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Last thread:

Share and discuss newhalfs, otokonokos, josou, bishounens, ladyboys, shemales, cross-dressers, traps etc



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last thread was deleted so i made a new one
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does anyone know where I can watch this porn but with English subtitles (I'm curious what he says at the beginning of this porn) "BTIS-116
BTIS-058 Transvestite Teenager 37 Mio"
Was it deleted because the brothel discussions made it off-topic for /t/?
>Was it deleted because the brothel discussions made it off-topic for /t/?
I don't think so. For whatever reason this series of threads tends to get deleted on occasion.
Do you guys know where one can possibly come across the xtube videos that were on the mega?
let it die akready
This one's my favorite.
Any more cute gal trap javs?
Post Magnet links or it will keep happening, you've been warned repeatedly.
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380 Gb of old Newhalf videos

Are there any non censored ones and if so are they not shit?
All these in >>1301609 torrent, but these are quite old.
ShemaleJapan series.
Caribbeancom have few (like Carib 041019-893)
Give top three among those.
Are these censored, yes or no?
since it's Jav's
most likely
Damn he's cute even in boy clothes.
There are otokonoko who do normal gay JAV as well right
It looks like newhalf club, so nah, it's not censored
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I dream about the full video.


saw the preview, damn thats hot
It's the hottest thing I've seen this year. The full video is behind a paywall.
Damn, it's not on Kemono, or at least I can't find his name
Is someone have xtube backup??
Holy fuck, there's literally no where I can post this but here but I took the plunge and just spent a night with one of these cock ladies and man, it's pretty fucking good. I might have developed an addiction.
i saw few blowjob videos from tooka (https://twitter.com/madanaityan/) few months ago but i couldn't find it anymore. Anyone have it?
Another sample without bgm.

Hottest vid of all time. I kneel to whoever share.
Maybe we can start a crowd funding to get it purchased off patreon
Is it a MEGA link?
I have it. 25m29s. 1.8GB. where do I upload it anonymously without account? then some of you can download and make torrent?
found "go file" so here. it says I don't have premium, so the file will expire "after a while". download when you can and make a torrent, my job here is done
Thank you so much!
In Japan, I hope.
Is this the same as the gofile link?
Damn... thank you anons. I will share what I can as well.
Yes, downloaded from gofile
I never bothered saving them, unfortunately for you, but I saved a bunch of her live-streams.
Where did you learn about her? Was it from last time when I posted her?
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Still waiting for this, any chance that someone has a copy?
i found her because i follow a bunch of traps on twitter and some of them retweet her videos but then i forgot about her for a while. Are the live-streams just those ASMR stuffs? Or including sex/masturbation?
Does anyone have Lexia Lynx Collection - MegaPack ?
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Some hero? This video looks amazing! https://gyutto.com/i/item266118?select_uaflag=1
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>blurred face
Alright, I'll post it again
Alright, here's what I was able to gather. One of the models is 肉丸屋 (Nikumaluya). You can find all her socials in shemalejapan, including her (or rather his) YouTube. It's very cursed hearing his voice.
There's was content on coomer, but I can't seem to find it anymore.

Also, if anyone can post that orgy with otokonokos using similar masks, I'd be very thankful.
Sorry, it wasn't on Coomer. It's on Kemono, search for 肉丸屋
By any chance anyone have Hanna from hello ladyboy? Really cute ladyboy...

Been searching but, just find the demo or pieces of it...
Those anyone have these. Look good but cant find it on nyaa or btdig
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Here's a similar one from @playmytunetoday

Seems like an awesome trend!

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>google Kanon Takanashi to see if she escorts
>find her ff14 character
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any Iz*yoi Rui?
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can someone post Lostwind10 pack, if there is a one
Anyone know who the 4th person is?
Heyyy guys, trying my luck to find an onlyfans creator who stopped producing a while back. The person was Korean I believe and they would post random sex scene outdoor. They stopped, because family found out. Can anyone recall the name? I know their posts are archived. Thank youuu
I answered my own question: "o9u2se3t1898vlb" on coomer
Does anyone have the onlyfans trans dump? Trying to find the moxie doll and Victoria price video and it has been impossible

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