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The true new Europe thread post your asl a little about yourself and your discord

No server posters y'all suck

19 m ireland
> About me
I don't know man I like things and stuff you should jsut add me and ask about it
Discord: vox.cxst
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>Long distance fine, Y/N?
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
>Physical description
5'8, brown eyes and hair, pretty slim, sometimes glasses
Everything related to computers. I write, read, draw and play chess. I would like to learn to play some instrument in the future. Good cook, probably.
>Current occupation/Schooling
I will be graduating from high school soon.
>Life goals
To create something big/great, find soulmate and become self-sufficient as much as possible.
>Looking for
Nothing specific comes to mind.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Uses drugs/smokes, drinks a lot of alcohol, is promiscous.
20s / Man / Croatia
A former software developer who's now living on his own farm with an obsession for history, humanity, and reading.
>looking for
I'm looking for Slavs and Slavic language speakers with plenty of free time to help me translate some stuff, find me books, etc.
I'm trying to use AI and my limited knowledge of art to create free media that may revive interest in some of our more forgotten folk stories and other parts of our cultures.
You can also add me if you're just interested in seeing what I'm making or if you want to talk about interesting historical topics.
>not looking for
Anything in any way romantic or sexual, LGBT, niggers, kikes, porn addicts, cringe balkan memes
Discord: josipstiho
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26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Someone who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted.
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. You will be _my queen_ (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters

>contact info
Discord: homer_hesiod_and_sappho
>About me
Student/neet currently, studying business management. I have done a lot of stuff but things become boring for some reason, I know a a little bit about everything basically. I feel like I don't belong in the normie circles but I also just lurk on boards and not too involved here
Things I have done in the past: Painting miniatures, Fencing, Gym
Things I currently do: TTRPG's/Vidya/Tv series/anime/Jogging
I play all sorts of vidya - probably favourite genre is strategy
>What are you looking for
Long term relationship with a femanon, hopefully someone who can chat with me on discord and game and such
>Not looking for
Only sex
Someone with nothing in common with me
discord: ew0007

Posting again
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22 / M / Germany (NRW)

>Long Distance ?
Only if its not too far

>Physical description
Skinny but not anorexic, short black hair, 187cm height

Hiking, reading, cooking, getting wasted, vidya, travelling, crafting, learning languages

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, Femboys, Trannies

>Looking for
biological woman with interest in long-term dating

>ideal preferrences
short and not fat, humoristic, plays vidya, can maintain a conversation, can discuss politics

hieronymus21 (discord)
27 m N.Ireland

I play fighting games, I workout, I don't really come here.
Anyone can message me. I'm chill and friendly. If youre after something specific just lemme know in ur msg

Discord: Thaw24
Nina in Vienna may I ask for your discord?
Sure, I'm semi-bored and got time to kill

Disc: rykertrye
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my interests are video games, true crime, ARGs, pharmacology, fashion, mental illness, antipsychiatry, Pullip dolls, scenecore music

looking for anything that isn't in my not looking for list, preference for the mentally ill or girls

not looking for trannies, faggots (including bisexuals), asian lovers (im not asian but this shit is cringe), left leaning males

socrazy4u on discord

gna sleep
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Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
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I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me
20 f
chronically online, average, introvert, trol,

>looking for
anything, no nsfw

>fuck off
libtards,wokies,normies,newfags,dark people, men over 30

any Italian anons here? Planning on moving there in a year or so, wouldn't mind making friends ahead of time
Where are you moving to anon?
I'm one, but I am not currently living in Italy
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18 ftm EU
>interests / hobbies
botany, baking, hiking
>looking for
>not looking for
people who go back on their word, people with mustaches (bad experience with dog walkers in the past)
25 M Italy
I'm a graduate polyglot looking to work in tourism for the summer and later as a state language teacher.
Ancient history, theater, opera, religion (know most of them but personally I'm a buddhist), occultism, languages, occasionally visual novels and anime/manga
>looking for
Idk my discord is dead so anyone worth my time is good
>not looking for
Coombrains, trolls, girls who aren't my age or older, dogmatics, skeptics
thinking about moving to Bassano del Grappa, north of Padova - have some family there and I like the area. Might consider a larger city too like Verona or Padova, but I feel like it'll be easier to integrate if I'm in a smaller city.

where are you living anon?
31 M Slovenia
Details in pic
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I'm in California but I'm looking for someone with a British accent to be lewd friends with ~ that accent turns me on so much.

discord tag is chickenclaw3
asl is 26 f pacific time zone

Add me if you have a british accent and are willing to flirt in voice chat.

I'm severely autistic just fyi
you're also a slut because in a different post you said you were a virgin who already wanted to fuck 2 guys and now already has plans to fuck a 3rd just to lose her virginity, which is the sickest thing as a virgin man who would maybe want to to be with you, to imagine
Polish bf when?
i sent you a request, I'm the guy with the 'im just ken' wojack. im british. i would want stuff in return though.
No elo nie miej siurka i git
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exercise and sports, Nature, Vexillology, Creating music, History, countries, geography and philosophy, Movies, Politics
Self improvement and journalling, Family and cats, Cooking
>looking for
I value openness, intelligence, understanding and quick wit, looking for a VC buddy but text is fine
aš tave apšlapinsiu
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Discord: berkhhh#8063
>where are you living anon?
I moved to germany
>thinking about moving to Bassano del Grappa
Funnily I am from that region
M Austria

Wanna suck
Am in Germany too :p
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>About me
Homebody person its been a while since Im alone but used to it, I like to describe myself as someone stuck between neet and normal person and thus I have trouble finding contacts
I like being silly, rarely serious, carefree, schizoid, nice, clueless, I adjust myself to people I talk to, probably depressed but I dont care,
basic 4chan/nerd shit,I like some chess too, used to do sports and outdoors stuff ,exploring nearby forests, but it changed to doomscrolling
I spent free time at home pretty much most of the time doing various internet activities
I have big collection of anime art/pictures gathered thru the years
>What you're looking for / not looking for
looking for genuine girls to potentially become friends with and to do frequent talks or activities together, whatever works
Nice dubs
Also I'm hoping you too are going to enjoy the monday off fren
Why would you prank me :(
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Hey, fren. New server. If the invite expires reply to this post and I'll send a new one.
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>Describe yourself
190+ cm, average build, brown messy hair, eyebags, sasquatch genes and a beard I look for any excuse to shave. Been told I have a handsome face enough times to believe it, and I've been managing to maintain a workout routine as of late. Into Animanga, TTRPGs, IT, occasional vidya (more so if it's co-op with someone I like), collecting fanart, philosophy, trying to learn Japanese. I also have my fair share of kinks if that's something on your checklist. I like to think I'm a good listener and that I can come up with a worthwhile reply to anything on a good day. I'm also extremely proud of my file organization
>Looking for
A soulmate. Someone to get me out of the funk that's been following me my entire life, and someone for whom I can hopefully do the same. The more interests and mental baggage we share the better. Gender-wise, I'm bisexual on paper, but we're probably both better off if you're as female as possible (yeah, I know). Location-wise, Belgrade would be great, but being cognizant of the shithole I live in I'll settle with a similar timezone and a faint promise we'll both work hard to meet up (and stay met up) one day
>Not looking for
A friend in a similar predicament I can talk about all this with (and not much else). I'm all tapped out on that front sadly
>Discord tag
>Search keywords
Belgrade / Beograd, Serbia / Serbian / Srbija, Balkan / Balkans
22 m France
>About me
Neet who got too much free time, I like gunpla and older anime, also I have a really big dick and yes Im looking for female like everybody else
>What you're looking for / not looking for
Looking for female, not looking for faggot
snap Celestinroi
Discord is urang_
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Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
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21 M EU
> About me
I'm a loser. Largely due to my less than fortunate circumstances, but also by my own choice. Yet I wish to change it.
In particular, 2 depression (in 2022 and 2023) have made me signifcantly regress cognitively in a measurable way. Similarly, despite my mood being significantly better, my motivation is still affected, and I also have other emotional issues
I'm not fine with this, and accordingly go to therapy, take drugs, and do other things. What I am not doing is being radically honest about myself
>Looking for
I hope to mainly discuss drugs (nootropics), biohacking, and therapy, and other self-improvement related things. But at the end of the day, I post here and not just look for these things IRL because real life necessitates filters.
I am looking for egoless discussions regarding self-improvement. I'll be completely honest with you, avoiding any standard self-protection mechanisms, e.g., giving an impression of being reliable when one actually isn't, etc
>Not looking for
Those incapable of forming friendship, whether it be due to complete lack of social skills or other issues
People who both aren't highly dissatisfied with their lives and lack expertise with helping those who are. In case of the former, people who don't wish to be mutually accountable to each other, etc., as to achieve our goals
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Join if you're miserable.


Losers Lounge
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I have a lot of cars. I enjoy modern art and ultra-modern & mid-century architecture.
I'm into sewing, knitting, fashion, gardening and cooking as well as things like cars, bikes, fixing planes, DIY stuff in general.. I like to create things, like radio control models, build retro computers, make plants grow.. I don't watch anime or any shows or anything, so I wouldn't have a clue if you were gonna talk to me about it.. How about some Minecraft? I also play War Thunder and Helldivers 2..
I've got greyish green eyes, brown hair, and I'm not vaccinated!
>looking for
I'm looking for someone to talk to a lot, on a regular basis.. Ideally, someone who becomes one with me, but hey, that's just a dream!
>not looking for
You know what? Just surprise me and we'll see... I'm open to anyone if it's friendly.. If it's for more, just know that I'm straight as an arrow!
Are there ANY women in Europe? ANY???
19 F france
>about me
bored asf college student. living in my dorm all of summer
add my discord: annaj0y

discord for all people ages 18-30, gooners, mentally ill, weebs, gamers. lots of people from europe are here<33

everyone is welcome tho :>
i pretty much just go gym, play vidya and tinker with stuff. im a neet, mainly focused on self improvement atm. im well travelled, nonchalant about most things and introverted
vidya (survival horror, platformers, fromsoft stuff + way more), weeb shit, lifting, film, lost media, horror, spooky /x/ type shit, sonic, silent hill, old internet culture, general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles, travel (going to Thailand soon so if you've any tips id appreciate it)
>looking for
people to shoot the shit with over text, vc would be nice, im always down to watch stuff be it anime, films or random yt videos. i like streaming games to ppl and im thinking about marathoning the 3d zeldas. pls dont be offended if i dont dont add back, i try to only add a few people at a time
>not looking for
mass adders, doomers, low effort, edating, nsfw
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>About You/Hobbies

Love cooking, gaming (MTG, shooters, arpgs, dota, D&D, pretty much anything somewhat challenging really), learning, cinema, handywork, historical fashion, historical arms and armour, biology, heavy music (metal and dark synth are some of my favorites, but i also love Folk and a lot of other music), some anime, i'm pretty much a pit of interests, if i find something cool i end up learning about it.

I like talking to people about things they are passionate about, especially if we can learn from eachother.

If you're interested in cooking i'm always down to teach, i'm a professional cook and been developing my own recipes for about 12 years.

>Looking for
Someone to spend time with, do arts and crafts, watch movies, play games, share music, hopefully develop a meaningful relationship.
I've had a lot of bad experiences but i'm always willing to give people a chance.

>Not looking for
Men (i'm androphobic, sorry), libtards, overly religious people.

Discord: beaconoflove
that's right im posting my server, suck it nigga





Hello, you should join our silly friends server for banter among other chan losers.
NEETs, chuds, troons, oldfags, and the mentally ill are all welcome!
Fat women encouraged to join!
18+ ONLY
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Gay twink
I like outdoorsy stuff, cooking, video games, movies, music, sports, reading
>looking for
A friend or a boyfriend
>not looking for
Dry people

pic is me :3
>took 12 years to build
>harbour - vital to rhodes - would have been blocked for some of these years
>made with 20 tons of bronze
>cast and erected? Or cast sections stacked, hoisted with scaffolding and winches
>some accounts say it straddled the harbour, others say it stood on one side
idk, I'm not convinced it ever existed, desu. The only evidence is from inconsistent anecdotes
Balkan server
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>about me
Chill, fun dude. Way too honest for my own good. I'm a nerd, but I won't pretend that I watch or play that much anime and games respectively. I can get a little overwhelmed at times and may not respond for a while so keep that in mind
>looking for
Acquaintanceship or hopefully friendship if I vibe with you. Maybe meeting irl if you're local, as I met someone from here recently and it was a good time.
>not looking for
Cringe. (aka: sex, incels, liars, ewhores, trad larpers/christians, typewriter tough guys, manipulators, groomers, rolling up to a metal show wearing a slipknot/korn/limp biskit tee [do this and lose ur liver!!!!!!])
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Music (speedcore, gabber, happy hardcore, mashcore, breakcore, makina, extratone, etc.), tetris, old internet, flash games, arcade shoot-em-ups, obscure youtube videos
>Looking for
someone who likes similar things to me and likes to share old websites, videos, music, games, stuff like that but mainly just general chatting
>Not Looking for
e-daters, clingy people, people who expect instant replies
29 f EU
>About me
working lots, sometimes travelling to major cities in EU for work reasons, maybe up to a few times per month
meeting up after I'm done with my work in my travels
>What you're looking for / not looking for
looking for "normal" people, who can chat normally and interested to meet
not looking for anyone outside EU sorry
female, 19

>About me
Life is not so great now (is it ever? (it is)) and I have no friends. I feel stuck in life, so the only solution is to talk to /soc/ people, obviously.
But actually, I like listening to new music, excluding hiphop, and just listening to people ramble/rambling myself. We can play minecraft (maybe) or stardew valley or watch stuff.

I suck at talking to people, so if I'm dry/boring, it's not on purpose. VC is preferred after a while :)
(I'm not into guns, I just like cool postcards.)

disc: nycti.corax
What country are you in, dipshit
Add me and you'll find out retard
"what country are you in"
"(wrong answer)"
Just save everyone the time and effort you entitled cunt
20 M Norway
>looking for
anyone who likes to play games and is interested in IT stuff
What do you consider "wrong answer"
"She" obviously doesn't want relationships and is likely just here for comparable timezones to make chatting easier or make ping lower to play together

What's the difference if "she" is in Norway, Germany, Spain or Switzerland?
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18 M Slovakia

>About me
i don't know how to talk to people
i've been quiet for so long i forgot how to hold a conversation

(be ready that most of the time you'll be the one asking questions and keeping the convo alive)

dry asf

>Looking for
don't know myself
open to everything

what's the point if you're just going to ghost
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27 M EU
Have onlineitis, like music and comfy Vidya
chats, gaming, sfw
Gays, oldfags, normies, furries, degenerates
Fitness discord (lots of euros)

Where did you go
M/30/ I could be Europe
I bought a VW mk6 Jetta sportwagen TDI in hopes of impressing any Germans or Austrian girls that may live in Indiana. Just found out the sunroof leaks. I guess you can a rizzler drives a drizzlers.
Add me discord
Ahaha that's prolly the funniest rizz up attempt I ever saw XD Am not in Indiana tho rip
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A NEET atm but I live alone. I like anime and weeb related stuff a lot, videogames aswell as reading LN's or philosophy/history and working out to stay fit. I'm also a 2hu enjoyer.
I mostly play Cata classic,ff14, elden ring, occasional OW with my irl oomfies and some other stuff but im open for suggestions and duo would be neat. I can be pretty autistic and ranty about stuff I find interesting and I have a MAL if u are curious.

>looking for
frens,weebs,chill people to play games and watch stuff with if we get along,

>not looking for
extreme mental illness,coomerss

>discord tag
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22 m France
>About me
Neet who got too much free time, I like gunpla, black metal and older anime, also I have a really big dick and yes Im looking for female like everybody else
>What you're looking for / not looking for
Looking for female, not looking for faggot
snap Celestinroi
Discord urang_
Hi! Join /domek/!

>/int/ernational server, all nationalities welcome!
>friendly and stable community
>mid-sized, comfy atmosphere
>animu, vidya, music, random spam, nsfw and lots of other stuff!
>vocal political extremism, inciting violence, gore, threats and similar stuff banned

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I don't like discord but here's my Kik: bigmeancock78. I'm from Spain and I like, girls, femboys and cucks. Come talk to me
clean out the sunroof drains bro, worst case if the tubes are broken you may have to drop the headliner. don't let it leak inside the car cause it will kill the electronics and total it
Add me
My rizz can cross oceans alps and rhine.
Cut the ends off the drain hoses to see if it will flow better. It does. Only soaks my floorboards or drips from my roof during heavy rain.
oh no, is it lowered and has aftermarket wheels on it? ruined!
28, M, Poland

Basically looking for someone, anyone (though preferably F) to throw some shit at the wall, seeing what sticks and what doesn’t. Bored out of my mind, sad and kinda lonely. Can give anything in return (within reason)

I actually gave it a new tiguan suspension so it rides slightly higher than stock. The wheels are stock but plasticoates black and they are peeling.
Oh it must be designed to look like that stock then, I'm not a VW guy but a Mercedes guy
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32 male Poland searching for Woman for watching films in bed. Im 195 cm height. From small village poverty
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21 M Europe
>subjects of interest
medical student, I'll be a doctor next year which I cannot believe. time moves quickly but I don't know how I made it this far
in terms of interests, i'm passionate about all things to do with health, biology and so on. i also enjoy fitness and literature. i play video games sometimes but not very often. i love film, art and poetry. i like sociology and thinking about human behaviour and certain phenomena that go with that and would like to learn more about history. i find great pleasure in learning how different people think, discovering new perspectives and looking for patterns in things. i like thinking as deeply about essences and the nature of things as i am capable.
i tend to smile for no reason
>looking for
a friend to text back and forth as we go through our respective lives
>not looking for
stagnant losers, people without direction, people that think about sex or their gender identity too much
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Discord: berkhhh#8063
18/m Looking for people to rate me (preferably female) and just to talk
nothing gay pls
discord: anon0063
Fake, you’re retarded if you fall for this
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chainsaw man, roblox, valorant, aot, supplements, 3 body problem,
resident evil, alex g and many more i dont want to fill up this page just ask me.
i am open to playing any games really as long as its a game where you move your character with wasd and dont stare at a map.
>looking for
anyone that would be willing to hang out sometime, i have no irl friends and i miss going outside.
i don't do drugs but i am willing to if it'll help me make friends.
>not looking for
politics, gooners, narcissistic british people, people outtside the uk obviously
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desperately trying to recreate the feeling of that server you joined that one summer years ago?

active, friendly and welcoming
vc / movie night every night

very cosy server
18+ freedom of expression
no, actually, Polish man I need you to save me..i’m a woman, pls

>About you
Mostly looking for friends to DM with semi-frequently. I won't write too much in this post since I'd rather have a conversation.

>Looking for
General organic conversation rather than just talking about a single hobby we both share at all times.

>Not looking for
/Pol/, incel stuff, hate machines

Discord tag: harmonica_
Save from what?
t. polak

Good chat, hentai and fun likeminded degenerates

>Looking for
Girls preffered but anyone with good chat


Also, bump
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poland m 18
cringe nerd shit like games anime drawing and history
>looking for
ideally fellow femboys to talk to but anyone else is fine ig
me, myself and my demons
What's the story here? Also mind telling me why specifically polish and where do you come from?
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30 M Netherlands
I'm actually from Spain, just moved out for work, I'm into hiking, traveling and a history and culture nerd. Used to do biking, kayaking and play vidya.
>Looking for
Some Dutchies which I could practice some Dutch and maybe hang out and have a beer or two, also any expats living here
>Not looking for
As long as your are not incredibly autistic you are fine
any dutchie in Tilburg tomorrow for Blind Guardian?
>about me
Can't sleep, chill talk about old movies, videogames and outdoor shit. Ama or whatever. Also pretty curious to find other Welsh people on here. Only here because I miss Omegle and talking to randos, pls try and be normal-ish lmao, no "dirty" shit
23 f Wales

- celticwhispers
This was for Kik btw baka
>Europe DISCORD thread
>Posts Kik
19f spain
let's skip the pointless bio and just talk!
as long as ur not boring it's fine

>about me
I'm tall which is always a kicker but other than that, I am a student who studies Software Engineering, I took a gap year so I'm starting my second year in September, and I also am currently learning Japanese again, as I got too rusty and I'm doing it from the ground up. I'm also getting diagnosed with Autism and ADHD so I am a bit goofy maybe, but I try not to be obnoxious. I also work at KFC but the job is super boring whenever I do anything other than cleaning lol
I LOVE Fallout 4, and its currently the game I'm obsessed with, but it changes from time to time, I also do enjoy learning languages, and I play guitar too, which I always love to do, but I need to keep doing it more often.
>looking for
Just a nice woman around my age who its fun to talk to and is ok with me being a bit dumb lol, I guess the goal for me is a relationship though.
>not looking for
Men, people who ghost almost instantly, people who just want to trade nudes, and that kind of thing
Discord: Halvor
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are you trying to recreate the feeling of that server you joined that one summer years ago?

active, friendly and welcoming
vc / movie night every night

very cosy server
18+ freedom of expression
Balkan server
I am a male from Estonia.
Looking for: Either lonely females that want a relationship/friendship, or lonely males that want friendship.
No socials because I don't use any. If you're interested we will just have to meet up at a very public place and talk for hours, like in the old days. I'm tired of online shit. If we vibe, we can exchange contact info then and there.
182cm tall, 105kg, average looking
I am an elevator technician but currently work as a delivery driver, some stress with my boss.
I own a 75m2 apartment. I don't smoke or drink.
I have a tame sexual drive.
Some hobbies are chess, unicycling, indie games, and youtube honestly.
I'm a bit nerdy and have difficulty socialising, but I can talk about some nieche things for hours.
I don't have any extreme political beliefs.
My hygene is good, I'm a bit messy, but not filthy (god have I seen some awful tard caves here)

The bad stuff about me:
I promise I'm not a coomer, but I do have some extreme fetishes. Furry and loli, as long as it's not photorealistic.
And I'm a brony and have some merch. I'm keeping this stuff mostly to myself.
Otherwise I'm not hiding anything else.

I'm looking for woman in my rough age range for a long term relationship.
I don't care that much about your race or weight, I prefer to focus on personality. But too many tattoos are a turn off for me.
Bonus points if you are into shota.

Discord: purringearthquake
>about me
198cm, slim guy into running, reading, music and cooking. I got a corny sense of humor and I work as a paramedic. Mentally stable, got my shit together, I just like chatting to people often on shift to kill time.
Medicine, obscure music, fitness and cute girls
>looking for
Good conversations, someone to shoot the shit with. I am straight but everyone can contact as long as you have some jokes. Fellow Europeans for banter.
>not looking for
One word responses, having to carry the conversation, getting ghosted, porn addicts
Discord: djcock.
what’s the address of the meeting place? when?

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History - mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics - more broad social movements than parliamentary politics. Ideologically I’m an anarchist with a conservative temperament
Programming - very interested in Linux and FOSS
Retro video games - particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge

>Looking For
Any women interested in chatting.

>Not Looking For
LGBT (including transwomen), I’m heterosexual

Professional artist, travel photographer, fantasy enthusiast, retro film and music enjoyer. Have probably spent too much time on 4chan
>looking for
Friends, meetups, travel partners, dating
>not looking for
"i forgot your post, "i just wanted to see your art", "take my virginity"
Discord: agameofthrones
>Physical description
186cm / 6'1 tall, fit build, short blonde hair, short beard and moustache
Physical activities like working out, hiking, cycling, combat training. Yeah, I know, basic. Besides that, books, particularly about history, politics, law, but fantasy is great too. Also paranormal/horror media, wrist watches, video games. Lately, I want to try building plastic models.
>Current occupation/Schooling
In university, law student. Also serve part time in the military.
>Life goals
Start my own business.
>Looking for
Friends, ideally people with similar hobbies.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Schizos, pol types.
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Discord: berkhhh#8063
18/M/Eastern Europe
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'9, ~145-155 lbs, 71'' arm reach, athletic physique, green eyes, brown hair that is so short people think i'm a skinhead, attractive face (i mean, i like the way i look).
>life situation
life's good
martial arts, learning foreign languages, mixing cocktails, d&d, video games, reading, working out, urbex
>3 songs you like
rammstein - Haifisch, rammstein - Eifersucht, rammstein - Weit Weg
>3 movies you like
LoTR, Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
>religious beliefs
i'm an atheist, but i don't really care about people's beliefs as long as they aren't fanatic about them
>political beliefs
idgaf about politics and despise anyone who's invested in that topic. i like anarchy though
>dating experience
scarce. never was in a commited relationship with a woman who wasn't on xanax/mentally ill/restarted
>looking for
a girlfriend with the emphasis on the "friend" part. it's like, yeah, i want to romance someone, but i also want us to be actual friends enjoying doing stuff together, without all the awkward bs that comes if the horny shit appears early in the relationship. i want a genuine friendship with a deeper connection that the romantic aspect provides. anyhow, my ideal gf is basically the following: smart, funny, isn't insecure and toxic, has her own hobbies/we share the same ones, doesn't play league, and isn't depressed or too mentally ill.
>not looking for
men, trans-women, /pol/tards, hateful people (racists, nazis etc)
Bump #3 and last

>About you
Movies, books, swiming, hiking and into fitness,
>Looking for
local anons
Another Sheep shagger? you got a discord? I don't have kik and it doesn't really appeal to me
Discord : panchothe2nd
30+ / F / Europe (But currently residing overseas for business, with occasional travels to the US)

I'm into many things. Art, music (mostly synth-y and ambient-y stuff, i don't really like rock, nigger noise or normie shit), gym (I can beat you in arm wrestling and not just that really), sci-fi, history, languages, film, lots of stuff I don't think about until I do. Sometimes i have a feeling i'm getting too old for image boards, but you fuckers won't get rid of me that easily. Pretty blunt and cynical.

>what you're looking for
Pals, people I could click with

>what you're not looking for
Anime pfp, politics as a serious topic, coomers, desperate men, spiritualists, /gfd/, people who say "anon", "frens", etc., retards who can't hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes, fags and niggers with hidden inferiority complex, severe autists, pseudo-intellectuals are not welcome.

discord: chipapipuwawa
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cosy active server, mostly women staff & looking for a few more, ik 4chan is a bad place for this but yeah
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would be way better like this :)
II read books and enjoy philosophy (currently I am reading the RSV of the Catholic Bible, as it has some books from the others I am missing). I like a lot of anime - currently on Ergo Proxy, Dungeon Meshi, and next is Texhnolyze. I am not looking to date in particular but need friends after something unfortunate. I work in supermarket, retail. I also play video games (currently Bioshock Infinite DLC). I write and am making my own Neocities website today to collate all my work just for fun :) I love tech too.
>looking for
Anyone who needs a friend.
>not looking for
Mean or rude people.. I am nice and just want nice people to be around.
arkhi_p on discord.
Hiking (and other outdoorsy shit), Snowboarding, Vidya (Mostly cs2 rn), Drugs, Anime and cooking.
>looking for
Peeps to chat/game with long term
>not looking for
27 / M / Danmark

>Physical description
Hvid, normalt bygget, afslappet tøjstil

Hængekøje camping, motorcykel og biler, træning, lidt gaming

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Ikke danskere af alle slags.

>Looking for
Begge køn, danskere med samme interesser der har lyst til at chat og måske spille noget

Discord: 4t_5
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>physical description
179cm, thin, skinny, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, white
>About you
Currently doing exams, "planning" for university, I'm a pseudo-NEET and have asperger's, I'm a deadbeat when it comes to talking to strangers
Technology, gaming, military shit, vehicles
>religious beliefs
I'm not religious but I do find myself drawn towards to Christianity
>political beliefs
Sympathetic to communism, fascism and anything autocratic
>looking for
F under 25, friendship/dating
>not looking for
trannies, blacks, fags
hektor234 on shitcord

idk look in the archives if you want more information

>about you
Lonely, i'll talk about anything.
I want to get new interests

movies(any), shows(mostly anime) ,games(anything), forums, neet, VNs, everythingggg

>Looking for

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Games, programming (web dev, game dev), poker, reading, sleeping

>Looking for
Let's play fun games or watch TV shows. Share with me your music and I'll genuinely give it a listen, talk to me about your problems or whatever. I just wanna hang out.

Listen, you fucking faggots: nobody's going to add you, like you, nor think you're interesting. You're all so fucking self-absorbed. You think you're going to make ANY significant contact here, you're better off just FUCKING OFF immediately. Seriously, you're boring, plain, and the saddest nonrmalfags I've seen. The absolute state of this thread and this board. Fuck you ALL.

Verification not required.
My name is Josh, I'm an admin in a server called Acrimony with over 600 members, we are far-right individuals
- No coomers
- No fags
- Be a based European

/pol/tard catfish and newly created account
23 M France

Recently came back to France from Peru. I study history. Into basketball, football, I'm more interested in compiling previous performances from players/teams and I'm currently making a database of players going from the 80's.
Music (rap, reggaeton, electro...), videogames, I've been trying to get more into fantasy litterature lately.
I like to go through life as a movie spectator; seeing the different aspects of people personalities or motivations.
I speak French, English and Spanish and can have a conversation in either of these languages.

>looking for
Friends, people to talk with, a good chat, sharing new songs...

they gave me a completely different impression, what's your discord?
join my server bros

I think he might be that mexican guy that made awkward conversation with me and bragged about how he's been with "50-100 women" after I insinuated he's not very smart nor suave
M 44 Germany
Looking for straight sexting including live pics and vids. Younger females prefered. Age gap is great. Submissive would be perfect. No sellers, no fakes, no guys, no larpers, please!

Snap: hgw17491
Kik: 17489hgw
Discord: maxlanger
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Join new labour uk now.

Tony Blair lovers be welcome
Great discussions plus a handful of nice people

>physical description
184 cm tall, glasses, dark brown hair, blue eyes
programming, piano, electronics, anime, hentai, porn, video games, math, physics. I like problem solving and puzzles.
>looking for
a girl whom i can talk to on a daily basis and get close to. preferably with similar interests.
i also like to vc, but im autistic and socially inept, so im a bit awkward.
>Not looking for
men or trans people. ppl who takes ages to reply or ghost you, never takes initiative
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repost from sfw thread,

24/m/yuro (germany but im not qualified to teach you anything about the language lol)
terminally online involuntary neet (worker shortage my arse). kinda mentally ill
im mostly into music these days (listening and making, ill prolly spam you with halfassed covers like this https://voca.ro/195V1JbDwjkc). i grew up on this carcass of a site, i mostly identify with /mu/, /r9k/ /lit/ and /v/, prolly better than listing hobbies. i generally dont consoom a lot these days but im an unironic man of good taste so i can prolly talk about a lot of shit
>looking for
human interaction to keep myself from losing too many sanity points
>not looking for
idk unironic chuds i guess
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ran by someone w bpd

Forgot to mention you’re a BBC lover
Tell me a secret.

Tag: g.h.e.i.s.t
>I can beat you in arm wrestling and not just that really

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Server made for everyone
regional channels

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M25, Southern Europe

I'm looking for a completely miserable girl. Someone who has not experienced a drop of actual affection in her life but is craving for it. Ideally someone who has nobody and truly needs a friend and a life partner.

I'd wife you up and make you happy, shower you with affection everyday and make you feel special and loved, in a sincere and genuine way: it's something I'd truly enjoy doing and a relationship dynamic I'd enjoy.

You must be willing to go all-in if we end up liking each other and possibly relocate (although I'd be willing to relocate for the right person, too).

If you are interested, send me a friend request and tell me something about yourself. Let's get to know each other.

Discord: fusteldecoulanges
i like to play counter strike, computer science and chatting on discord
>looking for
preferably german people to chat and make friends with
>not looking for
discord @mightbegonetomorro
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Anyone from Spain interested in chilling and talking about commong interests like music vidya and stuff?
drop your id

ran by someone w bpd

Sure, my discord is matterator34
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Our European Discord server goes hard. If you are looking go make friends from all over, play games, watch movies, find the right partner or just shitpost and goon this is the place for you!

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i like forensic psychology, kinda pretentious movies, and dolls.
i like to dress with dolly fashion when i can, anything from lolita to jirai kei, coquette etc.
i believe in conspiracies instantly because its fun, and like just about anything related to the paranormal, so im into exploring abandoned places because of that, and also witchcraft (but not in a tiktok way).
i read some manga too.
i'm into books as well, but not quite the /lit/ type.

im likely mildly autistic, so i take everything youre going to say literally and can be weirdly obsessive or stiff, but I try my best to be pleasant to talk to.
we can talk about anything you'd like, even if we dont share interests. i'm very curious about all sorts of different things! and i try to give well thought responses.

im not looking for sex and sex adiacent stuff so please dont steer the convo that way. i also dont like to talk to dry texters.
im not looking to date either, but if you're literally denji (minus the horniness) i could think about being your asa/makima.

im okay with talking with both guys and girls, but prefer other Fs!

with a double _

I like anime, manga, VNs, games, books. I read a lot about weird topics. I score extremely high in conscientiousness and neuroticism and people I've met irl say I'm very nice and not autistic, but I'm probably just good at masking. I'm not nihilistic. Love cats. Look like normie but have a weird mind. successful career, wholesome

searching for an intelligent woman with similar interests to befriend and then fall in love with naturally over a long period of time

discord: houtarou7

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