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you know the drill
Donald trump is aryan
M29 bi Adelaide guy here
Keen for some fun
average, into games and music, a bit of a loner
>looking for
girls or femboys who wanna chat and then fuck
>not looking for
guys or alot of personal hanging out
disc: jhin_lover2.0
bi 25m qld
very into music, train boxing
looking for femboys/trans or girls, down for anything
discord: arah111
M19 gay, Queensland
looking for a cutie femboy to fuck and play vidya
disc is absolance
M26 Straight Melbourne

Shitposter thats spent too much time online.

Looking to just get outside and interact with people more, practice socialising and maybe hear advice on what to do with myself etc.
Not looking for hookups/relationships.

Discord: 0ggles
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I remember when this thread was vaguely alive. Now it's windowshopping for discords
21 M NSW Straight
Average, play vidya on PC, wanting some courage to do shit and go out more.
Could hookup with a girl (no trans)
Don't want a overly neagtive person
Discord: floqen221
yeah it's like the same few people send the same messages each time but no one adds each other. we should all get together and kiss and cuddle and stuff as bros.
Aight anons, I'm gonna be in Brisbane for a few days out of necessity

What is good to do/go? Would rather spend the time there wisely than just sit around
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18f syd
need frens. i like music and roblox. extremely retarded. might meet up if ur chill. NOT looking for hookups or trading nudes

discord: k4zekami
21M Bi Melbourne
>About me
I Want frens to play board games/vidya with. A few autism points away from non verbal (please do remember this lmao I’m not dry I just don’t understand conversations and small talk too well) but I warm up to similar people who share similar interests. I love games like factorio, PZ, CS2 (who wants to watch IEM Dallas :3), terraria, modded MC. For board games I’ll play most games. Betrayal on the house on the hill, some terraforming mars game, dune imperium. Risk GoT is my favourite though. I am going to study electrical engineering and I love going on long train rides to Belgrave and camping and want to visit the PNW one day. I also mod PZ a bit and hopefully stardew one day plus i like computer hardware/networking.
>Looking for
Frens to game with. Not picky but I’d hope we share some interests :3. I’m bi but I don’t like masc dudes. Cute soft and cuddly people are awesome we can play vidya all day in bed and cuddle so we don’t freeze our asses off this winter…
>Not looking for
People who don’t share any my interests.
Yes as in the cat, big poo
yo liv if ur seeing this i am very apologetic pls add me back :(
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Hello fellow /Newcastle/ chads; I will monitor this thread but how are you doin'
Not as smart
What do you like to do or eat?
File deleted.
Anyone recognize this cutie from Victoria?
27 m Melbourne SE burbs
work full time, like a bunch of different things, in general pretty chill, easier to just start chatting and ask me questions
>looking for
whoever, whatever, just some chats at this stage I guess
>not looking for
I don't know, if I don't like it I'll stop responding or just be upfront
kik : Checkedmate00
legit autist, i struggle socially irl and take a while to warm up to ppl. unhappy with current circumstances but have high hopes for the future. intelligent but lazy. i have a lot of sperg hyper-fixated interests which are too boring to list.. and then normie ones such as gardening.
>looking for
connection and conversation, i suppose. i like to laugh. i'm gay, so ideally a woman but i understand the outlook for that is grim kek. i can form a connection with and am happy to talk to men but i will not develop feelings for you.
>not looking for
sex stuff, homophobe or sexists (fine to talk poorly of other marginalised groups though lolol), idiots. wouldn't wanna meet w people right off the bat.
respond with yours heheh (i don't have kik)
I don't know what's worse. Reading what you put here or that game where you put a rolled up news paper in your ass and set it alright and you see how far you can run before it burns your ass
let me know when you figure it out
28 year old dom from Syd. Looking to anonymously breed. Im tall, fit, sane and im genuine.

discord: daexros
Super Average, a lot of pc gaming (MMO's mostly), anime, mtg.
looking for girls to chat/game/hangout with, bonus if you're willing to lead conversation a bit.
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37/m from Sydney. Fill out the survey, ya dropkicks, so we know what we are dealing with here. Discord is almightyolive but that's not important since you'll reply with your results on here. Also, I'm straight until you start claiming that you give good head.

> 0. A/S/L?
> 1. How Australian do you feel? Are you proud of your background?
> 2. When did you realise that you were a faggot?
> 3. Do you think people should use words like faggot, retard, tranny, etc?
> 4. How often do you go out to touch grass?
> 5. How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
> 6. What's was your favourite morning cartoon show growing up?
> 7. Where do you fall on the spectrum?
> 8. Do you have lots of friends that you meet up IRL? Why / Why not?
> 9. If you were on a quiz show where you have to choose a niche category of questions, what would be your speciality? Try to keep it as narrow as possible.
> 10. What's your favourite anime? (it's fucking 4chan, of course everyone here likes anime)

I'll go first

>> 0. A/S/L?

>> 1. How Australian do you feel? Are you proud of your background?
Pretty aussie until someone mentions that I look middle eastern, then I'm expected to be an expert on hummus and the situation in Israel / Palestine

>> 2. When did you realise that you were a faggot?
I'm a straight guy, but damn the gays give good head

>> 3. Do you think people should use words like faggot, retard, tranny, etc?
Only people trying to be edgy uses that sort of shit, if you're a real aussie then you can come up with more creative insults

>> 4. How often do you go out to touch grass?
I gotta do it more often, usually only go out at night

>> 5. How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
All the time, YouTube feed is pretty much Kings and Generals and W40K lore

>> 6. What's was your favourite morning cartoon show growing up?
Cheez TV with Pokemon and Dragonball Z

>> 7. Where do you fall on the spectrum?
Pretty average really, all things considered. Doesn't explain the depression though

>> 8. Do you have lots of friends that you meet up IRL? Why / Why not?
Usually once a week I meet up with 1 or 2 people. Find me at Establishment bar on the weekend because my mates work in finance (plus the divorced milfs are hot)

>> 9. If you were on a quiz show where you have to choose a niche category of questions, what would be your speciality? Try to keep it as narrow as possible.
Fuck me I wrote this shit and yet I'm struggling... would've said something programming and computing related but I can't remember half the acronyms and shit the young kids use. If push came to shove then probably Greek mythology.

>> 10. What's your favourite anime? (it's fucking 4chan, of course everyone here likes anime)
I haven't really been into anime lately, still stuck in the days of Ghost in a Shell and Full Metal Alchemist.
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M/19/Gay, Whyalla SA
Looking someone else here to chat and trade pics, maybe meet up
Sending girls their own nudes or guys their sisters/daughters.

Nl friendly, can bm.

Bonus for Vic.

I like to eat just about anything but haven't had good seafood in a minute

Interests are quite varied; like outdoorsy activities, quite enjoy karaoke and dancing on a night out, arts/culture/music
Victorians, is it over? Crime rate is increasing, immigrants keep on coming and invading the neighbourhoods.
23/M/Western Suburbs of Melbourne (I know right)
Film and /lit/ man. Love to travel the world (going to Europe in June). I will probably talk your ear off about that shit. Huge horror nut but also a sucker for classic films and novels. Other smaller interests of mine are history, geography, humanities, vidya and puzzles. For interested grills looking to date I am happy to send a photo if we get along.
>looking for
Someone who likes to talk. If I talk to one more lazy conversationalist I might blow my brains out. Also it would be nice to talk with someone else who likes watching movies, reading or travelling. I'm also into pretty much anything creative so if you're a painter, photographer, etc add me and show me what you got.
>not looking for
gay niggas. I'm straight. Also not looking for people who expect me to spoonfeed them attention and conversation.
Discord: yman2029
29/M/ just recently moved to Brisbane.

Don't really know anyone here. Looking for friends more than anything else. Am into PC gaming, board games, MTG, and music.

Disc: hazman
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Any femboys who can take hung dick?

M 20 Australia

8inches uncut

Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720

Up for almost anything.
Kik: summerhoot


Straight bi curious. Wanna talk with anyone who could assist in that.
ban this bitch shes like 15
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M25, melb, fit bottom. Never been with a guy but extremely curious. Kik is getgood35
Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Snapchat:Telegram: ladybabes69
Where can I get some LSD
If you know a hook up in Sydney then send 'em my way
Noobs its mushroom season just go picking. i don't pick anymore but I've seen plenty of patches of subs that high school fags haven't brutalized. Just make sure you're not picking funeral bells or larrys and you'll be fine.
Is that Taotan?
Waiting for mushie season to hit qld. Still a little too warm me thinks
Gymbro back in nihilism after some more fuckery from trying to be a decent person again
>looking for
Conversation or meet ups with fems that aren't gonna do my head in
>not looking for
Being an emotional tampon with diminishing returns
Snap sexymongrel84
Do you guys even have days of below 20c up there? Good to go down and have a look, even if you don't find anything. Been getting plenty down here.
Yeah we do, although it normally tops out at about 23-25 at around 1pm-3pm
my dumb ass won't tell the difference between mushrooms... knowing my luck I'll pick up the poison ones
i'm alright how about you
Use shroomery dot org for id confirmation
average, kinda smart i guess,
>looking for
girls or femboys who wanna humiliate me :3
>not looking for
disc: jhin_lover2.0
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Kik bj789012
M Melb/Geelong

Recently realised im very curious about sucking dick. Looking for anyone willing to help me with these curiosities.
Pic is me
19 trans girl au
>Sexual interests
frotting, humiliation, bwno, sissification, farts, piss, cumflation, ageplay, petplay
>Looking for
older master to serve and break me in
>Not looking for
other subs
No wonder this thread is dead.
Obviously bitching does nothing to save it but it's not like trying to have a normal conversation will accomplish anything sandwiched between five lonely, sexless men begging for physical touch.
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I love cross dressing, cute anime girls, and cosplay
>looking for
People to be frens and/or get sucked off by me in cosplay. (please be from brisbane or close by)
>not looking for
People without anime girl profile pics.
People not from brisbane.
I fucking hope that wasnt you at kmart arana hills just now.
Your dick was showing out of your sun dress
Kik: summerhoot

Bicurious in Melbourne
Looking for similar minded
Do you use session?
Does anyone know Maya Sage?
stop talking to my bf i literally hate all of u
Hey baby im here for you!
27 / m / melb
>Looking for
I just wanna suck dicks
Disc - protty
snap - aenicus
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kik: kunquats

29M. In Sydney by myself for the next few weeks. Any ideas?
22 M sydney

Looking for girls or femboys who wanna fuck :3

discord: jhin_lover2.0
27 / m / melb
>Looking for
I just wanna suck dicks
Disc - prottyg
snap - aenicus
why don't you poofters just go on grindr or to a gay bar?
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building a factory tonight
Perth is so isolated. Living there's gotta feel lonely or something.
How many lanes on your main bus?
Any less than 5 and you are a disgrace.
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Damn, Im in Adelaide
You know the answer... they too ugly
Be the change you want to see.....

But yeah, people don't know how to pick up irl anymore

Practice the art of conversation ya bozos
never got people who are into fart, shit and piss. Just fucking weird all around.

Should disconnect from porn for a bit... the algorithm is eating your brain
Sure is, hard to find WA guys to talk dirty with

Kik Suckabro
being isolated with a few million people doesn't feel that isolated day to day. if your goal is meeting in person places like /soc/ are terrible of course

just head down to steamworks bro
You keen to meet up? I'm in adelaide until tomorrow
Don't pick the yellowish ones growing in a ring around a tree, they're poison. Otherwise you're pretty good.
sent a friend request, disc: ayyrmao
we could suck eachother off
Yeah, can you host?
Still surprised at how gay Australia is
Nah man I have a gf, was just looking for perth guys for degen talk
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why? you can degen talk with anyone anywhere
G'day cunts I'm an American with a work and holiday visa for a year and no set plans beyond my first two weeks. Any recommendations on what to do/see? I like all foods n outdoorsy shit like sailing, diving, hiking, and climbing. Will most likely die of exhaustion innadesert trying to find a roo to fistfight
hi, i relate to you quite a bit and i am also female. could you please post a contact? I am scared to post mine here
Seriously thinking of leaving Melbourne. Was the most locked down place for good reason. All the people around me are incredibly shallow, simple and incapable of being loyal friends. In the suburbs I grew up, most people listen to the 'Hot Topic' scene and are, or have at some point been, emos. I just need different vibes.

Where should I go?
I'm going to Mexico. Never had vaxx requirements for entry, never locked down.

If I had to stay in Aus I'd go to Tasmania, some empty town with cheap property like Queenstown or rural.
I'm thinking of moving to Japan. You can buy property without citizenship right now, and the girls there like men of my level of masculinity. I just don't think I hold up enough to be valuable to anyone in this culture. 33 and literally the only girlfriend I've had was here on a visa, from a small provincial town in Japan. Every other girl I've been involved with treats me like some kid to use and then dump, at the very best. Most the time they just cuck me and fuck my friends.
yap yap chinky
Normal ugly, uncharismatic or unintelligent people usually understand their shortcomings
Only 4channers are convinced everyone around them is the problem and they are actually loveable. Sorry you got cheated on, idk how you fell for whores multiple times but shit probably sucks.

5'5 average white dude into videogames, anime etc

>looking for
Some dick to suck/someone to suck me, depending on the mood, fwb if we click, someone to play games with too, just good vibes all round. Male or female.

>not looking for
any anal from me, all around keen for other stuff
Is there any actual woman in adelaide on this board I would love to meet them lmao.
19f, looking for friends. snap: babyskitso
what's your contact deets?
here's an idea, then. if two of you poofs got together you could team up and be a double act to lure in higher quality homos.
snapchat - Brisbanecia
youre not him stop stop stop stop stop youre not him
i love my bf we aare escaping this soc hellhole
You will come back.
You always come back.
Right now you are here saying you will go away forever.
But you know better than that.
I know you are fated to come and return to what you call a "hellhole".
See you in a bit.
Do you dislike trans people?
I'm in Victoria too and not looking for dates, since I'm married. But eh.
i live in syd
Yeah and all our girls are becoming OnlyFans whores or just plain whores now. Last girl I fucked ghosted me (high point for me) and told me I'm worthy of fapping to her OnlyFans. Funny considering she's an okay looking icehead bitch.

I believe the last girl I dated and fell in love with was headed that way too. The pics she was uploading to her Instagram were starting to get a bit suggestive. We shared art and I really opened myself up to her. Now it feels like she has no soul.

This place was the most locked down place in the world for a bunch of reasons, and in turn it is worsening those reasons. Things aren't going to get better here. I'm giving great consideration to leaving this pleb riddled shithole.
Australia is marry a prostitute

It always has been, that’s what they gave convicts when they were free, a prostitute wife and some land.

Hundred years on and we’re still expected to marry a prostitute

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