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Send your best goth/emo girl nude pics!
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I miss the days of photobucket. I used to have so much stuff that I've never seen again online. I've combed through sites and boards from back in the day that are still alive and only a small percentage of the stuff I have in mind still exists.
The internet truly does forget.
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I love emos
anyone remember or have the picture of a girl using nes controllers as a bra? I remember it but it's completely gone from the internet and used to be everywhere. dead internet theory is real
Oh yeah, I do remember that picture. And she's lying on top of a bunch of comics or games or something? I think I jerked off to it when I was a teen.
I'm 99% sure I have that saved on a hard drive somewhere. If this thread is still up when I get off work, I'll find it and post it here.
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> I remember it but it's completely gone from the internet and used to be everywhere.
Lots of sites that hosted or would have hosted that content disappeared over time.
anonib is gone, jj.am is gone, imgur wiped a ton of old nude content, etc.
Might still be on imagefap though
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It’s not this, is it?
nice, moar
I know this girl irl. Hooked up a couple times.
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ugh I love her lips and nosering

seems a somewhat old photo though

wonder what she's up to nowadays
Me too. Just before you did, too.
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Same. But just before that guy.
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>>21970099 socials? or name?
Sauce on your pic?
Its monimusume
Shes eugenia cooney-tier anorexic now so just warning you if you look her up
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i love her so much, bros
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is this the one you mean? it's snes instead of nes but it's what jumped into my mind from your description
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Go imagefap and use the mobile version if you are on mobile. Type in just emo and go the absolute last page. You might have to select the sort by option for date posted but I think that automatic. But if you go the last page and work your way forward through the 200 something pages it starts from stuff posted in the 2000’s and there are endless amounts of albums with emo girls from back then. Some are compilations both nude and non nude and some are albums of one particular girl. But there are fuckton of them. It just takes along time to go through it all and you have to weed through some bullshit but there are so many albums with emo girls from that era. There were ones I’d never even seen and it was awesome. Emo/scene girls are a huge thing for me because those were the types of girls I hung out with and could have got with but I stayed loyal to my gf(fucking stupid of me). God I wish I fucked those teenage, damaged, crazy in bed willing to try anything emo/scene girls in high school when I had the chance. But anyway you’ll probably find a bunch of those pics you’ve been looking for plus ones you’ve never seen. Just got know which albums to click on and sort through the bullshit.

I can't see her taking one of her face knowing how easily that would leak out
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use google you fucking moron
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oh shit, good call, I'd never think to do that

or instead maybe you could simply say "yes" or "no"

fuck off
>dead internet theory is real
Not going to say the internet isn't being overflowed with AI and bot content right now, but what your describing is nothing new.

Once the photobucket host is down, to see that image again you're dependent on those who chose to do more with the photobucket link than view it. And if they didn't reupload it, they basically have a Schrodinger's Copy that may or may on some offline storage media slowly bit-rotting away.
Neither of you are using the term ‘dead internet theory’ correctly. It refers to an explosion of bad bot created content, not a lack of or missing content.
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Pretty sure I summarized it at the start of my post, which mainly concerned link rot in contrast to this theory:
>Not going to say the internet isn't being overflowed with AI and bot content right now[...]

Anywho, my take on the dead internet theory is that most people who use the internet are used to a Web 2.0 or social space which shielded them from directly experiencing most of the symptoms of script kiddies and worse until it entered the audiovisual and social realm.
I remember when 4chan boards and threads got spammed with markov chains and basic ad AI back in the day - this doesn't really feel much different in overall intent, even if directed by a state actor.
I think it especially freaks people out this time around because:
1. There are increasingly competent AI products that pass the sniff test of a reasonable individual
2. The proliferation of the internet and smartphones and other portable gadgets makes it increasingly hard to avoid in one's day-to-day life
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bumpity bump bump
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ok so where are all these goth girls you guys are talking about i've only seen posers. i bet tons of these girls posted listen to rudimentary peni and skinny puppy.
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Have you tried way back machine?
Holy shit who is this she's gorgeous
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who is she?
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it's close to this but she has her tongue out or smiling and looking directly at the camera. the image is from the waist up too
no. she had braces I think and blonde hair

her tongue is out and shes looking off to the side... i know what youre talking about but dont have it anywhere accessible.
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thanks for the tip bro
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