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I'm planning to relocate from Bongistan to Germany in the next couple of years, but I'm struggling to pick a city. Why? Because the national autism culture of ze Germans is very comfortable and welcoming to me, the quality of food and life in general seems better, and the UK needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.

My situation:

>already have remote job with German employer who can provide my visa
>speak fluent German
>64k GBP salary (but I will get paid in yuro should I move)
>50k in savings
>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
>also don't want to get bent over and assfucked for rent

The cities I like the most from previous travel are Cologne, Dresden and Leipzig, Berlin is okay and I have some friends there but I hear the rent market is nightmarish. What's a humble teutaboo to do?

Also, do people buy houses in Germany? I hear it's a rent culture, but I really need to invest some of that 50k somewhere and I'm absolutely not buying property on this shithole island.
Just one word of advice, OP:
>visible neo nazi problem
You have other issues there, unless you move to Ossidorf in Sachsen with 200 inhabitants.
>and the UK needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.
ok, you will find plenty of Germans who will say the same about Germany.
What are the other issues? I previously lived in a small town in Thuringia for a few months which was meant to be some kind of brown shirt hotspot but I never saw shit, maybe the Germans I speak to exaggerate the issue. What are the other issues you think I should be more concerned about?
>What are the other issues you think I should be more concerned about?
The same as in the UK. Drunk retards, or underage faggots acting though and mentally ill poor persons. But way less stabbings. Nazis are just more in the news because of the past, not because it is so prominent. You need to be more concerned of taxes.
If I could move wherever in Germany I'd probably move to some comfy smallish city in Bavaria. Like Regensburg for example. Rent should be a lot cheaper than the big cities.
I lived in Leipzig for a bit and I really enjoyed it. Big university so full of students, tons of history, cultural events all through the year. The job market wasn't great in Leipzig, but if you got that sorted out, you should be good. I only visited Cologne as a tourist for a few days and absolutely hated it, so I'd stick to Leipzig. Dresden felt a bit too touristic, plus Leipzig is better connected to the rest of the country.
bit off topic, but, every single tiktok ive seen of that faggot makes me want to kill him. Its weird. Its like I hold 10,000 years worth of genetic memories that all tell me that this guy is my adversary. If I ever see him in public I think I might genuinely end up killing him.
I hope you like musl.....oh wait
Visit Monschau, Tecklenburg, Aachen or Münster and if those click NRW is the way to go.
What race are you?
Jewish (and also trans, not sure if that matters)
Of these I would take Leipzig, >>2651449
is right, I wasted many years in the shithole of Berlin and do not recommend it.
Anyway what's your focus, getting a feeling for the old Germany as a Teutaboo or having a nice city life or settling comfortably in Germany?
If you can travel a bit more check these out:

And just in case also these

Maybe also
Also consider Austria
I also plan on moving to Germany from Canada except I don't speak any german but I have German citizenship through my mom. My best friend moved there and has a family, this country is becoming India and before you say it's the same in Germany it isn't, I've visited several times in the last few years and it's all white where I went
Not about moving but how is Berlin relative to the rest of Germany? I had a layover in Berlin years ago and found it to be a disgusting shithole with awful rude people. Is the whole country like that? I liked Potsdam and that's about it.
>Also, do people buy houses in Germany? I hear it's a rent culture, but I really need to invest some of that 50k somewhere and I'm absolutely not buying property on this shithole island.
Why not? Since you are working remotely, you can literally buy a fixer-upper for 20K GBP, in some British shithole place, take out a loan to refurbish it, and live in it yourself, rent it out or flip it for profit.
You literally have livable houses being sold for 50K GBP, that is unheard of in the Netherlands, even in shithole areas.
Buy one, rent it out, and you have a steady income.
Fuck off we are full.
Use your energy to clean up your own country first.
If you are a pajeet move back to india.

>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
Where is that? I wanna move there.
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Germany is not full lol
What word don't Germans say?
yeah say that to rent prices etc.
Oh yeah we should totally annihilate all nature for human biowaste :D
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Schizo propaganda. Renting in Germany is very cheap. I know because I live near the Dutch/German border.
oh yeah? Go to bigger cities especially with university students. Too much demand for the existing supply lol
>speak fluent German
Highly doubt this, but then again we just talk English to you
Are there seriously a majority of anons in here who think Hitler was wrong?
I'm just enjoying the Nick Fuentes momentum today and then I read all these faggots
Not at all. Berlin is one of the worst places on the civilized world. The rest of Germany is normal (I've only lived in Bavaria though)
were close to 84M pop which is bigger than ever.
were slowly reaching the limit for houses flats medical aid.
this post was brought to you by RB & peg*da
its always funny how third world brown subhumans thinks pop per square KM is the ultimate measure by which an area is suitable for more habitation
its because they come from slums or hive cities where insect people are crammed in together as closely as possible, living in total misery and decay
they think everywhere should be like that, but with 'more gibs' since they dont want to work
its one of the ways a brown outs themselves in this type of discussion, like when a brown points at australia and says 'LOOKIT ALL THAT SPACE!!! JUST LET ME GO THERE!', but only like 5% of the continent is fit for easy habitation.
>>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
lol. It would be nice if nazis were the main problem of Germany. Alas we are instead overrun with brown islamists and ruled by a neocommunist government who steadily invites more while cutting through the rights of citizens. Do not come here unless you are brown yourself
> I really need to invest some of that 50k somewhere and I'm absolutely not buying property o̶n̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ s̶h̶i̶t̶h̶o̶l̶e̶ i̶s̶l̶a̶n̶d̶ in the place where it will appreciate in value the fastest
are you retarded?
I pay €2000/mo for the luxury of living in a shithole named Berlin.
Amerimutt here. Went on vacation there twice. Apparently Germans all like Munich but it felt like a complete shithole to me. Leipzig and Hamburg are the nicest cities I've been to.
I've spent enough time around Germans in Thailand to know I could never live there or learn their awful fucking language. They are the most arrogant, self obsessed nationality, even worse than us Brits and that is really saying something. The women are hot but they're all feminist social workers and megasluts. Fich Deutschland
even Indians are realizing it's a scam to work in Germany and are moving back. My Indian coworkers bring their families, realize their kids are learning about sex and how to use drugs in the first grade and moving back. Lucky them.
Finally, Indians are learning to stay the fuck in India. We don't want them
Living close to Munich and I have to say it's probably one of the worst places in Germany. Not in terms of living conditions but overall it's just fucking boring. Maybe fun for 1 or 2 days to see the scammy Viktualienmarkt, Rathaus, fake "Bavarian" culture, etc. but what else you wanna do there? All restaurants taste like shit and are overpriced. There are almost no real Bavarians left. Most are students from anywhere Germany that larp as Bavarians and/or migrants. Within a decade it turned into a dump literally. Before at least it was clean and now if you walk around the central station there is trash evereywhere, graffiti, junkies, alcoholics, etc. Even beergardens are better outside of Munich. Leipzig for example has it's problems but overall it feels like a solid German town, full of culture. Berlin is a shithole but at least you find some damn great food. Cologne is damn ugly but the people there are kind and loveable. Munich has nothing of that.
>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
Stay "home" (or go back to Pakistan).
Sorry to break it to you, but most of the people on the HUNT for RACISTS, NAZIS and TRANSPHOBES are in fact white people. They are simply too low IQ to understand being a hated minority surrounded by people that want you dead is not the best idea. Until then, they will help import Ngube and Mohammed while going on hormone blockers.
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I enjoyed Mainz. Germany is probably in par if not worse than the UK with the government not leaving you alone and there being a million taxes and regulations
I've been through a lot of German cities, including Munich, and have yet to find one that I enjoy. Too many non-Whites and leftists. Austria is better. I'm sure are some cozy German towns somewhere, but I have yet to find them.
that sandwich needs a bit of pickle
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Wiesbaden is nice too
For anyone German anons here, what are some German stuff I should do in Germany?
I've tried asking my German friend but they aren't really giving me much outside of drink beer and eat bratwurst. I'll be there in June
Hike the Alps you don't faggot. Idk look at a map and see which place looks interesting.
>speak fluent German
No offense but i highly doubt that. I've met people who claimed they are fluent and they all sounded like shit.

Be aware that this country is on the decline because the government is pants on head retarded and the taxes kill any momentum. I'd like to leave but have no option to do so right now.
You hate Munich because you're poor. That's it.
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Guys, I will need to visit germanistan this summer for business reasons.
I need to get to Cologne, so I have 3 ways:
1) Fly to Frankfurt, then ride a speed train to Cologne
2) Fly to Amsterdam, then ride a tran to Cologne
3) Fly to Cologne

Which should I pick? I hate travelling, but maybe there is something worth seeing in germanistan.
>You hate Munich because you're poor. That's it.
But the objections are quite right. and.. why would anyone with money choose that overpriced city?
>For anyone German anons here, what are some German stuff I should do in Germany?
What's that? Like everywhere there is a German buildings, German food (way better in south than north), German culture (pretty much European), German History (maybe widest range from greatness to dystopia poss.), Lot of parties, events, concerts markets museums, theaters trails shipping aso. , Depends on you.
>2) Fly to Amsterdam, then ride a train to Cologne
IMO Best choice, Bonus If you can can stay 1-2 days in AMS.
3) Fly to Cologne best for Business only
>goes to tourist hotspots
>"wow the food sucks here!"
yeah no shit retard. They don't expect tourists to ever come back.
just do the second one and stay in Amsterdam as long as you possibly can
Do NOT move to Germany.
>voluntarily moving to germany
get your mental health checked, OP
I travel to work in Germany sometimes and could never see living there. Its like a more pozzed Vancouver with twice as much government.
>>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
Modern german pasttimes is feeling shame for the lolocaust and sucking brown and black feet. Apart from that you can have cold showers, shitty beer and smoke weed. Just stay the fuck out of this shithole, or visit and take some thirdworlders with you. Most german culture is dead and only exists in a few places, carried by snub boomers and some gen xsers
If you do come here learn this phrase "Döner mit ohne scharfe Soße und alles alter"
Dont remember the Köln airport but that one is naturally the closest, thw other options will be one plus hour trainrides that are quite costly. Atleast the ICEs come on time, if there are no strikes. Dont know from where you come but I enjoyed schiphol the most, partly because klm is decent, german airlines are shitty nowadays.
>>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
Does it also have to be trans friendly?
>no neo-nazi problem
>favourite cities are Leipzig and Dresden
Here im german and i have a tip for you.
Ausländer get the rope!
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>UK needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.
>don't want to live in a region with a visible neo nazi problem
>What's a humble teutaboo to do?
>I'm absolutely not buying property on this shithole island.
>meant to be some kind of brown shirt hotspot
why is German architecture so boring?
>muh neo nazis
you faggots will be the first to hang
seig heil
Look at the surrounding cities of the larger ones you are interested in, as there the prices for rent/property can be lower.
>Also, do people buy houses in Germany?
Rarely. It is expensive both in materials, contractors abs taxes.
And 50k won't take you far in that regard.
>Cologne, Dresden and Leipzig, Berlin
all four of them are absolutely full. fuck off. stay in your non-european shithole.
>implying Cologne and Berlin are still european
Anon, I...
do you like the song L'Amour Toujours perchance?
what do you do for work
I agree

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