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Nailed It Edition

-Batman vs Bane 2 pack preorder still up at Game Stop and MTS (for now)
-Tim Drake Robin preorders still up at Game Stop (for now)
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack projected to be warming the pegs come summer
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers waves hitting stores
-Ed McGuinness Superman, Longbow Hunters Green Arrow, and Ray Palmer Atom announced

Previous: >>10993687
Why did you make the new thread so soon?
penis envy
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Is he flying or is he laying?
I opened the MK11 Joker and found it had almost 0 torso movement besides a swivel. I don't know how they get away with these type of releases. Worth the 6 bucks I paid but no more.
Why is this thread always a shitpost thread? I mean really Oh Pee?
What’s wrong with it this time? Martian Manhunter is a cool DC character. I like OPs pic more than the usual promo pics of nuMcfarlane’s half painted figs
Fuck big stand trying to take out money
>McToddlers so poor they can't afford flight stands
lol, lmao
No he isn't. He's basically Superman but MORE OP.
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Is this the craziest custom someone has ever made?
I want this anon to come back and report: >>10997424

>Is he flying
That's the proper way to depict your figures when you want to put them in a floating pose
CEs now cost more than Marvel Legends, so I'm not sure why this could be alleged in general
What Batman is this?
dark knights: metal batman from the merciless baf wave. if you're interested, i'd suggest getting this version, since it actually has paint on the sculpted battle damage
....yeah, where can I just get the good version, thanks lol
Thanks, I really dig the cowl.
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>I'm going to speed force you to feel my flash point
Nail that Hawkman about six inches higher and it’d be perfect.
When do you think the market on mcfarlanes will collapse and ebay sellers will begin trying to offload them for pennies on the dollar?
It's harder when Todd encourages the scalper/collector market.
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>the good version is the one with less paint detail
It legit looks like you're crucifying your figures anon.
I'm slightly offended by this thread.
Whatever post processing you do sucks, anon.
Beautiful. It's like he's really flying down at you and you can't even see the nail. It's such a clean and elegant presentation.
Thanks for noticing, not everyone does.
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This still hurts my eyes in black and white.
I think it's pretty hilarious you've convinced this idiot to put a bunch of holes in his wall. Top tier stuff sir.
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Hopefully this solves your problem.
when the paint is bad, yes. im not trying to attack you personally anon, im sure you really like your flight stand- i mean batman.
bro turn off the lights and use flash with your camera it'll be like you're a gangster watching the back alley during a robbery and you catch hankman with your flashlight right as he's coming down to hit you
If I had some starry wallpaper or a tapestry my Green Lanterns would look really good like this. Interesting...
Who's the idiot, the guy using a bucket of nails or the cuck paying for FiLghTsTANds? Sorry you can't recognize based when you see it.
It's a unique way of displaying figures. I like seeing something new and creative posted here.
the unpainted sculpted battle damage is even worse
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Get a cheap corkboard and put this over it. Get transparent thumbtacks and fishing to hang directly to the board. Or just use it as a backdrop you can put away in a closet when you don't need it.
The idiot is the guy putting holes in his wall to crucify his figures lmao. I hate to tell you, but that doesn't look like they're flying.
It looks like they're real. You can almost hear his wings flapping.
You must not own your home if you're worried about a couple nails. Sorry you gotta worry about muh deposit
In person it has a lot of depth that isn't conveyed in a photograph. It's like a three dimensional picture.
Don't tell mom you're putting holes in your wall. She's gonna be pissed.
Good comeback forever renter
You could put some green led lights behind the board and poke holes through it near where their ring hands are so when you mount it on the wall it looks like their rings are glowing.
>You must be a renter if you don't nail your toys to the wall
Holy shit this cope lmao. This is the funniest shit I've seen all week.
Nta but why are you so afraid of putting a nail in the wall?
I'm not. I just think nailing your toys to the wall is fucking funny.
He's obviously trolling you because you're sperging out about it.
>He's putting holes in he's walls to hang his toys lmao what a fucking idiot!
You see how high that shit is? Nail was probably already there from Christmas lights or some shit.
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Just like Grandma's house
Keep coping my dude. I still think it's funny.
Damn this looks so good. Put some tacks nearby and hang cotton on them like clouds
>Not Warworld Superman
You had one fuckin job
It’s almost like he’s really there in the room with you.
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All I had were qtips
It does

the limp hanging legs kill me
oh yeah that looks sick as hell
What the FUCK, anon?
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Do you have any tiny planes or dead birds in your yard you could nail next to him?
very Snyderesque
I honestly don't even care if anon is legit autistic or just shitposting. Funniest shit I've seen in a while.
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I appreciate the comparison. The only film depiction to really capture Supermans essence.
With this bad boy above your bed you wouldn't even need that old picture of Jesus anymore.
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So, uh, this sure is dumb, uh?
what, you dont want a coked out robin?
I wonder how it would scale with this.
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I kinda get tired of the generals in generals, people get so weird and paranoid about op and the op image etc etc. Like, if the thread was made in good faith then whats the fucking deal? People are gonna shit post, troll and slap fight just like they do in every single thread regardless of the 'legitimacy' of the fucking op image.

Anyway, yeah the martian manhunter is cool.
Check this guy out
I'd want one but there's probably some nu52 design with seams all over the place a giant black dick on his chest, the Martian symbol for hope, and that's the version Todd would make like Cyborg Superman.
T-posing is asserting dominance. It's an interesting posing style. Avant Garde.
Iz gay mang
Storm Collectibles
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I'm always highly offended by these threads

>but that doesn't look like they're flying.

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>I found a raging clue
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Why are you all so mind broken
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has anyone tried headswapping atomic 2pk supes' head onto the recent one in picrel?
curious mostly about whether the skin tone matches
You can just tell from the picture. They don't.
New52 Cyborg Superman looks cooler than RotSM
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Yes its true Picard, that you are too old to see it is a given. Overdesign is naturally cool. RotSM Cyborg Superman was cool at the time as Terminator 2 was fresh on everyone's mind in '95, but we need to go harder in 2011+
>first week of summer getting hot
>do shelf check
>steel's hammer keeps sagging (been like that since day one, have to keep rotating it every couple days)
>flight stands starting to bend
Maybe it's time to buy a box of nails. If these flight stands fell over while I was at work it'd be a four foot drop.
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what do you get out of being like this
I've had McFarlanes survive 6 foot drops without issue. They're very chunky. But I guess it depends on the QC construction of the diver, like if it had anything loose to begin with it could be an issue
Just supporting under-loved designs. I actually like the original design so it'd be good if they did that too, but I prefer the New52 one.
Ive had a couple fall too, no issues. Id be worried for bat ears or some detail getting snapped off before i would the figure itself being totally broken.
Nails don't fail
Climate change is real
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Took the paint off Aquamans diaper and legs. The all black really makes the gold and silver pop.
It really is true that collectors prefer blank bodies with less details, isn't it? To me it's the weirdest thing in the world coming from the 80s when we wished we could get the level of detail in a figure McFarlane was putting out before he entered his Marvel Legends era
I think the problem is the paintjob he did was half ass. Of course we'd prefer good sculpts. Dumbass boomer.
That literally looks nothing like Aquaman now.
Wish Todd made Injustice 2 Atrocitus.
That's Thanos.
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>I think the problem is the paintjob he did was half ass.
>Uses boomer iconography
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>That literally looks nothing like Aquaman now
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My Amazon Azrael is going to be delayed. Pray for me, anons.
The new one? Damn. Im still suprised i got lucky and got one myself. Good luck man, remember, toys are supposed to be fun and i hope this doesnt spoil that fun for you. Missing shit does suck though.
>the spectre ill never get
arrhg this post makes me mad!!!!
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eventually Todd will run out of shades of grey to make Batman's suit
That pain on his face, like watching a perfectly trainable orphan being adopted.
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this figure would have gotten a lot less flack if they just named it what its supposed to be rather than just spawn batman
its unironically Mcfarlanes most accurate sculpt to date
Does the Batman & Robin Batman have nipples?
The figures are pretty study, I don't think a fall would do much. That hammer IS crap though.
How are you putting a figure on a stand?
depends on how it falls, that crazy batman fan on youtubes comic con knightfall;s ears got chipped from a fall i think
There is always a risk of a raised part taking the brunt of the fall yeah. In that case it's kind of luck of the draw as to whether it lands on a large surface to distribute the impact over or if it hits a small, brittle part of the figure (if it has such a part)
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Can we get a kelly jones batman? I dunno who would be able to do it justice but damn id love one.
are you blind?
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Got the red man
I would preorder it and every variant day one, on the spot.
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To go with blue man
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Watching anon lose his shit because someone made fun of his nailed to the wall toys was fucking hilarious.
This 90s thing is based on an old comic where Superman was split into read and blue versions, right?
Dunno why his work doesnt get the same fame as other artists whove done short runs, he did the covers for a long time. Still, itd take a real talent to translate his art into a good looking figure and yeah id be on that pre order the second it went live. Kept an old wizard magazine where he does a breakdown of his techniques.
Todd is a funny guy, he underproduces figures and isn't afraid of anything. Is the underproduction to try to force people to buy digital versions?
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seconding this

I think the only Kelley Jones inspired Batman figure we've had over the years is still this thing
NFTs are sassy and cannot be posed. They are pure.
I think it's because the first two-plus years worth of figures are all still peg/shelf/warehouse warming.
Pure profit.
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Spawn cape
There are plenty you'll never find anymore.
This designs is perfect for McFarlane, don't know why we didn't get this yet. But hey, I said the same about New 52 Cyborg Superman and here we are...
Really like the new torso but what about articulation? OG Bane barely could move his arms.
Are you saying people mass bought a $40 action figure that could barely move its arms?

How does McFarlane do it?
Amazon is still getting shorted. Do not buy McFarlanes from Amazon.
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I'm just not buying McFarlane's anymore
Even better
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How would they even be able to see out of that with that curved overhang?
huh wut u mean
Amazon is still delaying mcfarlane figures because they are not receiving the right amount on time and could result in cancelations.
>lol wut u mean???
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>mfw McFarlane can't make toys right
He can't distribute toys right anymore either apparently.
That metallic green hair looks surprisingly good
McFarts looks great as statues.
It's crazy to me that posting about Hush Batman getting delayed triggered some aspie here so hard that he's still obsessed with me and now half the people in this thread have delayed or cancelled orders lmao
That's because Hush Batman was just a symptom of a more widespread problem that more than 1 customer is having. I think a thread or so ago some anon had the Plasticman wave delayed too
Nah it’s way more than an issues with one figure for one customer. My Mr. Freeze is delayed too and it’s the fourth release of this figure
I order McFarlane stuff off Amazon.ca often and have never had a problem.
That's the one everyone wanted from the start though.
How many of each figure do you order at a time? I've noticed people who only buy one will get it cancelled or delayed more frequently than faggots who order three cases at a time.
Carol Danvers was easy to preorder in the UK, while it sold out in 3 minutes in US Targets. Distribution issues are within the US.
Actually, pretty much just one at a time, usually with other lines.
>see it on sale
>should arrive tomorrow
>already pushed back
fuck todd
It’s still an awful figure but the armor bits might be fun to wash and drybrush. Pretty happy with how the chrome on my Steel is holding up and have been adding eyeshadow and eyeliner to bitches from the Black Series so if this Freeze repaint goes well I might finally muster up the courage to repaint Eradicator’s blackface.

If he released cheap unpainted statue versions of his characters they’d be really fun to paint.
Todd's Canadian, innit?
He does do those artist proof things.
Conspiracy, eh?
Yeah but the paint would rub off when the joints move so they’re effectively statues. I’m wondering if something like those old dollar store paint kits would work better for him. He’s trying to cut corners with half-assed paint apps and there might be a market for painting statues if they were around the same size as the Super Powers figures, something small enough that it can be mass collected. Those old Eaglemoss statues were really popular, adult coloring books are a thing, and his 40k range mostly relies on people painting the same scheme as their tabletop armies. I’ve known girls who would go crazy for a tiny hand painted Batman as a gift.
You mean like Warhammer stuff that exists and is totally a thing?
Yes but your only options for DC characters are cheap gummy heroclix figures or that Knight Models game with 40k prices. I backed the Batman game by Monolith but their license only covers Batman characters.
He’s already pushing digital files, why not make it something people can use like an STL they can print?
You can drive right? Like, you are adult thats spent time driving an automobile?
bro I can buy like two half painted McFarts a month instead of paying for car insurance
That metallic green hair looks unsurprisingly bad.
>amazon delaying my in-stock order is todd's fault reeee
Why doesn't Hasbro have this problem?
Because Hasbro makes enough product to meet market demand. They also reprint popular figures so when someone wants a Darth Vader or Red Ranger they can get into the line and want to keep buying more figures, instead of Todd’s approach where he makes a couple thousand Wonder Woman figs that sell out in three seconds and anyone who didn’t get one or had their order indefinitely delayed or cancelled gets raped on the second hand market. Want to finish a Justice League? Have fun hating yourself for spending $80 on a $20 shelf filler character.
I will never understand "team builders".
>Red Ranger

Except power rangers is a complete sales failure no one fucking cares about it. Holy shit you comic book nerds are retarded and need that six inch boner constantly.
I understand them but don't agree with them unless they happen to like every member of the team.
Sounds autistic.
Why would you spend that much on a figure you don't like? Scale?
Now something like THAT would be autistic.
Why do you McFarty Toddlers continue to support a cancerous brand that does nothing for the honest fans who actually have read the comic books, faker?
Disposable income, looks good on a shelf, finishing a team feels better than sex.
If you're an "honest" fan I can guarantee you already have multiple Wonder Woman action figures or whatever you could easily sub in. She's too short? Put her in the back on a box.
Nah, I'm good with Hasbro's marvel legends wonder woman who is scaled correctly for six inch display. :)
What point are you even making? That it’s okay Todd doesn’t make enough product and Wonder Woman is an $80 figure because you obviously already have a figure from ten years ago? Stop being retarded.
Wow, you're retarded. Comic book nerds really are brain damaged.
I mean you don't NEED to buy multiple copies of the same character.
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I missed getting that blue and grey Batman before it got kind of expensive. Sure, I was a little disappointed, but you know what I did? I waited for the black and grey reissue.
Batman may get "reissues" but many characters won't.
>you know what I did? cope and settle for something else
This poster is definitely an effeminate flight stand user.
toys are manufactured based on orders from retailers you retard
Wouldn't it be more like Disney and WB?
No, they are not, otherwise every preorder would be fulfilled and not canceled.
your toys get canceled due to retailer incompetence, retard.
Not a Todd fan but you are truly an idiot, my friend
you're the fucking moron who doesn't understand how manufacturing and retail works. companies produce product for their customers, which are the retailers. they don't make it for your stupid ass. production runs are set long before pre-orders are opened to people like you.
That reminds me, Mafex's Knight Crusader has option parts to mimic Jones Knightfall covers, namely Batman #510. It's not very accurate, but I'd love a re-release in darker colors to imitate the Moench/Jones run look.
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Whats going on with the wheels? Another McSHARTlane hit and MISS.
Admit it, you saw the screenshot and didn't even look at the video.
Looks kinda small next to Todd sized toys. Might work better with 6in scaled stuff.
the tumbler is a lot smaller in reality than it looks. the 6 inch figures look too small next to it, but not really bad or anything. i think it works either way.
the irl tumber is about 40 mins from my place and ive seen it several dozen times, it is infact kinda small but very vertical - likes its wheels are tall as fuck
the tumbler is so overdeisnged its hard to tell if they fucked anything up. at least this one has 2 seats
If that were true there would be enough product for every preorder. But frequently there isn't and they cancel. Probably because they don't get as many as they ordered, i.e. they got shorted on their order from mcfarlane
>retailers never poorly manage their own inventory
you are an absolute fucking retard.
Why is it so stubby?
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The actual car was stubby.
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I wonder what this looks like in normal light. I might get it just cause I missed out on it first time around.
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Would you rather another Batman?
Nta but yeah I'd like the fucking wired Bale that was locked behind being a fucking platinum
it was in every single case of that wave. it's just a regular release with a dumb sticker on it.
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Of course
Man fuck Todd
what are you even mad about
The regular version should be the Amazon exclusive not this. I'm glad I don't want this because it'll be an instant sellout on the mcfarlane store. Amazon eventually gets restocks of exclusives. The mcfarlane store does not. This is a big fuck you plus shipping.
I'm at work right now.
A regular release you can't order online
>Has to reuse the mold even on the tumbler
top kek

Why is he giving amazon so many exclusives but not sending them the actual regular figures on time?
The algorithms at Amazon haven’t notified any of the analysts some faggot ass toy company run by an actual retarded person is playing shell games with their platform yet. Also there’s the fact cheap toys aren’t really a priority for Amazon in the grand scheme, and Amazon probably skims enough of the sales they are able to ship to not care about the couple hundred people who get screwed on every release.
Its so dystopian to me that stores are now just run by algorithms and not humans
It looks good, not a fan of how the cockpit opens up but I get it, its a kids toy. Was also hoping it'd scale closer to a 1/12 scale but it seems perfect for 1/10.
I actually like this one better. Can fit in with more lines.
Unless you have Prime. Which... why don't you have Prime?
I don't want the camouflage one
Hello Jeff. I don't want to pay you any more than you already have since you're a trillionaire. That's why.
Yeh, but you get action figures on Amazon a lot, right? That's a lot of shipping.
Yeah. Like, ok. Still butt hurt over the spectre and im not into this black light stuff. Im sure a stoner from 1997 would love it, black light is awesome.
It's glow in the dark, not black light.
Begins Batman
Fuck, I want an Atrocitus but that wave aside from Kyle sucks. Todd should put him out in a single mega fig pack, with a Dex Starr accessory.
I've actually never paid for shipping or prime on amazon
He's retarded anon
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Two questions about the DC Super powers line (I’m collecting them for 2025 Christmas for my now 2 year old son).

1) is Batmobile worth $30 in any of your opinions?
2) likelihood of sell outs of non exclusives? Can’t find Hal Jordan green lantern anywhere and he’s one of the best looking figures in the line IMO. But i think he’s a 2024 release so I’d assume he’ll just come back in stock on occasion. Thanks fellas
I see a lot of sellouts on the figures while vehicles all seem to shelf warm. I think the Batmobile is worth it, but I can also see it going on clearance.
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30 bucks for the batmobile is a pretty good deal, but you can also just get a legit kenner one if you look hard enough. itd be nice if they came with a figure like the old ones did or something
batman 100 kenner technically uses this deisng as a reference but with reduced ear length.
honestly i never was a big fan of the revoltech joker but this new have something different, kinda interested
I found this in my basement. is it possible to repaint it or is it fucked
Hot glued it one too many times I see.
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try stripping the paint by soaking it in acetone. you could also try scraping out the deeper parts with an x-acto knife then it shouldn't be too tough to prime black
if you wanna get fancy you could try highlighting the edges with a dark blue and grey then sealing with a gloss finish
wait if the wheels are plastic don't soak it in acetone or they'll melt
use a q tip to rup acetone into the obvious parts like the windshield
might have to use a sheet of sandpaper to smooth the broader smoother surfaces
would be a fun project, good luck anon
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Just buy a new one
but it doesnt have that super duper cool bat logo on the roof of the cockpit.
Neither does that one anymore
Going to a con with a McFarlane toys panel this weekend, dunno if he'll show off anything worth mentioning but I'll post here if I don't forget to.
When do preorders for green arrow drop?
Ask him what he thinks about diapers, pinheads, long legs, and shitty repaint #3.
>tiny ray palmer
okay i might just have to buy the atom now
Green Arrow actually comes with a single arrow and they also changed the back of the box/card art since it's reveal
actually they all got their box/card art changed for some reason
Classic costumes didn't sell out by now? What's going on?
Ask him to make the platinums separate SKUs so people know what they are ordering
>Classic costumes didn't sell out by now?
are these "classic costumes" in the room with us right now?
>Amazon not getting them
Lmao mcfarlane is all over the place and makes zero fucking sense
>Amazon not getting them
they are, it's just todd being retarded as usual
they'll be up soon
maybe it's to prevent scalpers like with Hal Jordan but i think i may be giving Todd way too much credit
There's no Amazon link. Even if it wasn't live yet they'd have it posted.
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>There's no Amazon link
uh are you blind? yes there is, it's just broken at the moment.
I want him but maybe we wlll get a savage atom? Thatd be cool.
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Superman had an Amazon link before it was removed too. It went nowhere. Whoever is in charge of posting is just retarded. This is your green arrow page now.
Damn, look how much better the physique is on the figure without crappy designed articulation ruining it.
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>This is your green arrow page now.
just refreshed and it's gone now
it's just todd being retarded, nothing new
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Now gargle my balls bitch
the link was there before it got taken off, you even acknowledged it
now bend over and lube up
Mcfarlane toys is a shit show
>lube up
I am agape
>amazon doesn't list product yet
>this is todd's fault
you faggot retards are obsessed with that guy
how do Todd's boots taste?
i don't think he's gonna notice your incessant negging and decide to fuck you
god fucking damn, i fucking went to take a quick shower and NOW Green Arrow is up on Amazon... and SOLD OUT
your own fault for not setting a macro that refreshes the page and tries to purchase it 3 times a second
They haven't went live yet
Sassy releases!
really nit a fan of these ones, i already got all 3 of them and repainted the lights on two of them>>11003698
yeah i figured that much
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these were grey originally just seriously what the fuck
Repaint for the fun, it's probably easy. >>11003697 got the right idea, for more help go to the /wip/ general on /tg/, they have great tutorials.
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>zero articulation
A third, smaller one would save this figure.
Todd wants us looking at his socials 24/7/365. He wants us to live and breathe mcfarlane toys to get these drops. I don't think its worth it. I barely order any anymore. Too time consuming and stressful
This. I wasn't sure I'd actually stop buying Toddler shit but after completing my justice league I've got zero interest in anything Todd makes outside of super powers. Until he releases a classic darkseid or Judas contract deathstroke I sleep.
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half of my plastic man wave has shipped!
at this rate i'll finally own plastic man by next month!
who do you have in your Justice League?
I just added Red Tornado and Captain Atom in mine.
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Core 7
>Wally head on flashpoint body
>Kyle Rayner
>Earth 2 Superman with first appearance head
>Classic wonderwoman
>JLA Aquaman
>Frankenstein Batman made up of Batman v Superman body, Keaton head and first appearance cape
Thinking about putting the Clooney head on
I did have blue beetle and Captain atom up but I sincerely hate that buck because of the wrists and floating shoulder sockets. The diaper on Captain atom completely ruins it to me but I still bought because he's one of my favorites characters. Hopefully super powers version soon.
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this made me check mine and only GL has shipped -___-
McFarlane Toys gives Amazon tons of exclusives and Amazon lets them be as late on the deliveries as they please. What a match made in hell for any customers who want to buy from them.
for me superman blue and john stewart shipped but batman and aquaman are still backordered
Nice, I wish it was 1/12 scale but looks good.
I still dont understand why the 89 batmobile wasn't a two seater, they couldve extended the width of it by a few cm and it wouldve worked.
nobody is given exclusives. they are paying for them and the right to carry them
>hoards 40k dolls instead of just buying the minis
this guy is on chris chan levels of compulsive spending
and it's a space wolf
lmao what a faggot
That Batman makes me want to vomit.
Citation needed
are you fucking retarded?
I don't see a citation.
I'm happy I could make you feel something anon even if it disgust. I am here for you.
The vehicles are slightly underscaled so they would be closer to 1/12 scale but still work for 7" figures
ill give them credit for releasing a mate and glossy one at least, should have market the glossy one as the returns ver though
its common sense you fucking retard. nobody is just giving product away
The zombies are pretty good figs and all unique sculpts which is rare nowadays. Pretty sure you can find them all for less than retail and would be cheaper than buying the baf solo
Of course they'd still be paying for each unit
has anyone head swap thier DC and Demon Slayer figures?
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No but you got me curious and I just realized that 66 heads can go on multiverse figures
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Now I'm going to order this just to try a head swap
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If anybody ordered multiple bane 2 packs here's an idea
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Aside from hush this is probably the best Batman head sculpt mcfarlane has

Is this an all-new sculpt?

If it's not, can anyone point whose parts is he using?
LOL Todd you sneaky bastard!

Smart re-use though
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What is the best one in your opinion?
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I know it's not directly DC related but mcfarlane just announced they are releasing a Spiderman figure based off of Todd's design.
McFarlane Power Girl when?
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Fantastic now I just need a Batman v Superman batmobile and kingdom come Superman and I'll never buy another multiverse figure
It's a preposed statue, not a figure. Do you guys even read these announcements before you make shit up about them?
>not a figure. Do you guys even read these announcements before you make shit up about them?
do YOU read these announcements?
A posed figure is a statue bro...
The announcement video said figure straight from Todd's mouth. I don't blame anyone being confused.
and statues are literally figures
Whatever you say retard
Shouldn't it say pre posed figure if it's a statue? Seems like false advertising.
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Oh look, I was right. Eat shit cuckboy
I didn't say you were wrong dumb fuck I stated that the video announcement was misleading
you're the retard who thinks "figure" means action figure
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>Here's the mega figure I was tellin ya about. He's got a wired cape to make him extra sassy.
those are literally fucking figures
>tripling down
You guys are embarassing.
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Ok for $100 I'm sold
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you're literally wrong, dumbass. no amount of screeching will change what words mean.
How am I wrong? What's the difference between these and a statue? Explain it to me. And no, Todd using the word isn't a good enough explanation.
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what do you think "figure" means? you fucking moron.
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Just answer the question shit for brains. What's the difference between these figures and a statue?
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>What's the difference between these figures
so you admit they're figures. finally. good job, retard.
I accept your concession.
No gayer sentence in an Internet argument than that. Fucking woman.
If you insist. Glad you realize you're wrong though.
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I've got no dog in this fight I just wanted to call you out for being a little faggot bitch
Funny they couldn't make Darkseid that much higher quality even though he was supposedly priority for Mattel guy per interviews. Although it looks like they may have done the wrist joints a bit better than usual so they dont stick out like some other megafigs. But the knees look like they will be ugly as shit when bent. I assume it'll sell out in 2 minutes anyway though because classic costume people.
YOU just called them figures. you're the one who conceded. holy shit. you have got to be the dumbest person who has ever posted here.
Actually embarrassing anon. What's the difference between these "figures" and a statue? Are you just going to avoid the question all day or are you going to actually answer?
you started this by claiming they aren't figures. they are. you were wrong. the end. kill yourself.
So you're just going to dance around the question huh? That's fine. Unless you can differentiate these from statues on a substantial way I'll just take it as you admitting you were wrong.

Lot of low IQ brainlets online today. Oh wait, it's summer. That's why.
> It's a preposed statue, not a figure.
it's literally a figure. you do not know what words mean. nobody has to answer your retarded question when this is built on you being a dumbfuck.
>Continues dancing around the question
Here's your (You). This is the last one you get from me until you directly tell me what the difference between these and a statue is.
>still doesn't know what "figure" means
>already slipped up and called them figures anyway
>still screeching
>still retarded
kill yourself
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Don't do meth kids, only Super Soldier Serum.
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Glow in the dark Killer Croc
>cutting off the part that shows you can turn off Yous

Really sad neca display bitch

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