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Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland or Iceland?
which is your favorite and why? looking to visit one of them, or can i go in all 4 as a use citizen in the course of 1 month.
You could go to all of them, but you wouldn't be able to see much. West to east in order of best to worst.
kek look how tiny Denmark is compared to the rest
is norway bad? i went to college with people from all of em excluding iceland. I got along with the norwegians the most. i mostly heard Denmark is the best in everything except the women, and Sweden Norway and Finland are all like the game Train simulator, just bland nothingness.
how are the women there? would they consider fucking a foreigner?
fuck off sexpest

I'm from Iceland so I'm biased, but I vote Icealnd
Iceland is a fucking meme

You have money and want to deal with people who basically are clueless to anything but norway but really think they know something about the world based off cop drama's from the US they've seen. Most are friendly people who won't give you gruff but are very reserved.

Outspoken on everything for whatever reason, south and north hate eachother, women are terminally stupid know it alls because they read a facebook article. Not as clueless as Norweigans to the outside world but really have skewed conversations for anyone visiting outside stockholm. Expensive as shit but everything is weirdly open late.

Cheapest of all the scandi cunts, everyone hates everything, alcohol is rampid and people will show it. English is the worst out of the bunch but they will try their hardest to communicate. Have actual most sane understanding of other world views and won't try to convince you otherwise. Depression is rampid and the women are a tough customer for dating

For tourism Finland probably is the most open to foreigners with proper trains to get around, sweden and norway make me want to die using their trains.
You can do all in a month but this is expensive

Iceland has enough nature to fill a month b itself. Very popular and this has ruined a few of the east to access sites, but the very best stuff is awkward to get to which keeps the NPCs away.

Norway can again fill a month. The most popular sites get busy but not as bad as Iceland. Exception for Lofoten in the summer which is full of motor homes choking the roads.

Gets less interesting elsewhere. Sweden is basically beta Norway but not like it’s bad. Denmark is small and boring except for Copenhagen (the only Nordic city worth an extended visit). Finland is much colder and the endless taiga gets samey quickly.

Honourable mention to the Faroes which have a kino ruggedness about them. But you can complete them in a week.
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Just go to Åland in summer
which nordic language should I learn?
>which nordic language should I learn?
Almost entirely a matter of personal preference—which country do you want to live in, or is most interesting to you?

You may already know that there’s quite a lot of (uneven) mutual intelligibility among Scandinavian languages—Swedes and Norwegians can usually understand one another pretty well, in both directions, and most Danes can understand spoken Norwegian and/or Swedish comfortably, depending on dialects. Both Swedes and Norwegians can usually read written Danish easily, but Danish pronunciation is kind of weird, so spoken Danish is typically hard for most other Scandis to follow unless they’ve had a lot of prior exposure or study (Icelanders all study Danish in school, as well as English).

I would probably pick Swedish, since it’s got twice the number of speakers as Norwegian, and would give you at least something of a leg up on other regional languages.

Icelandic is a good choice pretty much only if you’re fascinated by Iceland or interested in Old Norse—mainland Scandinavians can’t understand it. Faroese can kind of read it, and vice versa, but they can’t easily talk to each other either.

Finnish, on the other hand, is a completely unrelated language family, and it’s famously hard in some ways (lots of grammatical cases, very few cognates). Finns take Swedish as a foreign language in school, and there’s a Swedish-speaking minority in the country, but most Finns hate Swedes, and anyone who is able would rather use English. And nobody else in Europe understands Finnish except some Estonians.
Estonia really is worth visiting if you ever happen to travel to Finland because of how easy it is to visit, it's just a couple hours via a ferry that doesn't cost too much. There's a reason why some Finns call Tallinn "southern Helsinki".
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Seconding Faroe islands. One of the most unique experiences I've ever had. Iceland is cool (no pun intended) but I wish they would fix their goddamn roads.
>i mostly heard Denmark is the best in everything except the women, and Sweden Norway and Finland are all like the game Train simulator, just bland nothingness.
What sort of clown country do you come from?

meanwhile, to the rest of the world these countries are pretty boring and nobody gives a fuck about whatever petty differences these retards think defines them

can you tl;dr me on why I should give a fuck about any of these places or how they are actually different from each other? pretty much the only thing I can think of is one of them make the machines that make the chips in Taiwan, and these countries don't offer guests dinner kek

yeah you're full of shit

> calling iceland a meme, i bet you think iceland is nothing more than reykjavik and the thermal baths
> generalizing norwegians because you met a couple of dumb cunts
> thinking sweden is expensive
> thinking finland is part of scandinavia

at least pretend you know what you're talking about
Uhh everything is accurate in that statement. Iceland is a meme country as well.
>t. butthurt icelander
per capita no other regions get even close to nordic countries how big impact they have globally. Texas has bigger population than whole nordic region.
>can you tl;dr me on why I should give a fuck about any of these places
I think the person who responded to this before I did makes a decent argument; they’re disproportionately wealthy and commercially/industrially influential compared to their sparse populations in a way that I don’t think can be said for any other region. And there’s some really striking natural beauty scattered around up there. Days when the sun never rises, or never sets. Hilarious death metal. Reindeer.

But honestly, I don’t care if you give a fuck about them. Nor do they, for that matter. I only care the little I do because I have friends from up there.

>or how they are actually different from each other?
If you don’t care about any of them, they might as well be the same place. But they’re not, and you can tell.
kekked at that one
also gant isnt scandi at all
Denmark is the best out of the bunch honestly
>also gant isnt scandi at all
its swedish
some swedish company got the distribution rights
its like saying ikea is dutch because theyre registered there
>some swedish company got the distribution rights
It started like that, yes, but the Swedes bought the company in its entirety when the American parent company went under.
my point still stands
ikea was only founded in sweden but moved to holland for business reasons
is ikea dutch?
>is ikea dutch?
No its still swedish, but volvo is chinese because they bought whole car sector.
have you ever considered that if your options are poop, piss, puke and period blood, maybe best option is to say thanks im fine, ill rather just stay home and watch TV?
Learning Swedish will open the door to Scandinavia. The big problem is this. If you try to speak to the locals from every single Nordic country, they will respond in English. Their English excellent and are happy to speak it. So, a foreigner trying to practice, will never have an immersed conversation. Same with the Netherlands and Germany.
Tallinn is a 10/10 place to visit/live. Helsinki is a 2 hour ferry ride and there are a ton of Finnish there. I took Eesti keel to level B1 and just from being around Finnish people everyday, I picked up a lot of Finnish
Pros and cons of dating an icelandic woman?
i'd say norway or iceland
t. swede
We've got a "rampid" retard here.
Norwegian has better resources for learners but Swedish is more useful. They’re close enough that it doesn’t actually matter. Just learn svorsk. Danish sounds odd to anyone not Danish.

Other Scandinavian languages are niche and archaic (Faroese, Icelandic). Maybe if you have autism of 80 or more and like languages.

Finnish very hard for native English speakers to learn and also almost entirely useless outside Finland. Again for special interests only. There are also the Sami languages which are distant cousins of Finnish and equally hard to recommend learning without compelling reasons.
>Cheapest of all the scandi cunts
fuckin doubt
enjoy your stds
Is this a stereotype I haven’t heard of?
Lodging, availability + reliability of transportation, and general food costs are good offsets when compared to Norway or Sweden; not to mention your chart only shows liquor. Getting some hard or 8% ciders or grabbing a huge case of beer from Lidil is generally the way to go.
> calling iceland a meme, i bet you think iceland is nothing more than reykjavik and the thermal baths
Okay take those away and then what do you have, towns with people angry at tourists and an invasive flower taking over the country? Oh cool volcanoes... I can see those any time in Hawaii... Glaciers? Alright cool I guess North America has those and is cheaper. Or I can just go to northern Norway for some sights.

> generalizing norwegians because you met a couple of dumb cunts
Unless you're "norway experiences are revolving around Oslo, not sure what to tell you here but Norway is just filled with quiet nice people, but man are they boring outside Oslo.

> thinking sweden is expensive
Yes, because it is... Are you going to Helsingborg or Malmo via ferry with some duty free booze and crashing in the cheapest available hostel or something?

> thinking finland is part of scandinavia
inb4 'muh russia meme'
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>Getting some hard or 8% ciders or grabbing a huge case of beer from Lidil is generally the way to go.
icelandic women are known to be some of the easiest women in the world
>posting tax of beer
>not posting the price
alright dude

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