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Women shouldn't be allowed to join the military or LE. We fucked up making the biggest mistake in the west's history when we gave women voting rights. Then we doubled down on the stupidity by letting them join the workforce. Then we tripled down by letting them join military and cops. Once women shows they simply cause more problems than they solve.
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All WMs are whores
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Imagine having to accept life-or-death orders from some cunt that's going to become a literal pornwhore the second she leaves service.
Every institution that accepts women into the fold inevitably becomes a laughable joke as a result lmao
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At least they didn't let you in.
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this desu
Huh, i guess she is legit. Thats a pretty violent region right? Its like farmers and the cartel?
Not generally into black girls but I'd go to pound town on that broad.
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The good LT. Used to work for her years ago.
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any more?
I've been trying to hunt some down for a while. I'm told there are more out there but still waiting.
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holy fuck i want her to sit on my face in uniform
Any fort Sam Houston girls???
>mismatched camo
>empty ammo belt
>completely clean body
I doubt she has seen one day of combat
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So when did you develop such revered hatred for your mom?
Feminism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Can't we fap in peace without you incels showing up?
Don't forget women judges, jurors, attorneys such as prosecutors, district attorneys, etc..
Even women teachers and therapists is proving to be a disaster with Rudi Dutschke's "long march through the institutions".
Feminism is just a weapon by Fabian Socialists/Marxists and a society-wide shit-test by women. One that western society is failing.
Wife, USAF
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WM> Woman Marines. And yeah a lot of them are skanks. I was a Marine for a few years and they are all daddy issue having sluts. But you know what? Between the other branches and them, Female Marines are usually the hottest, hands down. Highest minimum standards of any branch. I saw Gunnys (E-7's) in their late 30's that were hot as fuck. Personally knew a female WO that got kicked out coz her and her SSgt Husband were swinging in the officer housing at Camp Pendleton (beta cuck that he was...). Been 20 years now. WO Holesworth (seriously...that was her name...), You were fun as fuck to run behind in those silkies...
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Any of Yun M from USAF Intel in Maryland? Married slut who used to fuck guys on base all the time. Had a train run on her. Had vids and pics leaked years back
Any have SGT Prado from JBLM?
French navy/army sluts anyone ?

I see this one posted a lot, so hot, I think theres a collection floating around somewhere if anyone has
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Yeah, my wife! Sn ap docpete14
Kik voiletRain14
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Bump need some AF aircraft mechanics
The cut and colors of Chinese uniforms are unmistakably American.
I mean I realize they copy everything; I just never expected them to copy *us*.
Any more?
those tattoos are terrible
this is such contradictive shit.
women's role in family are love, care, togetherness.
and killing humans is inhuman anyway.

don't inhale this...
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You seem like a nice person
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CH, more?
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Already posted. Know her?
>The cut and colors of Chinese uniforms are unmistakably American.
except there's no black trannies in their uniforms.
im the tsgt that fucked her on her lunch break not too long ago
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>The cut and colors of Chinese uniforms are unmistakably American.
>I mean I realize they copy everything; I just never expected them to copy *us*.
It's been a thing for a long time all the way from WW2 when US supplied China almost all their military gear which also included uniforms and a lot of that would fall in the hands of the communists when they took over mainland China. There have been phases where they have been trying to do more soviet style uniforms but I think that went out of when China and Soviet Union had their little break up and they returned to the more western style uniforms in the 80's.
It's hard to fix stupid.
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Ukrainian Soldier that fled when things were at its worst to go start an only fans
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smart girl lol zelenksy is a jew first, ukranian second, anyone with a brain could see that. He's clearly trying to empty Ukraine of slavs so he can fill it with ashkenazi jews who want to flee israel.
What's her of? It was cut out in the editionof the pics
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Grabs popcorn and soda, and now we wait
Do you think the Corps paid for her boob job?
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Of course. Part it's now part of your free medical like getting correct eye surgery so you don't have to wear glasses
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looks haggard in that center pic

Hmmm looks weirdly familiar. TXANG?
Would this get them kicked out if exposed?
Depends on the context. Leaked nudes? No. Leaked Onlyfans? Possibly, especially since the chain of command could claim article 134 was violated. If any of it (leaked nudes or onlyfans) involves anything else punishable by the UCMJ, then they could get in trouble for that as well. Like if a video leaked of them sucking some married senior enlisted guys dick or something. Then that would be both fraternization and adultery
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ROTC girl

pictoa com / albums / cutie-with-pirced-nips-and-short-hair-3795302 html
Are they almost all lesbians? Figured that career path would be like softball, attracts dykes like moths to a flame.

What a cutie. Anyone got more ROTC/academy?
Better off calling these threads "Woman in Military gear / uniform etc".

Otherwise people just upload female soldiers and none of the hot reservists, para military, conscripts, female shooting range etc.

Barracks bunnies and promo girls aren't really the best examples unfortunately op.
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beautiful and smart. she is a survivor.
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Unlikely. Don't Ask Don't Tell may be gone but military culture is still conservative and anti gay
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Thought I had this one, thanks for reposting! Such a phat ass! Why don't you post more?
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check out Whistler Mcgee on FB

CG freaking out right now
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god I hope so

Is there any more ?
I want to see more of the redheaded friend.
>All WMs are whores
Female soldiers are whores, just as male soldiers are rapists; NOTHING good has ever came out of this thing called “military” or ”army”.
Military not mechanics..
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Nobody cares what your retarded ass thinks.
Not all soldiers are rapists... but about a third of the females do end up either raped or molested, and the military covers it up because it's more cost effective to protect the training investment in the rapist than to fix the problem, especially if the rapist is an NCO. My sister joined the navy about a year after high school because mom spend her tuition money, and jobs were limited to working at Walmart, or selling weed. She was in for three years, had a mental breakdown aboard ship, and was kicked out with a medical discharge. She refuses to talk about what happened. My cousin was in the airforce, and grandpa was in Vietnam. I've learned that the military is a meat grinder than takes your youth, your health, and your mind and ruins you for anything in the real world. It gives nothing back but excuses and lies.
They probably just made her do her job like 3 times in a row. They get real upset when you go and pull them out of their berthing to make them do even the smallest amount of work.
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Holy fuck!
Yes please:-)
Reminds me of the movie The Generals Daughter
Dam,she’s tidy as fuck;-)
Most of this bitches went from the Military straight to the OnlyFans trenches.
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French navy material anyone ?
women are for love, care, giving, safety.
in braindead military thats so contradictive... :(
military_dream_girl on reddit
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french please !!
bump plz
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thanks !
You know her?
very nice !
do you have police ?
nuclear age military thread

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