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Does anyone know where this little alien plush is from? I assume its from the 1990s its got that aesthetic if the time and alot of the silver paint has rubbed off on him. Any help would he appreciated
aaaay lmao
Have you tried reading the tag?
I tell ya, they're out there...
he can't it's covered up by the arm
It's actually Ghostface from Scream naked.

Probably just some random knick-knack cranked out my the thousands. Gray alien stuff like that was big from about 1996-early 2000s
That looks like some random thing you'd get at a carnival. Low quality plushies usually have polystyrene like that.
Yeah, probably a generic carnival or claw machine prize
No, but bump for interest
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Or Oriental Trading. I had some alien plushies from there as a kid that kinda looked similar with the metallic fabric.
OP, what's on the other side of the tag?
That looks like far better quality.
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Heres one side
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And heres the other side
bumping for interest. I don't know why, but it looks familiar to me.
Used to see these at Six Flags' midway as winnable prizes. They were of various sizes and colors, green, silver, and red. Maybe even blue.
this pic got me pregnant
Is there anything on the inside of the tag? If not maybe you could look around on the plush for more info, like a copyright date or something.
There is nothing on the inside of the tag
I got nothing then. I tried searching on Google with descriptive terms, the location on the tag, and even Six Flags like the other Anon said and came up empty. I'm not sure that you care, but I did find better, similar plushies.
>I'm not sure that you care, but I did find better, similar plushies.
Post em, if you dont mind that is
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The one I thought was pretty good was out of stock even though it says it is in stock. Isn't online shopping wonderful? Here is a link so you can see,
Kinda reminds me of those big inflatable aliens you'd get at the circus/carnival as a kid. Do they still make those things?
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I had one silver grey alien bean bag plush. Just a small plush with a oversize head. I think there was a symbol on the left chest and it made some noise on impact. I remember seeing them maybe in gold and shiny green. I probably got it in K B Toys in the 2000s.
ayy lmao
It was possibly a Silly Slammer.

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