. He had gone from the port of Bordeleauxe and graped filled hills of Aquitaine towards the mountains of Bastonne. He had crossed through the Grey Mountains and take a vessel from Marienburg to the misty isles of Albion.

It seemed to Lucian, with every step he took, that a travesty was upon him. That he was some kind of Herald of Ruin whose appearance was to spell some kind of catastrophe which would rock the foundations of the realm that Lucian stepped into.

Let them be Orks, Skaven, Necromancers, Monsters, a Vampire, or even a Demi-God, Lucian had triumphed against them all. He had driven each and every one of them into the ground before his feet and caused their schemes to take the realm to fail.

For these deeds Lucian went from a Peasant to a Knight of the Grail.

Power flowed through his veins from the divine power of the Grail and blood of Morr. His chest was emblazoned with the Rune of Dregni, a hateful power that hated all the things that Lucian also hated and so was empowered by it.

The Scythe in his hands was encrusted with the Rune of Smiting. Among the Albions it had been rumored to be a Dragon Slayer, a Giant Killer even. But it was ultimately the reaper of those who should have already died. If the blow was right, let them be alive or dead, it would kill them in an explosion of might and power.

A distance from Lucian the waters began to move. Rising from the depths of the Ocean was a hideous monster who had many tentacles and mouths, a creature who looked to have been touched by Chaos but was simply a terror from the unseen depths of the Ocean.

It was the one creature who Lucian had challenged and failed to kill. The Monster of Mann, the creature set upon the island of Albion by Mann to prevent Chaos from reinforcing. Yet Mann does not care about men, only his law and rights to the open seas.

>Stare the damned fish down
>Go in for a first strike with the scythe
>Dragon fire shall be thrown at it
>Stare the damned fish down
Maybe it will go away
>>Go in for a first strike with the scythe
>Sttare the fish down
>Stare the damned fish down
>Give an apology and a warning "Mann! I must give you the proper apology that you deserve, for I didn't abided to your laws and disrespected a strict but fair Captain in the middle of your reign. But that's my transgression to you, tell your Beast, your Guardian of the Seas, to let these Albians cross your realm with safety towards our destiny! They will be crucial to fighting the Chaos forces that are gathering on my Homeland, about to wreak havok on the rest of the World! A gangrenous wound untreated kill the body, and Chaos is the must disgusting and parasitic force in this existence, so tell your Guardian to let us pass, because I value more the lives of these people than the lives of your Monster."
Stare the damn fish down

Strike it!
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Satharifax hung in the air above the creature, Lucian giving him no command or suggestions to bring the two of them down to strike at the monster. Lucian could feel the eyes of the monster watching him from their distance, each of those dreadful eyes studying him with an inhuman intellect of a creature who should not possess it.

Lucian wondered if it was a creation of Mann or something that existed in the seas before the God took hold of them. Either way it was clear to the Knight that the creature was under the sway of the sea god and for that he needed to placate the god.

“Mann!” He shouted at the top of his voice so that all can hear him speak the words, “I give you the long overdue apology that I owed you. I neglected your laws while traveling within your domain.”

The creature did not shift, and neither did Satharifax upon the announcement of past sins. Lucian wondered what the Dragon would think of such words, but that did not really matter at this moment.

“But now, Mann, your Guardian of the Seas prevents myself and the people of Albion from attaining our destiny. He prevents us from sailing to the lands of Bretonnia to rip the taint that is Chaos from the lands of man and your siblings!” Lucian declared with all the weight he could in those words, “Now call off your beast, or by the will of the Lady and Morr I shall cut it down!”

It was a harsh declaration. One that was basically spitting in the face of the sea god. But Lucian had a guess that the other Gods who Lucian was oathed to were sick of his antics and would not remove their blessings at his behest. After all, Lucian was not threatening a fellow man or breaking his oaths, but challenging a monster who stopped them in the way of Chaos.

Lucian watched the creature. His eyes looking into the many eyes that the Deep Sea Monster had. If there was a single movement that was not retreat then Lucian was more than willing to throw himself at the monster whether Satharifax wanted to or not. He would not allow this creature to strike the vessels of Albion without death coming to it.

When the first of the ships came close, close enough that the men could almost see the monster of the seas, it turned around and sank underneath the waters. Disappearing under the waters.

All that Lucian felt after that was a soft clank against his armor. He turned his eye to see an Albatross, the bird of Mann, flying away after a spiteful attack as if to say he was but a petulant child.
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A day and a night went by on the open seas for those who were sailing. It was a tiring time for all involved and Lucian doubly so as he kept vigil over the ships. Mann was not known to be a merciful god, especially against those who slighted him, so they had to keep an eye out incase the Guardian of the sea reared its head or that Mann decided to send a storm in their direction.

Neither of those, nor any other travesties that the God was known for, were sent against the convoy of ships. Instead when the morning sun came up and shined golden light upon the realm that Satharifax spoke.

“I can see the ships of mankind.” The Dragon spoke as he hung in the air for a moment, “Just as I have caught sight of them they have caught sight of me. They begin to flee.”

“The Sailors of Bretonnia know better than to challenge a Dragon on the open waters.” Lucian told the beast with a sigh, “I have heard a story about a Dragon who, five decades ago, ravaged any ships who ventured away from the coastline. It took three Dukedoms to seek out its lair and slay it.”

“My kin are mighty, though the young ones are foolish. We cannot win when faced with the full might of mankind, let alone the other mortal races.” Declared the beast with a smile, “But we could chase them down so that no one is alerted to our approach.”

“You are asking me to slay my own countrymen!”

“I can say worse to you.”

Lucian decided to ignore what was simply a slight against him by the Dragon. While he joined Lucian out of thanks, he did hold a chip over being forced to put one of his own kind down. He knew it needed to be done, but the spite was expected.

>Chase down the spotters and eliminate them
>Take a ride with the spotters
>Wait for the representative knights of a Duke to arrive
>>Wait for the representative knights of a Duke to arrive
if they want to disrespect and get killed then so be it.
Hopefully we can recruit
>>Wait for the representative knights of a Duke to arrive
"I shall present myself to them. They shall see who i am : Grail Knight and Morr Champion, they shall see my companions and the people of Albion, they shall see you. If they are my countrymen they will rally for war and join us, for destroy the darkness that moves against the world. No few amount of men know me across the land, perhaps if we are in luck some of my friends and aquientances will be nearby for reach us."
"Satharifax, hear me. I cannot undo what I did, and I doubt i can do much for resolve your mourning. But I can promise you two things : that i shall find and slay the ones that created the vampire murderer that killed my entire family years ago and put me on this path. And that if you wish, i shall honor and remember your friend for what he was for you. And if I have any childrens, i will make sure they do the same."
>Wait for a representative.

We are a grail knight.
Motherfuckers, WE ARE THE LAW.
>that i shall find and slay the ones that created the vampire murderer that killed my entire family years ago and put me on this path
Tho it would be satisfying I think Lucian (us) shouldn't get to carried away with vampire hunting after a week or so we already killed our Family's killer. I personally find more funny to punch from time to time the Von Carsein or however the fuck they're called, instead of going full autist (at least, doing so this quickly)

But the second one I do like it. Maybe It could help to our dragon friend to mourn the good nature of his friend and honor his past memory

>Wait for the representative knights of a Duke to arrive

I'm sure Lucian is already so high and bulky for the army to say "Hold up captain, there's a human on top of the dragon that's glowing like a fucking Sayayin, maybe we shouldn't attack right away
>>Wait for the representative knights of a Duke to arrive
we are an INVASION FORCE not an amphibian assault
The sun went from the east to the west when the fleet of Albion came into sight of the Bretonnian Lands. There was no obscuring fog of evil but the lush greenery of the Bretonnian Lands whose fertility was blessed by the Lady herself.

As those came into sight the other vessels also came into sight. Larger vessels that were bastions of the seas. They were built to protect the coast of Bretonnia from the numerous raids of foreign pirates against their people. Each fleet would belong to a Duke, with the Royarch’s being the one which was recently destroyed.

These ships, Lucian noticed, had the banners of many Dukes. Some were of Bordeleaux, others were Brionne and Carcassonne. These were mighty vessels with the wealth of their duchies displayed upon their hulls.

It did not fail upon Lucian that the vessel which was at the front of Mousillon.

It did not deter the Knight, as he brought Satharifax towards the vessels with purpose of mind. If the fools thought to strike against Lucian as he approached from above their heads they would only be able to use arrows. Against the scaled hide of the Sun Dragon there was nothing those peasant archers could do.

The Dragon landed upon the leading ship with a crash of wind and might. Underneath his seat Lucian could feel as the immense weight of Satharifax brought the ship lower into the sea proper. All around him Lucian could see the Knights and Sailors who had placed themselves on the boat to fight such a creature ready their lances swords, and pitchforks for what would have been their final hour as a Dragon brought them all death.

Yet when they each saw the Black Knight who glowed with witchfire the men were halted for a moment. Stunned by the sight of what could not be mistaken to be a Grail Knight upon the dragon. Some even stepped backwards as they felt primal fear at the presence of such an awe-inspiring sight.

“I am Lucian the Durand, Grail Knight of the Lady and Morr!” He declared as the Scythe of Ruin was lifted high into the air, “Bring to me the representative of the Duke who leads this expedition. I wish to speak with him, and perhaps we can avoid the spilling of Bretonnian blood on my return to the heartlands.”
None dared to move forward upon Lucian as he stated those words. None of the Knights that stood before the Grail Knight found themselves to be worthy in speaking to a Demi-God and Chosen Champion of the Lady herself. Instead they all kneel as if a spell of restraint was casted upon each of them.

Lucian did not need to wait long as he looked up to the sky to see the Pegasus Knights approaching him. There were five of them, enough that Lucian knew they were prepared to fight a Dragon in the skies above.

As two of them stayed in the sky to make sure that Lucian would not leave without a chance to retaliate, three of them came upon the vessel. Lucian’s eyes glanced at each of them, feeling from one of them a godly aura, but that was not the one who caught Lucian’s eye.

The heraldry that he wore was blue with golden trimming, but it lacked the trident at the center of a Bordeleauxian heraldry. Like the others he was riding upon the back of a white pegasus that was not terribly temperamental. His face was covered with a steel helm and unlike the others he did not carry at his side a lance.

Instead what caught Lucian’s eye was the sword that laid at his hip. Lucian felt the enchantment in an instant and caught the glowing blue aura that the weapon had when it was within his hands.

Gillot, Questing Knight and Guard of the Necromantic Blade, sat with those that might just be his enemies.

“Grail Knight,” The one at the head of the group spoke. He carried on his flesh the witchfire that was characteristic of Grail Knights. His helm was a closed one so Lucian could not get a good look at him, but his armor sported the Yellow and Black of Mousillon, “I am Sir Gilrack, White Grail Knight of Maldred of Mousillon. You are the lance tip of an invasion force of ships I have never seen, bringing them to Bretonnia upon the back of a dreadful drake! Do you not understand we are already invaded by the Evils of the Empire!?”

>Be cordial, keeping what is known a secret
>Those who are of Mousillon are traitors *Attack*
>Tell the full tale
>Be cordial, keeping what is known a secret

We've no idea that those of Mousillon are traitors. There is just an immense necromantic concentration there.
>>Tell the full tale
We knight
>Tell the full tale
It doesn’t matter if they’re traitors right now
Kill all the necromancer aligned eventually
Be chad
>>>tell the full tale
“Sir Gilrack, I am Lucian the Durand of Aquitaine.” Lucian announced as he slammed his fist into his chest, “I have been on a Quest set forth by the Lady herself to learn the horrors that await Bretonnia. I have crossed through the lands of Bastonne and through the Grey Mountains. From the port of Marienburg to Albion. Those undead you speak of I have already fought once before.”

“Lucian?” The Knight sounded almost surprised as he spoke the name, “You are the Heir of Ruin!”

“He is the Harbinger of it.” Spoke Gillot aloud with a pronouncement of nobility, “Sir Gilrack, I have spoken previously of this Knight and his Nobility. How he was the one who set me on this path towards becoming a Knight of the Grail. Doom follows in his wake, but we have fought against it together.”

“I remember…” The White Grail Knight said as he looked towards Lucian, “I have heard that you fought the necromancers in those lands. It was with luck that Gillot here made it to our court when he did, for behind him was a horde of the dead advancing throughout the Empire towards us.”

“Yes, and it was he who saved me from the Hordes of undead in Karak Kol.” The Prince firmed his words, “Lucian, you went to Albion in search of Bretonnia’s future within those Isles. To see that you not only have an army, but was touched by the Grail. What have you seen?”

“I slayed a Vampire on those misty isles when they were searching for the secrets of the Old Ones.” Lucian said as he glanced at his fellow Grail Knight, “I slayed her, and one of my companions revealed the secrets that the Old Ones knew. Bretonnia is poisoned, and the venom seeps from Mousillon!”
It was like the striking of a hammer when Lucian spoke the truth of the matter. He had been so focused on telling the tale of his adventures that he had not cared to realize just how tense the peasants and other Knights had gotten. When the Black Knight had delivered to them they were ready to act in that instant.

Lucian expected them all to turn against him. After all they were all under the banner of Mousillon in the end and were at service to his highness. What Lucian didn’t expect was for everyone to be pointing swords at one another with confusion at who was their ally and who was their enemy.

He was a Grail Knight though, and he rode a Dragon as well. If there was anyone who they should have listened to it would be him.

As for the three Pegasus Knights two of them had drawn their swords. Both of their blades were pointed at Lucian with full purpose as he had made the greatest insult against each of them. One of them did not draw a weapon, though Gillot’s hands were firmly on the handle of the weapon.

“Sir Gilrack,” He began with a bit of hesitation, “I have fought and been saved by this man before, and through all that I know that he speaks with a good mind. Lower your blade and perhaps we can talk about it more.”

“He just insulted Duke Maldred d’Mousillon with such words.” Declared the Grail Knight with certainty in his voice, “I… I don’t understand how a Knight of the Grail can do such a thing! The Duke is the Lord of the Lady!”

All this happened as Sartharifax gave a small quake of anticipation. Lucian did not know much about the Dragon, let alone actually fight on him, but the Knight had enough time to guess he was preparing for the fight. If that meant he would bury this White Grail Knight in flames was something the Knight did not know.

That also came around to the fact that he would try to kill a Grail Knight with fire. Somehow Lucian did not think it would be enough to cause great injury to the man. He was a Grail Knight after all, though Lucian felt confusion himself on how a Grail Knight did not join his annointed fellow readily.

>Insulting the messenger, a Duel!
>We go to see the Duke
>Full battle, cleanse those who won’t listen
>"We won't fight on a vessel with innocent people aboard. I give two options: either we go to a more desolate location, and we have a honorable duel with the condition that no one can leave the improvised place where the duel is going to be held, or we wait for the army that's coming to be on land and then we have a meeting with all the dukes."
>"The reason why I don't want any of us Knights of the Grail to leave on the duel, is because you're doubting between yourselves about what I just told you. If one of us is part of the machinations I'm saying, the first thing they would do is run and tell to their masters so they have an advantage."
>"And for the condition of the meeting, is because all the good people on Albion, those that are going to fight for our cause against the Norscan, have to present themselves and state their intentions of helping. They've been through a lot of perils on their homeland, and my goal in this moment is that they make it safe before going to a war they had no business until I helped them.
>We go to see the Duke
The ladys will be done
Get in my way and or i will let Mann and Morr sort out your afterlife
>We go to see the Duke
>The city lord may not be aware of the venom amongst his house, but it is there. If you will not heed me, then let us depart to more stable ground for a duel. Let steel show the truth where words fail us.
>>Insulting the messenger, a Duel!
bruh let's go. Remember all those talks about honor?
“We are at an impasse then.” Lucian declared, not bothering to reach for his weapon as he spoke, “I see that truth rings of deaf ears, but I understand that I have slighted the honor of another. Sir Gilrack, I do not wish to clash forces with your fleet if I can help it.”

“And I would not allow it for as long as I live.” Spoke his fellow Grail Knight as he kept his weapon held high.

“What I suggest to you is two options.” Spoke Lucian as he glanced at the people around him, “First is a Duel between us on open land. A true honor Duel between Knights of the Grail. Second, if you are willing to compromise, then I will talk directly to the Duke as long as my men are allowed to come onto shore.”

“You are asking me to allow a Foreign Army upon the blessed shores of Bretonnia!” The man rebutted as with a flair of disbelief, “A Grail Knight would never allow such a thing!”

“Yet I am a Grail Knight, drinking from the Grail on the Isles of Albion!” Lucian rebutted quickly, “Denying me has already stained both of our honors! Shall we fight this out in open battle in the Lands of Mann, or go where the Lady and Morr decides our fates!”

“The Lady shall decide and no others.” Confirmed Gilrack as he sheathed his sword, “There is an island we shall go to. There we shall decide the fate of this… folly!”

“Indeed we shall.” Decided Lucian as he glanced at the others, “Shall the Knight who holds truth have the Lady’s Favor.”

“For the gods know all.” Lucian answered him as Satharifax took to the sky, “Lead the way, Sir Gilrack!”
A Grail Knight would carry no lie in his words, especially against another Grail Knight. The man’s ship had led the two fleets towards a single island that was near the shores of Bretonnia. There was not much on the island for underneath the thin topsoil was rocks that made up the anomaly on Bretonnian Shores. It sported an assortment of small flowers that would thrive in a place where few weeds would have been able to.

There a plethora of Knights and Albionians had assembled themselves. The ships of the two taking sides around the island to be witnessed, but many who were upon the vessels had already unloaded themselves to watch it.

In the Sky was Satharifax with no rider and the Pegasus Knights. Lucian had doubt that the Knights would launch themselves against him now for they were clearly Noble Bretonnians, but Lucian had also seen too much to ignore both Tee-Nee-Tyny and Satharifax’s suggestions about making sure they matched one another.

For Mounts they both were riding horses that were donated by the ranks of Knights. While it made sense that their leader, Gilrack, would acquire a beast quickly Lucian was given a plethora of choice for his part. While Bretonnians guard their horses selfishly, the honor of giving it to a Knight of the Grail on loan was too great an honor to pass.

The mare that Lucian rode now reminded him in a sense of Nightshade, but it had a few white spots on its skin. The beast was also one who came from the hills of Aquitaine, so Lucian found her more appropriate than any others. If the beast was of any quality Lucian did not know, but already Lucian could tell the horse was walking different when she was underneath him.

The magics of the Grail worked wonders both big and small it seemed.

In his hands was a Lance, on his back a scythe. A proper duel between Bretonnians was to the death, with the combatants being mounted on Horseback at the start equipped with both a lance and a weapon of this choice.

The fight ends when one is dead. A grave event for Bretonnia that two Grail Knights must fight one another, but if Lucian succeeded then he will assume control of both armies in all likelihood.

>Toss the Lance, use the Scythe
>Aim for a good strike at the chest
>Go for a head shot.
Shit, this is unfortunate.

>Good shot at the chest.
Dismount him.
>>Aim for a good strike at the chest
If this fails then switch to the scythe
>>Toss the Lance, use the Scythe
i remember Machine qm said we are super good with a scythe. And mostly bad with other weapons, don't trust Lucian with other weapons i was cringing when he was using a sword.
Like now honestly why the fuck are we fighting, yoo would expect the Lady to not want to lose Grail Knights like this..........
>>Aim for a good strike at the chest
>Like now honestly why the fuck are we fighting, yoo would expect the Lady to not want to lose Grail Knights like this..........
Imagine this. You are a girl who is how and knows is hot and has two hunks fighting for her/in her name.

It's a wonder grail knights don't fight eachother more often
We can always stain his honour further and point this out once we have won.

Spared at this point would lose him a lot of honour.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Why can't anons accept that honor duels are to the death...
Any other rolls?
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 90 (1d100)

Lets see here
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The two Knights of the Grail stared at one another, watching for the slightest movement in case one of them broke their line early. The one to break the line would be the one to start the fight, to charge at the opponent and try to land their lance against the other with the intent of killing the other.

Whether they were on the side of Mousillon of those from Albion, all knew that what was to happen would be damning to all sides. Bretonnia was to lose one of their Grail Knights today. These were men capable of killing those mighty vampires and terrors that could kill a man with ease. They were easily worth several dozen, perhaps hundreds, of men with their blood alone.

And here Bretonnia was to lose atleast one of them today.

Sir Gilrack, the White Grail Knight, was the first to break with a charge towards Lucian. His lance lowered towards Lucian the Knight carried with him the swiftness of the winds. An arrow let loose from its quiver, no, a cannon ball let loose from a canon! Such a devistating charge was more than enough to cause injury to Lucian if he did not match it.

With just a enough the horse began its charge towards the other. The swiftness of foot allowed the animal to reach the height of speed within only a few steps. It no longer abided by the rules of momentum, that such speeds needed to be built up towards.

Lowering his spear Lucian aimed for the chestplate of his fellow Knight. The spear, which sported the yellow and blue of his homeland, was pointed directly at the other Knight with full purpose to bring him low.

Perhaps it was a blessing by the Lady, but Lucian managed to get the Lance just right into the chest of his opponent. Yet the Knight felt the same as the enemy spear impacted the Rune of Dregni which was upon his armor.

Two Lances shattered in an instant, both Grail Knight’s matched for the first bout. They were Grail Knights though, and the impacts failed to bring either of them down even when the weapons themselves were in pieces on the ground.

Bringing their horses around Lucian brought out his scythe as Gilrack brought out his sword.

>Lop off his head
>Go for the horse
>Hook him off his horse
Rolled 95 (1d100)

>Hook him off his horse
>>Lop off his head
This. Is. To. The. Death.
Also a target that is face level allows us to enjoy the longer reach of this weapon versus the sword. The threat alone should keep his blade way from us, in fact.
Cause a grail knight is hard to replace and really really useful.
Killing one is kinda something we want to avoid if possible, even if it causes more issues down the line of honour.

>Off with his head
Lets finish this quickly then.
why tf are tou giving thy speech if you are voting for the killy option
At this point it does not really matter. The vote was already made to kill the Grail Knight so he might as well go whole hog.
Well i reàd the lines
"One of them is going to die here today" and I have a functional pattern recognition of exactly how much the QM doesnt deviate from what he states.

So one of us is gonna die here, and nothing we do will change that. I do not intend to go to morrs garden, so lets not draw this out.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

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There was no delay for the two warriors as they charged each other once again. To the one who recovered for the next joust, the next charge at the other, sooner then he would be the one who would gain an advantage.

Against two warriors who were equal to the other, such an advantage was more than enough to lead to the other’s death. If they failed then it would be their own death.

So they galloped at the other. Their weapons shining with their respective witchfires. To the onlookers it was like watching two balls of fire going forth towards one another that would result in an impact that scattered their own flames to the sky above. Comets of the Lady’s light that was divinely inspired.

Having a scythe in his hands instead of a lance was exactly what the Knight needed. He was trained to use a Lance by Count Remon, the man making sure that the Knight who he wished to entrust his line to was at least competent in the ways of the Knight.

Lucian had proved his teachings right and now was where he was most comfortable. With a scythe balanced in his single hand the Knight recognized the weight of the weapon and how to swiftly swing it with ease on both foot and horseback.

Where he saw his fellow Grail Knight prepare to use his hand weapon like a lance, a hope to score a blow into one of the few gaps in Lucian’s armor, the Black Knight could see the inadequacies of Bretonnian Armor.

Pulling back the weapon the Knight felt a charging of force within his hand, his eyes focusing on a single point as they got only ten feet from one another. Lucian could see underneath the armor of the Knight, could see Sir Gilrack’s eyes as the other Knight felt the change in the air.

The Black Knight, with the ease of a Demi-God, brought the Scythe of Ruin through the neck of his fellow Grail Knight. The other’s weapon bounced harmlessly as Morr took his bounty eagerly and without mercy.

As Lucian bounded back towards his fellow Grail Knight, to honor the dying, he saw that his blow was not just swift. Green Witchfire that was dancing upon the edges of Lucian’s being had leaped off of him and began burning through the corpse of the White Grail Knight to the surprise of everyone present.

The only one to not gawk at the event was Lucian, the fire reminding him of another burning that had happened not so long ago.
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Whatever sensibilities of chaos that was happening in front of them Lucian was the clear victor.

“Men of Bretonnia, men of Albion!” Lucian declared as he raised his scythe into the air, “Listen to me as one. I am the victor of this bloody duel, much dismayed that I delivered the final blow against a fellow Knight of the Grail.”

He got the focus of everyone present. They watched the Knight with raptious anticipation for what it was their orders. After all, as it was a Grail Knight leading this Knightly Host it now fell upon Lucian to guide them as the only other Grail Knight present.

“Firstly, I shall gather the remains of Sir Gilrack and have them sealed for transport. None shall pillage his remains for relics or arms on the pain of Morr’s embrace. He died nobly, I shall not have a fellow Knight of the Grail dishonored by being a subject of pillage.”

The statement was clear and certain. Lucian was their Lord, and he had no issue following through with such a declaration against these people.

“After he is prepared we will travel of the lands of Mousillon and find out what kind of terrors are against the lands of Bretonnia.” Lucian declared as he raised his scythe into the air, “For the Lady! For Bretonnia!”

The Knights responded to the Grail Knight in kind, each of their tempers flared as they felt the righteous cause of a paragon amongst them.

>Aim to arrive at the port
>Coastal arrival a ways from Castle Mousillon
>Arrive in Bordeleauxe for maximum support
>Arrive at port.
>>Aim to arrive at the port
>Castle Mousillon
Arrive at the port

Castle Mousillon
With the ships brought under the wing of Lucian they began making their way towards the port belonging to Castle Mousillon. The first hour was Lucian taking to everyone preparing the force for a coming assault. For that was the risk going in that direction.

If the people of the port welcomed them then there would be no problem. Perhaps they would even be welcomed into the fortress with no issue.

If that was not the case, the Knight of Morr knew that he would be adding people to the Garden. A port would not be able to repel their docking as they infact had the port navy of Mousillon under his banner. It would be those covering the port who would be an issue.

The Grail Knights did not knew what to expect, and in truth there were few he could fully trust in his questioning. He was lucky with who he already knew.

Gillot, the Prince of Bordeleaux, had returned to the vessel Lucian was leading from. The Pegasus that he was riding was walked to it's quarters first and foremost. Then, only after a great comfort was given to the beast, did Gillot make his way to Lucian who had taken the recently late Sir Gilrack’s quarters.
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“Lucian, you damned bastard.” Were the first words he said as he finished closing the door behind himself, “If I had known that you were touched by the Lady I would have taken the Duke up on his request!”

“And that would have been?” Lucian questioned with a raised brow.

“To sucker from the Holy Grail.” Answered the Knight as he shook his head, “But it's odd that you drank from the Grail when it is in Mousillon.”

Lucian could not help but show his confusion to his fellow Knight, “The Grail has been in Mousillon? But I was graced by the Lady and Morr! If I were to lie…”

“How would you lie?” Gillot pointed out with a small hint of smugness in his features, “Lucian, I have fought beside you once before and I would never have thought you'd kill a Grail Knights. Blessed by the Gods you were such a blessing does not put you above Demi-Gods.”

Lucian felt a tinge of irritation in his heart as he heard the man’s words, “Gillot, you have already figured something out and are lording it over my head. The Gods have humbled me below even the Peasants, you are only feeling your own ego.”

“I cannot help it if I felt I was correct in all I thought.” Declared the Questing Knight as he gave a hearty laugh, “I have won because I supported you, and how much heavier my purse became betting on a vagrant Black Knight.”

“Explain yourself before our horses grow beards.”

“Fine.” The reluctance was clear in his voice as the Knight spoke, “Duke Mousillon has taken the role as Regent as Knights search for the Jabberwock. There is… more to it but he is said to be the husband of the Lady and therefore possesses the Holy Grail as is right.”

“A mortal man becoming… that's impossible!”

“Yet he wields the genuine Grail, and has made men into Grail Knights.” Answered Gillot honestly, “I have seen it with my own two eyes Lucian, both the deeds of the White Grail Knights and what they now do. I tell you witnessing the death of one was something few ever thought they'd witness in their life.”

“Then…” Lucian thought to himself as a sinking feeling finally came, “Then some foul sorcery is afoot.”

“I agree.” He told Lucian plainly.
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The rest of the trip across the waters was not very eventful, a blessing from Mann. Or, perhaps, it was a spiteful strike against him from Lucian's experience.

It was only during their arrival to the docks where things became weird.

There was no one on the docks. No one there to repel them and no one to welcome their arrival. Not even the made peasants were present there, not even the made who would have never listened to commands. Their vessels were arriving in a ghost harbor.

The Black Knight, upon the back of Satharifax, were the first to arrive at the dock to witness this. After them came the Pegasus Knights who confirmed the beachhead and take over of the place.

Searching about the area the Knight wondered to himself what had happened, only to see what he knew to dread, “Satharifax, do you see the blood?”

“Yesss.” Slithered the Drake as he glanced around the area, “I can taste it at the tip of my tongue, the blood of the recently slain. And the foul magics that were used here as well…”

“Do you know whose blood it could be?” The Knight ask as they began clearing a way through the docks to make sure nothing was lurking.

“My nose is not as keen as your Kroxigor’s. I can say that it is disgusting magics, but the kind of Chaos that was used here I do not know.” The Dragon answered, “What I will say is that not enough blood was spilt to empty this place as well as this.”

“Gillot, this place was full of people before you left, right?” Lucian asked as he glanced at the man.

“Yes, that is correct! But they couldn’t have heard of our arrival for we Pegasus Knights are the fastest.” The Prince said to him with surprise lacing his voice.

“They might have been using sorcery against us.” Suggested Satharifax with a bit of annoyance, “Scrying that you laid their Knight low and gained his fleet, they fled to the castle and killed those that would not answer their call.”

“If that was the truth, Drake, where would their bodies be?” Pointed out Gillot, “Surely in a rush they would have left the bodies out. They would know that a Dragon and Pegasus Knights would be upon them in hours.”
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“We know that our foe is the undead.” Satharifax said straight, “If it was necromancers then collecting the bodies would make sense.”

“No…” Lucian said as he felt the winds of magic cresting his flesh, “If that was true then the Winds of Shysh would be upon us. I don’t feel that though…”

“I loath to give you it.” Strung out the Dragon with a bit of pride lost, “But you are right. Best I can describe this the air reminds me of when the Chaos Gates were unrestrained against the world. A more pure chaos that did not care what happened.”

“By the name of the Lady.” Gillot responded quickly, “What does that mean?”

“I see where you are getting at.” Lucian said as he rubbed the chinplate of his helm, “I have felt this before… but where before…”

“The ships are at the horizon my Lords!” Declared the last of the Pegasus Knights as he pointed towards the vessels, “We must not dally in our decision.”

“Do we keep them back, or do something else?” Suggested Satharifax, “A trap is abound but our hand could be forced.”

“Indeed, Duke Maldred has already begun his retreat!” Lucian declared as he pointed innerland, “If we delay our advance upon him then he might flee where his support is greater! We have an army at our beck and call and we refuse to use it!?”

“And they know this.” Answered Satharifax with a small growling laugh, “Even a smaller force still risks us docking, but perhaps it will enough to avoid their entrapment while attacking their fortress directly.”

Lucian pondered his options, glancing around the area one more time to see if anything would be sighted. There was nothing, instead he was just looking at an emptied dock that had a few pieces of scrap about the place. The more he looked he could see the pieces of debris and damage from what was a previous assault. Barrels and crates broken here and there, evidence that a fight did happen here but it was not the hardest fought.

>Bring the full army in
>A strike force of the fastest/most elite
>Only individuals will come, the rest stay ship bound
>Bring a strike force
This is a tale of knights. Mortal chaff may be employed later.

Also, good retroactive call to smite a false grailknight,
>>A strike force of the fastest/most elite
I think he has a false grail and its just vampire blood
>A strike force of the fastest/most elite
Pure chaos... where has Lucian felt that before? Against the Father Giant? Against the chaos spawn? against the scaven...

Come guys, think of this chaos, from where does it come from. If we have our answer maybe we can choose better
>>A strike force of the fastest/most elite

I would say the Garden of Morr in Bastonne when there was the war against greenskins. It does remind me of that, though I honestly dont remember all anymore.
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It was upon Lucian’s orders soon after that the most fit and able of them men would come off of the ships as fast as they could and join in the short march. And indeed under the guise of Lucian they were each a great warrior in their own right with either a steed or the quickest feet from Albion.

In all they numbered a hundred Knights and a hundred light footmen. It was a feeling from Lucian that they left the docks when they did, releasing the ships back to shore to make sure that whatever waited for them did not come upon them.

Nothing did come, though Lucian wondered if that was because of the prestige of the force, that a Dragon watched over all of this happening, or perhaps there was not an ambush at all.

Of those who unloaded themselves both Adok and Tee-Nee-Tyny were unloaded. The Dwarf was still rather reserve to himself, but he was also diligently working upon the rune even as he was unloaded from the vessel. He rode on the back of a horseman who was willing to bring the Dwarf upon his mighty steed. The Skink of course had Bok, the mighty Kroxigor who could keep up with all as they made their way towards Castle Mousillon.

When they arrived it was just as Lucian thought it would be. Instead of approaching an abandoned fortress they were upon one in full preparation and fortification. The mighty gates were closed and rolled out at the edges were trebuchets and other pieces of artillery ready to throw rocks and the like at them.

“There is a powerful sorcerer within that castle.” Satharifax said to Lucian was they got close enough to the place that a voice could be heard.

“They have arrived, people of Mousillon!” Lucian could not see where the man speaking was but he could hear him all the same. Perhaps it was a trick that the Duke could do with magics, “These are the traitors to Bretonnia led by a false prophet! It was their minions who slaughtered those at the docks, and now they are here to attack us!”

In the least they were successful Lucian reasoned. As the boulders and rocks were being sent across the field in their direction it was clear that the Duke was still within the fortress.

“Kill them, those Loyal to the Grail and Crown! Show them what it means to be a loyal son of Bretonnia!”

>We assault, strike them down!
>We have wings, got from above with the risk of death!
>Siege time!
>>Siege time!
No trap was sprung at the docks... we need time for the fodd- look if we siege we will get the time we need to summon the rest of the forces, scout out the area and see what Adok is working on...
plus it seems we have flying units and they do not :) How large of a boulder do you think Satharifax can carry? Maybe, if it has good aim, we can give the Duke a gift. Or two, or three, or many more! While the siege is up, the dragon will flatten the buildings inside the castle walls, oh it will be glorious
>Use our greater maneuverability to wipe out the artillary contained on the castles walls to protect our army.

Anybody know any rites or challenges to force him to face us in battle?
Abduct his loved ones
>Thia just in, Priest of Morr and Grail knight has kidnapped The Lady of the Lake to force "Husband" from siege.
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They had made it there fast enough to stop the enemy from running away, now circumstances were different. Upon his call runners made their way to the docks and brought the vessels back to port, the forces preparing themselves for the coming siege of the fortress.

From the edge of the artillery’s range they prepared and began assembling the battlements. A trench was quickly created by the men of Albion while the Knights of Bretonnia began running about the roads and countryside to secure all routes of transit.

These Knights, empowered by the authority of a Grail Knight, quickly made work of Peasants who came to try to and supply the fortress of Mousillon. It was upon the behest of Lucian that they were compensated for their goods, for he was a humbled knight, but the peasants who came still ran from the siege faster than they ever had before. And with them, word of the siege will reach the Dukes of Bretonnia.

What mattered now was that Castle Mousillon was cut off from the rest of the world. Secured in their fortifications the men of the fortress did not have much to fear except for the harassment of Pegasus Knights and a Dragon. Yet as Lucian watched the glints of light dancing across the walls he knew for certain that there were White Grail Knights among their number.

Satharifax was mighty, but they were warriors who had slain his equals single handedly. It would be a risk not to charge forward without the backing of everyone for the battle.

So they continued the siege for a day and night. Then another day and night after that.

During this time the men of Albion were taking stock of the forests and foodstuff that they had. Those Knights who had burdened themselves with the knowledge of siege craft had began crafting their own siege engines so that they could return fire and perhaps even bring down those mighty walls of Mousillon.

It was a good time for the besiegers to get their bearing upon the situation. To take stock of what was needed and form a solution to their siege.

So there in one of the many tents, where a flag bearing the Raven of Morr dangled down, was the foundation of the coming siege.
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Lucian watched as the tent was slowly filled with people who had returned from the field. A few of them were giving him reports and populating the map of Mousillon that the Knight had found amongst Gilrack’s things. Of those who really mattered were of course the King of the Albion people, along with Lucian’s party. Included among their ranks lastly was Gillot, who had proven himself capable since the siege started by taking to the skies to arrange the current outpost of war.

It made sense for he was a Prince of a Duke. He was given a royal education of a warrior that even money would not be able to purchase.

“Today marks the third day that we besiege Castle Bastonne!” Declared Lucian as he looked around to everyone, “I thank you all for coming today to witness this day. It is through your efforts that we fight against the Chaos that lives within the fortress of Mousillon. All efforts to talk to the Duke have failed, his men shooting all envoys that I have sent in their direction.”

“They know that we have them strung up and will die when we reach them!” Declared the King of Albion in a chipperness of a victor, “They are hoping for the neighboring Kings to come save them from this peril.”

“It will take the other Dukes around seven days to arrive here.” Gillot said as he gave a sigh, “As you asked, I have sent word to my Father.”

“Good, good!” Cheered Lucian before looking at the Castle upon the map, “If we can convince the Dukes of Bretonnia that this is a just war then he will be forced to leave the fortress.”

“He could be as stubborn as a Dwarf.” Adok pointed out from his workings. The Dwarf, even now, was working steadily upon the rune that they had discovered. Seeing what little modifications were needed to make it work and what it even did, “I understand these Grail Knights to be long lived like us. If they don’t need to eat then that would be a problem.”

“Even if they are Grail Knights.” Lucian began as he tapped his finger, “They would fall when the rest of their people die. It would be impossible to defend the walls, and so we can simply bring the fortress down upon their heads.”

“So do we wait for the Dukes or try to break them down?” Asked the Dwarf with a grin, “If you gave me the men I think I could dig underneath their castle and pop out on the other side. Any Dwarf worth his wits could do that.”

“To bring the full force of our Knights upon the Castle we must open the gates.” Gillot pointed out as he tapped upon them with his finger, “Once that is done we charge them. As Lucian said, even a Grail Knight cannot withstand a full lance of warriors. But sieges are not the most glorious affairs in the end.”
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“They will not leave the fortress if we tried something like leaving the area.” Lucian pointed out as he kept his eyes on the fortification, “While there is not much glory in this our enemy has no glory to begin with. He has fired upon us and seemingly slaughtered his own people, so I see no reason to give them an honorable death. They will get their honor afterwords.”

“If Honor is no issue.” Gillot began as he gave a small sigh, “Then we could try a stratagem of war.”

“Stratagem of war?” Lucian questioned the Prince as he glanced towards him, “But these are stratagems we are devising.”

“That one speaks because of the shame associated with the term.” Tee-Nee-Tyny said as he stood on a box so that his height was with everyone else, “It is to trick the followers of chaos in some form. Perhaps to sneak in at night, or to give them a gift where there are foes inside. If those crazed with power will accept such a trick shall be shown by their wisdom.”

“It would be dishonorable then.” Lucian admitted as he placed a hand upon the table, “It might work, but then the rescue of Bretonnia comes upon an act of subterfuge. Even less glory than the siege we find ourselves in.”

“Well I don’t see us sitting around doing nothin, unless we want to wait them out!” The Dwarf declared, “We got a week to do it if we don’t want the chance of trouble.

>Wait them out
>Try standard siege tactics, like digging around
>Standard siege tactics.

Nah, No subterfuge.
Hey teeny, you got any earth magic to make a big fuck off bridge quickly, that we can just hop on like a ladder to scale the walls?

Rain of arrows to force them to duck, use magic to raise a ramp and charge in before they can stop us?
>>Try standard siege tactics, like digging around
Start building a huge trebuchet
>Try standard siege tactics, like digging around

Trebuchet and have thr dragon do some drive bys of their walls. Glass them from orbit.
>>Try standard siege tactics, like digging around
>Try standard siege tactics, like digging around
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The siege soon began in earnest.

From the forests large amounts of Trebuchets and Catapults were built and brought towards the frontlines of combat. Each of them were constructions made from the minds of the elites, let them be the Barons of Albion or the Knights of Bretonnia. Their size also varied by a great scale that were sprung across all makes and forms.

What mattered for the war was these constructs were able to throw stones at a great distance and slam into both the fortifications and other warmachines. After each of them were build the construction was fired constantly for the days after it was built. Each and every few minutes a stone would be thrown at the castle, slamming into the walls in an attempt to bring them down. Sometimes they were successful, others they were not.

What came in great use was during the night Satharifax would strafe the walls of the settlement. A dragon was a mighty enemy to a castle for he did not need to abide by the walls, and while he could not easily bring the walls down or invade the ground he was a great foe to all things that were made of wood.

The first night saw almost all the war machines of the enemy caught ablaze. Numerous shanties were lit, torching the peasants who had unwisely placed their lives into the hands of the Duke and his White Grail Knights. The screams and calls of terror were loud enough to be heard from the siege camp of the attackers. Some among them felt a tang of pain as they realized just what was released upon those people.

Yet he could not keep in the sky for more than a single pass. The White Grail Knights were quick to mount their pegasus and griffons, to bring themselves into the air to fight the mighty Dragon and bring down the greatest tool that the Black Grail Knight had at his possession. As commanded Satharifax did not give into battle, instead fleeing back to the camp so that the archers and other folk could ward off the encroaching Grail Knights.

As all this happened Adok was guiding the Albion Warriors to the Dwarf method of siege craft. Throughout the camp were a series of tunnels that led down through the earth towards the Castle Mousillon. These were built to the specification of a Dwarf, with even the occasional help of Adok as he struck runes to help reinforce the earth against collapse.

It was upon the fourth day of siege that the besieged began to throw bodies over the walls. None thought much of it, not until the tunnels were penetrated.
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When the screams from the camp roared across the tents Lucian was already moving towards them. A Grail Knight was a tireless who did not need anything like sleep or eat, they were simply a weapon of the Lady’s might against the perils of the world.

As Lucian came to face this next one he saw the tents that were covering the tunnels crafted by Adok had been brought down. Many of them were ripped to shreds while others appeared to be worn by the men and other things as they quickly ran through the cloth.

What caught Lucian’s attention faster then the men who were running for their lives was the loud screeching and chitters of rats. Running towards his people were Skaven dressed in green robes, each of them throwing themselves with an insane fury.

Without another thought Lucian was upon them. His scythe cut through three of them with a single slice with ease. Their bodies were even easier to cut than many of the other creatures Lucian fought for their bodies were closer to puss than actual muscle.

He did not hesitate to slaughter them by the dozen. Their number were small though, clearly just an accident by the miners to have intercepted one of the many Skaven tunnels. But the fact that there were Skaven tunnels, perhaps even an undercity underneath them, struck Lucian as he slew the last of them.

As he slew the last one whose twin knives failed to pierce the armor the Adok had made for him, Lucian looked at the men who were laying on the ground. Some were clearly struck by the Skaven, their backs filled with knife holes as they were killed by a berserk and unexpected foe.

Others Lucian did not expect. Picking one of them up, an Albonish warrior, Lucian noticed that the man’s face had gotten red and was sweating far more than he should have even after a battle. When his armor touched the man’s skin he could feel the immense heat his body was making even through the thick armor that he wore.

In dire straights and with no way out, the Duke had made a gambit. To make such gambits with Skaven was the most foolish a still living man could do, they would all learn.

>We need to assault, NOW!
>Keep the siege going, they will die before us!
>Break off part of the siege, keep the plague down
>>Break off part of the siege, keep the plague down
fuck... FUCK!! Did the Duke really allow the Skaven to permeate in his lands just for this? Stop the siege and completely pull back if necessary
>Keep the siege going, they will die before us!

>Get bok and the Skink. The Skink should be able to get rid of the plague. And bok can help us hunt in the tunnels. If we collapse the undercity should collapse the fortress.
>Assault now

Our strength will flag with that disease. We either break it off or attack while our forces are healthy.
>>We need to assault, NOW!
Burn the under city
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The threat of a plague was something that would stir the greatest of leaders into action. Let it be simple cowardice where they hide themselves inside of their fortresses or those who would assemble forces of paladins and priests to pray against the coming Chaos, all were driven into great actions to try and defeat the coming terrors.

In this Lucian found that the siege needed to end. If they stayed around any longer than their numbers would be lost and a great amount of peril would come to face them. Death on the greatest scale that would surely bring the ire of Nagash upon them.

The next day the forces united against the destruction of the Duke were assembled. Yet the sickness that Lucian had suspected from the Skaven had already gripped a large amount of the army within the day. Many of the Albionish were stricken with foul health from being so far from home, and that had only gotten worse when they grew large red boils upon their face.

Bretonnians were not spare either. A quarter of his Knights found themselves screaming in pain as what was called the Red Pox came upon them. Lucian found that only few could be saved by the prayers of the priests, and for Lucian he could only grant them solace in the afterlife.

The terror of this already caused a number of both Albion Warriors and unchivalrous Knights to flee for the ports of Bordeleaux or the hills of Bastonne. When he asked Tee-Nee-Tyny, the Skink had said that those men were but carriers of the plague now. That what the Skaven had unleashed upon them would was already in their veins.

There was nothing they could do though. A great Pox being released meant that they needed to either act or break the siege. Lucian could not allow the latter to happen, and so brought the forces to bare.

Of his forces were several hundred Knights and a couple thousand Albion Warriors. There were some men at arms and yeoman, but they were operators of the warmachines and siege towers that were being brought to the fore.

The King of Albion had taken to the plague, leaving the rest of them to fight. Being a Dwarf Adok was hardy against the plague, and it seemed that the magics that Tee-Nee-Tyny worked were able to keep him and Bok able against the Pox. Gillot, perhaps through the empowerment of the sword, was still able to stand. As a Dragon, a plague like this was nothing to him. Only the poxes blessed by Nurgle himself would have any grip upon a Dragon.

For Lucian, a Grail Knight, he stood immune and uncorrupted. Thus his divinity was further proven to those who watched as the Knight marched out infront of his troops.
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With a great number of the fortress’s warmachines taken down the army was able to get much closer than they had. Their distance was just out of reach of the longbowman under the command of the Duke.

There were four lances of Bretonnian Knights all arranged to charge when the moment was right. In front of them were the several thousand Albion Warriors who were still able to fight. Many of those carried on their persons ladders that could help them scale the walls.

The men at arms were already firing the catapults and trebuchets even before the engagement. An attempt to weather down the foe before they were to strike. From what Lucian was seeing they were being quite effective against the fortress, not a single man willing to stay on the battlements when the army was so close to them.

Upon the back of Satharifax and flying above the heads of the people Lucian spoke. Through the grace of his status, his voice carried itself across the field of battle for all to hear.

“Knights of Bretonnia and Warriors of Albion!” Spoke the Grail Knight as he shined like a radiant emerald in the light of the heavens, “Today we bring down the forces that had threatened to overtake the land of the living! This fortress, by protecting themselves against a Priest of Morr, has proven themselves to be the harborers of Necromancers and foul undead.”

Even while they all felt the pains of sickness upon their breath, the cheering of the men could be heard. Many of them addled by the forces of plague, they still showed their support for the coming battle as they cheered.

“Onward, men, for we fight for the Lady, for Morr, and for the Living!” Shouted Lucian as he moved forward with the men following underneath him.

>Smash the Castle Gates
>Fly in to cause terror and route the enemy
>Hold back, be the repoise
>have the trebuchet and catapults knock down the gate.

>Have our dragon glass their walls. So our boys with ladders can go up and over.

>Land with dragon in their rear and start killing the corrupted Grail knights and try to kill the Duke.

The dragon after dropping us off can go back to breaking the enemies formations. I'd see if we can have the Skink yeet magic off our dragons back at the enemy too. Bok can either support us or support our wall boys.
>>Smash the Castle Gates
>Support this battle plan

Their pegasus knights will attack us in the air, so they will come to us.
>>have the trebuchet and catapults knock down the gate.
>>Have our dragon glass their walls. So our boys with ladders can go up and over.
>>Land with dragon in their rear and start killing the corrupted Grail knights and try to kill the Duke.
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Rolled 5 (1d100)

Rolled 41 (1d100)

>>5996134 nice
Rolled 53 (1d100)

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The roar of men was accompanied by another throw of their artillery machines. Those who were facing the edges of Morr’s Domain, led by his Champion upon the mortal plain, advanced towards what was surely their doom. In a morbid sense these men were choosing how they would die for many had already seen the Skaven plague take their fellows.

Men from the opposing wall slowly raised themselves. Their flesh each marred by the same plague which had infested those under Morr’s banner. They sent unhonorable arrows upon the advancing forces with poor accuracy.

These men, so addled by the sickness which held them yet duty bound to place themselves upon death’s path, failed to notice as torrents of fire were thrown above their heads. Many were so weak that their deaths were instant and seamless. Others had much greater constitutions and took minutes to die as the boulders finally broke the gate open.

Lucian did not worry himself with directly helping his forces. The path made the Knight brought Satharifax down upon the heads of a group of Knights who were preparing themselves for a counter-charge against those going through the gate.

They all tried to fight against the terrors that was a Dragon fighting against them, but the Lance which they formed was a blunted thing that served only to help get them killed in the dozen. Those immediately close to the Drake found themselves not killed by the claws of teeth of the creature but instead the whirling blade of a Grail Knight swiftly cutting their bodies down. Such was the advantage to having such a long weapon in the form of a scythe.

Not to be out done by his rider, Satharifax bellowed a torrent of fire which impacted the men. The fire was so bright that it shined blue in the clear day’s sun. A quick affair of power that was the mighty cutting down the weak and powerless.

He did not worry himself with their plight. Some might have been unwilling warriors of Duke Moriset but they were still accomplices. It was a slippery slope towards the ruination of Chaos, and Lucian was here to cut them down before they fulfilled their chances.

Some tried to fight back against the Dragon and its Rider. They took their spears in a vain attempt to slam it into the scaled flesh of the beast. Others simply dropped their arms, either too weak to fight or not willing to bring a weapon in the direction of a shining Knight of the Grail.

These men were the lucky ones for they did not try to fight it. Those who went close were simply reaped as the Scythe went through their armor like it was paper.
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As Lucian was culling the Knights from the middle the warriors were soon impacted by a Lance of Death’s men. A bloody affair of Knights going into one another with a charge at a flank. It did not matter if the Knights were able to turn themselves to face the incoming Lance or were too focused upon fighting the Dragon to be of much help.

Like a tide they were thrown apart at the tip of the spear. The bodies of both horse and Knight were thrown upon the burnt grass with little care of what happened to them. So many had their flesh pierced or their horses heads impaled at lance tip, leaving them powerless to deflect the charge.

As Lucian watched them he learned of the sheer power of a Bretonnian Knight’s charge. An entire flank of his dragon was cleared as they continued traveling through the fortress with unstoppable might.

All of this came about thanks to the tip of the spear, Gillot, who kept his pegasus grounded just long enough to lead his men through the dangerous actions of charging directly into the stronghold of the enemy.

As Lucian slipped off of Satharifax he could smell the lightning dancing in the air as many strongholds were lit aflame by the magics of the Old Ones. There was no discrimination by the hands of the Mage-Priest, his gods only cared that those he struck were in league with the forces of Chaos.

As Lucian stood infront of the fortress one of the Knights who were part of the large charge had split off in his direction. This noble man had with him a passenger, Adok Fireskin, who rolled off like a barrel from a wagon.

“By the Ancestors that was a damned ride.” The Dwarf said as he marched next to Lucian, “You just gonna stand there gawking?”

“No, just wondering what happened to this place.” The Grail Knight admitted as he looked around him, “The Grail Knights should have flown against me.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about them missing.” The Dwarf answered as he lifted the rock he had been working on towards his eye, “They are holding out in there.”

Without hesitation Lucian marched forward towards the great doors of Castle Mousillon. A single slash from his scythe was all it took to smite it into pieces and reveal the two White Grail Knights who were standing guard against all intruders.

They each raised a sword against the Black Knight. They had each been waiting for this moment where they needed to face down their fellow countrymen, it just so happens that Lucian was the one to face them.

>Two v Two them
>Have Adok buff the hell out of Lucian
>Just walk past them, they are already dead.
>Have Adok buff the hell out of Lucian with his new rune. Time to go super saiyan on these corrupted Grail knight's.
> Have Adok buff the hell out of Lucian
>>Have Adok buff the hell out of Lucian
just reap
>Buff lucien

Take their measure. See if it is wanting.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 16 (1d100)

the last option was intriguing... Just walk past them, they are already dead.
I mean, yeah they are undead vampires... but I am still wondering, what does it really means
If I want to make an assumption.
We have a dragon and an army at our heels.

One or the other would finish them, if Adok didnt do so before us.
They're not dead, yet.
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“By the Ancestor Gods!” Roared Adok as he raised his hammer into the air, “Feel the wrath of Dwarfen Runes!”

Upon the declaration the hammer slammed into the rocky floor of Castle Mousillon. The material quickly shattered under the strength of the blow, leaving behind a Rune of Oath & Steel upon the ground infront of him.

Lucian felt his flesh tighten and the armor become even heavier as he advanced towards the two Grail Knights. The other two were in motion against him with their blades seeking a weakened joint. One of them had shouldered a broad sword carried in both his hands while his fellow swung about a bastard sword which was partnered with a shield.

There was no surprise as the shield user took the blow from Lucian’s scythe, giving to the broadsword user a good range to swing down his mighty weapon upon the neck of Lucian. A good decapitation strike that would lead to the death of the leader and the routing of the plague infested army away from their plague infested fortress.

But the Rune of Oath & Steel was there. It glowed upon the rocks and also the armor that Lucian wore. As single square Rune, an impenetrable defense, showed as the blow slammed into the back of Lucian. The attack however did not buckle, it did not move, for the Runecraft of the Dwarfs was a mighty thing which would not be sundered by a mere stroke of the executioner’s blade.

“Hehe, fools!” Declared the Dwarf as he slammed his hammer upon the ground once more, “The Wrath of Dwarfen Gods is our mighty wall! Now feel our bite.”

An arrow appeared in the stone and the hand of Lucian, the Knight soon moving through the air like a breeze much to the surprise of the two White Grail Knights who he was fighting. The Scythe within a single second was taken from the broken shield and swung at the higher Knight’s neck.

There was no need for any more magics, only the slamming of the weapon into the neck of the warrior. The Rune of Smiting, the same Great Rune which ordained legendary arms of Dwarf Slayer Kings, flickered to life. The body of the Grail Knight exploded into ash as Lucian swept the blow.

Then, as if all that was holding him up was gone, the shield bearing Grail Knight collapsed upon the ground.
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“How did he die?” Lucian asked as he faced the Dwarf in confusion, “I did not strike a clear hit upon him!”

Adok had the same confusion in his eyes as he looked down upon the fallen Knight. Then, after glancing at the now dimming corpse, he asked of Lucian, “Take off his helm.”

The Black Knight did as he was asked as quickly, revealing nothing underneath.

As Lucian kneeled to look over the body closer he spoke, “He's untouched. Why is he dead!?”

“Aye, that's because he's not.” Adok said as he took the stone he was carrying and tossed it upon the corpse of the stricken Knight.

A sudden transformation happened before their eyes as the corpse decayed like it was from ages past. The winds of shysh flowing through the air as the illusion of a Mighty Grail Knight dissipated to show a truly ravaged man underneath it revealing a red scarred face of a man who clearly was not blessed by the Gods. The Red Pox of the Skaven had leaped into his flesh had have given him so many blubos that it was a terrifying sight to behold to any who still had mortal flesh. A reminder of how close they were to death’s door now that the plague was upon them.

Lucian rose as he watched it all happen before his eyes, “By the Gods.”

“These are no normal men.” Admitted Adok as he spat on the corpse, “He reaks of foul magic. Something powerful is infesting the body of these Knights.”

“If these… fakes are dying from the plague, do you think there will be many more in our way?” Lucian asked Adok as he gave a prayer to Morr for the fallen.

“If they were able to then they would have fought you when you arrived.” Adok pointed out with some good reason in his voice, “So, do we try to find the striken or challenge that Duke?”

As Lucian rose with the Runed Stone so that he could give it back to Adok, he could taste the winds of magic in the air. Something big was about to happen, being carried to them by the wind.

>Challenge the Duke!
>Seek out the fallen Grail Knights
>Go outside
>Challenge the Duke!
>Go outside
Guys something is up

Go Outside
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The two of them made their way deeper into the Castle. The pathway was devoid of both the dead and the living, with no one mounting a final defence of their Duke. The dozen White Grail Knights who had been protecting the man were gone, and Lucian could guess that the Peasantry who were living had died when the plague had struck them.

Such was the foolishness of Evil. To willingly consort with the most foul entities that brought about the destruction of their own was something that Lucian expected now. As he understood, the most stupid of this was considering the Skaven even a halfway trustworthy ally in all of this.

The Grail Chapel, perhaps because of the folly of the man who built it, was one of the many rooms that were joined within the Castle. Such an action might have seemed to be sacrilege to those who followed the Lady but the idea that the man was the Husband of the Lady gave him as good an excuse as any to host it within.

Lucian knew that they arrived when the two of them arrived at a pair of massive doors with the grail etched and painted upon the great doors themselves. He reached forward and snared the handles with his armored hands, ripping them apart to open the doorway and allow the dead air that was within to wash over him.

There were bodies everywhere. The corpses of all people, let them be man or Skaven, were strung out around the walls underneath the ornate and decorated colored glass windows. The man had transformed a Chapel into a mass grave, the sickness of death brushed upon Lucian. The winds of Shysh were strong in this room.

Lucian walked through the cathedral and towards the foremost walls of the Chapel. There, in the middle of what looked to be a bloody rite of damnation, was a Grail which still shone with unblemished golden white light.

Next to it, sitting in a wooden chair that was remarkably less luxurious than the Grail itself, was a Knight whose own armor appeared to be made from blackened Steel. Lucian noticed that the black cloth he wore was not because it was dyed as such, but that it had become blackened thanks to all the blood which soaked into his cloth.

This man was Duke Maldred of Mousillon, diseased and dying upon a wooden throne next to his relic of power.
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The world outside dimmed as the sitting man stirred.

“You…” The man said as he raised his helm towards Lucian, “You are too late, fool. Too late to stop what you have put into motion because of this betrayal.”

“If there is a traitor to Bretonnia it would be you, Duke Maldred.” Lucian told the man with enough conviction that it proved to all the living that it was true, “You are playing with foul magics of Shysh, touched not by Morr but by Nagash! You threatened to bring down Bretonnia as the Vampires of Nagash seek to take the Empire!”

“If that is what you believe.” The man answered as he moved slightly towards the edge of his seat, “Those magics are what will save us from them! The fools had thought that I would simply allow them the crown of Bretonnia when it was rightfully mine! I am its Royarch!”

“A Royarch who uses the Skaven of all creatures against your own people.” Lucian declared another piece of evidence as he drew his scythe, “And these are no Grail Knights you have made! They are swimming with the magics of Shysh so thick that any would mistaken it for light!”

“They are my Champions!” He fought back against his feebleness by slowly standing upon his feet, “I shall cut you down oh cretin! Black Knight, I shall take your head!”

Lucian did not bother talking anymore. As the man balanced a sword in his hands he was no longer a mere fool but an armed man. He had allowed his arrogance to overlook those who had not power, and so he did not give the Duke another second to think as he charged forward and swung his scythe.

A second later, the being who was Duke Maldred was reduced to ashes. The blow not even needing to touch his body with how weak it had become. Purified by the sheer aura of a true Grail Knight was enough to wash away the corruption that was holding the man together.

Then, as Lucian stood next to it, Adok had thrown the rock that he was carrying into the Grail. As it drifted to the bottom the illusion was lifted to reveal a black and golden body that was decorated with ornate bones and blood gems across the whole body of it.

As the outside became as dark as night, the Grail Knight took the artifact of mockery and stowed it upon his person.

“This is not yet the end.” Lucian announced as he saw purple light begin leaking from the windows, “The fool, we need to get outside!”
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The two of them were quick on their feet as the world became near complete darkness except for the leaking purple light. So strong was the wind of Shysh now, with all the death that was around them, that they could physically see as the winds drifted through the chambers. That purple light that leaked from the cracks in the castle swept through the chamber, becoming more and more like a hurricane as the magic seeped into the land itself.

Adok was cursing under his breath to the gods as they came into the final chamber before escaping outside. There they saw him, the Grail Knight which they had revealed to be a fraud, standing once more as if he was filled with life once again. Now though, instead of the white witchfire that danced upon them was a purple so dark that it would be called Black to those who witnessed it in person.

The Black Grail Knight glanced at the two of them for a moment, then opened the doors.

The Black Grail Knight had opened the doors to hell.

Across the battlefield where they were certainly going to win was instead a massive rebound of fortunes. The Winds of Shysh, under the possession of Nagash, had swept through the corpses of those who had fallen from Plague and Battle. Eased back onto their feet with unnatural powers that were beyond their own, they attacked the still living Knights who had pledged to fight under Lucian’s banner even when disease ravaged their bodies.

The Lance which was led by Gillot had been blunted by the sudden onslaught. The others who had joined him were similarly tortured as they fought to keep the living dead from tearing them off their horses. The great Dragon Satharifax fought for his life with torches of flame decorating the scene as those whose flesh he turned to ash walked again as charred skeletons.

Among all of them was Bok, once more defending his Skink as the Lizard fought against the magic itself.

When Lucian looked up, he could see it. He saw the very sun which had damned the civilization of Nehekhara and was here to do the same. Blacking out the sky with what must have been the manifestation of Nagash’s own magic was the Sun of Xereus.

Underneath the sun of death manifest was a warrior who wore red and black armor. His face already bloodied from a fresh victim of his hunger, a creature of darkness hung in the air.

Lucian felt his blood curdle as he saw this man, for his blood knew who he was. He was the man who had slaughtered so many of his people in times past and had threatened the lands of Aquitaine with his madness.

Only in legend was his name known to Lucian. He was the Scourge of Aquitaine, the Blood-Kissed Duke, but Lucian knew him from what the Peasants called him.
The Red Duke, whose armor was dyed with the blood of his people.
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As the Duke hanged in the air he waved his hands across the realm, calling upon it all the dark magics that Duke Maldred had been attempting to capture selfishly for himself. He controlled the magics as easily as he flew above their heads upon a demented dragon made from the flesh of those who had fallen on his way towards Mousillon. A dreadful creature that was not a dragon, but instead a form of a dragon made from the numerous limbs of both peasants and knights.

Lucian watched as the Grail Knight who died from the plague was swept up by an equally as deathless pegasus whose flesh had melted off of its bones. Soon across all the windows and doorways of the Castle did the Black Grail Knights make their way into the sky at the behest of their new master.

Each of them were a dreadful kind of undead, Lucian could tell. Where the Lady gives a piece of herself to purify and knit the human soul into something so much more, these were the men who were corrupted by the Black Grail of Nagash! For who else would be as devious as creating a relic as mighty and perverted as the one that hung at the belt of Lucian.

There were twelve of them, twelve Black Grail Knights of Nagash who now guarded the Red Duke arisen. These men were those whose souls were capable enough to not only sucker from the Black Grail, but stand the reanimation at the behest of the most evil Duke in all of Bretonnian history.

>Charge the Red Duke
>Organize the Retreat
>Charge the Red Duke
>Organize the Retreat
>Stand your ground
>Charge the Red Duke
> Charge the Red Duke
>>Charge the Red Duke

and so the master mind of the undead in Brettonia reveal himself....
>Charge the duke
>Declare a challenge.

For honour you cur.
>that tiny chair
>>Organize the Retreat
Guys, no... unless the green knight manifests at this hour there is no hope. No crit 1 to save us here! If not for Lucian's life, do it for whoever is left with beating heart! Retreat!

Twelve Knights with their flying mounts and the Red Duke with a bone dragon too... not counting all the terror of the reanimated and the potent Sun of Xereus too.
We have the chalice, let's escape with it. Remember there are so many other dukes and fiefdoms, ready to be united against this OVERT threat, which was masked before.
Challenge them to a duel, call them gay if they refuse.

It is the knightly way.
I don't think retreat here is gonna do us any good either.
Vampires are not known to be honorable. Blood Knights are to a degree...With blood dragons at the top but I doubt the Red Duke will find Lucian worth of the honour of fighitng him.

Organize a Retreat

Alright you mad men, roll for me. Roll for Valor, the Lady, and Bretonnia!!
Rolled 59 (1d100)

For Valor, the Lady and Bretonnia!
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Rolled 14 (1d100)

Crit success!!!!!
That's good enough for me anon.
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“Adok.” The Grail Knight spoke as he took the grail from his side and handed it down to the Dwarf, “Keep this safe, destroy it if you can. These fools are my foes.”

The Dwarf’s eyes widened as he saw the grail come towards him, but he gave a short chuckle as he saw it, “Umgi, if you think a Dwarf is going to run when you’re going to stand here and fight, then your a greater fool than me!”

“Very well then.” Lucian said as he stowed the Black Grail upon his person once more, “Satharifax, to me! We fly to battle and death this day!”

The Dragon heard the man loudly and clearly. It used its immense weight to barrel through the numerous corpses that had been assembling themselves for battle. It was like an avalanche against corpses but those creatures held upon their persons so many different kinds of weapons upon them. Each of them going into his flesh as he went through them, some even imbedding themselves through the flesh of the drake.

“You wish to fly towards death itself?” The Dragon asked as he stood over Lucian with his head cowed, “That spawn of Chaos is in his apex!”

“If we do not challenge him, thousands will die at his hand until all of Bretonnia is a Graveyard for his Black Grail Knights and sycophants.” Lucian responded as he got to the Dragon’s side, “You surely know that if we allow Chaos to march forward from here it will only grow stronger!”

The Sun Dragon looked upon his rider, the hesitation at throwing its long life for what would be a fleeting battle clearly written upon his face. Then, as he came to Lucian’s reason, the Dragon lowered his neck, “We take as many of them as we can with us.”

“We are not flying to fight them all.” Lucian informed the Dragon as he mounted the creature’s back, “It flows in my blood now, what it means to be a Bretonnian. Not even immortality can rob one of what their blood tells them.”

With those words Satharifax took to the skies above. Under the sunless sky where everything was lit with the purple taint of Shysh, Lucian was like a green comet going against it. Everyone, let they be living man or undead, looked to the skies as the comet of green, black, and gold went forward to challenge a Blood Dragon.
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As he approached towards them he felt his blood screaming. The fear and terror that should have been wiped from him was still there. A part of mortality that the Lady’s blessing would never remove. The blood of his past and the facts of his life before this moment were pressing down upon him more and more as the Knight ascended towards the Vampire Duke.

But as they came closer and closer. That they reached a point where Lucian could clearly make out the heraldry of each corrupted Black Grail Knight, that another feeling came upon him. He felt like he was becoming something that every Bretonnian, every man wished to become.

For years he had dreamed for this. As a boy Lucian had fought with his brothers and sisters in play, imagining themselves as Knights on a Quest towards that would save the realm. Where every night they would be told stories of Gilles and Louen, those Kings who had made and saved Bretonnia countless times.

Those legendary men, both of them blessed by the Lady herself, must have felt the same kind of fear that Lucian felt. The fear not of death, but of failure. That if they failed to complete this task that Bretonnia would fall into the hands of the darkness which hounded them at every turn.

It was a will of every knight, let them be the most impetuous Errant to the most mighty of Grail Knights. A will to face such terrors and act against the darkness which threatened them. To be the lance which pierced the very night itself and bring about the next day for all of Mankind.

The Black Grail Knight, before six to each side of the Bloody Red Duke, moved themselves between the Black Knight and the Vampire. Each of them were mighty warriors tricked into being damned, each of them having their very souls trapped into these vile corpses which forced them to fight against their country folk.

But Lucian knew that there was one thing a Bretonnia Knight, let they be alive, dead, or damned, would never lose their sense of.

His memory went back to the nameless Knight. He who had given Lucian his armor. The one who, even while forsaken, was willing to give the Peasant the chance to become a member of his family.

“Scourge of Aquitaine, Blood Kissed Duke,” The Black Knight called as he rasied his weapon. The words came to him as he spoke a name that was as ancient as the winds, “El Syf ash-Shml!”

He noticed it. Upon speaking the name of the man his eyes now focused upon the Grail Knight. The Red Duke did not look upon Lucian as prey, but a challenge.

“I am the Durand, the Harbinger of Doom, and Champion of Morr!” The Knight spoke loudly so that all the world could hear him, “I, Lucian of Aquitaine, challenge you to a Duel! Face me, or may both the Gods of Order and Chaos know you have no honor!”
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Lucian had always dealt with this in his life.

For a peasant there was honor in being a peasant. A peasant was meant to work in the fields and produce all the goods for the Knights to consume. In doing so they honored their Knight and Village by fueling the furnaces of war needed to defend themselves. Many peasants would not see it like that, but many others knew that service to a Knight was so honorable that these mighty men would many times remember their names for their lives as good men.

When he became a Knight, Lucian could hardly make sense of it. It was a fight between having honor and a good concious it seemed. Simply speaking a foul name of another Knight was enough to bring the two to a duel, and even the two becoming parties in a feud that could last generations. The value of oaths and how they could easily ruin a man’s life.

But as he held the Scythe within his hands. As he saw the eyes of the Red Duke look upon him in widening surprise. When those whose unlives should have been bound to the Vampire looked towards him…

Honor was strength for those who held it. Honor was a way of life. Honor, righteousness, was something so powerful that it transcended the mortal coil of life and had become an aspect of the world.

And not even the dead or damned could ignore it.

“I,” The voice of the Vampire was spoken as his mouth was filled with teeth and the rotting blood of his victims spilled from every cavity and pore, “Duke El Syf ash-Shml, in the name of my sire Abhorash, accept your challenge. Now Die!”

And with those words the Duke brought a bloody lance into his hands and angled his dragon downwards. A wicked smile was drawn upon his face as he became a bloody red comet which threatened to strike at the heart of Lucian. And Lucian had no illusions that the Vampire could do so.

As he heard those words Lucian could not help but feel the moment. The running adrenaline and divine might that flowed through his veins. The now throbbing scream of Dregni, the Dine energies of the Lady, and the Blood of Morr.

He smiled, for never again in his life will a moment like this last.
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The two were quickly going for the other. Two lances that were trained for the other’s heart. If they were indeed the comets that all others witnessed them as, then their impact would destroy all the lands around them upon impact.

The Bloody Duke had in his arms a lance that was twice as long as he was. The weapon was made from a dying willow that had drank from the Great Vitae River before it was turned into the cesspool of poison and ruin that is the Great Mortis River. The weapon was caked in the blood of hundreds that the Red Duke had impaled at the end of the weapon.

Lucian’s weapon was forged by the Master Runesmith who was Adok Fireskin. Son of the Runelord of Karak A Karak and genius upon their kind. If any Dwarf was witness to the Great Rune that sat upon it they would realize that the Runesmith had done what many others failed to. That he had learned the many secrets from of the Ancestor Gods and would welcome him with open arms if only they had known of this achievement.

The two men, Champions of their Gods, charged at one another with the fury of thousands. Each of them almost possessed by the souls of those who were either cheering them on or had slain in their lifetimes.

Where the Black Knight had held his scythe back so that he could reap the zombie dragon, the Red Duke’s weapon was at his front. The Duke, a Dragon Slayer of many ages past, brought his weapon not at the man but the steed in which he rode. The weapon being easily driven into the chest of Satharifax as the two passed one another.

As Satharifax screamed in pain Lucian’s scythe was already in motion. Where he had witnessed the strike Lucian’s own came down. His simple though was to return the motion, bringing the Scythe down upon the neck of the undead beast made from dozens of corpses.

The Rune of Smiting flared, the blow instantly bringing death down upon the Dragon whose neck was cut into.

The two were no longer comets but meteors falling towards the earth. Both of them landed in a space in front of the castle, just before one reached the ruined forest.

>We fight on Steeds like true Bretonnians
>Fight on Foot!
>>We fight on Steeds like true Bretonnians
> Fight on Foot!
>Fight on foot.

Rest Satharifax. Our presence was your doom, but such is our nature
>>Fight on Foot!
I told you Honour and threat of homosexuality was gonna work.
Literally nothing beyond Honour will stay with a knight.
Yeah... vampires might be degenerates and live to succ and succ to live but they will never be gay
>>Fight on Foot!
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

I wanted to fight on a horse...
Rolled 50 (1d100)

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Pain flowed through Lucian’s body as he rose from the crash site. Upon his blackened armor was the dark red blood of vitae. The lifeblood of any creature and whose lost simply meant that their death was guaranteed.

A blessing of Morr it might have seemed, but it was not his blood that caked his armor.

The Red Duke had driven the Lance directly into the chest of Satharifax. The mighty dragon lying upon the ground in what must have been a great amount of pain. Yet it was to the vitality of a Dragon that even after losing such vital blood he was still alive and twitching. The Lance imbedded into his chest did not seem cursed, only a lance that was capable of piercing his scales.

So the Priest of Morr gave a prayer to him. It was the least the Knight could do for because the two of them crossed paths that the Dragon was now teetering on the door’s of Morr. It was a prayer that if Morr was to make a decision on the Dragon, that the decision was to be made swiftly. And, if it were to happen, that the beast be given a chance at eternal life either as a Servant of he or perhaps even the Lady’s service.

It was after this prayer, with the scythe once more within his hands, that the Knight of Bretonnia made his way towards where the Red Duke had fallen. Underneath the violet eclipse the Scourge of Aquitaine was already moving. Within his hand was a weapon which Lucian found it hard to settle his eyes upon.

A magical weapon, he realized. And it was a dangerous one at that as well.

There, in the open fields, did the two approach each other. The Black Grail Knights who served the Red Duke in death flew overhead like vultures looking for a carcass to harvest. It was not far off, Lucian reasoned, for they were waiting for him to fall so that they could reap the relics from his body and set about the conquest of Bretonnia with them in possession.

The two of them stopped, roughly ten steps away from one another. The sinister grin was decorated across the face of the Vampire as he balanced the blade in his hand, “You fight a good fight, Knight! There is shame that you fight not for yourself but for others. I would have made you into my child without another thought.”

“I see no greater honor than that.” Lucian answered the Vampire, “Face me, fiend, so that I can grant to you Morr’s mercy.”

“Very well!” He cheered while charging forward with a wicked grin upon his face.
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Lucian and the Red Duke charged into one another with blades already in motion. The streaks of green witchfire and violet miasma flowed through the air like torchlights dancing upon the meadows.

Lucian had opened first, for he had the reach with the scythe to do so, swinging towards the neck of the Vampire and granting to him a quick death. The creature was quick to react, taking his sword into a guard that rebounded the blade in a flash of golden light.

Lucian tried to go for another strike but the Red Duke was already upon him. The Weapon motioned towards the armpit in an attempt to seek out the weakest point in Dwarfen armor. Lucian quickly brought the staff of his weapon down and slammed it into the extending arm of the Vampire that sounded with ringing steel. The creature, not feeling any pain as death had already taken him once, swung with an extended claw into the helm of Lucian.

The Vampire soon found though that the steel of Dwarf was a mighty thing. His nails scrapped the outside of the helm and any gripping he could get to grapple were yanked from his grasp as the Grail Knight brought his helm upwards. Lucian then motioned his weapon’s pummel into the chest of the Vampire, and though it dealt no damage it was enough to drive him back for another attempt at a slash.

The Blood Dragon allowed the strike to land right then, exposing his left shoulder to the blow. Perhaps he had wanted to test how the scythe worked against his armor or perhaps he did not think the polearm had enough to pierce him. He was proven wrong as the scythe dug into the winged pouldron and even bit his flesh. It was only to the failure that the Rune of Smiting did not flare that the Vampire survived the attack.

Yet surviving was all it needed.

As the world seemed to slow down Lucian paid witness to the blow. He watched as the blade the Vampire wielded, a weapon he somehow knew to be the Blade of Leaping Gold, began to split. It began at the blade and soon reached out to encompass all three whole arms and angles of attack. Each shined with golden light as Lucian realized he was facing what was a lethal trick.

>Tank the hits
>Run into his reach, slam his chest!
>Parry what can be parried
>A little side help would do
>the elf needs to stop being a lazy where.

She better shoot some arrows.
>Run into his reach, slam his chest!
Never let them know your next move
>Run to reach

Cant parry all three hits.
>>Run into his reach, slam his chest!
Rolled 36 (1d100)

>>Tank the hits
Rolled 98 (1d100)

fak your roll
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Look at this SUCCESS CRIT
Rolled 48 (1d100)

Because I feel like it.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

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As Lucian watched the blow come towards him there was only a split second to make a decision. This was in itself a thought, which went through his mind as his body began moving itself forward into the Bloody Duke.

Just like a polearm where the superior range of the weapon was in itself a weakness from attack, the sword suffered from it as an attack was committed. And when Lucian saw where each attack was coming, and on the assumption that a magical trick like this was in itself a trick and not a feint on top of it, he closed in within between where the blade was held.

The concussive blow sounded with the clatter of steel as Lucian rammed his shoulder into the Red Duke. El Syf, the Vampire Fiend, found that his magical attack was shattered as reality was meant to balance one more event ontop of his attempt to pierce every point of his foe. It was a solid blow to his chest that caused his undead body to flow with the blow and attempt to stay upon his feet.

The Black Knight needed to be quick upon his feet so that he could score a blow. The scythe already moving with the head only inches from the Knight’s hand. El Syf quickly brought his left arm up and had the blow intercepted by it.

Lucian could smell as dark red blood of those killed was burnt upon the scythe. Once again he was robbed of the activation of the Scythe, where the Rune of Smiting would not flare and rid the world of the undead. Or, perhaps in this foul Sun of Xereus, the Rune was robbed of such a vital property.

Where Lucian was able to land a blow the quick golden slither leaped towards Lucian. This time not as Magic but as a simply blow into the side of the Knight.

Lucian knew that he could not relent now. Not when the magic was shown and that allowing the Red Duke to recover would give him the chance to summon the magics again. So he slammed his fist into the fast of the creature with a meaty thunk that felt like hitting a brick wall. Yet when Lucian heard the burning of flesh he knew that there was something there.

Yet when he punched there the fiend quickly moved, this time drawing back the blade so that the tip was level with his chest and shoving it towards the chest of Lucian. The blow was quickly stopped as Lucian brought his own arm forward and received it against the metal.

He expected to receive it cleanly, but it was not the failure of Dwarfen Metal but the leaping gold which the blade moved swiftly to strike Lucian in the elbow joint. He gave not hint of pain though as he brought the scythe down towards the back behind the Red Duke to try and get a blow in that way.

The Duke slammed his left fist into the extending arm, the wound not able to disable the flesh of an undead ruler.
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Here, as close as he could to the Red Duke, Lucian fought against him in raptious flurries and cracks of steel. There was little room for anything as the two of them took blow after blow from one another.

The Red Duke was fast, a Vampire Lord whose ability was far above that of man. He swung his weapon in such a way that it had cut into the flesh of Lucian three times. One of those was a chopping behind the legs of the Grail Knight, the next was a blow into the shoulders right underneath the pauldron, and another was a wearing blow which dug into the Dwarfen plate just barely.

Where the Duke had issues fighting against the Grail Knight, where the very flesh of Lucian was enough to burn the taint of corruption from this very world, there was no issues for Lucian.

The Knight had slammed his fist into the face of the Vampire twice, each one scoring a blow which caused the vampire to grumble in pain. Another was when his scythe was digging into the flesh at the ribs. While the blow did not trigger the Smite or stab the undead’s heart, it was enough to give the vampire pain.

But the more and more they fought it was becoming less and less about using the scythe but instead his hands. Where Lucian was being worn by each of the blows, so was the undead. Where mortal weapons would have no hope of driving him back the flesh and arms of Lucian were. It was not the claws of a Vampire but the grapple of a Grail Knight which caused greater pain.

So Lucian went for it. A hand wrapping upon a pauldron of the Red Duke as the Duke went for a blow. Being so close the blow was not a lethal blow against Lucian. It had somehow snacked underneath his waste and into his pelvis, the blow stinging, but the Knight’s flesh still somehow kept him upright.

Lucian’s other hand reached forward and grabbed the neck of the creature. His hand being like and axe which caused the vampire the greatest pain it could have. The scythe had dropped on the ground but it was too cumbersome for what was a full on wrestle against his assailant.

As Lucian’s other hand reached for his neck to join the other he felt numerous blows upon his back as the Vamprie Lord was in panic. Even Dwarfen made armor had its limits and soon Lucian felt his flesh peppered with blows as he tried to strangle the unlife from the creature.

Lucian could see it, the fear in the Red Duke’s eyes. The Rune of Dregni screamed at him as he achieved what so many Slayers wished that they could do. He just needed that little bit more time and then he could kill the fool where he stood.

Then, as sudden as death was, Lucian felt himself slammed with a wave of magic. It was not much, but the blow was enough to break his grip and give the fiend enough time to finally fall back.
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They were both bloodied pulps of meat and death. Lucian could feel a dozen injuries that should have been the death of him. Let it be the numerous cuts to his spine or the blows to his knees and pelvis. The Scythe of Ruin in his hands once again, it was just enough to let the Knight keep standing against the fiend who had done all of this to him.

The Red Duke was no different. His entire face was burnt with the burning light of Morr’s servant. A purifying effect that was amplified as Lucian’s blood fell upon the Vampire, the same blood that was mixed with Morr’s. He sported several cuts in his armor from the Scythe as it cleaved through the armor.

Both of them were ruined. Another moment’s brawling would have brought a victor but neither of them knew who they would be.

Lucian was willing to take that chance. To put his life in the hands of Morr and hope that death would come to El Syf instead of him. Yet the Knight accepted the truth that things might not have gone the way he wished for it to, but the was willing to have taken the chance.

The Vampire did not however.

“I…” He spoke not with the mightiness of a seasoned warrior or a monster but a worn down piece of flesh, “I tire of this farce!”

As he spoke the Black Grail Knights flew down from above. The earth trembled in fear as the twelve mighty warriors of Nagash placed themselves to the side of the Red Duke once more. But there Lucian noticed that they did not take another step more. Their eyes looking upon Lucian but not doing anything more.

“You fools!” The Vampire’s eyes glowed as he asserted control over the Black Grail Knights, “Do as I will! That is your Duty!”

Lucian could see it. There was hestitation as those Knights made their first steps. Their honors each being tarnished in death as the self-preservation of a Vampire’s instinct overtook his will of honors.

Yet in doing so the El Syf, Red Duke, Scourge of Aquitaine, Kin Slayer, broke his oath to the duel as witnessed by the Gods of both Chaos and Order. To do so in the Lands of Chivalry is but the greatest mistake one could make.

>Gillot kills him from behind for breaking his honor. This causes the undead Grail knights to be released and turn to dust.

>Thus it is Gillots achievement and he gets royarch for it.

>We continue to live as the hero unknown. And we go to invade the empire to save it from the undead threat they face.

>>Go for the decapitation, while being skewered by the Knight's lances their will finally overwritten by the Duke's Necromancy.
>>The Berserker is pleased as Lucian throws away his life to slay the foe
>>The Lady is pleased as Lucian upholds his knightly vows
>>Morr the bro welcomes him, after breaking the undead, never fearing his death.

>>>>>The rune gets cranked up to eleven thousand and the duke is now a fuming, still standing headless corpse with the knights but a stain on the ground. And Lucian's remains nowhere to be seen...
>"I remember my Tutors lessons, Honour is a coin more valuable than gold. And you have wagered it poorly, that you have none left to spend."

>Knights crumple or turn their lances of the Duke, who probably kills them swiftly and effortlessly by blade or severing their magics.
>I'm fine to go for Mutual Kill, Decapitation while distracted, or Gilliot being a smug prick and going for the calvery charge to kill steal. Because an honourless animal is only fit to be ridden down

Thats my proposed climax.
Our death is setting appropriate and leaves the rest of britonnia to the hands of those we leave behind.
Our victory is inevitable, by the law of chivalry
Of note here, this isnt 40k. Khorne does properly honour his domain of honourable combat. So he probably isnt very happy that a bloodnight, especially if he is angry at Nagesh, just threw aside all of his to survive.
May invoke retribution
Remaining unknown lol. That cant happen after all he did

>The Red Duke uses all the magics in the air for transform himself in an even stronger vampire creature further empowered by the Great Necromancer, yet some of his Black Grail Knights do the unthinkable : they attack him and their fellows, the wound to chivalry and honor so great that it breaks the vampire lord control on them.
>This gives Lucian time to rise again and take back his Scythe.... and he can feel the true strength of Morr, The Lady and Grimnir flow through him despite his grevious wounds
>The now monstrous El Syf charges at Lucian, his broken armor and now mutated body decorated by his fallen servants. The last part of their duel is thunderous and leaves great scars across the land, but Lucian prevails cutting the Red Duke head and limbs, and his Scythe leaves a wound at the very soul of the Vampire giving a broken slave to the Necromancer instead of a great warrior of unmatched might.
>The Golden Blade remains stuck in the chest of Lucian, has his companions and friends rally to him for mourn him including Gillot. But suddenly a murder of crows arrive from the sky and then from a sudden mist, the Green Knight himself alongside Wolfmar and Alabera the Golden appear !
>The Green Knight speaks of the honor of Lucian and deems him worthy of being his equal, another champion of the gods. The murder of crows place on top of his helm a laurel of victory, while another takes a piece of Satharifax own heart and places it inside the mouth of the knight. Then with the blessing of Wolfmar and Alabera, Lucian rises has the Golden Blade falls from his chest on the ground, rusting to dust. His armor and Scythe morph, has he gains all the aspects of his patron deity. From now on he shall be known has Lucian the Death Knight, Adopted Son of Morr, The Scythe of Chivalry.
>He gives his goodbye to his friends and companions, and leaves alongside the murder of crows, the Green Knight, Wolfmar and Alabera in to the mist.
>Afterwards thanks to this great victory, Gillot, Adok, Tyny and Bok followed by the Albionians and Brettonians free Brettonia and bring war to the undead in the Empire. Lucian the Death Knight appears alongside the Green Knight during this war, has the Von Carstein are broken, slayed in great numbers and forced to flee to the east.
>Adok would return to his home, now welcomed has great hero and given ample resources and support. Tyny and Bok would restablish a new enclave of lizardmens in Albion for aid the Old World against Chaos and Undead alike. Gillot would become Royarch, and establishing a great alliance and friendship between Brettonia, Albion, the Dwarfs and The Empire. He would earn the "Noble" title, has inspired by his friends, he would be one of the best rulers of Brettonia.
>Verac Castle and his village, with the approval of both Royarch Gillot and the Morrite Church would be transformed in a new great sanctuary to Morr, while also receiving chapels to the Lady and Grimnir. Across the old world, the Morrite Church would elevate Lucian giving him the deserved respect, the knight earned for become a direct servant of Morr
>Satharifax own body would be given a great tomb in Verac and be deeply honored across Brettonia. In Albion the new King, would create a sanctuary on the island of beasts for instead the friend of Satharifax, Mournifax so that dragon could be honored too.
I would also put Truffles and Nightshade bodies in Verac
I dint think he is dead yet.

The wound may not even be mortal.
Personally I am against anything that makes Lucian unknown or unexistant. Lucian was already known by many when he was just a peasant boy that managed to survive against a full pack of direwolves and a vampire, with just Truffles following him.

Is genuily ridicolous having him be suddenly nobody and his kill stolen (when instead could be Gillot and Adok helping him for example, i don't really know whats with this obsession of having Gillot be better than Lucian through the quest. They should be equals), after becoming even more of a legend and being a dragon riding Grail Knight with the powers of Morr and Grimnir, and having brought the army of another kingdom for help his homeland (he saved said Kingdom and convinced a god to not have his pet keep isolating a whole kingdom. Pretty sure that classifies has very famous material).
Being unknown would be weird as shit. He is a grail knight.

But Gilliot Hopping in is twofold reasoning. Giving him the capacity to claim kingship, the right call of action as it were. And evokes back to our previous, incredibly similar situation with the warboss, and gives him a chance to do it better.

But maybe I should have clarified on an earlier post about making it a "Symultanious blow" again.
But yeah, setting him up for the throne is the play, because Lucien isnt a king. He is a harbringer of doom and a Heir of Ruin.
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The Black Grail Knights approached. Mighty warriors in each of their own rights who had been tricked into supping from a false grail. Their foolishness was drawn upon their faces as those exposed to Lucian appeared to have rotted heavily from the plague of Red Pox which had spread into their ranks.

Spirit lights of violet danced in their rotten eye sockets as they surrounded the Grail Knight. Upon their steeds the warriors could have easily ran the Black Knight down but instead they each took their commands with as much looseness as it could. Lucian had no doubt that they were being hammered by all sides by the will of a powerful vampire and the Lord of Undead himself biting at their heels.

Lucian did not fall back through. He did not flee from them as he was encircled by the legendary warriors who each were enough to bring down dukedoms and any kingdom in the border princes. He soon found his footing and lifted the scythe from the ground, raising the weapon against those who were to betray their own oaths and honor for the first of what will be a great many times.

“You do not get a choice to resist me!” Growled the Red Duke as he lifted his hand and possessed one of them with the greatest amount of his will, “Bring his head!”

Bonded to damned masters the Black Grail Knight raised his lance towards Lucian who held firm. He could not resist what he was meant to be, not as a creation by this creton of a sorcerer had anything to do about it. The lance was pointed directly into the head of Lucian which for the Black Armored Grail Knight was the best thing he could hope for.

He knew that he did not have enough strength to parry a Lance whose wielder was at full gallop, so Lucian brought his left arm in a deflect and allowed the blow to be received there. The lance had pierced the worn Dwarfen armor and went clear through. Yet Adok’s creation was just strong enough to rob the blow of all its force and allowed Lucian to twist around so that he wrenched his arm out of the blow.

And like that, the blood of the betrayed fell upon the grass. A gust of wind which felt like ancient magics brushed against Lucian, causing him to turn with all the others. It had come from the nearby forest, its dead branches.

Coming from the forest was a being from legends.

He was a spectral figure who was imposing to all who looked upon him. His helm being one from a time before the current one and with a tri-banner carried upon his back. His steed was as massive as he was, a beast who could run over a thousand men and still keep going.

At the dishonor witnessed by Gods of both Chaos and Order, their hands were forced to allow his entry. The Green Knight of Bretonnia began his charge.
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The Black Grail Knights stood as paralyzed as the Red Duke as they all looked upon a legend come to life. Many even among the nobility wondered if the Green Knight was a true Legend or instead a stand in for the heroic Grail Knights of old. As each of them witnessed a once in an era charge against their own lines the Black Knights were stunned.

Then, with a sneer, a wordless command was given to each of them. A glowing light from the Red Duke sent each of them to flight upon their mighty steeds so that they would avoid the land bound Green Knight. A sneaky tactic which had only dishonored the men further as they began to circle the Green Knight like vultures.

Yet soon after another light escaped from the forest. Quickly running as if the daemons of chaos were upon her, a maiden riding a horse of divine beauty came charging from the deathly forest and raised a horn into the air. Bringing what was a dreadful horn to her lips the raven haired maiden Albera blew upon the Falcon-Horn of Fredemund.

An ear piercing scream came from the horn that carried itself throughout the entire lands. So loud was it that Lucian was forced to cover his ears as the call to arms that had just been sounded. He looked back up, wondering to whose souls this rally was meant for, then he saw them.

Where the skies were a void of life and not a single bird was amongst them, suddenly from all corners of the world did the hordes of birds come. Lucian watched as the undead Black Grail Knights who had taken themselves to the sky had suddenly become accosted by what must have been every single bird in Bretonnia. Each of them were attacked with beasts picking at their eyes or at loose tissue.

It was only after taking in the surreal sight that Lucian realized that every single bird was a Raven.

Suddenly accosted the Black Grail Knights were sent to ground, where their kind faced the fury of an inflamed Green Knight. It did not matter whether they were upon a Griffin or Pegasus, for the Green Knight simply charged their flanks and went over them as an unstoppable will of the Lady’s might.

Perhaps it was the Vampire’s will, but two of those Black Grail Knights were still able to stay within the air. Soon one threw himself near the maiden in an attempt to drive a lance through her heart and stop what was happening.

Yet again the forest birthed a new figure. This one rushing at a now even faster speed than the maiden was a tall figure with the golden glow of a true Grail Knight. Sir Galandril rammed his lance into the pegasus mount of the Black Grail Knight, driving him into the ground as he protected his maiden.
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Lucian found his body moving without his thoughts for there was no need for it. The Rune of Dregni screamed for him to complete the task. Slowly but surely Lucian walked his ragged body across the land as he felt his control in the left arm disappear. He stared as the now panicking Red Duke as the Vampire looked upon Lucian with new found fear and confusion.

He knew that now his fate was sealed. None could run from the Green Knight and live, and with the winds above their heads covered in Ravens there was no way to escape into the skies. Yet he was still a Vampire and with a raising of his hands the ground next to him began to shimmer as dirt was transformed into bone.

Rising out of the dirt was a steed, a mighty one whose spirit had seen more lands than even Lucian. The Red Duke brushed his hand across the back of El Morzillo and threw himself onto the back of it. As he did so violet witchfire flared the steed accepted his rider once more from the deepest parts of a spirit.

Then he broke into a charge, but this was not one to flee, but instead a charge right for Lucian. Before any fear the Red Duke might have felt was his anger at the Black Knight for what he had put the Vampire through. The humiliation of what was an admitted defeat and now being put low by none other than the Green Knight.

The Red Duke needed a victory and seeked it from the blood of Lucian.

Lucian did not step away from the blow. As he witnessed the dozen miracles that came across the realm there was no reason to. Even if he died here and now the blow against evil itself would be so great that Bretonnia would get victory from it.

>>Pick and choose multiple, we are at the finally
>One stroke, one kill
>The Lance Arrives *Gillot comes to help*
>No more dishonor from you *An arrow strikes home*
>The magic breaks
>>The magic breaks

I have no idea what "Pick and choose multiple, we are at the finally" exatly means but I want these two
>One stroke, one Kill
>The Lance Arrives.

Die like an ork
>One stroke, one kill
>The Lance Arrives *Gillot comes to help*
Yeah to come full circle is a fitting end. Shows both Lucian and Gillot have grown/character development.

For me, Gillot being a prince means he is better destined for ruling and being the next Royarch, while we are something out of legend.

I think where last time with the war boss we couldn’t agree to share and so neither of us profited, in this way we share and prove we have changed. Gillot has performed a deed worthy to be the Royarch and has the pedigree that other nobles will accept. Lucian knows he was a peasant and doesn’t have ambition for leading. I think Lucian would be happy to just get back to doing Morr’s will (and hang out with that priestess- I forget her name). Maybe some other reveal from Truffles to find out why he was so blessed and saved us from the vampire initially.
>>One stroke, one Kill
>>The Lance Arrives.
>based support
>QM you better let us marry Albera and have Grail kids.
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The Red Duke’s steed charged down the plains as he lifted his sword up high. As the creature’s lance was still impaled into the stomach of the fallen Satharifax, he was forced to use a much lesser weapon for the charge to bring down Lucian. It was in effect, to the advantage of Lucian, for like many times before the Knight had the advantage in reach.

Across from him the battle between the Green Knight and the Black Grail Knights could be seen. Each of them trying their damndest to bring to death a legendary hero of epocs past. Outnumbered, the Green Knight still kept fighting against the epic heroes of death who were together an equal to the Spirit of Bretonnia.

Here Lucian stood, his Scythe raised into the air, with the fate of Bretonnia in his one working hand. Whether or not the strike would land was a deciding factor to whether Bretonnia would gain a grievous scar or if death was upon them all.

Fifty, thirty, twenty. These were the yards crossed by the Duke as he brought his steed into full gallop against Lucian. His sword poised for a strike at the Knight’s heart, it would prove to pierce both the Knight’s armor and heart. It was in a sense a gamble but the Vampire knew that in the end he had the advantage against a wounded knight, Grail Knight or not.

As the final yards came, Lucian could see the blood red eyes of the vampire. As his weapon came about with the aim towards the neck of the Vampire who caused so many problems for Bretonnia as the bringer of vampirism, the Ravens in the sky parted.

As if carried by rays of light were a group of Knights on white steeds. Each of these pegasus were of pristine condition that they were but bringers of light. Within almost all of their hands were Lances that were the length of their steeds decorated with blue and gold. One of them even carried within his hand a banner of Bordeleaux to which all of them hailed.

At the front of them was however one who renounced the Lance. Within his hands was not the pristine Lance of a Realm Knight but a sword. As the sword glowed a sinister blue in the light of Shysh, the Knight wielding it did not waiver as he brought the Lance of the Sky down upon he who abhorred light.

El Syf was witness and had twisted his body to witness it. Surprise written upon his face as the Ravens of Morr had hidden from him and Nagash the final deathstroke. As Lucian stood there acting as the Shield of Bretonnia its Lance was brought down upon the fool who challenged it.

Like an Orc Warboss, the Scythe of Lucian wrapped around the Red Duke’s neck and began cutting it as the Sword of Gillot pierced his undead heart. The weight of the Pegasus and Knight drove the scythe though the undead’s neck just as the scythe kept the vampire still enough that the magical sword went through his armor.

El Syf, killer of his brother Duke Louis the Just of Aquitaine, died under a sky of Ravens.
let's go
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The death of its Necromancer caused those of the dead to shutter and begin to fall.

The Castle Mousillon, forever tainted by the Necromancy which was performed within its walls, began to falter. Those undead who had arisen upon the arrival of the Red Duke turned to ash as they each were cut off by their supply of magical strings holding them each together.

At the hooves of the Green Knight’s steed were several Black Grail Knights, each of them cut down with impunity as the magical shackles both keeping them alive and bound were shattered. Before they could all be cut down to a man however the remainder began to take flight into the skies above through even the Ravens. For they were the undead and in truth could go wherever the masters of the winds could not.

They fled because the Red Duke was only their immediate Lord. Though honorable, each of them were damned to their new Master. And he was a greedy selfish creature who would not allow such precious warriors to be cut down so easily.

Five of them escaped.

When the Ravens disappeared from whence they came Lucian saw in the sky a Rune the size of which equaled the Sun of Xereus. With a final impact that was felt by a hammer blow, the sun was banished back to the realms of the Supreme Necromancer to be used against the next era.

Quickly Lucian collapsed upon his knee. He could barely stay standing as the vitality gifted to him as both a bearer of the Rune Dregni and a Grail Knight left him with the wind. He could feel the sun piercing his armor and singe the deep incisions, cuts, and bruising that were all about his body.

Then, the light of the sun disappeared from him as a figure sitting upon a pegasus stood above him.

“You stole my kill again.” Answered Gillot, once Prince of Bordeleaux with a petulant stare, “That might have been my only chance to become a Grail Knight.”

“Even as a Black Knight, I cannot give you that kill.” Lucian answered as he looked up towards the Duke, “It was done in the name of Morr, none shall mistake it.”

In that the Questing Knight finally broke a smile, “Then we share it, along with all the glories that were won today. That the Bards from every church, tavern, and brothel, shall speak of the deeds done here today. How righteous we were that the Green Knight sallied forth to bless us.”

“I can do that.” Answered Lucian as Gillot helped the Knight up.

The two of them turned, caught by the wind, to the Green Knight who stood next to the Maiden of the Lady and a fellow Grail Knight. The Spirit of Bretonnia and Chivalry gave a nod to the two warriors, soon disappearing into the dead forest from whence he came.
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>Vie for Kingship
>Dukedom of Aquitaine
>Wander the Lands
So Lucian becomes King, a Duke or....
>Wander the Lander
We have oaths to fulfill no? A dwarf needs to be delivered back to their kar. And someone has to be around to tard-wrangle the mess that will be Albion with the news of their king's death and the succesion... and there are so undead to put to rest
Should point out to everyone, no matter what Lucian is going to the Empire to try and stab Vlad von Carstein.
>>Wander the Lands
Find more undead to kill, more nagash artifacts to destroy
>Wander the lands.
Harbinger of Doom does not rest.
> Wander the Lands (with Albera)

We’re like this generation’s green knight. A living legend, harbinger of ruin. As mentioned above I think we’d be happy to support Gillot being the king. We might like to be a duke one day but surely Morr and The Lady have more use for us to travel around and thereby spread their fame.
>We’re like this generation’s green knight.
We just saw him... he was right there
>>Wander the Lands
Courtly love involves bringing her the heads of chaos champions.
>Wander the Lands (with Albera)
I luv me wife, Albera

Pretty Unanimous it seems. Would have thought you'd all be going for the Dukedom in my opinion.
We're really earlier on our inmortal life. There's enough time for us to kick the shit around the realm before settling down
Eh. We could. Lucien, despite hickups, is a clever and adept man with a heart for chivalry and an abiding love of Morr.

I think we discarded honour once? To use a sneak attack against skaven and necromancers.
But a wandering hero and our paticular brand of "kill the evil we find" make us a better wanderer.
But I dont think we ever want to go on the sea again.
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When the forces of the Dukedoms rebelling against Duke Maldred’s rule arrived at the Castle Mousillon, they were horrified to witness what had come to their realm. Under their very noses numerous forces of Chaos had been building themselves in an attempt to take over their realm and if not stopped by the actions of a single Grail Knight then the crisis would have brought Bretonnia under the dominion of Nagash.

The scars of betrayal ran deep for the Dukes of Bretonnia. Where the source of the corruption had been severed some of the Duke had sided with the Malefactor that was Maldred d’ Mousillon. It was a sudden and grevious change for many of those who had committed this offense, and with the truth of the matter revealed to them, three of the fourteen Dukes who ruled over Bretonnia had quickly renounced their titles to become Questing Knights in penance of their actions.

In this chaotic times that would be known as the Affair of the False Grail were yet to be over. From where the Duke was brought down the army which had besieged Castle Mousillon was kept alive with three Grail Knights at its head. An army which was already filled with the renown of slaying not just a traitorous Duke but the Vampire known as the Red Duke drew both Questing Knights and Knight Errants to their Grail Banner.

Under the authority of Royarch Gillot of Bordeleaux, killer of the Jabberwock and the Red Duke, an Errantry War was declared against the forces of Chaos that were trying to strike from the Empire.

In less than a year the Errants brought to the Vampire Counts their Lances and slayed them at the heart, ending with the siege at the Blackstone Fortress, did the vampires and necromancers who had taken residence at the Castle be killed once again with assistance from Karak Ziflin.

From there one of the Grail Knights broke off with his own Lance of Errants towards the Empire. Where the other two were forced to remain in Bretonnia to clear it of traitors and scum this Knight joined the forces of the Empire to drive back the Vampire Counts.

It was said that when the Knights first arrived was the first time that the Empire discovered the immortality of Vlad von Carstien as he died to the blade of a glowing Knight of Morr. It was rumored that the Morrtarian Knight had died, along with the Grand Theogonist, to finally bring to Morr the Vampire Vlad von Carstein.
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Bretonnia had to take time to heal from the Affair of the False Grail. At its helm was the Royarch Gillot of Bordeleaux, renamed Gillot d’ Aquitaine as the Grail Knight took ownership of Aquitaine and turned it into the seat of power for his court.

He ruled from Castle Aquitaine for a great many years for he had the vitality of a Grail Knight. As a Ruler he was just to all people who lived under his rule, giving to the peasants a respect that many had not seen from previous Royarchs. It was one of his efforts to make sure that all were given their allotted rights in life, saying that even the lowest of their kind had the potential to show the bravery that he, a Grail Knight, was famous for.

The King had two children during his time as Duke of Aquitaine and later Bordeleaux after the passing of his Father Duke Moriste d’ Bordeleaux. The first was Sir Louis who was future lord of Bordeleaux and Royarch after his Father left to stand at the Lady’s side. His other was Sir Lucian, who was bestowed with the Duchy of Aquitaine upon his Father’s departure.

It was said that the Royarch had an odd fascination which had spread which was bestowed upon his second son. In his years as a Knight Errant the man had erected a fort in the Forest of Chalons. It was said that the man would spend equal time between the two castles of Aquitaine and what he dubbed Verac.

The only scandal that the Royarch experienced in his forty years of rule was the whispers that came from around his court. The second son Lucian was rumored to not be the son of the Royarch, for while he had the blond hair of the Grail Knight but neither he, nor his wife, had the brazenly green eyes that the child possessed.

Such a rumor though disappeared along with the sands of time. Man’s memory was short in comparison to the other races and none of their kind would know the truth of Lucian d’ Aquitaine’s true heritage.
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In the lands of the Dwarfs Adok Fireskin was welcomed back into to Karak A Karak with open arms. For what the exiled son of the Runelord brought with him was more than enough to satisfy the tolls of reentry back to his home. What he brought with himself, those being the tales of a great war from the lowlands and of lands even farther had bought him the admiration of all Dwarfs. Only a certain Slayer would bring such renowned tales to the Karaks in these times.

It was soon after his entry back into the society of Dwarfs that Adok Fireskin found himself in service of the soon to be High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer. Now a Runelord because of his deeds and knowledge, he supported the High King’s ascension with his knowledge of the lands beyond their hold, which Thorgrim valued greater than even his skills as a Runesmith.

Together the two of them would strike out grudge after grudge from the Great Book as they brought about the reconquest of several Karaks within the World’s Edge mountain and soon bringing assistance to the Lands of Man when the Vampires of Sylvania crept out of their crypts.

For the Lizardman Tee-Nee-Tyny and his partner Bok, the two of them went back to their wanderings about the world. The two Children of the Old Gods were born together to bring about the Great Plan that the Old Ones had set them on. Where unlike many of their kin who lives within the tropics of the south, these two were those few bound to wander about the realm walking upon their two feet bringing Order and Prophecy to those who needed it.

Yet their actions did not go unnoticed by the Mortals. Witnessed by many for their ferocity and strength upon the walls of Castle Mousillon their images had been woven into the Lore of Bretonnia. That they were guides to those who were destined to commit great deeds in the world. It was a myth, that occasionally, seemed to have committed themselves to.

Those times they were witnessed fighting against the forces of evil it was said they were occasionally joined by a Knight in Black armor wielding a scythe. It was said that this very Knight was last seen with these creatures before disappearing from the Old World.
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Lucian of Verac was but a legend amongst the common folk of Bretonnia after he left Bretonnia for war within the Empire of Sigmar. A peasant who, through valor and will, became not only a Knight of Bretonnia but a chosen of the Lady was something that many inspired to.

However, after he had died fighting Vlad Von Carstien, it was said that his ghost wandered about the lands. Where the Lady had seen his service fulfilled it was rumored that Morr did not wish to allow his greatest Champion to reject bringing his greatest Champion into his domain. The Priests of Morr told the peasants and nobility that this rumor was unfounded, that Morr did not have an undead servant for he abhorred their kind, yet reality seemed to speak differently.

It was a title he gained in life that charactorized his life after death. When one dawned the armor of the Black Knight of Bretonnia, he was known as the Harbinger of Ruin. That wherever a Black Knight walked that the forces of Chaos would come out to challenge the being for he was forever a stain upon their pride.

None within Bretonnia, let them be Noble or Peasant, would dare ever wield both a Scythe and wear such armor together. To do so was invoking the specter of the Ruinous Knight and bring about the destruction of one’s own homeland.

Yet even though all understood this they sighted a being with such wargear. Armor that was black fashioned with gold edging, so expertly crafted that it would rob even the merchants of Marienburg of all their wealth. His scythe, larger than even a man, was said to clear through both flesh and armor with unnatural ease.

It was rumored that two hundred years after his death that the spirit was finally put to rest by the Priests of Morr. That as a tentative peace fell upon the lands of Bretonnia and the Empire that that he was finally allowed to rest.

In 2493, when the first sailors of Bretonnia arrived in the lands known as Lustria, did they see something upon the rocks south of their destination. The men who witnessed the ghost of the Harbinger said that he rode on top of a black drake and pointed away from their destination. Out of fear that he who announces Ruin would bring it upon them, the Sailors had nearly shattered their ships to steer clear of the waters he guarded.

No Bretonnian Sailors dared go south of those Rocks, now known as the Black Knight’s peak. Beyond the Black Knight’s peak was named by the Imperials who learned too much. Whispered in thin strains of their sanity, they called it the Vampire Coast.
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And that's the end of that. Damn its always a feeling whenever I finish stories that have taken almost a full year to write and make.

With this done I will probably work on my next project, and sadly for you all it will not be a Quest. Really I am torn between two ideas, both will be video games.

One of them would heavily involve a certain position amongst the Space Marines and the other would be Imperial Knight focused in an attempt to make Titanfall 40k probably with graphics similar to Ultrakill. I'm leaning Imperial Knight, but I need to learn a lot before I can even see if its a viable option.

So best to say keep your eyes on the news in the next few years. If I am successful I might post something about it since I've spent, what, six years of my life posting daily on /QST/.
Well that was a decent ending good job Lucien.

Good luck with your other endevours.
You write well, even if I have issues with your style of running.

Good job, Hope you can regard your works here with well devised pride.
I like the ending, he became a legend of the Old World, so much that nobody even uses his same equipment.
And for 200 years he occupied himself in killing more undead, wouldn't be surprised if after the Von Carstein he was hunting the other bloodlines like the Lahmians in the Silver Pinnacle or the spawns of Aborash. Or necromancers like Krell.
And then he decided to hit even the vampire coast. Probably going to Nehekara would have been next for him, and then the east with Nagashizzar and the last vampire bloodline in Cathay.

It was a nice quest, even if I didnt like everything of it it was still good.
Good luck for the next one when you make it.
Great ending. But no lady albera for our children. >:(
Might want to read this part here again, and think on it. Who has that kind of green eyes in this quest anon....
I liked it.
Your quest have endings i fucking love that. And the ends are good.
Well done QM. Very well done. Completing not one but two quests over six years, posting every day. Something you can be proud of.
As others have said, thanks for your consistency and for actually finishing.
All the best with your future creative endeavours

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