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Contact, hookup, dating, or just share some pics!
This thread is for all BBWs and chubby women and their admirers.

>About You/Hobbies
>Looking For
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, beliefs, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed where you live
25/m/us/ m4f
>About you/hobbies
I work for a living so I'm either busy all day or bored all night. I have a bwc and willing to show it if you make it worth while for me.
>Looking for
18-55 sexy bigger ladies/milfs to chat and get naughty with
>Not looking for
Idk, haven't found much I don't like
>Contact info
Kik: Clan_of_the_SUN
27 M US
>About You/Hobbies
Work remotely, masters degree. Love vidya, literature, manga, kino, all that awesome shit. I love watching soccer, and I'd love to try getting into baseball!
>Looking For
Super cool fat bitches. I love my big girls, and I will not apologize for being based. Let me admire you, please.
>Not Looking for
Bigots, impatient people
>Contact Info
Discord: snydercut
29 F
>About You/Hobbies
i like being stupid and getting praise for it
>Looking For
idk ask me for a link to my dumb server or something
>Not Looking For
>Contact Info
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After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up): femcel, neurodivergent, eccentric, damaged goods or "different". Write to me if you feel broken in any way; we will have a good time and you will feel better. I can help you :)

Expect me to stalk you and lovebomb you every waking hour if I like you and find you interesting. You will feel like a queen (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Troons, timewasters

>contact info
discord: demaistre
Actual user didn’t post this
Hey I’d like to talk to a bbw girl in their 30s, I’m pretty chill
iceebar on discord, 31 m
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>ASL - 26 f (born in 1997 and birthday is in summer) Anaheim California
>About You/Hobbies - vtubers, other weebshit, Vidya gaming, and listening to j-pop.
>Looking For - a boyfriend who lives near me in southern California
>Not Looking for - e-drama, long distance
>Contact Info - chickenclaw3

i am more likely to accept your friend request if it has a vtuber or anime profile pic, or if I can see your location on your discord profile and see that you live near me
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
Under 26
Hairy men
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>About You/Hobbies
tall kinda big autistic guy who plays games and watches anime. wageslaving til next semester and then looking to start college. sort of normie but i think thats masking mostly
>Looking For
shorter girl who wants to spend time doing things together (games,movies,vc) doesnt mind starting conversations (or actively loves doing it) someone whos got something similarly wrong with them as me is nice. preferrably younger than me too but im not too hung up about it.
>Not Looking for
men, trannies, anyone who doesnt want to do stuff with me
>Contact Info
alasahd on discord
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I’m a tall nerdy stoner with a beard who love to chat/flirt/whatever with a thick cutie

Kik @ upordown6
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M 22
>>About You/Hobbies
Just a skinny 6'1 pale guy with black hair and black eyes with a thing for girls with a little bit (or a lot) of chub
Manga, Anime, Vidya, Language learning, literature (both japanese and english) and japanese touhou music circles (doujin)
>>Looking For
a girl to casually flirt and sext with, nothing too crazy, something longterm could be nice.
>>Not Looking for
Guys, skinny girls.
>>Contact Info
>About You/Hobbies
pretty introverted guy. my hobbies include watching anime, listening to music, gaming, and going on walks outside. my favorite anime is Madoka Magica and my favorite artist is antihoney. i’m pretty shy so it might take time for me to open up but i hope we can become great friends.
>Looking For
cute fat girls. i think fat girls are really cute. possibly a relationship if we live close enough to each other and get along but i doubt it. hope i still make some friends.
>Not Looking for
idk, people who are annoying.
>Contact Info
discord: lolifloofer

wastes time and gets scared once you suggest getting coffee or a meal

>About You/Hobbies
185cm/6'1, lanket
I work + study currently.
Used to play some tarkov/cs now i usually just play some sim games if I got time left.
When I got a week off I usually travel, visit museums and go for walks.
>looking for
some cool girl i guess
>not looking for
transwomen, men

>contact info
discord: .halon12
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I'll bite again, bored at work, I've posted previously
34/M/Western PA
Humble, loyal nerdy otter homebody looking for a cute curvy connection through here, mostly into scifi and fantasy stories, jrpgs, Fallout 4 or NV, Lego, Legend of Zelda, 80s and 90s Anime and OVAs, hobbit core/Homestead core.
>Looking for someone who could start a relationship online or someday meet if it's close, or a fwb with those same goals. Chubby/bbw nerds are always fun to cuddle with. Also someone to shoot the shit about lolcows too.
> Not looking for overly masc guys or queer people tomboys are fun. Not looking for people begging for money or there linktree/onlyfans, not looking for someone who wants attention and it's all for naught. Back to slinging beer
Discord embyrhunter
Snap Blaezaway420
>about me
this is a massive longshot, but fuck it. i really want to talk to a bbw that will be tender to me if only for a little while. i don't care if it's for a long time or only a few hours, i just want a mommy. going to be blunt and say i'm a complete retard loser, but why not try and see what happens.
>looking for
>contact info

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: jaydom8383
Disc: Jaydom8383
Oral, mutual masturbation, titjobs, footjobs, thighjobs, femdom, role reversal, dark skin, business suits, cycling shorts, tracksuits, martial arts outfits
>Looking For
Video call lewd with masculine women {tomboys, muscular, amazon, fit, athletic, sporty, androgynous, etc.} (cis, trans, or nb) [any hair length or breast size]
>Not Looking For
Men (cis, trans, or nb)
Feminine women (cis, trans, or nb)
Under 26 years old
Roleplay or voice chat
Sellers or paywalls
Any other fetishes
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25f looking for someone to chat with
Discord fannyfay
who is into this lol
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30/m/UK (Leeds)
Photography, movies, fixing stuff (cars, tech, etc)
>About me
Just turned 30, looking for people to chat to. Its okay meeting people out in the real world but i wanna laugh with someone about how lame it is to meet on here. Ideally we could have mutual interest in each other, but realistically thats a long shot.
Pic is because its 4chan and you've gotta stand out somehow.
>What you're NOT looking for
Normal people?
>Socials & tags
Discord: aau1one
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Lookin for a short nerdy redhead gf, snap jetman00nothin

I think we may have talked before.

21/M/New Jersey
>About You/Hobbies
Third year psych student. Armchair philosopher. Angry young man. Also enjoys poetry, theatre, hiking, traveling, and thrifting
>Looking For
Chubby black or brown women
>Not Looking for
Nothing else
>Contact Info
snap, 30m wakefield. turning 30 fucking sucks man.
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK!
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr
Kik cutefairbottom, chubby sissy cuck here with a bbw wife
Guys who are desperate and want a girl with no self-esteem. (Me)
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19, M, USA.

>About you / hobbies

I like anime, casual games and hear some convos (I don't like taking the initiative, I'm not good at that.)

>Looking for

I wan't to be irl pet of a bbw or a milf so I can travel, I can do anything you wan't just not pooping, vomit or rough physical damage.

>Not looking for

Only online.


More info:

Name (nickname desu): Roger.

Height: 5'5.

Weight: 120 lbs.

Sex: Virgin, haven't done yet

Kisses: haven't done yet
24 f California

>About You/Hobbies
I got thicc ass and titties and I'm better than you in every way. Idk ask.
I love retro games and taking care of cute animals.

>Looking For
Shortcute autistic boys. Thicc or smol is fine just not muscle dudes GROSS.

>Not Looking for
PS2 kids, cat owners, weebs, porn addicts, tall men, bigots, (you)

>Contact Info
Unblock n peg me
5'10, 180lbs
Just a reasonably well adjusted dude living life who's into soft women
Reading, mtg, travelling, baking, nature, ice skating, anime, vidya
>Looking for
A cute (soft) girl to talk, to get to know, maybe get lewd with. Just see where things go.
>Not Looking for
Men, unhinged people
Aside from bigger women, fake boobs, hairy pussy, trans, pregnancy, oral, thick, pawg
Discord: Ichiyaaa
M24 Belgium Bi
Chubby, speaks dutch and english
Smallish dick
Kik: BartRogers69
Oral, futa, dick girl, cunt boy, muscle girl, chubby girl, cross dressing, androgyny
>Looking For
Video call faps, above 26, weebs, caring, gentle, sweet, playful, affectionate
>Not Looking For
Voice chat, under 26, non weebs, e-rp, ghosters, dating, body hair, facial hair
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Really into pussy worship and eating pussy, I can cum just from eating a girl out specifically into face sitting.
>Looking for
A fat assed girl to smother me, use my face as a personal seat.
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>About You/Hobbies

5’11, Overweight and losing it, Hispanic white, curl hair, Gaming, weight lifting,numetal and goth music. Getting into gothic fashion, hope you can get into it too.

>Looking For
Someone trying to lose weight too but not required, not overly fat faces or morbid obesity, Tall as me or taller. Hopefully my age or older but not required. Willing to get to know each other slowly. Someone willing to improve each other and work together.

>Not Looking for
Overly fat faces, flat chests, slobs, people with no aspirations, no personality or ability to carry a conversation, short people, BPD or prone to cheating. Overly cutesy

>Contact Info

Discord: gask
You should unblock blorp so we can talk

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: jaydom8383
Disc: Jaydom8383
Contact info?
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>About You/Hobbies
Laying in the sun MFM
>Looking For
Share pictures hehe
Contact info?
All female welcome
Snap. Th3zc
30M aussie bhm
Lf fun conversation and chill.
27m hairy athletic 8in bwc
Loveee chubby thick bbw types
Anyone can add me on snap
Add me wic13dwyrm
i gave up on meeting men as a fattie never works out, focussing on losing weight now wish me luck.
Are you a female anon?

whats ur tag
Do you have a contact, im going through the same thing and I'd like someone to help me be motivated to go on
I'm sure you're a great catch, anon. I'm sorry things aren't going well
>About You/Hobbies
Tall stoner with an appreciation for the bigger things in life. Can be decently witty without being obnoxious, and a nerd through and through. Physical labor is a large part of my job, and I've been looking into going to the gym recently. So not built, but decently stronk. Perpetually suffering from insomnia, so I'll likely be up at all sorts of hours. If any of this sounds appealing, I'd love to hear from ya!
>Looking For
Pleasant chats with some flirting, and if we vibe well I'm open for more.
>Not Looking for
Dudes, sellers, one word answers.
>Contact Info
Subatomicatomsmasher on discord and kik
>About You/Hobbies
super introverted and no self esteem, i enjoy drawing cartoon characters and learning pointless trivia about cartoons
>Looking For
right now, just a girl who would eat a sandwich and take a picture/record it. that's my weird kink and that's what i would want to see, as weird as it is. also willing to make friends, friends are nice
>Not Looking for
pretty much anything irl. as selfish as it feels to ask this, i think i just want to see someone eat a sandwich/burger
>Contact Info
discord - uberhiccupz
28 m It
>About You/Hobbies
Reading (all types and genres) gardening, videogames, being helpful
>Looking For
F, fwb or Just a friend
>Not Looking for
Involving money
>Contact Info
Tg Aisendast
>About You/Hobbies
Mentally ill and lonely. I love video games and women. Willing to try to talk about anything.
>Looking For
fat bitches. maybe some with big titties
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info

>About You/Hobbies
Aged emo PAWG/BBW/thicc girl or w/e. Have piercings n shit, In an open relationship with 1 guy. Kinda normie in some ways. Drawing, music, movies, games, shows, nature. Kind of degenerate in others. Pothead at best, morbid interests. I’ve got some demons, as we all do. I’m currently hyper focused on improving my art skills when I’m not working, and I would love to meet someone into similar things as I am to pass the time. I’m very much into nu-metal, deathcore, emo, pop punk, punk, and other similar kinds of genres, but I’ll listen to most anything. Used to watch anime a lot, maybe you can recommend me something! I’m looking for new hobbies desu so please introduce me to cool new things~.

>Looking For
Ideally I’d like to create some kind of meaningful connection with someone. I’m looking for someone who is as responsive and clingy as I am, with actual intent of sticking around. Physically? I’m pretty sold if you’re a greasy long haired lil fucker desu

>Not Looking for
Exclusively NSFW, anyone underage.

>Contact Info
Discord: amigadiabla
Do you want a bi male video call fap; jerk bud?
«This person is so autistic it's like trying to talk to ChatGPT.»
>Looking For (Weeb)
Breast play, Oral, Sibling play, Mommy dom, Gentle femdom, Mutual fap, Voyeur, Exhibition, Trap, Wholesome, Caregiving, Big / chubby / thicc women, Kemono, Futa, etc.
>Not Looking For (Non Weeb)
Voice / Text only, Hairy men, Huge tits, Ass fetish, Loli, Rape, Ahegao, Shota, Bondage, Sex toys, NTR, Cheating, Group sex, Drugs, Piss, ABDL, Inflation, Blood, Shit, Pain, etc.
>Extra Space
(Please be caring, gentle, flirty, playful, loving, affectionate, etc.)
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25/mtf/ma 5'9 190
>About You/Hobbies
i like reading, playing piano, videogames and spending time in nature
>Looking For
someone whos into chubby trans girls. id love to gain a lot more weight desu lol. anyone who wants to help/give advice/encourage me would be great
>Not Looking for
edgy or /pol/ ppl
>Contact Info
kik: Aty39
um, you removed me when i tried to send a reply. did i do something bad?
Lmao worthless fat whore, don't waste your time on this retarded cunt. She just wastes your time before trying to sell you pictures of her disgusting roastie.
Make a discord
Wow, I thought I just ghosted, which of course just happens sometimes. Did not expect this to be a rampant problem.
Sharing my 23 year old BBW asian wifes pussy message me on kik: kinoforth
Doesn't work
Like, I know that I’m not the best looking in the bunch, but damn, really?
Same for me. Sent a photo, got called cute, ghosted. Very strange.
Hell, at least you got called cute. I got nothing

I have but I don’t want to post it in here
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29/Man/US, NC
>About You/Hobbies
5'10" 160 lbs pasty white guy with brown hair and green eyes. I'll pester you in the best ways possible! I try not to be a cookie-cutter normie, but as far as hobbies go: exercising, bowling, 3d printing, beekeeping, video games, etc.
>Looking For
Easygoing gals that are up for watching anything that catches our eye, bantering, sending music recommendations, playing video games, and dreaming of the future.
>Not Looking for
Non-whites, transgenders, dudes, and overly political people.
Hey man just from reading her post i could have told you that.
In the -*contact*- thread..? Dude just fuck off. What are you even like, getting endless free sympathy and attention while dudes just thirst into oblivion. Call me an incel idc anymore, fuck this culture
You both can do it! If you want to lost weight, its sad but i hope you can achieve that goal and feel better! :)

jcf why do u have so many alts and personalities and post them in the same thread too. Do you actually log into all of those and why…
31, M

Looking for F to talk during the day, i have a lot of free time, would enjoy some company to talk about anything. Lewd is a +, if you like too.

Discord: magnumdml
Snap: magnumdml
I'm pretty fit, and I guess I need to for my job. if you want help or motivation you should add @particalarts
try again maybe? thats my username

Bitch shut your grimy dumb ass up, did I ask to contact anyone here? if you can read with those retarded eyes it’s clearly someone asking for my contact after a random post I put in here. Take your insecure incel rant and shove it up that prolapsed ass of yours x

Thanks anon, that’s nice of you.


Thank you! Will keep in mind :)
You are welcome! You should have what you desire, and i believe you can have it!
If by any chances you want to talk about it, this is me
Hello, is this the pawg department? Bonus points for goths/emo/alt and gingers

25M straight FL
mixed race (European, Caribbean, Asian) tall/fit 6'0, 169lbs, uncut, unvaxxed
133IQ retard full time job haver
4 citizenships man of culture

Reading, gaming, movies, hiking, travel, guns, cars, comedy, eating good, cigars, fine arts, history/politics, architecture, economics, working out, music, fashion, church, cosplay, anime cons, and more!

>not looking
ghosters, low effort, forever chatting with no plans to meet

It's the contact fucking thread you fucking dipshit fuck off. God ur an idiot AND fat? Kys learn how to read. I hope you fucking stay fat and your organs fail. Dumb ugly pig.
eh why the hell not?

26/M/US - philly area

>About You/Hobbies
I make Virtual Reality content, and everything that it entails including coding, modeling, texture painting, etc. I also like to do video edits and I normally do this kind of shit for money and for fun. Pic related is something recent I made. Other than that I like drawing, music, 40k, vidya and some anime. I sometimes like being an edge lord or just making stuff just to get a rise out of people. I can be a little too honest at times. Other than that I'm relatively laid back most of the time.

>Looking For
Female Anything really, I dunno, just take decent care of your appearance.

>Not Looking for
Anyone underage/able to get me in trouble, and transgenders

>Contact Info
Discord: belicure
I like phone calls at night and game as well. I have Sri Lankan descent and can speak Tamil too. Currently still going to university.

Looking for sex and hookups mostly. Do this in my free time where I like looking at dicks so please send my way.

647-394-2000 prefer using WhatsApp
I was too busy playing wow to watch her fuck herself and she unfriended me lmao, she's otherwise cool though
If you want to anon you can add me on discord: themainman574
Thank you kindly anon, I greatly appreciate it!
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>tfw fit everything here except i am 6’4
Early Twenties, M, North America
>About Me
I'm a chubby guy who likes to plays games,
>Looking For
Online, open to almost anything, your wish is my command.
>Not Looking For
Men, I don't swing that way. Sorrys!
Wait a woman who is over 6ft?
Shit I’m crossed lol meant for >>33101649
Lame i wanted a gf i dont tower over
Stay mad

I’m sorry you were simply not my type anon, I tried to be nice to you.

Also I don’t sell anything so

To any boys out there who are reading, the spot is still available
Having talked to you, your post is misleading because you're looking for a guy with an extremely specific appearance. Your post doesn't clarify that you're only looking for one very specific type of guy. You should clarify in your post exactly what it is that you're looking for, because being the girl that rejects everyone who adds you is going to give you an extremely bad reputation and make you seem like a bitch
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK!
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr
stretchy sonic will go unchewed i guess

legit had a lot of fun talking to you though
I wish you luck

Is it even possible to have someone be attracted to us.

if you're willing to occasionally be nice to me, I'll cook for you, clean for you, and sexually please you however and whenever you want.

This isn't really a kink thing. I want to get surgery to lose weight, but then I'll still have body issues once I have lose skin.

My thoughts are jumbled and I can't stop crying. I just want to be loved and accepted.
man I fucking get that. I'm never going to stop hating my body.
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>I just want to be loved and accepted.
Don't we all...
May I ask how big and how tall you are? I love bigger women and especially older women. So far you sound perfect to me
I already mentioned this but if you need any of the above or just someone to listen to your problems.
Its a complicated relationship with out body, but believe, there is men that like it S2
Your size? Sure. Your age? Nah homey that boat sailed years ago LOL
Yeah. I figured as much.
I know shit sucks and you're feeling pretty alone right now, but it will get better. I can't guarantee you when, but it will. Just try to be a little kind to yourself for the time being.

If you wanna talk ever about anything at all, I'm >>33108638

I hope to here from ya, anon
>About You/Hobbies
I'm an ex-military guy that works as a software dev. Spent a lot of my 20s deployed or so enthralled with work I don't have a lot of hobbies. I play some games, mostly the autistic map simulator types like Rimworld, Factorio, or Hearts of Iron/Crusader Kings or I play some games like League. I'm only outdoorsy in the sense that I enjoy gardening, and I have done so for most of my life. I'm relatively introverted, though I do value time with others. I've been told I'm calm and easy to talk to by most people I've met, so those are probably true. I'm 6' even, about 280 (a little overweight myself at the moment, but I still workout)
>Looking For
Plus sized women to talk to, I guess. Relationship isn't off the table, I just think it's better to go into these things with the expectation of "I'm making a friend" first rather than "yeah we fuck or I ghost"
>Not Looking for
Under 21
idk, people with no interest in talking
>Contact Info
dozodak on disc
don't listen to this loser. older women are way better
Fat girls who complain about being lonely or not finding love are only lonely because they themselves are shallow and picky. You're all just crying because chad will fuck you but not date you. Meanwhile you reject guys who are fat like you, or guys without abs or who are 7/10s or below. Guys who would be great partners and cherish you. Spare me the bullshit
Buddy you got some shit you gotta work through.
That is absolutely incorrect. I love men of all sizes, but unfortunately, they don't want me how I am. That's why I'm so discouraged and upset at myself.
I'm sorry you've had such a struggle. No one deserves to feel that unwanted.
That's a bold faced lie, I'd fuck marry and not kill the shit out of you, but you don't give me the time of day because I'm also a fatass, I've been on tinder bro.
Reading your other posts, I can tell that no matter who loves and accepts you, you'll still try to get attention from men you think are "better"

you'll tie your partner in with your body image problems and always tell yourself you could have gotten a better catch if you were a skinny bitch

Then it'll be the guys job to baby your ego every day until he gets tired of the affirmation and abuse and just leaves you

Here's some advice, accept yourself before you ask someone else to accept you
post disc
32. M. Uk (near londonish)
>>About You/Hobbies
white, muscular / well built. My main hobby is just keeping fit and being active, so gym, hiking etc. I also garden and grow food.
>>Looking For
Any cool UK big girls looking for a fun chat / possible meet up.
I love bigger girls, so hopefully we hit it off if we chat.
>>Not Looking for
arrogance, keep it cool
>>Contact Info
kik: potchuck
So true. I am very far out of my ex's league, she was objectively kind of gross with a potato body and bad skin and brearh but I loved her anyway. Still fucked me over all the time looking for someone better. Ugly or fat bitches are so image obsessed that they view attractive men like trophies. That's why you often see hot girls with much uglier guys - they aren't insecure like ugly girls so they don't feel like they have anything to prove
You're both wrong. That's not who I am at all and that shit fucking hurts my feelings.

I know what it feels like to be the lowest of the low and I'd never intentionally make anybody else feel like that.
do you wanna be frens
do you look anything like hex maniac fanart
Preach, king.
Almost like they are women
Kik? Snap?
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hi! fat girl who is also ugly (4/10) and here are my standards, please tell me if theyre too much or if i should lose weight + get surgery before i ask for it okay?

-be a virgin
-be christian
-be willing to wait until marriage for sex
-be patient and gentle with me
-dont be too sexually degenerate

i dont care about looks or height or whatever those are my standards... am i asking for too much? ive had 0 luck with finding anyone
i meant "i am a fat girl" how did i not see that i am also a virgin btw, if that's important
Have a kik or snap?
If I may, I don't think you need to lower your standards. I'm confident that there is someone out there like that for you who will find you beautiful. It takes a long fucking time to get there, but your standards are still reasonable.

Have you engaged with Christian communities about finding someone like that? There are plenty of abstinent Christian men out there.

If anything, what you want to do is be approachable and interesting so that people want to get to know you and form a potential relationship. This last point goes out to everyone looking for love out there. It is hard, but there is at least one person out there who will be down for you, I'm sure of it. Make sure you make your boundaries clear and set expectations so that everyone is on the same page. Lack of communication is the real romance killer.
Its totally ok to look for what you want.
Of course, the more conditions you add, the harder it gets, but there is always someone that fits what you are looking for. You just have to make the luck works in your favor. Like the other anon said, just be sure to be more available in places that you have more chances to find it, and looking online like how you are doing now, and sometimes it will happens.
But i wish you good luck, and if you want to chat about it more, feel free to add me
It's entirely possible.You shouldn't settle for "occasionally" nice, anon. Your age isn't a bad thing like that one retard said. I'm glad that you're willing to cook, clean, and sexually please however and whenever. I hope you don't think that you have to be the only one doing that in order to "deserve" a relationship, though. It's still a two-way street. I hope you've stopped crying by now. You don't need surgery to lose weight, you can do it healthily, you know. I hope tomorrow is better for you than today was.
I absolutely love big girls and all above! I’ll almost certainly shower you in compliments, no girl is ugly to me

Kik: bongodrumman
Definitely listen to a racist who thinks saying retard isn't a big deal. Lmao. This fucking website man. You're all fucked in the head. Kys you piece of shit.
Catfish. Wanted to get lewd with e then disappeared
All bbw welcome th3zc snapchat.
30m aussie.

These rants are just a cope convincing yourself why you are alone. You have some emotional issues you need to work through lol
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26 closeted femboy/sissy eu

>about me
overweight, fat ass, small dick, people have said i look cute idk, i like gaming, books, history, walks, animals

>looking for
Long term owner (guys or girls) older than me or my age, controlling and assertive, manipulative(?). Wants to break and push me into being my true sissy whore self but still cares about me in the end
I'm fine with doing casual stuff like gaming or watching stuff together as well, as long as our roles remain clear

>not looking for
notably younger than me, other sissies or similar, ppl who jerk off and ghost

notable ones are chastity, public stuff, tpe, will talk more abt in dms

shorkgirl on discord
Kik cutefairbottom, chubby sissy cuck here with a bbw wife
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Yeah probably too high of standards. You’re asking someone to be interested in a boring fat girl with nothing going on for her until marriage.

Maybe the most desperate incels would enjoy you, but even then, you better go to church irl and find yourself a straight edge day laborer.

I would think fat women are coveted for two things: their fat and their desperation.

You would only get fetishists (which you don’t want) relying on your fatness or severely lonely men relying on your desperation, but all those severely lonely men are probably addicted to porn and degenerate.

All the christian men on 4chan are hyper trad gym bros that talk about god but really want a hot bang maid that shuts up and does what she’s told.

So if you’re scoping online, you’re gonna have to get hot to demand more of a man, or perish.

Alternatively, find a boring asexual man.
M23 FL
Very hung eboy who loves thick women <3
I'm a tattoo artist into cars, manga, tokusatsu and I'm a good listener ^_^
Discord: guillotinexl
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>About You/Hobbies
Fucking freak (but I’m handsome) that pretends to be normal for a check.

Over here we like cooking, killing plants, guns, woodcarving, standing outside on the porch while it’s raining and saying “we needed this”, light sewing , and other things I can’t get into.

>Looking For
Cute fat girls with nice big butts that are fun and slightly horny. Depending on where you live and how cool you are, we’ll see if that changes.

>Not Looking for
I’m not funding your onlyfans so you can purchase ozempic, fat women with no ass, quick validation, boring women, mommy dommy anything.

>Contact Info
Would you relocate to the united states?
Do you have Kik?
25 M looking to be horny with chubby gals
No tribs, sellers, or guys.

kik: flapjackk999
If you want to talk add my kik.
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31 m S california
I dont know bored and horny
>not looking for?
I dont know Ill tell you when it happens
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She talked mad shit about my cat and blocked me. Pic related it’s the cat.
that is the most adorable little critter I've seen in a hot minute
Adorable kitty baby
Thanks dude. I’m not giving up one pussy for another you know what I’m saying man. I love this cat, she’s smarts as fuck and can even fetch a ball.
> tongue sticking out

Yep, love this cat already.

Also, I added her once upon a time and she tried to call me unprompted when I was sleeping. Called me a slut for not answering.
desu any woman who hates cats isnt worth talking to. She has no soul
31 m4a 11 inch Looking to stroke to your wives, girlfriends, family members who are you. kik animalspeople
Go figure
Hung bull here showing off, I just want to use your body! Lemme see your fat ass!

kik: Hung_Bull21_
I mean, that's on you dude, in the "not looking for" section, it says no cat owners ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
24 M 4 F

Looking for quick throw away sexting sessions.

Happly show of my bwc for cleavage and teasing leads

Kik - FCSh
30/m attractive looking for big girls who wanna flirt or talk about whatever. My kik is bigspaceprogram
I don't care about how attractive you are either, I'm mostly just attracted to nice people.
Also I'm white lol
What you should know before adding:
-I'm not attractive. I've got a manly jaw and an asymmetric face. I'm also a fatty
-I've got BPD, so I'll have episodes where I try to cut you off my life. If that's enough to convince you, why even bother adding me?
-I don't like talking to men, so I'd be extremely loyal and attentive with you
-I don't have a job, but I've got money

What I won't accept:
-Disinterest. If you're not an intense person I don't have anything to talk with you about
-Female friends, unless they've got a boyfriend
-Advice on nutrition. I know I'm overweight, what do you want from me?
-Mind games
-Anything casual

I've tried to showcase the worst of me to hopefully filter people that won't ever accept me wholly out
If you're still somewhat interested, here's my tag: nonna07935
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31/M/East coast USA

Well put together guy, working on getting /fit/ and making some lifestyle changes. I’ve been told I’m good looking/handsome if that matters to some. Looks/bodyweight don’t matter to me but I’ve met some cool people from these threads and I’m hoping I can make a good connection with a likeminded woman here.

Looking for fun conversations, casual chatting, hopefully friendship. Any lewdness is also welcome.

Not looking for any drama

I’m genuine and I’m not a weirdo. Add me and let me make you smile.

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>About you
I’m a nerdy guy who likes the arts and humanities, as well as philosophy and academia. I’m the kind of person who likes to lose themselves in reading, watching movies and anime, playing games, listening to music (especially classical and prog rock music), and so on. I write myself too. I’m also really passionate about food and cooking, so that’s also a major hobby of mine. I also love having deep and intensive conversations with people and also giving help and advice to them. I have a lot of experience being a supportive person towards others. I really like animals too.

Sexually, I’m quite kinky, but that’s something I prefer to talk about one-on-one.

>looking for
A kind and open-minded girl who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and likes having interesting conversations about different things. If we can have a laugh together and talk about the things we’re passionate about, then it’s sure to be fun.

>not looking for
One-sided conversations.

>Discord tag
35 M with a 35 f gf

Closeted sadist who gets off on privately exposing her to other sadist who degrade and abuse her.

Looking for degens and sadist to expose her to while they degrade her. Long term thing where I give you new stuff whenever I take more.

Not looking for simps or exposers. Want to keep it private.

Kik is exposemypig. If you have sess or disc drop it and I can hit you up there. R2rtj
20/bio M/US

>About You/Hobbies
no matter who you are, i'll probably enjoy talking to you. i'm not offended if people don't enjoy talking to me, either.
in terms of looks, i'm a white guy with long blond hair and an athletic-ish build
i am very into music and decently acquainted with anime and manga. in terms of games, i primarily play roblox but like to download and try out other games with people.

>Looking For
an 18-25 year old white girl in the US to get into a relationship with, but friends are nice as well!

>Not Looking for
extremely fat (U/SSBBW), love big girls but it gets to be much at a point

>Contact Info
discord: starmajor_
Discord is nintendoof64 pretty pls
Bitch, stop crying. I’m 30. Haven’t been under 250lbs for years. Also have not had to fuck a man without a six pack in a decade. Get some self esteem. Gymbros love fat girls. And sure, some of them don’t wanna date but guess what? Some have personalities that are better than giant sacks of steaming shit and will treat you well. But not if you come in already crying about how unworthy you are. Put your big girl panties on and go to therapy. Love yourself. Go for walks. Touch some grass. Dick is free.

Picrel. My ex bf of 2 years. He moved far away. Cheats on every gf he’s ever had with me, fuckin pines over me. Still good friends. Openly discuss having a baby within the next 3 years.
are you fat? or looking for a fat girl? or both?
>your brain on toxoplasmosis
27 M Eu

Actual autist, I've got a full-time job though. I try to stay active by hiking, going on drives and such, I recently started going to the gym to get in better shape and look better.

I just like girls with curves, that's all

Disc Luka 84
>I want to get surgery to lose weight
Then don't post in threads for people who specifically like fat women?
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24 F USA, WV

Interests/ horror movies, music ( Alice In Chains is my favorite) kinks:
Oral fixation, spit, cum, cnc, light knife play, Erotic asphyxiation, some light bondage with ropes, but I enjoy pain so slaps are a turn on. Free use kink , public play kink, Sinopholia ( done to me ) Mainly submissive but like to switch and take control when needed. Looking for decent conversation and nude exchange. Anytime I’ve ever posted about long distance and turning it to something more it never pulls through and I only get men who want to see nudes which is okay but you know don’t expect me to talk all day every day. If you just want nudes we can have a short sexting exchange session but don’t harass me 24/7 cause it’s not worth my investment of time. I like hiking, nature, swimming , and gardening. But also enjoy indoor activities like gaming reading smut, and watching movies. Also love doing makeup and hair. Currently trying to get covered in as many tattoos as possible. Also appreciate communication . If you just send dixk pics are conversation will be short inevitably.
Also Chubbywhitegurl is the user for Kik and snap
do ya have discord?
Any Germans here?
Fit European 26m staying for a while and looking for f
I don’t have discord I tried it before and was unsuccessful I had one creep message me and asked me to tell me I loved him so he could get off deleted it after that
I sent you my dick pls respond.
24 F UK, Swindon
>About You/Hobbies
Friendly out going girl currently unemployed so I've got a lot of spare time. I'm an open book and willing to answer anything and everything
>Looking For
Guys who like big girls, I'm gaining weight everyday and a feeder would be very welcome
>Not Looking for
Constant nudes
>Contact Info
Kik: imy.nic
I don't like normal and skinny girls, sadly.
No discord?
Where did you send it
Well, that sucks.
>About You/Hobbies
I'm skinny, psychology student, out going but kind of lazy for a lot of stuff, I rather talk about this on chat. My hobbies are entomology, videogames (I'm addicted to the binding of isaac), spend time with my dogs and edgy 2000's music or anything related
>Looking For
A fatty for talk and maybe start a relationship, I'm fine with long distance but it would be better for me if we can personally see outside
>Not Looking for
Men, trans, scammers and ghosts
>Contact Info
ah, that’s understandable. i’m sorry that happened to you.
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>About You/Hobbies
Student, I have the rest of the month off classes right now until my summer sessions start up.
Right now a lot of video games. Stardew valley, sims 4 and fortnite. I like to paint and make art as well as hanging out with friends and doing substances. I also like to clean and organize and decorate my tiny house and listen to A LOT of music :^)
my last.fm is elvisggs if you wanna see it
Also my art instagram is under the same username if you wanna see the stuff I make
>Looking For
Just some cool ppl to chat with long term. I’ve found some really good people on here over the years so I’d like to make another fwend or two. Sometimes down for sexy chat. Also I don’t expect instant replies due to us all being adults with lives and you shouldn’t either.
>Not Looking for
Strictly lewd conversations, I like to have a connection with someone beyond just “wow you’re hot” in order to get sexy. I have a boyfriend but we’re open. No bigots or meanies either.
>Contact Info
Depends on your age, no normal person will be a virgin after college, male or female.
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19, boy, europe
>About Me
I am a cute boy i love video games
5’10 120lbs
>Looking for
i am looking for overweight people but not the hairy ones sorry, also people who plays a lot of video games cause they are cool
>Not looking for
hairy people, penis photos, and please have an anime profile picture I don’t trust people without anime profile pictures
discord: finalfantasyviisnowboarding
22 / M / UK (North West, Cumbria/South Lakes)

>About You/Hobbies
6'2 slim/average, brown hair, green eyes
Work in IT, enjoy the odd book or comic/manga, love dance music and lotr

>Looking For
Fun chubby lasses, preferably in the UK - up for whatever

>Not Looking for
Ghosts, rude people

>Contact Info
Disc: physiologically
Snap: wrist2245
reading, listening to music, playing games and drawing
>looking for
chubby guys
>not looking for
time wasters
Not accepting requests
>Physical description
5'11, short dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. I'm a big guy (4u) but I carry it well
Cooking, vidya games (primarily Xbone), heavy metal music. Also have a dog & a cat
>Looking for
Women to chat with, maybe also to meet with
>Not looking for
Discord: chefbigpapa
HOW. how do you get men to like you. how do you become confident at this size

please teach me your ways
1. Therapy. I went for years. Having a good personality means more than just being kind. It includes not immediately talking shit about yourself to them. Deep insecurity is palpable and just unattractive, no matter how hot you may or may not be.

2. Exercise. I used to be just plain fat fat but now I’m more strong fat. It’s good for your brain and body. Plus, anyone who takes the time to get to know me sees I am active (which is attractive). I just also like food.

3. I shoot my shot at men way out of my league. The worst they can do is say no, but they usually say yes.

4. I take care of myself in other ways. Hair, nails, skin, teeth, hygiene.

Picrel again, me with another muscle bf
22 f USA

Ask for hobbies/etc.

Looking for guys 21+ to talk to who won’t think I’m ugly or weird

Kik o0xo0xo
i think its no matter what you have something men want and if u have confidence in ur self men want you too
not working
nvm, phone was just shitting itself. sorry lads
She's not confident, she's a whore. Everyone can be a whore. Just offer pussy to every "guy with a sixpack" you see.
At least I’m fucking and not just bitterly wishing I could get laid. I love pissing off below average men this way. Newsflash bud, the men you look up to love fucking fatties.

Picrel once again, this dude love fat girls. He considers me “small” and has been with girls upwards of 350lb (I saw the video proof lol). Has some other weirdo kinks, but he is super hot. We would fuck, gym, eat and sleep. If that makes me a whore, cool. These dudes are also whores.
>the men you look up to
Lol? Why would anyone look up to these retards?
Ever met anyone decent from /soc/? IRL or online only?
28 m finland

Into biggers girls, gaming and music

Just wanna chat with you and see what comes out of it
Kik rassunassu
Don’t be shy. Post your pic.
Inb4 he posts someone else’s.

In the past, yes, 2 about a decade ago. IRL. I’m still friendly with both. One of them visited me last Feb (it was nonsexual this time around). We did date when we were 10 years younger, but are now just friends. I value this friendship very much.
The second, I’m online friends with but haven’t seen him in person in 8 years or so. Still one of the top contenders for best sex I ever had (also muscles).
>Don’t be shy. Post your pic.
You’re right. Your opinion doesn’t matter, regardless of how ugly you are.
24m usa

>about you
unfortunately chubby nerd. extremely burnt out on dating in general and the FA/chubby chaser community in particular. not much of a feeder, but into extremely big women.

>looking for
cool nerd girl over 400 pounds (the bigger the better)

>not looking for
men, people who are looking for a feeder instead of a friend or partner, extreme subs, people who can't discuss anything but kink, people who want me to buy things for them 3 seconds after meeting

5'10, 180lbs
Just a reasonably well adjusted dude living life who's into soft women
Reading, mtg, travelling, baking, nature, ice skating, anime, vidya
>Looking for
A cute (soft) girl to talk, to get to know, maybe get lewd with. Just see where things go.
>Not Looking for
Men, unhinged people
Aside from bigger women, fake boobs, hairy pussy, trans, pregnancy, oral, thick, pawg
Discord: Ichiyaaa
ASL: 35 m USA

Hobbies: exposure

Looking for: sadistic degraders like me who I can privately expose my unaware fuckpig gf to as a long term thing. Feeding you new stuff every time I get it while we degrade and abuse her.

No looking for: simps or sharers

Kik exposemypig if interested
I would love to know how you dress/how you do your hair/how you do your make up.

what was the biggest thing that helped you realize your self worth in therapy?

I don't have a cute face and I'm sure that will hurt my chances of finding a boyfriend.
>your self worth
You've read this retarded whore's posts and you actually think this is someone with any self worth? Holy shit Americans are brainwashed morons.
I will say I’m not the most fashionable, but I’ve tried recently to become more so. I’m a bit of a tomboy. I keep my make up and nails on the more natural side. I still use make up, but try not to cake it on. Sometimes a shimmer in my eyelid, mascara, and rosey cheeks but that’s about it. I use spf 70 on my face every day and lotion my body. Drink lots of water. One compliment I get from these guys often is “your skin is so soft.” But also, exercise! It doesn’t even have to be crazy intense. Walk. Hike. Squat. Guys can tell the difference between a big girl that moves and a big girl that doesn’t move at all. I’ve had them specifically point that out to me. That I’m bigger but “have shape” and the shape comes from muscle under the fat, almost guaranteed. I can out-exercise some of my “skinny” friends and that’s not a coincidence.

As for therapy, I spent years learning to de-center men. I built a life I loved by myself. I laugh a lot. I have a job I love, friends I love, family I love, hobbies I love — that’s where my self worth comes from. I practice gratitude often. I also started making goals and reaching them which helped me grow my self worth as well. Now, I don’t allow men into my life unless they bring it some kind of value. Real friendship, genuine connection/fun, romance, or a big ole’ fat dick are things I look out for. Half assed low effort losers are not getting my attention.

You can tell this poster is no expert on self worth because they are the one who came up in here to call people whores. I came up in here to tell you to keep your head up because it’s possible to get with attractive men. Happy people don’t start shit, like this poster. Happy/secure people try to uplift others. Only hurt people try to hurt people for absolutely no reason.
31, Male, EU

>looking for
Fun, pervy, open-minded girls to talk to, get to know, become friends with, guide, and chill with.
Maybe also share porn and hentai, talk about films, Vidya, anime, D&D, or a whole fuckton of nerdy things!

>What you're not looking for
I'm super open!

Loli, shota, free use, ownership, CNC, rape, impregnation, futanari, "family fun", pretty much anything dark or depraved.


>Now, I don’t allow men into my life unless they bring it some kind of value. Real friendship, genuine connection/fun, romance, or a big ole’ fat dick are things I look out for.
Not a whore btw ayy lmfao lulz even.
32m UK.
Looking for curvy women.
kik: radiationtheory
25[F4M]looking for a submissive and sub message me on kik divalee001

Telegram @katemille304
Discord: mistresskate0405
simply looking for any woman willing to at a sandwich. that isnt a euphemism, seeing women eat sandwiches is in fact my fetish
discord - uberhiccupz
Stay mad, pencil dick.
25[F4M]looking for a submissive and sub message me on kik divalee001

Telegram @katemille304
Discord: mistresskate0405
Not judging but why? Lol
mirin his thiccness, goal body, do you know if he is natty?
Other than that lucky guy, to have someone who is emotionally mature and knows what she wants. Most girls don't have your confidence and are dry and expect to still pull dudes.
He is natty, yes. He used to be a skinny boy. He gained 30lbs or so before we met and then 30lbs more pounds of muscle over the year I was cooking for/feeding him. He has a very physical job and then lifts 4-5x/week.
also just for the record.

Not natty at all. Whole life revolves around lifting.

Natty. Firefighter.
I just don't know how I can accomplish those things when it's such a struggle just to even get out of bed and make it through the day. I've been struggling for years and I think about ending it all the time because I'm not worth anything.

I'm genuinely happy for you though. thank you for your advice and support.
sorry I meant to reply to this post. brain is fried.
I have fully been there. My best advice is seriously go talk to a therapist. They’re professionals and see people that depressed. Second best is set really small goals and work up from there. Even if all you do is shower, eat, and go sit outside a win is a win.
Hilarious that some whore rustled yalls Jimmies so much that it derailed this entire thread

Here's the thing - men will literally fuck anything with a vagina, and if they can't find it, most of them will fuck each other. Any man that tells you he has standards is lying. Girls that think they are special because they get dick are fucking idiots. It's hilarious to me that women's egos get fluffed because guys want to fuck them - 99.9 percent of guys will not reject pussy if they can get it. Yes, even attractive and in shape guys. You are not special at all. So in summary, men and women are both awful.
wanna add you but contact isn't working... what's the deal here
I agree with most of this. Dudes will fuck your armpit if you let them. Men will and have fucked dead bodies. So, keep on keeping on, ladies. I repeat: DICK IS FREE.
PS You were rustled enough to chime in. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have felt the need to comment negatively.

I never said I was special. I said I like my life, therapy helps, and good dick from attractive men is easy to get, even for fat girls. That was enough to rope you in too.

nah. my ex wouldn't even touch me. claimed it was ED. no holding hands, no kissing, no hugging, no cuddling, no sex, literally nothing. I felt so uncomfortable touching him in the slightest and all I craved is for him to be intimate with me.

I cooked for him, I cleaned for him, did his laundry, kept up on my hygiene, didn't act too crazy, and it just wasn't fucking enough.

so you're both wrong
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you okay, femanon?

here's a picture of lao gan ma, maybe it'll make you feel better
Why is that a you problem and not a him problem?
because we're still friends. we get along as friends very well, but idk what I did to make him not want to touch me. I just don't want to do it to someone in the future. if that ever happens anyway.

the amount of times I've cried over this man is disgusting. I just wanted to please him.
Why weren’t you turned off by his lack of effort? Why aren’t you turned off that he didn’t want to please you? When you start respecting yourself, mens inconsistency will start to turn you off instead of make you try harder.
>pencil dick
You wouldn't happen to like talking down to not peak men, would you?
guys can we stop?
Jesus bitch shut up you made 14 posts clogging the fuckin thread
It’s my kink.

You wouldn't happen to have a way to get in touch, would you?
>emotionally mature
LOL talking to yourself on the phone I see.
i have no explanation or logic behind it. its been this way since i was a child. simply seeing someone enjoy a sandwich is really hot to my sick brain.
I think I talked to you in another thread, but I am genuinely fascinated by your weird ass fetish

Are there any sandwich ingredients that you take offense to or are turned off by? Is it hard to dine out?
Still can’t help yourself. You have been riding my dick this whole thread.

Pookie, I’m flattered but probably not.

Valid I guess.
No worries, I totally understand, I know where we are. I just really love your confidence and attitude and love being talked down to. Also please don't call me pookie I am going to blush.
20/femboy or enby or troon or whatever the fuck you want to call me/Austin, TX

I'm a NEET. I love overanalzying media, /tg/ shit, and my cats.

Looking for a fat woman who wants to get me fat, bonus points for into my hobbies, dommy and/or strongfat

not looking for men, fat women who dislike their fatness

discord HieronymusBotch
Retarded loser.
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oh shit forgot the pic
Styxhexenhammer666!!! Big fan, especially of your Youtube comment history. *spoon clank* amirite XD
>About You/Hobbies
I like Star Wars, mcu, sailormoon, and cats, looking to find someone to sext and have some fun.
>Looking For
hookups, sexting, gangbangs
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
Where can i contact you?
20M EU
>Looking For
hookups, sexting, trading with thick girls
>Not Looking for
>Contact Info
kik: chictor
disc: chictor2

(btw i have a bigger than average cock so don't be shy to ask for proof)

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: jaydom8383
Disc: Jaydom8383
29 M US

Looking for: Into girls who like eating and putting on weight. Nothing too serious, we can talk about the kink or whatever. I'm pretty easygoing and not that desperate to be a horndog lol. Not opposed to other girls who are just chubby without the other stuff but preferably one who is into it

Not looking for: Dudes, pretty ehhh on the idea of rp but we'll see

Contact: MirrorMaN (capital N at the end)
nothing that particularly puts me off, at worst it just doesnt turn me on i guess. i do have a strong preference to cold cut deli type sandwiches
i try to avoid anywhere that sells sandwiches, because i dont like feeling perverted, especially in public.
thanks i guess
Is that a phone number as your contact?
If you have kik, add wolfsbane0420. Think we'd get along good
PS I may be interested if you’re a finsub ;) but that’s the rule. There’s always gotta be something in it for me or I don’t care. This will trigger the pussyfree incels in this thread and they will comment pretending they don’t care.
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK!
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr
>About You/Hobbies
I paint minis, play guitar, listen and collect music and watch animes.
>Looking For
soft gals who are looking to be treated nicely and near worshipped.
>Contact Info
Discord: .ironace
Why are you pretending to be me? You're a disgrace.

I don't but I could make one. Still interested?
M21, Wisconsin. Straight, so no men please. Need to rim bbw ass. Or just use my mouth in general. Kinda naieve, but I like being taken advantage of so It doesnt bother me.
Kik: whatelse38
Can't find ya on kik
>About You/Hobbies
I'm a lanky skinny bitch, just your generic work from home nerd, looking for some chill company, when I'm not working i'm just a stoner playin vidya I guess.
>Looking For
A bigger babe to chill with and get to know, see what happens.
>Not Looking for
Dudes in my dms. Other skinny folk.
>Contact Info
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Into plump cuties kik surfboii29
I like watching women eat food and then listen to them digest it. It just feels very intimate.
>About You/Hobbies
I'm a little short with a dadbod. I'm easygoing and like games and movies
>Looking For
Big girls. Fat, tall, both. The bigger, the better. I'm down for anything from cuddling to hard anal and anything in between. I like to play with fat rolls and shake them around, put my cock between them, squeeze them.
>Not Looking for
Dudes or small girls
ngl posting cause im drunk and alcohol makes me flirty and horny will probably disappear tomorrow and pretend this never happened

added you
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M/24/Dallas, TX (moving to Denver in June)
>About You/Hobbies
6'6, slim build, white, dark flowy hair and well-kept full beard atm, desu 8/10, would be a 9 if I worked out. I like pc games, anime, rollerblading, and do some singing and novice music production. Also got a college degree and a stable full-time salaried job with good pay.
>Looking For
A girl I can be horny w/ online or in-person... looking for someone who likes the fact that I get turned on by her belly & weight. Into stuffing/feeding, digestion sounds, weight gain, belly buttons, burping, and vore.
>Not Looking for
Men or trans, sorry
>Contact Info
discord: koalanon
snap: midriff_enjoyer
Posted contact info

You doing alright mate?

o gosh i want to apologize to anyone that talked to me yesterday
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yo mama
How bout you suck on my pp instead

im good thanks

It's literally a deranged tranny bros, don't get pressed about it. Remember to always use the archive, every single time. You will save yourself a lot of grief.
You're a sweetheart just stay off the happy juice for your sake

lmao literally a retard that’s just a post from 2018 with a Pingu picture attached and his “noot noot” slogan

hehe thank u anon <3
32m Scotland.
Looking to chat with chubby/curvy girls.
Kik: mechanicalcamel
you know where to find me if you ever wanna talk again, cowemommyanon :3
Terrible backtrack
You must’ve felt like hot shit when you dunked on all these guys in this thread
Are you fucking serious?
This is the very definition of not natural
This is impossible natty
30 pounds of muscle would be an insane amount for a noob lifter in his first year with incredible genetics.
If you are a twig and start doing literally anything you will gain muscle mass. Women I've worked with have had to avoid doing hard work because their arms would bulk up. One even gained 2kg after a WEEK of rowing.
33, M, California

>Looking For
Sexting with chubby, busty, bbw. Someone to talk dirty and admire there body as we exchange pics and videos. Do not care if your are dating, single, or married. I want you to feel good as I pleasure myself to you.

>Not Looking for
Relationship, only texting, meet up
>Contact Info
Discord: Randommexican3
Telegram: Randommex90
I am serious. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. He gained 30lb in a year, not a week. Eating an a calorie surplus was a daily task. I suggest you hit up /fit/ or try googling “Is it possible to naturally gain 30lbs in a year” before commenting further. Keep in mind you 1) weren’t there 2) don’t know where he started 3) YOU can just do steroids if you’re small and insecure.
KIK: sir83dom
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30 Male, Uk london
>About You/Hobbies
Gaming, working out, art, design, hiking, sex(?)
>Looking For
A prettt cute beautiful thicc/chubby/fat girl to chat to and see where things go, open to sexting, dating etc. really dont mind the distance

Happy to exchange numbers if it feels right later
>Not Looking for
Scammers, buying content
>Contact Info
Snapchat: rahimahmed
Kik: faithsan

Ill keep my pic sfw for now hehe

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: sir83dom
Kik- Lilywifex
20 Trans Girl UK
looking for uk only
In need of someone who can feed and fatten me to extreme sizes
"it" is well beyond insufferable
Let's share some cute chubby wie/gf nudes. Or if anyone wants to trib my chubby wife hmu. 18+

Kik Throwawaybigtits88
Shy, chubby and looking for a good lady on sc

28/M/south East US
Writing, reading, learning guitar, self improvement in general, paranormal stuff, traveling, vidya games (pc), alot more. Currently obsessed with the newest season of the best show you should watch, Smiling Friends. Booked tickets to see my favorite band in a few months.
>Looking for
I like thicc girls, but I hope to connect with someone who shares the same energy regarding emotional maturity, loyalty, and honesty. Really at the end of the day it would ne nice to find someone to swing life away with (if you already know that song without searching it, were off to a great start). Someone to share niche and spergy interests with. Someone to be the Mothra to my Godzilla.
>not looking for
Men, trannies, uptight individuals, under 24, anyone who can't amicably end a conversation: It's far less rude than ghosting.
Discord: Shrimplecartography

Fair warning I will 100% tell you how beautiful of a movie Godzilla Minus One was.
Am I welcome here if I'm willing to go as high as 160lbs or is that too low?
I can bench press you. Pls leave.
Are you female?
Most able bodied people should be able to bench 160
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK!
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr
m23, make me cum?

kik, sen0seix
discord: bookiss55
>about me
very direct and just looking for a rare but valuable female perspective on my life
>looking for
im not picky
disc: reddeadtheend
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27M US (Seattle Time)
>About You/Hobbies
I’m asian and skinny. I prefer to talk about my hobbies in dms
>Looking For
A chubby/bbw girl to chat/flirt/sext and possibly trade nudes with. I won’t show face but don’t expect you to either. I have no preferences on how big you are, but bonus points if you’re a goth or an unkempt NEET.
>Not Looking for
Men, completely insufferable people
>Contact Info
disc is kameraobscura
You'll probably have a harder time finding a partner with those standards, but I believe that if they're based on your beliefs, you shouldn't change them. It'll only lead to a bad relationship and cause mental hardship for you.
Things can be tough when you've got proper standards nowadays, but hang in there!
I'm still a virgin as well because I have similar standards, but I believe we're all gonna make it some day, anon!
31, M

Looking for F to talk during the day, i have a lot of free time, would enjoy some company. Lewd is a +, if you like too.

Discord: magnumdml
Snap: magnumdml
10 inch thick cock. i want to goon and stroke to your girls I also have had some success with loyalty tests. Kik animalspeople
make this f. 26 cum dump send you pics. sess id

27, M, Michigan, USA
5'6 midget with a heart of gold and a fat cock
>About You/Hobbies
Recently back to working out, fine if you don't. Like photography, enjoying the outdoors hiking and biking, collecting rocks and sometimes a good psychological horror movie or anime.
>Looking For
A cutie to get to know and either just enjoy some intimate company or maybe something more
>Not Looking for
Eh really just don't be boring as shit
>Contact Info
on the chubby side but getting back into working out, tech bro but not obnoxious, I love all music and listening to new things I haven't heard/going to concerts. love gaming, horror, and going for long drives to parks/hiking trails/lakes. I'm perpetually tired and enjoy talking to people once I warm up
>looking for
someone to talk to. If it gets lewd cool but if not that's fine. I'd love to eventually meet and have something more but my expectations aren't the highest. I'd love to meet a mommy type but shy baby energy girls are right up my alley as well.
>Not looking for
Someone who will get me invested then bail. Someone only after money and Someone who can't hold a conversation along with me
discord: listlessbraindead
i h8 illegals!
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Holy shit uncanny
>About You/Hobbies
average nigga who likes anime, games, and manga.

>Looking For
Anything. An actual relationship, fwb, even a hookups fine.

>Not Looking for
Men, anything exclusively online.

>Contact Info
Disc: FrostedFool
What is your discord?
Im into any kind of big girls, and any kinds of imperfections!
What I guess most people find unattractive, I see as sexy.
So hmu if you’re up for some compliments or more!
Also I’m only interested in OC, no dudes, I don’t wanna see your shares

Snap: bongodrumman
Kik :bongodrumman
M/40/Graham Washington State

>About you
The names Joesph, I’m an blobby alcoholic with a love for My Little Pony (yes i own fedoras) and your typical nerd culture. My taste in women is very unique I would say, I prefer having absolutely zero standards or taste and scraping the bottom of the barrel and that also includes booze barrels too. I have really bad autism where I throw childish tantrums sometimes and when I forget to take my meds I may yell and get violently stompy when things don’t go my way. I pride myself in being so lazy I go out of my way to choose jobs that require minimum to no physical effort so I can maintain my precious man boobs. I couldn’t bare to make myself last less than 5 weeks delivering packages for Amazon cuz I would get too winded. I’m even too prideful in my size to change my own flat tire and refuse to know how to. I am an absolute deadbeat and live with my crippled bedridden parents and we pride ourselves in being delusional regionalists who believe in a sky daddy (christians). I am a top tier gentleman and I would be honored if you choose me for a boyfriend. I will gladly get you drunk with me as you help me make sure I don’t choke on my vomit in my sleep like Bon Scott from the band AC/DC even though I realize my life is pretty meaningless as it is.

I am also a proud honorary member of a book club nobody has heard of called The Royal Manticore Navy and I earned a medal giving a diabetic person a soda. That made me feel good.

My last ex girlfriend resembled Tammy Slaton. God she was a total babe. I loved when she let me ate out her rancid pussy.

>Not Looking for
Non Christians, skinny holocaust survivors, any form of fitness or physical activity, salads, non alcoholic beverages

>Contact Info
Twitter: @capn37
Discord: ltbob1138
P: 720-270-3139
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23/male (white)/Tennessee
>About You
Shy, passionate, introverted neet. Emotional, scatterbrained, imaginative, romantic in every sense of the word, idealistic. I dream of finding love, a comfy place to live in the country, and finding peace/confidence in myself. I can probably sperg a good bit about niche topics I like. I love bonding with people
>Your hobbies/interests
Psychology, history, spirituality/religions, lost media, unsolved mysteries, philosophy, stories, cultures, nature, animation, music, meditating, architecture/aesthetics. I like politics to an extent but I tend to keep my ideals to myself aside from some basic stuff, seems how politics is so divisive. Just know I'm conservative but economically leftist.
>looking for
A chubby white female to get to know and eventually date. Ideal would be like the image i posted. Not someone too fat, but definitely with a tummy to grope. An introvert. A hopeless romantic like i. Someone with similar interests, hobbies,values, the usual. Supportive, deep, and wishing to bond/ explore each other's souls as best as we can. Maybe clingy
>Not Looking for
Inexpressive people who can't hold a conversation beyond simple statements/words. Trans folk. Ghosts. Genuinely, if you're gonna friend me and never talk, just don't friend me at all
>Contact Info

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: sir83dom
Discord: jaydom8383
32m Scotland.
Ideally looking to chat to chubby girls.
Kik: requerying
19 mtf (3 years hrt) Canada
>Province / Region / Area Code
>What you're looking for
someone who wants to get to know eachother online and maybe be a bit lewd x3 I'm a really big bottom lol.
Open to meeting up irl and for relationships
>Contact Info
discord didn't work

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
schizoaffective, depression, social anxiety, occasionally suicidal, sometimes self harms, alcohol/weed addict, daddy issues (idk if that counts as a mental illness)

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also kinda chubby (146lbs, i’m trying to lose weight) with body hair and autistic. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic but i dress masculine. intp. i am not a good person.

Reading, painting, warhammer AoS, black metal, programming, mlp, age regression, gaming (fear & hunger, resident evil, dungeon defenders, darkest dungeon, tf2, dbd, boomer shooters)

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, shota, grooming, brainwashing, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi, chastity, incest, age gaps, edging, watersports

>Looking for
a guy or girl (but preferably guy) to pretend to be my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, etc. it doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, id just like someone who i can call dad and will treat me like i’m younger. i don’t think i’ll ever be able to have a normal relationship with someone.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i don’t care about age but i’d like someone older.

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age, we just don’t get along for some reason. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not actually interested in this kind of dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, people who only respond with one word replies, people who only want to talk about nsfw, transphobes, “i forgot what your post said”

kik: angelcupid66
disc: postaldude77
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22/MtF/Western Europe
>About me
5'11, brown (multiracial), 190 lbs but losing a lot of weight lately. MtF but currently I present as a fairly feminine twink, so be warned.
Love games based around logistics (Workers and Resources, Dyson Sphere Space Program and you can guess the rest from there). Programming nerd, pseudointellectual in many broad subjects (I always have a Wikipedia page open on, idk, the gulf war) and desperate overachiever. Hobbyist cook (duh).
In dire need of a tubby boy to pamper in more ways than one.
>Looking for
Chubby, fat and obese white boys (ftm's also apply, I find your bunch even more adorable), the bigger the better (and I *mean* it, there is no such thing as too big for me), but PLEASE be clean shaven. If you are hairy or planning to stay hairy don't bother. Preference for a more feminine stature, but if you are smooth I swear I will sleep on your tummy every night, feminine or not. I'm a feeder and unashamed of it. I will cook comically large and delicious meals for you and pretend you are my big and spoiled hubby
Giga bonus points if you are shorter than me and live at least on the same continent.
Overall, just looking for someone to befriend while encouraging to gain/get tummy pics. I'm not super sexual but I love teasing people about their weight, so be warned.
MtF and cis F are welcome and I will gladly help you fatmaxx if that's what you want (it's implicit I do).
>Not looking for
/poltards/ but being slightly racist is hot so I can cook you brown food and feed you out of it
I will constantly make remarks about your weight in regular convos, don't be insecure.
People who will be bothered by me wanting to feed them.
Cowards that don't want their tummies licked and kissed.
Just be fat, really, and not mentally ill. Don't post straight penis to me (if you really want to share pics post tummy, duh).
>tag (discord)
5'10, 180lbs
Just a reasonably well adjusted dude living life who's into soft women
Reading, mtg, travelling, baking, nature, ice skating, anime, vidya
>Looking for
A cute (soft) girl to talk, to get to know, maybe get lewd with. Just see where things go.
>Not Looking for
Men, unhinged people
Aside from bigger women, fake boobs, hairy pussy, trans, pregnancy, oral, thick, pawg
Discord: Ichiyaaa
morawr58494 on chaturbate
Thick dick, chubby and hairy. Looking for a curvy girl with a bush to be horny together, trade or even just chat. My age preferred but not required, no minors.
Just start with age and a pic if you want, kik throw83536
32m India.
I'm into big girls and curvy women. Open to meeting up irl and for relationships, fwb.
kik: eonhead
m 26 fit looking to talk with a beautiful woman. friendly or more. please dm me females born as females only please. im a truck driver so its lonely out here.
disc. funnnguyy6969
I just want to squeeze and hold and kiss and cuddle and love a chubby girl for ever and ever and ever and make her feel like the world's most special girl
Disc: G0nd0r0
19M US

>About You/Hobbies
Just a typical college student on break and looking to meet people! I like playing guitar, video games, swimming, making new friends, learning, and lots of other stuff!

>Looking For
I’m looking for a girl that I can chat and flirt with at night! I’m into all types of dynamics so we can talk about which ones we like as figure out something fun!

>Not Looking for
I’m not looking for any guys, trans, or people who ghost.

>Contact Info
Disc: joseph47
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>About You/Hobbies
I like making art, reading comics, wearing cute outfits and posting pictures of my butt online. I’m into a lot of weird kink stuff and just bought my first latex outfit???? I’m so excited ; w ;
>Looking For
New online buddies to share stuff with, hang out, VC maybe??? I like having company while working on stuff c:
>Not Looking for
Jerks? Illiterate perverts. [well spoken, cool, charming perverts welcome.] I generally don’t wanna hang with people much younger than me x:
>Contact Info
Please post profile or contact
You're so pretty!!!
23 femboy from Germany here :3
Kik mrbccity If you're interested <3
29 m usa lot of the same interests and similar time zone and can't sleep. Add me

discord: evie.lyn

You seem cool, would love to talk art and comics
When you have a wide nose, the common advice to pluck the middle of your eyebrows so that the edges line up with the edges of your nostrils is wrong. You have to make your eyebrows be closer to each other in the middle.
That's not a woman. Also look at that double chin, holy shit, not even the angle helped there.
This it such a weird thread.
Just honest advice, makes women (especially fat women with big heads and round faces) look like retarded pandas when they do it like that.
mr.pepperami on discord
discord: djcock.
disc: shakenwell
disc: j5m6c6s
Add me, magnumdml
36.f 5'5 270

>Not Looking for
Needy dudes with a mommy complex. Please don't bug me if I don't respond. I have time now, not always.

>Contact Info
Snap tarabassy

About you: Dominant Straight Male, . Into women fucking toys/objects, public play/humiliation, bondage/shibari, and many other taboos.

Looking for BBW, ssbbw, mom, mature women. I enjoy wit and sarcasm also.

Not looking for Male, underage, rp

Contact: kik: sir83dom
Discord: jaydom8383

I’d love to hear about your art!

Discord: mappy7274
Kik: the_vv86
189cm, 87kg, long hair, cums a lot, white
>Sexual interests
Chubby(not obese), cute asshole, puffy nips, breeding, creampie, intimiacy, thick legs, visible tummy
>Looking for
Girls or trannies, sexting or frienship/something more if we click
>Not looking for
m 26 fit looking to talk with a beautiful woman. friendly or more. please dm me females born as females only please. im a truck driver so its lonely out here.
disc. funnnguyy6969

i been drinkin i been drinkin
smart? no. did i do it? yes.

no normies please

> nootnoot2.69
Do any of you have any tips for dating bigger girls without making things weird?
Yeah, just treat her normal lol.
play into her insecurities, lead with telling her shes beautiful and eventually stop telling her that she isnt, and eventually guilt her about being fat once shes in the relationship
>24,m,East Coast
>human hobbies
>ladies who can crush me
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25 / M / Northern Maryland next to DC

> About me
Skinny hairy guy w a beard.
I'm over here for two months on an internship so I'm not looking to build anything serious but chatting with strangers is always fun and exciting.

>looking for
People who are also into vidya, exploring town and DC, miniature painting, and, most importantly, love to yap. Talk to me about anything and keep me company :3

>not looking for
A relationship. Only here for two months. People who need instant replies. (I work :)

YO you sound awesome, I would love to chat with ya about comics and art if you are still looking! I am 25, M, from Colorado, and my @ is foocat007
You sound like an awesome person and sexy as all hell as a bonus
>About You/Hobbies
Introverted nerd, tallish and allegedly handsome
Mainly into games, music and trivia stuff. Rather a horny and kinky soul, no problem keeping it to myself if you are not
>Looking For
Obv a plus-sized woman for long-term relationship, long-distance OK!
>Not Looking for
I dunno, men?
>Contact Info
Discord: atwahr

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