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My friend found a cheap round trip flight to Dubai in June ($550) and we decided to yolo a 20 day trip.

The thing is, we're both middle class people and I'm having a ton of regret now about spending 20 days in Dubai and how expensive and hot it's going to be - especially since looking into it, Dubai just seems like a worse version of Las Vegas.

It's too late now to back out, I could take the L on the plane ticket (we haven't booked any accommodation) but I don't want to fuck over my friend. Is budget travelling Dubai possible? And is it even worth visiting?
This had to be a troll. Dubai is a 2 day stopover at most and this is common sense. Just go to Turkey or something and see the whole country in that time.
Not a troll. We're looking at driving to Saudi and Oman too possibly
Why the fuck would you drive? You cluelessly booked this trip. Driving through the desert in countries that have random security checkpoints and a language barrier isn't a good combination, particularly when you're not sure what you're doing. Saudi Arabia gets to over 120 degrees in June and the population density is low to nonexistent between cities. Not worth fucking around with. It'd be cheaper and safer to stay in Dubai a few days, book a trip out to another place in the region, then return to Dubai at the end.
I live in Dubai
Why the fuck would anyone spend 20 days here for tourism. This isn’t Japan the country is barely 50.
Dubai is good for desert tours, sandy beaches, and shopping. That's it.
Whyy? Why would you do that? It's just roads and endless desert in-between.
Look up Salalah if you're so intent on driving, a lot of UAE locals visit there for the nature and activities
Dubai banned 4chan so I know you’re lying nigga
>My friend found a cheap round trip flight to Dubai in June ($550) and we decided to yolo a 20 day trip.
>The thing is, we're both middle class people and I'm having a ton of regret now about spending 20 days in Dubai and how expensive

Who would have thought that you have to pay a hotel for every night you'll spend there.
Book an airbnb, that's what i do when i go to Dubai.

The hotels are a massive scam and they literally charge you 800 euros more on your entire stay just to have breakfast included. With an airbnb i have several cafes nearby where i can go to have a cheap breakfast or i can just go to carrefour and load up the fridge with fresh fruits and other items for breakfast.

Don't listen to the retarded spergs who say Dubai is expensive, there are good options for all budgets there and you don't have to go all the way to Deira to eat something good without spending a fortune.

What's expensive is the private terraces and beach clubs that serve booze. You can eat fresh arabic/turkish food at a good price.

Of course if you intend to go to CE LA VI every night it's going to cost a lot but just chilling at a terrace in the marina on an evening is not going to cost much.

By comparison i found places like Paris or Amsterdam way more expensive in all aspects.
I audibly laughed when I read this, holy fuck OP.
You can salvage this easy by going to Oman. Musandam is the most beautiful place on earth, after that you can get a boat to Muscat, rent a car, and spend 2 weeks driving around a real country.
we got VPNs you fucking cretin.

but also fuck this place into the deepest pit of hell.

Can't wait until I'm a BJJ coach in Miami. Not ideal location but it's what's on the table for now.
I've stayed in dubai up to 3 months at a time. You can get a cheap apartment on airbnb and then choose your own adventure daily.

Just realize almost everything except housing and laborer tier food is going to be expensive.

The most interesting part about Dubai for an adult man is probably the fact that its an international melting pot of sex workers from all around the globe. You can sample an absolutely enormous variety of women and try out things you would otherwise never get a chance to. I mean were talking women from places like kazakhstan, indonesia, colombia, brazil, bangladesh, pakistan, ukraine, armenia all within walking distance of each other.

You've got bars with mostly eastern euro/soviet bloc chicks. Bars with south asian chicks. Bars with east asian chicks. Bars with russians/Ukrainians only. Bars with africans only. Bars with a mix.

You've also got some of the most beautiful (and expensive) workers in the world who can provide amazing service, but it will be unforgettable.

As for actual things to do doing the say its just shopping, food, and amusement park type of things. Stuff like skydiving bunjee jumping is popular also. Desert bbq's are popular but its literally just drive out to the desert and bbq on a sand dune and eat under a tent. Fun with friends only.
Don't listen to this retard. I rented a Land Crusier for like €50 per-day in Kman, drove all over and wild camped in summer (July). Incredible experience.
Do exactly that - UAE, Oman, KSR. You have stumbled upon an amazing journey
Who is this hacker 4chan?
>I mean were talking women from places like kazakhstan, indonesia, colombia, brazil, bangladesh, pakistan, ukraine, armenia
All the colors of the brown rainbow
That might be fine if you're not a clueless idiot. I'm not sure if this applies to OP.
They banned 4chan? And he still got in?!
The absolute madman
i.e. getting a discount on the goyslop being shipped in from China
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1.33 MB PNG
>Musandam is the most beautiful place on earth

Looks way below average, almost desolate.
>You can sample an absolutely enormous variety of women
An empty experience which leaves a huge dent in your pocket. These girls charge a 3000-5000 dihrams.
>women from places like kazakhstan, indonesia, colombia, brazil, bangladesh, pakistan, ukraine, armenia all within walking distance of each other.
Which ones can you do a poo on?
I got my first taste of my Filipina addiction in Dubai.
I’ll shamelessly admit that I’d be a regular at that bar with the south Asian girls
>Dubai in JuneWEnjoy dying of heat stroke.

>We're looking at driving to Saudi and Oman
While there are several crossing points along the borders; some are exclusive to GCC citizens. So do your homework.
looks primeval, like you've travelled back a billion years
you must have shit taste

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