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Why does this company make this board seethe has hard is it does? I genuinely don't get it. Doesn't seem any better or worse than any other toy company out there.
Because they used to be good, but now they're Mattel-lite.
I wouldn't jump to that conclusion now.
Nigga, it doesn't take much to make /toy/ seethe. Fucking actually LIKING a toyline makes these losers seethe.
I wouldn't know, I hate He-man.
Depends on the line, seems like.

They're doing fine with Transformers, and that GI Joe Classified line is selling well, so it must be nice.

Is everything else they're struggling with.

I mean, they hardly ever shelfwarm, at least where I look.
>Doesn't seem any better or worse than any other toy company out there.
Then why are you white knighting for them?
Asking why they make you seethe is white knighting?
There's no quick and simple answer if you consider all the products this company regularly fails at making as well as they could, such as MTG, DnD, Nerf, board games, etc.

Even if you concentrate exclusively on action figure lines, each has their own infuriating problems that could be easily fixed if Hasbro leadership gave one single fuck about the quality of their products.

DnD - The cartoon line had really bad QC issues, despite being rather cool figures.
Fortnite - They picked bad characters, put them in cardboard prisons, and overpriced them like crazy.
GI Joe - Gummy weapons, loose limbs, arms are tattooed but not elbows, basic Trouble Bubbles are sold exclusively through Pulse at a higher price than repaints, etc.
Indiana Jones - None of the cool or weird characters were sold (as decreed by Disney) so they made random waves of endless Indy variants in slightly different costumes.
Marvel Legends - Old, inferior parts are still being used despite newer, better parts existing. Some characters deviate from the source material and are made less sexy. They made several troop builders that sold out instantly and were never re-released. Haslabs are stupidly over-priced, have QC issues, and utilize manipulative practices. They haven't re-released the Marvel Universe Sentinel figure for years, despite everyone clamoring for X-Men stuff. Honestly, I could go on forever about this toyline.
Overwatch - They refused to produce a normal version of D.Va or any version of Widowmaker, despite them being the two most popular characters in the game. I know it was a while ago now, but I still can't get over how monumentally stupid that decision was.
Power Rangers - I think they ended the Lightning Collection early before finishing certain teams. I do know they didn't make nearly enough of the updated Rita Repulsa, and now it's very hard to find.
Star Wars - I have no idea since I'm not a virgin.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Can't shelfwarm when they're not stocked.
TransFormers - clipped wheels with no clearance, clear plastic for load bearing joints, parts cast in the wrong color, rarely more than a single gun as an accessory, shitty build quality all around for the kids line, shitty distribution, that lost goes on and on at least as much as your Marvel one

>(as decreed by Disney)

So its their fault. As usual.


Distribution isn't Hasbro's fault. And they're easing off on clear plastic, thankfully.
The only wave that bombed were the movie line and the walmart card backs.
Mattel is dog shit as well
I don't follow everything Mattel does, but the MOTU and WWE toylines (which are huge and involve multiple sublines) are both pretty great. They still do large playsets at retail, and quality is very consistent. Their online store sucks, and retailer exclusives suck even more, but everyone does that now, so overall I'd rate them higher than Hasbro, even considering Hasbro has more toylines that interest me.
>quality is very consistent.
consistently shit quality

Yeah, yeah, i get it, He-Man is supposed to look chintzy, but fuck you, that's still chintzy.
I don't understand what your problem is with MOTU or why you feel the need to bring it up in a thread about Hasbro.
That's not me.
Mattel has always been bad, that's my point.
Someone was talking about Mattel and their quality, so why can't i make a comment about how bad they are?
By throwing the baby (clear windows) out with the bathwater (clear joints, painted over parts).
Star Wars Black Series has nearly the same issues as Marvel Legends and Disney prioritizing new characters be made. They JUST now are getting to the Super Battle Droids. I want to half blame Disney because there was a period where we got several EU characters like KotoR and others that sold well all at once, and I think it was during a time when there was a lul in tv shows/movies. It is like they were intentionally holding them back even though people were asking for them for many years. If you want a great example of Hasbro's Star Wars problems, look no further than the failed Rancor Haslab project. It was a masterpiece of a train wreck.
This is ignoring all their other failed toy lines. The small scale vehicle lines seems to be doing well, but they seem to be doing a lot of reuse/rereleases and stuff is shelfwarming for the actual new releases.
>says the poster that mass replies for attention
In that case they would stop making them altogether. Problem solved! Any day now they'll stop making them, right?
And D&D Lego makes a ton of sense. Lego experimented a simple D&D like game years ago called Heroica, which I thought looked very natural. I wouldn't be surprised if people playong D&D used Lego custom stuff already.
My issue with Hasbro is that they're one of the most schizophrenic companies in terms of quality out there. Like, G.I. Joe Classified is probably the best retail-level Western toylines out there. On the other hand, Marvel Legends are STILL using utterly antiquated engineering (cut swivel waists etc) and often horrible sculpts; granted I'm not big into capes but I feel really bad for people who are. Their other action figure lines are either hit-and-miss (Star Wars has some cool figures and also some complete stinkers) or utterly shit (I got the D&D Diana and she was garbage, and I've heard awful things about their PR figures). Transformers meanwhile embodies Hasbro's schizo quality- sometimes the figures are absolutely fantastic, other times they're great but suffer a fatal flaw, and other times they're just "meh".
I think what makes me so mad is they've proven they CAN do great things, but so often they fumble their releases super hard. It's frustrating; at least with a consistently shit company like NECA or Super7 you know what to expect (nothing) and the few times they do make a good figure it's a pleasant surprise. With Hasbro there's a 50/50 chance that you'll either get a ridiculously good figure for the money or a complete underwhelming dud.
This is the most irritating thing about Hasbro. I have many, many frustrations and disappointments with their products, yet I can't really endorse the militant Hasbro haters who write them off completely, because some of their products are truly outstanding.

For instance, I'd argue that Hasbro makes the best looking faces on any 1/12 scale figures in the world. I'd even stack them up against $100 imports or expensive boutique figures. Sure their bodies often suck, but sometimes they make knockout figures like Marvel Legends Spiral or really cool vehicles like the GI Joe Classified Trouble Bubbles.

As for me, I just call it down the middle, giving Hasbro props with they do something right and roast them when they do something wrong (which is often).
Same. I think pretty highly of the Marvel Legends line. I don't buy a huge percentage of it but I think most of the figures are done pretty well and I either don't run into the issues people complain about or they're overblown. ToyBiz was leaps and bounds above everybody else 20 years ago and 2014+ Hasbro is leaps and bounds above them.

The pins vs pinless is something I think is massively overblown. The pins just weren't that distracting. The only time it really hit me was with Spiderman, where his costume's color layout always made one side of the elbows look wrong. Also, I have imports like SHF and talk about the pot calling the kettle black. They have some weird joints, from peanut knees to pulley system elbows and gappy shoulders. Give me the average post-balljoint ML system any day of the week.
Thank you. I'm glad someone else said it. The complaints about MLs are way overblown. Yeah, it sucks when we get old mold reuse, but at the same time, they also produce over 100 figures a year, a lot higher numbers than most other toy lines in the same space.
They're the toy equivalent of paying a high price for McDonald's only to get a tiny-assed hamburger that wasn't worth it.
Kek, this. Not to say Hasbro or other companies don't have their faults and I understand getting more critical as prices go up throughout the hobby, but all the most active generals lately seem to be full of miserable people who don't even enjoy their toys. Or more likely it's a twitter situation where most of the posts are being made by 10% of the posters and they're shitting the whole board up.
Simple fact is, companies don't care what you want, they're all about product synergy. Doesn't matter if you hate it and it's the worst whatever (show, movie, etc) out there, they will push figures for it as long as it is current, because it's about synergy.

When they have lulls or when they have no idea what to do, is when they push stuff fans beg for.
It can be done, but it's a huge chore, because building anything will take a few grand worth of parts and endless hours, usuallyby people who don't have the time to do this already. Easier to draw lines on a whiteboard and be done with it.
My only complaints are the chingchong companies not producing what I want fast enough. Fucking Iron Romance Ashura been teased like 5 years now and shit still ain't out but shows up at every China 3rd party show.
>3rd party show

ie bootleg crap
That does seem like a pretty accurate description of things. It's funny how bad they are at synergy, frequently failing to get toys out at the same time as movies/shows. Short bus riding clownfish.
Mediocre quality & fanboys that defend it only enable their mediocre quality.

You will never be white
People just like to troll. Mind you, trolling big companies is not a bad thing, as it helps to show them their consumers' sentiments. But Hasbro probably gets more flak because they were firing on all cylinders at one point, so they brought in a lot of customers and with more customers, you get more trolls as well as those with legitimate beef.

The problem with bitching at a company when they're doing good is that once they inevitably start to suck for real, the management will deflect and say that all the bad sentiments are from the trolls. Ironically, it's at this point that a portion of trolls might actually support the company to be contrarian.

>Because they used to be good, but now they're Mattel-lite.
Nah, they've been getting flak even at their height.
Before the removed it, you could look and see how many Unique IPs a board got per day. On /toy/ is was less than 100IPs a day. This place is a few actual enthusiasts and the rest broken souls samefagging and trolling pointless shit no one else gives a damn about. You are basically asking a lone late 30s incel toy collector why he gets mad so easy.
There were more than 100 IPs on this board, around 200 to 250.
You say that like 200~250 isn't just as cringe and pathetic. You don't treat this place like a community like say /co/ who clears over 1k a day or /v/ that clears 30k~100k a day, this place is just some chronic incels that post daily and some boomer dads with their shit. OP is likely just one of those retarded incels trying to stir the pot not understanding this place is too small for that kind of stuff to look genuine
The usual, they want to sell things, but don't actually want to make the products that consumers wants, and would rather chase after people that dangle their money as an ultimatum ("I'd totally buy X if it just changed it so Y"). They don't buy it, they never were going to, so you just spent time and resources to piss off the tried and true customers, to little to no gain at all. And when you further call them out, they double down instead of actually understanding the problems.
Transformers became noticeably worse after 07, empty hollow limbs and no paint apps galore. All of their other lines often cheap out and have baffling decisions, like Fortnite.
Beyond that? Hasbro just presents itself as DEI bootlickers who have tap danced their way into 3.5bil in loses in just one of their business ventures. It's impressive how much better other companies are at making 6" while Hasbro is still hoping you'll pay $10+ for a 5poa that doesn't scale with anything else.
>The usual, they want to sell things, but don't actually want to make the products that consumers wants

Damned if that isn't at least half of all companies these days. Especially retailers.

Store: we're open! come spend!
Me: do you have anything to buy?
Store: nope!
Me: ...
Store: but we're open! money now?
Me: ...
Store: nObOdY wAnTs tO bUy sTuFf aNyMoRe!

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