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Type of girl that would sit in the front row of the classroom
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…and get knocked up by the teacher :-)
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Who's that
Does this girl only have 4 toes on her left foot?
A woman at work has a similar look, guess ill use this pic as an idea of what she looks like naked.
Fuck sake, look at that! Moar?
More of her?
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Any hope of sauce?
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i need more of her so much
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old stuff from back then
That's Wildlynx from Suicide Girls
No wife-posting, anon
If this was you love you lose it'd be ogre for me
bricked, fucking bricked.
Jesus Christ
Nah, she's better than the majority thot-with-glasses "nerdy" girls in this thread.
the things i would do to fuck cyberlycrush silly
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Yes, you can show her this pic and ask her if she too has a freckle to the left of her shitter.
S-tier thread OP
She used to go by sarahsb89, or sarahcakes. Anybody got a mega/erome/any kind of source?
I mean, we do park near each other. I could try to bring it up, hell of a introduction.
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Bea York
sauce? she's stunning
Please what is her name/handle??
Seen her stuff before, what a chubby rocket
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Lisa. big tits. nerdy slut.
If you know her IRL, ask her if she'll be my based tomboy waifu GF.
Thanks kemosabe.
She’s on Twitter medus4_cdc and has an OF
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her name is maddy, I think all her stuff is gone
too bad. she looks great
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I have most of what was on her Twitter saved
she is amazing. wonder why she took it all down
>Celebration III
Damn that pic is old.
Who is she?
Who is she?
so all girls wearing glasses are nerdy? who knew!
now this is perfection
it's a look anon, not a religion
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Bare tits, please.
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PLEASE sauce for the love of god
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She’s cute
That's about as appealing as a shit sandwich in a heatwave.
Fucking hell, these are some ropey old dogs.
Most are 4/10s...at best.
I just threw up.
this thread should be called GWG (Girls with Glasses)
womp womp
female goon lair. crazy cause arent those pics from when he was a kid too?
I've beat off to this like 20 times since it was posted, who is this?
what's with the marshmallows?
If there are any bear or wolves in those woods, they can smell pussy a mile away. And they know what it is. You can only have her like that for a minute before you have to get her out of there. Unless you want her to return home carrying a litter of cub-humans.

Hilarity aside, very hot photo. Great whacking material. She strikes me as the kind of girl who'd let you play with her bare ass in front of the kids.
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I love that my dude refers to his own joke as "hilarity." Keep living, big guy.
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its not Bea York
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richard d james
aphex twat
so many explanations needed
but those dirty feet..
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This cute girl in particular is the kind that you, as a fellow nerd, dedicate Western canon-worthy literature to her before you propose her marriage.
any more of her?

No dicks in /s jackass
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You're a fucking moron
More of these really nice tits
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full set
>nerdy girls
>they are all fat

wow its seems thats the reason they are "nerdy"
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what is this chicks name? I saw another of her in another thread and I really like her
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More medus4
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That is pretty hot
fuk me need moar plzz
Christ almighty
more ?
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u/WorkingMilf84 for anyone wondering. Ahe deleted her reddit account but you can find mirrors on pholder
Okay, I posted a pic of a bitch with cum on her face a few weeks ago and it got deleted and I got a ban warning. FUCK JANNIES.
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Moar/Sauce on either of these?
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not being an india tier coomer with bottom tier standards doesn't make you a fag, you subhuman
could fall in love in seconds
>hippy hair thing
Bro she's back of the class straight F student that smells like cigarettes and weed and gets pregnant halfway into the school year.
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now this is the kind of shit this thread needs
Ella who?
years ago met her at Gamescom 2012, and I said WOW BOOBS as a joke

>she cried ; (

she is still doing cosplay
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or Single_Discussion_96 on reddit

might be her
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Grocery store feet
whats her name?
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Pretty sure she goes by mymindbreaks
no she's not.
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K8nda reminds me of darling kiyomi. >>21988741
Any more?
damn, you know here name anon ?
God damn that’s one deformed vulva.
Looks like Ed Sheeran
/s/ is for sexy beautiful women, not whatever that is.
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Want more of her?
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Impeccable taste, OP. Amazing photos
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perfection, name?
Need more Jessica Elwood
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looks like leana loving
Sauce please
got more?
no man, she really isn't
Amazing girl, does anyone have more of her?
she has a very palpable sadness in her face in her more recent work
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You can bet that smells like candy...
who the fuck is this
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I was so ravenously horny a millesecond ago and this made me revolt my hand from my cock faster than I ever have before. First of all, why would she choose such a normieshitter of all guys?
Then it only gets worse from there. The (unwashed I bet) dildo next to all the marshmallows scattered all over the floor. Not picking up after herself. The fact she can afford 2 billion dildos and a blowup sex doll, but not a bed frame. And those FUCKING chernobyl feet, man. Shit's a tragedy.
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Sauce PLEASE one of the most perfect girls I've ever goddamn seen
Awesome, thanks anon. Reminds me a lot of an ex.

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