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>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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21/M/eastern EU
>About me
top, pretty boy, i look pretty young, youll either hate or love my face, twunk build
i like working out, dark souls, vanilla wow, minecraft, but i dont play games a lot rn, i love cats, send me cat memes
doing IT, planning to move out of country
i like drain gang, alt rock, shoegaze, metal but my taste is all over the place, if its good i listen etc
>looking for
twinks, femboys, someone who loves to cuddle, on the submissive side but i like brats, 18-25, preferably younger, european, ideally a boyfriend
>not looking for
masculine guys, trans, women, older than 25
n1njatabis on discord

i prefer to share selfies early, im not shy
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27 mtf az (usa only please)
music, omori, cats, vc, anime, games
>Looking for
usa frens
>Not looking for
non usa frens

/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, beliefs, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed where you live
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40/m/Canada (204)
>About you
An older gay gentleman, bit of a late bloomer, young at heart, in touch with his inner felidae, low key AI mad scientist that spent the last year ignoring most people to focus on the craft, literally who content creator, strong, brainy, bit of a hermit, quiet but not shy.
Machine Learning, reading, outdoors, music, videogames, cars, computers, music
>Looking for
Guys (25+) to get to know. Preferably someone in Western Canada or US Midwest-ish to spend time with, chat with and maybe more eventually. I like shy guys, UwU. TLDR basically looking for a monogamous boyfriend.
>Not looking for
Trading dick pics, mind games, 'gooning', some kind of weird poly findom fetish relationship
Basically: If you have your shit together, some basic concept of romance and aren't going to waste my time with thotty mind-games everything else can be figured out from there.
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Reposting from last thread:



>About you
6' 260 lbs. nerdy bear

Animation, gaming, video and tabletop, bad horror movies, little bit of writing, cooking

>Looking for
Looking for a femmy person that's looking for hopefully something long term

>Not looking for
Masc people, friend collectors, people just looking to get off

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26/Male/USA (PNW)
>About you
6'2 and around 220-230 lbs. brown hair and glasses. low self esteem.
extreme metal (black, doom and sludge mostly), tabletop RPGs (OSR games, Cyberpunk 2020, Hunter: The Vigil), collecting CDs and occult trinkets
>Looking for
men, cis or trans. im not judgemental about looks or weight or anything like that. would be cool if we have interests in common, but i'm open to getting into new things.
>Not looking for
women, cis or trans. sex pests or coomers. i may be gay but im not super horny, i take a while to warm up to people. i prefer to start out as friends and go from there.
>About you
6ft+ thin and feminine, very shy, spend all my time on dc, mentally ill
any vidya that lets me display my pride, Persona is my life, not into movies or tv unless its Mr.Bean or JJBA
>Looking for
older, gentlemen, nothing serious(but that can change), taller or similar to make me feel shorter(˃ᆺ˂)
>Not looking for
young or immature(thats my job), trans, gooner/coomer, weird
chimeracentaur (petname Kojimbler)
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
24 M US
>About you
23 yo gay sub from california
Music, gaming, reading, watching films
>Looking for
Someone to goon with, vc with a trade porn with
>Not looking for
Time wasters
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26, M, Oregon but want to relocate
B heavily leaning toward G
>About you
Short and decently fit twink applying for day jobs in tech. By night I'm a writer and a burgeoning artist and game developer. Bit of a sperg but very friendly and easy to get along with, been told I'm cute and have li'l bro energy.
The arts (many different forms of writing, art, and design, ask if you want to know more), horror, gaming, anime, marketing, cooking, outdoor activities (hiking, swimming)
>Looking for
A long-term romantic relationship with a masculine man. Long-distance is fine at first. Hoping to land a good salary and rent/buy a house, wouldn't mind providing for my partner.
>Not looking for
Non-masculine men, long-haired, fat, over 30, submissives, platonic friendships
I'm 20 years old guy. I'm looking for an older man to have a serious relationship. I like serious conversations too, even though I have a silly sense of humor. I'm very attached and jealous. (sexual talk doesn't bother me, as long as it's not always or forced and every day and not the focus of the relationship) Let's talk :)

disc: idkwim1212
>About you
lateshit tranny, 2 months hrt, loser neet with a bunch of mental illnesses
anime, fps games, 4chan
>Looking for
friends, ppl to play games with
>Not looking for
mean people, coomers
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25/mtf/midwest us
>About you
Hiya, kinda aspergery and new at the whole being a girl thing but i do my best. I have been told i'm funny, and i do try to be. i'll happily be a lil fren who sends you memes at 2am
Movies (I have a degree!), music, vidya (specifially rougelikes and retro stuff). I'm also a massive baseball and (american) football nerd. I can talk politics if you're not cringe. Into books, space, and alcohol as well.
>Looking for
New frens, preferably some other trans girls to either help me out or just to chat with. Maybe if you're really cool we could be good friends :3 Not opposed to lewd chat but let's get to know each other first
>Not looking for
Chasers, racists, anything exclusively sexual


>About you
A bit of a lost soul, I suppose. I’m looking for my soulmate. I’m loquacious and clingy, so prepare for that. I’d like for someone with whom I can have winding conversations about life. Let’s get lost in each other.

Physically, I have brown hair and blue eyes. I’m 5’11”/183cm and 167lbs/76kg.

History, philosophy, mathematics, literature, outdoors, gym

>Looking for
Another man

DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
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29 / trans fem / Ontario
nonbinary lesbian, poly
Cuddly and empathetic, kind of a dork, good with long and more serious conversations but I'm mostly easy going and relaxed to talk to. I like listening to people's passions and hyperfixations. Fairly lewd person / high libido / into a bunch of kinks but I keep it to myself unless you ask / start flirting first. Easily flustered / shy, typical bottom behavior.
I tend to rotate between art hobbies, been painting and playing guitar lately but I've been learning 3D animation on and off too. I also write (mostly gay stuff), sing, lightly interested in game dev, and I love horror media. Also into team based FPS's and coop games like R6 Siege, Mech Warrior, Darktide, Lethal Company, Phasmophobia and most Valve games. Pretty open about trying new stuff. Typical nerd shit like anime and comics.
>looking for
A trans fem top. Willing to travel if we get along really well but I also love ERP, hanging out in VC and watching things together over Discord. Fine with long distance.
>not looking for.
Bottoms, cis men, racists, hookups or something purely sexual, one night stands
>About you
Chill relaxed bottom twink. Athletic and have multiple hobbies, take care of myself, full time job
PvP games, music, cooking, working out, nature, spending quality time with a guy or friends
>Looking for
Looking for muscular white guys (pic related) to talk and see where things go or just mess around either in TX or online with videogames
>Not looking for
Anyone not white or Latino, fems, trannys, mentally ill ppl, catfishes
24, M, US
>About you
5'10, thin-regular build, longish brown hair, brown eyes, mexican(if that matters to you)but also pretty pale for a mexican. A bit reserved and awkward, only start to open up once i get to know people more. A bit silly, maybe even a bit of a rapscallion at times but also can be pretty cynical and sarcastic. i guess you can say i do have a bit of a me against the world complex.
very into movies and always looking for new stuff on letterboxd. music wise I'm into a lot of alt rock genres like indie, emo, post-hardcore and several others, also a bit jazz, hip hop, electronic. a bit into anime but by no means a weeb. Trying to read more. I also like to collect/repair walkman and cassettes. not a gaymer but i do like going to arcades.
>Looking for
Friends/Relationships, chill people i can form a genuine connection with(i know that's asking a lot for this board but oh well), people to shoot the shit with and share our interests, maybe watch stuff/listen to music together
>Not looking for
deranged individuals
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>About you
furry, gamer who loves nintendo stuff mostly. i dabble in covering music too. i like rock music a lot, though my tastes in music are....unique
>looking for
masculine men, anyone on the taller end, people who love cuddling. fellow furs always welcome. Anyone who's built like picrel already has my attention
>not looking for
twinks, femboys, feminine types
29/transgirl/ canada - near toronto
>About you
I'm 5'2, 105 lbs with dark-blonde hair, amber-greenish eyes and slim with a big butt, i look far younger than i am and have a strong euro accent.
I'm into nature, old vidya, anime, night walks and music.
anything else just ask me on discord.
>Looking for
A long term relationship with either a man or woman from canada, who ideally wants a live in gf before or by the end of may. I'm open to older people but any age is fine.
>Not looking for
anyone who wants hookups or nudes, anyone that doesn't have their own place.
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23, femboy/twink/girl
>About you
Hi! ^_^ I'm a really pretty and cute femboy who's super submissive:P I'm a big nerd and love stuff like ttrpgs, world building, reading, playing video games, anime, etc. im also rlly horny a lot and spend a lot of time edging and reading doujins n stuff. I like being lewd :3
like I said I am really sub. I love being told what to do. I like praise, light degradation, petplay, chastity, orgasm control, orgasm denial, edging, teasing, mommy or daddydom, foreskin play, and a lot more probably. If ur into it I will probably get into it
>What you're looking for
a boy or girl to be lewd and connect with, hopefully someone who wants to tell me what to do and control my orgasms :3
another transgirls are very welcome but anyone else that thinks they'd be into me is welcome too ^_^
>What you're NOT looking for
boring people, people that just want pics and nothing else
masc presenting people I'm less likely to be physically attracted to u but I'm still very down to chat and be lewd just don't open with a pic and expect me to swoon
>Any additional info
my discord is bumblenbee
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>about me
Feel free to ask anything
Im actually introvert, boring and akward but ill try my best, i promise!!
I like regular things such as music, films, series, games and so
I also like reading, cooking (specially baking), anime and working out
Also into biology, astronomy, chemistry and mythology
>looking for
Anyone cute actually :) girls, feminine boys, trans, any gender!
We can chat or maybe play some games
Frindship open to a relationship would be ideal but im ok with just regular or lewd friendship.
I would ask you to be completely honest, nothing gets me mad
>not looking for
Regular guys trying their luck
>Discord Tag
27/M/Western EU
>About you
I'm tallish, slim (working on building muscle), brown eyes, and I'm rocking the mullet atm.
I'm verse, but tend to be a bit more submissive (both when topping or bottoming).
im a software engineer. tend to be a bit adhd - ramble a lot about stuff, interests change all the time, etc.
i'm a real oldschool romantic at heart.
im into vinyl collecting, reading (currently reading a lot of fantasy), gaming and going to the gym.
>Looking for
people of similar ages (+/- 6 years i guess, depends on the person) who want something with actual meaning.
ideally you'll have a job or be studying
be emotionally stable and available.
i would want to meet sooner than later.
>Not looking for
fat, trans, anyone too far away, people who don't want to share pics.
throwawayforsocstuff (pls dont sperg out if i dont reply immediately, it's an alt account i don't check constantly)
Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me
29 M/sissy/CD/femboy/whatever California
>About you
I love dressing up and looking sexy in panties, lingerie, fem clothes etc. I love playing with other fem people. This side of me is very much in the closet but I love pushing it further and further.
Video games, sports, typical dude stuff when not lewd lol.

Lewd side, I'm really into feminine people and all my fantasies involve us dressing up together.
>Looking for
Other fem people to dress up and play with. Ideally you'd be close to me and after getting to know each other we could meet up. But also down for online play. Long-term is best but I'm not picky!

I'm also interested in hearing from gay men. I'm not attracted to masculine presenting people but I love hearing your hottest stories in great detail.
>Not looking for
Masculine/hairy men. One word answers. Immediate dick pics.
24 M southeast PA
Basically straight but casually experimental? It's complicated
>About you
Quarter life crisis wage slave.
Art, vidya, cinema, history & culture, American Sign Language, internet, anything interesting or bizarre.
>Looking for
Honestly just friends near the PA/NJ area to hang out and do fun stuff with. Reasons to leave the house. Maybe a relationship. Prefer 21-26
>Not looking for
Too far
Under 21 or over 27
Pervs who just want immediate sex
29, M, USA
>About you
Just a masc guy looking for someone special.
I'm 6'4" and Beefy :3
Video gaming, Movies, Hiking, Racing, Computers and VR
>Looking for
Trans and Feminine types.
>Not looking for
Masc guys
Discord - damaged.done
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I'm gay i'm a bottom, i'm 22 and i'm boredddd
looking to indulge anyone for entertainment

>Describe yourself
I'm gay, bottom, fit, 170cm, 71kg. I like cute things, sleep, games, mangas and dicks. I have a nice ass too. I'm quite clingy and needy. I'm naughty and I like to be dominated and marked by my owner.
>Looking for
A fit guy who owns me and always fucks me, even against my will. May you control me and fill me with cum always. Be extremely possessive and don't let me get close to any other person.
>not looking for
Woman, chubby/fat
>Discord tag
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23 M (femboy kinda) US
G (B occasionally)
>About you
Half Japanese femboy / twink bottom type, like to hike, read, all that stuff
>Looking for
Hung and cute guys to be chat with haha, either is cool, both is great!
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18/m/us(North East USA)/bisexual

Into videogames a lot I'm a huge open world sandbox nerd I also love anime and manga but I barely know what to watch or read my favorites are trigun berserk gurran lagan and JJBA I like to cook when I can im also into writing especially world building I'm into nature biology sciency shit

>what you're looking for
Cool people other retards who are bad at talking to people feminine people trans/femboys/etc
>what you're not looking for
Racists bitches non retards lol anyone too masculine or dominant or just judgemental lol

Discord: _9821_
>Basic Description Of Myself
Muscular build, average height , beard, broad Shoulders, brown eyes, big dick, chill & laid Back
>Hobbies and Interests
Video games, lifting weights, anime, listening to music, watching movies, love to laugh
>Looking For
I’m not picky but someone that shares some of the same hobbies as me(gaming, lifting weights, anime)
>Not Looking For
Minors obviously
>Discord Tag
uhhh any helldivers? preferable one that lives in texas and wants to be my bottom subby boyfriens
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
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25 M MN
>About you
Working as a software developer atm
Motorcycles, History, Firearms, Anime
watching black lagoon atm, like evangelion, flcl, etc.
tekken, cs2, zomboid
>Looking for
Chats while i wfh, vc
29 F USA
>About you
I'm a pretty agreeable person, awkward but into my hobbies, I'd like to eventually find a soulmate, you'll get a better understanding of my personality as we talk but I'm kind of a retard so keep that in mind
Games - mmorpgs, rpgs, visual novels
Old YTPs - dumb comedy things that are funny because they don't make sense
Watching movies and shows, anime - gay stuff but also anything good
I like to be in the outdoors, hiking and stuff
Music - I listen to a lot of music so we can likely share
>Looking for
Non committal relationships that will then become friendship and then possibly a relationship after that
And also people who share some hobbies but if we get along that's unnecessary
>Not looking for
Men/Anyone who considers themselves a man or something idk no males or females who think they're males or males who think they're females
WLW(X) Women()
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t and b
>About you
mentally ill tranny with too much free time, im a little silly and looking for likeminded silly individuals
music, gaming, anime/manga, comics, rhythm games, writing
>Looking for
preferably someone close but honestly idrc that much as long as you're fun, i also love people who are passionate about music and love talking about music, idk im a little lonely so id appreciate just some company and people who are fun to chat with
>Not looking for
weird people and bigots
M25 from Australia, sent you a FR
Radiohead, Bjork, Portishead, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Boards of Canada, Gorillaz, Susumu Hirasawa, Flying Lotus, Autechre
>Looking For
Downtempo, Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Big Beat, Electro, Ambient Techno, IDM, Drum and Bass, Ambient Dub, Illbient, Alternative Dance
>Not Looking For
Anything lewd
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Full-time student
often eepy

European politics and current news
irregularly videogames (single-player roguelikes, hunt, siege)

>looking for
long-term friend (preferably nearby)
tell me about a current issue in your country

>Not looking for
outside of Europe (sorry)
against lgbtq+

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23/M/Southern Brazil, but willing/wanting to relocate
>About me
5'11/6'0, twunk-ish (I think), younger looking than my peers.
I'd describe myself as friendly, easygoing and I prefer to build relationships in a more natural way.
I'm into working out, cardio, geography/climate/history, traveling, languages. I also have a special place in my heart for true crime, genealogy and alternate histories/conspiracies.
>Looking for
Guys around my age to get to know each other, see if we hit it off. I also love guys who don't take themselves too seriously and are funny, laid-back and interested on what I have to say. Being pretty is a plus.
Frens are welcome too.
>not looking for
Ghosters, low effort conversations, femboys.

I don't mind sharing selfies.
Don't get stuck on the Tomoko avy. I don't resonate with that.
>About you
Car mechanic but eventually want to work on planes. Just a guy who happens to prefer dating men. Not into pride culture or lifestyle stuff, simply living life. Slightly autistic and socially inept loser. A bit needy, will basically want to talk everyday. Dominant and a top. Don't drink or smoke or do hard drugs, moderately religious and would prefer if you were too or at least respectful of it. Will say slurs and offensive jokes
>Physical description
5'9" 2xx, average looks, short brown hair and brown eyes, southern white trash but not hillbilly, masculine but not very hairy
Video Games (War Thunder, WoT, Minecraft, Battlefield, The Elder Scrolls, TF2) reading books (you should see my bookshelf :D), general car/tank/plane autism, History, Anime (Ask about my MAL), vtubers (Not obsessed with them, but just can be a dealbreaker so the person deserves to know)
>Favorite band(s)
Led Zeppelin, Eagles, CCR, Eric Clapton, Rush, Megadeth
>Favorite Movie(s)
Godzilla: Minus One, Bullitt, Das Boot, Hunt for Red October, Come and See, Patton
>Looking for
Long term relationship, long distance or not doesn't really matter. Honesty as a top priority. Mutually beneficial, maybe even in the future move in together and start a family if the interest is there. Would like someone who wants to VC and play games together, binge movies/shows and just talk about their day and things going on.
>Not looking for/Dealbreakers
Avid drug users, Fedora atheists. Masculine guys. People who get upset at slurs. Prison gays/pronoun people. I won't say no minorities, but I do tend to prefer lighter skin/white guys
mashed_potatos6062 (Alt, will add on main once we get to know each other :D)

I really struggled to put this all in one post, so feel free to just open with a burning question you have! I will send physique pics if that's a big make or break, no hard feelings since physical attraction is a major part of any relationship
Drop tag
Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
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Repost from the last one!

27/M/USA (FL)
Bi, prefer men but also dig tomboys
>About me
Fem twink with a sunny disposition! White/hispanic, curly brown hair, super skinny. I'm at my happiest in a creative element--building, learning, discovering. Very open-minded.

Game development, writing, motion graphics, music (learning keyboard and guitar). Wanna get back into art and animation. I love hiking and jogging, but haven't been out in a minute.

Video games: I'll play anything if I'm having fun, but especially love puzzle games. Most interested in 5th-6th gen stuff, so Saturn, PlayStation, GameCube, etc.
Film/TV: Psychological stuff-- thinkers, thrillers and horror. 'Weird'. Huge animation nut, with recs for everything from the 1930s on.
Music: Again, I cast my net wide. Some favorite genres include progressive rock, new age, 80s new wave, yacht rock, lounge, shibuya-kei and plunderphonics. Special mention to video game music! Send me recs-- bonus points for non-English/Japanese vocals.

>Looking for
Friends and, ultimately, an affectionate long-term relationship (preferably with a guy.) Ideal age is anywhere from 23-30. Seeking creative types to bounce ideas off of and push past the blank page.

>Not looking for
Sexo-brained coomers, smokers/substance addicts (pot's fine, though not ideal). Political types and ideologues. I'll encourage and lift you up, but I won't play armchair therapist-- been there, done that.

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>Describe yourself
I'm gay, bottom, fit, 170cm, 71kg. I like cute things, sleep, games, mangas and dicks. I have a nice ass too. I'm quite clingy and needy. I'm naughty and I like to be dominated and marked by my owner.
>Looking for
A fit guy who owns me and always fucks me, even against my will. May you control me and fill me with cum always. Be extremely possessive and don't let me get close to any other person.
>not looking for
Woman, chubby/fat
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27 mtf az (usa only please)
looking for frens
love cats, music, OMORI, vc, anime, hotdogs
discord methrockette

>Mentally ill tranny
>Not looking for weird people
29/male/east coast usa dmv area
>About you
Hopeless romantic white big German built like a tank boy so if you like stronger looking big bear types you'll like me. People say I'm cute though. I like to do about anything but my main hobbies are video games, anime, music and nature walks. Get to lnow me you'll learn more.
>looking for
Cute boys who want to fill a hopeless romantics heart by letting me obsesse over them and say they are cute 10000 times and somone who rddy for adventure
>not looking for
Masc guys like myself or anyone who is truly just gonna run away from commitment after saying they want it
M New Zealand smooth twinky guy with a bit of muscle
>About you
Just looking for people to chat to and see where things go, I’m interested in all kinds of things, and I’m kinda hung too if you care lol.
Electronic music, vidya, working out
>Looking for
I’m open to anything, friends, relationships, whatever.
>Not looking for
Oral, mutual masturbation, titjobs, footjobs, thighjobs, femdom, role reversal, dark skin, business suits, cycling shorts, tracksuits, martial arts outfits
>Looking For
Video call lewd with masculine women {tomboys, muscular, amazon, fit, athletic, sporty, androgynous, etc.} (cis, trans, or nb) [any hair length or breast size]
>Not Looking For
Men (cis, trans, or nb)
Feminine women (cis, trans, or nb)
Under 26 years old
Roleplay or voice chat
Sellers or paywalls
Any other fetishes
23, female, oregon
>About you
hikkineet pervert. low iq idiot. very mentally ill. i love manipulating and being manipulated. i self harm and drink a lot. i spend all my time online and i love mmos. i have so many hours in my day to devote to you!
also i seem to have picked up a stalker who always replies to my posts calling me a tranny, so ignore that. unfortunately my dick is made of silicone of something and not real.
anime, manga, ffxiv, rhythm games, gooning, fashion.
pegging, futa, futa on female, ntr. cucking and being cucked. i'm a switch and i'm into a lot of stuff to be honest.
>Looking for
someone equally lonely to talk to all the time. i want something long term with someone who will preferably play ffxiv with me. i love obsessive people. an abusive relationship would be kino.
>Not looking for
people who want lots of vc. moralfags. normalfags.
>asl 19, f, us
>About u
Just a queer gal who loves weed and art
>Interests/ hobbies
Cool makeup, weed cats, artt and music ofc, gimmi all the music
>Looking for
Friends mostly people to talk about movies and music with and droogs and art ofc
>Not looking for
Coombrained lozerss
Tag is lostinth3dark
Any yous fancy using a straight married guy?

Kik: sr91191
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21/m/between NY and Toronto
>About you
I am a gay bottom (vers). Short, pale, dark hair, glasses, I have been told I am fairly attractive.
I’m a prolific artist and a fledgling writer. I like horror content (creepypasta/scp/arg stuff), animated media, psychology, zoology, music, and more. I want to get into making music at some point. Anyone who can offer some guidance with songwriting, production or DJing would be very appreciated.
>Looking for
Masculine men who are attracted to men. Please be willing to meet up sometime in the near future. Ideally I want meaningful connection. I like guys of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern a lot too (I am both of these) but I am open to all people :)
>Not Looking for
Feminine people, this means women, femboys, MtF etc. Please no self proclaimed severely mentally ill people. I don’t like to talk to people who give one word responses or have 0 time to hold a meaningful convo.

*idc if you live far away, please just have a plan to meet me if we hit it off well*
btw apparently I need to clarify this: I am NOT a femboy, I am a normal looking gay dude.
28, Pacific Canada, Bi
>About me
Latenight vampire NEET
Mostly FFXIV, a little bit of Reverse:1999 and other stuff. I'm working on a custom MtG set despite not really playing MtG anymore. Been watching a decent amount of anime recently. Currently working through Katanagatari, and rewatching Shinsekai Yori with a friend. Recently decided to uninstall League so I'm looking for another terrible game to sink time into.
>Looking for
Good conversation, people to play XIV or some other games with. You get major bonus points for being from NA/PNW and staying up late (past midnight PST), and minor bonus points for sharing interests and having a pleasant profile picture. Not looking for a relationship specifically, but not out of the question if the vibe is there, though.
>Not looking for
Rude people.
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31, M, Oregon
>About you
long haired rural pothead philosopher with a TheyFAB long term partner. Atheist, Apolitical, plant loving cuddle monster.
Music, my taste is broad but these days Mostly metal, I lile going to shows, getting wasted, and staggering around town after the bars close. Trying to make a lifestyle of growing my own food. Enjoy some classic anime from time to time. Arts is good, I like casting dead bugs and flowers in resin sometimes. I'm a pretty good singer, love mogging the casuals at karaoke.
>Looking for
bi/pan male/trans for casual hangs with or without my afab partner, see if it goes anywhere.
>Not looking for:
I know we all got quirks and struggles but please have a handle on your particular form of mental illness.

Tele: Askebjorn

picrel, Ai mirrors of myself and my partner.
>About you
Short brown hair and beard, blue eyes, overweight, 2m tall. Into games, Warhammer, D&D, reading and travelling.
>Looking for
Anyone feminine between 20-30 in the UK/Europe to chat with and see where it goes.
Oral, futa, dick girl, cunt boy, muscle girl, chubby girl, cross dressing, androgyny
>Looking For
Video call faps, above 26, weebs, caring, gentle, sweet, playful, affectionate
>Not Looking For
Voice chat, under 26, non weebs, e-rp, ghosters, dating, body hair, facial hair

>About you
short curly brown hair, 5'5'', white, quite chubby and smooth body!

generally music, but mostly electronic music. i like internet mysteries and stuff adjacent to that. i like reading unconventional books and going down into rabbit holes about random stuff. idk describing myself like that seems so silly, just hit me up and get to know me i guess?

>Looking for
men! preferably chubby and older men. but quite honestly, if you're fun and interesting, i don't mind. just be nice!

>Not looking for
uninteresting people. i'm surrounded by boring normies all day, i need someone fun!

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33femboi usa

Video games mainly

>Looking for
I'm pretty open to almost anything just hmu!

Kik kellycd454
Discord kelly4087
29, M, USA
>About you
Just a masc guy looking for someone special.
I'm 6'4" and Beefy :3
Video gaming, Movies, Hiking, Racing, Computers and VR
>Looking for
Trans and Feminine types.
>Not looking for
Masc guys
Discord - damaged.done
Looking for hookups or a fwb relationship with bottom men. Prefer Asian or Hispanic men.
Discord: htx2146
You post in EVERY, SINGLE THREAD how many fucking people do you need? Just add everyone at this point.
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>About you
I’ve thrown my hat into this 4chan dating ring a few times only to have my heart absolutely shattered months after getting to know someone on a deeply personal level. I’ve decided to try once again since I really am a hopeless romantic— hopefully it goes better this time. Regardless, I’m a 5’10, 150ibs, Caucasian, twinkish male who lives in the Northeastern US. I used to be hyper-political and involved with RW online political spaces but to some extent I feel like I’ve largely outgrown it, even if I’m still familiar with the general philosophy/mindset.

I try to be as honest as possible and believe myself to be of decent moral character, even if I have my flaws.

Writing historical fiction, reading, SciFi, vidya, film, (occasionally) watching a good anime

>Looking for
Someone decently attractive who’s around my age. Ideally you’ll be reasonably well-read, honest, from a broadly European background and presentable (no crazy tattoos, well groomed, etc). I prefer to be the submissive partner in the relationship as well.

>Not looking for
Sexpests, annoying people, the totally unmotivated, Africans (sorry), disgusting folk, overweight folk, absolute tools, etc…

>About you
Bottom femboy. Submissive and introverted
vidya (mostly RPGs), music, technology
>Looking for
A top, preferably older than me. Someone to get close with online and meet IRL eventually
>Not looking for
Other bottoms/subs
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>About you
6ft, skinny, nerdy, sleepy, introverted, likes cute plushies
vidya, music, movies, horror movies, programming (kinda)
>Looking for
masc beefy guy who wants to chat and maybe watch movies together?

prefer older guys!
>Not looking for
skinny guys, femboys, femboy chasers, internet brainrot, weirdos
schizo. bpd. avoid
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>Age Sex Location
23 Male Phoenix Arizona (USA)


>About You
I like Video games, anime, manga, sharing music.
I go to the gym often.
I am 6'0.

Playing games (cs2, apex, ow2, whatever is fun), programming, and going to the gym often. Other than that, its finishing up college, and watching/reading anime and manga.

>Looking for
Cute/Feminine/Twink boys/ MTF to be friends with (and maybe more if things work out).
Play a buncha shitty video games with.
Be in Arizona (or be able to travel here i guess)

>Not looking
Non Cute boys, Masculine/Towering

Discord tag: .rooomez.
>looking for
Indian looking for white men that love race"play"! Bonus if you're sadistic!

Would feel lucky to even be a white persons toilet
Tell me how you'd change things if you ruled the world!
The meaner you are, the better!
Especially like guys who:

- have ASPD
- are sadistic
- get sweaty often
- have big butt or nuts
- like sharing controversial political opinions

>not looking for
Nice people


26 m usa

25m, gay, US. Lonely as hell honestly and would love to find a discord friend. Can talk, shoot the shit, watch movies, be sexual, jerk (I can supply irl pics of my bf), etc. I’ll take any or all of the above.
Disc: agf202
Go hang out with your bf you stupid whore
Omg you look cute
I am from Greece
Big fat ugly bastard looking for young, cute, twinks
Specifically to play vidya with to help break the ice.
I just got into apex legends and could use a heal slut lol
Discord= brickbrain83
>about you
i like being myself n having lots of fun ^w^
6'4 22bmi ominous looking person. i like collecting expired drugs, scribbling and failing my classes
>looking for
someone i can relate to and vc with, friends POSSIBLY something beyond being just friends also be in my age range pls. mental illness is okay by me
>not looking for
extremely horny ppl, server invites, ghosting and friend collectors
I’m also an artist too who lives around Toronto. Your discord doesn’t work.
Do you want a bi male video call fap; jerk bud?
«This person is so autistic it's like trying to talk to ChatGPT.»
>Looking For (Weeb)
Breast play, Oral, Sibling play, Mommy dom, Gentle femdom, Mutual fap, Voyeur, Exhibition, Trap, Wholesome, Caregiving, Big / chubby / thicc women, Kemono, Futa, etc.
>Not Looking For (Non Weeb)
Voice / Text only, Hairy men, Huge tits, Ass fetish, Loli, Rape, Ahegao, Shota, Bondage, Sex toys, NTR, Cheating, Group sex, Drugs, Piss, ABDL, Inflation, Blood, Shit, Pain, etc.
>Extra Space
(Please be caring, gentle, flirty, playful, loving, affectionate, etc.)
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>About you
silly lonely man of odd proportions with the cadence of persistent nappy time who craves the touch of another. im short and wear baggy clothes or whateva. lean on the masculine side. i forget the words i want to say before i say them
love love working on and listening to music in my free time and playing the guitar. im also an epic gamer although i havent had much time to play games recently. draw and write a good bit too. weather's nice again so probably going on little forest hikes once more
>Looking for
woman or femboy that'd be interested in getting into relationship. if not, would also just like ppl to play monster hunter with or talk about music with
>Not looking for
pedos, ghosts, short throwaway conversations, racism, homophobia
31/Pan/Atlantic Canada
Vidya, lotta MMO's, RPGs, open world games, Roguelikes/Roguelites. Reading (not as much as I used to) writing (trying to get my groove back)
>looking for
preferrably some kinda long term relationship or friend I can get to know on a deeper level.
>not looking for
Anyone right wing or overly political types.
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uhhhh shit haven't been in one of these threads for a while
>>About you
moderately braindamaged college drop-out hippy twink
reading, hiking/nature/biology, cooking/carpentry/diy
>>Looking for
mostly other lgbtbbq+ people to chat with, if you're west coast or atleast not some crazy far apart timezone that's a bonus
>>Not looking for
relationships/immediate lewds, overly political people
Post your username?
If you refuse to talk to right wing people, then you are the one who is overly political.
they must not have a high retention rate
anon, i won’t contact you, but know your username is extremely fucking good and clever, i love it
>About you
Awkward, shy, nerdy closeted boy, lean/toned, dark brown hair, glasses, like art, anime, sport (don't play but watch everything from football, tennis, snooker, rugby etc etc), travel (love a mini break in Europe somewhere).

Usually work in admin, doing design stuff part-time until the next admin job comes up. Recently got into PokeRogue but having more fun unlocking shinies than beating the classic game. Got into music more in recent years and have been working my way through tons of albums to educate myself a little.
>Looking for
Casual guy friends to have chats with, discuss our likes and dislikes and hot guys with, have random-ass conversations with, happy to get deep and personal
>Not looking for
I'm more on the masc side I guess, so anything too gay scene/rainbows/drag oriented isn't my thing, I'm not looking for people who want to be sad and angry at the world all the time, let's make it fun and positive
discord is day_mo
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22/m/NYC metro area


>About me
Fairly masc. Graduated from college a few months ago and am living with my parents (not by choice). I’m looking for people older than 21 who have completed their education. I’m currently navigating the vagaries of the job market and would like talk to people who can empathize with being in that state of limbo.

The boards I use are /lit/, /int/, /mu/, /tv/, and /fit/. Happy to talk about anything related to these boards, especially classic/arthouse cinema and literature. Really, I’ll talk about anything that’s intellectually stimulating.

>looking for
Friends only

>not looking for
People who are not cis males. People who present as very fem. Anyone under 21. People trying to be NSFW with me when I don’t invite it. People who center their entire identities around gaming/anime/politics. Be nice and be able to hold a conversation.

I enjoy talking to both Americans and foreigners.

I am 18 from flushing queens.
I am gay and very horny.
Please meet me, I wanna stick my dick in a guy’s poophole.
22bottom twink from eu, would love to get to know some cool people and have fun with them! wouldn’t mind anything longterm either. Very vc friendly^^
disc: cutecatlover_.
18 F USA
>About you
Ugly unattractive neet girl who spends her time on the Internet
I used to be ftm but I'm a detranstioner
Anime gaming occult
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Rude judgemental closed minded individuals
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gamedev, art, design, music, animation, 3dcg, horror
>Looking for
tall, nice, caring bf ;_;
>Not looking for
short feminine fellas, sex pests
>27 Male
>Horny with an 8 inch cock
>Looking for fun with women, sissy's or trans
sissy is such a silly word
This image depicts child rape btw
M 28 bi, Ireland
6"3/189cm, Black hair, green eyes, skinny.
Reading, Languages, Pets, Cycling, Astrology, Anime
>Looking for
People my age or older
>Not looking for
Low emotional intelligence, much younger people (I get along better with people my age or older)

To be honest I just wanna talk to people and see what happens. I'm open to anything.

Discord is eternalsunset0610
uh no, it's from a manga where the mc gets transported to a world of very tall monster men, he's of age just short compared to all of them
19/f but nb!


>About you
not looking to date, LGBT normal thread seems dead so posting here for friends & chat

drawing, cosplay (dnt ask none of them are faceless) makeup, photography, single player Vidya

>Looking for
Chat, friends

>Not looking for

Is an absolute cunt bitch don't add they're not actually looking to make friends just to fuck with you
anon, u were negative from the get go hence the unadd. if this is how u react when someone unadds u need therapy
this is a larping 29 year old hun don't waste your time
post screens that we ever had a conversation
She showed me her ass within 10 minutes and she's a nasty old tranny.
That was me retard

so ppl know to avoid ur tag as u don't like to post it
Well you can be banned for trying to dox me loser
lmfao don't add this troll
Who them or me
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20s/M/us west coast
>About you
white. default hair and eyes. stares a lot.
"monotone", fatalistic (potentially arrogant), and caring.
I like to listen a lot, and always want to give room to someone to hear and care for them.
I honestly like a lot of things, please ask about them!
fishing and metal music are this month's theme. Recommend obscure PS2 JRPGs please.
I like existential (midwit) philosophical readings.I don't play 2hu.
>Looking for
Someone that wants a sincere loving relationship. (healthily) obsessive.
I'm open to learning and humbling myself especially.
A person to grow with, and have genuine care for eachother's ambitious desires.
Anything from a penny on the street to landing on the moon, I want to respect and help you achieve it. We all want that, I think, hopefully I can do that for you- and you to me.
>Not looking for
Respond with yours, please.
Kik: parvib7
Into: FTM
Looking for trans guy to get to know and for a relationship of any sort either friends, second half or just fwb
How old are you?
19 M Mx
>About you
5’7 average latino guy, kinda shy but decisive, nice ass;) avg cock, love to watch documentaries.

programming, math, learning languages, walking, reading, nature/country, videogames (only play 1), true crime, weather, geography
>Looking for
someone my age or older to chat and/or vc. someone who actually wants to meet someone. open to ltr/ldr. lewd it’s ok.
hairy is a bonus.
im learning french atm so anyone who speak french would be also cool;)

>Not looking for
18yo guys, weirdos, women.
29 M USA


>About you
Lonely furry who struggles with initiating conversation. Trying to break out of my shell more and find people to connect with.

I like video games (mostly nintendo), some anime, sports, pokemon, music of all kinds, furry, card games

>Looking for
Someone who is easy to talk to and be myself around. Someone who is willing to share their interests with me and vice versa. I always love learning/getting introduced to new things. Preferably someone around my age, but open to all.

>Not looking for
minors, ghosters

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22 m bi
i like smooth white butts

23 sorry
You seem like a nice guy I may just give you a throwaway email once when I get home
introverted 5'9 white guy. looking for a relationship
video games, metal music, f1, just started going to the gym
>looking for
femboys / twinks
>Not looking for
Masculine men / woman
discord - timc8560
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25 Femboi (questioning trans) Id really love be brainwash and corrupted. Would love to be a hypnotized play thing!
I will watch anything and listen to anything sent to me!!!
Kinks are Forced Feminization, Forced Bi/Gay, Brainwashing/Hypno, Cosplay, Cumplay, Degradation, Bondage, Latex, femdom, Humiliation, bimbofication, dronification, dollification, ego death, personality changing and cnc
Limits are Blood, Scat, findom and blackmail
Disc: hypnofemboi0138
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>About you
kinda normal guy, tall, fit, studying a science, practicing towards better cakes, learning French, love cats & dogs, I like to learn about niche shit
(not used to talk via messages, can voicechat if I'm home)
Horror movies, violent games, niche games or media, cooking, learning languages, board games
(I miss my Ps4, was addicted to Bloodborne and Sekiro)
>Looking for
Some friends, maybe someone to play L4D2 with :D
>Not looking for
Creeps/Old people
Metal has been my theme of the month as well. What kind of stuff have you been listening to? A week ago I stumbled across Japanese power metal and it has really connected with me.
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hey, it's me, Dani. I'm 27 years old and I'm from Brazil. Born and raised. What am I looking for?

First, I'm non-binary. I understand that not every man knows about gender identity, more specifically agender identity.

If you guys have questions, check this link: https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Agender

If it's not allowed, I apologise to everyone. I'm just trying to help those men who'd like to record some specific MSA (Male Sexy Audio) for me.

Can this recording be sexual? It's okay. You can dirty talk and feel my energy if you can do something like that.

I'm not that sexual but someone exhibitionist. Info on me: long black curly hair, BIG bubble butt, thick thighs, parts of my body are hairy and BIG bubble butt is as clean as possible.

I'm not perfect at all but I'm somewhat curious for the mind of those men who'd like to imagine me and wonder themselves what // who Dani really is.

Telegram: @thiccclatineh
Discord: thiccclatineh
Snapchat: @realbarbiebltch
Instagram: @thiccclatineh
Twitter: @thiccclatineh
Kik Messenger: @brasilianbadbitch.

NOTE: all I know there are many homophobes and transphobes on 4chan, therefore please, make sure to skip this post. Once I was very mistreated here and I felt like not posting anymore. From this point I'm just giving it a try one more time.
I've listened to a bit of idol metal myself this month! (as embarrassing as that is), but honestly I've mostly been listening to more 'conventional' moody stuff like Ninkharsag, Moonlight Sorcery, or Batushka. Funny enough I can listen to it while doing anything from running to driving on a highway. Hope that's not too lengthy any answer lel.
>About you
slim, nerdy 5'7 110lbs, i use glasses
i am just a midwit, i like listening to different opinions about anything XD
horror games, literature, sharing music
>Looking for
someone on the age range of 18-22, someone from brazil but other countries on LATAM are fine too (brazil, uruguay, argentina and chile mostly)
i mostly just lurk at /x/, /pol/ and /lit/
>Not looking for
creeps, coomers
Haha, you’ll get no judgement from me on the idol metal. I started exploring metal because I played Guilty Gear Strive while hanging out with some friends. Piercing Through the Frozen Eternity was such a great experience. I haven’t heard of the other groups but I’ll definitely check them out, appreciate it.
dude hell yea Ninkharsag are sick, i've got their limited run Dread March patch and the album on CD. you should check out Wormwitch if you like that kind of black metal
That's only slightly less embarrassing than me lol
I wish I was good enough to get into guilty gear..

I'll definitely check them out, ty anon
Honestly if you have any interest in fighting games Strive is a great place to start. It’s much easier and far less complex than most other fighting games. Music is great, characters look great, and the visual direction as a whole is great. You’ll get your ass kicked over and over, but that’s part of the experience. Can’t recommend it enough.
25 male USA
>About you
I'm gonna be real and straight up admit I'm an alcoholic not really gonna hide it
Get off work game watch YouTube and then get plastered and fap
Love gaming and playing fallout 4/76 and several other mmos like eso and the division and also watching star trek one of my biggest hobbies besides shitposting here ofc
>Looking for
Bf or gaming/ other frens
>Not looking for
24/M/West Coast
>About you
Depressed and lonely. Takes me a bit to open up to people, but I am a loyal person and can put effort into conversations if you do as well. Anxious and awkward, I tend to make people laugh unintentionally by just acting normally by my standards. Cynical, fatalistic and in my own head too much. I'm damaged bad at best. I know this comes off as very depressing but I promise it's not what I primarily talk to people about, only bring it up when invited to. Can get silly.
old technology, depressing movies and music with dark themes(not exclusively what I like but it's generally what I gravitate towards), I also particularly like animated stuff. Most of my favorite music/movies are also 90s/00s stuff.
>Looking for
Cool people. Movie/Music friends. People who watched too much adult swim as a kid because they had bad parents. People who I can relate to, feel just as lost as me. Open to friends and relationships.
>Not looking for
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gamedev, art, design, music, animation, 3dcg, horror
>Looking for
tall, nice, caring bf ;_;
>Not looking for
short feminine fellas, sex pests, bottoms
You're 29 but you won't talk to someone who's 31?
He's a bipederast
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gay, vers, twunk/jock
I'm a physics student and enjoy math, anime, manga, yaoi, sports, gym, mystery series, romance novels, gaming
>looking for
hot guys, twinks, jocks
stem friends
conversations about either my or your interests, sharing hobbies
either nsfw or sfw are cool
>not looking for
annoying, boring, untalkative people who think a convo = passively answering my questions
those who can't/don't introduce themselves after adding or say why they added me
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22 m US
bi, switch, twunk
>About you
5'8, skinny with big shoulders from working out, kinda a meathead, a little ditzy, bit of a victim but I don't talk about it
3d model stuff, art, playing old games, horror media, emo and schizo aesthetics
>Looking for
Not anything specific, dating and casual stuff and talk would be nice, down for anything tho
>Not looking for
Never really done this so I have no expectations at all
25 m US
Anime, History, Card Games, Vidya, Music
>looking for
Fem men, Trans women, conversations about whatever you want can either be nsfw or sfw, longterm people to chill with and be honest with
>Not looking for
people that just want to trade pics and ghost
18/M/US/Gay, bratty sub

>Looking for
Dom guys, hung guys, white guys, cool twinks

>Not looking for
AGP fags, femboys, blacks, women

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23/M/Western US
Gay but open to MtFs
>About you
Humorous and kinda fruity, lean top in spite of that. People seem to like my voice. I'm a furry. A NEET due to chronic pain. High libido.
Riichi mahjong, currently learning Mandarin, anime/manga, Go, movies, history, traditional tea brewing, loads of stuff. Casual yaoi manga reading.
>Looking for
A relationship, or at the very least friendship. If you want to just talk lewd stuff then keep in mind I'm VERY kinky so please no boring vanilla stuff.
>Not looking for
Rude people, tops, people under 20, I'd say crazies but sometimes they can be fun lol
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> Describe yourself
Your regular neighbourhood alt dude : piercing/tats/long hair. I play League, FFXIV, single player RPGs and weird japanese RPGMaker games.
Also really into skateboarding, and picked up gunpla recently.

>What you're looking for
I'm looking for a dominant, agressive mean buddy to chat with and hopefully get to know well. I have a huge thing for all sorts of traditionally toxic types : incels, mysoginists, alt-right dudes, poltards, fashlords etc. DESU, the edgier you are, the more I'm gonna be into you : and I mean that.

I'm happy to be your friend, your venting buddy, your toy, or whatever else you wanna do.

Toxicity and arrogance are incredibly attractive to me for some reason, and I'd love to let you vent out your frustration. Apart from that, I have a major thing for humiliation/degradation, but I'm also pretty much limitless outside of that, so don't hesitate if you have ideas ! I'm open to sharing pics of me, face included, and I'm pretty much an open book, so you can ask anything, no matter how personal, and I'll tell you the truth.

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Brown-ish (more like olive skinned) brazilian gay boy, 23M twunkish boy.

interested in genealogy, history, geography, traveling, going out and lifting/gym/cardio.

>What you're looking for:
White males around my age or older than me that could guide our relationship and gently dominate me (though I don't mind being completely sub while lewd).
Bonus if you're blue eyed and blonde-ish, I but brunnetes are cool. I love northern european looking guys. The skin difference makes it extra spicy. If you are brazilian too that's cool, but I don't have a problem with relocating.

>What you're not looking for:
Brown, blacks, indians (no offense, tho). Extremely fats are also a no.

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>About you
i'm a gay white blond twink, a bottom, not hairy, about 180cm tall
i like music, fashion, horror films, art, cooking, i want to be a nurse or teacher
>looking for
gay friends, or
real men, masculine and gay only, tall tops, white, older, hairy
>not looking for
NO bisexuals, trans, femboys, short guys, fat guys, not masc/fem, creeps
people who cant introduce themselves properly, say your asl, interests, reasons for adding me, type etc or don't bother
people who think insulting/degrading/feminizing me is erotic
"i forgot what your post said"
21M Bi Melbourne
>About me
I Want frens to play board games/vidya with. A few autism points away from non verbal (please do remember this lmao I’m not dry I just don’t understand conversations and small talk too well) but I warm up to similar people who share similar interests. I love games like factorio, PZ, CS2 (who wants to watch IEM Dallas :3), terraria, modded MC. For board games I’ll play most games. Betrayal on the house on the hill, some terraforming mars game, dune imperium. Risk GoT is my favourite though. I am going to study electrical engineering and I love going on long train rides to Belgrave and camping and want to visit the PNW one day. I also mod PZ a bit and hopefully stardew one day plus i like computer hardware/networking.
>Looking for
Frens to game with. Not picky but I’d hope we share some interests :3. I’m bi but I don’t like masc dudes. Cute soft and cuddly boys are awesome we can play vidya all day in bed and cuddle so we don’t freeze our asses off this winter…
>Not looking for
Masc guys, People who don’t share any my interests.
Yes as in the cat, big poo
>about me
gay, verse
>about me
im slim but putting on muscle at the gym, 181cm, dark brown hair with blonde highlights, brown eyes.
for work I am a software engineer.
I love reading - I currently am enjoying Sanderon, Murakami, Russian literature. also like gaming - dota, wow, stardew valley, starbound etc but ill play anything to spend time with someone. i like to collect vinyl, and obviously code.
>looking for
ideally a good friend and cute bf all in one :)
prefer slim/muscle, white, in Europe.
i would want to meet eventually, and pls don't be too shy to share a pic.
>not looking for
trans, too far away, fat, boring people, online only, insane people.
23 m bi tampa-ish
6'3 latino average build
gaming (tf2 dark and darker), gentoo, eurobeat, hardcore history by dan carlin, animes some movies, 3d art, automobiles, nature
>Looking for
im trying to bounce back from some hard times as of recent. i will not throw that emotional baggage your way i promise. (unless you ask)
maybe dating (long term) if we connect well enough
>Not looking for
masculine folk
emotionally unstable or political freaks
ONS (unless ur super duper hawt then maybe)
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I messaged you I’m Thomas I have a boyfriend too and looking for a friend as well.
It didn’t work - what’s your discord
26 m Illinois
Bi but only interested in dating men
>About you
5'7" blonde hair blue eyes and on the skinny side
Mostly video games. I'm also a decent singer and even play a little guitar
>Looking for
Long term relationship or just buds to chat with
>Not looking for
Lewd chats or short term flings
Discord - heyyomurphy
is that the beastmen one?
Are open relationships that common among gay men?
>About you
Howdy, mostly here to try and find peeps who’d be down to be frens, or more. I spend most my time between drawing, gardening, baking and of course vidya. Totally down to meet up tho!
Lol guess I fucked that. Baking, gardening, vidya and gymnastics.
>Looking for
Anything honestly, just message and let’s see where it goes
>Not looking for
Women. I’m sure you’re amazing but I have enough “gbf” candidates, unless you’re goated at gardening. Then hmu, I need tips.
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Yea. I hate it here. I’ve even known people to lie about not having a partner until they can hook you in to be a third.
This post is much better than the last one. In the last one you came across as a 35 year old woman working in HR looking for a "provider" to help her buy a semi d in Naas. Did you write it when your rent was due or something? Lol

You seem very cool now though.
30 m sub caged fag
Total loser here willing to expose myself doing bizarre stuff (ie sucking dildos, deepthroat, fucking my ass, writing stuff over my face and body) just for your entertainment!

Love being laughed at and cyberbullied by guys (especially good for bored groups of guys who want to have some fun with a real faggot like me). You can record me and ask me to do nasty stuff on vc. Can also send hundreds of my nudes.

Into all types of exposure, humiliation, degradation, being trolled... just have fun with a lolcow faggot like me!

discord tag: nrdfggt
Cute doll!
What kind of games do you play? What part of Oregon are we talking?
That's just a poly though, open means it's more like one step further from fwb. If there's any vetting at all and it's pretty much just between the fixed partners, it's not an open relationship.
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gamedev, art, design, music, animation, 3dcg, horror
>Looking for
tall, nice, caring bf ;_;
>Not looking for
short feminine fellas, sex pests, bottoms
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Iooking for intelligent ppl

user: loveistheanswer__
33/M/West usa
>About you
Asian 5'5 155 lbs. going to the gym 5 hours/week for 6 weeks so somethings about to give. reg guy but probably lean fem.
anime, games: rpgs, cozy, almost anything but fps, kpop, reading: fiction, fantasy, language learning
>Looking for
friends to chat, game with. maybe ltr. some who's more extroverted, dom maybe.
>Not looking for
trading dick pics, gooning.
discord nefies
It makes no fucking difference which flavor of retarded group "relationship" or open "relationship" it is to those seeking monogamy.
Monogamous offers only please
JFC, imagine posting a personal ad with your location as US, Canada, or EU. No sane person is going to be willing to travel or relocate across half a continent or more to date you. And nobody is going to dox you if you provide your fucking country and closest city.
18 m USA
>About you
Messed up in the head :3
Playing games, music, sports, manga/anime, drawing, cultural stuff :3
>Looking for
Cute boys I can manipulate and abuse ^^
>Not looking for
Fat, not cute, boring boys… also nobody super old or people who can’t reply fast
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27/M/swedish (bicurious?)

B but leaning a lot toward G

>About you
Been "in the closet" most my life. Like both guys and girls, but ntohing gets me hornier than a cock. Really excited to eventually having someone fuck me.
I'm kinda hairy and a bit chubby, but a very small guy. Smallest one of all my peers.

LOVE, music and movies. Not a day goes by without me listening to a few hours of music. genre could be anything.

>Looking for
Someone to talk to about gay sex and being gay. Trading pics and stories. Talking live once in a while about kinks or whatever.

>Not looking for
Anything serious. Im in Sweden anyway so I doubt it'd work either way.


< pic of me btw
>>About Me

A little about myself! I am a 23 year old male college student! I am studying engineering and very interested in technology, gaming, and computers! Also big into anime!

>>What I am looking For!

I have a crippling addiction to big booty girls, and I also have a small 4 inch dick. So naturally I love stroking with guys that are much bigger than me! In addition to the typical horny talk, I also just want a friend that I have a genuine connection with online. That is the biggest challenge when it comes to find a gooner pal and I am hoping I can find that 'click' here! Some of my criteria which is pretty loose, preferably someone older than me, and with a bigger cock than me! Someone that can feed porn, ideally big booty porn heh my addiction! And someone comfortable with controlling when I stroke my cock and comfortable with me calling them daddy!

>>Not looking for

I would prefer not to get ghosted, blocked, or any of that, also not looking for findom or that stuff. I also don't typically send pictures of myself right away or jump into a VC without getting to know someone first!

If this interested you please reach out!

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34yo beta looking for a long term down low relationship with a Huge Black Master when my gf is away.

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24/MtF/West Virginia
>About you
If I'm not at work, I'm playing music or driving to pass the time. I'm having a really normal one lately and I love it
Country Music and driving
>Looking for
Normal trans woman with a job, hobbies, and a social life
>Not looking for
Weirdo shut-ins or men
>About you
I'm a chill, nerdy top. I rlly love coop games like helldivers, titanfall* and drg. I'm big into folk music and tech (debian stable on my x61 btw). i love cooking too
>Looking for
ideally, a romantic relationship. even better if you're nearby
>Not looking for
weirdos who just want sex
25/M/Eastern Canada
>About you
Pretty normal boy from a small town. 5'9, slim, white, total bottom. Not super masc or super fem. I like the man/boywife style of relationships.
Cooking, reading, pc gaming, nature in general, love being outside
>Looking for
Compatible guys who are interested in potentially something serious. Ltr is the goal but okay to taking time. Open to guys from different areas. Need a total top guy, prefer masc and dom but open.
>Not looking for
Guys who only want to trade pics
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>About you
Chub, moustachioed 9 to 5 working latino guy, very flirty but also easily romanceable, prone to closing myself too quickly due to previous relationships and trust issues
Same as everyone really
Games: I'm currently playing Elden Ring a lot, waiting for the the DLC, but I also occasionally switch to Apex Legends, Dead By Daylight and Black Ops 3 (zombies 90% of the time)
Music: I like OSTs and I'd love to share them with you, I prefer them because added context to any one song can make it go from 8/10 to 11/10
Anime; got nothing on my watchlist rn, just finished Thunderbolt Fantasy and I've yet to see something that tops it
Manga; I like action mangas, slice of life too but my heart goes out to Martial Arts mangas
>Looking for
A bottom LDR bf, my only real requirement is basic hygiene on him, like... Look I love you and all, but please shave your butt lol
I'm looking for a Long Distance thing because for as much as I'd love to have someone with me irl or travel, it is unrealistic for me on my current financial and emotional situation
>Not looking for
Bearded/too masc/overly chub guys
I got a soft spot for cute twinks, and I don't mind other chub guys but there is a line between "some extra kilos" and obesity that people don't seem to recognize
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>About you
Skinny, 5'8, Masc Face with long hair at shoulders length. Currently work at a wagie job.
I mostly spend my time listening to music (Metal & Electronic) or occasionally wathing horror films or videogames
>Looking for
Other gay guys (bonus if you live in my state)
>Not looking for
Feds & Idiots
g t
true crime (specifially mass and school shootings), resident evil 7 and 8, ranfren, animals
>Looking for
dominant weirdos (nonsexual), stalker types, mental illness, cluster b, possessive, talkative, clingy
>Not looking for
women, healthy relationships, nsfw
26 m bi from UAE

>looking for
Any thing desu chat making friends or lewd

Hopefully travel buddy I travel a lot solo

I’m into games and anime also

>not looking for
People who ghost

Bondage bdsm and more
Not into scat or vomit or something similar to them

>Discord Tag
Do you want to be only friends (because I am also a top lmao) but you sound fun and also play DRG. I'm in South Melbourne if you're close :3


>About you
chubby (trying to lose weight), 170cm/5'6'' tall, shut-in (neet), bottom

Watching anime, playing video games

>Looking for
ages 24-28, top

>Not looking for

disc - Shadowoof
23/M/Western Canada
Bi (G Mostly)
>About you
Modest build, decent face, switch, verse, big dick, basically gay because women suck, smooth, nice eyes and dsl
I go to the gym rather often but am currently cutting, I like almost all games, movies, horny things and dogs. I am pretty easy going and rather accepting of whatever your into.
>Looking for
Honestly I am into almost everyone so long as your healthy and down for kinky things
>Not looking for
Whales, twigs, boomers and people who dont like to chat
Discord is: sillygewce
Forgot to post lewd image because drunk
uh no it was a litmus test and the right answer should have been "no thats degenerate anon, i am with the lord, i do not need your foul temptations"

monogamy in homosexual relations... anon what are you suggesting?

i really dont get it either
Us faggots are promiscuous animals and heteros were 100% justified to want us dead after all, teehee :)
Couple from Eu
Femboy 20 Asian
Cis F 21 White/Latina
>Sexual Interests
Not exclusively
-Trans people
-Bigger bodies
>Looking For
Guys or trans girls who are well endowed that want to try both something casual or a threeway relationship.
We are really chill and just want to hang out.
We share selfies and body pics too.
We could travel or let you stay at our place too if things go well.
We are open to both queer or straight people.
>Not Looking For
People above 28
Submissive people
>Discord Tag

We share this discord account.
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Involved in several investments and computer part reselling
>Sexual Interests
Size difference
Age gap
nothing abusive
>Looking for
In relationship with 25 latina transgirl and we are looking for a bull
Pictures of your feces
Sleep call
Anything platonic as well
>Not looking for
bottoms unless for the feces thing ig, I am open minded
disc: jacetakashima
as well as pic rel
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
28 m bi US

I’m a cumslut who loves anything with a cock and lots of cum

Looking for a long term chat pal to talk when we’re bored. Can be sexual but doesn’t always have to be.I like to show off sometimes but not always able to

Not looking for someone who just wants to cum and dip

Discord: pandaxking
>About you
neet with too many resources for a neet
world of warcraft and clothes kind of
>Looking for
desu anyone but id really like a chubby trans girl that i can do things for
>Not looking for
twinks, femboys, gym dudes, people that dont constantly bother me
>Looking for
Bottom! Just frens at the moment!! Maybe relationship if the right person came along! ^^ I can get very nervous when talking to new people, but I always try to be friendly and open :)
>Not looking for
chasers, creeps, political people, racists, blocking me without explanation
>Personality and apperance
My height is 1.62 cm, brown eyes,curly hair, slim, twink build and hairless! Im very sympathetic and like to meet new ppl!
>About me
im extremely self-hating turk. i don't identify with turkishness and the value system of turkish culture.
Anime,manhwa,webtoons,gacha games, project sekai or other rythm games, about music i like scenecore,nightcore and indie

you should find christ, your relationship is going to die soon.
24 MtF CA
>Looking for
Funny talkative ppl! Recently came out and am looking mostly for Trans/Femboy/Sissy friends to chat whenever we're bored but I'm open to anyone. Relationships can turn sexual if I dig u and we have similar interests, but u gotta be interesting.
>Not looking for
creeps, political people, racists, ppl who want a quick fuck and then block, transphobes obvs
>Personality and apperance
1.82 weighing 110 pounds, am shaved and a bit curvy, def not the usual femboy bod but we're working on it. I'm eager to make Trans friends , friendly, kind of bitchy and low-key insane. U can ask sexual kinks if interested
>About me
I'm very much not a clingy person, don't expect me to respond to you right away though I am a sucker for attention being thrown my way. I dress in an emo/alt/goth vibe.
Anime,manga,webtoons,gacha games, Nikke, Feh, Single player games, some online games, love brainrot memes and movies

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19 twink (future trans mtf) central NJ (near the rutgers area)!

>Physical description
brown, skinny, 5'9 120lbs, short hair, kinda toned.

gaming, sci fi and futuristic stuff, f1, badminton, tv/movies,

i do cd sometimes and am trying to get more in touch with my feminine side! pretty new to everything but curious to try anything out ;)

>Looking for
mostly interested in other trans/twinks/fems/sissies to hang or hookup with! ideally fwbs or more would be perfect!

discord: hihello9

start with asl or maybe a pic please :)
>About you
I'm a friendly and patient person who loves talking to people. I've been on HRT for 5 years and had excellent success.
Making music, playing MTG, photography, cooking, bicycling, shopping, clothes, friends/socializing, etc
>Looking for
Cool people who can have mature conversations about a variety of topics. I am socially submissive and I will talk about pretty much whatever you're interested in.
>Not looking for
Meanies, dick pics
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Gay twink
I like outdoorsy stuff, cooking, video games, movies, music, sports, reading
>looking for
A friend or a boyfriend
>not looking for
Dry people

pic is me :3
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22/M/Western US, moving to PNW soon
gamedev, art, design, music, animation, 3dcg, horror, scifi, star trek, silent hill, fallout, pokemon, etc
>Looking for
tall, nice, caring bf ;_;
>Not looking for
short feminine fellas, sex pests, bottoms
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22/boy/PA, USA
>About you
5'7" 140lbs~ clingy feminine glasses-wearing boy and supreme switch
Grand strategy gaymer, history dork, bunny enthusiast
Vidya, film, cuddling
/cm/ /tv/ /vst/ - homeboards
>Looking for
Fellow femboy virgin to make boyfriend/husband, preferably Asian pls :3
Nearby hopefully or willing to move ^.^
Let's gayme and cuddle~
18-24~ years old
>Not looking for
Anyone not biologically a feminine asian/white boy
19m sub boy looking for a dom thats kind and caring <3
disc kgndfionhgh
Where in NYC?
G (bottom / submissive)
>About you
6'2" 180lbs i like to write, hike, pray, meditate, get out in nature, play video games, socialize even tho introvert, concerts and dancing mainly edm, gym. masculine, loyal, straight forward. handsome, healthy, white
>Looking for
long distance doesnt matter dont care where you are, just looking for someone who aligns well, believes in God, wants a relationship, is masculine and somewhat leader/dominant type but not in a weird or mean way. you can have whatever hobbies but gaming online helps break ice. about my age is cozy but age isnt too important, tho under 25 and over 45 is a little weird. pretty much only into white guys
>Not looking for
other bottoms, anyone who isnt a man biologically, people not interested in relationships.
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>About you
White, Tall, Fat, Hairy, Light Features.
I look like the big ugly bastard archetype but don't have the personality to match. Maybe my age is catching up to me but I'm ready for a serious relationship, something long term and real. I've been described as a gentle giant, big old teddy bear type. Very chill and likes a calm environment, high Vibrations, big heart that I usually wear on my sleeve. Been working on myself lately, trying to lose weight, make some more money and try new things.
Spend as much time with friends and family as I can, vidya, movies, YouTube, music, walks, swimming, going out
>Looking for
I like light features, and I'm really only attracted to slender, thin and fit body types. Also prefer younger than myself, 18-20 ideal And most importantly gotta have a cute face.
Starting a relationship is hard but if you try I'll try. Just don't start something then ghost me
>Not looking for
Assholes, bots, those I haven't described, etc.
Respond with your tag and I'll friend you.
Yahweh, I implore you to give me the confidence of this man
im 21 male (gay af) and from germany
im veryb ored just looking for friends, maybe voice chat who knows whatever maybe more idk xd
>looking for
people who like to jus ttalk would not block me instant because i talk a lot etc.
>not looking for
people that are obsessed with politics, or just any political side stuff like htat, thats pretty much it
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>About you
I'm a chill dude who gets horny from time to time.
Videogames, gym, cooking.
>Looking for
A masc dude to be fwb with, either online or IRL if given the chance
>Not looking for
Non masc dudes, relationships
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31/m/USA (SoCal)
White, 5'10", and currently 360 lbs, but I have been both fatter and skinnier before and am willing to make adjustments. Clean shaven, minimal body hair. Glasses, no tattoos or piercings, heavy wholesome/nerd/boy scout vibes.
I'm the kind of nerd that got straight A's in every grade and can explain how computers work in excruciating detail. I'm an extrovert in public, but I like quiet in private. I stay very calm under pressure. Generally a top.
Video games, usually single player or co-op RPGs. Used to watch a lot of anime, but a little less these days. Fantasy/sci-fi/horror. I also love science/math/engineering, economics, law, military history, and all kinds of other nerdy shit. I have been known to read actual books.
>Looking for
Basically a surrogate younger brother dynamic. Someone I can love, dote on, protect, cuddle, spoil, and sometimes (consensually) molest. Nerdy/introverted/autistic is good. Chubby/fat is great, and the bigger the better. If you have a praise kink you will have a good time. I open to almost any fetish that doesn't involve me causing you pain.
>Not looking for
-Older, hairy, rough. The more you look like a tough guy the less you tickle my protective urges.
-Anyone who wants pain/abuse/etc. I get that bdsm is a thing, but for me the act of causing pain is not something I will ever enjoy.
disc: lrasm
may I see your pics
18 m
>Letter a
>About you
i like to sleep bruh
gaming / anime
>Looking for
big balls in ma mouth
>Not looking for
discord: idkpet
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23, M, Gay, BR
>About me
5'11ft Twunk pretty boy, willing to submit for a stronger man. I have a toned body, a cute face and a bubblebutt.
>Sexual Interests
I'm into BDSM, forced stuff, degrading, muscle worshipping, raceplay if you will.
I'm a little bit into having my bubble butt worshipped, too.
>Looking For
Stronger man, top guys, manly guys, white guys.
>Not Looking For
Bottom guys, I'm also not into black and fat guys.
>Discord Tag

I want to be your modern day male concubine :3
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I've grown this fantasy of two lesbians realizing they're both bottoms and dragging me into the relationship to be the top.
It'd never last long because I'm an absolute Chud-type, but it is what it is.
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18, male, canada
>About you
autistic, adhd, and bipolar. i like music a lot, mostly experimental, industrial, and indie stuff. i play the guitar and make music myself. i also write and draw cartoons. im 5 foot 10 and white with long brown curly hair and blue eyes. i play games and watch cartoons and anime. i really like horror movies as well.
guitar, music production, drawing, cartoons, anime, history, religion, horror, writing, film, animation, media in general, etc.
>Looking for
non-judgemental people. people who aren't overly pushy. preferably more dominant.
>Not looking for
anyone significantly older than me. anyone who wants pictures right off the bat. anyone who wants to call right off the bat.
stophurtingm3 (alt)
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28/M/Alabama (CST)
>About you
Relatively chill, normalish guy comparatively to most peeps on the chans. I'm most social during late afternoon & evening. Got five cats who I love very much and will send you a lot of pics of. I'm very understanding about mental health issues and I don't mind discussing them, so I can alwayas an open ear if you need to vent to somebody. Started studying for IT certs lately, really fun. I am planning to build up a library of both books & physical media, really love cinema, literature, and gaming. Mostly just really fucking lonely at the moment, adult life is a pain. Talk to me about history, animals, or Linux in any order especially.
Fallout New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Hollow Knight, any decent platformer really.
>Looking for?
Looking for people closer to 23 & above, won't go below 20.
People to message on Discord throughout the day. Fun, nice, talkative and passionate people who enjoy the things they're into and wanna tell me about em. Fellow adults who are a bit lonely online and like having/being company through Discord. All timezones welcome.
>Not Looking for?
I'm not interested in /pol/ or robots. I'm not into transphobes or homophobes..
>Basic Description Of Myself
Muscular build, average height , beard, broad Shoulders, brown eyes, big dick, chill & laid Back
>Hobbies and Interests
Video games, lifting weights, anime, listening to music, watching movies, love to laugh
>Looking For
Looking for new friends, people to chat with, play games with, down for whatever
>Not Looking For
Minors obviously
>Discord Tag

Heya I'm a cute little sub twink looking for some connections and financial help maybe

Discord is @ikoks
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>25M/gay/Western Europe/5'8

>I'm looking for other gay Europeans to chat with, maybe voice chat/meet each other, I'm more looking for smart, honest people, ready to chat on a long-term basis. Regarding the physique, I appreciate a diversity of phenotypes including even some Asians, I am myself technically Eurasian.

>I avoid leftists for some good reasons, ugly persons, incels, coomers.
>Disc: charles_otto
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18 m
>About you
i like gaming and sleeping ngl and anime :;3
making tiktok sometimes if u wanna see them
its @lolmepls2
eitherway idk
>Looking for

discord: idkpet

pic is me again
Teen/M/Upper Midwest
>About you
Short, bottom/vers, twinky build but I work out a lot, go to school in New England but I live in the Midwest in the summer. Really lonely because there are so few gay people where I live, very depressed over that. I just want to be with a man
Classics, literature, history, theory, old movies, fitness
>Looking for
A good looking guy (top/vers top) to have some sort of relationship with and ideally meet up this summer. Just can’t take the loneliness of being gay anymore
>Not looking for
bottoms, trans
>About you
5'10, bottom, chubby build but I have started workout out, I live in the uk in london. I am palestinian and I support palestine and want you to do the same or dont bother talking to me. I need a boyfriend because im so lonely
history, reading, sports, table tennis especially, swimming and basketball
>Looking for
A hot guy to have a relationship or casual fun with and meet up this summer. i dont want to be in the closet anymore and need my first experience
>Not looking for
bottoms, trans
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30/M/Central US
G (for fiction)
>About you
Lonely isolated individual with a lot going on in the head. Hoping to find someone to talk to about anything and maybe bounce ideas off of, also to explore other people's mental worlds to compare it to my own. "I love words" is simultaneously an overstatement and an understatement. I do come off as a gooner who's a furry (among other things but that's for DMs; just know I'm a degen)
I've been learning Japanese since I was 14 and inline skating/rollerblading for a good chunk of my life to the point I became a "pavement figure skater." I love listening to Japanese music and I like to write. I've always wanted to draw the characters from my head and write their stories, but I pressure myself too much to start properly so I end up drawing mandalas.
>Looking for
Someone I can talk to about anything and share ideas with, talk about characters that inspire us and what we want out of life. Also looking for a fellow bottom that I can confidently say I'll share a double-ended dildo with
>Not looking for
I don't know yet
My discord is meoleo137. My username is in Japanese mistaken for Chinese
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27, M, Michigan, USA
5'6 midget who smokes and has a fat cock
>About You/Hobbies
Recently back to working out, fine if you don't. Like photography, the outdoors, hiking and biking, collecting rocks and sometimes horror movies.
>Looking For
A cute Trans girl to get to know and either just enjoy some intimate company or maybe something more
>Not Looking for
Eh really just don't be boring as shit
bump !
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server for masc gay/bi men to chat

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34 mtf california
pan/ace ish
>About you
I work at a non profit animal shelter as a cattery tech while investing on the side for hope of a free future. I have friends and family who love me and live full time as a woman as I pass pretty well (pre op. I have debated srs but I am kinda scared desu.) I have a dog and cat, my own car and various short, medium and long term goals. neurodivergent but i try not to let it handicap me. Far lefty with politics based on kindness and compassion. a bit of a sub but idk haha sex seems pointlessto me but I would do it for a partner if it was desired and I liked them
manga/anime and games tho I try not to play forever games and more single player. (been playing ac6 and re4re lately) I play pokemon tcg, do art and often try and go paddleboarding when I can.
>Looking for
friends to lovers trope? haha I am not sure, I have been in a massive wave of depression for a long time even tho my life is better than a lot of people and I can't really complain, so this depression is even worse because I don't understand why it is there... I guess I am looking to shake things up and see if a new person in my life adds or subtract to my seemingly endless depression. I like males and females and trans and I believe everyone is a solid 7 with some clean up and change of additude, so I try not to be picky. I am attracted to strong dominant personalitys regardless of gender tho
>Not looking for
mean and racist people, chasers, sex addicts/gooners, people who cannot hold a conversation, young people(i could date a 20 something if they were able to convince me i suppose) and i guess people who lack their compassion for others
30+ / F / Europe (But currently residing overseas for business, with occasional travels to the US)

I'm into many things. Art, music (mostly synth-y and ambient-y stuff, i don't really like rock, nigger noise or normie shit), gym (I can beat you in arm wrestling and not just that really), sci-fi, history, languages, film, lots of stuff I don't think about until I do. Sometimes i have a feeling i'm getting too old for image boards, but you fuckers won't get rid of me that easily. Pretty blunt and cynical.

>what you're looking for
Pals, people I could click with

>what you're not looking for
Anime pfp, politics as a serious topic, coomers, desperate men, spiritualists, /gfd/, people who say "anon", "frens", etc., retards who can't hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes, fags and niggers with hidden inferiority complex, severe autists, pseudo-intellectuals are not welcome.

discord: chipapipuwawa
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>About you
Closeted “straight” male wanting to be feminized and bred by a superior male. Open to mtf as well

Doesn’t matter

>Looking for
Dom tops, bubble butt lovers, anybody that wants to feed my secret depravity.

>Not looking for

Discord: mars00916
Kik & telegram: Serge733
>About you
NEET twink 5’6 115lb
general techie, movie/tv addict, occasionally gaming, love porn but not a gooner
>Looking for
Anyone under 30 whos okay with me being a neet for another year max :)
>Not looking for
Overweight people, racist
Disc/tele: veremonax
29/M/Midwestern US
>About you
Writer, artist, crafter, avid reader and casual gamer. Fairly normal average cis guy but can be a bit anxious and melancholic at times. Lowkey furry. Dominant but gentle in relationships.
Sandbox, RPG, and shooter games, 40k, psychological horror, cosplay, literature, philosophy, camping, and traveling, just to name a few.
>Looking for
Someone normal enough to eventually meet my family but weird enough to share my interests. Someone whose ideal weeknight involves building Lego sets while talking about existentialism, cuddling and watching Robert Eggers films, or letting me watch you play Hollow Knight since I suck at 2D platformers but I really love the art direction.
I have a softspot for feminine guys and nb/trans people but I'm not picky.
>Not looking for
Reactionaries or assholes of any kind. I'm not gonna argue with you. I've had too much of my life wasted already so if you have bad vibes you're getting ignored or blocked.

Pic related, let me be your caring grumpy lizard bf
Pic didn't attach, here it is
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>About you
6'1 skeleton. im cool and LONELY
rotting in bed, browsing the web, making music, playing the guitar blah blah blah
>looking for
frens to talk to idk
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18/M/Canada EST
>About you
Sensitive young man. Nietzschean. 6’0 and 6 inches if that matters to you.
>Looking for
Someone who is cool and close enough to meet up with me semi regularly. I have multiple different types and lots of idiosyncratic preferences, but my favourite type is cute femboys with Asperger’s. :)
>Not looking for
People who live in a different continent or on the other side of this one, people who are strongly left wing, people who are over 30, really depressed and needy people, people who don’t have similar interests, people who only want to trade pics, losers, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Not accepting friends :(
19, Submissive Bottom, Philippines
>About Me
Somehow conventionally attractive cutie in his prime. My appearance is black fluffy hair, glasses, 5’8 shortie, twink body, and of course cute (hehe :3). I’m also big on socializing, learning, and fashion, so basically that perfect and popular “girl” in high school. I’m broke as fuck and live in a slum so don’t expect rich shit from me.
I LOVE psychology (maybe I will love you more? ;3). Nothing can top that. (maybe you can hehe~ ૮(˶ˆωˆ˵⑅)ა) I also really love cinnamoroll, hello kitty, and sanrio stuffs, and gothic stuff (cuz i’m a goth lol). I like fashion, so I’m always overdressed no matter what the occasion is. I like music too, mostly metal, rock, artpop, and jpop. Some of my hobbies are thrifting, shopping, gaming, reading, and learning new things ^3^
>Looking for
A daddy dom who can either spoil me or put me in my place and praise me or enslave me. Choice is yours. I am also looking for someone serious and who can understand me emotionally, irregardless of body or age.
>Not looking for
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22/MtF/Western Europe
>About me
5'11, brown (multiracial), 190 lbs but losing a lot of weight lately. MtF but currently I present as a fairly feminine twink, so be warned.
Love games based around logistics (Workers and Resources, Dyson Sphere Space Program and you can guess the rest from there). Programming nerd, pseudointellectual in many broad subjects (I always have a wikipedia page open on, idk, the gulf war) and desperate overachiever. Hobbyist cook (duh).
In desperate need of a tubby boy to pamper in more ways than one.
>Looking for
Chubby, fat and obese white boys (optional, I just like larger frames in general), the bigger the better, but please be clean shaven. Preference for a more feminine stature, but if you are smooth I swear I will sleep on your tummy. I'm a feeder and unashamed of it. I will cook comically large and delicious meals for you and pretend you are my big and spoiled hubby :)
Bonus points if you are shorter than me and live at least on the same continent.
Overall, just looking for someone to befriend while encouraging to gain/get tummy pics. I'm not super sexual but I love teasing people about their weight, so be warned.
>Not looking for
/poltards/ but being slightly racist is hot so I can cook you brown food and feed you out of it :)
People who will be bothered by me wanting to feed them.
Cowards that don't want their tummies licked.
Just be fat, really, and not mentally ill. Don't post straight penis to me (if you really want to share pics post tummy, duh).
>tag (discord)
this is a catfish who is pretending to be a tiktok girl, they also claim to be mtf in the trans thread
i am a famous tiktoker, why are you trying to gas light us into thinking that they arent?? are you jealous?
18, ftm, USA
>About you, Interests/Hobbies
Honestly I don’t get the point of typing these all out since they’ll be revealed in convo anyway
>Looking for
Someone to talk to for the night
>Not looking for
Requesting nudes without reciprocating effort. Turn me on and I’ll share nudes lol
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Fogrot my picture
Oh shit my bad, I fixed it!
Posting this to twitter.
18 m
>About you
gaming / manga
+ silly
anime / sleeping / gaming / umm balls
>Looking for
friends /chat etc anything

discord : glenpir
gay dating server

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>about me
5'11", 360 lb bear/gainer; have a black cat; dislike dogs; enjoy travel when funds permit; extremely racist/X-phobic (where X is woman, faggots, etc.) but not annoyingly so, as in, not going to risk my safety in public by saying nigger, etc.
I like languages, and speak a handful; Nintendo 3DS/Switch; big into politics
>looking for
Relationship; younger twinks/slim preferred (femboi ≠ twink), but my age is okay too so long as they're fit. Guys who are into encouraging are A++, but it's not a deal breaker; long-distance is absolutely fine with me so long as it isn't permanent (as in, bridging the distance matters)
>not looking for
Poor conversationalists or someone unable to chat throughout the day (seriously we are all on our phones dozens of times a day). If all you want is dirty talk/nudes, find somebody else. Not looking for guys shorter than like 5'7", but open to it. No trannies. No fembois.
kuro.neko. (must include the period after each word)
For the love of all that is good and holy in this world, if you add me and I say hello, show me a photo of you, tell me your a/s/l and what you're looking for. If you can't handle the bare minimum, you certainly cannot handle an actual relationship. Looking for gooning? Look elsewhere!
Your discord either isn't correct or you have high privacy settings.
Disgusting fuck
You sound interesting but I don't think I match what your looking for too well.
Thanks :3
20/M/USA (Texas)
G (Bottom)
>About you
Lil bottom nerd :3 i like old comuters n just other tech tat that was out of date 20-10 years ago haha. I'm kinda also a homeboy, just add me and you can learn all about me!

(Also this is my spam so response time may vary)
Computers, Music, Manga, Reading
>Looking for
Tops/switches to talk to, or just people to talk to in general
>Not looking for
trans ppl (no disrespect, just like pp)
discord: weirdbitch.
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27/NB I guess/Florida
B, T
>About you
Honestly just looking for friends maybe on the off chance a relationship. (I'm bi so gender doesn't really matter in a partner too much although I guess I slightly prefer women more) I'd consider my self non binary or whatever and I've been on HRT for like 6 or so months, but I don't really have a pronoun preference.
Martial Arts, Guitar, Music (especially metal), Comics/Manga/Animation, World Culture and Language (I'm trying to learn Spanish so if you speak it that's a plus or are learning as well)
>Looking for
Relationship, Friends, Anyone with similar interest
>Not looking for
Overly sexual people, people who will pester me if I don't respond, chuds,
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>About you
5'7, slim, bottom, femboy twink boymoder :3
computers, anime, movies, tv shows, vtubers, traveling and reading
>Looking for
new friends, relationship and people that live near utah!!
>Not looking for
mean people :(
I'm AMAB btw lol I have a dick
You find cool but JFC, imagine posting a personal ad with your location as US, Canada, or EU. No sane person is going to be willing to travel or relocate across half a continent or more to date you. And nobody is going to dox you if you provide your fucking country and closest city.
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>About you
Submissive twink bottom that likes to crossdress
Gaming, anime, fitness, computers
>Looking for
Doms who can treat me right
>Not looking for
I'm always open to friends too!

Not sure I get what you mean. I dated someone for 6 years who I met online and who moved a couple states over to be with me. I'm not afraid of being doxxed, I just give a general answer upfront because I might be willing to move within that region as well depending on how things go. If you meet someone and things go well and you fall in love I don't see why moving to be together is such a bizarre notion.
Femboy here, looking for a long-term master who has experience in spanking, discipline, and humiliation.

Pic rel is me

Disc spankmytwinkass_07597
thats insane, normal ppl do not move in with random people theyve met on the internet and havent had extended periods of hanging out with on a whim
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Young / M / NYS NYC
>About you
I’m an Ecuadorian boy who is timid and shy and who loves to read and sketch art. I’m interested in developing a genuine but yet dominant relationship with someone who can love and also force me to do anything that he desires of me to do.
Walking, running, playing soccer, drawing, sketching, and flirting
>Looking for
Sexual pleasure and intercourse with someone who can meet up me with me. I would love to give head and my hole to be used. Huge-small cocks, whichever size is available. I’m also looking for someone to play and tease me as their toy in person too.
>Not looking for
Furries or people who won’t do anything with me, particularly those who don’t want sex or head from me
Discord - ali806_
Kik - SashaAli806
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Young / M / NYS NYC
>About you
I’m an Ecuadorian boy who is timid and shy and who loves to read and sketch art. I’m interested in developing a genuine but yet dominant relationship with someone who can love and also force me to do anything that he desires of me to do.
Walking, running, playing soccer, drawing, sketching, and flirting
>Looking for
Sexual pleasure and intercourse with someone who can meet up me with me. I would love to give head and my hole to be used. Huge-small cocks, whichever size is available. I’m also looking for someone to play and tease me as their toy in person too.
>Not looking for
Furries or people who won’t do anything with me, particularly those who don’t want sex or head from me
Discord - ali806_
Kik - SashaAli806
Added you dummy!!! The one who sent the ayame stickers…
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22/m (+estrogen)/us nyc brooklyn
hrt twink/mtf repper. moved to nyc for the summer and don't know anyone here
cs & maths, i work in tech. also music production, writing, outdoor stuff
>looking for
people to hang out with locally
>not looking for
Yeah that's the point, you take your time getting to know someone and visit them multiple times before committing to moving in. It's not 'on a whim.'
30/f/Midwest usa
>About you
Introverted, autistic, animal lover, super sweet & loving, weirdo
Gaming ,movies, anime, dance, travel, weightlifting
>Looking for
Honestly, I'm looking for another cute gamer girl to love and have mutual obsessions with eachother hehe
>Not looking for
I'm only attracted to AFAB women so non binary people are cool but I'm not attracted to transitioned folks sorry!!!
Discord is nana_komatsu_707
>About you
120lbs 5’6 latino sorry for being brown give me a chance >:
Big into culture of different countries :3 also really big into shoegaze and similar music. I also like the basic stuff like drawing and reading :3
>Looking for
Girls or softer boys on the feminine side that I can share interests with. If we don’t share interests that’s fine we can try to watch anime and movies and stuff together! Don’t care for being lewd but if you wanna be lewd then go ahead :3
>Not looking for
Fat, ugly, overly masculine, boring people
30 male australa
>About you
180cm, 75kg white guy
vidya, tv, shitposting, vehicles
>Looking for
trans girls, top or bottom, interested in voice chats
have a praise kink for bottom trans girls
>Not looking for
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I like optimizing search engines and discussing the works of Sylvia Plath, particularly The Bell Jar.

I'm into degradation, verbal abuse, humiliation, skat and feminisation.

I'm looking for guys, trans, femboys of all ages and body types.

discord is Zoggere
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>M 20 Ger

>I like Feet

>I'm bi

>I'm looking for someone that's into findom

>I'm was a Femboy once and still got all my old pics
Tag: hgichtfan
this isnt me some girl on duolicious got mad at me for not "rizzing her" well enough lmao.
sorry im straight, if any bi women are interested feel free to hit me up though.
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>About you
Bottom chubby male here who is bubbly and wants to have fun!!! and make new firends vey clingy and a cuddle machine!
oooo I like cod fornite and recently trying to get into deadlock :>( I dont have a invite)
>Looking for
hmmm twinks femboys or like anyone really im not to picky
>Not looking for
masculine guys somone who cannot match my energy etc slow replyers

hey, idk if you're still viewing this thread but i added you
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22/MtF leaning, but mostly NB femboy/MA
>About you
I'm kinda just in the crossdressing phase for now, but might decide I'm a woman at some point
Any film by the Cohen Brothers, especially Fargo. As for hobbies? I put on creepypasta and drink red wine. I love stroking my boy clitty to some Ron Jeremy cuz I fr love that vintage shit and I wanna choke on his kosher sausage lmao
>Looking for
A cool shit poster I can vibe with. I absolutely love a guy I can watch Filthy Frank or anime with and then blow before we go to sleep (Daddy's cummies in my tummy n all that)
>Not looking for
Women, confused straight guys, or antisemites. I'm not practicing but I am Jewish and Nazis/Muslims annoy me
girlvidal here, that’s not a picture of me and I did not make this post, none of this information is correct
you look like a man
Met someone very special here on /soc/ maybe four years ago.
He helped me grow into my own as a person, we made a billion memories. I really just wanted us to get along and be happy, and looking back, I'm pretty sure he's bipolar. Once he'd get mad, he wouldn't lay off screaming for hours. He'd make me cry so much that I'd pass out. Eventually he broke up with me, we stayed friends, but moved apart from that too.
Maybe half a year later I was seeing someone else, he tried to get back with me, and threatened to kill himself if I wouldn't take him back. I'm very sorry things ended up for him to feel that way.
His last message to me was threatening to drive me into suicide if we ever talked again. But if he ever tries to contact me again, I think I'd still lend him an ear. I really hope he's happy by now. A lot of songs still make me think about him.
Thank you for your eyes. I'll have to try to be happy to have you with me in the ways you helped me shape myself. But I still miss a lot of things. I miss playing Runescape together.
nigger ur a faggot for even worrying about him, why dont u just move on, bc ur probably going to suck some dick from a rando dude on grindr and forget about it anyways, why are u so meladramatic bro
19 m usa
>About you
im kinda just your average nerd. play a lot of games, love music and books. reads manga watches some anime. i play guitar aswell (pc)
reading, games, magic tcg, music, pc peripherals, manga
>Looking for
cute boys, preferably somewhat shorter but not necessary. somewhat feminine looking but super bottom either way.
>Not looking for
tops of any kind lol, verse is okay tho
disc: vonner

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