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ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!

Previous thread: >>33062894
Ladies, what are your honest thoughts about rape? This isn't a troll question, I'm serious: All throughout the history of mankind and media, the rape of a woman has been viewed simultaneously as both cruel AND erotic- a destruction of a woman's body, yet a sick affirmation of her biological womanhood.

One of the most popular fetishes/fantasies among women is alleged to be "rapeplay". (Obviously this isn't real rape, and it usually features an attractive, dominant man playing the "rapist".)

Also, possible side question: Do you view every unknown, strange man to you as a potential rapist and legitimately worry about your personal safety out on the streets?

I'd like some actual insights to this, because I've wondered a lot myself about what I'd think about this subject were I born a woman instead of a man.
P. S.

To soften the graphic nature and taboo of my question, please view this attached image of Barney the dinosaur and imagine him reading this all out to you.

Boys cannot urinate while erect; can women urinate when they have a phallic object penetrating them?
Like you posted, the "fantasy" of a dominant, attractive male forcing himself on me is all well and good in my mind. but the actual idea of being raped is extremely terrifying. Even with that established, for me there is still some aspect I think is kind of hot about it, in a strange way. I hate to admit it, but I've met women who were raped and had kids from it and it turned me on the weirdest way. I've often thought about how in war, when a city gets taken or attacked, the women get raped brutally, and I've often wondered if it's better to be a man and die in a battle, or be a woman at home hoping we don't get attacked because I'm going to end up being raped. I for sure don't view every male as someone that will possibly rape me, I know there's a real chance a lot of them would, just as there's a good chance a lot of people (men and women) would rob me or scam me or some other bullshit. I am pretty perceptive and maybe even a little overly cautious at times, especially when I'm out alone, but I don't think all men are waiting for a shot to rape me.
Girls who have played mass effect (i don't feel like playing it because not my type of game)

what's the deal with that garrus fella and why do you gush over him
Women, what’s something you thought was illegal for a long time but later found out it was legal? Additionally, how did you find out it wasn’t illegal and what was your reaction?
M. Per comes out a different hole
>he can't piss while hard
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I'll try to TLDR this
Had a good friendship with a guy online, getting pretty flirty, been struggling with life/mental health and so has he, starts talking to me less and less, try everything to my (limited) ability to attempt to be there/stay in touch, hasn't spoken to me in 2 months
Basically, my question is, am I the petty one for not just reaching out? (I was the last to respond)
I hate those dumb "never message first" "dont double text" games, at the same time it sucks to always be the 'initiator', especially when their responses are increasingly cold
He also says he 'doesn't chase on principal' which I do respect, but to what extent is that just as petty
Idk bros, tell it to me straight
I miss him, I would kill just to be friends again, I'm so mad at myself for fumbling this
I'm of the opinion that he's at fault. Have had friendships like that myself before, where I notice I'm putting way more effort into it, and try out not saying anything, and just never hear from them again.
Is it a petty "test"? Maybe a little. But a lopsided friendship isn't fair to you, and you're not obligated to keep putting effort into it if they aren't.
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Women, how does this picture make you feel?
>there is still some aspect I think is kind of hot about it, in a strange way.
Is picrel hot to you?
That "doesn't chase on principal" statement is retarded and he's retarded.

But on a less negative note, I think that maybe you both weren't communicating clearly enough. Try messaging him and tell him EXACTLY what you want out of him. If he can't at the very least communicate effectively if he'd be okay with whatever that is, then just move on/unfriend/block or whatever it is you feel like doing

Also send him this pic for funsies
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The worst part to me is we've talked about this exact thing, it's a huge insecurity for me that I seem to be the one that's more "invested" in any given relationship

That's what I was attempting to do, before life got chaotic, and we stopped talking
Not to imply I succeeded
I would gladly message him again, I wish I had the chance to maybe clear things up but me continuing to yap isn't going to help much I'd imagine
Plus I'm not emotionally prepared to get the cold shoulder again

Best advice thank you
Send munted bulba, refuse to elaborate
>The worst part to me is we've talked about this exact thing, it's a huge insecurity for me that I seem to be the one that's more "invested" in any given relationship
Yeah, same. A common excuse is that they're introverted, but so am I! Introverts gotta put effort into friendships, too. Keep an eye out for those friends who will happily message you unprompted, and aren't always wanting something from you. Those are the real ones.
>He also says he 'doesn't chase on principal' which I do respect, but to what extent is that just as petty
That does sound kind of dumb.
>I miss him, I would kill just to be friends again, I'm so mad at myself for fumbling this
I think that the bottom line is if you want to message him, just go for it. He doesn't reply? Well, that's just how it goes sometimes. Make peace with that and move on. He messages you back? Great, you can keep on talking or at least get a proper conclusion to your friendship.
Personally, I've been trying to put some effort and message more of my friends (some of whom I haven't talked too in years by this point) and so far it's been going great. So maybe it'll go in the same way for you.
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I did it
Well, not quite, I sent a friend request from my new account
If you don't hear from me again, it's because he ignored it or declined and I killed myself
Jk jk
(not really)
So I have a question for women. Now, if you don't mind me asking. What is the better way to navigate a conversation from a male to a female? There have been times where a female will actually be enjoying a conversation through and through, say about hiking or whatever she says she is interested in, but will give brief narrow answers. Even though she likes the subject matter, are we supposed to keep it brief in explanations or elaborations; even if she asks us questions about a topic?
Godspeed, femanon

Don't commit toaster bath though
>Well, not quite, I sent a friend request from my new account
Good luck. Remember that whatever happens is for the best.
>(not really)
All jokes aside, that would be incredible stupid and an extreme overreaction (to put it lightly). If he does ignored you or decline to resume talking with you feeling sad afterwards, distract yourself with whatever you usually spend your time on. Play some video game, watch film or TV series, scroll through social media or random sites, read a book or short story... you name it.
Fellow men, what keeps you going?
my cats and the promise of finding my person
the drugs help too
>what keeps you going?
not having the means to officially stop
i'm not "going", I'm in neutral going by innertia
The universe is not kind enough to let me die.
Dear women,

The social scenes around most things I'm into are raving sausage fests. Where do I go to meet one of you?

Also, how do I approach and start a conversation with you without coming off as creepy? Not necessarily a question for women since I kinda suck at talking to people altogether.
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God and rage.

You're both as bad as each other, honestly.
spite and christ, also caffine, nicotine, games and music

no it got them interested didnt it? dont hate the player hate the game
Reluctance. Stubborness. I enjoy too many little things. If I don't wake up tomorrow I'm fine with it, but I'm not going out now with all the work I've put in to get here. Even if here is dull and bland, it's mine.
griffith sucks, he did that just to dunk on guts. not hot at all. that rape scene was meant for the male gaze. miyura thought that drawing big boob woman getting fucked would convince ppl he wasnt a pedophile (he was)
i have too many responsibilities and people that depend on me to kill myself yet. i hope this changes soon or the universe finds a way to take me out for me
At this point, not much. Work is interesting, but I've basically given up on dating.
mom would be sad if I didn't
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ok i gotta know

4chan fembots, do you like munster trugs
I enjoy lifting

Outside of that i have no reason to live
Like literally zero
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I don't have much going for me but I have two kitties I love to death. That's more than enough for me honestly
Life's good. Relationships, career advancement, things to explore and try
basically agree with >>33126204, everything about the way caska's character is used in the story annoys me despite liking Berserk

too much male gaze
I think theyre cool idealistically but very loud and obnoxious irl :< I would go to a museum to see one tho!
When you're aroused, the swollen tissue presses on your urethra and makes it almost impossible to pee. Peeing is difficult if I was just masturbating because of that swollenness. So I assume having a dick inside would also press on the urethra and make it even harder to piss.
If the response is brief or narrow try to find something related to the topic , for hiking maybe like “oh do u backpack/do any other outdoor activities?” And kinda branch off from there
Just because someone likes the subject matter doesn't mean they are enjoying the conversation. Someone who gives brief answers is either not wanting to talk to you, or autistic.
Yes. Seen some for the first time in years at a monster jam, was epic
showering818 on kik

I love answering questions and stuff like this— girls hit me up I’m cool I swear, ask me anything
I'm not exactly sure. Perhaps hope. Distant promise of a better future. Maybe my cats and friends. There were many reasons for me to just surrender, especially in recent years and currently. And I have given up before in some ways only to then somehow stands up. In spite of all, something helps me keep going just after I fall hard enough.
Besides, to be quite blunt, I can be very scared of death at times. I valued this silly and scuffed life. And I'm sure as hell not going to commit suicide because I don't have what it takes to go through with it and doing it would be very stupid anyway.
I'm not sure, most of my friends threw me away when I help my mom with her cancer(she loose), other during covid(my dad loose this fight).

Now, I just accept the fact nobody care about me, give up on any type of relation. I just work, pay my rent and bills, play videas and solo hobbies. Also saving money for a trip in US, maybe Los Angeles.
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>that rape scene was meant for the male gaze
As a dude I thought it was more about how to get the audience (and Guts) to hate Griffith.
A year of torture and having your mind messed with and being told you'll become a God like being for saying yes?
Not good but understandable.
Doing that to Casca? Shows how far gone he is.
>he was
He's a Japanese mangaka, name one that isn't
>everything about the way caska's character is used in the story annoys me despite liking Berserk
I think if Miura realized it would take 20 years for Casca to get her mind back he would have done things differently, a lot of things different probably
Truly? Nothing really, learning to socialize is entertaining on its own. Sure, I sort of care about close family and friends, but truly? Nothing. Just living on the fumes of false hopes. If all the income I've built up to eventually buy a house can somehow lead to me having a family? Awesome, if not, I won't be holding my breath.
This! I can barely pee after sex, even if I feel like I have to. It's a really weird sensation.
Preferring life to death, general curiosity, moments of pleasure, the enjoyment of being overcoming, the feeling of power and achievement, spite, not wanting to let down family and friends that believe in me, poetry, literature, art, and the enjoyment of romance and sex.
If I’m still alive I figure God has a reason for it, He’ll take me when He’s ready
Suicide is hard and it's taking a long time to drink myself to death.
I'm stubborn to a point. I would already have shot myself if it weren't for my friend talking me down that one night. I think the main thing that keeps me alive is that there's a hole in my chest that I want to fill somehow. The irony is that I've never been able to really fill it, and I know I can't fill it, making me suicidal to cease the lifelong tease.
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We should keep going and never stop.
Work keeps my mind busy enough. I simply perform as I'm expected, giving no thought to questions of purpose.
Helping people.
This is the real answer lol
I can live with this, as long as it's not swayed overly in either direction I think we can work with this

Thanks guys
Just a little
That is what I usually do, though I'm running out of things to distract myself with, I'm really struggling to break out of the constant apathy that permeates my life rn
Time to touch grass and lift big rock ig
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we are so back
i think rape when it happens to other women and traumatizes them is bad. but, rape that happens to me and results in the man forcefully taking me as his wife and treating me well as long as i obey him is good :)
only a fantasy of course, obviously id like to know the guy first irl and get married before he ""rapes"" me but yeah, there you go.
How come so many Latina girls get pregnant so young? I know sex is great, but they never use condoms, apparently? They also have great bodies, so not sure why they want to spend the rest of their prime with a kid.
what can a girl do to scare a guy away talking to them online? I get ghosted a lot
For me, it's usually one of two extremes. She's either way too disinterested / passive, or way too interested / overbearing.
Rape and fictional CNC are so so separate in my mind that they can't be compared. The former is obviously terrible and the latter is just a good vehicle for the types of dynamics I enjoy reading about in smut. I prefer happy endings anyways.
When it comes to strangers when I'm alone, I don't assume every man is a rapist, but I do assume they're a threat in general. I've been robbed at gunpoint, I don't need to assume the best in people anymore.
>Thanks guys
No problem. I can kind of relate. Things have been relatively fine, but I still have enough reasons to be way too stressed and it's been getting in my head. Despite making some good progress with nice day schedule and being more talkative with my friends, in recent times I felt like I've been descending into erratic state of mind like I was like 3-4 years ago.
Still trying to figure out the best way to keep my shit together before all hell breaks loose, but I'll manage. I always did, somehow. In spite of everything.
>though I'm running out of things to distract myself with
Specifically that. It's such a pain. Making first steps (yet alone focusing) on something new is near impossible.
>Time to touch grass and lift big rock ig
Ideally, I should be doing the same. Unfortunately, I'm in a shithole my paranoia paralyzed be real good.
Question for the ladies: is there anything that you wish guys understood about what it's like to be a woman?
I wanna know this too
Faith in myself and determination
as someone who has close experiences with this (personally and through others) I don't really find it very erotic. rape is terrifying, often leaves lasting damage mentally, emotionally, and physically. I think of all the women who literally get ripped and torn up or even worse from it, the horrors of being pregnant from such a thing, and how awful it is to have a man or woman get off to my demise. I do enjoy it in my horror genre and seeing it explored that way. I don't really enjoy rape in my media, at most I enjoy "molestation" which feels completely different and of course, is fictional. For some rape can be erotic even if terrifying, but forced stimuli isn't fun and from what I know forced orgasms tend to not be pleasurable but rather really painful, and even then as I mentioned seeing some women deal with the real damage it just tends to be painful. I do understand why many women like the idea of rapeplay, but it's important to note that is very detached from the idea of real rape so comparing it feels moot. because like, for me, rapeplay is more empowering because then I have control over my loss of control, and can know I'll be safe even if someone is in charge of my autonomy, even if it might not look safe sometimes. It's a great way for exploring the emotions, experiences, thoughts, and feelings. I also find rape deeply terrifying outside of early context because I know historically many women were strong and capable, and when in a vulnerable position it's not uncommon for rape to happen on the battlefield, especially if there is sexism involved. some men view a woman being raped (even if it's done through drugging or with many people in order to subdue them) as proof of them being just a woman, and the idea that I can do less or any woman can do less out of such a fear is genuinely horrific to me.
pt. 2 for the side question I tend to not see every stranger as a potential rapist but I am weary towards strangers in general. if I notice weird behaviors like men buying me a drink, or trying to talk to me "privately" I definitely go on red alert pretty quickly, but I am also aware most rapists tend to be people we know who wait for certain opportunities, so I am just very careful in who I trust.
Most women actually enjoy a "ravishment" fantasy. Where they're just sooooo hot that all the eligible sexy men can't control themselves around her. Men have the same fetish. Like these Axe bodyspray commercials. The men become sooooo hot after spraying Axe that the sexy women can't control themselves.

Axe Fireball Commercial https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dv0Ja4y2h2k

Axe commercial https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AtvIFujrcjw

Also, the women with the rape fetish are imagining being raped/ravished by a 6'2 ft BMI 22 full hairline man under 30, not a random old, fat, short, balding dude. The only men women imagine raping them are the men they would have fucked consensually anyway which are the hot men lmao.

Actual rape is terrifying and actual rapists should be summarily executed.

This is not hard to understand.
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>Ladies, what are your honest thoughts about rape?
It's abhorrent. The appeal as a kink comes from the historic view of sex, which is almost predator/prey. Men conquer women and women succumb to men. Why so many women are into it is that it takes away that societal pressure of consenting and promiscuity.
>Do you view every unknown, strange man to you as a potential rapist and legitimately worry about your personal safety out on the streets?
No, there's a time and place.

I'm gonna rape Barney

>what's the deal with that garrus fella and why do you gush over him
Personally, I like Alistair from Dragon Age more. But Garrus is the most loyal companion, is emotionally supportive, respects Shepard more than anybody despite bearing witness to her limitations, and he's funny.

>Women, how does this picture make you feel?

>4chan fembots, do you like munster trugs
No, I like JDM shit boxes, but I like a good rig too.

>How come so many Latina girls get pregnant so young?
Reinforcement of gender roles. My mom even told me to marry young. There's also a poverty aspect.

>is there anything that you wish guys understood about what it's like to be a woman?
Yes, but they never will.
To add on to this, there's also a cultural aspect depending on where you are. A lot of latin american parents want grandkids sooner rather than later AND don't mind their children living with them, sometimes into their 30s and 40s.
>yes but they never will
I implore you to share anyway, if only because I want to be better at being an understanding person.>>33131281
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Contraception is generally frowned upon in the catholic church (perhaps not as much as a couple of decades ago, but still), and even in people who are culturally catholic at most, you will find adherence to these sorts of rules.

>My mom even told me to marry young.
Generally just good advice, tbqh.
>There's also a poverty aspect.
Can you elaborate?
> A lot of latin american parents want grandkids sooner rather than later AND don't mind their children living with them
Ah, ok. I was curious as to that aspect too of them living with their parents and having a kid
So basically, if I fuck a Latina girl, there's a strong chance she won't want me to use a condom? Or something to that degree?
Dear men
I met my bf 4 years ago and I really thought he loved me, he worshipped the ground I walked on. Up until we moved in together. I have since found out that the entire beginning of our relationship even from after I had moved in that he was sexting lots of girls on snapchat

Sounds like a stupid question so I'm happy to receive stupid answers but does he care about me at all? When I approached him about this he said it wasn't physical and therefore not cheating
I'd have to know him better to actually answer your question, but he sounds like an asshole. Yeah, technically that's not cheating, but still not a good thing to do.
he indeed care about you. A LOT, moving together is always a hard decision for us, if u ask me i would say he doesnt get his sexual drive fulfilled with you and end up doing that.

its that valid? no, he shouldnt do that. if i were u i would dump him
its that bad? i mean, i dont think its that bad, if it didnt got any further than just sexting.

talk about ur kinks together, try to satisfy him more often.
>Yeah, technically that's not cheating,

lol, cheating doesn't have a technical definition, just cultural and personal. there's gray area if they were never specific about the terms of their exclusivity, but it's pretty well understood that having sexual interactions with others when you're in a committed relationship is cheating, especially if the behavior is being covered up.

He's gaslighting you, sexting other people while you have a gf is 100% cheating
Are you asking for advice on how to friend zone him? He did the right thing pouring cold water on it if he was interested

You're right it's a stupid question, but it sounds like an important consideration to you so it's worth straightening out. He doesn't care about you at all. Best you can hope for is he sees you with the affection of a well worn piece of broken furniture, useful until a replacement manifests. Basically when one of these girls he keeps sexting escalates into a better prospect you're gonna find yourself on the scrap heap
favorite JDM shit boxes go
Is it wrong that I have a strange attraction towards "ugly" girls? Like sometimes I feel that a 4/10 looks better than a 10/10
Thats ridiculous when I was a very sexual orientated person and I was always wanting to fuck him and he said he had problems getting hard. And then the complete lack of affection came into play and now ive found this out. So I really can't see how this is my fault for not gratifying his sexual needs, the way I see it, it's the other way around but because I know how sensitive of a topic that is for men I never wanted to make him feel bad about it.
in hindsight it's probably just that he's not attracted to me.

That was my understanding. If I was sending tit pics to ppl I'm sure he would not be okay about it since he had me delete my Snapchat because he thought it was a sexual thing when really on my snap I only have my sister and a few friends and ex colleagues.

Thanks for your honesty. I really think you're right.
>I have since found out that the entire beginning of our relationship even from after I had moved in that he was sexting lots of girls on snapchat
>he had me delete my Snapchat because he thought it was a sexual thing when really on my snap I only have my sister and a few friends and ex colleagues.
Well, he sounds like a controlling hypocrite. That's clearly obvious.
>When I approached him about this he said it wasn't physical and therefore not cheating
You can't be sure if he's being honest about it, but even then there's also emotional cheating. I'm not an expert and didn't had my own experiences with it, but you don't really need them to call out the obvious "I'll accuse you of a thing I'm doing" bullshit.
Every person has their own set of preferences. I would say that I'm too generally more attracted to "average/mid" girls. Although these things on itself can be quite subjective.
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Women, when you were born from your mother Lilith and your father Satan, where exactly on the moon did they hide the lunar base from which you receive your vile estrogenic signals? I promise you my desire to know comes from only a scientific interest.
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>A lot of latin american parents want grandkids sooner rather than later AND don't mind their children living with them, sometimes into their 30s and 40s.
There is a familial burden aspect as well. Like, I was changing cousins diapers when I was five or six. There is a level of implied care and support. But as far as living together, this is also due to how many Hispanics are low income, so they tend to pool their resources and can afford nicer things because of it, despite living like sardines.
>I implore you to share anyway, if only because I want to be better at being an understanding person
Firstly, I don't think men understand what it's truly like to fear a man. Some may, especially if they had an abusive father, but most men don't know what it's like to go through life questioning the intentions of most men they meet. How men think of going to prison and being at risk of being victimized, especially sexually, is a regular fear for many women in the outside world.

Secondly, men like to gripe about how women judge them for their appearance because they're short or whatever, while also being hypocritical to the fact that the majority of a woman's value to men is also in their appearance. Something most of us put absurd amounts of time and effort into. But then don't understand when we say that we care far more about personality than looks. There are a lot of good looking men out there, but there are seldom good men, and 95% of us would take a man we can trust over good looks and why we mean it as a compliment when we say that.

Third, and I know women do this too, but trivializing our trauma, pain, and experiences. I think some men take it a step further because they get off on women's pain and trauma.
>Generally just good advice, tbqh.
Disagree because most young people are idiots and you shouldn't rush in to settling down. Also, this has the annotation of not developing your own career or personhood. It's basically graduate, then find someone who will marry you, and pop out as many kids as possible by the time you're thirty. Then become a grandparent by the time you're 40.

>Can you elaborate?
Poor people tend to have more kids. I don't know exactly why, but they do. And most Latinos live at or below the poverty line. In higher income Hispanic households, they average about 2 kids. In lower income Hispanic households, they average about 4.
>if I fuck a Latina girl, there's a strong chance she won't want me to use a condom?
No, they don't want to get pregnant and have a shotgun wedding. They want to get married and have a bunch of kids. The whole slutty Latina thing is mostly South American women and Caribbean women. Mexicans, generally, aren't slutty.

>favorite JDM shit boxes go
1. S2K
2. RX7
3. 280ZX
4. NSX
5. Supra

>Is it wrong that I have a strange attraction towards "ugly" girls?
I hate to break it to you, but we are biologically more attracted to those we perceive to be on our level.
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Aloha, beaches. Heard there's been some haters and pretenders so I figured I'd come home and set the record straight.

"Cheating" is a violation of the mutually agreed upon, or understood, rules of the relationship. By default, it's assumed both parties aren't stepping outside the relationship when exclusivity is agreed upon; you don't have to explicitly tell him not to fuck around with other girls. I'm in a monogamous relationship now, but I've done the harem thing in the past, and the girls always knew about each other and what was expected of them. Transparency and honesty is very important.

Your boy is playing games, so it's time to check him. I would ask him how he'd feel if you were sexting other men. If he says he'd be fine with it, maybe call his bluff. I'm going to assume he and you are both quite young, because this is frankly, the type of bullshit only a young man would think would fly. You're right, he's an asshole.

>does he care about me at all?
Hard to say, but probably; 4 years is a long time, and moving in together is a BIG step for men. What you have to remember is most men are fully capable of being with one woman, truly loving and adoring her, and fucking other women with it meaning absolutely nothing, and having every intention of returning to our "main chick" as it were. Exclusivity is a concession we make to women we care about; I didn't stop fucking other women because I lost interest in other women, I stopped fucking other women because it would really upset the woman who I'm building a home with.

I say all this to say, it is entirely possible that your man legitimately thinks he found the golden loophole and did nothing wrong. The move now is to explain why it bothered you, establish the boundary that it cannot happen again going forward, and see what he says. If he loves you, if you matter to him, putting an end to sexting thots on snapchat should be an easy choice.

If not, well, that really tells you all you need to know.
Men, are you ticklish? How ticklish? Where?
I'm 27 and he is 44 so not that young. Which is why I didn't expect this fuckery from him.

I have spoke to him about it and we're discussing working through it but ultimately, I think like yiu said because he's not a young boy anymore, will he ever stop?

I've never done anything like that to him and the closest to do anything like that is posting im this thread asking for some advise and for some other anons opinions.
he's cut me deep and basically I don't know if I personally can move past this. But I have been so in love with him that I also don't want to just lose everything I thoyght we had.

Moving in wise I don't think he could afford it on his own and therefore that's the reason I think I'm here in the first place. This and i was in a personal position that I had nowhere else to go? So have I basically cornered him into moving in with me before he was ready?
what this reads like to me is that you're in a relationship of convenience, and not wanting him to cyberfuck snapchat ethots is inconvenient to him. he's just gonna keep exercising unreasonable amounts of control over you as long as you keep letting him.
Thank you for confirming what I already knew. Don't know how I could have expected any differently given the circumstances.
>I was always wanting to fuck him and he said he had problems getting hard

omg ur bf is a complete asshole, i feel like it might be true, but there have to be somthing missing on this story. i feel like he got bored of you somehow and started doing that. But if he were totally not into you, i feel like he wouldnt ever move together.

so, i feel like he cares about you. BUT he doesnt love oyu in a sexual way, and sees you as a life partner, someone to build a life with or a family maybe
Well funnily enough I met him online and he sparked me as so different to all the other guys because he was adamant that he wasn't into porn and stuff like that - which I wouldn't care if he was but it was something different and he was very convincing. Having looked at the dates of the messages and the saved photos he has he was doing it for the entire time we was together and even before we was official (which if its before we were in a relationship then, still hurtful but fine)

How could he have got bored of me if he had never stopped messaging and sexting these e thots? To me it seems more just like another anon said above. He moved me in out of convenience to help pay bills and the entire relationship we had for him was just out of convenience.
Thing is was that I was absolutely in love with him head over heels... But in hindsight that just sort of makes me a fool
>does he care about me at all?

if he has never bought you Skittles clearly he does not
Not really, bottom of my feet is probably the only place

>Thing is was that I was absolutely in love with him head over heels... But in hindsight that just sort of makes me a fool

Yeah it does but these mistakes happen, you're just gonna have to get over it. Sounds like you have codependency issues, either you correct those issues or you'll just get used until hes done with you. Next time don't let someone lovebomb you into this situation, silver lining is you're young enough to rebuild with someone else and you should do that without looking back
Yeah actually if i think about my past I think youre probably hitting some hard truths there. You're definitely right. Thanks for the advise anon
>trivializing trauma, pain and experiences
that's just a universal thing
a lot of people really suck with empathy and that's just reality, unfortunately
similarly, everyone, bar none, is inherently superficial about appearance. I'm guilty of it, and there's no way in hell you're not either, but that's...not really a bad thing? It helps you feel things and people out, after all.

the important part there is the
the one thing you can really change about yourself in regards to it is drawing conclusions, and, frankly, anyone with the basic emotional intelligence to do that is a treasure

I will agree, though, that most of us don't really know what's it's like to have to worry about the intentions of those we meet (at least in regards to safety)
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my upstairs female flatmate is having a fuck session. Not for the first time I can hear her bed creaking, her moaning, her ass getting slapped and everything. It's pretty warm outside and when I went out for a smoke I could hear everything even better because the window is open and her bed is right underneath it.

For the women out there; does it not bother you that other people are clearly hearing you fucking? I would be mortified. I will see you in the kitchen again tomorrow, you will wave to the neighbors who heard your ass getting slapped. How is that not super uncomfortable?
what does that typically look like?
normies don't care about others hearing them have sex because having sex is a mark of social status. they might feign embarrassment if you bring it up, but they don't really care
I never thought I would be the victim of that but I had a girl that was just a fuckbuddy but became totally obsessed with my life. I once casually said that my mom was learning Russian and she suddenly felt like she had to learn perfect Russian to compete with my mom, even though my mom never came passed learning the alphabet. She ended up calling me multiple times a week for a year with me ignoring every call. She also sent me text messages about wanting to kill me and how I was so miserable without her. She also came to my house unannounced once in tears scaring the shit out of my flatmate and trying to steal a pen from my desk. Believe me, this shit only looks hot in anime. In real life it's not fun.

>social status
how? Every normal person has sex, the only person you are impressing is losers not getting any. Considering how hot she is she could bang literally anyone she asked in the first place. She's a 24 year old petite blonde, fitness chick, super tight body, piercing blue eyes.
oh jeez that's psychotic. I mean just enough to be too annoying or something
Well, that's gonna vary from person to person. Me personally, I'm an introvert, so I need my alone time here and there. So to me an overbearing partner is one that doesn't allow that properly. Wants to spend every possible second together, always bugging me to make plans and hang out, etc.
but do you tell her you want alone time? for me guys never tell me and I can't read their minds and I'm the type of person that can enjoy someone's company nearly 24/7. it's hard to self-regulate when I can't pick up that I've spent too much time or haven't gotten any cues he wants alone time. or maybe I just miss them idk
I feel bad telling her directly, because then it feels like I'm the bad guy, like she's more invested in us than I am. Usually I'll just say something along the lines of, I'm too tired. I probably should learn to be more direct about it, though.
>I met him when I was 23 and he was 40
>He's in his 40s and still pulling this fuckboi nonsense
>He can't independently cover his cost of living at 44
I only need 2 more for Red Flag Bingo!
>will he ever stop?
*Ahem* No.
>I don't know if I personally can move past this
You're not obligated to.
>But I have been so in love with him
When you love someone it's easy to see someone as we wish they were, and not as they are.
>don't want to just lose everything I thoyght we had
Operative word here is "thought."
>have I basically cornered him into moving in with me before he was ready?
LMAO, no. You're talking multiple years to figure out how he feels about you. Either way, I promise you this guy isn't doing anything he doesn't want to do.

I want you to stop rationalizing this, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, trying to figure out what you did that would make him think what he did was ok. He's playing the TECHNICULLY game about infidelity when he *knew* you wouldn't be ok with it, and really that's all that matters. Semantics and definitions be damned, he broke your trust.

You. Are being. Played. My advice is to find yourself a man who doesn't pull this kind of shit.

This anon has it right.

Women who won't go away are scary.

My work.
>When you love someone it's easy to see someone as we wish they were, and not as they are.
the writing in this show was so good. love the cheeky 'what are you doing here'.
Seems like women have stopped using /atoga/
This likely correlates with the rise of Duolicious.
The few women who used /atoga/, did so to gain attention. With Duo, they get all the attention could wish for, same goes for larpers.
Or they could just be busy. I can't speak for everyone, but the reason I was gone for so long was I legitimately had/have a lot going on in my life that simply takes precedence over this. That and I had a moment of "it's time to stop posting" clarity; I felt that I wasn't in the right head space, that my advice wasn't terribly helpful, and that it was time for a break.

And, to be clear, most of that is still true; this is the Aloha farewell tour. (Or, the Aloha aloha tour, as it were.) I don't plan on sticking around. I'm here to catch up with anyone who gives a shit, give a few last bits of advice to anyone who needs it, and then I'm out.
i don't use duolicious and i've never used any dating apps. i just feel like the questions here have become even more shitty than before and i have started losing interest in responding to questions here.
This sounds horribly similar to an experience I had with a girl I met on Tinder. We added each other on discord and talked a bit. She wasn't ever a very talkative person online or over messages so I found it hard to judge her level of interest, she wouldn't ever type something if I didn't initiate. We went on two dates together and both of them went pretty well. I came to realize how far she actually traveled to meet me and did so multiple times. She was obviously a pretty anxious girl but super sweet and good-hearted. Unfortunately I'm not always the most emotionally stable person so when my once a month mental breakdown came around I stopped talking to her out of the blue. As time went on I felt more and more anxious over not having reached out to her. Now two months later it feels like an insurmountable task.

Honestly I just feel like such a massive piece of shit. I really do think she deserves better then this treatment.
here is another shitty question to add to a pile: is raw better than condom sex?
I'd imagine later.
How come men cut their nails below the tip of the fingertips? Doesn't the skin get in the way? Is it not uncomfortable?
this has more to do with genes and nail types, i never cut below the tip but i like mine a bit longer for a vampiric look lmao, i take care of em
brother, just message her and apologize, even if it ends in a 'thanks but stay gone' you're doing a favor for both of you by offering closure.
I am. Basically anywhere that is normally covered by clothes. I'm not used to getting touched so whenever prostitute gently caresses my thigh or side of stomach I tense up. Only feet would be very ticklish, rest is just little ticklish.

Lack of interest/engagement in conversation. I simply assume she's not interested and I'm one of many pathetic jesters so it's not worth the effort. Also learning that girl is fat/obese or single mother. Those two are things I would never compromise on. Learning that she's taken would also be reason assuming I had romantic goal, if not then I don't give a fuck.

I hate pressure that feels like if it adds up it will tear off fingernail whenever I use nails for something. It runs on lever principle so the longer nail, the biggerpressure. Short nails is almost nopressure. Also I hate tapping keys on keyboard with nails because I'm never sure if I pressed it like I wanted, also it's uncomfortable.
Skin doesn't get in the way because clippers exist. Cutting them with scissors is awkward when you can't use your dominant hand or have to hold scissors at weird angles. Grinding them down would be time-consuming and I don't like the feeling. Only nails I cut with scissors are biggest toenails.
what would you think if a woman wanted to tickle you?
If she didn't know about discomfort, I'd simply tell her I'm not big fan. If she knows and does it anyway I take it as teasing and tickle her back to establish dominance. Pin her down if needed. If it's tickle war then I shall emerge victorious.
Sorry if I offended you. For me honesty comes first, comfort after. Its a difficult situation youre in, do whats best for you not what some random online told you

Most people arent entirely transparent with what theyre thinking so you have to go by your own intuition on these things. If you ever ask yourself if youre being overbearing then you probably are. The alternative is not wasting time with guys who dont tell you straight up which would be my advice

I cut them like that. Clean and presentable the main reason, I find any longer to be impractical if youre using your hands for anything
doggy is 1 of the most common positions, not wanting to do it would probably seem weird to most men. Do you not feel very insecure about a man looking directly at your asshole in that position? Even in a relationship I would not feel comfortable to have my girlfriend stare directly at my asshole.

Is that something that crosses the mind of women? Or is it just something that feels natural for a sexually active woman?
For me it's just a long history of neurotically biting my nails short.
you should get your ass ate sometime anon
absolutely not. 0 interest in anything involving my ass. And her ass too actually. I don't see the appeal of anal penetration either.
your loss. eating ass is one thing i side with the zoomers on.
It feels better, when working with your hands or getting intimate there’s a less likely chance of them getting in the way
I’m a zoomer, why eat ass when the pussy is right there? If they want a finger or a dick in there fine but the tongue has taste buds
They're supposed to clean it first, anon. Doesn't taste like anything but skin if they do so properly.
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Yes. Not telling you where, that's a secret.

I feel like having the windows open when you know you're loud enough to be heard is just a bit inconsiderate, tbqh.

>Every normal person has sex, the only person you are impressing is losers not getting any.

I think that's the point; in the mind of the average person, you fulfill certain elements of being "normal".

I really don't have an answer to this one.

Interestingly enough, I once read a study that implies that baby boys are more likely to be conceived in doggy than any other position.
Don't know, I never really thought much about it. Just cut them off every once in a while.
>Doesn't the skin get in the way? Is it not uncomfortable?
Usually not, I would say.
>but most men don't know what it's like to go through life questioning the intentions of most men they meet
Maybe not in the sense that you mean; I definitely don't have much anxiety over whether or not random men want to sexually assault me, but I tend to question the motives and intention of *everyone* I meet, and I think anyone who doesn't is a fool. I don't assume the worst in everyone, but I do consider the worst.
^This has been standard operating procedure for me for over a decade now; I've been hurt by a lot of people, I've been betrayed by a lot of people. I'm less of a fool these days.

To more directly contrast and complement your point though, consider that most men absolutely question the intentions of women. There is *a lot* of anxiety over things like false accusations, divorce rape, etc. I think in both cases there's valid justification for the fears, but I also think society and the media actively feed, cultivate, and exacerbate these fears; there's a lot of direct and indirect profit in this adversarial dynamic between the sexes, and a divided populace is easier to control.
>the majority of a woman's value to men is also in their appearance
If the interest is purely casual/sexual then sure, if we're vetting the woman for something more long term then... I mean, still sure, we care about beauty/genes, but also that you're undamaged/without baggage and come from a good family. I've ended more relationships over toxic/intrusive families than anything the women did themselves. Why am I currently single? Because nothing kills a boner like an overbearing matriarch.
>Something most of us put absurd amounts of time and effort into
I'm well aware that women spend hours getting ready. What I think is lost on most women, and I'm assuming you're a baddie here, is that if you're even giving a man the time of day he has spent hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours in the gym, and/or years getting educated and established, just so he won't be invisible to you.
>then don't understand when we say that we care far more about personality than looks
We don't understand because all evidence points to the contrary.
>95% of us would take a man we can trust over good looks
How do you reconcile this idea with the reality of the male loneliness epidemic?
>we mean it as a compliment when we say that
The real compliment would be choosing the men you're saying this to. This might be intended as a compliment, but it's actually the ultimate black pill; understand, when you say something like "you're such an amazing guy, you're going to make someone so happy!" what we hear after that is "...just not me!"

I wonder how many villain origin stories begin with "you're like a brother to me."

>I know women do this too, but trivializing our trauma, pain, and experiences
Frankly, a man is lucky if his trauma, pain, and experiences even get acknowledged in the first place. But yeah, one thing I learned from /atoga/ is that man or woman, we're all people, we're all hurting, we're not as different as we may think, and the world could do with more compassion.
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Any insight of my OLD profile?
How hard is it to fuck a Muslim or an Arab girl as a white guy?
Is it a sign at all if a girl starts sending you more pics of herself after you send her a selfie? Or is that more of a sign that you're not attracted to them and just now see as a normal friend?
Latinos are (sometimes) the Gipsies of North America.

Allthough gipsies are far worse sometimes
bottom right pic is kinda weird, but honeslty did you have trouble dating with a profile like this ?
I replaced that one

And yes / no
I don’t get as many matches as I used to and I don’t really match with the kind to women I’d like to
oh, that's totally normal, even with your elo, you are still a male and the point of dating app is making you pay, no matter what

and for thoses women you'd like to match, are they on the dating app on the first place ? i suppose you have high standard

What is the line between not texting too much so you don’t come off as desperate, and texting too much that you DO come off as desperate

If you are casually fucking a guy, sometimes twice a week, sometimes once in a 3 week period, how often do you expect the guy to text you?

When they text you, do you think they are only texting cause they want to fuck you? Or do you think they are actually just being friendly, and even tho you guys do just fuck, you appreciate the banter regardless?
Several penis questions for women

What’s the longest penis you think you can deepthroat all the way?

What’s the girthiest penis you cam comfortably suck?

What’s more important, length or girth?

Would you rather have an up angle or down angle on a shaft?

What’s the smallest penis you’d be ok with your partner having? What’s the largest?

What’s the longest penis you could take both comfortably and maximally in your vagina?

What’s the girthiest penis you could take both comfortably and maximally in your vagina?

How many veins do you like on your partner’s penis?

What’s the biggest and smallest penis you’d take in the butt (if you would take anything)

Do you like the look of a larger or smaller penis more?

Do you prefer uncircumcised or circumcised?

Do you even like the look of a penis?
depends, how did you meet her ? was it a hook up on the first place through dating app or a situation where you knew each other before and somehow ended up in a fuckbuddies situation ?

would you still contact her if she refused to fuck but still be okay with hanging out or just talking ?
>are they on a dating app in the first place

probably not. there are some pretty cute girls on apps that I'd like to match with that I don't now
but the thing is I used to. Like a year or two ago I got so many matches and was talking to a lot of the kinds of women I'm interested in

then I deleted and remade my account a bunch of times and now I don't get as many matches
so its like I know I can I just don't
I think so, but it's been a while so can't say for sure.
>How ticklish?
Enough to spill any of my dirty secrets to get it to stop.
Shoulders, underarms, sides of waist, lower back, thighs, kneepit, maybe feet?
men, how can i tell whether you are checking me out or just looking in my general direction? i have never been able to tell the difference, i have never been able to distinctly say that a guy was looking at me with sexual intent. when people look at me i usually think they are thinking absolutely nothing or they are thinking negatively. ive lived a very sheltered life and was never around people other than my family until my 20s and ive never really been taught how to notice these things.

Yeah that’s my question to men too. My guy friend looks at me a lot and looks away when I look at him back, and he always laughs at my dick jokes. Are those hints or is he just very nice and like dirty jokes? I really don’t get men.
Honestly, as a man in your exact shoes and sheltered life, I have no idea either. Could be the same with both genders
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The act of checking someone out is not exactly a drawn-out affair, so there often isn't a lot of difference between checking you out and looking in your general direction; the only difference is the internal monologue is thinking "oh, she's cute". Sometimes you look behind you when they pass by to check out their arse.

We honestly aren't stupid creatures, and processing visual information doesn't take more than a second or two.

I suppose if *I* am checking somebody out, and seeking to show interest, I will usually smile at the girl in question in a slightly more deliberate manner than a passing polite smile. If you get the smile back, you start conversation.

I have a fond memory of my first trip to Japan, where I did exactly this to a girl in Hiroshima as I was walking by, and when I turned around, so did she; we were both a little bit embarrassed that we got caught looking, so we shared a brief laugh and went about our business. No date involved unfortunately, she was busy, as was I; but I was riding that compliment for the rest of the trip.

Question for the girls; I remember at one point in my life I was giving some wisdom to a younger lad in my social circle about dating, etc. and a ladyfriend who was there at the time remarked, after I said "You can do anything you want to a woman, except bore them", "I hate the fact that you're right".

So, my question is, do you really hate it when men are right about the battle of the sexes? Furthermore, how often does it happen?
Body language is usually a dead giveaway, try making some small talk with him
"So, my question is, do you really hate it when men are right about the battle of the sexes? Furthermore, how often does it happen?"
do you mean specifically in reference to doing what you want to women except bore them, or what?

Sorry, that was terrible English. The example I gave was a singular example of a theme, so let me try and rephrase the question.

Do women dislike it when men know what they're doing? Specifically in the realm of the social games, power dynamics, etc. Does that make more sense?
oh, I get you. I don't mind when men are right. I only dislike men who assume all women are the same in certain ways. Like, for example, as an autistic woman they'll take advice that while perfectly applicable to most women, and assume it also applies to autistic ones and it often... doesn't. so there's a fine line between confidence and knowing what you're doing/having lived experiences, vs ignorance and almost internalized judgements on women that will vary based on neurotype, experiences, culture, etc.
like in this your "can do anything except bore them" I wouldn't deny that for most women that's true, but it especially pisses me off because I'll say for some it's not and some men almost double down? like I've had men try to pull things and I am very quick to not tolerate disrespect. pull my hair and you'll be out of the bedroom QUICK. I know for my fellow female autistics they tend to have similar experiences on that end as well.

I hope that makes sense.
Honestly, not sure you'd be able to tell the difference from the look alone. When I'm checking a girl out my mind often goes blank, like it's registering positive stimuli. But I'll also randomly blankly stare off into the distance.
Your best bet would be body language, I think. Smiling, adjusting his appearance in any way when you're coming closer, blushing, looking for excuses to be around you, glancing at you often, etc. If he exhibits a notable amount of these, and you catch him staring, there's a good chance it wasn't random.
Now I know why you got whith him.
would anyone like to see screenshots of my dating apps and help me edit them?
looking for a longterm partner
discord: sugarstomper
My boyfriend and I plan on having sex with each other, the only issue is that I'm still a virgin. Do I tell him or do I not mention it?
Sure, he'll be pleased to know. Only drawback is he might not believe you. Finding a cute virgin gf over age 14 is like finding a leprechaun riding a unicorn.
You need to tell him. Virgins have a tendency to be tighter due to anxiety clenching up the muscles down there. You might get hurt if he just goes for it.
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Both genders:
Is Super Saiyan 4 Goku cool?
Goku's power-ups stopped being cool after 3, and they totally wasted that one.
Bruh I remember you from years ago asking this same question
honest thoughts are that it's terrifying for several reasons. first is the possibility of the stranger having STDs and the second is that the stranger can hurt/harm/kill you during or after the act. those two things turn the kinkiness into mindnumbing terror. if i could guarantee these things wouldnt happen i would probably be more okay with being raped... but then it wouldnt be rape

the urethra and vagina are different holes so yes women can piss with a phallic object in them. women piss with tampons in all the time.

if you're unsure, ask her bluntly if shes enjoying the conversation then say you're autistic or something and couldnt tell if she was. if shes asking questions shes clearly enjoying talking to you and wants you to talk about yourself more (hence why shes not talking much about herself)

dont know where youd find women but i met my boyfriend on a hikki server. if youre normiepassing DMing girls in your city on instagram is a safe way to meet girls without that tinder hookup culture

i have a question for men though. would you rather have a "BPD mentally ill cuts herself obsessed with you gf" or a "wholesome le reddit baking and gardening gf"? and why?
>i have a question for men though. would you rather have a "BPD mentally ill cuts herself obsessed with you gf" or a "wholesome le reddit baking and gardening gf"? and why?
That's like asking "Would you rather have your legs eaten by a shark or a cupcake with buttercream frosting?"
>would you rather have a "BPD mentally ill cuts herself obsessed with you gf" or a "wholesome le reddit baking and gardening gf"?
I'm confused. Where's the upside to the former?
I've been in relationships with both. Being with "BPD mentally ill cuts herself obsessed with you gf" is lots of fun and just an overall exhilarating time. But "wholesome le reddit baking and gardening gf" makes for a way better wife (currently married to one) and a significantly less stressful existence. While I don't regret my choice, sometimes I really wish I still had a "BPD mentally ill cuts herself obsessed with you gf"
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I never watched dbz, for me it was hajime no ippo
I'm not sure any shounen anime moment will ever top the Dempsey Roll for me. I still go back and watch that scene every few months.
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Not a man, but a mtf with a question for cis women: Do you hate us, or think most women do in your experience, and is being trans a dealbreaker for you in terms of friends/partners?

Also if anyone has a question for a mtf specifically I'll answer it
it is a deal breaker for me in terms of partner (my ex was one and while I accepted them I simply prefer cis men) and half deal breaker for friends. I don't mind the sane respectful ones, who understand that being female is more than just a stereotype and will actually try to understand women. I do not like the crazy, hyper faggot sexual ones who often fetishize women, what it means to be a woman, and are essentially just agp (probably like 80% of them). a lot of women don't like them due to the horrendous ones out there. zoomers are generally pretty tolerant though.

I think it differs from person to person, really. I had a boyfriend who was mtf, we broke up, because of other reasons, and I really loved him. For friends, as well. But trans people who just act like being a woman is a stereotype, really just annoy me.
Muslim? Usually quite difficult, given the culture. Arab? Can be trivially easy, depending on circumstances.

The sex is usually *dope,* Exhib... but the list begins and ends there.

>Also if anyone has a question for a mtf specifically I'll answer it
In general, why?
>Can be trivially easy, depending on circumstances.
Can you elaborate, please?
Women, what’s the hight difference you need in a relationship for you to feel submissive?

Men, what’s the height difference you need in a relationship for you to feel dominant?
Are you into men or women? What would you say is the biggest issue you face dating?
One foot
What gender and how tall are you?
Have you ever considered that maybe something's wrong with your brain rather than your body? Have you ever asked yourself, if gender is really a social construct, how is it possible to be born as the wrong gender? Do you really think you'll feel better after you've traded your natural, functioning genitals for a mutilated festering open wound that only a drooling retard could mistake for a vagina? Don't you think there might be an easier way to feel comfortable in your own body than taking hormone pills and shoving a glorified dildo in said open wound every day for the rest of your life? Do you at least have the common courtesy to not impose your self-image on other people by insisting they address you with pronouns that don't correspond to anything perceivable about you?
Women, what do you do to relieve every day stress?
Hey women, could you all wear those female boxer briefs more often? I think they're cute.
Alright men- how do you ask two guy friends if they want to do a threesome. Or just two guys in general. It's on my bucket list. I'd prefer friends, but strangers will do
Drawing and jacking off
Assuming this isn't a bait post, unironically just ask. If they're your friends, make sure they know they can refuse if they want, no hard feelings or anything.
What I mean to say is, Arab women are just women. Plenty of them are down to meet attractive men, especially if they're rebelling against a traditional upbringing. If you're good at talking to women, just go where Arab women are, and the rest should fall into place.

Practicing Muslims are a different breed, and that's a nut I've yet to crack, but to be fair, it's also not a tree I care to go barking up. Near as I can tell it's basically impossible unless you're part of that culture yourself.

Literally just ask; if they're "guy friends" there's a very good chance they're hoping they'll get a chance to fuck you anyway. Like the other anon said, don't put any pressure on them, and then it's just a matter of finding two dudes who would be comfortable spit-roasting you.

You also might want to skew away from close friends, for a number of reasons. For one, shit could get weird. For two, you'll find it a tall order to find a man who is willing to commit to a woman who maintains a close relationship with two dudes who have been inside her, simultaneously, no less.
I'm into both technically, but I definitely prefer women (trans or cis) and tend to be picky with guys- not to mention I've had a lot of bad experiences with them. I have a lot of issues when it comes to dating, but the biggest one that's trans-related is the overwhelming amount of people who're polyamorous these days especially within the LGBT community, as I'm strictly monogamous

I'm going to condense your questions

>Maybe something's wrong with your brain rather than your body?
Studying gender dysphoria scientifically is still relatively new, but the studies they have done into it suggest that patients with gender dysphoria have developed brains that relate more to the gender they identify with rather than the sex they were born as (google "trans brain scan study"). But science aside, if there was a magic pill that could take away all of my trans-ness, all my feminine traits, etc. I wouldn't really be me anymore, all we are is our brain, take that away and you're left with a drooling sack of meat. So, saying there's something wrong with my brain is like saying there's something wrong with the brain of anyone who likes Star Wars; it's subjective

>If gender is really a social construct, how is it possible to be born as the wrong gender?
Like a lot of people do, you're confusing gender with sex; gender is a social construct, it's what we as a society deem to be feminine or masculine (I.E wearing dresses is for girls, playing football is for boys) sex is what you're assigned at birth. Not sure how it got perpetuated originally but I've only ever heard anti-lgbt people use that phrasing, most transppl refer to it as being born in the wrong body
Women, should we end the Federal Reserve? No matter how you respond give reasons.
The delusional fantasy that one day I might get a gf.
Why do I only attract wealthy women?
how do men feel about women asking them out first? do guys prefer asking the woman out instead of the other way around? and if i do ask him out, how do i do it?

i really like this guy and he's told me multiple times that he likes me back. we've even said i love you many times. i really want to ask him to be my boyfriend but idk if he wants to do it first. i have barely any relationship experience and have no idea how guys want to be asked out
>Do you really think you'll feel better after SRS?
No, because I don't want SRS. Contrary to popular belief, not all transwomen want SRS, personally I don't have any issue with my dick. Women aren't exclusively defined by how they dress or act, whether they can or can't have children, and what's in their pants, I don't believe that having a dick makes me less of a girl, I'm just a different type of girl

>Isn't there an easier way to feel comfortable in your own body than HRT?
When I was 16 I cut off my long hair, threw out my feminine clothes, started working out, ate more red meats- you get the idea. Years later at 18 and I was even more miserable and on the brink of suicide, something I'd had a failed attempt at before, so I ultimately decided that if I'm going to kill myself I might as well try the trans shit and if it didn't work out I'd just end it. I spent 6 months talking to trans and anti-lgbt, and doing a ton of research into it, asking a lot of questions on /lgbt/ and then I went on HRT. After 4 years even with the hard parts about it, I absolutely do not regret it, it's not a cure-all, but at least I feel like myself now and I don't cry when I look in the mirror

>Do you insist they address you with pronouns that don't correspond to anything perceivable about you?
I consider the respect given for using one's pronouns to be about as basic as please and thank you. If it's that challenging for someone to show such a basic level of respect for me, I probably wouldn't get along with them regardless. Having been a barista I can say with confidence that the people who intentionally misgender me are already rude and disrespectful to begin with; I don't care if some random misgenders me, especially since I'm fairly tomboyish in nature and don't dress hyper-fem (kinda emo/punk/goth) I ask coworkers to use them, and when they don't it can be confusing since contrary to your assumption, my tits are too perceivable to not correspond with my pronouns
>I'm just a different kind of girl
Yes, you're the kind that is a boy.
>how do men feel about women asking them out first? do guys prefer asking the woman out instead of the other way around?
Most men love it. A rare few might feel emasculated.
>if i do ask him out, how do i do it?
Short, simple, direct. Make sure you're clear that it's supposed to be a date, because guys are often thick in the head regarding a girl's intentions.
ladies, what is the ideal sandwich
(this is my fetish, disclosing this because i like being upfront with my intentions)

as a man it's not about height but muscle mass; all women are roughly the same height anyway horizontally

from personal experience and empirical evidence a lot of really tall girls have insecurity issues due to their height so it is verrrrrry difficult to perceive them as dominant when they act like awkward wall flowers or shy basket ball players - you'd think that an energetic and athletic woman who could easily donk (You) instead of the ball would be more self-confident but alas...
>A rare few might feel emasculated.
yeah, thats what im worried about but i dont think itll be an issue with him
>Short, simple, direct. Make sure you're clear that it's supposed to be a date, because guys are often thick in the head regarding a girl's intentions.
we hang out pretty much every day, do i just tell him upfront that it's a romantic date? do i need to buy him a gift or anything to go along with it, and do i pay for the entire meal since im asking him out?
dating is so confusing
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since rapeplay has been been mentioned on this thread I gotta ask the women here: what are your thoughts on the whole ''free use'' fantasy/fetish and have you ever tried to act it out irl?

'free use' meaning when you let a man or men to fuck you or use your body for sexual gratification whenever they feel like it with no regards for your satisfaction or even involvement

I had a female roommate who once broached the fantasy and wished me to fullfill it but I was seeing a cute femboy at the time and although I'm bi she was a bit too chubby and inked-up to my taste
>do i just tell him upfront that it's a romantic date?
I think just using the word "date" should be sufficient.
>do i need to buy him a gift or anything to go along with it, and do i pay for the entire meal since im asking him out?
Nope! Dates don't actually have a lot of rules. If you already hang out a lot, it probably won't be too different. Sounds like you enjoy each other's company a lot, so you won't need to worry all that much about screwing things up.
The real challenge will be escalating from the "friend relationship" to "something more." Once you're on the date, add more intimacy so it doesn't feel quite like the regular routine. Be more open to physical contact, make little touches here and there. You can work from there.
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More or less. Cheers.

I'm short, as such, I can't really be filtering people out on the basis of height with an honest heart. Also, my ego is so stupendously large that I don't ever feel not dominant.

In my experience, not particularly difficult.

Can't say. I had a phase like this, but it was equally to do with where I was living, the demographics therein, and the fact I'm something of a chav. Posh girls love a bit of the rough life.

It's happened to me before, and I don't like it. It changes something in the dynamic that I can't quite explain.
Aloha, Aloha

>does it not bother you that other people are clearly hearing you fucking?
I have my own house. Despite being very loud in bed, they couldn't hear me unless they're right next to my house. But I've cohabitated before and know what you mean. Some people are just shameless.

>normies don't care about others hearing them have sex because having sex is a mark of social status.
I mean, it's just not something to be ashamed about. You should still be courteous of other people, though. She probably likes being heard and it's a light form of exhibitionism for her.

>This likely correlates with the rise of Duolicious.
Isn't that the 4chan sausage fest dating app? No thanks.

>Do you not feel very insecure about a man looking directly at your asshole in that position?
No. This may come as a surprise to you, but everyone has an asshole.
>Is that something that crosses the mind of women?
I know some women who have been self-conscious of it, and undeservedly so because one of them had one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.
>Or is it just something that feels natural for a sexually active woman?
Honestly, with the ten thousand other body dysmorphias we experience during puberty, the asshole falls pretty far down the list of things we're self-conscious about. Plus, most of us are used to it since we start seeing the OB/GYN in our early teens.

>This has been standard operating procedure for me for over a decade now
I think about that scene more than I should. Littlefinger is my second favorite character behind Tywin.

>but also that you're undamaged/without baggage and come from a good family
It's over for me.
>he has spent hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours in the gym, and/or years getting educated and established
I have also done this, though.
>How do you reconcile this idea with the reality of the male loneliness epidemic?
There are several reasons, but I think two are most prominent. One, men just don't approach or put themselves out there like they used to and I think this is one of the reasons older men have been more successful in the dating pool than younger men, rather than being established like a lot of people try to imply. And young men have porn, substances, and all these other things that make them temporarily not-lonely at their fingertips that just make them more depressed. Keep in mind that it's not just romantic loneliness. More people today are reporting not having a close friend than any time in history.

Two, this is dependent on women also looking for a partner. And there are substantially less women looking for men than there are men looking for women. Not only that, but young people aren't interested in dating atm and are prioritizing other things more than older generations.
>when you say something like "you're such an amazing guy, you're going to make someone so happy!" what we hear after that is "...just not me!"
Because you can objectively say that someone has the makings of a great partner while also acknowledging that you're not romantically compatible.
>Any insight of my OLD profile?
You've got those psychopath eyes and I still don't like the pool picture.

>How hard is it to fuck a Muslim or an Arab girl as a white guy?
It depends on location. White men had a hard time picking up locals in the Middle East, but westernized Arab girls are really slutty. Like Mia Khalifa. It's that repression.

>Latinos are (sometimes) the Gipsies of North America.
Eat shit and die in a fucking hole.

>If you are casually fucking a guy,
I don't do this

>Do I tell him or do I not mention it?
You should probably tell him so he doesn't try hyping himself up as something he's not and then put out when you're not receptive.
>Is Super Saiyan 4 Goku cool?
Unpopular opinion, but I liked GT and loved SSJ4. Especially Sean Schemmel's voice. Really sold it for me.

>Do you hate us, or think most women do in your experience, and is being trans a dealbreaker for you in terms of friends/partners?
No, but I hate the politics around it. I hate that I'm somehow supposed to sacrifice my own safety and comfort to appease a very small number of biological men. I hate that they allow biological men to compete against women. I hate how trans people piggybacked on the LGB movement and have actively caused a lot more homophobia. I have trans friends though and try not to hate people on an individual level unless they deserve it.

>Women, what’s the hight difference you need in a relationship for you to feel submissive?
I don't need one from women. I can even be submissive to a smaller woman. But for men, at least a few inches. I'd like to feel small.

>Women, what do you do to relieve every day stress?
Masturbate, workout, and take really long showers with Guts's theme playing out of my speaker.

>Women, should we end the Federal Reserve?
The only reason to not end them is that we would likely go back to the gold standard and not having standardized currency.

>what are your thoughts on the whole ''free use'' fantasy/fetish and have you ever tried to act it out irl?
It's really hot in theory, but there are times that I'm busy, stressed, tired, or just not interested in sex. I have practiced a certain level of this with my last two partners.
>Do you hate us, or think most women do in your experience, and is being trans a dealbreaker for you in terms of friends/partners?

Depends on who she is and how she acts. I used to be more accepting, but I've gotten more impatient with certain types of pre-transition trans women who treat womanhood like it's something with only upsides. And there's certain types of trans women who don't transition or try to fit in with regular women in any meaningful way but still expect to be at the forefront of the conversation which pisses me off to no end. Honestly, concerning trans women, there's nothing that pisses me off more than some closeted boymoder who refuses to take estrogen trying to convince me he knows more than me about being a woman.

Rant aside, most of my annoyance goes away when I meet actual trans women offline. Most trans women I meet offline tend to behave like women (feminine, tomboy, or otherwise), and we get along fine. I think it's just internet anonymity that brings out the weirdos.

So if we met in real life, I'd definitely be willing to befriend a trans woman. Partnering up is a more complicated story because I'm a dyke bottom and most trans women I meet are also bottoms, which doesn't work for me, but that has more to to with the frustrations of dating women than them being trans women.
>Women, what’s the hight difference you need in a relationship for you to feel submissive?
One head taller at least.

>Women, what do you do to relieve every day stress?
Vidya, anime, drawing, reading, jacking off if I feel like it.

>I gotta ask the women here: what are your thoughts on the whole ''free use'' fantasy/fetish and have you ever tried to act it out irl?
I don't mind it in fantasy, I've done online roleplay for it, but in real life, it would piss me off if someone tried to enforce that on me.
>Isn't that the 4chan sausage fest dating app? No thanks.
It has some women
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Ladies: imagine you're at your local club, which is open to the public. There's a guy there that you actually end up approaching first. Not necessarily because you had any specific intention, though maybe you did. Either way, by the end of the club meeting you have a date with him for this Saturday. Describe him, yourself, and what happened.
>what’s the height difference you need in a relationship for you to feel dominant?
I don't think I really care about it all that much.
>how do you ask two guy friends if they want to do a threesome.
My first thought was to "bring it up as a joke and then try to carefully push it", but there's probably a lot of ways this could go terribly wrong.
>how do men feel about women asking them out first?
Doesn't seem likely, but there's something sweet about it.
>do guys prefer asking the woman out instead of the other way around?
Considering that I never ended up shooting my shoot and still can't see myself taking action for plethora of reasons, I might as well just prefer girls making the first move since at least I won't be trapped in "is she really into me or I'm seeing things" mind bullshit... unless I end up thinking "she might just be messing with me".
i'm 2 meters so i've only ever dommed or subbed for shorter girlls. it's fun getting tied up like gulliver in lilliput although i love even more how quickly women get shy and start to stammer when i push them to their knees and they have to stretch to reach my cock.
sounds like you have a couple guys in mind. if you have zero established sexual chemistry with them it's going to be tricky and could go south. you're probably better off starting with one and seeing if you can leverage that into something with the other (jealousy is a powerful motivator). but if you're all getting drunk or high together and you can steer the conversation toward getting them a little horny, you could probably seal the deal with just a little push. just gauge the waters before you jump in.
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This is more a question for other women.

Has anyone else noticed that short men tend to be really sexually aggressive/"dominant" while taller men are more flexible and submissive? I'm talking about straight dudes ofc.

Are taller dudes just universally better regardless if you're a sub or domme?
>the studies they have done into it suggest that patients with gender dysphoria have developed brains that relate more to the gender they identify with rather than the sex they were born as (google "trans brain scan study")
Yes I've heard of it, it boggles my mind that a person can look at that and conclude transsexual ideation is something other than a mental disorder. Like, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a gorilla.

>Not sure how it got perpetuated originally but I've only ever heard anti-lgbt people use that phrasing, most transppl refer to it as being born in the wrong body
Begging the question: If gender is a social construct, how is it possible to be "born in the wrong body?"

>No, because I don't want SRS.
Good, you're dodging a bullet to say the very least.

>After 4 years even with the hard parts about it, I absolutely do not regret it, it's not a cure-all, but at least I feel like myself now and I don't cry when I look in the mirror
Since you mentioned a study you've heard about, let me show you one too: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8839957/

>I consider the respect given for using one's pronouns to be about as basic as please and thank you.
>I ask coworkers to use them, and when they don't it can be confusing since contrary to your assumption, my tits are too perceivable to not correspond with my pronouns
It really doesn't come that naturally to me. If you're anything like the other trannies I've known, you may have a pair of mid-adolescent tits going for you, but your face shape, your stubble, your voice, your fashion sense obviously shaped by male tastes, your hips and shoulders, the way you walk, they way you sit and many, many facets of your personality all scream "this person is a male". You're telling me to just ignore what my eyeballs tell me and substitute your reality for mine. Hopefully you're not the type who'd say "you better do it or I'll get you fired".
^Is it a problem (for you) that I feel the exact same way?
>whether they can or can't have children
Until fairly recently, and still in basically every society outside of the western world, "women" very much were/are defined by this.
>I'm just a different type of girl
Right, the kind that does absolutely nothing for my unrelenting breeding kink.
>but at least I feel like myself now and I don't cry when I look in the mirror
I'm happy you have that, at least. I guess I just wish there were more options, some grey area between abject denial of one's self and fully giving in to the delusion, but like everything in our society medicine and therapy have been politicized, and the kind of ideas I'm talking about are (for now) wrongthink.
>I consider the respect given for using one's pronouns to be about as basic as please and thank you
Only, they're not. You're comparing courtesy to potentially asking someone to compromise their values, religious beliefs, how they raise their children/the example they set for them, or just good old fashioned respect for what they perceive to be true. Personally, I tend to default, basically subconsciously, to using the pronoun I perceive them as going for/presenting as, and if I run into a "the fuck is that?" or a blatant dude-in-a-dress I usually fall back to they/them.

My point is, it's a bit more complex than please and thank you.
>Having been a barista
...Not sure if troll post.
lack of overcompensation, normal/tall guys don't even think about height
I haven’t fapped in a week and every woman within 5 years of my age is starting to look hot to me. I need a gf man
>i have a question for men though. would you rather have a "BPD mentally ill cuts herself obsessed with you gf" or a "wholesome le reddit baking and gardening gf"? and why?
You could have at least made the former sound somewhat desirable by saying she was smoking hot and crazy in bed but even if you had there's really no comparison.
There are 3 different categories men have for women they are in a relationship with.
1. Potential wife/life-partner, someone you can see yourself spending your life with and who you want to be seen with and are proud to love.
2. Girlfriend for now, someone who you are happy enough with but may not see lasting long term, typically men don't hide these relationships but don't flaunt it either, it's comfortable and things might change in the future but who knows.
3. Sweepers, women who men don't really want to be in a relationship with, any women a man would have sex with but doesn't want get involved with beyond that so your involvment can be swept under the rug. Typically these are unattractive women but could also be women we find to be annoying or mentally unstable etc.
Sorry a BPD, mentally ill, cuts herself, obsessed girl is always going to be a sweeper no matter how hot she is and the wholesome, baking, gardening girl will pretty much always be potential wife unless she is well below the guy in looks but if I'm a 7 I would prefer a 5/10 wholesome/baker/gardner gf over a 9/10 BPD/mentally-ill/cuts herself/obsessed gf and I think that's the case for most men.
Tldr we want to pump and dump the BPD hottie and marry the wholesome reddit girl.
>Aloha, Aloha
If you're who I think you are, I want you to know that I've legitimately missed you... but am I still Aloha if I left the islands?

>I think about that scene more than I should
Why do you suppose that is?
>Littlefinger is my second favorite character
Please tell me why.
>behind Tywin
...Woman, you are truly based. Tywin was to GoT as Thanos was to the MCU.

>It's over for me
Nah, it's possible for some people, like you for example, to be so awesome, and to rise so far above what couldn't kill you, that it all doesn't matter.
>I have also done this, though
Right, and also, respect. That said, you didn't have to. You could have always fallen back on being an attractive woman; there are no homeless baddies.

Or, in other words, women are, men must become.

>There are several reasons... ...more than older generations
Look at this chick, dropping bars, giving me something to think about. But yeah, so many zoomer men are lost, and I'm concerned about some of the shepherds that have come forth to fill that void.
>Because you can objectively say that someone has the makings of a great partner while also acknowledging that you're not romantically compatible
Fair, but I think sexual compatibility factors into romantic compatibility more than most would care to admit; few things improved my personality more than visible abs, is all I'm saying.
>Eat shit
It *is* you!

>I hate that they allow biological men to compete against women
There will come a day when some 6'10, 250 pd, mediocre talent decides to live "her" truth and join the WNBA... and shit's gonna get awkward, fast.
>Guts's theme
It's Jotaro's for me.
Yeah I just didn't want to make it awkward
I have two in mind; they're online friends. Let's call them A and B. I'm really close with A- talk daily- and have known him 6~ years. I'm aware he finds me attractive. B I've known maybe 5~ years but we only talk twice a year. He's also eastern European, so I can't ever tell his actual thoughts. A and B are friends irl and have been since high school. Makes it a tricky situation
Can a Nostalgia Critic fangirl fall in love with an AVGN fanboy?
Yes, I'm dead fuckin' serious
As a short guy, the anger is compacted in me, I'm like a barking chihuahua
How do you be attracted to small women, Asians, and Latinas without being weird about it? It seems like they’re fetishized by a lot of weirdos. I like all of them but I don’t want to come off as cringe.
>pastrami (heated)
>swiss (melted)
>slaw or sourkraut
>thousand island
>rye bread
>Tldr we want to pump and dump the BPD hottie and marry the wholesome reddit girl.
and how can we be sure that you won't cheat on the wholesome girl with the hot bpd once you're married and the honeymoon phase is over ?
i got hugged todayvgvrs8
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Rate my bod
How do you feel about misogynistic men as a woman? I mean the incel kind who hates women because he can't have them, not the classic kind who treats women like dirt but still gets pussy easily cause he doesn't give a fuck.
most of men are misogynistic anyway, doesn't matter if they can get pussy or not
I mean there are different motivations for it tho and some are more detestable than others, clearly, because if you can slay puss as a misogynistic then it can't be that socially unacceptable.
am planning on emigrating to get out of this place, so everything i'm doing is in lieu of that
Living is just another habit. I have no say in the matter.
If I don't cut them like that, I get lots of dirt and crud under my nails. That wouldn't be very sanitary for my job.
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what about men do you find attractive? to what extent is autism a deal breaker?
Women, how do you decide which photos to delete from your phone?
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What is the best public place to approach (slightly) non-normal fag women.

Archon pecs for your attention.
Life would be so much easier if I knew what the women I like wanted.

Ladies, what do you want in a partner? Both physical and emotional
I’m drunk rn, how are you guys?
Get singing your favorite song drunk with me(I know I’m terrible)
Honestly don't even know at times. Stubbornness and because I want to finish all the models I bought so I don't feel like I wasted my money maybe?
it really depends but on a surface-level its anything that reminds me that theyre men/masculine.
when they cant mask/its not normie-passing enough.
i do a lot of worldbuilding and story creation.
whenever i'm not gaming or watching anything, i'm listening to music and writing notes down.
i'm looking into making games, but it's all for myself. if i get a small community off of anything i make, that's just a plus.
i've thought about suicide before, and ultimately determined that if i didn't have my world and my story, i would have done it already.
i'm not worried about taking my own life at any point; i need to put my ideas out there before i die.
outside of that, i have literally nothing else keeping me going.
sing some sea shanties. Sugar in the hold is good.
I just turned 18 and I’m only 149cm/4’11 do will guys care when I’m at college everyone at my school makes jokes about it it sucks
In my experience most guys love short girls. It makes us feel big and strong in comparison. If he's like a foot taller than you, stuff like kissing might be awkward, but that's about the worst of it.
I'm ftm but like to have sex with cis guys..how many straight cis guys would fuck an ftm friend? just a fantasy of mine to chill and then have sex. I'm fully on T with facial hair, but still have pussy and very horny for cock often
Straight? Very few, I'd imagine. Your best bet would be bi guys probably.
You don’t think they will feel like creeps
My ex bf said he doesn’t like going in public with me because he thinks people think he is a pedo
Short women are attractive, most women are attractive. You’ll be fine. The worst is that you might be fetishized
I find that I can hold onto short women easier when cuddling and doing the nasty. Attracting men usually won’t be an issue
>You don’t think they will feel like creeps
No, not at all.
>My ex bf said he doesn’t like going in public with me because he thinks people think he is a pedo
Sounds like it's a good thing he's an ex. Youthful features in women are generally considered attractive. That's why stuff like soft skin and shaved bodies are often considered positives for women. Liking it does not make one a pedo unless it is on a minor.
Women, what your thoughts about entering a LDR with someone you only knew from online?

I've found myself in this odd situation where recently I've been talking to this girl a ton, but we're 400 miles apart. I wouldn't usually consider pursuing anything long distance, but the last couple nights we have been talking up till the moment she has to go to bed, and she's started saying "Goodnight anon" too, which is something that if we were closer would 100% be a sign we were moving towards dating or at least going on a date, so I'm not sure what to make of it.
media and not wanting to miss things I'm looking forward to. Nothing else really, no personal prospects.
if they make me do all the work, they act bitchy or mean from the jump, if they are too overbearing (like texting non-stop or asking me shit that no one would be comfortable asking right away)
He does care, he sees you as an emotional connection, but other girls are just there for jerk-off material. If you don't feel comfortable with him sexting other girls, you should set that boundary, and if he doesn't care about you enough to make the effort to stop, then fuck him. If you consider it cheating (him being sexually explicit with other women online) then he should understand that.
No I'm not ticklish. I used to be when I was a kid, but I stopped being ticklish when I was like 16. idk y.
same boat here. I live with two couples and a guy, and I hear everything. It's annoying, especially being as single as I am.
I don't have those kinds nails so I don't do this.
Usually if I get caught looking more than once, I was checking her out, but if it was just awkward eye contact for a second I was just looking around and happened on ur eyes. Granted, there were times I was checking out a girl and she never saw me, so it varies. But, if I held eye contact, I was looking.
He's cool if I don't think about how he's covered with hair like a baboon.
Idk. If I have a female friend I'm usually not interested in her sexually. But, I'm unsure if friends would be the right call here. If you already have/had a sexual relationship with each individual, I think just asking them individually would be fine. If not, then they probably don't
I WISH women would ask me out. I'm a big fat fucking pussy when it comes to talking to women, let alone expressing how I feel. If you confirmed that he likes you too, I say go for it.
If there's still a pussy, or if ur ok with anal, and are still effeminateish (like a reverse trap) then I would. I don't know about most guys tho.
As counter-intuitive as it might sound, the way you don't come off as a creep/cringe is by giving precisely zero fucks if you come off that way. I assume you've heard the majority of communication is non-verbal? Well, if you're looking for approval, people will pick up on that, and often, capitalize on it.

You're attracted to who and what you're attracted to, and so long as that spectrum is wholly comprised of consenting adults, you don't owe anyone an explanation. Therefore, don't give them one. Or, agree and amplify; 99% of the time, the correct response to shaming tactics is a non-response or an unapologetic affirmation.
^This scene is a masterclass in how to not apologize for who you are. Or, if you prefer, "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."

What you have to remember is, as a cishet dude, you're constantly being shit-tested on a societal level; there will never not be a voice telling you who you are and what you're doing is wrong. It becomes white noise after a while. You need to give zero fucks; the amount of people, in the world, whose opinions you should consider when it comes to who you are and what you should do, should fit on one hand.

If it makes you feel any better, I date Asian and Latina women almost exclusively, because that's who I tend to vibe with. The only people who have ever had anything to say about it are men who wish they could trade places with me, and women I wouldn't fuck.

I think you're underestimating how much (most) men appreciate a woman who makes them feel appreciated.

Time to cut, and maybe hit your triceps more, but looking good!

...What kind of models?

>I'm only 149cm/4'11
This will not be working against you in college.

The facial hair would be the whammy for me, sorry.

Your ex bf is bitchmade.
>Are taller dudes just universally better regardless if you're a sub or domme?
I would say taller men are more passive, but not submissive. Short men do tend to try and compensate with big personalities, while most tall men don't have strong personalities.

>I haven’t fapped in a week and every woman within 5 years of my age is starting to look hot to me
That's the point. It's how you're supposed to feel.

>am I still Aloha if I left the islands?
Where do you live now?
>Why do you suppose that is?
I've always had the same sentiment, though I think it's more apt to say, "What do they gain?" not "What's the worst reason?" Trying to find the bottom denominator in other people isn't a good way to live your life and circles back to the "all men want to rape me" argument.
>Please tell me why
I've always like Machiavellian characters. The strategists. Those lacking in pride while scheming their own ends in the background, using those around them as pieces in a game they never even knew they were a part of. A soft power, gently nudging the people around them into doing his bidding while making it seem like their idea all along. He single-handedly started the war of the five kings and no one was the wiser. Everyone loves him in the books because he's useful and unbecoming, unlike the show where everyone hates him.

A great analogy I heard in the difference in Tywin and Petyr is that Tywin is a man that seems like a giant, while Petyr is a giant that seems like a man.

>You could have always fallen back on being an attractive woman
I was very much an ugly duckling growing up.
>I'm concerned about some of the shepherds that have come forth to fill that void
Young men do not have positive role models anymore, so they flock to those that are the antithesis of what is being peddled from the other side. All these behaviors that are demonized are the center of a new counterculture of masculinity.
>sexual compatibility factors into romantic compatibility
Of course. Just like with eating, we eat with our eyes before our mouths. It doesn't matter how good something tastes, if it looks like a pile of dog shit, we're not going to want to eat it.

>How do you be attracted to small women, Asians, and Latinas without being weird about it?
Do not try attributing qualities to them because of their race or size. I have a preference for white people, but I don't treat them like they're fresh from the country club or want them to act a certain way.

>Rate my bod
You're getting good mass, but you'll have to cut after developing your lats a bit more. Your v-taper is going to look like shit if you cut now.

>How do you feel about misogynistic men as a woman?
They have deeper issues and personality flaws that they don't want to confront and it's easier for them to blame women than it is for them to work on themselves.

>Women, how do you decide which photos to delete from your phone?
I do not. I have a bad habit of not deleting things. I've got over 500 GB of photos and videos on my phone.

>fag women
Do not approach lesbians
Hello, I have a crush on you. That’s all I have to say.
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I'm gonna be dead ass and keep it 100.
I get girls no problem offline and can pretty much pick up whomever I want if they rate around an 7/8 9's are doable but they are a pain in the ass (high maintenance/drama). I can meet them shopping in the mall, groceries, at the beach just having a light conversation nothing crazy but, online it's like women are from another universe. Instantly it's nearly impossible to pick up anyone except obese females who think they are 10's. What the fuck is the deal it makes no sense. I'm a good looking guy too, and even i don't understand it; I can't imagine what the short kings must go thru. I'm also 6'1 so I'd imagine that helps irl since I'm much bigger irl than what i seem online but again, i have no idea.
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Explain why this isn’t the best sex position

>can control depth and force easily
>engaging the clit with thrusts
>can look directly at the person’s face
>can absolutely slam each other
>can easily kiss
>works with a wide variety of heights
>bodies are right next to each other
>makes man feel more dominant when he has her legs on his shoulders
>makes woman feel more submissive when she has her legs held
>for couples trying for a baby it’s more effective

The only downsides are flexibility and trying not to cum too quickly

>can control depth and force easily
up an down is inferior to back and forth laterally
>engaging the clit with thrusts
if you have a giant dick like me it's a horrible idea, they can't reach their clit with a tiny rabbit to handle it
>can look directly at the person’s face
if that's the case you'd be better off pinning them against the wall and standing
>can absolutely slam each other
no she really can't move she's pinned down
>can easily kiss
not really, but you can blast in her face after easily
>works with a wide variety of heights
who cares.
>bodies are right next to each other
tell me you've never had sex without telling me
>makes man feel more dominant when he has her legs on his shoulders
tell me you've never had sex without telling me
>makes woman feel more submissive when
she has her legs held
tell me you've never had sex without telling me
>for couples trying for a baby it’s more effective
no it's not and if you believe it I have a bridge to sell you.
if you have no problem picking up girl offline, why would you try to get those online ? don't tell me you are on duolicious

>What the fuck is the deal it makes no sense
app are designed to make the males pay and the females are the product, not the clients, just like clubs give away free entry or free drinks for ladies because that's what attacts paying customers, a club full of drunken girls
also, the ratio male/female is outrageouly ridiculous on tinder match or whatever dating app, no wonder any '' female '' would feel delulu about they value on the dating market
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Men and women
How do you feel about Jenny in Forrest Gump?
Girls, where and how do I find a racist dark academia gf that will bake me oatmeal raisin cookies?
Alright then macho man, what’s your favorite position?
because these women stick to online and basically never leave their houses so they constantly have an echo chamber compared to women confident enough to actually go outside.
this is harder on the woman's body than you can imagine. as someone who likes this position enough I literally have to do daily stretches and exercises to maintain being able to do it, and for 99% of women it's not worth it, completely understandably. also requires a decent size difference.
How big of a size difference do you need for missionary with legs higher?
I'm 5'2 and my husband is 6 feet.
Is a 10” gap required for this position? Seems like a lot.
>Short men do tend to try and compensate with big personalities
See, for me it's the other way around. I'm convinced God made my ass short because I'm already obnoxious enough as it is. I'd be unbearable if I was even just average height.
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Women: You're at the beach sunbathing alone, no other sunbathers are nearby. A man of middling attractiveness with a clipboard and pen walks over and says "Hello Miss, I was wondering if you could fill out a one line questionnaire." and he hands you the clipboard and attached pen. The single question is "Would you let a guy honk your boobs for $10 a honk?" would you check the Yes box or No box? If Yes, how many honks would you be prepared to sell him? Let's assume he has $200 in cash, for a possible total of 20 honks.
hot. my favourite thing.
of course REAL ACTUAL rape would be bad, like say rape from someone with an STD or rape from someone you legitimately dont want to have sex with like a family member or maybe someone you really dont want to be associated with
but like cnc?? hell yea. like "oh no,,,, big hot aryan chad wants to force me to have his babies and force his strength on me.... oh no, whatever shall i do... please dont sex me mr 10/10 hot guy...." lmao
im into bdsm and im submissive though, so. i was born with it so that's just what im into. I couldve just as easily been into like, idk whatever other kinks people have but generally if its a submissive thing for a dom man, im into it
look at a picture of anatomy
in fact if i was just cooming but i needed to pee, i find that i pee hardler or like i dont really feel it, probably because things are inflammed and like, idk, doesnt dribble out?? bad question that's like asking if you can still breathe with food in your mouth lol

watch charisma videos online if youre that curious. Socialization is a skill, one i had to work on myself. Believe it or not just because you're a girl doesnt mean you automatically have social skills. You gotta be top 5% hot to be good looking enough to get away with being retarded

same as above. Watch videos or read books on social skills. in general, just say hi or something. I'll be thinking about it all day and wonder if you had ulterior motives, but youll likely live rent free because i almost never get approached cold in public.

like frick what if i need to shower? do my hair and makeup?? get dressed??? like stop demanding i do this shit with 4 hours notice. It takes time to look good, i dont like looking sloppy

i dont
lol no in reality actually addressing the things that stress me out is the best reliever. If im being a degen though and i wanna procrastinate i might fuck around with spotify or youtube, organizing songs and videos. I might coom, once in a while i get addicted to pot and then stop for a while. probably the same things you do anon

well im submissive and into bdsm so like. I'm lucky to be 5ft tall and also i work out so i can be even more attractive. I'm white tho (mostly) so imo if you just test it out, say something subtle idk
aka all of 4chan? lmao
it pisses me off because a lot of these dudes arent ugly, theyre just stupid. So i argue with them hoping they'll be broken out of their echo chamber.
I dont want these dudes to be lonely and unhappy but they need to understand you cant hate women, call them whores, not care about their feelings, and have them fall all over you.
"But thats what chad does and he gets all the women!!!" Chad is an admirable person who cares about his life, health, and future. He probably also takes care of and looks out for the women around them. Like i know arguing wont change anyones mind but it really pisses me off to see incels complaining about how "Women want to manipulate men and use their wallets, they cant feel love" and blaming their luck with women on that, something thats literally so removed from reality its unreal.
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This is me you're describing, and for it I shall not apologise.

Same tbqh.

They're both so fucking unbearable, so maybe they're made for each other.

Just don't get pathological about it, and don't over-analyze it all.

There is some truth in this one.

Not drunk; maybe I should look into that.

Nah, not really. You'll probably get one arsehole who decides his entire comedy repetoire is based upon it, but most people will have grown out of it.


Well there's my wedding night plans sorted. Now to find a wife.

Haven't seen it in a long time; but the meme is that she's a fuckin' bitch, if memory serves.

Fucking hell, mate.

I can't really speak for men as a collective; but for what it's worth, I've found that it's not really that one "hates" women, per se. It's more just exasperation.
Can long term relationships come out of dating apps? I want a wife but I’ve heard there’s only hookups on most dating apps
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Try church. But a good one that actually preaches the Bible and not about whatever the "current thing" is.
Not being a faggot.
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Sometimes my poosay leak kool aid! ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu >_<
Yes. Somewhat.
- Belly
- Feet
- Sides
- Back

We don't know how to do it well.


I don't know. Are you small and cute?

>how do men feel about women asking them out first?
I don't mind.
>do guys prefer asking the woman out instead of the other way around?
>and if i do ask him out, how do i do it?
Don't overthink.
>I can't really speak for men as a collective; but for what it's worth, I've found that it's not really that one "hates" women, per se. It's more just exasperation.
yeah i understand. I know that all their 'hate' is really just because theyre sad and tired. ive talked to lots of incels at length and they all end up admitting they "just want someone to talk to". I grew up really excluded and ive still never had friendships that lasted more than a couple years. These dudes just need to learn about social skills. literally they could just type into google "how make freinds" and be on their way but they wont do it. I understand that takes some mental maturity to actually want to fix your problems, but still. that's what i did. Do i have friends? no, but at least i kind of know how
to make it more comfortable, yes. if you both are of similar heights you kind of have to do more "stacking" on top of each other, while if there is more of a difference in height the male can usually cusp himself more around the woman making it less strenuous.
This information saddens me as a short man. I’d have to date women under 5ft to have the proportions right
>I have a crush on you
I don't know who you are.

>The only downsides are flexibility and trying not to cum too quickly
I can actually put my feet on the ground in this position, but I also have a very hard time orgasming while on my back. I don't know why. Also, it will probably be painful if the guy is on the bigger side.

>if that's the case you'd be better off pinning them against the wall and standing
This is the way. The double underhook cradle is superior.

>"Would you let a guy honk your boobs for $10 a honk?"
Honestly, I'd be so amused I might agree. I usually sunbathe nude, tho. Also, I love the Fairy Tail image.

>Haven't seen it in a long time; but the meme is that she's a fuckin' bitch, if memory serves.
She just wanted to protect him because she felt unworthy of his love. And internet losers look at it and think she was using him.

>Can long term relationships come out of dating apps?
Yes, and you can even sort by what type of relationship you're looking for.
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>just because theyre sad and tired.
Socialisation doesn't make that any better.

>I can actually put my feet on the ground in this position,
Fuck, I'm keen.

>She just wanted to protect him because she felt unworthy of his love. And internet losers look at it and think she was using him.
Without watching it again, I can't been immensely certain; but unfortunately, reading this felt like reading post-hoc rationalisations.
>I can actually put my feet on the ground in this position
I like flexibility, were you always so flexible or did you work at it?
Women: why the fuck do you not come out and say if you no longer want to chat?
Why do you decide ghosting is BY FAR the best option for a conversation going somewhat other than perfect?
Why is it that you can lie through your teeth saying that a chat is going well then within several messages throw your phone into a blender and never talk again?
Why is it that you can always say you just want X but when you get it your only option is to turn off friend requests and block everyone and their dog who was just talking to you?
Answer all these questions or don't reply. No "woman" can answer them all.
>I usually sunbathe nude
>I love Fairy Tail

Are you accepting husband applications? Throwaway email?
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Dear women, please wear these with stockings and heels.
Hard disagree there, my guy
This stuff makes me happy, I like it on women.
oops, sorry. My brain pulled a brian and I read that as you telling them to stop wearing them.
Maybe it's time for bed.
No, this stuff is great
Get rid of that guy he's already mentally cheated on you multiple times. If he hasn't physically cheated on you already he will do it eventually or he will dump you when the time is right for him.
I'm honestly scared that I'm going to end up losing my virginity this year. I'm 10 months away from reaching wizard status and I'm convinced the Big Man upstairs is going to have a giggle and throw countless thots in my path after so much nothing for the last 8 or so years.
>Socialisation doesn't make that any better.
uuuh having friends tends to improve your mental health buddy

i mean i COULD but like... for what
im not fat but my belly isnt flat so its not going to look very good
Id feel like a fucking dork wearing lingerie lmao. Like damn talk about trying too hard
Lingerie is hot if done right. I’m sure you’d look terrific
Thats what i thought. No one will answer this.
i just think its clear its angry and its also too specific/unrelatable to answer
Are there any married femanons that can chime in about their partner's infidelity?
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you know have incels go on splerging on how something ''redpilled them''? well jenny kinda did that to me
>I don't know who you are.
I don’t know who you are either. It’s /soc/. I just wanted you to know that I have a crush on you.
well i dont have anyone id even wear it for anyway. I wore thigh highs when my ex wanted me to. no lingerie yet

buddys just mad he got ghosted i guess and now hes lashing out
Do you appreciate proper punctuation? I've always been a little self conscious of it ironically enough.
Do any of you ever have trouble submitting to a woman during sex? My ego gets hurt and then I usually end up topping.

I wanted to consoom a piece of media, then I kind of failed upward into a career and fear death too much to Cobain myself although I do agree with his philosophy on the matter.
In your case I think men assume you're too good to be true or can't commit to the upkeep you need from the jump. The last thing I want to do after an 8 hour shift is spend 6 hours chatting with a girl I just met. They're autistic introverted men, they need me time.
Your boyfriend is a cunt, but I have a feeling you're not providing the entire context deliberately.
Is this is the NC goth girl? Your booba is immaculate, I still remember and its been like a year.
Obvious fetish bait aside I am extremely ticklish on my feet. I have a high arch so I've always felt I was exceptionally more ticklish than others but I might just be average.
I bite 'em. I'm biting 'em as I proofread.
There's usually an overtness you may notice after the fact. Ultimately you're talking about the nuances between a crocodile and an alligator.
I can't relate to normies so I'd rather ride the tiger on this one and rather struggle with a woman I can truly passionately love than passively float through a relationship I think is pretty neat.
But you don't get to choose who you love or who loves you so it doesn't really matter.
A girl could be taller than me, if I'm hitting it from the back I'm dominant.
It makes things easier for us thats for sure.
I appreciate it thats for sure.
it pisses me the fuck off and its a pet peeve when dudes have typos and spelling errors because they instantly look like theyre illiterate and therefore stupid (and they usually are)
typos idrc about because I make a lot of typos because im typing fast or autocorrect fucks me over but the point is i know what the correct words are
frick some of the worst ones are "What are you up too" or the wrong forms of your or there
then they just laugh it off and then ask you if you want to come over and cuddle with them
like fuck off fucking smoothbrain
Bros, how do you talk to women?
I can't seem to maintain a conversation Duo, by the off chance I get a reply it won't last long.
Just talk to them like they are slightly more adhd'd brained bro.
If you don't keep their attention they will fuck off like a crow with something shiny
Forrest deserved better. Jenny deserved her suffering.
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>unfortunately, reading this felt like reading post-hoc rationalisations.
In what way?

>were you always so flexible or did you work at it?
I've always been really flexible in my joints, but I had to work to fully stretch out my muscles. Hamstrings and calves especially.

>Are you accepting husband applications?
I am in a relationship currently.

>Are there any married femanons that can chime in about their partner's infidelity?
I'm not married, but I've been cheated on.

>well jenny kinda did that to me
And what was that redpill?

>Do you appreciate proper punctuation?
It's a godsend.

>Jenny deserved her suffering.
Congratulations, you failed the vibe check. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Go to the penis explosion chamber and have your penis exploded immediately.

>Doesn't know how to talk to women
>Links unfunny Family Guy skits
I bet you send reaction images and memes instead of typing out responses too.
was engaged to my ex who decided to cheat, promptly broke up. found my current husband 4 years ago and have been pretty happy. I'm pretty sure he's not cheating considering I have access to his computer and he works from home and seldom goes out on his own, and when he does it's not more than a few hours, often is to just get groceries or something. if I did catch him I'd be done with him too. I ain't gonna be a loyal wife making sure my man is fed and happy to some asshole who's just gonna cheat.
What do women think of scuba diving? Specifically, is it possible to get the femcel type into the hobby or are they too averse to it?
>I bet you send reaction images and memes instead of typing out responses too.
ngl i would kill to see your feet in that case haha

surprisingly dumb answers from men as usual. I know how the economy works I'm looking for females to answer.
>have your penis exploded immediately
sounds hot
whats the issue though? are you struggling to date longterm or pick up actual keepers irl? anyway, even when you’re hot irl (congratulations), online is different. you have to interact with girls without relying on your physical charms the whole time… its not really a bad thing/doesnt necessarily imply you have a bad personality, but maybe texting isn’t your forte? just keep the texting stage pretty brief and insist on voice or in-person dates/interactions..
also don’t discount those opinions! i think theres kernels of truth to them. online datings pretty toxic, its like casual browsing/shopping for partners. like choice paralysis and the feeling of “well i can just pick someone for real whenever, later”
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xenoboned_72615 on disc
Doesn't have to be anything beyond this but I'd rather not spam the thread with pics of my feet.
i could tell you how female feel about online dating, that it make you at the same time feels like precious princess and a piece of meat, but it's too much about personnal experiences and vary from indiduals to be really relevent

i could also tell you that online dating cut off all the non verbal communication and reduce you to a couple of photo and a few line, making you just another profile and not a real personne, and thus, making girls less empathic, but hey, guess i'm too dumb for that
The algorythm and the fact that tinder won't match you with any perfect partner, keep you on the app, these are the cold truth about it
>well i can just pick someone for real whenever, later”
i think it's more like '' i could find someone way better if i keep swipping '' and you'll never settle for someone, it's fear of missing out at his finest

but you didn't answer, why bother going on apps when you can get any pussy you want in real life ?
Are you fucking dumb? Go to prison
I need a woman laying on my chest with her arms wrapped around me laying on a couch as I hug her and rub her back.
if you look at my ID history I have said I was a woman consistently. Nice cope, though, because people didn't give you the answers you were looking for.
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>uuuh having friends tends to improve your mental health buddy.
Having an active social life has never really stopped me finding women exasperating; nor has it really quelled the rage,

P.s. "muh mental health" is a false god.

>In what way?
Perhaps I'm just cynical... well, there is no perhaps, I'm incredibly cynical; but this statement just feels like the kind of thing a woman who wrong me would say after the fact. As a general "feeling", as it were.

If the girl likes you, she will like what you're passionate about, within reason.
Girls, how important is a mans' voice to you, really? Would you be willing to date a man who sounds like a troon if he was otherwise okay?
Asking for a friend.
it’s not important but its a huge plus if i like it. if he sounds pretty gay, i probably wouldnt take him seriously
Jesus fucking christ anon.
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Whelp, guess I'm cooked. Thanks for the quick reply, femanon.
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>sounds hot
Explosions usually are

>this statement just feels like the kind of thing a woman who wrong me would say after the fact
Perhaps in some cases, but it's specifically shown to not be the case in the movie (fuck you, they're not films). Jenny's childhood trauma affected her in a lot of ways. From picking men like her father, to downplaying abuse, to becoming a drug addict, to not even valuing her own sexuality. While I think a part of her wanted to push Forrest away due to him being her last attachment to that childhood trauma, she never goes out of her way to hurt him or make him feel less. He busts as soon as she touches his leg and then consoles him. But when he asks her to marry him, she flat out tells him that he doesn't want to marry her, and that's because she doesn't feel worthy of love, especially from someone as pure and kind as Forrest. It's only when she raises a child of her own that she begins to heal and apologizes for hurting Forrest as a result of the hurt she experienced.

The entire thing is just so mind boggling to me because of how men perceive her without a shred of empathy or understanding. That's why I dislike about men more than anything.

>Girls, how important is a mans' voice to you, really?
Very, for me. I hate feminine voices on men.
I think the problem with everything you said is that the duplicity of Jenny being permitted to be a bad person because of her trauma, which is how your argument comes across. Forrest heard his mother sell herself so he could have a chance at a normal life, he fears his low intelligence negatively impacts the people he cares about including his son. Jenny by comparison doesn't have a legitimate character arc, it is rebuke after rebuke until she has a come to Jesus moment at the very end when she's dying of aids. It's just not emotionally satisfying because she's a plot device with no driving force other than the apparent fear of death. It's all well and good that you can extrapolate your empathy for her situation into sympathy but it's hard to do that for her from this side of the grass. There are plenty of very sympathetic women in media, I think it's okay to admit Jennay is kind of a cunt.

An aside I was gonna say if man who had been abused by a woman constantly shot himself in the foot and took advantage of the unconditional love of a different woman I doubt you'd be willing to extrapolate as much empathy for him, but then I realized that's literally 50 Shades of Gray.
mmmmm love me a sexy voice. idrc what he sounds like, i think any voice could be hot probably depending on the personality
>Explosions usually are
I've got some fireworks to show you if you'd like ;)
you can have empathy for a character while acknowledging that their actions were unhealthy and inappropriate. If you can't do that, that's a skill issue. Jenny wasn't meant to be a good person but she was meant to be understandable... and she is, because most people who go through what she did (man or woman) act similarly enough. not as many people overcome this shit (with exceptions of the jesus moment and that doesn't even always work) as many people would like to believe.
I live for my parents. If they weren't around, I wouldn't around for much longer either.
Don't go full Robert E Howard, Anon. Life is too precious and joyful to waste like that.
For women, is autism a death sentence when it comes to dating? I don't know if people would look past it and see the guy trying his best to stand out even though he's a complete shut-in.

Side note: I hope all the women who have autism are doing ok looking for relationships as well, I'd imagine there's some unique kind of bullshit with that.
can't speak for normal woman but as an autistic femanon my husband is autistic. I've seen the best relationships be two similar neurodivergent people and have only seen difficulties when neurodivergent folk try to date neurotypical ones. my husband was a shut in but so was I, we had started online before I moved to him.
I kinda have a borderline micro. I've considered getting surgery to beef it up girth and length. I know women cope and say it doesn't matter. I also shoot quick now. I also heard it can lower sensitivity. So might be an overall buff. My question is has any chick been with someone post surgery? Does it look weird or act funny?
I think the incel logic is that Chad gets to experience a life that is vastly different to the one the incel experiences, and (they believe) it is due to the Chad just being handsome or whatever. The 2 men in that example are like living in alternate realities. While Chad may indeed be more emotionally and mentally healthy right now and therefore be more attractive, the social conditioning and feedback which led him there in his younger years - those advantages came from his looks. Also the "women manipulate men and use their wallets" phrases are just incels upset that they won't get to experience the same type of female affection as what Chad would, which leads to bitterness in the incel and sends them down a spiral. There are nuggets of truth in it, but as you say it is quite removed from reality, as they only serve to hurt themselves by being bitter and acting like that, everyone has unique lots in life and it's up to them to make the most of it
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Any suggestions for websites?
I wouldn't know any more desu. we had met off 4chan 5 years ago but after covid it's been worse than ever and most women have been chased off. I'd say conventions but even that can be hard with all the zoomers these days. old internet would of been web forums, places like neopets, gaia online, and fandom spaces... but things have changed so much I wouldn't know where to begin to look. sorry I can not be more helpful.
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>And what was that redpill?

the whole betabux-alfafux dichtonomy: jenny keeps forrest in the friendzone, spending her youth partying hard with ddrugs and riding the cock-carousel, only crawling back to him when he's a multimillionaire sports-star war hero and she's in her 30's, ready to settle down... with HIV

also, considering jenny's history of sexual escapades and the fact she only slept with forrest ONCE it is heavily implied that the kid at the end of the movie is not his, he's just gullible/literally retarded enought to believe it - ie. she cucked him.
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Ladies, how accurate is this image?
Not really for the opposite sex I just don't know where else to ask, also this probably sounds retarded but, how do you guys vent your sexual frustration?
I'm not into just getting off to fantasies or watching porn, the only sexual "relationships" I've had were online but they've moved on, not into strangers, not currently interested in anyone else etc
Is this just a me problem idk
Ik it sounds stupid but I'm kinda sad that one of the most basic human emotions has always been so overcomplicated for me, that and having no dom is a huge source of angst for me, desu it's embarrassing
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What’s your favorite?
who the fuck throws a girl over their shoulder with their head in the front? That shit is fucking awkward. Always ass first, that way you can spank them if they get too uppity
Agreed, that way when you throw them on the bed they’re immediately looking at you. Women like being picked up in general.
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>immediately looking at you
This guy gets it
If you do it the opposite way I guess you’d be in position for a bj
Each time I open this board, my monitor gets flooded with morbidly obese hairy, limp-dicked and saggy-titted people, trannies, "sissies" (whatever the difference is), fags and others NSFW individuals.

Is the situation in the modern "dating market" really that bad, or it just soc attracting all the undesirables?

To elucidate my question some more - is the average Westerner an obese hairy tranny with a limp dick, or is it just coomers from soc?
I’m a westerner who’s only slightly overweight(I workout), moderately hairy, cis straight male, with a fully hard dick.

This is the only thread on this board I go to. It just sucks because women aren’t as common on here as they used to be. Maybe they were scared off but I wish we had more of them on here again.
soc used to be much better 10 years ago, even 6 it was still tolerable. for some reason covid caused massive brain rot, and soc attracted a bunch of retarded normies who felt like the niche started to be appealing, as well as trannies hoping for an alt space. it's not just soc, over time, the consumerization of 4chan has been it's down fall. dating honestly isn't that hard if you have basic social competence, but sadly, majority of people simply don't, thus dating is the state that it is. I also blame incels outside of trannies. before cam whores and the average woman wasn't bullied off immediately, and often if they contributed with something would be given in turn. then they started shitting on camwhore threads, taking out their anger, and top on trannies angry at cis women? yeah, only went down hill from there. turns out, if you are shit to women, all you're left are the completely mentally ill or disgusting slam pigs. who would of guessed?
>is the extreme marginal group average
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Women: Have you ever experimented with just how much you can get away with when it comes to public exhibitionism? Have you ever cut the lining out of a swimsuit or top so your nipples and labia were more on display? Have you ever gone braless under a thin top just so people would stare? Have you ever worn a miniskirt and no panties and walked up stairs hoping people behind you are staring up your skirt? Those are just examples, but I've always wondered if girls get horny and do things like that. I mean, I've obviously seen women nipping out in public. But I've always wondered if some were doing it on purpose.
women are used to being shit on for being sluts.

What changed during 2020 was that being a camwhore became more normalized. Why participate in this shit for free if you can try to sell it and get some money rather than posing for a bunch of losers for no pay.

OF got pushed huge during the coofid era and her you have to fallout. Women who you want to see camming can try to turn it into a source of revenue with a decent amount of privacy

Almost all of the cosplayers I used to follow 10-15 years ago migrated to facebook then instagram/twitter then to OF. If sex work is real work then don't be surprised when gals don't work for free.
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>how do men feel about women asking them out first?
Ecstatic unless she's fat. But I can simply say I'm not interested in such case. I've been told things like "sorry not my type" so many times I don't even feel bad about telling the same to fat girls anymore.
>how do i do it?
Simply ask if he wants to go out together, maybe suggest something specific. It's funny you ask about stuff girls usually expect men to do and shoot man doesn when he doesn't suggest something she likes, indicating they have some idea how it should go. That is, unless it's something like having no idea and accepting or not based on whim which sounds kind of shallow.

I simply don't care what others think. People care about too much stuff that doesn't matter in reality. Only people whose opinion matter are people that have direct influence on your life, which is family, to lesser extend friends, and to even lesser extend coworkers.

You don't pick your height so I see no reason to why you'd worry about it. It's fine. Might not be practical but at least in bed it's fun. Just don't be so insecure about it you can't take simple joke.

If you start to look like man then it's deal breaker. I mean, you wanting to change your sex is already sign of having issues with head, but if it's just sex then it doesn't matter that much compared to actual relationship.
Why would you even troon out in the first place? Couldn't you just be normal tomboy? I doubt you're from some islamic shithole so you realize you don't need to be seen as man to enjoy most of the same stuff man does, especially that you clearly still like cock.
>it isn't for others but for me to feel like man

>and trying not to cum too quickly
That would be doggy for me. View of woman's waistline and butt forming upside-down, receptive heart shape simply drives me wild.
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Bitch that didn't deserve Forrest. I know she was molested by her father but you don't excuse stealing when you get something stolen from you. Despite falling into trashy rabbit hole since teens she was redeemable until the point where she left to be single mother because being stupid when you're young is expected to some extent. After that point she has proven to be absolute selfish trash who can never be satisfied and cares only about herself. She came back to Forrest only when she needed him, never when he needed her, and made Forrest meet his kid (and her own extension) only when she was about to fucking die. As much as I like the movie, that part was always rage inducing. What a fucking bitch. Poor Forrest, he didn't chose to be retard nor ended up that way because of his own stupid actions. Maybe he wouldn't be treated like shit if he was a bit smarter and saw through her. At the same time maybe being retard was his blessing because he didn't realize to full extent how shttily he was treated, felt only heartbreak, not humiliation.
>She just wanted to protect him because she felt unworthy of his love.
I can see it but it still doesn't make sense to me. If someone treats you well then it makes sense to reciprocate and be thankful someone is willing to give you a chance despite your flaws. Throwing it away is picking path of self destruction consciously and thus doesn't warrant any sympathy. Volenti non fit injuria. As I've said, she was redeemable untilt he point of leaving him with kid.

>Do any of you ever have trouble submitting to a woman during sex?
Depends. I won't accept pain, humiliation shit and vast majority of butt stuff but I can see some subby things I'd be willing to do no problem.
>how many cis guys would fuck
Why would I? If I was gay I would fuck a proper manly male with a real non-op dick. If I was a closeted gay I would fuck a femboy. If I was me I would fuck a tomboy. What's the point of a ftm tranny?
I've been single for a while. Should I be upfront about how long its been when starting to date someone new? I'm concerned I'm going to be too in my own head initially and may make it more difficult to stay hard.
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>Jenny being permitted to be a bad person because of her trauma
It's not about justifying or excusing her behavior, it's about understanding it.
>Jenny by comparison doesn't have a legitimate character arc
Her character arc is her healing. She was mentally, physically, and sexually abused by her father. She distances herself from Forrest as her life spirals downward and she runs from her past and into the arms of men who treat her like her father, because she feels that's what she deserves. If you experienced abuse as a child, you likely know what it's like to KNOW you didn't deserve it but to still FEEL like you did. But we see Jenny start to change when Forrest defends her at the Black Panther party. She leaves her ex. She leaves a guy who hit her later on. But she unfortunately turns to drugs, which ends up killing her eventually. But it's through confronting her trauma and then becoming a mother herself that she finally begins to heal and allows herself to be loved by both Forrest and herself.
>I think it's okay to admit Jennay is kind of a cunt
I don't think she is. She's a very real characters to me and she's a good person at her core, which is why Forrest loved her.
>I doubt you'd be willing to extrapolate as much empathy for him
I would and I do. I feel just as much for boys that experienced sexual abuse as I do women. A significant amount of violent criminals were victims of childhood sexual abuse. And like Jenny, it doesn't excuse their actions, but it makes you understand how they ended up the way they did.
> 50 Shades of Gray
Never seen it, but the soundtrack is fire.

>is autism a death sentence when it comes to dating?
I'm autistic. I guess it depends how severe it is.

>Ladies, how accurate is this image?
It isn't, unless they're silent out of fear. The only women that actually do this are the ones that were roped into feminism without any critical thinking of their own

Middle left and bottom right
that just doesn't match my experience at all lol. straight, bi, gay men have all shown interest. a fair number of people with strong preference for ftms. just curious how common it is amongst straight men. if you're trying to be insulting it just doesn't work when it's empirically so wrong.
oh responded to the wrong person, mean to respond to the person saying no gay or straight men are ever interested in ftms
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Ok, dude who's upset about his ex here again. Therapy has helped and I have improved a lot. However, there is one thought that lingers. Not all the time, but it pops up and I will talk to my therapist about it. But the thought "why wasn't I good enough?" pops up occasionally and it kind of kills me. Like, because part of me believes I wasn't good enough even though I know it was all on her for not communicating and cheating on me. But it just fucks me up. What do I do?
Are you a different ftm? For if you are the same one than it would be weird for you to ask that question while already knowing an answer for yourself.
>jenny keeps forrest in the friendzone
She does not. She even tried to take his virginity that night when he busted without her touching him, and she never made him feel bad about it.
>spending her youth partying hard with ddrugs and riding the cock-carousel
You thinking this is a good thing or that she enjoyed it is telling on yourself.
>only crawling back to him when he's a multimillionaire sports-star war hero
She never cared about any of that. She cared about Forest's happiness and never took his money.
>it is heavily implied that the kid at the end of the movie is not his, he's just gullible/literally retarded enought to believe it - ie. she cucked him.
You're an idiot because it's literally the opposite that implied. She lives with him for months before they have sex and then gives birth 8 months later.

>Have you ever experimented with just how much you can get away with when it comes to public exhibitionism?
To an extent, but to see what I'm comfortable with, not what I can do within the confines of the law.
>Have you ever cut the lining out of a swimsuit or top so your nipples and labia were more on display?
No, that seems wasteful. But most of my swimwear doesn't have a lining because I usually don't get in the water.
>Have you ever gone braless under a thin top just so people would stare?
Not so people would stare, but because it's hot and there's really no use in wearing a bra. Or if I'm wearing a white shirt and don't want the bra to show through.
>Have you ever worn a miniskirt and no panties and walked up stairs hoping people behind you are staring up your skirt?
No, but I usually go commando in sun dresses because I like the breeze.
>you don't excuse stealing when you get something stolen from you
Again, it's not about excusing her behavior. It's about empathy.
>she left to be single mother
She didn't know she was pregnant, but she always believed Forrest was better without her in his life. If she never got sick she may have never made amends.
>absolute selfish trash who can never be satisfied
Disagree. She was ultimately selfless because she was happy and satisfied living with Forrest, but she wanted to protect him from herself.
>If someone treats you well then it makes sense to reciprocate and be thankful someone is willing to give you a chance despite your flaws
It's a trauma response and one I'm far too familiar with. I never even had a relationship until my mid-20's because I felt like I didn't deserve love and that no one could love me if my own parents didn't. Internalizing that at such a young age will really fuck you up.
>Throwing it away is picking path of self destruction consciously
Self-destructive behavior is another common trauma response. I have C-PTSD and I believe Jenny did as well.
>It isn't, unless they're silent out of fear.

>The only women that actually do this are the ones that were roped into feminism without any critical thinking of their own
what is "C-PTSD" and why do I have most of those?
Specifically "increased arousal", what specifically does that mean in context?
chronic arousal refers to an overactive nervous system or "hypervigilance". very sensitive to shifts in environments, moods, things like that due to survival state.
c-ptsd is the chronic version of ptsd, it is a result of years of being in a survival state to the point where a lot of people who have it, their nervous system is actually more attuned to being in survival mode or crappy environments than healthy ones and often leaves deep imprints. very common in children who's development was based on unhealthy home lives, long term survival states such as in slums, or even in long term abusive relationships lasting for years. it alters your bodies chemistry, your sense of self, and more.
I wonder if this is why even with my tism I'm able to at least appear normal most of the time.
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Wouldn't know, never had sex.

"That's a lotta words... too bad I ain't readin' em."

I keep myself as busy as possible to avoid thinking about them.

very common for people with tism to develop masking and c-ptsd, yes.
I feel like I have some for of both. With BPD I definitely get too impulsive, get too angry, and have a fear of abandonment. With C-PTSD, I have a lot of those thoughts. I also had a bad home life due to my dad being raised by weirdo parents so I was raised weird.
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i am an idiot for not putting quotaition marks on this post >>33156715, since their not my two cents but the observations of another
Anyone, is it weird to ask a woman to show a photo of her panty drawer?

Also, if anyone here wants to post their panty drawer or their gf's panty drawer it would be appreciated.
I heard there’s a lady after my 6x5.5 inch penis here. Hello ma’am
>Also, if anyone here wants to post their panty drawer or their gf's panty drawer it would be appreciated.
It's a question thread, not a fap-material thread, anon.
it's weird to ask for panty drawer shot, do you really need someone to clarify this ?

also, panty drawer are usually filled with socks, many many unsexy plain cotton panties because, you know, period and discharges and daily changes don't mix well with frilly lace
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>you know, period
Men of 4chan. Is balding a big deal for you? How harsh is it to go through the process?
Idgaf mostly because I gave up on relationships and don't care about my physical appearance anymore. But I don't think most men feel this way
I'm not that worried about it. Whenever it inevitably starts I'll probably just go full cueball.
The rape fetish is an easy way to enjoy my sexuality without feeling guilty, growing up I always learned that sex was something bad, being reprimanded for even get my hands close to my genitalsz showing the slightest amount of skin. Surely my mother is a nut, but it is not like society doesn't see women as sluts for anything. So naturally, I defected my sexuality to gay anime porn and there is a lot of rape in it. It is a fucked up fetish but it is a perfect one: in my fantasies, it would be inflicted on me, he would undress me, he would touch me, if I felt pleasure would be for his sadistic desire, I am akin to an object than an active person, therefore I could pass as not my fault. I also am very submissive and conventionally unattractive so the idea of a man wanting me sexually is only feasible in such fantasies.
>Do you view every unknown strange man as potential rapist? No, I don't, but there were times where I felt a huge sense of danger towards men and it only stopped when I got away from them. Maybe I was wrong about their character, but at the moment I felt pure horror and I don't know why. Real life rape would shatter me, however.
I just wish you had the awareness to not try yourself in things like women sports, lesbian places and women's bathrooms. It doesn't help that the ones online are absolutely awful and seem to deny reality. I hate the gay boys less than the "transbians". You wouldn't be so insufferable if you didn't deny reality and tried to make everything about yourselves. The arrogance of "I am a better woman than the cis" is very male too.
At least twenty centimeters taller
Listen to music or asmr
It's easier to assume that men only care about each other. Centuries of history proves that right. I mostly think they are a bit pathetic because the bar for men is so low.
Mild autism is fine, as long his hyperfixation is not something degenerate
I would let him honk
Hell no, I have hip dips
I don't expect flawless punctuation as long you don't type like a retard
I think it is a cool hobby, and I associate it with rich people. I am afraid of deep waters so I can only admire from far
I hate their nasally Mickey Mouse voice so it would be hard
No, as long you are not Chris-Chan in terms of autism
No, the few times I wore skirts or dresses without safety shorts I feel conscious the entire time
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>Flirting with girl and having good time at club
>Buddy is almost fucking comatose from getting too drunk
>go to make sure he's safe and okay
>come back and she's already lost all interest in me
So what, being a good person is an "ick" now? The fuck is wrong with people? I need insight from the female perspective on what I actually did wrong.
>No, the few times I wore skirts or dresses without safety shorts I feel conscious the entire time

Are you Mikoto Misaka?
good meme
yea women like hot chads and want to be picked by them so of course theyre not gonna argue with chad

/soc/ isnt a fucking date site. most people literally dont even know what 4chan is

well 4chan is a sausage fest, but also if you say youre a woman you get called a troon, so its not really the most welcoming place to be around
at least on soc its not as bad but like pol? or gif??? forget it

no fucking coomer

is it weird? yeah. Ive never had anyone ask for that and it certainly seems fetishy but also like kind of juvenile? im kind of weirded out by what you plan to do with the picture but at least i wouldnt have to send nudes lmao

>Also, if anyone here wants to post their panty drawer or their gf's panty drawer it would be appreciated.
this isnt your fucking goon-station. LPlus, maybe the other anons would prefer not to see someones underwear drawer. stop treating every interaction with women as a fucking masturbation session
yea i got my period panties and granny panties in there. stupid anons thinking its all tissue paper in there
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>yeah. Ive never had anyone ask for that and it certainly seems fetishy but also like kind of juvenile?
I have seen enough hot women for one lifetime, I could live without seeing another one ever again. Female shape no longer excited me, if anything attraction to hot women was juvenile as it is primal. It's just caveman urges, and something enlightenment gentlemen have overcome.

>im kind of weirded out by what you plan to do with the picture but at least i wouldnt have to send nudes lmao
That's what separates the connoisseurs from the perverts.
What type of panties you wear tells a lot about your personality, what fabric, color, you prefer.
And the rubs against your genitalia and is anointed in your menstrual blood is a bonus that gives them even more character.
well theres the thongs i have that i bought from LaSenza that were 7 for 30$ or something like that, and i only wear thongs if im wearing something that would give me an underwear line. I still have underwear from like highschool, regular plain cotton underwear. I have a set of black plain amazon ones, and some i got from aliexpress that i dont like because the liner part is mismatched in colour and is pretty ugly. regular underwear id wear with like pants and the thongs I mostly just bought for the gym. some are stained because period blood, and so when one gets stained its just dedicated period underwear until it becomes too worn out to wear anymore

tada, mystery debunked
There’s ways around it now. All you have to do is treat the problem when you notice the first signs. I think male pattern baldness will be a thing of the past within ten years, for those who don’t want to go bald that is.
Will anyone talk to me on mic before I go to sleep? I'm female
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Based fellow panty enjoyer.
Does dried period blood change the smell of the panties? Or not so much?
Sorry, just a response 24 hours later because I'm sick as shit. But I know I need to not blame myself and I did everything I could. But there's still that part of my brain that's telling me other wise.
I know that feeling because two people I loved killed themselves and it's the ultimate rejection. I'm sick AF too. And so anxious and can't sleep. I'm so anxious to eat or drink even, or take meds
let me check
nope, literally just regular laundry smell
what changes my laundry smell are pit stains. The only way i can get that smell out is if i wash with ammonia or something

ive been broken up for like 6 months now, have plenty of dates, but still i miss him and idk why. Its not so much i miss HIM but its more like the pain of a rejection and loss. When i mean rejection, i mean he seemed to hate me so much he'd rather not ever have anything to do with me and doesnt care about my existence at all. idk if that's true or not, honestly probably not but thats what it feels like. I kinda wanna reach out but there was a girl at his house last night im almost certain so
i should just say that i am pretty much over it its just missing him kinda hit me all of the sudden. I might legit need to settle for another boyfriend soon. I was distracted trying to "play the field" but all that is is saying yes to endless dating app meetups. However i dont like any of these dudes, plus, dating is so exhausting that i cant do it hardly enough
oh man all the smells and the shit i secrete out of my body i pay very very close attention to
im probably a bit hyper aware of it because im slightly a hypochondriac, i guess. I wouldnt say i am but compared to others maybe
I’d grab your hip dips and fuck you consensually
>nope, literally just regular laundry smell
Interesting. I appreciate you checking the smell yourself. Feminine odors are pretty interesting, as many women I’ve dated seem to be self-conscious of their smells, but I find them to be enticing.

Also, impressive digits, panty-anon.
That’s really sexy. I don’t know why, but you being self-conscious about all that is hot.
oh right
haha i got quads
of course on the post about me panty sniffing and talking about my ex i semi-literally stalked last night
i do have stalking tendencies but its just out of curiosity

its not believe me anon
I dont wanna go into detail because ive already been on 4chan for hourssssssssss today (not counting the time i just sit and wait for my computer to load because i open too many tabs all the time)
but like basically long story short my vag has (what i think) a different setup of bacterias and stuff so the discharge tends to smell like cheese? and tastes pretty sour, like the tang of sour cream or orange juice
been like almost a lifelong problem and sometimes it gets really bad and irritated once in a blue moon but desu for the most part its chill

plus if i dont wear antiperspirant, ill smell pretttttyyyy bad. Even directly out of the shower, if i dont dry the area and start to sweat i immediately smell like onion
im not gross and fat, im a slight bit italian and mostly like ductch or ukranian or smthn idk
my tonsils have been being weird for a while and randomly smell but im using mouthwash now too
the reason i keep such close tabs on it is because if i were to get intimate with a dude i dont want him to get up close and personal and feel like hes sticking his hand into a bag of bacteria. its so much nicer to know youre clean and dont have to subtly hide any part of you or be self conscious about it
on a less gross note i keep getting wafts of a nice vanilla kind of smell while ive been sitting here at my desk which is nice but idk where tf its coming from, whether its me or my hair or what
Oh nice. Vanilla scent always makes me feel more…active.
>if I were to get intimate with a dude i dont want him to get up close and personal and feel like hes sticking his hand into a bag of bacteria.
Does that mean facesitting is off the menu? If so, that’s a downer.
>I'm so anxious to eat or drink even, or take meds
Try and take some Tylenol, anon. It's been helping me.
my ex LOVED facesitting but i never really volunteered to do it. I would if he wanted me to, and heck he didnt seem to mind. Its just a bit different because i also LOOOVEEE bjs but the thing is a penis doesnt have some weird mucous over it all the time. I'll facesit but i would just wanna make sure i was clean first, and once you get going (i get really really wet) you wont notice but. you never know when something could go wrong so im wary

yea i dont like artificial smells because theyre usually noxious and might give me a headache so desu i wish normal things like soaps or shampoos left more of a smell, so i wouldnt have to manually apply perfumes or whatever because its a hassle and i forget
For the Ladies: I've been having some fun with a girl over discord for the past few weeks, and I can't figure her out.

She flirted with me, let me control her toys remotely, masturbated with me in a voice call, and (I felt like, at least) shared some very personal information about herself. I suggested that I wanted to get more serious with her, and she sounded like she wasn't sure.

She has some baggage, and she says she isn't sure about how she feels, she isn't sure if she likes guys anymore, she isn't sure if she's ready for a relationship, and she says she doesn't even understand her own head sometimes. She said that she's not looking for a serious relationship any time in the foreseeable future, and has generally just said "I don't know" a lot.

I've asked her if she could say anything for sure, and she can't do it, but doesn't want to "give me hope" despite not being able to say definitively say yes or no to any potential relationship in the future.

I've pumped and dumped a few women over the last few years, but I have never wanted anything serious with any one of them other than her in a long time.

I think (but I'm not sure) that she wants something more from me but is scared because of things that have happened to her in the past. The uncertainty is absolutely killing me.

Ladies: any insight you can think of would be greatly appreciated.
I love facesitting. I’m sure your ex loved your scent if he liked doing it with you too. Did you do anything prior to the session to help you feel at ease?
no im not anxious or anything about it. Its just like "hey idk what the sitch is down there" but honestly it was usually literally during sex so it wasnt a big deal
plus i started working out while in that relationship and he started getting obsessed about him putting his face into my sweaty ass right after i finish working out lol
which i dont mind of course, im into like super heavy extreme hardcore bdsm and im submissive obv that wasnt a big deal to me but i always thought it was out of character because he's so clean and particular and meticulous and was just really disgust adverse

anyway i wanna try and stop thinking about him because its been dragging me down real bad ever since yesterday. At the very least its easy for me to get dates (i dont ever do sex on a first date though and second dates are less common for me)
>plus i started working out while in that relationship and he started getting obsessed about him putting his face into my sweaty ass right after i finish working out lol
That’s super fucking hot. I’ve thought about doing similar things with a woman I’m into.
lol well you stop being sweaty like a few minutes after you step off the treadmill. but yea if im dating a guy and he wants to do something im pretty open to anything. Like not hookups or people ive just met, but if we're so close we're dating, ill do pretty much anything as long as i dont have to be dom lol
I like the way you think. I’d like to come up with scenarios for a woman like you.
Morally you did nothing wrong. This is why you shouldn't pursue club sluts
How do you even get period stains?
You'd think you would eventually learn to manage it so that no drop escapes.
I'm still disappointed that this thread never really lived up to its potential.
There are almost no women here and the small minority who do post are plainly conceited attention whores
blood is a hard to get rid of on clothes, the trick is to use cold water because the hot water will basically coagulate he blood and make it last forever

'' can"t you tell when you are leaking blood ?'' well, not really, especially on the first and the last days of the periods when you get juuuuust a few drops but enough to ruin your panties, you usually don't notice this, and don't get me starded ton the '' oh shit i oversleep on my worst day' and my pj's are a mess ''

and for the '' can't you just wear a tampon all the time? '' well not really either, tampon expensive in the first place, and the vagina is a very delicate thing, it has his own flora inside ( just like we all have a macrobiot in our digestive system, yeah, part of the thing inside of you aren't really you, creepy isn't it ? ) so sticking a piece of coton inside for 5 days might upset it a bit, not mentionning that Toxic shock syndrome is a thing
for pads, they aren't as protective as they should be.
>what changes my laundry smell are pit stains. The only way i can get that smell out is if i wash with ammonia or something
you can use Sodium percarbonate for stains on white clothes nona, get a bucket full of hot water, add Sodium percarbonate, mix well, soak white clothes in it, let it rest for 2hours, rince and wash it on the machine, works wonder
ever heard of a menstrual cup? goddam amateur
Why don't women write first?
>blood is a hard to get rid of
Blood is impossible to get rid of once it dries. Don't let it dry, mop it up, do not scrub
yes and i don't like it
any other questions ?
>you'd think that you would learn to manage something that can be pretty random depending on the women, vary by days, flows, etc.
you're fucking retarded
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>Where do you live now?
>Trying to find the bottom denominator in other people isn't a good way to live your life
Right, which is why I emphasize considering the worst, but not assuming the worst. To do so would close myself off to possibilities; namely, not every woman wants to hurt me and take my money, some of them just want to suck my dick and make me snacks.
>I've always like Machiavellian characters
I will die on the hill that is Tywin did nothing wrong, aside from his treatment of Tyrion, although, even then, in the show at least, I feel his assessment of Tyrion was ultimately proven correct.
>A great analogy
Agreed, that is a great summation of the characters.
>I was very much an ugly duckling growing up
Butchu a baddie now.
>It's easier for them to blame women
Speaking from experience this is true. Turns out I don't hate women, I just hate society's idea of women.

I think she's one of the most tragically realistic portrayals of a victim of sexual abuse in fiction.

>Bitch that didn't deserve Forrest
I think what's often lost on people, and it's forgivable because of how likable Forrest is, is that Forrest wasn't entitled to Jenny, either.
>who can never be satisfied and cares only about herself
I don't know if we saw the same movie; does this^ look like someone who cares about herself?
>I know she was molested by her father but
So her mother died, and her surviving parent, the one person she's supposed to be able to count on as a teacher, guardian, and protector, failed her completely. Also, let's talk about that first word, teacher; parents essentially teach us what is and isn't normal. I invite you to ponder what Jenny learned from her father.
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I inherited nice hair from my mother so I have head full of nice, thick hair with no signs of hair loss. If it happens I'll just accept it. It's not like I have much choice in it so no point worrying. I could wear hat more often.

>Again, it's not about excusing her behavior. It's about empathy.
I think you are trying to use empathy as excuse for her behavior. She acted like a bitch and so she does not deserve sympathy, otherwise you can excuse most crimes with "muh childhood", "muh empathy" etc. World works not because of good intentions, but good practices. Road to hell is paved with good intentions. Mind that even thouh I find her behavior despicable, I still gave her leeway and said she was redeemable until point of running of with child, so it's not some tyrannical, binary approach. She just surpassed limit of tolerance for bullshit and shit behavior. She had several chances and each time she threw it away.

Nope, I'm busy. Maybe some other day.

It looks like any other thread of this theme. I have no idea why would you ever expect anything else.
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>Forrest wasn't entitled to Jenny, either
No one is entitled to anything. It's only a matter of whether you can make it work or not. And as visible by Jenny coming back for a while before death and living just fine with him, they could make it work. If you want to value them by their virtues and flaws then both had ups and downs, Jenny was broken, Forrest was retard, Jenny was pretty, Forrest had good, honest, pure character. So yeah, I think they had potential but Jenny wasted most of it.
>I don't know if we saw the same movie; does this^ look like someone who cares about herself?
Of course
>be high on drugs for either selfish pleasure or trying to run away from problems, first being simply hedonistic, second being either weak, which isn't always fault of the person, or vain/shallow because you aren't willing to put effort which is kind of selfish by proxy
>either be high or simply realize how much of a fuckup you are, try to kill yourself on impulse because you selfishly don't want to deal with it anymore as you think it's impossible or you are simply scared of amount of work and willpower it will take
>don't even think about people who care like Forrest, or burden you will inflict upon others, like people who will have to scrap your body off the pavement or even fucking junkie right next to you who will be interrogated and maybe put behind bars (rigtfully by law but still shitty thing to do to acompliance) for dugs and other shit
>self-preservation instinct kicks in, shit pants and get down
>cry because you realize you are too weak to easily avoid your problems by killing yourself and have to face consequences of your choices
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At least that was her turning point and she actually got out of addition etc, which was respectable and this change was her redeeming quality. She of course came back to Forrest, whether it was easy, vain choice or her only reliable option, it leads to the same: they actually had nice life. But then she had to fuck it up and run away with kid. She learned only bare minimum needed to stay afloat and not fall back into drugs and killing herself, nothing above that. She did not learn that Forrest is the best she could have with his dedication and reliability. She threw it away and came back only when she realized she's going to die and there will be no one trustworthy to take care of their kid. She's a bitch because she broke last straw.
>If someone treats you well then it makes sense to reciprocate and be thankful someone is willing to give you a chance despite your flaws
This makes perfect sense if you're not a victim of childhood abuse. Speaking as someone who was, an ongoing struggle of mine is believing that kindness isn't always a trap.

When your psychological foundation is based on abuse, very little makes sense, you question everything, what you think and what you feel are often at odds with each other, and nothing is real. I've mentioned before that my body count isn't a flex, it's a fucked up resume to prove to the world and myself that I'm here, I exist, I deserve love, I'm good enough, I matter. Here's the thing though, that wasn't some epiphany; I knew what it was while I was building it. So why keep building it? Because I truly believed there was no other way; I have to keep proving I deserve love, because I don't deserve love. See? It makes perfect sense.

She did, did she? Did 10 y/o me deserve what happened? The fucked up thing is part of 30-something me still believes you.

Sometimes, I guess there just aren't enough rocks.

>it's not about excusing her behavior. It's about empathy
This. Nobody is calling Jenny a role model, we're calling her human.
>It's a trauma response and one I'm far too familiar with. I never even had a relationship until my mid-20's because I felt like I didn't deserve love and that no one could love me if my own parents didn't. Internalizing that at such a young age will really fuck you up
I'm sorry that happened to you. Anyway, that's my queue to start drinking.

I'm fortunate enough to come from a family where this isn't an issue, but if the Norwood Reaper does ever come for me, I'm just gonna shave it off, grow a viking beard, and keep on keepin' on.
It's cue not queue. A queue is waiting in line
something tells me you haven't been through much. People can have sympathy/empathy without getting their actions excuse. I empathize with serial killers due to often times them becoming that way because of deranged childhoods, but that doesn't mean I think their actions are okay or they shouldn't have consequences. Also places all addicts in either hedonistic or weak category is foolish. I am from a family of addicts (thankfully not one), and I've seen people do it for hedonistic reasons, be selfish and deserve consequences, and others do it for understandable reasons. Being unable to cope with, for many people being beaten, told horrible things as a child, or sometimes even worse, raped daily, thus needing something to function.... while it's not healthy and should not be encouraged, to act like it's weakness is just.... asinine at best.
I've even visited dozens upon dozens of therapists and most don't know how to deal with some of the fucked up shit that happens, and that's just in the modern again. in the 70's/80's/90's? it was even worse and sexual abuse wasn't talked about or you were gas lit to shit and victim blamed. Being unable to cope isn't being scared of work or will power, that's not how fucking trauma works. and as others said, when you are raised like this..... you don't have the ability to trust the forrests of the world because people used any kind of trust or kindness against you as a child. but then again I'm going to assume you're further retarded considering you mentioned suicide and seemed to imply it's to avoid problems and consequences.... which, anyone with such experiences could easily tell you otherwise. No one is telling you to excuse people's actions, choices, or the consequences. they are pointing out when you've been through hell and back, the things you do won't always make sense or be logical, and you can still acknowledge they deserve empathy for the things that were not their fault and how that impacted their decisions while addressing the fact that they still need to be held accountable. You seem to not have comprehension abilities to do that and thus are defaulting to black and white thinking when they are different things.
I got banned from adv thread. Mods hate fun and suck dick
Probably 7 inches (6 comfortably) but also depends on the girth.
Depends how shallow, maybe 2in?
Both to an extent, I think girth will always be appreciated though as women can like different lengths.
Up angle.
Roughly 5in smallest, probably 7-8 max.
Comfortable is probably 6in, max prob 8?
Girth depends on how relaxed I'm feeling (I can be fisted without it hurting).
Defined veins are nice, I'm not personally into thick veins.
Biggest is 6in maybe, though I'm not keen on regular penetration.
Average to largish size but the way its shaped as a whole/is groomed is more important.
No preference on cut, just not wrinkly looking?
I do like the look of a good looking penis
I don't like it irl but it's something of a fantasy of mine and many others via CNC and erotica books.

As someone already mentioned, it goes back to the animalistic roleplay of being prey and predator/ a feeling of being ravished simply because they cannot hold themselves back (however yes by someone we already deem attractive enough). But this should not come from a place of malice but almost reverence if that makes sense (imo).

For males to rape and SA women irl, I think it comes out of a place of mysogyny and the need to put someone down they deem as lower than them. Hence why those 4 guys chose to rape a big lizard instead of getting a prostitute/sex doll or smth. It's about the power rush they feel not the actual rape most of the time.

And yes, I do legitimately worry about my safety when around males (when there's not many people about). Not just for potential rape but in general; I know most males and even teenagers could overpower me in strength even if I AM trained in martial arts. It's just something probably most women give caution to because we know we can be put in a dangerous position very quickly and not have the power to escape it sadly. Better safe than sorry is the motto
Yes it is better but not by THAT much
This could have been written about me, in fact I wanted to believe so badly that it was for a second lol
I don't have any real advice sorry, but coming from like a parallel timeline where this didn't work out, I'll say just try to enjoy things while you can
Maybe just work together to just foster whatever you have now, have your fun and keep tabs on how you're both feeling about things
My biggest regret is always getting all wrapped up in the nitty gritty of things and never just enjoying the moment
She cares enough to not want to hurt you/make her problems yours, otherwise she'd presumably just ditch
All you can do is trust in that, and she should trust that you care enough to not just leave either
Worst thing you could do is let this become a self fulfilling prophecy, for either of you
Idk, but godspeed, I hope things work out
Doesn't exactly cross my mind though I'm sure some girls do think about it.

Depends what kind of selfies and are you sending just as much?

I would definitely mention it but you don't have to make it a big deal :)
If you cool, you cool. Not a deal-breaker for friends but if you identify as a women I wouldn't date you because I'm not emotionally attracted to women
Probably my height or taller (not hard since I'm 5'4) but it's all about the power dynamics
Masturbate and escape in many forms of fiction.
I asked in the other thread a while ago but do women still like muscles?
Pickled/fermented stuff with cheese melted is absolutely heavenly.
Tuna melts, lost of different Mediterranean ham sandwiches. And paninis!
Was also curious, how does your fetish work?!
As someone already mentioned, in theory I would probably love it but depending on how busy I am this could be more hindering than beneficial as todays society requires people to be doing just a lot more. Me and my current partner also practice this to an extent. I enjoy the feeling of being used sometimes purely for my partners enjoyment.
huh? when have we ever stopped liking muscles?
Women in the other thread said they prefer skinny guys and chubby guys
As a woman, it is one of the go-tos for me and my partner but my favourite would be the similar position called criss cross (the legs make an x while guy holds her legs)
I'd be amused then tick yes. 200 is 200 and it will probably be less than 5 minutes.
those body types are better with some muscle for sure!
Looks like she's trying to figure herself out and the possibility of a relationship is a bit much to think about for her. Questioning your sexuality can be a hard thing and she definitely cares about you enough to not let you be led on that you might "have a chance". If she IS into men I think she MAY be able to consider you romantically but is not in the right headspace to do so currently. Just don't wait up on her for an answer but you can still be there for her. I don't think she wants to cut off your relationship with eachother just because of this (and potentially leading you on would make a dent in the friendship or end it).
They never stopped mate
Theres multiple studies on this
Glad to hear I haven’t been wasting my time in the gym
Thank goodness
Women, do you like to cook? If so, what types of meals do you like to cook?
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Why do women have such an awful taste in music?
Pop music liked by women can be divided into 3 categories:
>1. female complaints songs about men, e.g. Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Katy Perry, Beyoncé, Adele
>2. douchebag man sings/raps about sexual innuendos, e.g. Flo Rida, Eminem, Robin Thicke
>3. boy band sings about compliments, e.g. Justin Bieber, One Direction, Ed Sheeran

Songs have so much potential and yet all pop music is this low iq shit, thanks to women
A bit of a fucked up question, but are any women here genuinely into scat? I'm just curious what you get out of that fetish (do you enjoy watching guys poop, do you enjoy guys watching you poop)
Why won't my bf kabedon me?
Don't pretend guys don't have dogshit taste
Can't stand most of the shit other guys listen to
Just like guys, girls listen to a lot of different shit
>actual rapists should be summarily executed.
No lol, it's about as serious a crime as assault resulting in permanent brain damage. Might as well say that cheaters should be summarily executed too (I'm sure you'll say you agree with this now).

Getting real tired of land whale opinions to be desu. Women are fucking retarded.
I'm not sure why you blame explicitly women when if you ask normie men their taste it's pretty much the same.
rape isn't the same as cheating, and yes, I think serial rapists should 100% be executed. I wonder if your opinion would change if you were raped and infected with HIV by a man you would say the same thing?
>I wonder if your opinion would change if you were raped and infected with HIV by a man you would say the same thing?
My strong opinion on the subject is informed by my experience getting sexually and physically abused from 6 years old onwards (inb4 some autistic terf masturbates to the thought of it because my mother did it and I have a penis). Parts of me are broken and can't ever be fixed due to it. Still doesn't justify your execution fixation, and certainly not in the kind of "rape" cases many people think should warrant that kind of absurdly harsh punishment. Getting drunk and fucking an 18 year old passed out drunk girl is not equivalent to raping and killing a child no matter how much your narcissism wants it to be.
Oh another thing: 99% of the freaks who wax poetic about how much they want to kill/torture/whatever rapists/etc. are just sadists who love having a socially acceptable outlet for their sick fantasies.
Assuming this isn't a larp, just communicate that you'd like for him to do that at some point.
I'm not sure why you're projecting with the whole 18 year old drunk girl when I said serial rapists? like I literally said that. I mostly think rapists should be executed due to a for repeated offenders, b. child sex offenders, and c. given certain components like stds, pregnancy, etc.
Sounds like you're the one who's a narcissist for making all of those assumptions because I had an opinion you didn't like. Weirdo.
while I won't justify the moral aspects because it is sick regardless, I do however still firmly believe that someone who tortures and murders pedophiles is still inherently better than people who rape children.
This has been empirically confirmed.

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i love to cook but for some reasons i'm not found of eating what i do, i prefer cooking than eating, and i'm not bragging or anything, it's pretty stupid to bake a cake and not eat it

i basically can cook anything with the right recipe and proper ingredient, but i have to admit i'm not really strong on indian food or anything middle east, way too much spices i'm not really used to,
I'm decent with any thing slingtly european and i'm a weeb so i'm into japanese home cooked stuff like curry or nikujaga or the '' one soup, one rice two sides'' average japanese meal.

pic related, bagels are either impossible to find or expensive as hell where i live, so i rather bake them, it's might not be as good as store brought but at least i know it's made and how much it really cost me
Yes. I cook a bit of everything, though I'm a bit plain about it. My actual passion is baking.
you know these insults really dont work when its very obvious you havent dealt with it yourself and have no idea what youre talking about

youre just jealous that girls get attention and you dont. Shocker, they wouldnt get any attention if men werent such simps

>hot water will basically coagulate he blood and make it last forever
heat cooks it

also yea. that's why you just have ugly panties with blood stains already in them. Cant even tell anymore
I remember when i used to get EXTREMELY heavy periods when i was a teenager. Went through like 2 ultra tampons a day or something. Usually i didnlt ruin the sheet sbut there were a few times. Frankly i wouldnt care about the sheets, its the mattress (even if you have a mattress protector it might get stained too)
also idk whos saying to just wear a tampon 24/7 but that's gross, and the cotton is literally bleached anyway. and only a retard would say to wear a tampon all the time. God i fucking hate these losers, i hope theyre kids so they still have a chance to grow up and learn.

also def will try that method anon ty! (apparently its oxyclean but concentrated lol)

i use a cup and desu i havent really leaked since! see thing is you ruin your underwear when your period starts out of the blue or in the middle of the night. it doesnt happen now im older and my periods are lighter and start more gradually (my body seemed to switch to cramps and a slightly lighter flow instead of heavy flow and feeling nothing lmao)

yknow i get banned from instagram and facebook and shit but its a real talent to get banned from 4chan
although i do womanpost so maybe women have immunity because of the sheer traffic they generate lmao but i wouldn think that traffic mattered to be quite honest
Will I ever be the object of someone’s desire if I’m a 5’7 man? I want to improve myself but if I’ve got a roadblock I’ll never get past then what’s the point. I’ve only ever had 2 women say they were attracted to me but I don’t know if they really meant it.

If I was 6’6 people would like me more
Interesting find. Thanks for posting this, anon.
Young men don't approach girls anymore because they were raised in a culture that told them that it was "never okay" to approach women who didn't consent to it beforehand because "women are sick of being catcalled", and because of the chilling effect that came with the #metoo movement that has caused them to second-guess whether the girl they're looking at is gonna report them for a sex crime just because he said hello.
This and I’ve just accepted the fact that most women don’t want me like that
M, 35, US

Question - Recently divorced at the beginning of last year after 17 years together, was looking to get back into dating but bars seem to not really be what they once were. I tried Tinder and POF, but it was pretty dogshit.

Is there something/somewhere I should be looking instead to try to get back out there? Am I out of touch and those apps aren't the ones to use now?
No one uses POF anymore, the 2 most popular are tinder and bumble.
The thing is, things are just worse now.
Pretty much every profile on PoF, especially the female ones, are scammers.
Like the other anon said, everything's shit now. Dating apps are basically just a waste of time.
well i understand this and i sympathise with men, especially as someone whos into like bdsm and "men having the power" and stuff. though my preferences are for personal relationships, not necessarily all men (although that wouldnt be so entirely bad). So I dont get offended that men dont approach me since i know it could be risky for them and i try and be really friendly so they know its okay. i mean i dont talk to anyone except dudes from dating apps but in theory.
but the other thing is men have to understand that they still have to approach people. You have to still know how to socialize and in a society where people have issues with it, having the right skills is especially important. itll help you stand out more too.
I was on a date at a guys house and since we didnt go out like we were supposed to, i suggested we watch a movie. we were lying on his bed, side by side. prior to that he stood behind me and put his hands gingerly on my waist and called me a "tiny little thing" or whatever like he just noticed it lol and that was his only "move" other than saying my shoes were small too. we werent even cuddling and he comes out with "so... do you wanna hook up?" and i had to say "..we havent even hugged yet" and he points out we did when we first say each other lol. We didnt hook up, i said "we can cuddle" which was a lot for me because not only do i not go to a guys house for a first date, i certainly dont cuddle them either. Than a few more times he (out of the blue) just grabs me or rubs me and says "Youre a sexy little thing arent you" (using the same phrase multiple times) and was pushing for sex like enough he wanted it but not enough that he was willing to put in effort... like "come on, just a little? no? ok. jk haha, unless...." and its like. what he SHOULDVE done if he wanted sex was to kiss and flirt and rizz me up, not just ask out of the blue. we're both 27 btw so its not like he shouldnt know how to woo a girl.
My cat and the smug satisfaction that I will never pay off a debt or taxes to the government for the rest of my life.
M 27
Fems is there a way to approach you ok public that isn't considered weird
Almost anywhere in any way is fine as long as you're attractive. I think a lot of men overthink this, and are looking for rules, or patterns that simply aren't there. You ever see The Princess Bride? Remember the "as you wish" game he ran on Buttercup? That only worked because 24 y/o farm boy Cary Elwes had a way of... awakening things in women who watched that movie. Could you imagine how the "as you wish" thing would have been received, by Buttercup and the audience if he was average looking? The same character, saying the same thing, saying it in the same way, but because he's unattractive, it's not smooth or romantic, it's just creepy.

Real life is no different. Take care of your body, dress well, pick up on cues, and do your best. If you strike out, take the L with grace and move on.
appreciate the replies, thanks

So if bars seem to have been replaced by apps, and the apps suck shit now, has nothing replaced it and things are just like this now? if so, explains a lot.
Women, how do you deal with the fact that the world is run by international criminals who will likely never be punished for their crimes? Does it help to just distract yourself with other stuff or is there something you think can be done?
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. The post-college dating scene in 2024 is a complete horror show.
yes, especially in a military uniform.
if a girl is cute shes used to being approached. Theres no magic way of getting a girl to like you. if youre fat or ugly shes probably not going to wet her panties over you, but if you want her to like you, be a positive influence in her life ie. be charming, funny, smart, interesting, ect. the looks are only a bonus. People like that

I know and keep my values close to me and live them out in my daily life. I take care of my body, Im not accepting of wokeism, I dont fall for the propaganda. I try and live a life where i have some influence or authority, so i can set life right in the way i want. I dont shy away from conflicts regarding my ethics or morals and i refuse to compromise on them.

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so hot. like please step on me
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>Men of 4chan. Is balding a big deal for you? How harsh is it to go through the process?

Honestly, it's not too bad. The worst part is when people look at you like you're some kind of wounded animal or been diagnosed with cancer. I sometimes miss my beautiful hair but shaving my head bald is very comfortable.

New to soc, it's kind of a mess. This thread looks interesting, though, so I want to ask a few questions.

Have you ever felt the need to "fix" a guy you decided to date?

How much of a red flag is someone who hasn't dated in a decade, assuming they're stable otherwise?

Would you consider someone who works odd hours, like graveyard weekends or is away for extended periods of time? How available does a guy need to be?

How much of an attraction to a guy is based on how closely they resemble someone from a show, book or movie you like?

Sorry they're mostly relationship questions, I'll think up some more later when I wake up.
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I'm 5'6 and I've pulled it off on a number of occasions.

Started balding at 20, so I just had to deal with it. Fortunately, I have a bit of a Jason Statham vibe, so I wear it quite well.
Height should not be a problem, my bf is probably 5'6-5'7. Focus on improving yourself and your self confidence then you'll find people who like you for you
What can I say, we have a tendency to lurk

Well I am a military man, for casual sex it's ok. Not for relationships tho.

Girls of 4chan hit me up 0hBo1
For women ig.
I barely know how to ask this question, but I'll try.

How do I initiate physical contact with someone and how do I know if It's to an appropriate degree? I really have no clue how to kiss someone, not the physical action but the part leading up to it. This being an issue at 28 y/o sure is quite strange.

I'm not even fugly or incapable of being flirty and have no autism diagnosis. It's just the result of basement dwelling for 7 years because of MDD, social anxiety and avoiding girls like the plague during my high school years.

I've had multiple women showing interest since I recovered from NEETdom but I've never once acted on it. It feels obvious in hindsight that they were just waiting for me to take action. But I legit have no idea how to do this without being a total fucking sperg or in the worst case, make someone feel uncomfortable.

I sometimes have nightmares about this.
youre a retard, height does 100% matter, first impressions are everything,
women say height doesnt matter to save face,
just lie constantly to them and ignore them to a degree thats how you become an object of obsession
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I would lean more towards BDP, but please don't self-diagnose.

>lady after my 6x5.5 inch penis
That was me, and I was saying that was the ideal size.

>that picture

>Why don't women write first?
Women don't deserve writes.

Hey, I live in Texas.
>I will die on the hill that is Tywin did nothing wrong
The only thing he did wrong, objectively, is using the Mountain and sicking him on Elia and her children, but this can also be blamed on Aerys.
>I feel his assessment of Tyrion was ultimately proven correct
Yes and no. Tywin saw the worst in Tyrion (i.e. low cunning), but it also bothered Tywin that his "best" child was the one that killed his wife and brought shame to his family. Jaime has no desire to hold power and Cersei was the worst of the three.
>one of the most tragically realistic portrayals of a victim of sexual abuse in fiction

>She acted like a bitch
She didn't though. She always defended Forrest and treated him with kindness. Despite everything wong with her, she never took it out on him.
>you can excuse most crimes with "muh childhood", "muh empathy"
What crimes did she commit? Not choosing a good partner because she was mentally unwell isn't a crime, it's just a bad choice.
>She had several chances and each time she threw it away.
That's the moral of the story. By the time she healed and was ready to accept Forrest's love, she was already dying.

>But then she had to fuck it up and run away with kid.
She didn't know she was pregnant after just one night. But she left because she still felt she didn't deserve him. It never registered to her that she could make him happy because she didn't see that in herself.
>Forrest is the best she could have with his dedication and reliability
She did know that, but it was never about her. It was a out protecting Forrest from her. She did wait too long to tell him, I agree, but it was never meant to hurt him.
What kind of posts catch your interest and make you want to chat?
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>believing that kindness isn't always a trap
Or transactional.
>Did 10 y/o me deserve what happened?
What happened? I don't think I remember you mentioning that.
>I'm sorry that happened to you
It's in the past now

That's your queue to shut up and let us drink.

>Women, do you like to cook?
I do. I used to hate it.
>If so, what types of meals do you like to cook?
I like to try a little bit of everything, but Mexican and Latin food is my wheelhouse.

>Why do women have such an awful taste in music?
You just haven't heard good pop music. My taste is the best, objectively.

>Getting drunk and fucking an 18 year old passed out drunk girl is not equivalent to raping and killing a child no matter how much your narcissism wants it to be.
A rapist puts their own sexual gratification before the physical and mental well-being of their victim, made all the worse when it's a child. Rape should be punishable by death because it's objectively one of the most immoral acts a human can inflict upon another and we have no use for someone that would do that.

>is there something you think can be done?
Aside from dragging them out of the mansions and executing them in the streets? No, not really. As we saw during the BLM protests and insurrection, they're perfectly fine with civilian deaths and property damage, but if you come to the public building they work at, they show themselves for the cowards they are.

>How do I initiate physical contact with someone and how do I know if It's to an appropriate degree?
Watch Charisma on Command
>That was me, and I was saying that was the ideal size.
Weren’t you saying how you wanted me to rail you? I might be forgetting, it was several days ago
For male anons,

What is your opinion of ladies who are still virgins? Like 22-27 range?
Easy fix
I find them a little intimidating. Two inexperienced people together sounds tricky to navigate.
As long as they don't make a big deal over it I don't care, not a red flag or bad thing (not even necessarily a good thing, I don't fetishize virginity).
If they decent looking, fit, good personality and know their worth then they're the best kind. They didn't sleep around or get with some random unclean faggot off the street just because horny.

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