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A place for chasers and ftms or mtfs to meet, be nice to each other retards.
>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, beliefs, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed where you live
>About you
6'2" (188cm), slightly possessive, introverted and thus not too interested in saying more here ^^
Variety gaming, music, dumb trivia like 'dles and Sporcle
>Looking for
MtF gf
>Not looking for
FtM, platonic shit
Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
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I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes, deaf (I wear hearing aids and have the accent). I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for collectibles.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

you guys should become friends
M and F cuckquean in 20’s looking for dominant trans girl who wants to dominate a guy in front of his girl
discord: erastusrama
diaperwaffen on disc free tranny baby from california
how is this hairline possible
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
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Chubby bi trans (shemale, femboy, whatever) here. I'm pretty open minded so everyone is welcome.

Discord: chubbytsdenise
I'm a straight male who is curious and wants to experiment with an ftm. Are there many ftms on this website?
I rather not
Thats straight sex
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
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18/M/East Coast
>About me
Not much to say, I am college kid (considering dropping and doing a trade) from the East Coast just trying to figure life out and enjoy myself. I’m relatively calm most of the time but am on occasion a little emotional, thankfully I don’t take it out on anybody and more just deal with it until it’s gone. Currently unemployed but desperately looking for a job. I also have a cat :)
>Physical Description
5’9” ~150 with a bit of a muscular build (bulking season makes me want to die), black (dyed, natural is brown) shaggy hair, brown eyes, glasses and I mostly wear all black.
I absolutely love roleplaying games, writing, guns, cars, weightlifting and martial arts, Kengan Ashura was my gateway drug into MA and now I’m looking into Muay Thai for when I end my bulk.
>Looking for
A (preferably autistic) woman, within the age range of 18-21, who has similar interests and is an extremely open and straight forward person who genuinely wants me around them a lot. I hate the idea of trying to chase someone so the idea of feelings being mutual is such a breath of fresh air. Clingyness is a green flag to me.
>Not looking for
Gooners, self entitled, rude, hateful, dislikes my interests, doesn’t like cats.

If you, dear reader, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I won’t be as active on discord for a bit, way too distracting but do hit me up and I’ll get back to you :)
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I’m such a fucking tard

If you, dear reader, match this criteria, do not hesitate to contact me.
i hate the idea of this thread but i guess i'll post anyway
25/mtf/dmv area
>long distance
no, not really
>physical desc
169cm 68kg pale redhead. i pass (and am willing to prove it once we have talked enough) and have been told i am decently cute. i don't have as many freckles as i used to :(
>life situation
employed and suffering through apartment living. dunno what else to put here really
i read novels. that's about it. i am a major homebody
>3 songs
>3 movies
i will go with genres since that's more indictive of my tastes: spy movies, heist movies, and horror movies (though i can't watch them alone)
esoteric. functionally atheist
other. i like to think i'm pretty sane and have common-sense takes, but people on both sides of the aisle tend to hate me, so
>dating experience
uhhhh, not great? or else i wouldn't be here lol? unless you mean how many previous partners i've had, in which case, i have had enough to know what i'm looking for but not enough to have actually found it yet
long-term partner. someone within 250mi of the white house. please don't add me if you're not, unless you are willing and able to travel regularly (think twice+/month)
please be nice, funny(!!) or at least fun to talk to, take good care of your health, have a stable career or career prospects (or the equivalent), at least one hobby of some kind. i'm kind of an autist so you should be aware of and okay with that. any gender is fine, but i have kind of weirdly specific tastes, depending. so be aware of that
mean people (playful bullying notwithstanding), people who get overly sexual, people who aren't interested in long-term relationships/who want casual relationships, political or religious extremists, people who are overly into drugs (i don't care if you just like smoke or drop acid or something, but i won't join you)
discord: idk.uhh
20 M East Europe
>About you
stupid idiot
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Radiohead, Bjork, Portishead, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Boards of Canada, Gorillaz, Susumu Hirasawa, Flying Lotus, Autechre
>Looking For
Downtempo, Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Big Beat, Electro, Ambient Techno, IDM, Drum and Bass, Ambient Dub, Illbient, Alternative Dance
>Not Looking For
Anything lewd
need a us trans girly (or fem) to play tf2 with me and twerk on cam when bored lol hmuiuuuuuuuuuu
21/mtf/Sweden(in JP rn)
>About you
silly girlmoder looking to find some coolio people :)
im about 6'0 (183cm), a little below average weight. im a pretty silly person in general, but with a mature mind. fairly outgoing person trying to balance my social/online life, often tend to lean more to one another at times.
also right now im studying in Japan as a language exchange student :3
photography, vibing to music, gaming, clothes, font design, anime/manga, JP baseball, hiking, adventuring
>Looking for
anyone between ages 18-26, someone around my age. somewhat mature but still got that silly aspect to them (not totally dull). preferably average weight and that's really it!
>Not looking for
sexual stuff. maybe if i get to know you better but i'd prefer not to. i dislike people who tend to overthink actions or doesn't like when it takes long wait for a reply.
22/M/UK (West sussex)
>About you
Horny guy looking to dirtytalk, trade pics, and fuck a trans guy/girl irl.
>looking for
Someone kinky 19-30 who wants their ass either eaten or fucked.
>About you
6ft+, mixed (mostly white), chill but tism spergs often, wheelchair bound ex(supports my decision coming out)and i are lookin for some excitement in our lives
if its not vidya i dont careᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ persona(its all i have), any vidya that lets me display my pride, gotta be honest, not big on movies, fav tubers are xQc and Dunkey
>Looking for
BIG guys in charge/around my age/cage humiliation(we've tried subreddit for cuckholdry but no go)
>Not Looking For
young or immatures, trans(unless you're based)
petname is Kojimbo (people say i look like my pfp and that gives me hope)
21 M straight sub looking for a trans or femboy dom. Will do whatever you say Kik: ownma

>About you
5'4" funsized cutie, 4" boyclit just for you~ Is horny most times, wants to be filled either online or IRL~

>Looking for:
Female or Male (Trans or not) around my age - 29 willing to sext me or fuck me IRL (Metro Manila Area) It would also be cool if you can be my sugar parent, optional~

roll call anyone have a thing for fat dumb ugly lonely hons
Only if you have a fat ass
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21, M, North West
Reading writing, Fallout, history, FishTank, friends, e-girls, food, TV Shows, traveling
>Your own description
I’m getting kinda chubby so wanna loose weight. a hopeless romantic. Some people look up to me as an ultra giggachad that has sex and does cool things, living exciting life, others think I’m a creepy weird shy little incel fag. I think I’m normal but a little different, and kind of a loser (but managed to get engaged once).
>What you're looking for
People to get lost in conversation with, to click with, lifelong friends. VC fairly early on, as deep connections cannot be formed over just text like come on, you could have the completely wrong idea of who the person you are talking to is if it just over text, take Samuel Benjiman, who lied the entire time about being on NoFap and not drinking alcohol. Would be cool if our politics aligned, for me is the stereotypical edgy pol stuff, stuff which would get you cancelled and shunned if you said irl. Saying that I don’t mind if you are gay or trans, as long as you are not super pro LGBT+, I have gay and trans friends. Preferably from the UK or similar time zones would be good, but I’ll talk to people from anywhere in the world. If you live close enough I would be really happy to meet up, I’ve done it with anons before. A classic femcel who happens to live within a 20 minute walk from me who wants to hang out in the woods smoking cigarettes at night would be perfect but I know that is not going to happen.
>What you're NOT looking for
What seems like 99% of soc which is people who add then don’t say anything, people who won’t vc, people who blank within the first few days (if you do this to people do not add me), dry people who respond with ‘?’ or 1 word answers or take days to respond, black guys, people who are obsessed with religion, super childish left wing, LGBT+ obsessed folks, horny old men who just wanna f me.
>Socials & tags
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25 - FtM - Midwest USA
>About you
Slightly GNC bisexual trans guy 1 year on T, pre-op. Employed full-time. Autistic and mentally ill (on meds and in therapy). 5'7", 160lbs, white, brown hair, hazel eyes, right nostril/labret/left ear piercings, multiple small unprofessional tattoos. Gearing for top surgery within the next 2 years.
I do not respond well to immediate flirting.
Hobbies: drawing, cosplay, occultism, gaming (Minecraft)
Interests: dragons, plushies, mall goth/emo fashion, conspiracy theories, documentaries, EDM/speedcore/breakcore, horror media, travel, fishing, camping, ren faire, hiking, roller skating, longboarding, thrifting, psychonautica, Lolita fashion, stoicism, cartoons/anime, herbalism, cooking, psychology, criminology, stick n pokes, kawaii/gamer culture, DND, crystals, anime conventions
>Looking for
Companionship/mentorship from an older male; a "bromance" if you will. However, I am open to speaking with anyone. Instant messaging highly preferred. If we form a connection, I will be more open to VC, gaming, movies, IRL meet up, etc
>Not looking for
Younger than 25 yrs old, "dommy mommies", submissive males, femboys, butch females, sexually aggressive, politically incorrect, rude/mean/brat attitude, abusive behavior, bullies.
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24/mtf/North EU
>About you
I'm a pre-hrt transfem, 5'8", 59kg/130lbs, bisexual, latina (pic is me). I'm currently doing my masters and I really hope I can start hrt asap ^-^
Oh, and I have quite some tattoos, but they're not really visible most of the time, in case you don't like them.
Personality-wise I'm actually kinda normal and actually have a social life. I really like to get to know the person that I'm talking with and I can be very enthusiastic about the things I like. However, I absolutely dislike people that are not honest about their intentions, that try to get something out of me or that are super horny right away.
My main hobbies are playing league and pokemon, discover new music (fav genre atm is post-rock), watching anime and movies. I also like to be outdoors and go for hikes, check out all types of museums and go to concerts. And while these may not count as hobbies per se, I really like getting tattoos, learning about makeup and putting together outfits, especially fairy core or grunge.
>Looking for
When it comes to gender identity everyone is very welcome to reach out <3
Aside from that I'd prefer someone my age or older, ideally between 23 - 30, who I can play league with, exchange music or just talk about whatever it is that may connect us and maybe even watch anime or hang out together. If we get along very well, maybe also meetup. While someone from EU is of course more conventional, I'm very much okay with time differences. Also, since I haven't started voice training yet, I'm okay with videochat, but less so with voicechat.
>Not looking for
Much younger people, creeps, "porn-brained" people who can't see me as a person and only as a porn category, racists or arrogant people.
lunaandthestars (brand new account because people on soc can be weird)
32/ mtf-nb/ latin america/ pan
>About you
shy persona, that loves video game, i kinda like play online a lot, like anime and stuff, very sensitive, clingy and need, but like i like helping other, i ahve a sort of sense of humour, and currently trying to find a place i belong.
anime/manga, streaming, videos games, drawing, firendships, rpgs, fireemblem, liek too many stuff to mention on tis.
>Looking for
someone to talk to long hours, support one another, and like jsut hangout, talk abotu wahtever, learn about each other and from each other., play games, and like be a best firend.
>Not looking for
mean people, distant people, rude, lewd stuff out of nowhere
5'10, 180lbs
Just a reasonably well adjusted dude living life who's into (trans) women
Reading, mtg, travelling, baking, nature, ice skating, anime, vidya
>Looking for
A cute girl to talk, to get to know, maybe get lewd with. Just see where things go.
>Not Looking for
Men, unhinged people
Aside from bigger women, fake boobs, hairy pussy, trans, pregnancy, oral, thick, pawg
Discord: Ichiyaaa

21 femboy desperate to serve and please a trans girl forever, will send anything and everything you desire!
kik: SubSissyBoy_
discord: subsissyboy
26 f US
I’m a switch, I like to joke around and I’m nice usually. Chill but sometimes I’m sadistic to degens
>looking for
Top/dom-ish feminine transbean to worship/be nice to. I’d like to just chat, vc and be friends too.
>not looking for
Hairy gooners, inverted dick, anyone into hentai, animals, cuckoldry, mega-degens
I got addicted to trans and sissy hypno. Now my mind is melted. I am not interested in vagina any more. I love chatting and spending time with sissy and trans girls. Sometimes I wish i was married to a trans woman andother tomes i wanna be a trans or sissy. Every day I seek interaction. It makes me feel so good. x

discord: littlepurplecake
I got addicted to trans and sissy hypno. Now my mind is melted. I am not interested in vagina any more. I love chatting and spending time with sissy and trans girls. Sometimes I wish i was married to a trans woman andother tomes i wanna be a trans or sissy. Every day I seek interaction. It makes me feel so good. xx

discord: littlepurplecake
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straight male
/lit/ /fit/ /biz/ and sometimes /v/
>looking for
looking to talk to trans ppl, as well as chasers about their experiences. I'm interested in learning about/hearing from both mtf and ftm, to hear some your stories/backgrounds/journeys. none of it is used for anything and all is private.
>not looking for
@jeevesthebutler on discord
18 femthing (probably nb idk) London looking for friends and maybe someone to help me pay for HRT if they want, i can also chat and send lewd pics, especially after i start so you can monitor my progress. Could do meets too but can we start of slow because im a virgin. I am not a seller and im willing to talk about stuff, including nsfw stuff, without money involved it's just something that i would appreciate.

kik and disc: boygirlanonthing
twitter: BoythingOllie
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19,ftm, NA

>Looking for
women, other ftms to lead with (i don't expect anything back)


pic is me
I tried adding you and it didn't work. Feel free to add me mars53_
Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
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>About you
Short brown hair and beard, blue eyes, overweight, 2m tall. Into games, Warhammer, D&D, reading and travelling.
>Looking for
Anyone feminine between 20-30 in the UK/Europe to chat with and see where it goes.
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sfw server for sexy & pretty femboys (like me) to chat and post cute pics! Others are also welcome.

Not much members, so come help make it pls

>Asl and letters
German, 23yo tranny/femboy twink, with bpd adhd and depression
Nerd stuff, memes, DnD, Petplay,
Slender, blonde twink, femme
>Looking for
T4T dating, other transfems to talk about transitioning and maybe DIY HRT, Germans, maybe a goth mommy dommy that's my kind of insane and ready for my yandere ness...
Fellow nerds to talk about nerdy shit and stuff, I will have long rants about warhammer and star wars and shit if you let me ramble

If it comes down to it, I'm also open for lewder texting and getting to know and flirt with new people, am practically a very stereotypical masochistic subby puppy girl
>Toxic Traits
If you give me affection and are my type of kinky I can get obsessed and crave you above healthy limits, I'd do anything to keep you and I'd be easy to manipulate and abuse and mould into your perfect little puppy girlfriend
>Not looking for
Entitled pricks, trolls, too shy people
29/transgirl/ canada - around toronto
>About you
I'm 5'2, 105 lbs with dark-blonde hair, amber-greenish eyes and slim with a big butt, i look far younger than i am and have a strong euro accent.
I'm into nature, old vidya, anime, night walks and music.
anything else just ask me on discord.
>Looking for
A long term relationship with either a man or woman from canada, who ideally wants a live in gf before or by the end of may. I'm open to older people but any age is fine.
>Not looking for
anyone who wants hookups or nudes, anyone that doesn't have their own place.
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
Under 26
Hairy men
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23 male midwestern USA
>About you
5'10, 175 lbs, longish black hair(~6"), glasses, light skinned nonwhite. Mostly reformed obese person and have a lot of loose skin
sign posting/graffiti, traditional archery, urbex, military history reading/collecting, video editing(mostly edgy memes), digital graphic art, I like politics too but I'm not obsessive or dogmatic about it, really just like talking about leaders, happenings, conflicts etc
I don't really consider video games a real hobby but I play a lot of Project Zomboid, FiveM RP, Gmod, Rising Storm/Red Orchestra, Half Life 2 DeathMatch, War Thunder, Fistful of Frags, DayZ and Chivalry Medieval Warfare
>Looking for
Wide range, ideally something more intimate than a friend but I don't usually put soulmate searching energy into Discord. Doesn't have to be that deep honestly, I really think having even an infrequent almost penpal e-girl to share life progress with would be pretty fulfilling.
>Not looking for
Hypersexuality, full stop.
(alt, will probably take some time to reply)
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32 year old guy
Kent/South East UK

>About you
People tell me I'm a really decent guy who does no drama and can be reliable. I live by myself, got my own car and work a fairly good paying job so have spare money. I'm 5'10, in good shape, weight about 80kgs, 3-4 inch long brown hair that I'm growing out, I'm told that I look young.

I spend more time working out now than I used to, although I've done grappling martial arts for a few years now (Jiu-Jitsu, Judo), I play guitar a lot more than I have before although I'm originally a bassist and feel that's where I can make it my sound. Other than that, the usual watching some stuff now and again.

>Looking for
Feminine femboys and transgirls. Not bothered about height, you don't have to be rail thin either, just be cute and go from there ;x And ideally a relationship, but just dates and seeing if we click is more than ok. I'm having little luck looking as I see a lot of T4T and polygamy relationships on apps. Distance as long as it's in UK isn't a problem as things can always be sorted out

No you are not a side quest to some bisexual checklist, that's fully my actual 100% type and how I base my sexual identity and everyone in my life knows that. Gtfo with calling me a chaser.

>Not looking for
Masculinity, people not in the UK, poly open relationships,

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I would like to understand the mindset behind female chasers and why exactly they are into trannies so if you happen to be one, add me, I have some questions

Discord: questionhaver.
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27, M, USA
>About you
mid-management sociopath with a distant, otherworldly personality. jealous, bitter and annoying at times. petty too, oh and vindictive. typified chaser. enjoys danger, reckless action, and impulsive decisions. what can I say? I hold a job, but I busk on the side, one day I'll catch that train and ride.
philosophy, esotericism, roleplay, horror, music/musicmaking, the occult, writing, backpacking/archery, mythology
>Looking for
exclusively FTM twinks to scare, torment and tease
>Not looking for
... basically anything else
Oral, mutual masturbation, titjobs, footjobs, thighjobs, femdom, role reversal, dark skin, business suits, cycling shorts, tracksuits, martial arts outfits
>Looking For
Video call lewd with masculine women {tomboys, muscular, amazon, fit, athletic, sporty, androgynous, etc.} (cis, trans, or nb) [any hair length or breast size]
>Not Looking For
Men (cis, trans, or nb)
Feminine women (cis, trans, or nb)
Under 26 years old
Roleplay or voice chat
Sellers or paywalls
Any other fetishes
26 FTM MA bi
Chubby guy, hairy belly, no tits, vers sub
Music, writing, books, film
>Looking for
FTM chasers of all genders and sexualities to lewd call/chat with. Alternatively, curious people who have questions about FTM shit, because you're always amusing to talk to
>Not looking for
More than that
Clingy people
Talk to me on my kik (sweetnnesss) and I might give it 2u
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24 MtF Maine US
>About me
5 foot 6, short blonde hair, mostly pale, blue eyes, subby bottom and a Bi.
Manga, anime, vidya, history, baking and some outdoor stuff.
>Looking for
New friendship, casual chat and maybe something more
>Not looking for
People who are younger than me, ghosters, and schizos.
Kik: dictlmphn … add me…..male tall dom, 28. I WANTq cd/sissyboy who is into feminization, domination.
Straight sub that will do anything for a trans/femboy! Will worship or do any task Kik: chawpa
Oral, futa, dick girl, cunt boy, muscle girl, chubby girl, cross dressing, androgyny
>Looking For
Video call faps, above 26, weebs, caring, gentle, sweet, playful, affectionate
>Not Looking For
Voice chat, under 26, non weebs, e-rp, ghosters, dating, body hair, facial hair
I got addicted to trans and sissy hypno. Now my mind is melted. I am not interested in vagina any more. I love chatting and spending time with sissy and trans girls. Sometimes I wish i was married to a trans woman andother tomes i wanna be a trans or sissy. Every day I seek interaction. It makes me feel so good. xxxx.

discord: littlepurplecake
24 M Southeast PA
Vidya, cinema, art/animation, history/culture, music, anything interesting I can watch multi-hour long video essays on at work
>Looking for
a gf relatively near the Philly/nj area
Prefer between 20-25
>Not looking for
"Femboys", "sissies", etc. Only self-identified committed girls.
Too far
sobs in Toronto rent prices
nigga you are a grown ass man, get a fucking grip and a job
Do you want a bi male video call fap; jerk bud?
«This person is so autistic it's like trying to talk to ChatGPT.»
>Looking For (Weeb)
Breast play, Oral, Sibling play, Mommy dom, Gentle femdom, Mutual fap, Voyeur, Exhibition, Trap, Wholesome, Caregiving, Big / chubby / thicc women, Kemono, Futa, etc.
>Not Looking For (Non Weeb)
Voice / Text only, Hairy men, Huge tits, Ass fetish, Loli, Rape, Ahegao, Shota, Bondage, Sex toys, NTR, Cheating, Group sex, Drugs, Piss, ABDL, Inflation, Blood, Shit, Pain, etc.
>Extra Space
(Please be caring, gentle, flirty, playful, loving, affectionate, etc.)
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a trans girl been on hrt ages, and socially been transitioned for like 3 years

looking for something real, intend to meet in person after a bit
discord: @crypticcoder
phone: 07787578998
oh also I'm 21 tf, love cycling, walks in the park, computers and painting
>ASL - 18/Transfem/TX!!
>About you - I'm pretty chill when it comes to most things, as long as you're nice and respectful so am I!!
>Looking for - Gaminggg, gaming gaming gaming, ooh, also Fallout 76!!!
>Not looking for - Text me for anything I'm so bored
>Discord - d.denora
>>30s/mtf/east coast
>>I have crazy stories to tell
>>Nature, hikes, marine biology, clandestine chemsity
>>friends I"m fucking lonely
>>I only post on here, discord is confusing
you seem interesting, I'm too old but you'd probably be fun, Hope you find someone closer to your age range
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20/femboy/spain (switch btw)
>Regular interests
Ask for them ^^ or for anything you wanna know about me
>looking for
Anyone cute actually :) girls, feminine boys, trans, any gender!
Lets chat about our kinks, regular interests, masturbate together, trade or whatever, feel free to suggest
Frindship open to a relationship would be ideal but im ok with just lewd or regular friendship.
I would ask you to be completely honest, nothing gets me mad
>not looking for
Regular guys trying their luck
A real lot, almost everything with barely no taboos, for real, i cant name them all here x)
My only limits are very antihygenic stuff like scat, gore, vomit, smells and so
>Discord Tag
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I'm in SE PA, are you far from the city? It's lonely around here, I want to move out west
>About you
6'2" (188cm), slightly possessive, introverted and thus not too interested in saying more here ^^
Variety gaming, music, dumb trivia like 'dles and Sporcle
>Looking for
MtF gf
>Not looking for
FtM, platonic shit
I'm relatively pretty close to Philly. I have a car so driving there isn't a big deal.
Wish you weren't 30 though
why can’t any of you dipshits put what state you’re in? jfc
35 M Australia hella bi

>About you
Im currently in a location where i have no, non workplace friends. In the army but taking on a PhD. Lots of energy but no outlet.

Reading. Fitness. I used to be into silver/gold smithing.

>Looking for
Im pretty open desu. Just be friendly

>Not looking for

None because of warthunder players but reply if you have alternative contact methods.
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trans rights server! yes! why would I lie to you!?
Middle east PA
Any way of Contact?
21 femboy looking to serve n obey any trans girl/fem forever :3 ill chat about anything , and ofc show or send anything you like
kik: SubSissyBoy_
discord: subsissyboy
I’m a tall nerdy stoner with a beard who’d love chatting with a transgirl

Kik @ upordown6
join truecord for a new femcel/femboy/tranny/austismcel/schizo/neet server!!

we have reaction roles and everything set up and need good mods!!

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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask you listed to:3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
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Hii my discord is dianacuraga

I'm looking for ppl to cam with and chat with

I do all kinds of requests and such! Hmu if you're interested (nothings for free~~)
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Message me on discord for verification (timestamp)

Good looking 24 year old guy, into philosophy, astrology, religion, history, music, esotericism. Also into normie stuff like vidya and movies. I like political discussion so long as it isn’t some normie republicuck vs democuck shit, or people seething about Biden, trump, racism, etc. I like big picture stuff.

Been watching House and it’s KINO.
join truecord for a new femcel/femboy/tranny/austismo/schizo/bpd/gamer/neet/goth/alt/emo/music server!!

we have reaction roles and everything set up and need good moderators!!

27 bi m bwc switch/vers

Into most things desu juat looking for some fun so add me.


Kik: demios305
29 Sissy-CD-femboy-whatever California
>About you
I'm a guy who loves dressing up as fem and sexy as possible. I have so many fantasies of playing with other fem people who will help to make me more fem
Lots of stuff lewd and sfw. Feel free to ask
>Looking for
Fem people - trans, femboys, sissies, whatever as long as you're fem and like playing with other fem people. Let's get dressed up together, trade pics/vids, chat - whatever you want :)
>Not looking for
Masculine and hairy men. People who answer with one word.
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22/m, 225lb, 6'1, 7", hypersexual - cum 3-4 times a day, pretty much your average /trash/ using mega degen coomer. i love all types of porn, be it hentai, irl, jav, 3d, doujins. i make cum tribs sometimes
>interests / kinks
hentai, gooning, paizuri, anal, anything to do with butts, kissjobs, nails, chubby, sweat, musk, size diff, pet play, lolicon,
>looking for
Pretty much a female fwb who matches my libido and is down to make each other cum a lot, bonus if you’re brocon and wanna be my imouto
>not looking for
just trading, vanilla, feeding, furries
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21 bi vers ftm, pst
>about you
Picrel is me, I’m a horny degenerate but pls believe me I’m well adjusted enough to be considered normal by 4chan tranny standards. I’m lonely in a way that no one here can fulfil but if you’re a slightly deranged early to mid twenties man thats a twunkish degenerate that’s good enough for me. This applies to ftms too but I know none of you are going to add me
>looking for
What I posted above. I want to get off with someone and im pretty exhibitionistic so I can send you pics and vids and ideally you want to do the same. I want someone who I can talk to normally not just for lewd stuff. I’m not interested in anyone who just wants to get off and be done with it.
Ideal guy is a straight/bi lean twunk that’s a little autistic, bonus if you have a cute ass/nipples
Please don’t add me if you don’t fit the things I’m looking for

Fire doujin

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
schizoaffective, major depressive disorder, social anxiety, occasionally suicidal, sometimes self harms, weed/alcohol addict, daddy issues (idk if that counts as a mental illness)

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate /pol/tard who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also kinda chubby (146lbs), very autistic and racist. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic. intp. i am not a good person.

Reading, painting, warhammer AoS, black metal, programming, mlp, age regression, gaming (fear & hunger, resident evil, dungeon defenders, darkest dungeon, tf2, boomer shooters)

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, shota, grooming, brainwashing, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi

>Looking for
a guy or girl (but preferably guy) to pretend to be my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, etc. it doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, id just like someone who i can call dad and will treat me like i’m younger.

sounds weird but also would like them to gaslight me/encourage my addict behaviour and schizo delusions in a praising/encouraging way kind of way (“you’re right utterly, they are in the walls. have another drink for daddy/mommy and you’ll ufeel better :)”).

my dad wasn’t around him in humphrey when i was younger and it makesu me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i don’t care about age but i’d like someone older. nsfw or sfw.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not actually interested in this kind of dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, people who only respond with one word replies, people who only want to talk about nsfw, transphobes

kik: angelcupid66
disc: postaldude77
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29, M, USA
>About you
Just a masc guy looking for someone special.
I'm 6'4" and Beefy :3
Video gaming, Movies, Hiking, Racing, Computers and VR
>Looking for
Trans (mtf or femme ftm) or feminine types.
>Not looking for
Masc guys
Discord - damaged.done
I'd love to talk to you, but no discord is a no go really. I'm not about to post on 4chan contact info/meet up info, for example.
44 m Sissy mommy here Add me on discord <3xxxxxxxxxx

small cock looking to please any trans/femboys :) Kik: chawwp
diamanta#7960 =]

Cutie and kind but needs attention every now and then
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24 hung straight guy chasing trans women or femboys. Message me on kik: kyro.tn9 if you want to find out more
sure send tag
21 femboy lookin for fem/trans to become friends and chat with, maybe more ;) hmu if u wanna have some funnn
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
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Not a tranny just a feminine boy .
If ur boring and dont have an interesting first message and as generic as most ppl or add and dont say anything immediately or take too long to reply im unadding u
Discord: yay_ray
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>describe urself
sweet, cute, loyal, affectionate, slim but still a lil squishy, half white half latina, girl next door type :) n yes, a tad mentally ill (depression/anxiety)

>looking for
my knight in shining armor to come n save me n make me his housewife <3

>not looking for
anything other than bio males, feminine males, incels, neets, anyone too mentally ill, anyone too left leaning

>final remarks
pls just be genuine, i rlly am not looking to play games, i want real love

discord: lilangel.x
32m northeast PA
Into DnD, music, reptiles
Looking for chatting and meeting up with the right person
Not looking for anyone masculine
No discord
Kik aguytheanonguy
Snap theveganlion
21M, midwest usa (chaser)

>About you
I am very loyal and also very lonely and easy going, I want friends or something more.
If we become good friends I will never let you go.

I like vidya, touhou, and programming. Lately I've been getting into modded minecraft again.
Also, I'm not a very horny person so if you only want some weird sex thing, dont bother! A little bit of lewd is fine though.

>Looking for
cute trans girls with similar interests from the midwest usa

>Not looking for
people who ghost and/or ignore me

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forgot an image ;-;
Trust me I am CHASING I’ll do whatever for femboys/trannys kik:altaraa
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for cool stuff.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
20 straight mtf south of brazil
>about you
pathetic failure
posted here before but most people i talked to weren't from brazil
gaming, cooking, sewing (and embroidery), cuddling
recently been working on a cute lil farming game, very hobbyish
also have a cooking site cooking.boymoder.biz (and in portuguese modogaroto.lol)
>looking for
i'd love a chaser bf but i'd be happy to just make dinner for you and cuddle hehe
or a friend of any kind im really lonely
Join our Pokemon femboy sever
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Bump <3
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about me:
5'6, twink/tranny NEET, kinda hung ig
looking for:
older guys desu, discord servers where i can whore out, etc. etc.
music, art, gaming

pic is me
24, NB (afab), Cali
>About you
Horny and on molly, about to be played with by my Daddy (bf, 35).
Dick, orgasms, art/doodles, vidya, gooning, anal, MLP, hallucinogens+psychedelics
>Looking for:
Pretty trans girls who wanna be horny new friends and dont mind splitting a switch-y sub enby with a dominant man
>Not looking for
Men, one n done, single serving friends
Are you open to traveling to another country for a while?
27/twink femboy/england but originally from the EU
>about you
5'7, about 135lbs, skinny with long dark hair. 100% submissive and relatively feminine looking. Love cuddling, dressing up and pleasing others and anything feminine and cute. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. Very kinky, open to trying most things. Got my own clothes and toys.
Writing, gaming, reading, history, travelling idk i'm not very interesting.
>looking for
Long term relationship with a dom that can lead to meeting in real life. I'd very much like to be feminised and take hormones in the future. Would also like to be someone's live in transgf
Open to anyone as long as i'm your bottom bitch.
>not looking for
Submissives, switches and guys who demand pics and just want to jerk off.
I got addicted to trans and sissy hypno. Now my mind is melted. I am not interested in vagina any more. I love chatting and spending time with sissy and trans girls. Sometimes I wish i was married to a trans woman andother tomes i wanna be a trans or sissy. Every day I seek interaction. It makes me feel so good. x

discord: cuteredtart
bump, still active
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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask you listen to! :3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
tall order here but 26/m/us looking for a girl who isn't into anime
Area code?

23m pansexual, love to be gay with ftms. Into lots of things and pretty open.
Is Bumble good for this(it allows searching for Trans)? I got a lot of matches in Asia, but 50% were looking for money and the other 50% were looking for a serious relationship, which is fair, but I obviously don't live there so I couldn't get into that sort of thing.
Lemme know what state/area if you've done this before and the results.
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Ftm seeking mtfs. Not looking for ugly cis male chasers don't bother adding unless you are a transgender goddess
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>about you
Alcoholic egg wageslave y.y aka GIRLFAILURE
Music alcohol and appreciating pretty gurls :3
>Looking for
Pretty people wanting to chat a lil about trans stuff maybe and to break up my girlrotting
>Not looking for
un-feminine men (ewww)
Built for fat ugly bastards
29 / mtf / US (MA)

>About you
Manic pixie nightmare girl, I live pretty interestingly and will take you on the best adventure of your life but I'm mentally ill and will cry over stupid things like walking over a bridge or that you're walking behind me for a few minutes so you must hate me.

Traveling, emo/goth music/culture/fashion/everything, reading, PC gaming, programming, emotionally deteriorating, getting briefly trapped in bizarre international situations.

>Looking for
"I can fix her"

>Not looking for
Boring people, under the age of 27, people only interested in sex

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>Looking for
Fellow degens to share my girlfriend with, have some nudes of her and pics and vids of her feet and love when other horny people enjoy her.

Bonus if you're a weeb/neet/furry/femboy/or trans and if you like girl feet.
>Not looking for
Anything else
Discord- usemygf2
need a trans to share with me and my big hard cock right now

kik is 665d613
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>About me
silly girl on hrt for 2 years. neet until i have a boyfriend who makes having a job worth it
>Looking for
i want a controlling, manipulative, narcissistic man in my life. i want to be totally obsessed with him and hopelessly wrapped around his finger. i want every thought of mine to revolve around how i can be the best possible asset in his life and how i can best show my love for him. i like domineering men who take what they want when they want it. manipulative individuals who see me as inherently less than them. i am willing to put up with almost any amount of physical or emotional abuse as long as i’m the only one you have eyes for
>Not looking for
sexting, betas, cucks, cheaters, poly retards, bald men, people who are going to judge me for my history of substance abuse, cringe retards
alcohol, dick, pop music, old sitcoms, us electoral history
nigga you need therapy not a boyfriend
das crazy bro. i ask the therapist for help with my daddy issues and she just kinda shrugs and says “i don’t really know what to do about that!”. only an abusive chaser can fix me. and if i don’t find one here tonight i’ll just go to the bar and find one
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Femboy Used Panty Seller

Optional cum, multi day wear, pics or videos of me wearing and masturbating in them.

Kik: anon_586
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message me anytime
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lets see where this goes
Do you ever do sex work? I'm not looking for a relationship, just a hole to cum in.
35 M Australia hella bi

>About you
Im currently in a location where i have no, non workplace friends. In the army but taking on a PhD. Lots of physical energy and attention to give but no outlet.

Reading. Fitness. I used to be into silver/gold smithing.

>Looking for
Im pretty open desu. Just be friendly

>Not looking for

None because of warthunder players but reply if you have alternative contact methods.
Do not add, posts all the fucking time, just an ad for some online seller.
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29, smooth shaven sissy with a tight pink hole and a tiny clit to match:) looking for a dominant owner and fem playmates!

My kinks include feminization, humiliation, chastity, orgasm control, anal, ass worship, ass to mouth, bondage, cum, shaving and more:)

Oh and I have kind of a big kink for being made to lick and suck on shaved, sweaty, smelly cocks, balls, armpits and assholes

Kik - kyliesiss934
Hey, I've just sent you a friend request on discord, I can't send you a dm cause we aren't friends (I'm the one with a discord avatar in a purple background as pfp)
>discord thread
>posts kik
Flag that you're an NPC with automated responses that doesn't actually think before posting.
hi, I'm 23 years old, i'm a Italian boy but i want to do a transition to become a girl, at the moment in financial way i'm in a bad position, if someone want to know more and can help my out in this way i will be so grateful (any type of offer is acceptet, in case if you want you can text me on kik : JolyneJoji
THX <3
Pink? That's brown...maiq wonders how big your gock is.
20 m

I chase FTM folks because they set off something in my brain that makes me go feral. I don't want you to detransition, I think you're perfect the way you are. I'm a normal person besides this paraphillia.

Kik: Thirdkingdom0321
21 femboy looking to show off my new clothes n toys for any trans who wants a sub femboy to use n abuse to any kinks you can imagine, just hmu for a great night :3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
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18 / m / mostly gay ( i love trannies :3 )
>About you
5'3 long haired weirdo that likes being abused
i love gardening and reading.. and games like most fags here
>Looking for
any mtf that wants to abuse me and make me trans too :3
>Not looking for
cucks ew
Looking for naughty obedient slaves, I want some fun no charges very discreet
Start with asl and who you live with for reply
25 f uk
M 21 USA (Ma)
>about me
I'm a kind and relaxed guy, 420, l am looking for a fwb I'm horny as fuck and love thighs, I'm a kinky af switch.
27m hairy athletic 8in
Love mtf/traps/femboys/cds
Anyone can add snap
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>About you
I'm just a nerdy guy who looks normal irl but secretly dresses up fem when I'm alone (pic me)
Languages, vidya, Youtube/Twitch, learning new things
>Looking for
Anything really!! But I love chasers and people to admire and lust for me and spoil me~
>Not looking for
People who get upset and block if I don't answer immediately!!
hopefulfemboy. (w/the period!!)
5'10, 180lbs
Just a reasonably well adjusted dude living life who's into (trans) women
Reading, mtg, travelling, baking, nature, ice skating, anime, vidya
>Looking for
A cute girl to talk, to get to know, maybe get lewd with. Just see where things go.
>Not Looking for
Men, unhinged people
Aside from trans women, fake boobs, hairy pussy/dick, chubby/thicc, pregnancy, oral, thick, pawg
Discord: Ichiyaaa
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>About you
NEET poor ass trying to create a home in the desert. Incessant leftist, cringy psuedo-anarchist. Somewhat fit, white, 6'
Music, permaculture, cooking, innawoods bushcraft trail junkie, buttfucking, vibeogame, mushrooms, philosophy/theology, doing literally anything at all
>Looking for
Anybody who just wanna hang out.
Anybody who doesn't mind my obvious poverty.
ANYBODY in New Mexico.
>Not looking for
If yr soul rotted & rude.
Gun perverts.
Over 30yr old.
hey gf, what you doing here?
24 M Bi
looking for trans and femboys to talk to ;)
Discord: Danky88
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24, MtF, ME
>About Me
5 foot 6, short blonde hair, mostly pale, blue eyes, subby bottom and a Bi.
>Looking For
New friendship, casual chat and maybe something more
>Not Looking For
People who are younger than me, ghosters, and schizos.
You sound cute.
Then why dont you add them lol
Because I am old and fat.
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catfish posing with pics of merrple on reddit, twitter, and tumblr. The pics they are sharing are around 5 years old. picrel. reverse it
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Kik: violetvee1

Find out i guess. I like dominant men :)
I got addicted to trans and sissy hypno. Now my mind is melted. I am not interested in vagina any more. I love chatting and spending time with sissy and trans girls. Sometimes I wish i was married to a trans woman andother tomes i wanna be a trans or sissy. Every day I seek interaction. It makes me feel so good. x

discord: cuteredtart
very true, easily searchable
Anyone looking for a lil cam fun with a mommy trans tonight? drop disc
me pls my user is monkeyballs05
Kik: parvib7
LOOKING FOR FTM. Hope some trans man are lurking around. Would love to get to know one and be kinky around each other and potentially even more. Hope we can chat and figure something out.
Kik: analmouse
Love FTM with missgendering kinks, or wondering if they made the right decision.
I get so hard looking at your bushy cunts and tits
Mtf also welcome to chat
post-top masc ftm into breeding
no forcefem
disc: alrxio
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We have a cute trap discord fill with boys and hot chasers. If you want to chat with other cuties or get harassed by big strong men this is the place to be

Telegram: @best1o

M36 DOM here, looking for girls, traps, sissies and other fem creatures as slaves.
I also have been a bull for many couples.
I have a lot of experience.

>white, fit and in shape, 8inch penor.
>working out, gaming (occasionally) gardening
>mtf, ideally a sub / sissy
>kik: potchuck

hit me up
28 M US
>About you
I'm looking for a trans girlfriend(s) with the ultimate goal of a lewd relationship.
Total War, Fallout, long walks, giant monsters, firearms, simulation games.
>Looking for
Trans girls with amazing personalities, getting lewd, role play, seeing their bodies, learning all about them.
>Not looking for
Guys, femboys/traps
M25 Canada
>About you
Lonely autistic guy who wants companionship and gaming
Gaming, anime, programming, cooking, baking... Kaiji is bussin btwm watch it
>Looking for
Cute pervy nerds
>Not looking for
Tame nerds
24, female, oregon
>Random bullshit that describes you
low iq hikkikomori neet pervert. /c4tgen/ lurker. fucked up mentally ill beautiful princess. i self harm and drink a lot. might have an eating disorder. also i'm into some freak shit maybe but don't worry about it.
ffxiv, drinking, anime, cooking, yapping to randoms, making bad choices.
>Looking for
cute (e)gf. please let me love you. please please please please please please please.
>Not looking for
normalfags, moralfags, men. don't add me if you just want a virtual one night stand.
>Discord Tag

yeah i already know i'm getting zero legit adds from this thread for sure.

Incredibly based 10/10 would add again.
32/ mtf-nb/ latin america/ pan
>About you
shy persona, that loves video game, i kinda like play online a lot, like anime and stuff, very sensitive, clingy and need, but like i like helping other, i ahve a sort of sense of humour, and currently trying to find a place i belong.
anime/manga, streaming, videos games, drawing, firendships, rpgs, fireemblem, liek too many stuff to mention on tis.
>Looking for
someone to talk to long hours, support one another, and like jsut hangout, talk abotu wahtever, learn about each other and from each other., play games, and like be a best firend.
>Not looking for
mean people, distant people, rude, lewd stuff out of nowhere

Needs attention and is really open minded, way too much
bump again,,,,,, u dont need to twerk if u dont want too :o
im NA EAST, 23 year old male
DISCORD: 999__bob__999
28, FtM, Midwest
post-top surgery, passing masc trans guy. NEET at the moment but not usually. would love someone to vc and play video games, be lewd, maybe more...?

disc: marzmio
did yall get together awwwwwwww
23 US
Skinny, looking for trans to see lewd on cam, trade or goon to hentai with
No real limits nor preferences, just be into kinky stuff thx u :)
Discord is windexprincess
Kik: parvib7
Very much into FTM and MTF. Would love to get to know someone and form a relationship of any sort. Either be kinky around each other or just casually talk, I am open to anything really. Hope to hear from you
19 stone, 6'3
Into music, movies, traveling
Looking for mtf
mtf in dfw texas looking for a master near me
discord is seshat6571
Can't find you under @dianacuraga?
28 M USA, CA
>About you
5'10 short brown hair, green eyes, bigger guy around 280lbs
Music, Movies, Video Games, older Anime, Gambling, Sports ( F1, American Football and Baseball) I am also a DJ so thats something I like to do too.
>Looking for
People to talk to and maybe get to know someone and see what happens
>Not looking for
Men, Guys, Bois
if you got got your alt added by the same girl who blocked you after showing face pics on the main, should you kill yourself? asking for a friend
Horny high fit male, edging all night to femboys and trans while my girl sleeps. hmu if you wanna play. 18+ only lmk how you found me ASL
M,26, PA


Femboy showing face and small dick for exposure blackmail and humiliation jerking to wives and gf's. Love milfs.
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>About you
slightly mentally insane, down the adhd. possibly a forest spirit from another world. i look pretty average. i like silly RPGmaker games like fear and hunger and yume nikki
gaming, music/music production, drawing, writing, forest walks (tis the season), psychology, horror
>Looking for
hopefully a relationship but if not just some friends, am lonely
>Not looking for
cis guys, ghosters, im fine with whatever besides that
>27 M Washington
>everything about my gf was fake and I was gonna marry her, I am now very upset and wanna try uskcing a cute penis
>I really like deftones
>I wanna find a cute mtf/ femboy that loves their gock that's under like 24 years old
>I do not wanna find one with a useless gock
>discord is gethiiighwithme (I literally made it just now so new new new)
bwc bull here working on draining these heavy balls. femboys or trans, hmu
kik: lucasbwc3
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25, male, Sydney Australia
>physical description
White, 6'2", average build, green eyes, brown hair
I do coding/programming, I do art, digital art, oil painting and more. I play video games, like apex, Runescape, tf2. I like science, watching YouTube, movies. I watch Livestreams.
>Looking for
A girl to chat with. Maybe pursue a relationship if we like eachother. I want someone who's intelligent and reasonable minded. Having a good sense of humour, and sharing an interest/hobby would be nice. Open to people from anywhere.
Discord: rck4336
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18 m Eu
(but I'm going to stay in the Uk for a while this summer)

>About you
5'11" twink sub (picrel is me)
(I can be as smooth as you want me to be btw)

History, going out on walks, music and a bit of gaming as well

>Looking for
I just want to get dommed by a trans girl,
femboys and other twinks are fine too

>Not looking for
manly people ig

30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website control my twitter and catfish/expose as me any way you like and more also open to exposure games, setting up a video feed in my room and open for any hot proposals or ideas Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
Straight M looking to domme or be a sub for trans/femboy Kik: sazatoo
27 CD in the uk. Looking for dominant, controlling, right wing men who want a trad wife type CD who they can mould into their dream wife.

Dream man is masculine, controlling, jealous type who wants a long term committed relationship. Ideally based in UK but would relocate for the right man.

Age not important.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
>Age/ Sex
Inter Rocky Mountains US
>About you
I’m a forester and I travel a lot for work, and usually stay up in the Rockys when I’m not home with family. I’m pretty big on outdoor recreation when I’m not working out or being depressed you can find me fly fishing, climbing, and hiking. I live a more conservative lifestyle, I’m open minded and always will to have challenging conversations
>Looking for
Dating, chatting, and meet up.
Someone who is passionate about the outdoors and loves to travel.
>Not looking for
Men, anyone older than 25 or younger then 20
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31/M/NYC. Pan if it matters

lifting, tech, video games, all kinds of music, trauma and psychiatric medicine, introspection, journaling, self-improvement (I'm currently going through a breakup so I'm on a self-improvement binge), I'm also trying to read more as well so any book recommendations are more than welcome.

>Looking for
Friends, maybe a close friend to talk to and trust. Relationships maybe? If it happens, it happens. I just want friends first and to improve myself before getting into another relationship.

>Not looking for
Non-Americans. I don't have anything against non-Americans. I'd just like to be in the same time zone as other friends.

Discord: lowspeedhighdrag5326
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19/hrt Femboy/US

>About me
5'2 bratty femboy tard that likes cuddles and nice people. My body is built like a egirl, but I'm actually just a goth eboy. I’ve got nice hips and big soft thighs! If you're not nice like rice, I'll be mean like a bean to ya. I'm originally from Germany, I'd you care. Oh yeah, I cosplay. Pic is me.

>Sexual interests
Wieners, all the time. In my butt, in my mouth between my legs, rubbing on my face, all over. I'm a bottom, but I like enjoy petplay, being milked, breeding, edging and being milked.
I have a huge oral fixation, I love giving handjobs and BJs. Other then that I’m a virgin :3
>Not interested in
Manly hairy men, weirdos, poltards, and creeps

Other than that I’m really sad lately, someone I liked left me and I kinda feel used. Guess I’m looking for someone sweet and nice that’ll validate me and to share some lewd talking or hentai (the gay kind) with… oh, and someone who says they love me over and over.
Ideally I’d like to roleplay, come up with some ideas, be creative. I do enjoy furries. (And being jerked off while cuddled!) >~<

Dont start with “hey” or “how are you” just send some porn or be lewd or send an rp idea. Also 2d stuff only pls, and I can share back myself or my porn!

Discord: Asherst
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Vidya, music, movies, fashion, all things horror, cosplay, anime, manga
>Looking for
Any trans girls, trans men or femboys who might be interested in selling pics. I love to buy from new people but Im cool with chatting about stuff too
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> Looking for
Cool femme guys/trans girls to get to know, trade pics with, talk about fetishes/hobbies/life. Emphasis on the get to know part!

> not looking for
Anyone under 21, masc guys, racists, assholes, conspiracy theorists

> sexual interests
Far too many to list! Some faves though are Futa, petite, public, oral, slutty outfits, masturbation, roleplay

> about me
Tall weeb that's really into vidya, baseball/football, pc building, movies! I’m looking for some new games/shows/manga to get into and I’d love some recommendations

> tag
21 femboy looking to serve a trans/fem forever with any need you may need ;) clothes and toys are always ready to model and use, plus too much hentai for myself!
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
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>looking to meet people (single)
Everything else is on the image desu
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website control my twitter and catfish/expose as me any way you like and more also open to exposure games, setting up a video feed in my room and open for any hot proposals or ideas Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
>About you
College student who is now happily on summer break with more free time to meet new anons
Indoorsy and outdoorsy. Skating to vidya to music, I tend to do it all. I have been busy with school so most of my hobbies have been sitting on the backburner.
>Looking for
any and all trans/nb friends. happy to be friends or have lewd conversations with you if your comfortable with it. Bonus if you are kinky, extra bonus for switches/doms
>Not looking for
men. Femboys are cool
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We're around, but I don't really fuck with "straight" people anymore since being on T. As a fat, hairy vers top dom, most hets steer clear when they recognize I'm not the FTM fantasy they're after. Good luck to you though, anon.
Bump again! Still around and looking for other fem people to play with :)
Me me me please dc is wankaholix
Dc is wankaholix huge gooner and love feet
>22 f US
gaming, anime, movies
>looking for
A boyfriend
>not looking for
time wasters
so im trans. i want a chaser to talk to for something kinda specific. usually i bottom but i want him to teach me to top cis girls in exchange for being his sub. maybe some misgendering calling me a boy and how getting pussy for the first time will fix me. last time people took this as making me man up and teaching me weird pick up artist alpha male stuff. thats not really what i mean.

kik jot646
Wonderful, but do you have discord mister?
29 MtF USA
>About you
I make music!
>Looking for
Friends, people to talk to, etc.
>Not looking for
Mean or rude people.
yeah its ffeedv
sent request, from psalmofsymmetry
24/ flirty t girl/ USA
hobbies: gym, reading, anime, gaming
sexually into cis men or trans men ^.^ also open to online friends!
mostly looking for ppl to game with and vc lol i play dead by daylight and stardew
not looking for dick pics and nudes immediately, or gooning in vc. not posting discord either so reply with yours if interested

Down for Stardew :3
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kik: hornytransf3m / diamanta#7960
21 sub femboy looking for a femdom to break me and make me her bitch:3 im super loyal and will be at your beck and call, and will send anything you ask ;)
will share list of kinks n limits upon request!
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
bump cause I am an attention whore!!
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18m usa
>Sexual Orientation
>About Yourself
I like drugs, anime (especially little boys), obsessed with looksmaxxing
>Sexual Interests
BBC, loli, shota, sissification, trans gooning, hentai, raceplay, cuckolding, BNWO, voyeurism, i'm kinda AGP
>Looking For
some to feed me sissification porn, BNWO/blacked captions, whyte bois/twinks for BBC, encourage me to transition (I bought some HRT recently), pnp/poppers play & drugs,
>Not Looking For
racists (i'm sicilian), people who hate "spics", real men (twinks/sissies only I'm AGP)

picrel is me, make it a BNWO caption <3
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25M Vancouver Canada


Flight Sim, Minecraft, Crypto, Russian Music

>Mental illnesses

Autistic ASF

>Free space (put anything you want here)

Building a chill meta community where we talk about our lives

>Looking for

Autists and Cult members

>Not looking for

Reddit People

>Discord Tag

subsissyboy would love to play!
down to play with uuu! subsissyboy
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22 cism bi

t-girl butts are epic

30/hetero/ursão fitness
Oi, branquinha. Temos interesses em comum. Sou gamedev no unreal e estou fazendo um rpg. Vamos conversar?
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website control my twitter and catfish/expose as me any way you like and more also open to exposure games, setting up a video feed in my room and open for any hot proposals or ideas Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
We can play dbd together, I have a post on here as well.
Discord is Anonmosity
bwc bull here working on draining these heavy nuts. femboys or trans, hmu
kik: lucasbwc3
23 100lbs femboy goonette rapeslut with a cuteee voice <3
Loving trading, lets get sloppyyy
Show me what should happen to me~

Discord @twinkyalex
if an mtf could eat a sandwich and record it for me i would greatly appreciate that (to be clear, this is my kink, so understandable if youre grossed out)
discord - uberhiccupz
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>Age Sex Location
23 Male Phoenix Arizona (USA) BI

>About You
I like Video games, anime, manga, sharing music.
I go to the gym often.
I am 6'0.

Playing games (shooters, fighting games, etc), programming, and going to the gym. Other than that, its finishing up college, and watching/reading anime and manga.

>Looking for
Cute/Feminine/Twink boys/MTF to be friends with (and maybe more if things work out).
Play a buncha shitty video games with.
Be in Arizona (or be able to travel here i guess)

>Not looking
Non Cute boys, Masculine/Towering

Discord tag: .rooomez.
28, M, Near witchita

>About you
Chill guy looking to vibe

Gaming(vidya and board), art, film, standard stuff

>Looking for
Someone to play thenone piece tcg with or a cute tranny that doesnt mind im married ;)

>Not looking for


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>Age Sex Location
27/m/richmond hill 416 toronto

>About you
looking to fuck this week i just got on new meds and have been horny as fuck
otherwise i'm a normal grounded guy with a cat that enjoys playing guitar and video games, sometimes riding my bike
I have a decent body count, mostly with women, two ftm. I always use condoms and am disease and drug free.

Enjoy thigh highs on anyone, body hair is fine if you're ftm but be smooth if you're a femboy. love making out and eating pussy, would like to try frotting.

>Looking for
hit me up if you're FTM or a femboy/mtf i'm down to try out some bussy

and on the rare chance a women reads this, hi lets get coffee

>Not looking for
people with beards, people above 32

>ASL (Orientation)
31, Male, EU, and Bi.

>looking for
Fun, pervy, open-minded people to talk to, get to know, become friends with, guide, and chill with.
Maybe also share porn and hentai, talk about films, Vidya, anime, D&D, or a whole fuckton of nerdy things!

>What you're not looking for
I'm super open!

Loli, shota, free use, ownership, CNC, rape, impregnation, futanari, "family fun", pretty much anything dark or depraved!


the fake friendliness these people need to convey because of their deranged fetishes lol.
Seller who's ugly.
23 m bi tampa-ish
6'3 latino average build
low body count
into fems of all types
gaming (tf2 dark and darker), gentoo, eurobeat, hardcore history by dan carlin, animes some movies, 3d art, automobiles, nature
>Looking for
im trying to bounce back from some hard times as of recent. i will not throw that emotional baggage your way i promise. (unless you ask)
talking, maybe movie time
maybe dating (long term) if we connect well enough
>Not looking for
emotionally unstable or political freaks
ONS (unless ur super duper hawt then maybe)
36 m tx
Vidya - mostly play PC games or stuff on my phone. Few of my favorites right now -
wow SOD, star rail, deeprock, ff14 sometimes, idle games, eu4/stellaris, dangan ronpa, 999/VLR, STS/MT, phoenix wright, whatever shitty indie games I can find on steam to mess around with.

Tabletop/boardgames are also a recent passion of mine. dnd type stuff is okay, but I edge more towards the board related hobby. Stuff like: Terraforming mars, Scythe, settlers, lords of waterdeep, secret hitler, etc.

Animoos as well. I think they have good stories and enjoy them quite a bit. Favorites include - CSM and Freiren. Older stuff - Bakemonogatari, steins;gate, jojos, golden kamuy, slime isekai, fma:brotherhood, kaiji, food wars, my hero academia.

Normie shows: Office, BB, the wire, soprananos. Wrexham, gordon ramsay cooking shows, reservation dogs was really good, enjoyed Shrinking and a bunch of other apple TV shows. Poker face was pretty good. lots of stuff.

>Looking for
people to talk about anime/gaming with. possibly more.
>Not looking
boring people.
>Contact info
25/cis m/usa
Chubby guy looking to trade hentai, chat, goon, friends, really anything. Anyone welcome but especially love femboys/femanons.

Disc: motler89
20 Mtf USA
>About me
I'm a loser neet troon waiting on in-state tuition to kick in so I can go back to college -_-
>interests, hobbies
>looking for
Moids to give me attention
Give me money for laser/electrolysis and I'll marry you or something lol not sobbing :)
>Discord: give me yours -_-
21 femboy looking to chat, serve and show myself off to any trans looking to have a sub femboy as their slave :3 ill send anything you like and talk about anything, so come have some fun!
discord: subsissyboy
snapchat: subsissy_22
Oomf messed it up so just add this gay little alt i made:
@ meaniemousie
See you soon :)
> College student who is now happily on summer break with more free time to meet new anons

Same anon
Doesn't work, says check to see if the username is correct.
God fucking damn it

I'm not crying YOU'RE CRYING
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>About you
I eat a lot obviously because I’m fat af. I like browsing the internet. I enjoy talking about cars, fashion, culture, and lewd
Fashion, cars, computing, and education
>Looking for
Anyone to dm and share pics with
>Not looking for
People who think I’m gross
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anyone likes big dick femboys?
Only adding femboys and girls
Discord : vaypan
19(20 this month if that matters), mtf, uk
>About you
5'7, dark long hair, white, skinny, on hrt for a little over a year but socially out for 3, allegedly passes, neet, hopeless romantic khhv
i dont care about height or wealth and im not a bpdemon
ambient music, dnb, fashion, cuddling, roblox, blender, idk what else to put really but feel free to ask me anything, i'm not one to get offended
>Looking for
chill guy to be neet losers with, we'd send random cool pics to eachother from pinterest or something, talk about literally anything and probably talk a lot abt romantic stuff like cuddling if you're down, preferably ftm but i know that's unrealistic..?, if u like gentle romantic affection and stuff like that and if being submissive is something that comes naturally to you then that's great
>Not looking for
invisible status, girls/women, someone who'd rather be dominant, reppers (unless ftm but meh), over 25, someone who wants me to be mean, someone who wants something solely sexual (i've never sexted or even done an erp before)
i am a master that owns a sissy bitch that gets off to being humiliated by dom men. come join.

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21 femboy sissy looking for anyone (preferably fem:3) pervs to goon with all night while i play hentai games! i have absolute tons of hentai n pics and i’m into almost anything, will send list if we talk ;) ill show off my clothes n toys to you even if we get along…, so please hmu, i’d love to serve n be slutty :3 !
snap: femboy_noelle
discord: subsissyboy
The point of this thread is for chasers to talk to traps/trans, dumb bitch
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website like twitter and catfish/expose me any way you like. Maybe setting up a video feed in my room. I can buy outfits from Shein if u want to control how i dress. open for any hot proposals, ideas or exposure games Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
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i’m so coked up

Snap: bunnyvomitt
Kik : bunnyvomitt
Discord: 8unnyvomitt
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Smol bitchboy on hrt looking to talk with hung horny daddies
Discord: Spyroradriar
would you simultaneously refuse to interact with other overweight people?
Trans ppl inquire within

Interested mainly in women but may be willing to troon out for the right man

Found the source he's catfishing with
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kik: hornytransf3m /// diamanta#7960
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I just felt like sharing desu
Very nice.
ty <3
21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask :3
discord: subsissyboy
snap: femboy_noelle
Squeezable tummy
Horny chaser here, it’s my birthday, message me and be my trans goddess

Kik: suitmanx69
23 MtF west coast
>About you
mentally ill (obviously) tranny hacker. Total hon btw lol. I just read all day, been a neet like ~6 months
cybersecurity, philosophy, programming, religion
>Looking for
>Not looking for
people horny or looking to sext or whatever
right out of the gate
Shyish M21. Oral fetishist. Curious about sucking cock, but I also want to keep lying to mysef that Im straight. Are any trans girls horny around SE Wisconsin? Ill feel better sucking a dick if it belongs to a girl. Ill eat your ass too, as thanks.
Kik: whatelse38
Kik: parvib7
Ever wanted to be turned into bimbo trophy wife? Molded into perfect body and behavior? Come to daddy and I will make that dream come true. Looking for someone dedicated. Hope to hear from you
M 21 melb aus
looking for my first cock
hmu on kik : carlossuc144
>fat 44 m France
>looking for a trap/mtf to do some lewd stuff
>not looking for masc men or ftm
Heyy, 25m chaser, FL
love the gym and video gamez
>Looking for
femboys/trans to chat with and possibly take on a date
kik b9822b
>About you
Retarded, possibly derranged genetic engineer on the loose. I like playing vidya, lifting weights, watching anime (haven't seen anything lately) and some online fuckery here and there as well. Just graduated from school so now I'd like to branch out and meet some new folks. I'm looking to invest in a new PC build at some point, but I'm also looking to buy myself a house in the near future so that might take a while.
Vidya: eu4/ck2, elden ring, war thunder, skyrim/fallout, tf2, black ops zombies, minecraft, some other indie stuff on steam
Manga/anime: dragon ball, jojo, hunter x hunter, baki, studio ghibli stuff, AoT, one punch man, chainsaw man, family guy
Other: weightlifting, guns, cars, fishing, cooking, memes/internet culture, video essays
>Looking for
Girls around my age, preferably in shape and mentally stable. I take reasonably good care of myself, mentally and physically, and I'd expect you would as well. Anyone can add but I'm mainly interested in meeting girls here.
>Not looking for
polyshits, hons, ftms/femboys
24/cis M/NYC

>About you
huge ftm chaser. 6’1, white, skinny, with an abnormally giant cock. If you’re a size king, you’ll adore me

fitness and nature, also love cats

>Looking for
a cute ftm who’s brain I can pick and discuss kinks with. Masc ftm is okay but I don’t like facial hair. My biggest kinks are cnc, breeding, and free use.

>Not looking for
cis men, mtf, amab

> asl
> Describe yourself
1,74m 70kg. 10 years on t so far.
> About me
I really like being misgendered . I'm into detrans, I'm into misogyny, I'm into patriarchy and I'm into mental games. I want to talk with real misogynistic men, not people that see this as just a fantasy. I'm into conversion therapy stuff.
> Not looking for
Trans people, women. People younger than me.
> Kik
bumping bc horny
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26/m/us east
>About you
NEET. Big into video games mostly. Playing through the StarCraft 1 Brood War campaign currently. 5'8", kind of a dad bod I guess.
Video games, anime/manga, gunpla, history, technology.
>Looking for
MTF girlfriend, or just friends would be cool too
>Not looking for
men, mean people
bumping, lets talk as the weekend continues
amazing feeling isn't it
hi. i love femboys a lot
my kik is lovefemboysalot
if you’re a femboy/trans/sissy with a smooth body i want to worship & praise you and see all your pics & vids and get off to your beautiful body
they’re all so hot
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>About you
I’m a weird nut who’s smoking pot posting in horny general, want to be milked and get bottom surgery or smt
I’m an autistic pot smoking idiot who plays video games and doesn’t go out besides to restaurants (food pretty tasty) I like art, creepy weird internet bullshit and YouTube murder docs
>Looking for
Friends? Idk someone to msg every now and then. Lonely fuck here
>Not looking for
Creepy old men my fathers age
Guess my photos cursed to be sideways when I upload
>ASL - 19 m usa
>About you - I am really weird and I like talking about esoteric things PLUS I’m horny all the time
>Interests/Hobbies - reading, playing guitar, internets, having erections
>Looking for - someone cool to be horny with
>Not looking for - creeps
>Discord - whhoaa
adding didnt work feel free to add me

36M - greenonionginger
36/cis M/NC

>About you
New ftm chaser. Married and looking to be a mentor/father figure for a <25 ftm

Tinkering, cars, hiking/camping, games, handyman shit, etc...

>Looking for
a cute ftm who wants an older father/brother figure. non-sexual or sexual idc

>Not looking for
cis men, mtf

30/cis M/TX

>About you
Recently divorced and new to this. Looking for a a trans woman as I have always been attracted to femininity

>Looking for
A cute mtf that has a feminine figure. I prefer thin as well.

>Not looking for
cis men, ftm


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21 mtf canada

>looking for
I'm bi, anyone is welcome so long as you are my age or older. I prefer older. just looking for like-minded weebs/losers who are willing to waste some time with me. thoughtful people with some self-awareness are a plus. don't be a total pushover, please. i don't know how to deal with that. share music w/ me, play ffxiv w/ me, tell me about yourself, whatever.

>not looking for
Just don't be a typical /soc/ creep and we're fine! I'm very submissive and a total bottom so if you're hoping for otherwise else please try someone else! sorry.

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26 M Aus
>About you
Goth musician, factory worker, Muay Thai practitioner. Have sort of dated MTF before and generally have just preferred everything about it; I want it again.
>Looking for
Any MTF trans preferably Australian even better if you’re in Melbourne. I am accepting of pretty much everything and everyone though I usually enjoy alt spaces and people
>Not looking for
Men, Weird nazi types. Ghosts. I guess if you’re not open to just having normal conversations and all you want is sexual shit then that doesn’t vibe with me either.
for the love a god you're a miserable piece of shit constantly posting yourself here, you're obviously a deeply disturbed individual incapable of making friends and so incompetent you cant even clean your room, you've been posting your dirty room on this board for waaay to long, you're a fat disgusting schizo piece of shit PLEASE END YOUR LIFE AND STOP POSTING HERE
>factory worker
this is the outcome for 99% of alt guys in melbourne when their band doesn't go anywhere lmao. Heard they're opening a new amazon fulfillment center in the north! have fun wagie!
Where in the Midwest do you live?
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19/M/UK (North West)
>About you
Tall twink/ femboy, actual autist, switch.
I love games, history, anime and 80s music. Absolute tank autist.
>Looking for
A chubby/ fat transfem! Preferably UK based too. Happy to just talk, or do something more if you want! Either is fine by me :3
>Not looking for
Guys I guess

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
schizoaffective, depression, social anxiety, occasionally suicidal, sometimes self harms, weed/alcohol addict, daddy issues (idk if that counts as a mental illness)

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate /pol/tard who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also kinda chubby (146lbs, i’m trying to lose weight) with body hair, very autistic and racist. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic. intp. i am not a good person.

Reading, painting, warhammer AoS, black metal, programming, mlp, age regression, gaming (fear & hunger, resident evil, dungeon defenders, darkest dungeon, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, shota, grooming, brainwashing, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi

>Looking for
a guy or girl (but preferably guy) to pretend to be my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, etc. it doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, id just like someone who i can call dad and will treat me like i’m younger.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i don’t care about age but i’d like someone older.

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age, we just don’t get along for some reason. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not actually interested in this kind of dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, people who only respond with one word replies, people who only want to talk about nsfw, transphobes, “i forgot what your post said”.

kik: angelcupid66
disc: postaldude77
>About you
Been on HRT couple months (I know, I'm old, it's so over etc.) Currently NEET and on disability but looking to get back into work soon. Have a master's degree. Do not pass but getting there, 5'8" skinny redhead with blue eyes. Kind of a loner but not in an edgy or antisocial way, I just like my own company but I do have friends. Unironic Marxist.
Birdwatching, politics, cinema, history, comic books, soft drugs, thrifting, cooking, alternative music.
>Looking for
People to talk to, preferably other trans people but not exclusively.
>Not looking for
Lewd, VC, children.
>About you
im a 20 year old shit skin waste of life who needs a male to function
bad music drugs
>Looking for
>Not looking for
idc u can litterly beat me
kik: parvib7
Looking for trans man and female to get to know, talk stories, kinks and be kinky around each other. Hope to hear from you
Waste of time alt user don't add they'll unadd you dumb cunt
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>ASL - 18 mtf uk
>About you - Im shy irl, i love niche things, i love
>Interests/Hobbies - videogames, listening to cool music
>Looking for - ppl to game with, ppl to be horny with (feminine prefered for horny stuff)
>Not looking for - creeps, people over 25, people who dont take care of their appearance and hygeine
>Discord - 1nvm
18yo mtf in eu
>About you
unstable bpdemon unlovable failure
weapons of mass destruction
>Looking for
a man i can cling to 24/7 so i can not want to kms
>Not looking for
dont care as long as ur a man
u sent me cunny
> asl

> Describe yourself
1,74m 70kg. 10 years on t.

> Looking for
I really like being misgendered. I'm into misogyny, conversion therapy, patriarchy and mental games/control. I want to talk with real misogynistic, far right men, not people that see this as just a fantasy. I want the real thing. I want to be corrupted and micromanaged by an abusive asshole. Laugh at my expense, bully me and trick me. Make me send you nudes and spread them around. Make me cry and beg you to stop.

> Not looking for
Trans people. Women. Men younger than me. Men that only want a quick cum.

> Kik
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Left wing woke 27 year old trans girl from the uk, into masc, far right guys who hate everything "woke", politically correct etc.

I'm looking for someone who wants a relationship. I want something serious and meaningful and I'm open to relocating for the right person:

Interested in men who like being controlling and want someone who is obsessive and will fall in love with them quickly.

Pic is me.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
i absolutely can only get hard for shemales now, any on here with nice tits and a cock that will talk to me on kik and send me pics? nothing compares to it

kik jimmyeatz91
Socials? c:
or add me: maxriker
38/FtM/MD, USA

Short, Chubby SE Asian looking for a mutual oral FWB situation. Would be nice to hang out and do friend stuff together but no romantic situation needed.

I like exploring/travel/people watching while museum hopping. I enjoy listening to music, playing videogames, watching some movies or shows if I have the time.

Not looking for sexting chats or any creeps

Kik: Scramblingques
I’d love to chat/flirt and if you’re local meet up, I’m a tall tattooed guy

Kik @ upordown6
Request sent.
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24/MtF/East Coast U.S
plushies ୨୧ sanrio, squishables, and alpacasso ୨୧
anime ୨୧ tokyo ghoul, fruits basket, hell girl, monogatari series, pyscho pass ୨୧
Korean BBQ & Chic fil a
games: minecraft, fortnite, roblox, stardew valley, sea of thieves, skyrim, and sims 4
cute boys to play games with and have long discord voice calls that potentially wanna be my bf
>Not looking for
not looking for dick pics and nudes immediately, or gooning in vc.or submissive ppl that want me to dom them.
Eh yeah but I enjoy going to school
M25 Canada
>About you
Autistic nerd who wants to find someone to play games with :3 Also make a partner, I'm bi-
Gaming, anime, programming, computer networking, gardening, trapping, cooking, baking!! I do too many things frrr
I wanna find someone to play sea of thieves, deep rock galactic or terraria with :3
>Looking for
Cuties to game with
>Not looking for
>ASL: 19 transgirl uk
> I'm Chloe, I like to draw play some vidya chat maybe vc in time I try be happy and kind to everyone :), I'm on hrr, I still have pp
>Looking for:
Idk someone to give me attention treat me like queen <.< if we click and vibes maybe more
>Discord: chloberrow
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stop messaging me if youre over 25..

also bump
I mean you're posting on 4chan. what do you expect?
>About you
gay neet with too many resources for a neet
world of warcraft, furry, and clothes kind of.
>Looking for
a chubby trans girl that i can do things for is peak. someone very interested in giving lots of attention
>Not looking for
twinks, femboys, gym dudes, people that dont constantly bother me, people that arent either neets or neet adjacent.
i want a trans who loves big tits so I can ask questions about my busty irl friends and hopefully make you goon and cum to them

Filters this heavy make your photos look like an impressionist painting lol. You must have some intense stubble.
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I am requesting 1 chaser bf with big feet pls (literally big feet it's not a stand in for big pp)
mtf, 20, usa
>looking for
A man with massive feet that wants them worshiped. I want to suck on your toes and lick your soles. It would be even better if you came back from a long day at work or a run and your feet were all sweaty. Step on me and I'll thank you for the honor lel. I also like body worship and musk. I want to lick your armpits, crotch, and ass after you workout. Your hot body has complete control over my mind and I want to devote myself to your pleasure basically
>not looking for
small feet
massive feet (us size 12+), musk, sweat, muscle worship
>Discord Tag
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>About you
24 TF SoCal
Horror movies, video games, grindcore, hyperpop
>Looking for
Sexting, friends, whatever
>Not looking for
Your opinions
5'10, 180lbs
Just a reasonably well adjusted dude living life who's into (trans) women
Reading, mtg, travelling, baking, nature, ice skating, anime, vidya
>Looking for
A cute girl to talk, to get to know, maybe get lewd with. Just see where things go.
>Not Looking for
Men, unhinged people
Aside from trans women, fake boobs, hairy pussy/dick, chubby/thicc, pregnancy, oral, thick, pawg
Discord: Ichiyaaa
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kik: hornytransf3m / discord: diamanta#7960
M 25 WFH Tech Bro

looking for a mtf or trap who i can spoil and who will be my e-gf.

nice butt and pretty face required

Just an ad for an ugly ho. Will immediately ask for PayPal.
21 mtf london
>About you
tranny who makes music and needs a male to function
games music taking pics of my self
>Looking for
>Not looking for
44 m / sissy Seattle
>About you
Gym bod trans fan
Video games, tech, snow
>Looking for
Girlcock of any kind
>Not looking for
Chaser haters
38m orlando, slim, hairy, total gooner. Looking for gooner trans girl.

I want you to goon with me. Get your cute (or dirty kinky) trans girl ass over to my gooncave and we'll get fucked up on porn and poppers together.

If you're not passable, i think you're hot.
If you're passable, I think you're hot.

Not a white knight here, pretty shameless chaser. Love lots of girlcock porn. Been stroking to girlcock, but I'd rather be stroking your girlcock.

discord: razortongue
Stoned, passing, bisexual. Into lots of kinks. Relatively funny, absolutely a waste of space. Pls drop your disc and I'll add ya.
Requesto sento.
no filter just bad lighting and blurry pic
that sucks you sound cool
but not dropping your disc and having other people drop theirs is way too fembrained for me sorry
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>About you
Pretty nerdy, punky, kinda chubby chick, I’ve got nice tits and a nice ass and thighs, and people tell me I’m pretty. Currently have 3 tattoos and 12 piercings. AuDHD. Uhm, I’m 5’8, blue eyes, white, currently short natural brunette hair. I try to be nice but I also don’t take shit from anybody.
Gaming, music (both playing and collecting, mainly into ska, punk, metal, and hyperpop), collecting, movies, books (don’t read as much as I used to tho), Yugioh, legos, horror, art, fashion, shopping/thrifting, etc
>Looking for
Nice people, people who don’t mind a pretty but nerdy girl who rambles about what she likes a lot, and also has some weird kinks. Also chubby/fat isn’t required but it is a plus. Tall is hot too.
>Not looking for
Assholes, people who just wanna trade nudes, etc.
24 year old chaser with a BWC looking for trans women who are into that. Kik: kyro.tn9
18 mtf cali
>About you
t girl i love nettspend and making plugg i need a man to function pls
music gaming fashion
>Looking for
men, esp shortcels :3
>Not looking for
needy men
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Decently attractive trans girl from the uk into all sorts of degradation. Misgendering, worshipping various body parts, including armpits etc, being called names and humiliation. Love trying to put up a fight only to be broken in and made to degrade and humiliate myself for the privilege of worshipping my superiors. Post your socials idk
Post your disc
never, i get too many boring people when ive done so
how can i get my tag to u? do u have a throwaway account or email?
I mean I have a kik, dumbliltran
ill message u my disc from there
>describe yourself
insanely obsessive, bpdemon + dpdemon, weirdo with no friends, anxious attachment style, cutter
true crime (specifially mass and school shootings), resident evil 7 and 8, ranfren, animals
>looking for
dominant weirdos (nonsexual), stalker types, mental illness, cluster b, possessive, talkative, clingy
>not looking for
women, healthy relationships, nsfw
bump :3
Brother, you clearly have not dealt with the dirge of blank requests you receive from posting in these threads.
35M Bi chaser,
Really just looking for someone to spoil. Have disc but tele is prefered.
dont be pussy
Discord don't work or you blocked me
Stop being a bitch and post yours.
44 m / sissy Seattle
>About you
Gym bod trans fan
Video games, tech, snow
>Looking for
Girlcock of any kind
>Not looking for
Chaser haters

Sent you a friend request ^_^
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34/2S/Canada(Male Bodied)

>About you

Been a Femininely leaning guy since I was small, always fit in better with Women than with Men, looking to explore what it's like to be with guys since I definitely seem to lean Bisexually. I'm 34, largely self educated. I don't care for the Rainbow Mafia or the Pronouns game, call me what feels right.

Occultism, the Humanities, Psychology, Books, Anime, Video Games, Movies, Music. I hold a lot of interests.

>Looking for

Good Company, a strong Daddy that is understanding and flexible, but a presence when needed.

>Not looking for

Sub Males


Are you perhaps into not really masculine subs as well?
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M 29
Looking for girls and femme types
I can be nice to you, or I can bully you.
Also discord is vicbrava
show us underneath the skirt :P love the sexy belly
>distance is fine as long as meeting in person is the ultimate goal
>5'6" white skin, brown hair, brown eyes, above average physical shape
>life situation - grew up lower middle class now I'm a multimillionare
>hobbies/interests - travel, photography, outdoor activities in general, healthy eating and living, deep conversations, concerts, parties, books, movies, tv, sometimes retro games
>religious beliefs
Most organized religions are toxic so I tend avoid them and see them as separate from real human spirituality. I respect people who value their religion as a cultural tradition so long as they aren't xenophobic. Buddhism is alright.
>political beliefs
No politician actually cares about you or this country
>dating experience
Lots of dating and experience and long term relationships, never married
forced clotheswearing, dressup, diapers, daddy dom / little girl, ageplay, petplay, collar/leash, humiliation, humiliating outfits, and plenty of others
>looking for
Someone kinky, preferably into a lot of my listed kinks, who is also intelligent and doesn't let their kinks define their whole life.
>not looking for - porn sellers, people overly interested in me for my money
>contact - gatsby6239

Open to tgirls who don't withhold that they're trans, are petite, androgynous/feminine, and shorter than me.
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21 femboy desperately looking for anyone (longterm plz!) who wants to see me show off my slutty new outfits and goon to any sorta porn/hentai we want! i’ll be horny all night, so plz hmu so i can serve you forever!~ (prefer fem and trans) ;) discord: subsissyboy
kik: femboy_noelle
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26 / M / SoCal

>About you
asian, slim, tall-ish, normal but I understand most terms

normal shit, gym, pickleball, computer, games, etc. the usual, milk tea, coffee, cafe hanging out, VCs

>looking for
women, femcels, ppl who identify as women, etc.
I'm mostly SFW, but I don't mind NSFW if it comes to that

>not looking for
men, femboys

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>About you
Brazilian mtf about to start HRT and with plenty of time to waste before my college break ends. My egg recently just violently exploded.
Chainsmoking, hallucinogens, computers, games of the unemployed genre (Factorio and from that you can guess the rest)
>Looking for
Anyone really, I will become the yappiest tranny you know if you are Galician
>Not looking for
You can be boring, just dont be a poltard or live a billion miles away.
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>ASL 18/mtf/us WI
>About you shut in weirdos who’s into music to an autistic extent mainly into extreme metal and breakcore stuff but generally into most music also super into ball python’s and fungi don’t play games much but when I do it’s usually fighting games and Rhythm games and overwatch sometimes mainly spend my time rotting in bed or drawing metal logos super shit at texting so I prefer to vc but I’m also a complete airhead and will forget shit super easily lol
>Looking for Looking for friends mainly if close enough I’d be down to hangout and cuddle maybe but generally just looking for people who are as weird as me also prefer people around my age like 18-20
>Not looking for Sex or anyone with right leaning political beliefs
>Discord callieonlexapro
>> 33 Transfemme NB, Phoenix
>> 13 months on HRT so I’m a late bloomer. I’m pretty educated so I gravitate to more heady/intellect types. I don’t “pass” but I’m told I’m very twinky looking
>> I mostly play FPS. Have PC and PS5
>> Other transfemmes preferably but I’m open to cool dudes as well. Bonus points if you’re in Phoenix. I need more irl friends
>> not looking for something that is sexually driven so if that’s what you’re after then skip
>>LifeOfBrynne on discord
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>favorite bands
the cardigans, deftones
>favorite movie
office face
>looking for
trans women to take care of
>discord tag
Got tele?
Post yours :]

29 ftmish queer, no-op yet but on testosterone so i’m hairy sorry

>About you

mentally ill weird fuck who wants to cum to cope with some recent bullshit idk. i like animals and am a zoology major, also into cosplay

games: all fromsoft (currently elden ring grinding because DLC but i’m equally autistic about them all), skyrim (replaying now), call of duty, various others

>Looking for

friends with benefits, i like chatting and normal conversations but honestly right now i really need someone who also wants to fuck me even if that’s not the main part of us talking. if you can hang out and talk about vidya but also ask for clit pics or fetish content out of nowhere you are what im looking for.
send me your favorite porn (video preferred, I have all the still images i could ever want) and make me jack off to it, make me pretend to be your innocent little sibling, I’ll call you daddy or master if you want, whatever man

>Not looking for

just don’t be fucked up about it

no disc, whatsapp and kik @popokarimu
Is underage don't add
Kik: boredloser7


Looking for trans people of any persuasion who want to send pics\nudes for an honest appraisal on their look/passing from a horny bastard who is generally attracted to everything

Or if not and you aren't interested in sending pics of yourself, just looking for any trans people who are trying to indulge in their fantasies/share porn. I'm not judgemental and am down for anything. I've been a horny since I was 7 years old so I've indulged in every manner of depravity over the years
Not accepting fr
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18 mtf
>About you
i like anime and sleeping + some gaming :3
ehhh thats it
and skinny

>Looking for
friends / chatting etc idk
>Discord idkpet
and pic is me
24m Spain
>About you
I play some Video Games, I DJ sometimes and overall computer nerd. Ask me about my music and I'll talk for days.
6'3, 110 Kilos. Look a bit chunky but I work out. Can verify if it makes you more comfortable.
>Looking for
mtf, passable femboys to chat/sext/whatever.
>Not looking for
Dry texters, ghosts, dudes who think their dick pic makes you immediately crazy for them
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18 femboy
I love cute boys trans girls and cut cock
Love showing off and comparing
Hmu kik crabcogg
19 trans girl au
>Sexual interests
frotting, humiliation, bwno, sissification, farts, piss, cumflation, ageplay, petplay
>Looking for
older master to serve and break me in
>Not looking for
other subs :c
What's your snap?
I just realised you live a million miles away but still can give if interested
27 year old trans girl from the uk, into masc, far right guys who hate everything "woke", politically correct etc.

I'm looking for someone who wants a relationship. I want something serious and meaningful and I'm open to relocating for the right person:

Interested in men who like being controlling and want someone who is obsessive and will fall in love with them quickly.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
19 trans girl phil

>abt you
cute chubby boymoding 5'4" transgirl on a month of E, very into showing their body.

into ppl treating me like a queen, cum tributes, fapping to me, like a true chaser would

>looking for
anyone willing to masturbate/tribute to my nudes

>not looking for
idk, just chat me

buuuuump aaaa
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20/Transfem/NW Florida/Gyno
>About you
Hey y'all, my name's Arin! I'm a nerdy T-Girl who's into cuddling and biting :3
I love the SoulsBorne genre of games and I'm a massive D&D nerd
>Looking for
I'm looking for any fem to either dom or sub for me (I'm not picky). Wanna be FWB, not much more (at least rn)
>Not looking for
I'm not too big into penis, but I'm willing to try

Hope to see one of you cuties get in touch<3
19, Youngshit passoid interested in experimenting with Cis women, if there's any female chasers in here add me on discord if you are interested

Username is sillybilly0876
Kik is pretty much code for a scammer/seller, and I'm not downloading whatsapp to speak to a single person. Get discord like everyone else and I'll be interested.
I'm good at getting banned from discord servers and bad at keeping friends
If you wanna hang out add me
Who you are doesnt matter to me, 21+ only
>>About You
tall, skinny, brunette, probably undiagnosed adhd, sometimes slow to respond pls dont see it as ghosting
music, travelling, cooking, learning about history/culture (i want to say reading but i get distracted so easily lol)
>>Looking for
anyone interesting to talk to, only into men sorry but i can be freinds with whoever
>>Not looking for
creeps, sexting in general
>lost access to my account cuz i forgot to renew my emails domain
>was forced to make a new account 3 months ago
>kicked because 'account too new'

if 3 months is too new for you then you guys are likely elitist assholes. i get having 1 week, even 1 month restrictions but +3 months? nah go fuck yourselves
Is this Philadelphia? Or the Philippines?
>about you
Loner Vet and cat owner
>looking for
league partners and cutie patooties
>not looking for
no preferences really
If you're still around matterator34
19, Women(trans), bi
Cute, nerdy, hrt since 16. Love anime, games, be at home, and much more
Looks for friends, etc.

18 mtf Chicago
>Sexual interests
Ageplay, petplay, t4t, pissplay, bdsm, frotting
>Looking for
Someone to own me and make me their slave >:3
26 TransFemme enbyish thing
I have a lot of hobbies, too many to list. I'm only looking for other trans+queer folks atm, and looking to share my videos and pictures
my kik is Theagate97
29/ladyboy type individual/near Atlantic Ocean

Recent Music: /watch?v=UwtpPLW_9f8 /watch?v=C9IXUwqxIao
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=YL1CAUjc3rw /watch?v=1MobY_vR7-g /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU
Bonus Track: /watch?v=imPt0MvfVMg

Looking for companion. I would prefer my partner be 25+ (emotionally mature), 5'9"+ aka 175cm+ (taller than me because I need to feel like he is my dad), and okay with not having sex ever because he too understands there are many more important things in a relationship. Also I have to like the music you listen to or I hate u.

I can be rude so do not message me if you cannot deal with that.

discord: .werekitten.
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>literally posts ambient world of warcraft music as a 'fave'
>Also I have to like the music you listen to or I hate u.
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27/FTM, weird queer with a lot of kinks myself. Hit me up if you're still lurking: swooningshadow
you sound perfect tried to add you but dis said no one had that user name
>I am bad tweaking but I like it
what's your discord tho
I don't like posting it
Asexual anon back again with the exact same wording. Good luck in your search on this degenerate board.
22m need a trans woman to minmax balatro together while you show off your girlcock to me :)
forgot discord

> alwayswait
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This person went berserk psycho on me because I went to work the next day and didn't respond to the youtube videos they sent me all day. By the time I got home, I had apparently made an enemy for life and was blocked.

Good times, I recommend you hit 'em up.
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27, M, Michigan, USA
5'6 midget with a heart of gold and a fat cock
>About You/Hobbies
Recently back to working out, fine if you don't. Like photography, enjoying the outdoors hiking and biking, collecting rocks and sometimes a good psychological horror movie or anime.
>Looking For
A cute trap/ftm to get to know and either just enjoy some intimate company or maybe something more
>Not Looking for
Eh really just don't be boring as shit
>Contact Info
Cute! Do you have kik?
27/mtf tranny/united kangdom
>About you
miserable waste of life bpdemon, 5'6ish, 135lbs roughly, brown eyes, brown hair, ghostly pale skin, am passing until i open my mouth and my awful voice hits ur ears, im pretty at least lmao
vidya and movies, herzog and lynch are prolly my favs, pretty good at card games
>Looking for
someone to make existing less difficult i guess, doesnt have to be more than friends
>Not looking for
fat people, gooners
MTFs get very insecure about things like voice and facial features. Just know us chasers generally don’t care because we care more about interests and personality.
"Had to get a new phone" bump (same kik)
haii blehhrg >:33
oh im not bothered just letting people know lmao, im hot physically but my voice suxx
>About you
Average looking black dude
anime, manga, games
>Looking for
Ass, booty, something to F U C K. Mtf, Ftm, don't matter aslong as there's a hole I'm with it.
>Not looking for
Anything exclusively online
35 submissive sissy in NYC. Looking for a daddy tonight if possible.

Kik: rndmsissyacct
18 year old fat and ugly ftm from Brazil
>about me
Depressed autistic red chud who likes to talk a lot about things I care about (mostly related to politics and humanities in general). I like reading Western literature (and comics). I hate math and the orient. I'm also vaguely mentally ill and extremely possesive.
>looking for
M, FTM or MTF who will let me dump everything (emotional slop, rants, and the such) onto them. An obsessive person who will love me unconditionally as long as I give them attention. Preferably under 5'8" and skinny. The younger the better.
>not looking for
Cis women and indians need not apply.

consequencesofobesity on Discord
>Kik is pretty much code for a scammer/seller
Nah, it used to be to universial standard on 4chan.
And why wouldn't paywhores also use discord?
Offering free estrogen and clothes for UK tranner/femboy
Must have a small-medium pp and be 18-22
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>cozy neet that stays inside all the time and plays videogames and hyperfixates
>cardgames are my big interest! (MTG,YGO,Vanguard) you name it, any co-op game i'd glady play aswell
>ideally a boyfriend, i'm such a failed woman and exist entirely in my room, it'd be nice to have someone who wants to hold and touch me, someone to play games with, go to card events, i know this is a chaser thread but i guess i'm just love sick, i absolutely adore music aswell, i am covered in tattoos
>discord later/twitter first pref
I'm very interested, but I'm American and I only have Twitter to follow tranny e-girls, but I can DM from there of that's all you want. If you're interested, drop your handle.
i am not boyfriend material but i can be a good partner to play games and literally obsessed with music too and am a big fan of durak {card game} but i am afraid i dont use twitter but can use discord love from Rain and have a nice day.
>>33162191 m25 if you're okay with chatting to younger.

Twitter @mubsterrrrr
Also my discord is yakisoba_ayato_lite. i would love a friend too lol
bump bored
never been a fan of dick piercing but still would suck
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I'd like to talk to a trans woman, honestly probably meet up. I'm in the US and want to travel, maybe to meet people from websites.
drop your disc, i'm interested
21, 6'3, Male, Australia
personal interests : reading and fitness
Sexual interests : Sex I guess
Looking for : Female or mtf
discord; machiavellianfox
29, cis M in the US. Heavily tattooed with a piercing below the belt.

Interested in chatting and exploring kinks with ftm individuals. I’m a chaser, with a wide variety of kinks and an open mind.

My kik if you’re interested;
add me @DeLuc215
I'm Australian too
33 m TX
Looking for anyone in dfw area. Don't have discord. Looking to find a fwb. Hmu whenever
Kik justalookin4
this person is catfishing as a tiktoker
idkpet: catfish
for archive

22 F USA

>About you

142 cm, recently started HRT, not white

i just need some new things going on in my life man.

/v/: dark souls, warframe, metal gear

/m/: halisca, tricot, hikari utada

people who don't "get" hegels dialectics need not apply

>Looking for

sane people who want to have conversation. any kind really, im not picky and life's been getting really lonely lately

>Not looking for

try to reason what "sane person" means here

I think it'd be fun to tie up a cute trans and make them watch as I hump their blahaj and have it accept me as its true owner
>about you
I'm a massive sub and I only like boys, I'm really weak physically and like being called a dummy
Anime/manga, programming
>looking for
Boys because I'm a fag
>not looking for
Idk creepy ppl I guess, don't share any photos right away
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retard server doesn't let you join w young accounts
>24/mtf/SE england
>passing hettroon who's lived in lots of different countries, kinda lonely down in the south east, despite having some friends. i'm curvy and average height, with thick wavy brown hair and green eyes.
>into art (i make a lot of digital collages and i've applied for a short filmmaking course in september, as well as listening to a lot of music and trying to watch more films and stuff), spirituality/occult stuff (don't worry if you're not, though it's a plus), politics (very left wing) and languages
>new people to talk to, maybe someone to help me learn a new language (doesn't matter what i just tend to burn out with it because i never get a chance to practice the languages i've been trying to learn, trying to learn a fourth), maybe a bf or something who knows.
>right wing freaks, sex maniacs, people who have no ability to actually talk like humans.
Bro I was going to add but you don't got a tag
Join our chaser discord

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im a cis male and truly i think i am going insane. manic episode type stuff. and i just need female attention. if you add me, please be prepared for essentially mental vomit soon after being added back. please be nice to me im goi g through alot.

anyways.. if you find that intriguing in some sick way or something
please add me

also u need to be willing to listen to weird old music
hey i know someone you should pursue
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hey i know i look cringe posting here please dont being it up im going crazy
18 yo transgirl looking for a chaser

discord: maya064
doesnt work
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About me: gorgeous hilarious 19/cisf
About you: i wealthy mtf
Do you want a terf to dominate you? Do you want her to tell you what she reallllllllly thinks? Do you want to get intimate with it? Deep and personal?
Contact me.
your adds are off
will you hump my 8 inch blahaj ?
21 femboy looking to show off my outfits stolen from my moms panties n bras >:3 i love talking with trans n other femboys, so you’ll get special treatment!! i have toys n love showing off, so come goon all night while i play n goon to some hentai games! (fems n trans preferred plz!)
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: subsissyboy
24/transmasc NB/eastern US
working out, playing videogames, reading, watching anime, going outside
>Looking for
t4t cuties, friends
>Not looking for
first message should not be lewd
22/MtF/Western Europe
>About me
5'11, brown (multiracial), 190 lbs but losing a lot of weight lately. MtF but currently I present as a fairly feminine twink, so be warned.
Love games based around logistics (Workers and Resources, Dyson Sphere Space Program and you can guess the rest from there). Programming nerd, pseudointellectual in many broad subjects (I always have a Wikipedia page open on, idk, the gulf war) and desperate overachiever. Hobbyist cook (duh).
In dire need of a tubby boy to pamper in more ways than one.
>Looking for
Chubby, fat and obese white boys (ftm's also apply, I find your bunch even more adorable), the bigger the better (and I *mean* it, there is no such thing as too big for me), but PLEASE be clean shaven. If you are hairy or planning to stay hairy don't bother. Preference for a more feminine stature, but if you are smooth I swear I will sleep on your tummy every night, feminine or not. I'm a feeder and unashamed of it. I will cook comically large and delicious meals for you and pretend you are my big and spoiled hubby
Giga bonus points if you are shorter than me and live at least on the same continent.
Overall, just looking for someone to befriend while encouraging to gain/get tummy pics. I'm not super sexual but I love teasing people about their weight, so be warned.
MtF and cis F are welcome and I will gladly help you fatmaxx if that's what you want (it's implicit I do).
>Not looking for
/poltards/ but being slightly racist is hot so I can cook you brown food and feed you out of it
I will constantly make remarks about your weight in regular convos, don't be insecure.
People who will be bothered by me wanting to feed them.
Cowards that don't want their tummies licked and kissed.
Just be fat, really, and not mentally ill. Don't post straight penis to me (if you really want to share pics post tummy, duh).
>tag (discord)
Ehh plushies like that are usually a bit too small for me but I suppose making you watch would make up for it being small. Drop your discord and we could talk more
27 year old white left wing trans girl from the uk, into masc, far right guys who hate everything "woke", politically correct etc.

I'm looking for someone who wants a relationship. I want something serious and meaningful and I'm open to relocating for the right person:

Interested in men who like being controlling and want someone who is obsessive and will fall in love with them quickly.

Bonus if you're interested in a trad wife type marriage.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
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22 F Germany
>About me and looking for
I like to twitch steam alot and play vidya, looking for someone to hang out with and potentially be friends
>looking for
steam friends to play hoi4 and vrchat
>Not looking for
Turks, bugmen, tradcaths and spergs in general


Discord: anthroporrhaistes
Link expired
Tag doesn't work
Not them! Just some loser seeking revenge. Move on anons
>About you
5'7, chubby, white, hairy, mid length black hair, sexually submissive
>Looking for
Dominant person of any gender to lewd vc with and tell me what to do with my many toys. IRL play could be arranged if you're close enough
>Not looking for
Username didn't work
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Join our political Islamic server called pongerian realm. Political, lgbtq, fascists are all welcome in this server.

No edgelords welcome

27 M chaser
very kinky so dont be afraid even if you are fucked up like me
gonna be up tomorrow and all weekend so hmu any time will try to respond asap
hopefully this dick pic will make you wanna look for more :3

kik: kevkev256
still looking
23 trap on and off hormones looking for online friends

Discord: notimetodiezz
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I'm very fond of cute femboys, if you're one, I want you to enter my life, I want to love you so, so much.

Discord: crystalgolem77
hey there, you sound really chill. My disc is cobbicus. I play league a good amount, would love to play sometime, or just chat. I tried adding you but I imagine some creep made you delete. Really hope i get to hear from you, I'm 31 so hope the extra year doesn't disqualify me lol

im a 22 year old mtf 1.5yrs on hrt.
my interests are computer science, counter strike and chatting on discord.
im looking to make friends with people.


discord: @mightbegonetomorrow
M 28 BWC cis looking for trans girls with foot fetishes.

Kik: thrwaways
>24,M,East Coast
>silly billy
>human hobbies
>ftms only for research purposes
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26 M Aus, Melbourne

>Looking for
MTF Trans friend/s in Melbourne to try building a genuine connection with and then potentially do more if we like each other. If you don’t care about a committed relationship then I don’t mind if you’re not in Melbourne.

>About you
Goth musician, amateur writer, digital artist, aspiring kickboxer. I am a chaser specifically because trans women have treated me better, have generally been more self aware and in total have given me much more enjoyable sexual experiences too. Overall, trans women when compared to bio women in my life have been funner to interact with. Not sure why that is but it makes me want more.

>Not looking for
No minors, no men. If you want a relationship then be in my state.

>About you
6'2" (188cm), slightly possessive, introverted and thus not too interested in saying more here ^^
Variety gaming, music, dumb trivia like 'dles and Sporcle
>Looking for
MtF gf
>Not looking for
FtM, platonic shit
>About me?
Insomniac with way too much time on his hands. Tall and awkward. Takes pictures like dogs do taxes.
>Looking for?
Someone with similar interests who want's to message, chat, hangout and maybe more.
>Not looking for?
People who are distant and obtuse about how they feel and what they want, people who might get
annoyed at my ghoulish sleeping pattern.
/tv/ - Pro wrestling, horror, westerns, martial arts, gundam/mecha
/v/ - Fighting games, survival horror, character action, stealth
/mu/ - Black metal, country, pop punk, post rock, eurobeat

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