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slim with huge tits
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she's glorious; like the French answer to Soolmia Maevska
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*Solomia but yeah
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thanks OP for making me remember I have a folder of her
she's incredible
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i read somewhere that she will soon be doing a g/g annd a b/g scene
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agreed, this is a great thread OP
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I think it was just GG for her. Id imagine it will be very tame but who knows.
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Last one.
what if its with Hitomi Tanaka?
>coomers worldwide will coom to death
I don't want to see her with men.
I don't know who this Nicholas guy is but he's taking good stuff, this is head and shoulders above the average cell phone retard OF girl taking shit pics and overcharging.
amazing woman

she's competing with Beth Lilly imo in beauty and huge tits, maybe even beating her.
>seeing one of the world's most beautiful woman isn't enough
>I MUST have cocks on my screen! Big veiny cocks!
This is is how you sound. Stop it. Maybe just jerk off to some big tits, fat butts, and a pretty face once in a while. You shouldn't need to see cock to get hard and jerk off.
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He said "I don't want to see her with men" so it looks like you two are on the same page.

Sounds like its going to be with @katharinarough.
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hotter than beth imo
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Beth has an extremely fake and unlikeable aura about her, like at most you'd want from her is to hire her for a night. A disinterested escort to pass a few impersonal hours with.

Laurine however looks like your dream gf. You'd want to mating press creampie her then just lie together kissing.
I agree completely. Now that Tessa has completely disappeared off the map, Laurine is the new gold standard for the busty glamour models.
Who else got a build like this and is new post 2020?
Chick has a normal day job I can't believe it.
Fucking hell. Tits that size and a stomach that flat? She is literally one in ten million.
Tfw no irl Tifa gf
She has a bit of macromastia areolas.

Another similar to her would be Jana Defi, Anya Zenkova and Lucie Wilde.
Videos are so much better than the pictures. The bra changing one is my favorite.
Can you give me that?
Eporner dot com.
Search Laurine.

This >>21950486 is a screengrab of it.
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let me get this straight: you have a bunch of different folders for your porn, just so you can label a bunch of different webm's the same 'eatshitmagat'?
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No, the site that I download this stuff from has it set up so that whenever you right-click copy-link it sets the filename to EatShitMAGAt.webm or .jpg or whatever.
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This lingerie changing video is probably the longest thing she has and it's almost 9 minutes. My favorite is the bra changing one. I really want to see what she does next, she's incredible.
It's worth getting the 9-minute video if just to listen to her speak in German about the lingerie.
Does someone identifies semitic features on her?
Now she looks a bit asian.
fuck off back to /pol/
anyone know how old she is? she just dropped out of nowhere in the last couple months
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Laurine Laignel
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my mistake; She is not Laignel Laurine.
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whoops couple of duplicates in here. Sorry guysz.
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she is known as Laurine Nickel
This is a really good shot. I never seen a wet t-shirt shot looks so much like a wet t-shirt.
Even her pussy looks great, someone clone her ffs
truth. dat landing strip is pure perfection
I want to die.
Holy crap! That pose make her tits look even bigger.
Damn, I wish I had a dick the size of a can of tennis balls to fuck her with!
now THIS is the definition of khazar milkers
He's a massive pervert. He fucks some of his models and somehow control's Laurine's websites. She's double paywalled on his onlyfans, and you can't talk to her. She said she wouldn't do any hardcore. It was a lie as always apparently.
She's a triple vaxxed libtarded nurse theater girl engaged to some neckbeard.
baww did that filename hurt your fee fees?

I didn't rename the files as I grabbed the links because I expected the party of "Fuck Your Feelings" to be a little more thick-skinned.

Cry more.
her nipples are like 2 pieces of salami or pepperoni, i will never look at a pepperoni pizza the same way....
LOL i'm a start salivating like pavlov's dog
>stillwoodberry muhdicc so deep she'd vote for hitler
No, I was explaining why the filename maker would be a libtard.
>imagine being this triggered by a filename
Sadly, I see no evidence in any of these photos that she's ever entered a gym in her life.

Never doing any weight training for her back and shoulders or core work will probably lead to pain from those heavy tits and a reduction far too early.
Or to put it in terms the misogynist incels among you will prefer, she's a "dumb, lazy slut."
yep thats a hoe
hoe is much more polite and kind than saying "whore" and calling things as they are
she's a redhead who dyes her hair black, isn't she?
you mean that prominent germanic nose?
I was replying to somebody.
Why do you wish I was triggered
such a faggot
This is not a real thing.
Your back can become sore without tits, just shut the fuck up about it.
Long time Beth Lily enjoyer here. She isn't as beautiful as she once was anymore. She definitely has peaked aka hit the wall and is noticeably declining in her looks which is why she has gotten obvious surgeries done to try to maintain her pretty looks. She is still hot for sure just not as beautiful as she once was. She also is an obvious Dubai Porta Potty shitted whore. Which means she has been ran through in the most disgusting of ways imaginable so really screw her at this point. This woman is actually more beautiful than Beth ever was imo even in her prime. So I'm now a Laurine Nickel enjoyer, at least for now.
>He's a massive pervert.
Any pictures of this guy at all? How do you know he fucks some of the models? First time ever hearing about him and this woman here. He isn't black I hope?
>I don't want to see her with men.
If she gets blacked I'm not even going to fap to her period.
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this is a myth stop saying it, i know people with tits way bigger and zero back problems, they use "pain" as a reason to get the insurance companies to pay for it, it doesn't make it true, you're probably a big fat guy with a big fat gut why isn't your gut skewing your spine out of wack and you need a gut reduction?
She can just lay down you know
Peak mansplaining
post tits
back to fucking r-eddit
great body, potato face.
Laurine just gets ran through with vaccines.
>Laurine just gets ran through with vaccines.
>ran through
MAGA IQ detected
Why does she do all her work through a third party? Is she too stupid to go independent?
i used to be a fat guy with a big gut and i had constant back pain. disappeared after i lost the gut.
what are the odds of seeing her get fucked at least once
I would argue she's smart for using a pro, but the guy obviously has his own twisted business model more so than a usual photographer.
>haha, idiot, vaccines don't run.
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This girl is super interesting!!!
>tfw no curvy, busty brunette gf with pretty brown eyes
It's so over.
name of right?
She's like the second coming of Jana Defi!

Her tits can't equal Merilyn Sakova's, but her face and ass are better, so that's a fair trade.

Hope she keeps doing good work and doesn't get scared off by creeps.
merilyn's face was nicer due to it not being fucked up with surgery and tranny lashes
Was really close once with an italian who looked a lot like this girl but with small tits.
It was so nice. Wish I could have a retry with her.

Dunno but it's kinda weird to see her like this, didn't know she was a nurse.
Wouldn't mind her giving my schwester a kranken
Leftist retard
It's over
non fucking ridiculous link?
I honestly thought she was older. Got some mommy vibes from her earlier stuff.
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Nigga, she's German.
There's a jewess thread on this board.
I was quite confused so I asked If someone identified semitic features on her face Just to see If someone confirms
I'm not a expert in racial features, so I may get something wrong.
She's putting entirely too much of her personal life out there. You're able to just through instagram know exactly what she does for work and where.
She'll probably scare off the first time someone recognizes her. And isn't nice or good looking.
Yeah I was surprised about that too.
Being more discreet about things would've been the smart thing to do but oh well, what do you expect.
I know someone like her who did the same type of modeling and she got recognized at a bar and started going along with it and talking ot the person then someone else got her phone number somehow and was asking for pussy pictures and she just went on google, found a picture and sent it to them, why do that anyway she reminds me of them like why do I know what type of job you do specifically down to the specialty area/department

anyway i can't understand german but the fact that she's apparently using her real name and giving a TV interview doesn't seem like she's too bothered by the "stalking" video linked above

I want to keep seeing her dance around in bras and tiny bikinis would be nice, she's great just stay off the social media we don't need or want to know if you have a boyfriend husband job whatever, what town you're from
From this point on I really don't care so much what happens, I've seen her and enjoyed it, I don't get attached to women who have sexual content online.
Though at this stage it's more about curiosity how it's going to end.
Don't let this thread die!

Where is her content coming from?
we steal it becuase we're not going to pay this nicholas faggot
woah dude keep the cringe to a mimimum
You have to be 18 to post here
Bump for german milkers
>it's more cringe to mock a fash snowflake than it is to melt down over a filename.
hahaha i actually love what youre doing anon
<3 love you man. We’ll get better.K8AK
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>what youre doing
the thing is I'm not doing anything, literally right-click "copy image link" then paste that when I go to upload the image. I don't make up (and can't be bothered to change) the filenames.

>MAGA trash: "we only want government to stay out of business"
>also MAGA trash: "waaaaah Disney is catering to the woke agenda! Ronnie use your government power to punish them!"
literally the definition of fascism. Man you guys are some disingenuous fucks.
masturbating furiously
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How can she have that incredibly slightly-chubby face, god-tier huge swingy tits, yet have a totally flat stomach?
Even her arse is great, small but pert and round, not the usual sad flat thing that slim n stacked girls often have
>annd a b/g scene
I bet its only a matter of time before she is paid to do blacked in that case
go schlomo somewhere else
fuck off shecklestein
won the genetic lottery, like emrata
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with her body, she could get a real man at Blacked
rupee posting
High estrogen puts all fat in the thigh, ass and tits. All sexual signals of hormonal health and good genetics
Firstly, I am not Maga, Fash or even American.
Secondly, using goverment power to something don't is Fascism by It self.
Good thread anyway.
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>using goverment power to something don't is Fascism by It self.
MAGA IQ / russiabot / ESL detected
Imagine still believing muh Russian bots are still a real thing, even after muh Mueller investigation.
God I fucking hate Reddit trannies.
Go fucking hang yourself, groomer faggot.
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Imagine defending MAGA IQ word salad by sniveling about how Russiabots don't exist.

Keep coping, /pol/ trash. If you don't like being confused for a russiabot, try posting in English.
so you're saying a retard just corrected your grammar for you
yep, definitely MAGA
Well you're not good at English so that's probably why people mistook you for MAGA

One example: DC Weekly is a propoganda/disinformation website that makes it appear like it's being run out of Washington, D.C. by Americans, but is actually being hosted from a server out of Moscow. Its stories get reposted the most by, you guessed it, Truth Social users. You are the bot, and you are already groomed.
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Nigger, shitlibs like you unironically think math is racist and that 2+2=5.
You also don't even have inner monologues.
I don't want to hear a peep out you anymore, shareblue faggot.
Firstly, I am not >>21986674
Secondly, using govermental Power is not something exclusive of Fascism, thus this is not suficient evidence to argue someone is a fascist. I hope that I have made myself clear after rephrasing my statement.
Also, again not Maga or even American.

Also, stop the political and partidary faggotry. Learn How to be a good OP.
Congratulations for the thread.!
Brown hands typed this.
i'm currently a fat guy with a big gut and i have zero back problems
keep thread on topic
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Again, stop with the political faggotry.
Got them*
This is proof that bigger =/= better
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Still can't believe this chick exists.
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Only IG shit but it deserves to be here cos damn
racist, childish playground insults, AND mad
Repub spotted
the only word that comes to mind is "paizuri"
and maybe "motorboat"

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