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Previous thread: >>/toy/10955398


Dates according to Medicom/Ami Ami. Date changes since last thread marked in "green".

>May 2024
208 - BO-KATAN KRYZE (The Mandalorian Ver.)
209 - AQUAMAN (Zack Snyder's Justice League)
215 - BATMAN (Knightfall Ver.)

>June 2024
>210 - AHSOKA TANO (The Mandalorian Ver.)
>212 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 4)
>216 - BANE (Knightfall Ver.)
217 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Comic Ver.)

>July 2024
219 - ERADICATOR (Return of Superman)
220 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Classic MCU Suit)

>August 2024
222 - BATMAN (Zack Snyder's Justice League)

>September 2024
223 - DAREDEVIL (Comic Ver.)

>October 2024
227 - LUKE SKYWALKER (The Mandalorian Ver)
228 - RIDDLER (Hush Ver.)

>November 2024
229 - SCARECROW (Hush Ver.)
230 - BLACK PANTHER (Ver. 1.5)

>December 2024
231 - IRON MAN (Stealth Ver.)
232 - SUPERBOY (Return of Superman)
240 - 4-LOM (Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Ver.)

>January 2025
233 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 3)
234 - CAINE (John Wick Chapter 4)

>February 2025
237 - THE DEEP
239 - SPIDER-MAN 2099 (Comic Ver.)
>Previous thread: >>10955398
Fuck, yeah, Rogue.
>pleather jacket
not off to a good start
>faces will be off
>butt will be flat
>thighs will be skinny and shaped like Psylocke's
Rouge and her iconic banana peel?
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Today I will remind them
How do the Revo and ML offerings compare?
Dang, Bane was delayed?
Still better than Marvel Legends.
Revo Psylocke is better from the neck down. At the very least they got her physique correct.
>t.Mafex Psylocke with a ML training Psylocke head owner
Very happy for this. Rouge and Beast are the last 2 I need to complete my team. Fuck Jubliee.
What would it feel like if Rogue gave you a handjob with her glove off?
ML has that awful flat pancake ass, Revo is much better, better legs too
fucking monkey paw
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Is she known to have the metallic paint run off issue that Harley has?
It would be extremely painful.
At least it shouldn’t be too hard to get a custom one made of fabric. Are there any cloth ones for the ML rogues people have made? Might just buy one now.
The pleather flaking issue is exaggerated. I’ve had Hot Toys with pleather jackets 10+ years and not a single flaking issue.
What makes you think it will be pleather?
Look at the OP image man. It’s very clearly pleather.
Looks more like very well painted plastic to me. Why would they use pleather now? They didn’t on the terminator figures. Have they ever used pleather?
Screenshot this for when it's actually revealed to be pleather.
You can see the string stitching man, it would be wildly out of scale if that was just sculpt. The upcoming superboy has a pleather jacket too, think that was the first time they did it.
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i fucking got venom and black suit spiderman atlast

while the QC paint is a bummer im quite happy with them, should i hunt for carnage to complete the trio, hes constantly falling in price to 110eur on amazon
Faces are one of mafexs strong suits though.
Meh, I’ll wait for the eventual Amazing Yamaguchi that will blow this out of the water, especially after realizing it’s a pleather jacket.
There's a chance they change it. I forget who (HUSH in think) was originally shown with a pleather coat.
I ask again. What makes you think it is pleather? Is there a way to tell from looking at it. Picrel is real leather. I know it drives up the cost, but I'd like to think this is what Medicom would use if they want it to last.
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According to their official site its just says fabric, so no way of knowing for sure what material they are using. Do medicom have a history of using pleather? Did any of their own batman movie figures use it?
That’s a 1:6 figure. Real leather on a 1/12 figure is a lot more difficult and gonna be pretty bulky.
Did you even read my post? I said that the Superboy is their first time using it. Do you know what pleather looks like? Clearly that’s pleather on superboy, especially if they’re calling it fabric.
Pretty much no industry calls it pleather anymore because it has a negative connotation these days. They use terms such as “leather-like material, or “bonded leather”. There is pretty much no way it’s real leather because as mentioned the scale makes it difficult, but that aside if a company is actually using leather they always mention it outright because real leather is never expected and it is understood you pay a premium for it no matter the product, >>10995229 is no exception, saying it had a real leather outfit was part of the marketing up front.
So is every thread just gonna have some autistic fanboy defending every stupid decision that the company makes?
>flat chest
>no ass
Please prove me wrong Mafex.
seems an easy fix, there are customs leather brown jackets.
makes sense.
makes sense

are we not allowed to ask people for justification of their assumptions when it looks like they are just jumping to conclusions? How old are you?
Just stop being a fucking n00b dumbass dude
Not on X-girls.
Catwoman has a nice ass and a decent face. Have hope.
prove it
That's so sad holy shit.
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Not really.
Anyone who thinks Rogue will have a decent ass is delusional
damn, you coomers are mentally ill
If wanting figures to look sexy and appealing is mentally ill, then I dont want to be to mentally right.
Take the statue pill. All my female figures are statues.
Rule 2, statues will neer belong here.
fags opinions don't count. I guess you like those mafex/ml manfaces
i hope a 3rd party makes actually attractive mafex asses.
how do the male characters have better asses than the female ones.
Has anyone hat issues with their T-800 endoskeleton figures? I just got mine. It looks amazing but it feels very fragile.
Her curves are gonna be pathetic, calling it now
I dont see you trying.
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Trying has nothing to do with it: Disney's forcing him to do this, And WB's no different: just look at how pathetic the new Revoltech Catwoman looks
mine has an ankle that is stuck, don't want to risk fucking with it since I saw a few complaints of breakage. Its definitely fragile feeling.
fuckin' kek. looks like she's wearing a diaper.
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Is it mental illness to want a figure to look like the art?

Whoever's in charge of sculpting their comic figures is obviously gay. Nightwing's ass was a thing of beauty.
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So pathetic.
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So very pathetic.
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It's too pathetic.
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I can't deal with all this patheticness
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P a t h e t i c
The Revo Psylocke face looks like something a 5 year old would draw. Their only good figures are masked characters.
Honestly, this. I gave up on Marvel or DC figures having nice asses years ago. Take the Bishoujopill.
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PatheTHICC gyatt damn!
>something a 5 year old would draw.
prove it
Nightwing having a great ass is kind of a thing in the comics, like Power Girl's boobs.
That's the double standard here. If they were making a figure of Power Girl you just know they would gimp her "assets" like they're doing with Rogue here.
Just treat it with armor-all and turtle wax
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Why she look like a potato?
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oh, sorry, wrong pic
You can say that with any old fig, theyve gotten better, so has mafex but mafex needs to up their game and switch to face plates and a bit thicker female bucks. They killin it on the male side of things though.
>Nightwing having a great ass is kind of a thing in the comics
Same with Psylocke, and that didn't save her.
Someone should really get on making a third-party head for this figure. The body is excellent, the face feels like an afterthought.
Goddamn, coomers infesting this thread. Stick to your containment thread you losers.
>hmpf! Amazing Yamaguchi is such a non-sexy figure
>that's not true, check this out

you mafex cucks are genuinely entertaining lmao, atleast ML fags can justify their behaviour under the guise of being poor
but you bozos actually spend money for a shitty product huh lmfao
>He says while never touching a comic book in his life and only watching clips of the cartoon on YouTube
Why are we pretending like any of you care about the source material? We all know you don't read comics.
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Fixed lips so they don't look like a mustache
I would have already bought this is the thighs didn't look like that.
So, Rogue is confirmed. Who are we thinking is reveal number 2?
>open thread
>brand wars
Every time
I do what I can but I'm just one person. Mods don't seem to do much about it.
its normal having dirt on the figure in brand new box?
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welp it seem the chinks making this shit doesnt know about gloves

quite sad i was looking foward to this one
I was looking for the fingerprint. What's the issue? That little brown smudge? Just clean it off.
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its kinda hard to pick up inn photo, the backside is great and clean but the front of the torso is all like this
Ok I see. Try some isopropyl 91. Since it's on the unpainted black (or is there paint) it should be possible to carefully wipe it off.
Hush Robin
not sure about if there is paint or nope since there is like "white" dirt
Fucking please
It'd be funny if it's purple costume Balent Catwoman.
Also, yes please
They *really* have to up their T&A game for that one.
MAFEX Jessica Rabbit when?
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still the best psylocke face on any psylocke figure
if you like potato faces
No it's not. It's way too anime. As are all revos
it's just a bunch of trolls falseflagging and shitting multiple threads also this >>10996422
Yamaguchi sucks at faces.
>It's way too anime
as it should be.
american comics females are just men with tits
And anime is just 11yr old girls
Anime style would look good. Idk what the Yamaguchi style is but it’s trash on faces.
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It's a giant box.
The horse in that is crap. It can hardly stand. You'd think something with 4 legs could stand.
the DC trampstamp gets me everytime.
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Checkmate dumbass.
Yeah I really wish they did one without the horse. Like the giant Iron Man gun, this accessory is gonna stay in the box.

I'm still deciding if I'm gonna keep this or sell it off - I'm pretty happy with my black and grey version and my kitbashed blue and grey version (made from three different Mafex TKR Batmen). But DKR Batman is my favourite so I might keep it, maybe take him at work.
>it'll never work selena
>why, because we're of two different worlds?
>no, different lines
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The hair is a painful
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What's wrong with Spidey's back?
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I like the slim and simple Catwoman; but I don't think there's a great one yet.
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Nips don't know what an ass is. They don't have them.
When is batman coming out?

wanna see review already
Next week or so, end of the month.
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No way
Worst. Adaptation. Ever.
He wasn’t even blue and didn’t teleport ONCE. What the fuck were they thinking?
female mafex figures are for people with family or people who are visited often by normal fags. These collectors are afraid to be seen as perverted or strange so they shy away from embracing the female form.
They're designed to appeal to Americans.
Genuinely, unironically obsessed
>for you
I only just realised yesterday knightfall batman doesn't have a neck joint like the hush one. That's a bummer for the articulation.
uh? what does it mean
You mean DC 27?
>Rogue and M3gan
anon means the lower neck articulation seems to be gone.
I need pictures of rogue.
holy fuck Hasbro's Green Phoenix (with DP head) blows this shit out of the water
Was hoping for Rogue and Sasha Grey
That figure is a piece of shit too, Mafex definitely needs to up the ass game but let’s not pretend hasbro makes coomer figures either.
Burgermutts seething right now.
I hadn't cared about this at first since I'm not getting him, but then just realised I have Cap and Jean combined for June, so if this means one of them is gonna get delayed in turn I'll be super pissed!!
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>Preorders open Thursday 5/23
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Neck yourself puritan
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And finally, what you've all been waiting for...
It’s so over
Listen pal, I just make the threads.
this shit looks so bad compared to Psylocke or even Storm
but I realized that most Mafex drones can't take criticism regarding the releases, you say something and these fucks will say "well I think it looks GOOD yes it looks better than ML it looks great don't mind the fuckton of issues!" I mean of course it should look better it's a fucking $80 figure, and still looks like shit compared to previous releases
NECA levels of hive mindset
Sounds more like you're a dumb asshole and you want everyone to be as miserable as you are.
Why can't people just like something? Why does everyone have to share your opinion? Do you realize how fucking boring the world would be if we all liked and disliked the same shit?
I don't know about this figure not only does it have an ass problem but the face is not Rogue it looks like a Jean reuse
>t. same fucks who call Gayfex "Le ultimate figures of the characters!"
When fucking Marvel Legends has more curves you know you fucked up.
To be fair Jean’s face didn’t exactly look like her either. I guess this is just the style they are going with. Of the female x-men they’ve done I think only on Storm did they really nail the face.
this shit looks sad, I refuse to believe any honest person is going to defend it, and his arms look like sticks the ML has more muscular arms, what a fuckup
*Sigh* Another middling Mafex female. I'm already wed to the Mafex Blue Team, so she's gonna be my Rogue, but I'm not gonna pretend she's as good as she could be. Angry and resting bitch faces are nice, and at least she doesn't have thigh cuts, and it looks like *maybe* her head will look up enough for flight poses?
Jacket is probably a disaster in the making, eh.
That was my initial impression too, especially once I saw the butt. Eh, I dunno. Aside from the jacket, it's not really a slam dunk against either the retro or 97 from Hasbro. If you're already collecting Mafex XMen, sure, it makes sense. But it doesn't scream $100 figure to me. But then I think Mafex in general has been a dubious value proposition since they passed $50.
If you're paying $100 for a regular sized Mafex, you're doing it wrong. $65 + shipping.
Everyone loves the Mondo. Some people are just poor or slow.
>If you're paying $100 for a regular sized Mafex, you're doing it wrong. $65 + shipping.

>shipping totally isn't $25 and there's no foreign transaction fee, making the difference negligible!
1. Not everyone is Murican
2. Shipping and taxes exist
3. Mafex has been jacking up their prices every new release. If you're not paying $100 now you will be next month.
DHL shipping costs me $20. Even with the extra shipping cost, it's still like $20 cheaper than buying domestically. It's probably even cheaper right now since the Yen is in the shitter.
>Not everyone is Murican
They don't count

>Shipping and taxes exist
See >>11002018. Even with shipping I'm still paying anywhere from $75 to $85. And I'm not paying tax. Meanwhile, you're paying $100+ from a domestic site + $4 minimum shipping + tax. At that point you can buy an extra Has to figure with the savings.

>Mafex has been jacking up their prices every new release. If you're not paying $100 now you will be next month.
Ah, whatsboutism. The best argument. Stop being so bad at online shopping.
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>no ass or curves
>disappointing faces
I'll still buy her since scalpers have made the ML impossible to get, but I don't have to like it.
Save us Yamaguchi-san!
>Meanwhile, you're paying $100+ from a domestic site + $4 minimum shipping + tax.
Don't forget + tip
Sigh, least she'll go with remy....
Collecting Mafex and other imports unironically made me appreciate legends more
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most male figures i own have a better dumpy
So basically, Mafex are just the Marvel Legends of the east...
Did you see the ass they put on nightwing? Fucking night and day difference.
>schizos be seething
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At the very least, Mafex knows how to sculpt perfectly shaped titties.
Better than potato-faced revoltech at least.
I only have psylocke and storm and i think they nailed the faces, not so much with jean or rogue. They have to add a bit more meat to the upper lip
yeah for me is no

yamaguchi save us
>Mafex knew
every one of their Marvel girls after Psylocke looks like shit
So were there any other reveals?
NO! The other figure is Megan.
Looks good. But the jacket is a stupid idea.
Take your meds and go touch grass.
Psylocke and Storm look fine. Rogue leaves something to be desired, but I've seen worse. WTF is up with that Jean, though?
Its to make you feel like you're getting more
Catwoman is the last female they made before turning into western-minded cucks.
why is she so orange?
people doesn't become orange when they're tanned, fucking mongoloid
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Looks kind of bad, but it matches the other female figs in the line I guess.
I hope not. Still hoping another company comes along and takes another crack at these characters and finally gets them right. I just want a set of Jim Lee X-Men that matches his aesthetic.

The problem with Mafex is that the designers are clearly out of their element making American comic style characters with a lot of detail and are most used to stylized anime.
Storm looks great. Pity about the rest.
she looks like she pooped her pants
Revoltech is our only hope
dont worry guys, we're going to get another go around with rogue with the new show.
cannot be unseen

since when tight clothes have folding
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>the new show
Truly the worst timeline.
why do coomers think there opinion matters bros?
Because they buy figurines.
Because paying customers have a right to call out objectively bad decisions. Fuck off with your coomer bullshit.
I wonder if I can just buy a bunch of her figure and swap the crotch pieces, sell the rest as fodder to make up the money. She do be havin a dumper.
All these pages of text, meanwhile we all know it will sell out and be scalped for 2x the retail price with people begging for a re-release.

You're all just pissing into the wind.
jesus christ what happened to that ML FACE
why do american toy companies hate women so much?
>A figure not being sexy enough is now an objective opinion
There is so much wrong with this statement. Personally I think she looks just fine. So your objective fact turns out to be your incredibly self centered opinion. Sorry that not everyone shares your values (or lack there of) but that's just the way the world is. Now can we stop throwing a temper tantrum across multiple threads about it? Bitch in /ctg/. They care.
This is why women shouldn't get action figs. Causes too much drama. Nobody cares about Bane's ass.
Watch the latest episode and watch your faggy little narrative crumble. Bet you watch YellowFlash 2 videos.
You know who has a surprisingly nice ass? Blight.
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I'll pretend you've been living under a bridge and are not a troll to let you know that Marvel Legends (and other Hasbro toylines) have some of the best faces in the industry. They were really bad (see: Psylocke) until about 2 years ago when they perfected their face printing tech. Now, most of their faces look spectacular - way better than imports or boutique products even. You can complain about Marvel Legends for all kinds of legit reasons, but their faces now are second to none.
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>character in the comics and OG cartoon is designed to be sexy
>the figure doesn't use this as part of the design and is therefore unfaithful to source material
>fans are rightfully disappointed

You do know comic book artists and cartoonists are people too? That those people deliberately design sexy characters to sell comics? So logically the figure of the character should do the same, correct?
>Inb4 they fixed her for modern audiences
Retroactively making a character less sexy never works.
We've been over this a thousand times, the art for both the cartoon and especially the comics is super inconsistent. She has been depicted with the proportions of the figure before, and no, not just the modern cartoon. Just because they're not the proportions you prefer, doesn't make them objectively bad. Now fuck off with this "my way or the highway" bullshit you guys keep tossing around here. We can each cherry pick pieces of art that back up our arguments, but at the end of the day, whether or not the figure is sexy enough is entirely subjective. What you think is sexy, someone else may not. Stop being such a child about this.
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>Nobody cares about Bane's ass
>meanwhile Mafex Nightwing has an ass shot on full display as one of his promotional images
>he ass is depicted as shapely with folds sculpted to show off how tight and formfitting his suit is

So gays and girls get what they want but not straight dudes?
>not getting the meta joke that Dick as the best ass in comics
I hate you guys so much sometimes.
>figure sales do well
See it's fine, chuds
>figure sales flop
How dare you absolute CHILDREN not buy a figure that Mafex designed to be as plain as possible to appeal to wider audience instead of fans of the source material!

>meta joke
>ha ha guys I'm not gay itsa joke!

So a meta joke ass gets a faithful figure but Rogue having a nice ass is going too far? Asses can't look nice unless it's a joke?
There is no downside to making a sexy Rogue articulated figure with a big booty. Anyone that complains about such a thing wasn't gonna buy the figure anyway.
Stop being such a fucking drama queen you secondary cuck. What makes you "people" think your opinions matter?
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Have you seen how old comics used to color Asians in the 80's and 90's? Orange tones were the go-to color like peach was for white people
If no one's opinions matter here then why are you here? Do you even own a single Mafex?
Then make your own.
Americans have to be the most racist people alive.
Probably more than you do since I don't get so hung up on such trivial fucking things. I swear, the way some of you bitch and moan about literally everything, I wonder if you even like toys.
Yeah, that's one area you could call a superlative for Hasbro. Their faces have gotten really good.
Non-collector here so you know that I am unbiased and being objective here in my jusgement. how do you justify paying $80+ for this? it looks like a hasbro marvel legends figure, it honestly doesn't look like it's worth more than $25. i can understand maybe paying that much for a revoltech because of the advanced engineering and crazy poses you can get a figure into, or even paying that much for a storm collectibles because you know the quality and paint job is going to be top tier.
Mafex just looks really cheap and the posing isn't all that great either. you're just Ike hasbro cuckkks eating up garbage but on international level smdh
I don't see you making anything worth a damn.
Generally, the paint, articulation, accessories, and just overall presentation are of higher quality than an ML. I mean, just looking at her, I can tell she's a step above MLs. That said, I will say that I only feel that imports are worth it if you like the character enough. Spider-Man is my all time favorite comic book character, so I have no issue buying imports of him. However, I'm not as big of a fan of the X-Men so the Marvel Legends are good enough for me there.
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It's pretty based desu
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>ZSJL Flash
Pay me eighty dollars and I will.

>he can't post a picture of toys he owns
Big talk coming from someone with no back to their claims.

>if you're not a automobile expert you can't say a car feels like shit to drive
Your logic is flawed. If everyone was like that than their would be no customers for anything.
>Big talk coming from someone with no back to their claims.
Why, so you can try to focus on my background or something and then shitpost about me for years? No thanks. I don't see you posting yours either.
>shitposter does dumb shit on occasion
>therefore that shitposter dictates what kinds of posts I make
Just when I thought I'd seen the most pathetic faggot on this board you go and surprise me. Either that or you truly can't prove you own a Mafex so you're taking the easy way out by lying.
>Verification not required
Where's your screenshot then?
The fuck are you even talking about?
You're afraid of a shitposter. That's so pathetic it's not even funny.
>Verification not required
Kek I think he's schizo-ing out
You're kinda proving my point. I'd rather not have some schizo sperg out about me every time he sees my desk or whatever.
dude the most famous rogue meme is this fucking shot >>11003147
your argument is retarded and we are right into complain about how pathetic her ass is.
>Basing your knowledge of a character from a meme
This is why you guys don't deserve an opinion
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that anon wasnt lying
he have no neck.

sucks that i got blue hush for his unmasked head and cant use on other batmans
>wahhh the big bad /toy/poster is gonna do something to me!
>that's why I can't post a picture of toys I totally own!
Opinion discarded.

>your argument is retarded and we are right into complain about how pathetic her ass is.

That post you're replying to supports those complaints. I'm agreeing with you, dumbass.
Maybe 3rd party customizers will do something.
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he got a neck but isnt gonna look good
You mean like the meme about Nightwing having a nice ass? Strange how Mafex was willing to that yet they're above giving Rogue the same treatment.
Yes, throw a big baby temper tantrum. That'll bait me into posting my toys so you can comb the board for my pics like a freak. I know better than to post my shit in the middle of a heated argument with you schizos.
>Decades old comic book in joke
>Internet meme from a cartoon that you probably didn't even watch
You don't say?
So, are the heads not interchangeable between the capes?
Nevermind, I'm retarded.
>thinks posting a single picture will doom him to be harassed across /toy/
>calls others schizos

Seek mental help, anon.
>this meme is OLDER
>that makes it more HECKIN VALID
2005 comic book forums would like their bullshit arguments back.
Have you not been to the Marvel thread?
Maybe there's a socket in the bottom of the cowls?
Glad I preordered the Mondo kek
No, and I don't plan to in the future since that one guy started tricking people by making his own threads labelled "Marvel General" despite not posting any release updates. Same reason I don't go into the Transformers threads. Also if that's your point: A board should never be judged by it's worst threads and shitposters. Every board has those issues. /toy/ isn't that special other than being a bit slower.
>Do you even own a single Mafex?
Of course not, he's MLfag falseflagging for pity (You)s
I want to like the Mafex figures but the joints are always too loose and flimsy and they just aren't very fun to pose around with.
Man, what happened to comics
All the joints are nice and fluid on mine, sometimes a bit too tight, but never loose.
I've had more joints that are too tight than too loose on the various Mafex figures I own, but I have had some loose stuff. What particularly comes to mind are AzBats and Hish Supermans shoulders feeling a bit too loose. But it's not a huge deal, they're just slightly loose. Meanwhile I've had numerous figures I've had to apply shock oil to, just to stop the joints from clicking. It's mostly in the ball jointed hips, which are luckily easy to pop apart and take a drop of oil to.
I have one mafex figure with loose hips and I chalk it up to the previous owner being a retard.
The same thing thats happened to every other piece of western media.
A lot of my mafex figures' toe joints are pretty loose. I live in a hot climate though so that might have something to do with it, idk.
We were so fucking CLOSE to perfection. And THIS is what Mafex decides to do? For shame.
>so fucking CLOSE to perfection
huh? pretty sure the figure have a lot of issues to be close to perfection...
There's a lot more wrong with that figure than the ass or lack of curves.
You'd never know based on what these guys say.
You're gonna want to remove it because:
>will impede shoulder articulation
>it's gonna flake
John Mafex fucked up.
Hello everyone, good morning, afternoon or evening whatever it is where you are. I would just like you all to know that I will be purchasing the mafex rogue figure. I'm happy overall with the way that it looks. Although I do see some of your points about how it should be more shapely. I think that it will look very good with my other Mafex X-Men figures and I'm looking forward to displaying them all together. I'm also looking forward to next month's offerings of Bane, Captain America and John Wick, which I will purchasing all three. However, I'm pretty sure I Captain America will unfortunately be delayed as per usual with Mafex. With that said, I am looking forward to everyone posting pictures of those figures as they are released as I will be doing the same. I hope that the conversation surrounding these figures can move away from name calling and rudeness and instead bring us together as participants in this wonderful hobby. I appreciate you reading this and I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
>trying this hard
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So he's coming out this month for sure right? No delays?
We've gotten a couple in-hand pics and AmiAmi hasn't changed the date, so it looks like he will be out as scheduled.
Kek, you hasbroke faggots really can't stand anything that deviates from hard jackets huh? Stupid fucking retards
The fact that you know who that is says more about you than anyone else in this thread.
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now stfu.

I bought the mondo. And I would gladly pay double msrp for a 6-inch scale Rogue that doesn't look like shit.
>all this drama around Rogue's assets
Well I guess I know who /toy/'s first boner was.
Why couldn't they have done different hair sculpts? Lazy.
I like the jacket and the metallic green. Everything else is a downgrade from the cheap-o ML.
Damn right. Had her 1994 Toy Biz figure, too. Good times.
This is why women shouldn't get action figure.
I bet the only toys you own are bootlegs.
>cheeks are only as wide as the thigh, doesn't flare out at all

That is supposed to be impressive? LMAO, low-standards having basedsucker.
>the only Robin Mafex is still Carrie Kelly
I will never understand some of the decisions these retarded business executives make.
Take a wild shot in the dark guess anon...
HLJ: 85 + 25ship + 5ftf = 115
BBTS: 105 + 4ship + 7tax = 116

Oh boy, importfags save a dollar!
Oh boy, the American is poor and has to pay double either way, kek
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Don’t forget the pile of loot system either.
>can pay double
Wait, what?
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why are the japanese afraid of big butts?
On AmiAmi it's $74 +$20 shipping, idk what your third thing is and you get it like three years earlier than BBTS lol
Look at the MAFEX line. 99% westernslop. They're designed to appeal to Americans that hate sexy female figures.
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>he pays in USD
Not everyone is American.
Have you seen the sheer assets they put on their anime figures? Yet that never carries over to figures made for western licenses. Its almost as if being a western license is where nerfed figure asses have commonality!
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They're not, as evidenced in this thread >>10996110.

It's simple laziness, as whoever sculpted Mafex's female buck is obviously gay as the double standard for their male characters show.
One of Rogue's iconic features is her assets. Whereas people could justify Jean, Storm or Jubilee being thinner, Rogue not having a great ass is like making Power Girl with no boobs.

You don't have to be a coomer to understand why people are upset.
wendy cooper
I never really associated Rogue with a dump truck ass, even though that meme exists. I dunno, seems like you guys are just blowing shit out of proportion as usual.
No one's saying she has to have a dump truck ass, but her being shapely is a thing from the comics >>10998171
Honestly, the figure isn't that far off from the piece of art you reference. At least not enough that it's worth bitching about for almost a week straight. If you don't want her to have a dump truck ass, then I really can't tell what the problem here is. Seems like you guys are just blowing shit out of proportion as usual.
you've never even seen an ass like that in real life, so again, stfu.
All you think about is cock, right fag?
Basically people who grew up on cartoons without ever reading the comics they are based on. Secondaries.
These fags need to realize that their shit opinions don't matter.
Again NIGHTWING gets his SIGNATURE shapely booty as seem here >>11005247
but with Rogue it's too much to ask. You'll accept one meme ass but not the other. Why the double standard?
You're so right, she looks exactly how Jim Lee drew her!
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why symbiont spiderman have blue feets while venom does not?
>I never really associated Rogue with a dump truck ass
Same. I never watched any of the cartoons though, only read the comics back when big butts were solely Sir Mix-A-Lot's territory.
>Jim Lee is the only person to have drawn Rogue
Nice strawman
Nightwing's bodacious booty has been a thing longer than you've been alive. It's acknowledged in universe by multiple characters and is something of an in joke among DC characters. Never once has anyone in comics or outside of the internet made a reference to Rogue having an amazing ass.

>B-B-But she was drawn with one
Like I said a few days ago, we can each cherry pick images that support our arguments until the inevitable heat death of the universe, but it's not going to change the fact that Rogue's ass is nothing more than an internet meme made up by degenerate losers who jerk off to cartoons.
See >>11003496
I don't care about your feelings. There's a precedence for Dick's ass and not one for Rogue. Sorry that offends you.
well to be fair, the xmen line is based off JIM LEE's xmen , so....
Not necessarily. They don't emulate Lee's art quite as much as their Hush figures do. Seem more generic imo, but I guess I could see that they're specifically Jim Lee.
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>Mondo Rogue has T&A
They are, thats why they use his artwork on the boxes.
nice looking, worse articulation than a female's legend.
Like basically every Mondo product, that is absolutely unacceptable paint quality for the price.
Her head is huge, she should hook up with Heady Brock.
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Robo has weighed in, and I gotta say he does raise some good points.
the first head look horrible
I just want this, but in 6 inch form.
You and me both, anon. I'd even pay Mezco prices for it.
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>there are people in this thread that unironically like the Mondo
Fucking coomers.
It's the first Rogue figure that actually looks like Rogue, so yes.
I don't recall Rogue being related to Headdy Brock.
Don't know who that is, or care. But if you can find a Rogue figure that looks closer to this model than the Mondo does, I'd love to see it.
The implication here is you're either new, or are massively deflecting from the fact that the figure has an oversized head.
Big head or not (it's fine), it's still the closest representation of the character as she appears in the show. And it's not even close.
If you're willing to pay $200+ for a 1/6 scale VHS Marvel Legend, then that's fine. You do you. I don't need an exact 1 to 1 likeness since I'm not that autistic.
Call me crazy, but I like the figures I buy to look like the thing they're supposed to represent. But yes, you do you.
people who complain about head size on females are tranny lovers. They want their women to be more masculine with broad shoulders built like a line back, when women in general have bigger heads to their smaller bodies.
Absolute miscarriage of Justice. Give me OG Dick, Tim Drake, Jason Todd Robin AND outlaws domino mask red hood, and a solid batgirl
It's frightening how retarded some of you are. I truly hope this is the extent of your interacting with other people.
the fact you cant tell its a joke is truly retardation at its finest, I hope this is the extent of your interaction with other people.
>No U
>I was just pretending to be retarded
You guys are so dumb you can't even argue well. Damn. Sure is summer in here.
ITT. Two retards who don't know how to troll properly embarrassing themselves.
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Knightfall Bats is now in my HLJ warehouse, so I imagine we'll start seeing more pictures soon.
Eh we'll get Hush Tim eventually, they're going deeper into Hush than most people expected and I wouldn't be surprised if we got a pre-order for him by the end of the year.
Kaiju Daddy's review of Knightfall Bats is up.
Mondo can’t go out of business fast enough. This is outright false advertising.
Amiami just charged me.
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his head and torso look kinda small. glad i skipped this, happy enough with my 2 hush versions.
With all the online complaints, I wonder if there's any chance Mafex will go back and fix Rogue's face. I love collecting the line and really want a good Mafex Rogue, but this release looks really hard to justify a purchase.
There's nothing to 'fix' persay in that it doesn't look bad, just not like the character. It's mafex in-house style, the same way yamaguchi has his. For masked characters it's less of an issue, but for unmasked, and particularly females, you don't usually get source accuracy.
>217 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Comic Ver.)
>218 - PHOENIX
Guess it was to be expected after Bane. Can't say i'm not disappointed though.
Thanks for the heads up

New thread: >>11014883
where's his neck?

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