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Previous thread: >>10972145

>Turtles of Grayskull wave 2, Walmart exclusive Krang, and Target exclusive Slak'er in stores
>Super7 2k3 figures supposedly being shown June 13th
>Rage Toys/Fury Toys/Furay Planet/Whatever NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Ramen Toys bootleg sewer up for pre-order!
>Turtles of Grayskull pre-orders are up for next waves!
>Playmates Mutant Mayhem hitting liquidation stores
>Super7 SDCC Exclusive Chef Mikey shown
>Playmates reveals their "original sketch" dumpy Turtles
>Diamond Select TMNT toon minimates Pack 3 (Party Wagon) up for pre-order
>Playmates 2k3 re-releases hitting stores and online
>Fury Toys Samurai Animals NotDonnie, NotSplinter, & bonus accessory pack are shipping now!

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/


Remember to report and ignore all trolling.
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Not a ton of news. Haulathon is over but the product can still be found here and there. Seems to have been really well stocked.

Ramen's Sewer Set is up for order, Mezco is still shipping out their Turtle pack.

Mattel seems to be kicking butt with the MOTU crossover figures. The line seems to be selling well and is ballooning in character choice.
Acrually it was because Crimson Commander got mad for being called out on his samefagging without his trip. All his shitposts got removed. Try to keep up.
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Mezco's toon turtle repaints go up today at 1EST.
Are you saying Crimson Commander made the thread? Otherwise that makes no sense. Both this thread and the Furfag general got removed so it wasn’t about others shitposting in this general, just whoever made the post.
>Ramen's Sewer Set is up for order
Where? I don't see it on their site
Holy shit, you sure posted a lot of words just to show everyone what a dumbass you are.
Ooooh-kay, those are actually super ugly looking. It's the terrible heads from the Merch Style Guide but the super detailed bodies of the other figures...
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>smooth heads
>detailed body
I don't think they thought this one through
Even though the heads are mostly smooth they still have some texture, although yeah they should’ve toned down the lines and texture on the body more.
This is not a good recolour. Should have just done a second wave of the boxed set.
I like em, but why the fuck does the preorder require the full amount of money down instead of just an nrd?
Especially when Mezco takes FOREVER to release shit. Bet it’ll be 2-3 years before you see these things. They’re basically pulling a kickstarter model.
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seriously? the only serious face for Mikey and you put it LOOKING TO THE SIDE??? I hate when companies do this.
also no serious face for donny? and instead not one, but two shit eating grin faces?
Yeah. I'm passing for exactly that reason.
Oh, piss off! This too!
I didn’t know anything about this but I bought ‘em. It stated that they’re in stock upon checkout, could that be accurate?
I bought the previous set and love them but man these look genuinely bad. That body just doesn’t match the face. I’m not surprised though, Mezco don’t make a lot of new bodies, they’re going to milk these. Expect a white and black exclusive version and another retail set where they all have red bandanas and matching skin color.
Yeah these suck. Kind of stupid to do this and not just release more of the other set.
Neca is kill
them's some big ol heads...
those eyes make me want a super7 Wyrm SO badly.
No it’s a preorder
That’s just if you pay with PayPal. Credit card will charge 20 days before release.
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Found a skate park for a few bucks.
it's way too small, but... that's still pretty rad, anon.
Hey that's pretty cool man
Why'd they use the weird style guide models? Was this something playmates forced? Which is ironic because playmates has never done style guide 1:1.
It's like a weird sideways cash grab. Yet all they had to do was rerelease the original set and they'd be good.
That raph head is
>chef’s kiss
congratulations mezco, take your victory lap after entering the tooner universe. Hopefully the comic Casey tease means we’ll also get a tooner version later.
Good God, even your shitposting about this mess is straight up offensive.
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Imagine they could had done something like mix and match mouth pieces with eye pieces. This is what the Nendoroid TMNT figures did.
but then they would have the hideous black cracks on their faces like the neco tooner toy line
You are such an autistic fuckhead.
it is my super power
not to be hidden
but embraced
anon that's how he got autism in the first place
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picrel was posted in the doomed neco thread
that was nuke like neco furry general
it show the black cracks very well
it show them very well indeed
tee bee aitch, the cracks on the beaks are significantly uglier than the cracks under the masks, which I can't even see (and if you were trying to show them off, this would not be the ideal angle)
i do perhaps see cracks between the forehead and the mask, but that isn't the part that detaches, right?
Oh fuck off you stupid cunt. They're not cracks, they're fucking assembly points for the figures. Open mouth toys have to be put together in pieces. Fuck off with your shit takes.
i feel like other figures get away with not using that
They don't. The process gets improved on, but they're all going to have that. It's especially difficult to hide the seam on something like a smooth cartoon face.
Hey you should visit the Aokigahara Forest. And not come back.
i guess others are better at hiding it, but i could swear i've seen deeper mouths than that in one piece.
>but i could swear i've seen deeper mouths than that in one piece.
Your mom notwithstanding
what's that
i am chinese national
i am chinese not from nihon
then you should REALLY go and never go back.
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I guess I have another collection. Sigh. Been picking things up as I see them. Raph and Shredder earlier last week, Donnie at a Target, and then Ram Man today. Apparently he comes in either milky translucent, or this more clear translucent plastic.

I think what's really grabbing me about these figures is how varied they are. Reuse or not, all the colors, the different textures, armor bits, body shapes and sizes. It really makes them pop.
why did the mutagen turn him into a clear purple actual-ram
Plot device Mr. Frodo. Plot device.
yes, a plot device that turns people into furries or occasionally other monstrosities like a literal garbage man or a guy whose organs float in a tank. Not translucent furries.
so anytime something doesn't matter, people should just do things at random without any regard for making sense?
Blame Eternian air
hmm okay i'll accept that explanashe.
well in that situation it's the other way around
if you came up with a cool toy, shouldn't you have a satisfying explanation for it?
As a motu fan that comes to this gen more often due to the greyskull stuff, im willing to get the turtles and continue collecting the line. Otherwise, ive only got a few of those playmate re issues and a few vintage figures ive found.
yes yes
listen to neco anon
hear him
mattel should have turtle master license
mattel have proven their worth
with motu turtle line
pleasing old and new necollectors alike
we agree
i agree with neco furry anon
What kind of tumor does someone have to have in their head to make a ball of nonsense post like this? Genuinely disturbing.
I recognize that table from Necanon's posts
That's super weird man, because that's my stuff and I'm not necanon. Necanon doesn't buy toys. So why don't you find something else to obsess over?
if you buy neco product
even one item from neco
sits upon on your shelf
you are a necanon
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Are you sure
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Mondo seems to be making the Jim Lee turtles.
1/6 I’m assuming? They’re way too expensive.
Why do you think Mondo?
I've just witnessed the most offensive ninja turtles shirt I've ever seen in my life.
that's pretty weird
is mcfarlane gonna sue them or
Jim Lee is not Todd McFarlane.
I saw a post saying Super7 but it was deleted so maybe it's Mondo and they said Super7 by mistake
Looks simple. Could just as easily be Playmates, I'd say.
I think the sculptor who put it up works for mondo? They are probably all freelance though so it could be another company too.
i've never seen their names back to back before. holy shit i have been combining those in my head. this is just like bette midler and barbara streisand all over again.
the originals are good enough. all we need is re-releases of those + a release of leonardo.
i assume they will now have adequate joints
excellent, scored scumbug and zak at a discount. now just gotta wait on wingnut.
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I forgot this shit existed and is playmates's version of style guide turtles. God these sucked ass.
how many fucking times is playmates gonna rerelease these? surely the molds are going to turn to dust soon?
Hey sweet, my Perry 2-pack, extra April, and extra Shredder shipped from the Neca store.
you got extras?
you wouldn't happen to have an extra splinter and wanna send me his extra hands n junk
Yeah, for different scenes/setups. The extra Shredder is for the junk throne when that comes out, and the April will be my tied up "damsel" April.
ohh sure sure. dioramaaas. I could see having a spare Raph to be tied up
how big is super7 wingnut compared to other big guys
He takes up a lot of shelf space. He looks very impressive on display.
i habeeb it.
can you give an approximate comparison?
Jim Lee turtles suck
Kirby's gotta be one of my favorite figures this year.
I have pic related, which is the same thing except no weapon holsters. They are pretty sturdy and the included bases help a ton for spacing/posing. It would be nice if chains on Mikey's weapons were standard (like these are) instead of the plastic chain line that other lines use.
Yeah I was wrong sorry about that.
That line wasn't THAT bad. The bad guys were neat. Except Shredder. He sucked. Tiny head.
The fact that they haven't shows there's some kinda quality there.
At least they covered up the initials on the belts.
With little poos
Is anyone excited for these? Mondo has teased their vinyl TMNT, but nobody really knows who or what these are coming from.
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These specifically
They showed these off at SDCC or Power Con didn't they? We knew about them at any rate.
Heh. Better than bst anyway.
True that.

So these are just designer vinyls? They're not rereleasing their 12"?
these are shit. mezco figures are terrible save for the occasional well executed figure. their first TMNT release was pretty damn good. I wouldn't pay more than 240 bucks for the set, though
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These are really cool, admittedly
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this mixture of features reminds me of the "Ninja Action" line. Which was so out of their typical style for 1993 that it felt like they were doing a Mirage homage
for a second I was like "This model has a tiny hand" then I see the hand is turned slightly, it's not horizontal.
These suck. You guys have shitty taste.
i think they look okay
my question is, what was their skin color choice here? Leo is flat-out style guide green, perhaps original-toy-raph emerald green, and don is .. 2k3 don olive green?
That's what I always thought these were. The battle damage scratches and Mirage-esque heads made these some of my favorite turts as a kid.
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The whole "gums showing" thing also recalls the headsculpts of the storage shell Turtles. I like it.
ooh good call
i'd buy these for 60 a piece
looks like it.. or possibly 2. they look a bit like statues i've seen with just the arms posable.
Yeah, they're just sofubi, so they're gonna be limited in articulation.
Whenever I see a tail on a Ninja Turtle it always looks like a dick.
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The Ninja Turtles on the last season of the 80s cartoon actually did look a bit different.
oh these are the sofubi! or are they different sofubi from the last time we brought those up (Those ones were covered in like little gelly goo guys)
yep. but i like it anyway
i want just one version of Slash or Tokka or something to have a nice LONG tail.
indeed, but they were trying to be more the movie guys.. these toys.. are kind of an anomaly. they even have the movie-colored pads.
Just give me an accessory pack with the alt heads and an April with jacket figre. I don't need another 4 pack of the turtles.
color-matching would be tricky and the belts wouldn't be the right color (i think) but... that would be nice of them vs asking you to pay again
You're thinking of this thing
Seem to be 7. Not that that is much better.
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I would bust for real.
I don’t even have any vintage figures left and would still buy it.
haha, you think playmates is going to put out the one you want when a more recent mold is still available. aint no way thyre remaking the original version and those molds are long gone.
I look forward to seeing everything they remove from it or don't paint.

>Sorry we had to take out the eye, we couldn't find the molds and it cost too much to include.
If you follow the link, you'll see the listing on Amazon says, "TMNT Classic Technodrome Playset". No way in hell are they re-releasing the TMNT: Out of the Shadows Technodrome from 2016 as a "Classic Technodrome".
The original has so little paint to begin with, but you’re probably right they’ll still find a way.
Kino. I was just about to drop $700 on a minty vintage one.

I could see Playmates pulling some shit like that, where they retooled that mold to just have an eye. They did that with the blimp. We'll see. I don't think they could get away with that without everyone being mad.

>the eye is blank
it'll be the scout instead.
>playmates re-releases "classic turtle blimp"
>has the vintage style box
>it's the 2012 turtle blimp mold
The re-released Classic Party Wagon is pretty much identical to the original, minus a couple stickers. We'll just have to wait and see how authentic the new old Technodrome really is.
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this pave the way for super7 now
brian have been sitting on major announcement
for many month
biding his time
absorbing every arrow sent his way
by necollector wishing for his demise
but it is close now
super7 scale technodrome playset
will be up for preorder this summer
quoth the necababy
in box collectors stay winning
I know this is a joke, but I honestly think a $750+ Technodrome on the scale of Thundercats Lair would sell enough to get made.
Go fuck yourself. You are an annoying, shitposting twat and all you do is waste everyone's time with these bullshit Engrish attempts. You are the worst kid of liar.
super 7 sucks major ass but why are you acting like a retarded fag?
wow, more than one. fuckin weird.
These are the bootleg ones, aren't they? I've been unlucky with 2, with bad paint and looser joints
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I wouldn't mind that, never had one back in the day. Either way more vehicle re-releases is always good, gives me hope that my most wanted has a chance to get made.
this is also, however, by far the easiest one to make a custom of yourself, since there must be a 1:10 scale cadillac out there at an affordable price, with the wing fins, and then the rest is you just decking it out...
been waiting for this one for a long time i wasn't sure if the tmnt Ultimates line was done. any word on an android body v2 a true Ultimates scale?
I don't think you'll be able to find a 1:10 scale that is affordable. Car people are crazy.
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There's this thing but it's 1/18.
Go make one then, that's not what I want.
yep I remember looking around a ton for potential custom fodder, it was tremendously difficult to find a van, but somewhat easier to find cadillacs... but most of the big enough ones are already as much as i'd pay for a super7 one (so half the probable price)
You do know he's shitposting right?
android body ULTIMATES! is tougher sell
with giant neco version coming
the one that violate the gentleman agreement
it is on drawing board however
brian feel playset have wider appeal
Weird how nothing you say makes any sense within the context of reality. Probably because you're making every bit of it up.
>with giant neco version coming
I completely forgot about that. I can imagine the massive peach curlies loose in box after it shifts around in transit or the foolish necallector chooses to move its arms or legs.
i don’t mistake neco synja two pack
for ronin accessory pack like fraud
you have no connection to industry
a rotund prat with delusion of grandeur
his nose imprinted on the window of neco corp.
the real tmntg insider speak now
curious, my good anon
what separates a customized cadillac (literally what the foot did) in the appropriate size with scratchbuilt weaponry and accessories and junk.. from what you'd prefer super7 does?
Oh geez, the bot scraper is really going to town on meaningless phrases now.
I didn't say anything about Super 7, I want Playmates to re-release it. Like they might be doing with the Technodrome. My original post >>11002492 was a reply to >>11002171, which was a reply to >>11002035. Learn how to follow the reply chain and gain some reading comprehension, you weird retard.
hey, I am the reply chain, bucko. No need for rudery. Your mother is the reply chain
But you're right, I misinterpreted your first post and thought you were talking about a super7 version. Probably because I want one so badly

that said, it's even easier to make a custom playmates-scaled one if you were so inclined. There's even a guy making knockoffs of the original I think.
Go buy one then, that's not what I want.
you can probably pick up a model kit if thats more up your alley. its a pretty classic style. wouldnt take much work to custom it out. you could even use the same base for the neutrinos cars
you remind me of a kid i knew once
anything you said to him he'd just shriek "MY cereal!" and no matter how you tried to explain you're not trying to take it, he'd just scream that, til his mom would pipe in "it's -his- cereal." from the other room
Already having Bayverse Super Donatello, which weird quirky turtles in the same size (standard playmates stuff) be a good set to have all five or six? (Each other turt, and maybe the robot turt?)

I don't want them to all match iteration, I want them to be most "that character would wear that"

Does my request make sense?
And I mean the nerdier out of shadows Donnie by super nerd.
this faggot didn't get shoved into lockers enough. anti bullying campaign really did destroy our society
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Saw part of the set for $45 each statue figure at my Walmart, thinking about getting them.
Donatello looks like he's going to attack Leo.
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Saw them too, they look nice
kek it really does
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Why do they insist he's this crappy shade of green?
Playmates is trying to erase history
It's a nice shade of green. The erasure worked on me apparently because I can't remember what color Raph is supposed to be if not this forest green.
yeah but that's because it took guys like me, who got bullied, and started calling us the bullies for not believing religion is a lie or that people can change sex
the red-green balance was thrown off. donatello has the same issue. too much red in his brown, not enough green.
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I got the whole set. They're alright and pretty much that standard modern playmates articulation. It's okay for $15, I think the baseplate is probably what shot up the cost. Only figure I have issue with is minor loose knee joint on Mikey. But yeah expect them to milk this mold to hell and back with all red and black and white variants down the line.
Thanks. So he's a shade too dark in the sketch figure?
Playmates is such a confusing company. They seem to halfass even good ideas.
Sketch Raph is that sickly pale color like most modern reissues. Mattel some how got it closer to original.
They're just keeping their products accessible to everyone, and with that in mind I think these are pretty tremendous. Looking at Raph you get 3 weapons and a base for $15. Playmates does a lot of stupid shit (like their 'Origins' turtles with the straight cut ankles) but I don't think this is one of them.
it's pale and desaturated, while the red is overly intense
the color balance is warped. minus green, plus red.
they don't care about money, they only care about free money. They'd skip a day of work to do more gambling
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I think the pickle turtles are worse because everyone had high expectations of "88 Turtles figures, but more articulated", but what they really did was the bare minimum of modern articulation and fucked up the heads, texture, and raph/don's skin colors AND made it walmart exclusive.
you know, it does look like they unfucked don's mask color at least (but then of course the weapons don't match)
the original toy had quite indigo mask and pads, like this, and then all the newer playmates products where his brown is redder, his purple is also redder, more like most other Dons
Beyond everything those cut ankles are absolutely the thing that bothers me the most. Straight cuts straight out of the 80s. Even doing it just like some of their other figures without the ankle pivot would have been a whole lot better, the peg into the shin with a hinge.
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Here's a comparison. Mutatin Raph is the original release.
Now to be fair, it is entirely possible that it yellowed over the years. but it was still much more saturated than the new toys, even discounting the hue.
The color isn't quite right but I like it quite a bit. I wonder if it'll look good with a wash.
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Someone already did touch ups with theirs.
Ehhhhhhh, it's better but still kinda...chintzy.
the purple is dead wrong for the original toy, and raph still looks too washed out in the skin. what was the touching up exactly?
>for the original toy
These are based on a black and white sketch, what do the original toy colors have to do with anything? The 'touching up' was obviously panel lining the sculpt.
>what do the original toy colors have to do with anything
the choice they made here was to do the original sketch turtles in the original toy colors.
The post you replied to was about colors, so panel lining isn't really a relevant reply.
>the choice they made here was to do the original sketch turtles in the original toy colors.
Says who? And the post that posted that pic of the turtles with the panel lining was responding to a post about how they'd look with a wash, so that anon was the one who brought up an irrelevant reply in the context of those posts.
>Says who?
functioning eyes? what would you call it
>that anon was offtopic
okay fair.
Found Moss Man the other day, was afraid I'd have to hunt for it. He has some balance issues, but maaaan this is an awesome mutant figure. Swap parts to go full freakshow or more normal Mossy...this is what I'dlike to see more of in a normal TMNT line. Mattel is having fun with TMNT, kudos to them.

And the Perry bros pack is fantastic too. The likenesses are so amazing, they definitely put love into this sculpt. I think my only complaint is he's using the old hips. That's unfortunate, but oh well. Happy this exists.
Woo time to open super7 Zak. I never had this guy, he never looked that cool to me, but at a discount I'm happy to have him on the shelf. just a cool shiny guy with neon pink weapons.. I need to get this guy a flying V guitar.
if this is how they're doing metallic paint now, I'm ready for Chrome Dome.
hey am I the only one who loves how super7s smell? must be some plasticizer

aaand his knee snapped immediately. back to amazon it goes..
Okay, Scumbug time. Dig the moving jaw, weird that it can't close completely. hips have the typical forward-back looseness but that's fixable. Never noticed before how he has like, a grass or fur sorta overcoat on his elytra (and they're apparently busting out of him in a way that leaves his shirt intact enough to wear)
his right foot has a weird cut joint at the boot despite that part being diagonal, so it twists funny. the knee that broke on zak, for this guy it was completely seized. but hot water fixed it. his left elbow's range of motion is like 30 degrees but whatever. love this guy. the poison-nipple-tubes actually have swiveling attachment points, so you don't have to make the rubber hoses fight his antennae. that is fantastic. the one leading to the gun pops off at both ends for readjusting. ooh and the gun hand has a tilty-wrist, that's the first time I've seen that I think. a much more logical joint there vs the, yknow, the gay salute joint.
>I'm ready for Chrome Dome.
Oh sweet Summer child...
Anybody else excited for this bad boy?
i am READY!
it sickens me that this has this much of an audience
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>I think these are pretty tremendous.
I sure don't like them, but I think I see what Anon means. and it's sort of appropriate for those designs to be done in 7poa playmates style since they're old and.. yknow, retro.. plus it's not as if those stumpy wrists and ankles ever would have supported articulation beyond a rotation at best.
seriously? with the modifier "pretty"? you retarded mush brains think those are TREMENDOUS? PRETTY TREMENDOUS? lmao the consoomer brain has officially peaked
>everyone had high expectations of "88 Turtles figures, but more articulated"
Yeah and I get that from Super 7, if you ever had faith in Playmates doing it right you're a fool.
you replied to the wrong guy
You have to hand it to them
bitching about super7 somehow horning in on their territory when absonobody would pick one over the other is douchey, but if they're actually DOING something like that... they have half a leg to stand on. At least they're not sabotaging the product and then refusing to do their own. They're just, y'know, incompetent.
>I get that from Super 7
what's that? paint splotches? completely loose hips? figures that can't stand? but hey for 20-25 dollars what do you expect. surprised they can get their price point so low with the extravagant packaging.
Playmates want s$25 for these tiny things? Guess I'll wait for clearance like the mutation turtles.
its just depressing mattel can make a better vintage inspired tmnt toyline than playmates despite having to include fucking motu elements
how is it depressing? you should be completely numb to this. playmates has their OG line and it is great. in a way it is the best there ever was and ever will be. on card and loose both have their merits and appeal with that line. everything modern sucks. there are still good figures being made but they still suck. stop being a faggot and just accept reality.
$25? These are $15 at most. $20cad, so probably even cheaper than $15usd.
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Mutant Military reissues that have yet to be announced.
huh. well i'm sure someone will appreciate that.
The three prototypes that are claimed to have been seen, are a mix of both Mutant Military 1 and 2: Delta Don, Scuba Mike, and Green Beret Raph. I'd also expect Lt. Leo due to him being reissued a few years back.
>Their is so little faith in playmates people think they will pull a bait and switch with their most popular and famous playset

The butthurt would be a spectacle for sure, but I really hope they are not that retarded
Who cares?
how dumb and gay do you have to be to think they will reissue bebop?
That's not a piece of Bebop
he's part of the mutant military line. lurk more, newfag
anon wasn't accusing the poster of being dumb and gay, just postulating as to the dumbness and gayness of anyone who's getting their hopes up for bebop, having seen his wavemate's leg
>has the patience of a saint
you're too good for this place
I just like clearing up misunderstandings
there's enough shit to be mad at these days. and I swear youtube is purposely bombarding me with the most recent one. We don't need to be inventing new ones in our heads based on misunderstanding shit
I guess. and while I did mean my original comment in a general sense, I was also calling that name fag dumb and gay. I mean what kind of a fag would care about the mutant military when you know playmates is going to cuck out on the best figure in the wave? and don't even get me started on tripfagging
well I think you were a bit inarticulate then. you want the gayfag to understand how dumb he is, and that requires careful and thorough explanations. After all, he's dumb, right? You have to walk him through it.
It is Crimson Commander, who is dumb and gay and the root of the board's problems. So...
...so it's okay to give total nonsequitur replies if someone you dislike is involved
Go away, Neca anon. You’re ban evading again.
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Eastman was selling some artwork, and this appears to be our Mirage Karai! Even has the Foot Elte's weapons. Pretty fucking cool.
Eastman is clearly altered mental status with this fan fiction
Everyone's already on to you in the meta thread CC. You can take your crazy shit elsewhere now.
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>fan fiction

Look, look at the fake fan and laugh
that's a good design. i'm so disappointed with super7's karai.
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>total nonsequitur
>literally commenting on the reissue wave
in your mind, yes. but none of that made it to your post.
He's always been a junkie simp. Peter Laird is the heart and soul of TMNT.
>newfag wants to be spoonfed
lurk another year or two and then you have my permission to post
Kek, the mush brain Eastman is confusing Pimiko and Karai
>if you really loved me you'd be able to read my mind
holy shit you guys i think we have a woman in this thread
>ignorant of subject matter
>cries when other people are talking over her head
yeah and I think we found her
Close, Lady Shredder was from Image Comics but was NOT Karai
certainly taught me a lesson about trying to explain you to the one who didn't get it
Wow you really are dumb
there is a reason why every hobby and community turns to complete shit when you let these people in-they're complete and utter faggots
You’re just as dense as Kevin who autographs napkins at cons. Karai outranked a loser like Oroku Saki and would never don his helm/gear
Is there something wrong with you mentally? Is that why you repeat your stupid bullshit?
He was signing napkins for fans at Supanova Sydney, I saw it with my own two eyes
a napkin with his signature would be worth hundreds of dollars
just keep it away from Homer Simpson at a barbeque.
I had to resist the urge to jump over the table and smack that dumb goatee off his face
don't pull that thread anon
behind every bad beard is a worse face
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You're pathetic
>wet noodle hips action for super dance off capabilities
wrong post?
That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo
Eastman signs everything and so the market is saturated with his scrawl
Cry about it more
no. that's why josh is sad. because daddy brian ruined the figures.
Goys, since when did OnlyFans thots start to prowl for simps from our toy communities? This isn't the only example. WTD
>succubus shilling cross-eyed neco super shredder wearing an air sprayed giant gonzalez get up
what am i looking at here exactly. a youtube thumbnail?
Is it that bad? Plus, why would i want to watch someone open something? Is it christmas?
she looks like a millenial. you wouldn't understand because you're a zoomer but TMNT was a phenomenon. it was huge. she probably genuinely likes it.
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Picked up a reissue Shredder from Target yesterday to combat my Storage Shells.

Aren't you the guy that got laughed out of the Star Wars general for defending Hasbro overcharging for flimsy deluxe releases?
Wow cool, a pegwarmer that's been on and off clearance for the last year.
this dumb motherfucker left the SW general for like two years and then came back maybe a week ago hoping everyone had forgotten but nope everyone remembered and he got laughed out again
marvel at the quality of stone
the very lavish lifestyle of cc
no wonder so many act out of jealousy against him
he post toy and they come out of woodwork to attack
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kek, this
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Calm down Neca-anon. Some of us want to post toys.
yeah everyone laughing at you is one guy lol
wait, the namefag actually IS one of the spammers?
this... perplexes me. things are working together that are not on the same side.
weird that a namefag who obviously needs attention would want to use samefag as a cope. guess he can't handle negative attention and only wants anons to love him.
Bro, I just want you to post toys instead of spamming
Have you considered posting without a trip so that people don't immediately identify and ridicule you?
his dad would have beat the gay out of him...if he was ever around
You're the one that spams the board dude.
I wish I could remember the username but there's an eBay account that sells used figures and always had some busted thot housewife holding them up while either topless or wearing a bikini. Any time I see their auctions it always makes me laugh more than get aroused.
posting joke bobblehead aprils has long since gone from parody to spamming though. yes the head was too big, and yes it was funny the first 4 or 5 times, but at this point it's deliberately dredging shit up
i like you, Crimcom. But you have a responsibility to post only the highest quality.
This might be the worst CC samefagging yet
movie II splinter whennnn
what the fuck is the holdup
subway car turtles III splinter hand puppet has taken priority. SOTO has pretty much been abandoned, INCLUDING Paige Turco as April because of contractual obligations of exclusivity with the previous actress
SDCC is in like, a month
Oh you mean all the stuff you just made up right now that has never actually happened and isn't real?
phew. i'm gonna be vibrating in place waiting for the news

could go for a paige turco actually, since the twip brought it up. i'd buy her in a two-pack with both II and III versions, but.. not sure how the packaging would look
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More pics of my reissues
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Only the Don and 4 of the Foot Soldiers are vintage.
oh god.. poor rahzar. someone take him to a vet
yeah see those are the correct don colors.
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Also scored a Party Wagon a few weeks back.
huh, I forgot the headlights were stickers
looks good man! this is the reissue right? I guess playmates didn't fuck it up
>retard level photos
>Whoa, this street is, like, mondo huge and wide, guys!
>Michaelangelo, I shrank us all with that ray I made out of that crystal. The road's not big, we're small!
>Minisculoso, compadre! Hope nobody makes us into street pizza!
The reissue feels more duriable than the vintage. Some of the parts are made out of soft, rubbery plastic, and feels like it could take more of a beating. It's honestly an upgrade in my view. A few of the stickers are omitted, but repros can be found on ebay and etsy. I'd reccomend it just to get one in your collection.
that is the one advantage of softer plastic, less brittle. can take a hit without breaking. but in general.. i do not like it. which parts, the orange ones?
thankfully I still have my original, incomplete as it was. and my covidwagon which I still plan to customize further someday, adding door handles, windshield wipers, etc.
thank you for posting toy
Yeah, all the orange bits are super rubbery and wont break on you. The van itself is made out of that really light weight, flexible plastic Mattel uses on MOTU Origins and Spin Master use on their Batman vehicles. It makes it feel more duriable, and that it could survive being dropped from a distance.
So where's yours?

Oh right, you don't buy any.
hm, i feel like the old one was definitely more the "Could support a decent amount of weight if you pushed on it, but would make a clean break if you pushed it too hard" kinda plastic.
For sure. The other vintage vehicles have that feel, where I'd worry about them taking a tumble from a shelf. Not so here. I hope the Technodrome is similar quality.
That? I'd wear that.
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Almost mad I paid full price. But this is a great figure if you can find it in stock for this sale.
he really is pretty great, if I had anything to put him with I'd solidly consider.

speaking of prices, why do people even do 5-day auctions? what's the point, nobody's gonna bid until the last few minutes anyway. auctions are for scenarios like the old internet: few users, varying and eclectic tastes. not just hordes of uniform people.
Makes me want another one, but thatd be silly.
more days up for people to see the listing
the shorter the window it is up the less people will plan to actually snipe it in the last 10 minutes, but in case of things still on retail shelves its pretty pointless, the average buyer will just go to the buy it now option unless the starting price is abnormally low.
well it always is, but again, pointless. all the bidding is done in the last second. two days is all it should ever take.
That’s behavior of poors. I only look under buy it now because I’m not going to waste my time to save less than ten dollars like a dirty poor.
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"Hey McFly."
That works far too well.

I have that skate ramp set. I like how modular it is.
speaking of these fucks, I got my replacement super7 zak (actually saved a few bucks because they would only give me a refund, and the price actually went down on a new one)
no bad joints this time! but he does have a little black paint smudge under his pompadour.
the rubber hose connecting the gun to the backpack seemed fucked up because it wouldn't work, but it turns out the backpack has a decoy hole, and the gun has a decoy peg. and no, those two don't fit together for gun storage.
once again, gun-hands get to have pitch-tilt, which is nice except this is the one time I'd rather they had yaw-tilt, since the guns seem to fit more comfortably askew in the hand than straight forward.
Overall cool neon punk elf to sit on the shelf
oh, and no loose hips. each time i get a tight-hipped one i'm hoping that's how it'll be goin forward.
I never got Neca to replace any of the broken figures they sent me. I still have two Terminators in box with severed feet rattling around inside. I also have a Xenomorph, missing one of it's spikes, still carded, an a Part 3 Jason Voorhees with his crotch diaper not glued. I complained to Neca on their social media, and they told me to PM them on Facebook, and then they gave me the run around to email them. So I emailed them, and... radio silence. They even had a little statement on their site that if they give you radio silence, it means they're not going to do anything with your complaint.
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I’m so sorry, anon.
sucks dude, what did they say when you asked?
On facebook and twitter they were apologetic, and told me to PM them. When I did on Facebook and showed them the pics and they said they would absolutely be able to get me a replacement or refund, but that I would have to put in an email thru their website, which they redirected me to. I had already been thru this nonsense before with their website and gotten no response, and figured if I contacted them off on social media that it might grease the wheels and get a replacement... it did not. Neca fights really hard to not give you a replacement. And it was the same B.S. where they didn't replace it.

Yeah, I figured that all their boiler plate statements on their quality was there so they didn't have to replace anything when their product was defective. It's such predatory bullshit, that might even qualify as a scam, since they're knowingly selling poor products, and expecting the customer to just eat shit over and over, and doing everything in their power to avoid doing replacements.
oh wow. so after they didn't give you a response, what happened when you looked up their customer service number and called them?
This is a straight up lie. They're nore helpful than any other company out there if there's actually an issue.
>they're knowingly selling poor products
Other than the fact that they're doing nothing of the sort. You being a butthurt child doesn't make them some evil company all of a sudden.
Sounds like you're a liar or the most unlucky person in the universe. Funny how it's all "in the box" with you. I'm totally sure it has nothing to do with you being the problem.
Wow, what a painfully stupid response to your obvious bullshit. You wanna take some time to try and come up with something clever?
this is pretty common with Neca they will ghost you hoping that you give up. they use all that language like "non-durable goods" to try to get out of their responsibility to the customer
No, actually that isn't true at all.
Loyal Subjects Jennika is up on bbts scam site. it’s only a matter of time before Sheena is announced
BBTS isn't a scam site. You sound like a spaz.
That's why I stopped buying NECrAp.
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These things look like burn victims.
Oh? So you admit you have zero experience with their toys and you're just a troll. Got it dude.
and most of that is their expressions.
Kentucky Fried Tortoises
what are they supposed to be? they're brown but they have the colored masks, so it's not like it's sepia-tone
zombay turts. this is the neco standard, re-releasing molds with updated paint, they're following the neco standard but their release window is much much shorter than randy time.
Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.
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Not sure I want to start collecting another scale but this could be interesting? They make a lot of vehicles and bases for warhammer and their own IPs.
>their release window is much much shorter
No wonder the BST toys suck so bad
they pattern themselves after neco
neco repacks are the new standard
it is the standard for all modern toy line
neco anon say toy line won’t cost out otherwise
big brain randy methods should not be questioned
neco is standard bearer of toy industry
Mezco toon turtlebois are shipping now
>ankle wrap
>over geared
Looks like we getting the fortnite bois in figure form after all
Sorry, can't understand a thing you're saying. Maybe speak English or not mumble some brain worm nonsense next time.
oh i guess that makes sense. human zombies turn sickly green, so turtle zombies would have to be a different color
well they certainly look like zombies.
Sewer swimming variants.

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