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Please. I have a fetish.
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This jaina 10/10, fellas.
I have some more from the Atlas of Beauty. I'll post the non-ancianas jaja. Sadly, the ones I linked to are NOT in the Atlas of Beauty. It seems there's a part 2 to the Atlas of Beauty I can't seem to locate.
On the level, I skipped two beautiful Latinas because they didn't appear "indigenous" enough. Story of my life, lmao.
Always, here's more beauties!
More like this
This beauty reminds me of my first serious girlfriend. Although, my gf was only Hungarian/African, haha.
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near my last post from Atlas of Beauty without posting ancianas. I won't post that in case some of you autists are in a fap sesh.
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I lied. That was the last one appropriate for this thread. Hope you enjoyed!
Also, I was obsessed with this actress for a hot minute because of this thread. A shame she ruined her "natural" aesthetic with shit tattoos.

She needs to sit on my face.
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Dear God.
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uh...this reddit whore might not actually be latina, oops. hannah jo, trinidad, oops
Hungerian or African?
Hungarian father and African-American mother.
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need all
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what gets me is the legs, so squatty-looking even on the tall ones. Long upper leg with a big thigh/butt, and small below the knees. So sexy
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She (pic rel. bigbuttsapphrie) rides a very fine line of being too big, and sadly the newer pictures of >>21951220 show she did get too big because damn she might be the hottest human alive otherwise.
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>come to heaven, anon, come home
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>it's ok, it's all done, it's all over
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Didn't know that African-American women like Hungarian men.
Most based posible, they literally walk nude
The goddest
Avarege /Pol/ face at first asian
Based as cutie
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This thread caused my spaniard side to stir
Yes I love big titty native girls
any peruvian, mexican, bolivian?
Source PLEASE who is that?
I wish she still posted
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Who is she, I thought she was >>21951218 whose name is india ayara? Did she post here?
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She is India. She used to post photos of her escort escapades to her old blog, not here. Last I checked she was doing tribal stuff on Instagram, but that was years ago.
more of her?
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no just someone that came up from searching for protests and fiestas in colombia
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I have the same fetish but for uncontacted tribes
Mother of god. Who
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Bros... i dreamed about her again, fuck
He said Indigenous women, not goblin creatures and trannies.
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Black women like Eastern Euros a lot for some reason. More often Slavs but Hungarians look like Slavs so it works out.
Columbian anti-rape festivals are lit.
>guys only want one thing and it's disgusting
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google lense says "fantastic nami"
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who is she
Ha, I liked it too
Indigenous to Ireland
Nice firebush
thank you, anon.
I’m going to allow this
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Sapphire if u didn't know her ASSETS
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I cannot tell if this girl is latina or SEA
She fucked herself up pretty well with all the plastic surgery.

She was beautiful, and once the money started pouring in, the dumb bitch decided to "improve" her looks.

Now she's just another bimbo.
I agree it's horrible.
Does it even appeal to men? Maybe it's for their other female peers in the industry. Or maybe they see themselves getting older and just say "i'm fucked either way". Dunno because
this one >>21952592 is fucking amazing
whats the difference?
Their both mongoloid, but despite similar pigmentation, Native Americans are more closely related to East asian. Yeah as for Spanish admixture that would be the same, but pinoys don't actually have that much spanish.
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source?? she's amazing
Dunno she deleted her reddit acc
Is >>21970610 the same person?
no idea, from a google search

no, they're different, source for >>21970610:
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Indigenous Goddess María Lionza
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Who is this?
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Man. I've got a fucking fetish for fat moms. especially if their latina and look like they would gladly clean your house naked for $20 and constantly fucking fumbling cuz she can't fucking understand english half the time and worried you'll call INS on her. my mom would shower with me way longer than is normal. I could go on for days man.

Family member actually shared shots of someone who isn't her but definitely is but I'm not trying to fuck her life up. Background isn't her but it's literally what I used to stare at for years.

God bless hard working latinas
Beautiful pussy
LOVE those dirty brown buttholes. Would love to stretch that one on the left
Would love to have her use my tongue as toilet paper
Would cum inside lefts asshole and make her shit it into right’s mouth. Then make right spit it back into lefts mouth.
So breedable
Arnold Schwarzenegger, is that you?
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never going to make it
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Yôkaainã Gavião is so hot. Heard she was pregnant within the last few years. If I was ever in Brazil, I would totally pay up.
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African-American would imply they were born in Africa then moved to America. Elon Musk is African-American. Black American women love fucking white dudes and complaining about them. In fact if you go for the ones that complain the most the faster and harder they seem to fuck you.
My fucking sides
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Fuck, there was a hispanic girls thread about a week ago did anyone catch it? There was this one model that looked just like my ex fuuuck
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Found it. God she looks just like her. Fuck me. >>21967692

I'm never gonna make it
Any source here? Seems like a vid capture.
ChicaDulce69 but she took down a lot of the good ones with her Ex boyfriend. Some of them had 10m+ views, I'd search an archive site.
This picture is great, seriously. I don’t eventually care if they’re nude or not. I want to appreciate beauty and the surroundings of Central and South America.
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There's a lot of great stuff on google for this and I do like it but I hesitate to post it in this thread because it's often a whole family varying in ages.
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Oh actually this girl has a lot of social media: diamantha aweti kalapalo
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I love mature milfs. She's a bit of a butter face but her huge titties and thunder thighs make up for it.
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I'm high af, forgot to post
You can't just start this thread with all that ass without sauce, man. Jesus H. Christ.
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it was some r9k story, probable larp. She's still hot tho
bump, only 13 image slots left
Give me everything you have of her!
A gentleman and a scholar, thanks!
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Dark-haired, dark-eyed beauties with long hair and intense RBF are the best girls.
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fuck man, she's beautiful
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Yeah, I want to breed her so bad.
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hnnngggg, fuck why are they always colombian. It makes me a little salty because I just keep hyping up the colombian girl market which keeps putting them out of reach. But idk, something about their physiology is just so attractive. Part of me wants to say it's that they must have had the most attractive natives, Chel style, but the other part is maybe it's the MENA immigration. Certainly they all got the same spanish settlers ya? fuck me.
At this point I'm gonna say

Colombian > Brazillian > Peruvian = Argentinian/Chilean = North American > Mexican > Central American
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they don't look native at all
native is bolivians or guatemalans
Eh, this is pretty much a latina thread anyway. Hopefully we can have a real latina thread.
As the OP, I feel pretty slighted. I feel like most of the girls here have anywhere between 25 to 75% Amerindian DNA. There's a wide range of looks of native phenotypes including the more central america look like >>21951279 but also north america: >>21951238 and south american >>21980072 >>21980077 >>21980070. They don't all have to look Guatemalan. I mean the hair on most of these girls is the classic native obsidian black.

Tell me, doesn't this look like chel? >>21964581

I mean by all means, I'd like to be outdone. And this thread just completed anyway. I want to see the REAL amerindian thread. My ex was from Arauca, Colombia and she was morena. I'd clock her at 50% spanish-white and the rest has got to be either amerindian or lebanese/MENA migrant (happened a lot in colombia). Squat legs, Broad shoulders, belly pouch, a butt that goes in with a sort of cleft, obsidian straight hair, heavy breathing and closed eyes when wet, a dark brown butthole, a top lip with a point in the middle, and a very stoic disposition. IDK to me she was chel basically.

I spend a lot of time around Mexicans and have gone on dates with 3 of them and I feel the "native" admixture looks pretty different from sudacas, while still being clearly native. I mean they don't look Spanish. Anyway, I find the topic pretty fascinating just from a genealogical sense. I like to see which phenotypes are the same between natives and also east asians, and which ones must have come later, on both continents.
How the fuck is this thread this old and still here?
well, it's dead now, hit the image limit. Truthfully it's because I check it every day and won't let it die. I seek people who care about the same thing i do
what a body
Where is new edition
Sauce? She's a cutie
ugh, there's another one in the catalog but it's really slow. Idk if I should remake or post into his.

/int/ lol
who is she?!

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