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I was in Japan and didn't see anything about this doll and scale. I was so happy to not see some nepo baby succeed. Who does he think he is? He vets the customer? After I buy his doll, I can use it to post and make porn if I want. Some how "Free use of the #HammerTimeClub hashtag" is a perk of his club....Father's money but not father's success. Its like he can never make his dad proud.
god I tried smart doll twice and hated it compared to Dollfie Dream, it's a lot stiffer and not as fun to handle. He doesn't care if you do weird doll porn and shit with his dolls. He just can't sexualize his fictional daughter anymore because she's a "public government figure" he used to carry massive torpedo tits, but discontinued them and started doing weird woke shit like fat dolls, vitiligo, prosthetics, colostomy bags, and shit. Maybe he was copying the Barbie model. I don't know.

Also his attempts at licensed dolls never really did that great either.
I still remember back in like 2007, SmartDolls were proposed as having some sort of advanced electronic/robotic feature. Then they ended up just being generic overpriced BJDs. To this day, I still don't feel like the name makes sense.
The "farthest" he got was stuffing an external HD in the doll.
they are just shitty dollfie dreams basically, with less variety in body types
kind of funny considering other smaller vinyl doll companies have since actually tried to think outside the box by using softer vinyl and different articulation, danny just copied volks and his only real attempt at innovation was the weird model kit option which really is not cheap enough to justify the downsides of nub marks and seam lines.
Bitch choo at least do something in Fashion like his father did to make the appearance like he cares but will never be successful as his dad in fashion. At least he found love with a wife that look like that, it must be real love.
nothing smart about the doll and the owners who were tricked and fooled into Danny Choo's idea of an "investment". I'd like to see how good of a return on investment his garbage makes.
2007 "smart" phones barely existed. Just capitalized on the "smart" phase. If this fucker was smart, he'd should have miniaturized all his dad's shoe designs for his scale of doll and others but making a doll line was his idea of "smart". It takes luck to be born rich, intelligence is a trait trained, earned, and learned. Some things I can feel bad for like his dad, never being able to have a smart son. No amount of money can fix Jimmy Choo's kid.
You can just take the vinyl off bro
is there a fleshlight option?
Yeah, knowing nothing about these, I came ITT thinking, "Oh, so she can tell you the temperature and give you the news like Alexa?"
There actually used to be a company that specifically made bjds for that, called libidoll, but they went under a long time ago and you need to jury rig one yourself now.
Imagine making a power armor for a doll as a joke.
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what's on this guy's glasses on the left? looks like a clip to his forehead?
I don't know what the fuck that creature on the right is, but it's the gayest-looking thing I've ever seen.
It's an anime girl sitting on the frame.
I want one now too.
I always felt so bad for that lady. Imagine having a husband that's totally obsessed with his underage anime girl OC who looks nothing like you. Hope she at least drained a lot of money out of this guy over the years.
I remember when Danny Choo's site was relatively popular as a figure/gunpla blog, pre-twitter/facebook/reddit social media taking over and killing blogs/forums.
It's just another eccentric faggot who thinks he's being profound and wants to "have a positive influence on the world". The hippy bullshit the non-edgy kids would say to themselves in 8th grade.

The dolls themselves are fine, his business model is absolutely horrendous and is the reason other brands are preferred. Constant low supply, refusal to reissue stuff that's in demand and instead releasing shit literally no one asked for like fat dolls. Vetting and keeping in touch with individual customers is fine when it's done out of desire to improve your product, survey the market and show interest in the people to keep them as loyal customers. However he does it out of sheer autism and the reasons he gives make absolutely no sense. My guess is he doesn't want them to end up in "bad hands" where they'd be jizzed on or pawned off in a few months. It's a plastic doll that you manufacture, not your daughter.
For that price tag you can get a way better BJD from a vendor without attachment issues and projected paternal instincts.
He used to get a ton of criticism for only having dolls with skinny ideal bodies despite all his preaching about inclusion and equality and shit. I'm actually surprised he caved and made fat dolls finally. There were absolutely a lot of people pushing him to do it.

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