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No (or very little) makeup. Just pretty natural girls
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She is the type of mild looking girl that I'd talk to
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all of these girls except maybe the one in the tub definitely have makeup on lmao
not true, the last girl I posted has visible acne.
A little is fine, I just don't like when every blemish or fine line is covered up or airbrushed
Check out Richard Kern Model Realease. Its pretty good and i think itd fit this niche.
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That her?
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ooh das nyce
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just eye liner
Jesus, haven't seen her since the early 2000s, she has to be in her upper 40s now.
I don't think you guys know what makeup looks like
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no nudes of her?
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amzing kate is kind of cheating, she's perfect that just gets better, ie good taste anon
If you think >>21914689 is ugly you're blind, she just has acne, but that's a beautiful woman.
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I’d give almost anything to devour their sweet pits.
i fucking love this natural sexiness. few women have it. who is this?
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I love fat Taylor Swift!
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10/10 would wife
The prescription on those glasses gotta be crazy.
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no idea, i'm afraid
She has a shit load of makeup
Go tell your mom. I'm sure she cares. We don't.
finding women without makeup is so rare that we have to fill this thread with women wearing naturalistic makeup instead
but contribute if you have them
her bright smile is amazing
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Are modest girls the rarest type?
why do i want to give my kids such horrible eyesight can someone please explain the instinct
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You recognize weakness as cuteness and want to protect/provide.
how can someone be a 5/10 and a 8/10 at the same time
This thread is teaching me that men have absolutely no fucking idea how to tell whether a woman has makeup on or not.
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I need more photos of her, so pretty.
This faggot is talking like he is a 10/10 and irl he is a 2/10
This is one hot sexy mama, wish I had more photos of her
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Rowan Emerson
She's lowkey stunning.
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Name? “Amazing Kate” doesn’t give me anything
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do you have the name of this cutie?
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I wish I have some nudes
That's because the other poster is wrong, she goes by Awesome Kate on most sites. Or /u/theawesomekate on reddit.
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OP has clearly stated LITTLE TO NO MAKEUP. Lern to reed gudder, American.
Got more of her ass in leggings?
Is this fem!David Foster Wallace?
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And what are you a fucking ogre?
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Holy fuck she's amazing, thanks
She goes by other names as there is funnily enough someone else doing onlyfans and nude artsy photos with that exact name called Rowan Emerson

So her aliases are DorianDearest, Emily Redclouds, Rowan Emerson, Sybarite Vim, deardearestca
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Forreal what is her name? She used to go by kitty or kat or sth on reddit. Realprettykat? Or something simular.
More of her
More of her please
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cute as fuck
Who is she? We need more!
Would Wifu!!
She comes from France!
The prefect thread does not exi.... oh wait, here it is!!
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AwesomeKate is her name
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some Irish girl
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such a cutie
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so sweet
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Best in thread.
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I really like her. There's just something about an aristencephalic Asian woman with nice teeth.
Peak Asian beauty.
She looks really weird. Did her mother drink ethanol on the regular and drop her on her head as a baby? Her eyes are too far apart in relation to her lack of cranial mass.
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oh, my/10
She looks a lot like my wife. Even her feet are shaped the same.
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fucking sweet

Lucky guy, how tall are you to get a pure, beautiful woman like that?
damn, this girl has broken a few hearts for sure
I love when people post this pic as proof she's ugly IRL lol.
THIS is quintessential "Girl next door". Love it.
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got a name?
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I hate the Antichrist
Is that a FAMAS?
Girlfriend vibes. Nice
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read the topic of this thread
I’m 6’0” on the dot.
Looks strikingly similar to a crush I had in high-school... fuck
Same vibe
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Literally Perfection
so sweet
I would buy her an engagement ring based on this photo alone.
marriage is for simps and retards
I just wanna gently lick and suckle those inverted nipples until they stiffen and perk up
Come on, source anyone?
She used to post on reddit. Quinn something. 99% sure she deactivated
then why are you here?
tfw no migration period wife to plunder & settle with
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Similar to a girl I know, very hot
I love that body type
Damn I'd whack a tree branch over that sluts forehead and rape her behind the forest
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Brown hands typed this.
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worst thread i’ve ever seen. hot women but every girl posted so far is 100% wearing make up. “no make up just pretty girls” lol
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who is this cutie?
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I'm a homosexual but I'd give up dick for this.
Who is this?
Ready to start a family.
>Inb4 she's a dead pornstar

Maybe I'm bi.

I think you might actually, unironically, coming from a homosexual (myself) be a faggot.
Unfortunately this is what most women look like without makeup.
Makeup hurts their skin, but the jews make them wear it, so it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
Jews to the goyim: YOU WILL WEAR THE BUG JUICE

Give this woman a 50mm camera lens and a month without jewpaste and she'd probably look fine.
Not ugly, just damaged.
People think men are sexy and better than woman but honestly men are just naturally better because we don't spray gay jewish chemicals on our skin every day.
The MASK takes its toll.
Takinf off the MASK shows the toll, and the toll makes women more likely to PUT ON THE MASK.
It requires detoxification for women to look good without the clown face.
I'm gay mainly because I hate makeup.

I wouldn't even piss on this one unless it were on fire.

Grotesque monstrosity built for clown fetishists.
I mean, some people are into it, but not me.
great smile, great pussy. would make out with both lip pairs
tattoos ruin another one
>t. literally retarded
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Am I the only one that finds girl acne really hot for some reason? It’s like it signals that her hormones are going crazy and she is in fertile overdrive
cherrylovebombb on reddit
gonna need more
Thought I was the only crazy one who thought like this. Especially when it's less all over the face like that girl, and more like only on the cheeks. I find it better looking than makeup.
By the face I shall say the czech babe. Moar?
>This thread is teaching me that men have absolutely no fucking idea how to tell whether a woman has makeup on or not.

Well, to be fair, the IDEA behind makeup is for it to NOT look like makeup. That's what most of the manufacturers are going for and how they pitch it to women. "Only YOU will know you're wearing it!"

The days of the painted whore look went out the window for most women as the 1960s yielded to the 70s. They began to want to hide their facial imperfections, but still look natural.
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Cheating slut, fucked her when her husband was away
Some fine dining right there.
Who asked you, pole-smoker? You can't stand make-up but you can manage a fat load of spaff in the face? Sounds like an overdose of copium to me. You love the cock.
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more of her?
who is she?
the grey?
I don't wear make up and this thread make me feel so much better about it ! Would post pic of me here if i wasn't afraid of my face and body being on the internet
sensor parts of your face
Zishy girls are amazing.
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interdasting. just fuck my lineage up
Looks like Lena Meyer-Landrut

Julie sadkitcat
looks nothing like her
These women all have extensive makeup on you fucking retard.
I wish this girl still did photos.
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Not your blog, retard. Also,
>I’m homosexual
Why the fuck are you on /s/ then?
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Pretty. Do you think its justified for a woman like her to wear makeup now that she looks like this?
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Outstanding pits. Oomph.
Damn, she's nice as hell. I'd love to squeeze on her.
They are. Thanks for the rec, I bookmarked that with a quickness. Just about every girl on there is my type.
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Hot more please!
pretty cute
That depends where you live
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such a sweet girl
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very cute :)
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I think this is also her? I have been trying to find the source, but to no avail
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If you think that is no/no makeup anon then I have a bridge to sell you.
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beautiful girl
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