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Previous Thread >>10954476



-Now Shipping:
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)
>Action Soldier (60th Anv)
>Big Boa
>Quick Kick
>Techno Viper
>VAMP & Clutch (Pulse)
>Mutt & Junkyard
>Fire Team 788 (Pulse)

>New/Render Reveals -

>Pipeline Reveals - Road Pig, Blowtorch, Dial-Tone, Saw Viper, Frag Viper, Starduster, Nemesis Immortal, Zandar, Leatherneck, Iron Grenadier, Raptor, Alpine

>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Cobra Ferret
>Retro Beach Head
>Retro Cobra Eel
>Retro Snow Serpent
>Night Force Shockwave and Night Pursuit Cycle (Pulse/Walmart)
>Gnawgahyde w/ Porkbelly & Yobbo
>Night Creeper
>Tiger Force Roadblock & Tripwire 2pk
>SMS w/ TechnoViper

>Super7 O-ring line wave 1 up for pre-order
>Mezco Firefly and Duke available for pre-order
>Hiya Toys: Beach Head, Flint (Standard and Tiger Force), Firefly, Lady Jaye, Major Bludd, Destro, Baroness, Gung Ho , Cobra Trooper, Zartan, Spirit Iron-Knife, Tomax & Xamot 4” figures revealed

>Free Episodes of G.I. Joe ARAH:

>Free Episodes of Renegades and Sigma 6:

>G.I. Joe Spy Troops (PAL version, ripped and edited by a very kind Aussie Anon/Spy Troops anon):
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GI Baroness figure when?
Damn I already forgot they put up variants of the atv and ram. Think they'll go on heavy discount like the pp bubble?
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You can only pick one to be remade for Classified 2025

I want Bio-Viper personally.
Bio-Viper yeah.
Bio-Viper as well. Oddly, it's iconic.
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Helmet kinda reminds me of these guys from FGO. Probably going to tower over the fate figmas but might be some fun crossover there.
In a twist of fate that made me smile, in spite of several know nothing types working the toy section of my local Wal Mart telling me that they've discontinued carrying GI Joe" following the spring reset, my local Walmart had the first new batch of Joes I've seen there in over a year. Retro Recondo, Scarlet, Duke, plus (found hidden behind some wrestling figures), Techno Viper and Quick Kick.

Picked up Quick Kick, Techno Viper, and Recondo. Gave Recondo some gloved hands harvested from one of the 12 Crimson Guardsmen I got via Ollies. Will get Scarlet in the next couple of days (haven decided if I want Retro Duke yet, as his OG Classified figure is pretty good update of the classic design).
Monstro-Viper for me. One of my go to monster toys as a kid.
We really do deserve another storm shadow, artic is my favorite and itd go well with the other few snow themed joes out. I got curious and looked up artic prices, seems like there are plenty of bootlegs out now for about $35.
But would it come with the monster smell?
I hope so, not even for the vehicles themselves but I really like the recolored figures that come with them. I don't have retro Firefly so Wreckage would actually be a unique mold for me and Shockwave with the Steel Brigade helmet could easily fill in for a Rollbar. I do love that they both get that helmet though, and that it seems to be a standard pack in these days for vehicle drivers making them much easier to army build.

I know I'm gonna be alone here, but I'd love me the Dino set. While I do love both the Mega Monsters and have fond memories of both of them terrorizing my Joes as a kid, I would much rather get two figures, a dinosaur and one of the more underrated Joe ATVs out there.
Lol, i had to zoom in to see it but monster smell was an actual selling point. Never ever considered that gi joe of all the toy lines had this as a gimmick. So if motu stinkor had a patchuli type stink and moss man had a pine scent what did these bio mutants smell like? How do they even get scent gimmicks to work in the first place?
Each figure gets swiped through the asscrack of a randomly selected factory worker that day
GI Joe had all kinds of crazy gimmicks toward the end. Some were fairly well-used gimmicks, like the color change shadow ninjas, and the color change splotches on the Eco Warriors, but then Mega Marines had the gimmick of the play-dough "armor" you could mold onto the figures

Though, come to think of it, did any Joes ever have glow in the dark features?
If they ever make this kinda of stuff, I'll start collecting Classified.
It was oddly soothing. mmm chemicals
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The night force vehicles had glow in the dark stickers.
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o-ring bros, we eatin good

just my first couple of delta-17 guys and they kick ass! My vintage joe team is getting some new members...
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who's the heavy medic guy on the far right? i hella dig that look
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he's called 'thunder battalion' i guess its a troop builder. its based on a spetznaz trooper, which is awesome. his belt is soft rubber and can be removed, just like a vintage show serpent.

i love these figures, they each have individual load outs, just like the classic joes. the addition of swivel wrists is a bonus. i was going to order all of them, but they are pricey, so i am being picky.
where do I start collecting? I was a fan of the Renegade show when it was on, never bothered with the toys though.
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depends what u are looking for. everyone loves vintage o-ring figs, many can still be found cheap, but the more popular ones get quite expensive.

the 'new sculpt' era is usually considered the worst, the designs and sculpts were not so great, but there are a few gems in there, (for example, they made one of the coolest snake eyes figs ever)

most fans like the 25th anniversary stuff, i don't. they are defined by small head syndrome, and some limited posability issues.

u can't go wrong with Pursuit of Cobra/35th anniversary figs

i don't collect 6 inch, but they seem to be well done and most fans love them
what do u think they are discussing?
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rotate that belt!

what storm shadow is that? and what's the size?
Renegades 1/18th
Whose pic is this? It's fantastic!
he came out during the renegades/30th anniversary line. he's just under 4 inches. one of the finest figures produced at this scale
does the classified series have any 3-4 inch figures? I feel like the 6 inch figures are going to take up room a lot more quicker.
no, classified is only 6 inch
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u may want to check out hiya toys. they are doing classified style figs in the 4 inch scale. but only a handful have been released so far
Still waiting for the real classified storm shadow before classic fags ruined the line
Cobra-La Team (plus Pythona) and it's not even close.

I want the first version of Storm Shadow as a Joe, the Tetris Camo version, it's probably his best look they haven't done yet.
We'll get it the same time we get a Destro with a vacuum chrome head.
bio-viper, I barely buy classified stuff but I’d buy him for sure.
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When are we getting a general release Hisstank?
Hiya toys are doing figures based on the Classified designs in a 4" scale but you have to import them and they cost as much as a Classified figure. Also they're slightly taller than Hasbro's modern era Joe figures. They are cool toys though. I've liked the few I bought so far. Check out ltcave.com for a good place to order from. They do discounts on them when they initially go up for preorder and have free international shipping. I wish I had known about them sooner when the Cobra Trooper was available.
Nemesis Enforcer (Immortal) is already being made.
So Golobulous I suppose.
Oh, i guess thats where the bloody variants come from too then. >>10979017
I can only imagine that smell old mcfarlane toys had out of the box. Its like a chemical reaction caused by the air that releases toy gas.
I feel like GI Joe is always torn between people who want realistic military and people who want bullshit and the people who want both are the rare fan
Yeah, but joe has had a bit of imagination since idk. The silly stuff has been baked into joe since atleast the arah so ive never understood the push back. There are lots of choices for realistic military style figures, i think its great that classified offers those fans a few options but i think its dumb to expect gi joe to just drop what it is to cater to those type of fans or for those same fans to gripe and moan about say big boa.
Maybe 90s stuff traumatized people or something
I like the stupid aliens and mutants and the big robot
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Go look at the people who play shooters and which the most popular shooters are.
People like military bullshit, but not the scifi bullshit, like those aliens and mutants.

The GI Joe line was at its peak when the bullshit was coming out. Ninjas included.

The people who want realistic military are the ones that are rare, but they're just more vocal about it.
Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
Put me in the camp of people who wants realistic silly bullshit from his Joe line. Again, PoC and 30th figures are an excellent example where you can have the most generic of generic soldiers lined up against dudes wearing entire server rooms on their heads to control a single drone, Laser Infantryman and dudes with jet packs, the ACTUAL Predator and a freaking straight up Samurai.

Anyone who says Joes should be one or the other doesn't understand what made G.I. Joe so popular in the first place. It wasn't just straight up Mil-sim action and it wasn't just outright 80s kiddie craziness. It was an all encompassing mix of the two which created something better then the sum of it's parts that's lasted to this day.
This is the way the circle is broken. I salute you, Sir.
See, I just made an original Joe, Flamboyant, the Bluegrass-lovin', sonuva gator, who learned the true power of swamp gas when he was home, on leave from Ft. Campbell.
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>scarlet will never whisper and make licking sounds in your ear
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I hated stuff like street fighter cross overs and those ninja action gimmicks but its just part of the whole.
That's the kind of Joe craziness I love anon. Please tell me that marvelous motherfucker is decked out in /k/'s wet dreams but also with a day glo color scheme.
Bio-Viper 4life
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Hiya heya hiya heya
He's boughs-to-bayou Air Assault, with a penchant for small arms and explosives. His camo is 'Bayou Belle' pink, red, green and yellow.
I'm kind of hoping we get Steeler as a general release figure. A MOBAT HasLab would kill my collection, importing one to where I live would be a nightmare.
What would they do to make the HISStank a general release? I can see them gutting out the electronics and providing only the parts to make the Classified version of the HISStank so the retro parts are out of the picture. But I feel those omissions won't be enough to make it maybe 50 dollars or so more than the VAMP's pricing.
I prefer the realistic military stuff with juuuust a sploch of weird sci-fi stuff. BATs and their YMCA orthodoncist creator are cool, Serpentor is just too much.
I think G.I. Joe is all over the place since the toys themselves allow that "blending" between franchises. I'm way too young for the vintage line, but I remember using Joes as my SHIELD troops with my Marvel toys during the 00's. Wolverine mowed down a lot of Cobras back in the day.
Removing the figures and the electronics for sure. Probably only including the parts to make either the classic or Classified version. They could also gut the missiles, tread guards and the turret shield. Maybe even the little mini turrets.

They already said they're going to do a general release, but I think one of the big things they'd do is just make it another color. It would still probably be $150~$200, though, but considering people are spending like $400-$500 for the Haslab version stripped of the figures, I'm sure people would be fine with paying half or slightly less than half.
they already said WHAT
Yeah I can see that happening, gutting it until it basically becomes the original HISStank without all the new bells and whistles added to it with Haslab. Just a standard HISStank with a double barreled sentry gun on the top. Perhaps they'll make a red one based on the Sears repaint and it'll come with the modern Classified windscreen with scissor doors and modern tread guards as a regular release. And then a blue version with the Retro windscreen bubble and retro tread guards as the Retro release. Either way it will definitely be more expensive than the VAMP but I hope it's significantly cheaper than the Haslab version with all the gutting. The VAMP cost 200AUD over here so 300AUD would be the best case scenario.
I forget if they outright stated it, or heavily implied it, but it seemed clear they were probably going to (eventually) get the HISS back out there for sale through some other avenue. It would just be changed from the Haslab version to leave that one unique. It for sure wouldn't come with the figures, MAYBE a repainted drive or something, I could see, but not the others.

Red or blue would be most likely, yeah. They've already gone pretty deep in putting out bunch of Crimson-themed figures, so a red HISS would be a shoe-in, though blue and black are probably the two most classic colors. Really, the figures were already 1/3rd of the value of the whole package for the Haslab, and those definitely wouldn't come with it (maybe the driver, I could see...) Don't really know how they would handle all the accessories, though. All of them were stretch goals, but I think the missile racks might be the most likely thing to go. At least they made all the add-ons plug into ports and stuff, so it still looks pretty natural without most of them. Though really, it'd be nice if they included as much as possible.
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Surely they'd reuse the CC mold at some point, right?
I'm pretty sure that's actually been confirmed. The HISS one just had the misprint Mickey Mouse Cobra logo.
Nice. Hopefully we get a hood as well
>I hated stuff like street fighter cross overs
I wish it had been a reciprocal thing and Capcom had made some GI Joe games, or at least Street Fighter vs GI Joe.
>online only O-rings
>$55 plus shipping and tax for 2 figures
>advertise the set with Version 2 Snake Eyes
>put Version 1 in the set with Version 3 accessories, so they wouldn't have to remake the molds
What the fuck was Hasbro thinking?
I already saw you posted this in another thread
And you didn't address the question
That would have been so awesome! A quick look shows that konami made a game in 92, never saw it so idk if its good. But a capcom beat em up style game on snes wouldve been totally cool. >>10981649
I get bummed out when i spend money sometimes but this would make me pissed off if i bought it. $60 for 2 o ring figures? This idea was still born, and it sucks for 3 3/4 fans since now they get hiya or s7 for official joes or similiarly priced botique figures that hand crafted from the finest plastics from a deserted mountain in timbuktoo.
>win mint complete 85 televiper auction for $11 shipped
>seller refunds because he "lost" the item
bookmark his store and see if he puts it up again later
o-ring fags deserve it for getting the 3.75 inch Retro Collection killed
I thought Wal Mart killed that line
I am.

It was $44 on Pulse. Not great but better than $55.

If you're talking about the modern era "retro" line, that cancellation had nothing to do with o-ring collectors. If you're talking about the cancellation of the online o-ring line that was a result of internal Hasbro BS. We know that the line was profitable.
Seethe zoomy. Go cry to mommy.
It's embarassing for Hasbro to have made and sold them for as much as they did. They're not a small company and they weren't producing these in small numbers like some of the third party lines like Delta-17. Hasbro could have if they wanted, sold these at retail, just like their Star Wars retro figures. For the prices they were charging, these should have been new sculpts, not reissues from the early 2000s. Even if it were $44, it being Hasbro, I'd expect 3 or 4 figures for the price point.
I'm glad S7 has the license, at least it'll be made by people who care.
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>I'm glad S7 has the license, at least it'll be made by people who care.
Yes, you idiot.

>weren't producing these in small numbers
Except yes, they did. They were only sold on the Pulse website. And no, they can't "just sell them at retail". It's 100% on retailers if they will carry or not. And there is nothing to suggest these are reissues from the early 00s' When the figures in the early 00s were released most of the original molds were no longer usable. And that was a 20 year gap. The same length of gap from the early 00's to now.
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Would you buy comic deco versions of Classified figures?
2 part post, because this is too long.

>They were only sold on the Pulse website.
Hasbro's a big company, and they don't typically produce items in small runs like some small third party toy companies, which is why BBTS is now selling the items.
> And no, they can't "just sell them at retail".
In this case it's been stated they could by Bryan Flynn of S7, who stated that Hasbro allowed S7 to sell Reaction figures in the toy aisle, actually giving some of their pegs to S7 as a brand partner. S7 has further stated that their new O-ring figures will be sold at retail in Target. So, they could have sold O-ring at retail, but chose otherwise. And to make it worse, S7 says that their O-ring figures will cost the same as their Reaction figures, which as several people on Hisstank have estimated, means that the S7 O-rings are a better value than what Hasbro was offering with their online only releases, which sorta rubs salt in the wounds, that Hasbro could have had cheaper O-rings at retail, but chose a half-hearted attempt. Although to hear Bryan Flynn talk about the O-ring situation, Hasbro wasn't interested in doing O-ring until S7 asked if they could make new O-rings and told S7 "no," only to then try and fail before giving it to S7.
Part 2
>And there is nothing to suggest these are reissues from the early 00s'
I feel it's at least a partial reissue, with redone legs, or a budget issue. The circumstantial evidence is as follows:
>Hasbro had the mold in the late 90s and early 2000s for Version 1 Snake Eyes, who they reissued several times during the new sculpt period, but with incorrect legs(Hasbro remade Stalker more recently so they had the parts to remake Snake Eyes in theory, unless both are sharing reissue parts which could be true).
>Hasbro kept and maintained a number of molds from this period, retooling them for Modern Era, such as their vehicles, like the Hisstank, which was re-released a few years back during the Retro 3.75 line.
While it is true, they did remake molds such as Cobra Commander for the new O-ring releases(they famously lost his mold and could never reissue his original figure).
>The box of the Retro set features Version 2 Snake Eyes, yet V1 is in the box(because they only had V1's parts from the 2000s?). It would certainly make sense if there was a parts issue, for why we didn't get the V2 Snake Eyes that was advertised in the artwork.
>The figure doesn't come with a sword that goes with this particular Snake Eyes, instead he comes with V3's sword, which was a re-used sword common during the 2000s.
Example of the 2000s reissues having the V 3 swords:
My only other guess is that they were being very cheap and had intended Version 2 Snake Eyes to be in the box, and then had to make the mold re-usable for other characters, so they chose Commando Snake Eyes, and then for unknown reasons... gave him Version 3's weapons, which boggles the mind, because if this isn't reissue, then it means they remade the accessories for Version 3, just because they felt like it, or that someone who didn't care saw the V3 accessories with a previous release and decided it was his sword.
Overkill Classified when? We're getting the SAW Viper so it makes sense for him to follow.
So last thread said the dinosaur one was made because Jurassic Park was selling gangbusters

Why did they make all this other stuff
Kenner was going gangbusters with it's Aliens lines and the idea of going more sci-fimand less real military was to help not draw too many similarities to ongoing irl US military operations of the time.
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I didn't kill shit, faggot. I bought 5 troopers, 2 officers, Stalker, every fuckin vehicle, even stupid fucking SE and SS who barely changed since their last release. Never found Scarlett or Destro because fuck me.

And I'm gonna keep buying o-ring shit, I never get sick of it. Fuck you.
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I am old enough to have started collecting o-rings. But I honestly wasn't interested in the figures till I started getting into taking pics of toys. (and S.T.A.L.K.E.R)
I'm still not a fan but I'm impressed that given their limitations they can take a damned good picture.
I DO have a few that were given to me (YAY! CRAZYLEGS!) though. And, unlike the asshole you are responding to I don't see the O-rings to blame.
IAM pissed off at HASBRO for their lack of effort and distro on their piss poor launch and crash. I don't think any of them made it to Canada.
I suspect that 5/10 mixed with mustard (or bull semen) enplanes Serpentor in a big way.
Kinda hilarious but the only two G.I. Joe figures I had as a kid were the voice sfx Duke and v24 Snake Eyes. Some of the only toys my parents ever bought me. I lost all the accessories for both and I think my brother ripped the rubber skin off the talking Duke of course.
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I'm not exactly sure what you are saying here.
But isn't something someone values worth more than the price tag to you?
Thus it's importance is larger or smaller.
I mean, hey,
I think professional sports are over rated gladiatorial games for the masses and that "professionals" are just head-trauma victims of their own delusions of self worth.
as for "huffing and puffing" a little smoke never hurt anybody.
Any of you guys be up for doing a photo Theme Week? Me and Mike T are doing this on Twitter, but I thought it might be more fun to invite 4chan too.

It's Alpine week, this week. You can post a pic of any version you like. Just have fun.
I want the Sgt Savage that came with the VHS. Loved that movie and he was my go to good guy for years. Think they'll ever redo him?
Will you be upset if the delay of the Star Wars HasLab causes the Joe team to push theirs back? Assuming it would move it from being revealed in June for Yo Joe! June to July for SDCC instead.
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that's fuckin badass. outback is my favorite joe
Last person I bought a joe from sent me a vintage range viper card
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Hiya Croc Master
Sweet Croc Master accessory with an excellent looking Crocodile for the smaller scale figures.
Megatron has a name.
My first ones were the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow 2-pack from Valor vs. Venom

Emily said nothing is outside the realm of possibility, so yeah, he's probably getting something. I can already think on a few pieces that fit him.
Do any of you have this guy? Is he worth the price?
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This came in the mail fairly recently, and I always meant to shiw it off. It's a Lonewolf Toys Pythona painted by Matthew LeCroy, who worked on a number of the recent third party O-ring toy lines. The cape is also done by Cape Master on ebay.
those you have to put together I believe and I'm not sure are fully painted. Hey may be since he's so damned expensive
Ugh, of course quick kick drops 2 days after i ship my pol. Got a good haul tho, boa, techno viper, airborne (im really excited for him) and retro duke and scarlett. Found a spare incomplete badger truck at the thrift store last week, i like the suspension they put into that truck.
This one is a proper action figure, fully painted and what not. The model kit is different.

Looked alright, but too pricey for what it looked like I'd get, just like their Transformers.
lol. lmao even
How many lonewolf lecroy customs you got? I wish LW did a zero suit samus for fun or a retro style Helix.
Their 100 figure looks awful, and I actually like their figures.
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I like my Steel Brigades well enough, but anyone with a face just looks horrific imo. Robot looks cool though
Painted ones? Just a few heads and the Pythona at the moment. I have a killer Scarlett and Cover Girl that I'm trying to find good bodies for. I have a bunch of unpainted ones just waitin' for a rainy day, including a DIC Zarana I'm working on(I managed to boil and take apart her torso for it). I also have one of the Jason X figures that Matthew LeCroy put out.

Lonewolf's honestly the best dude out there making custom O-ring.
>every ebay listing for retro Snake Eyes is from China
Legit or knockoffs?
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I know these appeal to people who just want army guys but this is just the guy in front of me at the gas station yesterday
Makes me think of wwe roman reigns or an uso brother. Doesnt look awful, it just reminds me of someone.
I think Operative J6 looks fine, but he has a beard and sunglasses obscuring a lot of his face.
For the most part, the faces look like Marvel Legends from a decade ago.
Legit. There's no ko Retro Snake Eyes as of yet.
Yeah, there is a retro snake eyes.
Seriously wtf happened, why are there a million Lady Jayes and Baronesses, but the two most popular characters in the franchise can't be found from any american seller
Many of the retro figures seem like they never even hit Walmarts. Never saw Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Zartan, etc. Only Baroness, Lady Jaye (endlessly) and occasional Gung Hos and Destros. Crimson Guard was surprisingly common too. Figured people wanted his more traditional colors than the darker Classified colors.
Wait, what? That's unexpected, I thought the only ko SE was the 00 one.
I like some of Vala's figures, but most of Action Force is like the most stereotypical and generic "baddass rugged action guy" from an 80's-90's movie.
Also, Why do they all look like pudding people? Those bloated proportions... ugh.
Roman crossed with Jon Bernthal
Pretty clearly aping off Brad Pitt in Fury
Idk, i thi k the pre order for snake eyes went quick since its the commando style. I may be mistaken but i think snake eyes is the only unique retro figure, meaning most of the others are just repaints.
Idk about ko, im too afraid ali is gonna steal my money. Id get that supreme commander though.
>aliexpress for $40
I'd be willing to grab one from them to see desu. It's also on amazon canada for 35, but I don't think they ship international, right?
Looks so generic as usual, but that's part of the appeal to some people I guess. I really do not like the bull dyke female figures they have either. So ugly.
>Bootleg Frank Grillo is Hannibal from the A-Team
I love it when a license falls through
>low shoulders
>big head
>fat neck
>wide hips
>short torso
>big hands
This fella is something...
Describes a fair number of Classified figures as well honestly
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You guys ready for the Cobra Rage Haslab?
I was thinking we would get something for the Dreadnoks since they've been focusing on them
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I wouldn't mind that either. Maybe have Zanya as an unlock. As long as it's not another o-ring haslab.
Its really rare i ever check there, and its usually for some hobby stuff, but i did see supreme cc quite a bit. I believe an anon here bought one and said it was a factory reject iirc. Im willing to bet the amazon listing is from the group of sellers but at a higher price.
I'm at 80% its the thundermachine. It just seems obvious since they've done almost the whole original team already. The only three original dreadnoks left are the driver, the mechanic, and the one no one liked. Perfect stretch goals.
There is a 0% it's anything not related to Cobra/GI Joe, not enough general appeal otherwisee
Monkey wrench (my guy)
>Monkey wrench (my guy)
even though I said he'd be perfect as a stretch goal since he was the mechanic, he's also the only reason I think it might not be the TM. They obviously got scared off of putting actual characters as stretch goals in the last haslab. They may just include a random black repaint paratrooper instead of him.
I can't wait to complete the og13
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Think the Heavy Artillery RB is worth backtracking for, or do you think they'll do a retro release for him?
Is that big enough to warrant a Haslab
With once a man CC in the pipeline and Nemesis Enforcer I guarantee that there's a retro RB in the works that's based on V2 from arah. If you want heavy artillery you might have to track him down since that's pretty much V1 and I don't see them bringing him back.
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Have we seen any v2 retros yet? I wouldn't mind it. But the Scarlett and Duke have given me the autistic desire to recreate the 25th anniversary pack so I'll grab him
It doesn't have to be a retro but we will probably see V2 of RB since that's his design from the movie to go with once a man CC and nemesis enforcer. There's no way they got two movie characters in the pipeline without the character who had the most interaction with them in the works with that design as well.
Hasbro has done a Haslab for LAND, and another for AIR… all that’s left is SEA!

What better to hit the high seas than the Cobra Moray!

While it’s probably on the upper end of the scale in terms of size they’re willing to commit to (sorry Flagg dreamers) it’s less demanding than the WHALE or Hammerhead of Bugg. Smaller aquatic vehicles like the Water Moccasin, Swampfire, SHARC, etc could theoretically be released as standard retail products like the Vamp. The Moray is just barely in that sweet spot that’s going to attract fans in droves but would never get shelf space at retail.

Throw in obvious rewards like Lamprey… and some cheap filler like “sonic” repaint Lamprey, and another an easy retool of the recent joe recon sailor into a generic cobra sea trooper to fill out tiers.

Toss in a borderline-main dreadnok like Monkeywrench to entice some diehards, without completely pissing anyone off. Last, a fan favorite “b-character” like Hydro-Viper and I think you’ve got a solid project that would get funded and then some.
It wouldn't surprise me if once a man CC and RB V2 are a two pack and RB will have two heads, a normal head and one with his eyes blinded like the movie.
And if you order in the first 24 hours you get an exclusive “Beach Baroness!”
Good point, you really do not want to lock a 'name' behind a haslab. Id be grumpy if i couldnt complete the dreadnoks, and even more so since i do like monkey wrench.
Jfc, my sexual desires are gone for life now.
Its the best roadblock yet, but i think he has a tiger force repaint out with trip wire?
Id rather get the sharc but >>10989246 is included im in.
I could see the cobra stun working well as a haslab, motor viper is cool. Just throw a mindbender repaint in and a few vipers or bats.
I want like four Hydro-Vipers so this would piss me off
Easily solved… just give the Haslab version a few unique paint apps and call it the Moray Hydro-Viper Officer. Then release some normal Hydro-Vipers as Pulse exclusives later on. Maybe keep the manta ray exclusive to the Haslab…
There was apparently a Hydro-Viper repaint planned back in 2010, it even kind of matches the Moray color scheme.
All of which is bullshit to the highest degree.

IF they want to do the Moray, then they need to make it full of shit that people can EASILY SKIP. NOT holding major characters like Monkeywrench or fan favorite army builders like Hydro-Vipers hostage.

At best:

Generic Cobra frogman
Bikini Baroness
IG Destro in Pimp Daddy Destro colors
Nope. Hasbro is a business, they want to make money. If they fill a big $$$ HASLAB with easily skipped characters that people don’t care about then… people will skip it. What’s the incentive to NOT create a little FOMO?

Hydro-Viper can get a unique “officer” repaint, with standard color released at retail… but Monkeywrench is the lone FOMO item.
>Good point, you really do not want to lock a 'name' behind a haslab. Id be grumpy if i couldnt complete the dreadnoks, and even more so since i do like monkey wrench.
I feel like there's more of a risk of Wild Weasel or Thrasher being stuck behind a Haslab project than Monkeywrench, but I want to be able to get all three as single figures.

If they were to make a Moray, I'd prefer they just include the Sonic Fighters Lamprey, and release the regular Lamprey as a single figure.
I would make the final reward this Cobra Commander, hoping everyone would be too confused to be angry
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Star Brigade Cobra Commander my beloved.
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All right… final revision, I’m hoping this addresses all issues.

The OG driver/pilot for The MORAY.
>Sonic Lamprey
Easy repaint, call him MORAY Gunner Lamprey if you like.
>Cobra SEAL Team Leader
Cheap retool of recent GI Joe naval recon figure, make this one a “unique” leader figure then release more generic version (remove accessories and maybe change the overall color to blue) for a retail/pulse release for the army builders.
>”Motorboat” Monkeywrench
Unique accessories like captain’s hat, Dreadnok inner tube and hot dog.
>Hydro Viper (MORAY Division)
Just a variant to match the MORAY. Regular colors for mass release.
>Early Bird Bonus: “Beach” Baroness
Obviously not something that would ever show up anywhere else.

You’re kidding yourself if you think Hasbro would release potential Haslab drivers. I’m a collector too but c’mon…

Hah! I remember getting so excited for that one when I was a kid solely for the half revealed CC face.
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Who had the McDonalds toys back in the day?
Stoned Adventurer
I've never seen these before, were they for sigma 6?
I honestly feel so bad today for kids getting stuck with shitty paper and cardboard "toys" in their Happy Meals now. Sometimes those were the only way I could get a figure from something I was excited about, like whatever be Disney or Sunday blockbuster movie was coming out. Hell, some fast food places don't even have a kids menu at all anymore. Times are a changin'.
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I really hate that they included an ugly ass unmasked head, i hate having to see it so often
Blame Super Size me, that fucking liar
Well next time don't glue it on your figure
Shut the fuck up
Heh, unlike you I just put the unmasked head away, so I never have to see it
Same. I tossed the head in a ziplock baggie and shoved it into a box. Forgot he even had the extra head. No idea what this >>10989703 person’s problem is.
I'm talking about seeing pictures of it online, you dumbfucks
These must be troubling times for you... stay strong, my friend. We'll get through this.
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4 u
Then why did you marry him
What has science done to the souls of man?
Just like idk, man, like just quit looking at it? Ill pray for you.
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keep my wife's name out your got damn mouth
I feel like a hypocrite for saying I hate G.I. Joes ninjas, yet here I am, buying Blue Ninjas, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadows, preordering Jinx, and eagerly waiting for v2 Storm Shadow, Billy and Dawn Moreno.
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I got nunchuk, im sure id get dojo or slice and dice but i dont want ninjas crawling and skulking about everywhere.
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They were a tie in for G.I.Joe Valor vs Venom
Must be hard having to see an ex you just wanna forget...
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Just in America apparently
Damn, I actually might have to buy this one. I love the 1/12 version but I didn't really want to hunt down a 1/18 one because I knew the croc itself would look very disappointing, especially compared to the "Timber" that I got from Marauder Inc.

Maybe I'll get the Baroness too? I'm guessing she's a much better put together figure than the Retro Collection version, at least.
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Amusingly he looks like Rocky if he was played by Arnold.
I would love to have that head in Classified. It's weird how we never got an updated version in O Ring either.
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That Mindbender (pictured) and the Cobra Commander that came molded into a helicopter (not pictured). Some of my first Joes, along with the ARAHC Leatherneck and Gung-Ho.
When are the new toys.
G.I. Joe June.
Im so anxious to see raptor, i hope the wings arent an embarrasment
Would anyone here be interested in a brief overview/review of the various indie o-ring lines? I have at least one figure of each company that has something available thus far. Acquiring these has been a pretty fun break from Motu.
Im game, im also a motu fan.
Yep. I’m just getting back into O-Rings for the first time since like 94 or so, picked up a bunch of the Delta 17 figures and really like them. Waiting on the Callsign: Longbow ones to release, and want at least two of the Op: Recall ones.
Might as well, we've got to fill these threads with something for the next few weeks.
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So what are some GI Joe head canon stuff you have about the newer figure releases?

>>Big Boa is a washed up boxer who Cobra Commander was a huge fanboy of growing up/as an adult before he became a super terrorist. CC personally recruited him to be his personal trainer and by recruit, I mean kidnapped him and made him have to hang out with CC all the time and do sparring sessions with him. Big Boa basically is a hostage, but CC thinks he can do no wrong and the rest of the Cobra elites DESPISE Big Boa because of the disgusting fanboying that CC does around him and how he's constantly making excuses for him, so he basically spends his days humoring CC while avoiding being killed by Destro, Baroness, etc.

>>Techno Vipers and Tele-Vipers DESPISE each other with Techno Vipers being the cool kid jocks who are computer savey (and use this to get desk jobs inside Cobra command centers, even though technically they are supposed to be in the battlefield as glorified wrench monkey mechanics) and the Tele-Vipers are the super nerdy computer geeks who are too incompetent to be field agents shooting at GI Joes and are only put into Trouble Bubbles to be used as canon fodder on missions, causing the Tele-Vipers to have high casualty rates that the Techno-Vipers exploit to steal their cushy desk jobs.

>>Metal Head is an autistic genius rocket engineer; basically an ugly version of Jack Parsons (the handsome chad devil worshipping rocket scientist from the 40s), except Metal Head would rather play with rockets than run a satanic sex cult. GI Joe and Destro both sought to recruit Metal Head but Destro won because Hawk wanted to make MH a desk jockey but Destro convinced Metal Head he could be a field operative mercenary in the Iron Grenadiers; which backfired on Destro because Metal Head is a shitty field operative due to his having an autistic sense of morality that keeps him from doing really bad shit and he's too valuable a rocket designer to punish for being a moral fag.

>>Airborne's an anti-white bigot and constantly reporting his coworkers for micro-aggressions to his superiors.

>>Hawk is super jealous that Scarlet won't fuck him, but did fuck both Snake Eyes and Duke. And that his blonde hair was dyed because he was trying to look like pre-disfigurement Snake Eyes to get Scarlet to fuck him.

>>Junkyard and Mutt compete in dog shows in their spare time desperately want to participate in the Westminster Dog Show

>>Recondo records Tiktok videos about all of the beers he drinks and how life is better drunk

>>Quick Kick desperately wants Storm Shadow to be his arch nemesis but Storm Shadow doesn't even know who he is and is eternally butt-hurt that SS would rather fight Snake Eyes
Just your normal riffin off of the speratists within cobra. All the red guys are loyal to the commander and the blue guys are with serpentor. Python patrol may just be its own thing, maybe guys like mercer idk. Its simple and rather uninspired but it works for me.

Now the joes, im not sure how you get that many highly specialized people to accomplish anything yet. A good paycheck?
Oh I saw the preorder for that go up on amiami
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Ok I'm not exactly sober but I tried. I hope this info dump will help someone or be slightly informative. This will all be subjective as fuck and your mileage may vary.

Strike Force Alpha. Let's just get this one out of the way. I wanted to like these, but after these four I can't say I'll be buying anything else. It comes down to joint tolerance and they just aren't fun to play with in my opinion. They look real nice but I can't recommend unless you don't plan to touch them much.

>Some really damn nice sculpts that compliment vintage Joe's while having a fun pulp/sci fi feel
>Overall solid paint apps
>Alternare heads and hands, the alt hands I could live without but objectively I feel like people will like this aspect

>The material feels bad, the arms and legs are kind of rubbery, some joints are super wobbly, others are stiff
>Most figures struggle to hold their accessories
>The accessories, unlike the rubbery limbs, feel VERY brittle and make me nervous
>These figures cannot stand or balance worth a damn, and at the $25 premium, they do not include a stand. You need to buy those separately
>Very generic card art
>Due to the ball jointed legs and the soft pvc material, the legs will just want to go back in a resting position
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Zica Toys R.I.O.T Trooper, this guy. If the new o-rings had a Lanard toys of the bunch, this is it, and I don't mean that in a bad way. Any negatives are heavily outweighed by the positives, plan to get another 2-4 of the guy. Really hope Zica does more o-ring

>He's only $15
>Balances very well without a stand
>Nice sculpt for a generic mook and good paint
>Good plastic, no loose joints, balances without a stand very well.
>Handles his gun seamlessly

>No card art/packaging, one accessory, no stand, but fuck you he's $15
>Visual language doesn't 100% mesh with vintage Joe's, but he won't stand out like a sore thumb
>Very slightly out of scale and stands a hair taller than a lot of the other o-ring guys
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Sorry guys I'm a filthy phone poster right now

Heavy Armor Toys In the Navy. Solid figures, also have a bit of that Lanard vibe. Plan to pick up a few more. Overall not too much of interest to say, but that isn't a bad thing.

>The plastic quality feels very nice and everything is tight
>Sculpt is very good if not a tad uninspired
>The minimal paint apps are clean, especially on the face of the green shirt
>You get a helmet and two nicely sculpted guns for $20
>Handles all accessories very well
>Again, can also pose without a stand
>Will look good with vintage Joe's

>Very generic, which I believe is the point but could be off-putting for some people
>No card art or packaging, no stand, but much like the R.I.O.T troop, the price makes up for it
>The neck on the swat/Not Snake Eyes guy looks very long and Dracula would feast for days
>Neither figure can eep their legs up in a kicking position, may see if it needs an o-ring that isn't as tight
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Delta-17. Unfortunately I'm not much for modern military, but goddamn do these handle amazing. Holy fuck, they feel great. If you're on the fence go buy one and make up your mind then, I'm hoping they do more sci-fi/space stuff but these two are great. Not 100% my thing visually but I highly recommend these on quality alone.

>Platic quality is amazing
>Sculpts are very damn crisp(a bit overly detailed for me, but that's a me problem)
>Paint applications are super precise and just make the figures pop
>You can fit the entire load out on the figure which is a huge plus, especially given all they come with
>Not only do they handle their accessories without flaw, they can use any other o-rings as well. No wobbly grip whatsoever, only one I can say this about.
>Packaging is nice, card art is good
>Actually includes a stand

>Due to their level of detail and modern design they may stand out among your vintage Joes, but it shouldn't be too severe
>A lot of people have had issues with the legs on theirs, I didn't encounter this issue but something to note
>Left and right motion on the heads are more restricted than any of the other modern o-rings due to their construction, but it's far from unacceptable
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Grindstone Toys Skeletron. He has a few flaws, but fuck this is my favorite of the bunch. This guy is visually perfect far as I'm concerned, and the plastic quality and feel is on par with Delta-17 and feels the closest to a vintage figure. Buy one. Based on the quality of this guy alone, I'm very excited for the Grindstone line Callsign Longbow. Probably my figure of the year so far. I also fucking love the Red Shadows and skeletons. I'm biased as hell.

>Much like Delta-17, can hold the entire load out on the figure save for his alternate head, but the way it's done feels super clever
>From the sculpt to the paint, this guy has it all. Amazing attention to detail, they really nailed the retro sci-fi aesthetic.
>His sword glows in the dark and his head is a skull
>Great joint tolerance and plastic quality, again on par with Delta-17, but if you crave something that FEELS like a vintage, I'd say better than Delta-17
>Will seamlessly pair with vintage
>Handles his accessories really nicely, grip on his main blaster could be better, but it won't fall out of his hand.
>Includes a stand
>Fucking incredible box art and packaging, I'm not a MOC guy but I will be buying another just to keep one MOC.

>Aforementioned slightly loose grip on main blaster
>The eyes on my masked human head were a bit off center
>If you intend to display him with all his gear, you WILL need his stand as his backpack is very heavy
>Legs could afford to go out to the sides a bit further
>If you don't like him you're a piss baby
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If anyone has questions let me know, or if you want me to take any comparison pictures. I'll post from my desktop next time I swear to God.
Ultimately all these options are good, even Strike Force Alpha is a good thing. Like goddamn do we have options for o-ring toys right now. Seems like Ninjas of the Hidden Force are on the horizon with the other two God knows how far, but these guys did manage to reinvigorate my passion for collecting. Now I just need some vehicles and to find a good playset for these fucks. Sorry again for the phone posting, I'll do better I swear.
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when larry finally retires, they should hire u to write the comics
great write ups
delta-17 is my favorite of the bunch, i have several, but they are damn expensive.
I need to get those RIOT Commandos
I thought this was an AI shitpost at first
Just grab the upcoming Tiger Patrol on clearance since it's basically the same figure with some yellow stripes on the pants. Easy to remove with some 90% iso alcohol.
>>Cobra is a big presence on /pol/
>>Hawk is not a good person, this one is backed by the comics, constantly manipulating his Joes (and it seems they'll go for that on Energon Universe)
>>Once a Man CC is a clone made by Mindbender trying to extend CC's life by transferring his brainwaves if he gets killed, but of course, the cloning resulted in a lizard.
>>Firefly got reconstructive face surgery and that's why "v2" doesn't have a pizza slice for a face.
>>Clutch used to harass Scarlett, until she kicked him in the nuts.
>>Cobra-La are just failed Serpentors.
>>Falcon got his face mangled just like in the comics, except the doctors botched the reconstructive surgery.
Nah senpai, Scarlett is exclusively with Snake Eyes in every universe that's worth of the title.
The new body with the previous head looks good. I'm not a fan of his new "pretty boy" head.
Thanks man. Yeah those Delta-17 guys are great, $25 may bite but it's the name of the game with indie toys sadly. Even when Super7 does theirs I think they're going to be at the $20 price. I doubt they'll do it but I really fucking hope they include the swivel wrist all these other guys have included, it's the only improvement classic o-ring style figures need.
I might rank him first just due to the price and quality. I highly recommend that one, especially to anyone who is just considering getting into o-ring stuff. Great entry level figure that doesn't skimp on paint or qc. I forgot to mention he doesn't use metal rivets in the arms as per tradition, but it doesn't hurt the figure at all. Genuinely hope Zica will revisit that style of figure sometime soon
Just got lucky and was able to get the hiss 3 pack with range viper for 65!
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I was already gonna get that set for my Tiger Force team anyway. Plus it doesn't have the camo on the shirt, black web gear, and green helmet.
I still think the wave 1 head is superior in terms of having more character and realism, but I do like the retro for what it is. I guess that's my headcanon, the retro is the young hotshot version of Duke and the mainline is the older and more experienced one. Ironic since I felt the opposite about Scarlett
i would totally get one if the red parts were cobra blue instead
That's awesome dude! Show them off!
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GI what? Nah bro, I'm here for the surf competition and bong rips
That makes me wonder if Retro Stalker will have a younger face
I will when the come in.
I'd kind of be OK with Nemesis Enforcer being, not a failed Serpentor clone but an attempt to create an "improved" version of Serpentor or at least, create something along the lines of what Serpentor was pitched to Cobra Commander in the Marvel comics to get him to greenlight the project: the ultimate wartime general to run Cobra's military campaigns for him.

But something bad happens, a Bat gets tossed into the genetic stew, and Mindbender ends up with a guy with Bat wings on his back ala Hawkman and a strangely independent streak to him and love of violence/bloodshed. Nemesis Enforcer becomes something of a WMD Cobra constantly has to track down to get him to fight for them and has a weird source of honor to him where he and Serpentor feud over Nemesis believing that Serpentor is too much of a pussy to just go full total war on humanity.
>or at least, create something along the lines of what Serpentor was pitched to Cobra Commander in the Marvel comics to get him to greenlight the project: the ultimate wartime general to run Cobra's military campaigns for him.
Wasn't the idea not to create a general but to create super-soldiers, but the Joes launching a full scale attack on Cobra's base within the US meant they only managed to create one, and Cobra Commander realizes too late that the greatest warriors from history whose DNA was being used were also history's greatest leaders, so Serpentor's genetically hardwired to be a leader?
>Big Boa is a washed up boxer who Cobra Commander was a huge fanboy of growing up/as an adult before he became a super terrorist. CC personally recruited him to be his personal trainer and by recruit, I mean kidnapped him and made him have to hang out with CC all the time and do sparring sessions with him. Big Boa basically is a hostage, but CC thinks he can do no wrong and the rest of the Cobra elites DESPISE Big Boa because of the disgusting fanboying that CC does around him and how he's constantly making excuses for him, so he basically spends his days humoring CC while avoiding being killed by Destro, Baroness, etc.
I don't tend to do headcanon stuff that's this much of a drastic change from the characters' filecards, but I can totally buy something like this as being the reason Destro had Roddy Piper working for him, only no kidnapping, he just paid him a lot of money to hang out with him and train the Iron Grenadiers. The Baroness and Cobra Commander kept trying to tell Destro wrestling is fake but he didn't care.
I can't wait for Doc so I can recreate my favorite GI Joe moment
Roddy is doing it so he can Heel-turn and make bank on movies sales when he "becomes reformed"
"They Live" in the Joe universe does INSANE box office because of this. Incidentally it also ruins 1 government Mind Control Program and sets COBRA back decades in that department.
The semi-downside is it creates a safer atmosphere for whistle-blowers - but also comparably nuts.
A super-criminal that at various times hold both Joes and Cobra hostage will emerge. Madame Web. Mystress of the Deepweb.
She's actually well known and friendly with several Joes and members of COBRA under false identities (all verified by legitimate cyber companies. - all owned by her)
Scarlett stares at crotch.
Kind of a weird question, but do Classified figures scale well enough with Star Wars Black Series? I'm tempted to use some Classified head sculpts on some Black Series Jedi bodies to make robed/medieval-styled characters but I'm wondering if BS bucks are too small or too big compared to Classified heads.
Some of them fit. It’s really a case by case basis for ML and BS heads working with Classified bodies. Aside from neck peg compatibility, which can be worked with, neck width can be an issue; you get some real pencil neck dork looks with some.
>It's rigor mortis.
Couldn't believe they killed the special needs Joe.
The new head is too generic. He could be young Hawk, or any random blonde guy.

I fucking hope so. I like the head sculpt but he looks 20 years older than every other Classified Joe figure.
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>too generic
I mean
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Semi related, and I am sure this has been posted here before, but.. I picked up Fortnite's Skye (Ghost) at Ollies for 7.99 a few days ago, just for the rocket launcher. It reminded me of the classic one in Resident Evil (1996 and the 2002 remake). I'm a pretty casual G.I. Joe Classified Series fan, but I imagine the rocket launcher would fit really well in the arsenal of other Joes in the Classified Series.
The arcade cabinets also scale well. In fact most of the fortnite accessories are good.
pretty neat commando launcher, will you post more pics?
Thanks for the tip, I had no idea they made arcade cabs. That is really cool. I'll have to check those out.
No problem. I hope this picture gives you a better idea of the color and scale. I have a few more pictures if you'd like to see them. Just a heads up. The handles are mildly gummy, kind of like the Joe's guns. The issue you run into is, the rocket launcher is so big (and the Joe's joints and hands can be a little stiff), it makes it a little hard to pose.
Damn. I wish it was easier to figure this stuff out. Guess I'll have to experiment with figures I'd be okay keeping or for future kitbashes/customs.
Yeah man, it sucks planning out a custom and getting your parts sorted, only to find it’s too big/small.

I’m actually sorting out a bit of a database for myself to catalog parts and compatibility, stuff like that. I just recently spent like $50 on parts I could’ve cannibalized from figures I already had, just because I wasn’t aware of the parts re-usage.
Many of the Fortnite figures have gummy, cartoony looking weapons, but that launcher looks pretty good.
Speaking of customs/kitbashes, I just got a knock-off Mezco Punisher just for the heads and accesories. The heads are great, but now I need a body Punisher. Which one do you recommend? I'm asking here because I think a Classified buck would be perfect.
Always be careful in mixing/matching Classified bodies with non-Classified heads as Hasbro has gone out of their way to make Classified VERY unfriendly to customizers via making head joints not compatible with 99% of their Marvel line
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Tiger Force Outback can be gotten for fairly cheap and looks the part
I should probably grab Snow Job and the Valkyries, right?
Yeah, Hasbro gotta Hasbro, but nothing my good ol' dremel can't fix

Thanks man! I'll be checking out!
The valks may be sold out but i suggest them, snow job and the snow serpents are both very nice figures. Get the artic bat too, its got unique parts.
That's a badass design for CoCo
Anon got me thinking, what's everyone's favorite Cobra Commander design? I really love the blue and gold from G.I. Joe #1 back in 82.
Also, what's a Commander design you guys would like to see in Classified, not counting v1 and Once a Man?
I'm a hood guy, and the GvC design is the best iteration of that imo. The Storm Shadow design from that line was also kickass with the red highlights, would like to see something like that again.
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A little big and sits high on his neck, but other than that, it looks good. I'm buying that second Outback.
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From Ramen Toys
I really want to see a side by side with a figure. I get the feeling it's going to be really small.
It fits two in the cockpit, the cross bridge is over 3 feet when folded out
What about height?
The last proto he showed with a figure was like 6.5" if the missile packs are forward
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Valor vs. Venom
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Just saw this, it's going to be great. Can't wait.
I wish some of the panels opened up so I could have mechanics working on it. I have the Charger on order and just got the shipping notification the other day, if that turns out good I may get this.
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Where do I get a pointing hand for retro Duke? Slaughter's are too big
Hasbro still had valks so I ordered 3 for my Harem
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I know a headswap isn't possible, but has anyone tried putting the hair and round glasses from the Crimson Baroness on the retro?
Nice! Id love a second set myself... but i gotta save that money for ferret or a figure i dont have like hawk or shockwave.
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you all are some of the first to witness cobra commander being examined by the canine
....that's awesome, though I think I'd wait for an official Classified version. The Wolverine is small enough I feel Hasbro could drop it as a mainline release.

I am interesting in how this thing looks like it could have an actual turret fit into where the pilot seats are. If this ever gets used as an actual tank, I may be more tempted to grab it. Though I always hated it when figures couldn't fit inside a pilot seat of an armored vehicle with the hatch closed, and it looks like that may be the case here.
>FUCK Ricky, your not supposed to sell hash to Cobra.
>>>Recondo records Tiktok videos about all of the beers he drinks and how life is better drunk

but has he ever shot a machine gun while on peyote?
>but has he ever shot a machine gun while on peyote?
I would pay to see a digitally resurrected Hunter Thompson, playing that roll in a G.I. Joe Special Missions one-off.

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