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I waited for so long for this franchise to get to part 6
Because you wanted to see Jolyne get together with the worst male character since Judas?
The only anasui i know is the fem version, i dont know what are you talking
Jojo? In YURI?
Originally Jolene was supposed to have a female love interest, but Araki for whatever reason changed Anasui's appearance and pronouns to male.

You could argue that makes him a transgendered love interest instead for Jolene.
I'm more of a Ermes shipper
Keepin her moist
Best bondage partner
There must be better ways to keep her hydrated
Fem Anasui is too good for this stupid fucking world.
Bad girls
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Me too! I started reading the manga back in 2012 just to get to part 6 because I was interested in the idea of an all-girls shonen and I never thought they would actually go through with the adaptation because I had been told SO was the most unpopular part in Japan back then. Not anymore thankfully.
I just saw the lesbian Jojo show is available on Netflix! I didn't know the series was out! I'm off to watch the first episode.
New batch when
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>poeple now praise
>has fallen
>retarded newfag trying too hard to fit in doesn't realize shipping has always been a thing
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>for whatever reason
Probably so that there will be another JoJo after Jolyne, yeah?
I've just about fucking HAD IT with Netflix.

Give us more Jojo, you motherfuckers.
No. The ending of part 6 redoes the Jojo timeline, part 7 is a new take on parts 1-6 and then some.
>parts 1-6
You mean parts 1-3
Standcest counts as yuri, right?
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>Because you wanted to see Jolyne get together with the worst male character since Judas?
But that's not Cioccolata or J Geil
I'm pretty sure the only reason Gwess would be distressed by this situation is if Jolyne refused to let her watch.
The jolyne spin off its /u/
the /a/ tourists need threads for them to talk about stuff too
>look everybody, I'm new!
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>mariah is married to kenny g
MariahxMidler sisters...
Yes. The "antagonist" Fujiko uses her Stand ,BAD ROMANCE' to mentally control Jolyne and give her remote orgasms
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Translation: "These cute and thick lips… Bad luck with men. This long, slender neck… Horny and perverted. And this chest…"
It was probably because at the time the series was still published in Shonen Jump. Someone must've told him to cut it out.
Jolyne looks so bad in generic anime artstyle.
Jolyne almost never looks outright bad, but it does make her lose some of her charm.
>when the Hamon kicks in
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Anasui's attraction to Jolyne is mostly treated as a joke throughout the series and they're only together very briefly at the end. So to me, part 6 is Jolyne's Lesbian Adventure (Guest Starring Weather Report, Baseball Kid and Simp).
Yuri goggles are a powerful thing. We see a bunch of girls in prison together and decide they're all gay.
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Why am I so invested in F.F.? I just want to give her a happy ending where Jolyne teaches her all about that sexy human body she has now.
Maybe I should write something about it…
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Plankton gf for oceanlogist dad's approval.
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what routes would be ideal in a Stone Ocean VN?
I was thinking Hermes and FF as a given, true-form anasui and gwess might be fun, and maybe miraschon/miu miu for a bad end?
It's about as skillful as "standard anime" aesthetics get. I'd have hated it if it was generically executed too but it's a really appealing execution.
Ermes for the obvious battle sisters route.
F.F. is the cute route.
Both at once for golden ending.
Miraschon's debt slave for a bad end.
Gwess is Jolyne's head simp regardless of route.
No Anasui because I'd rather just pretend he doesn't exist.
Forgot the harem route, huh?
When is the next batch?
February. Read the thread next time.
I love them so much
it's yuri related cause the girls have muscles
Annusui went through the most growth out of all thecharacters in part 6, from obsessively stalking Jolyne to genuinely caring about her and she reciprocated his feelings even before they all got reborn.
>The new batch is on april

hold me, i cant...
April isn't mentioned in that tweet.
are these from the same artist who made the official manga spin-off?
ew, imaging shipping hetshit on /u/
I wish they had kept Anasui female for the anime, but looks like they went the other direction.
It's probably for the best that they didn't change it because we would have had autists screeching about it forever and infinite homophobic dad Jotaro memes.
That's not a valid excuse to deny us jojo yuri.
An acceptable tradeoff.
Hermes should be the tallest but have the smallest (relative) chest, while FF should be the shortest with the largest chest. Thus, making Jolyne the perfect central spoon.
Ermes has straight up enhanced tits, she's definitely bigger than Jolyne who's barely more than a teenager and all natural.
FF can be bigger than both if she wants, but her case might count as cheating the scales.
How much we need to wait
Stop waiting, seize the new episodes.
I missed them
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>tfw we could've gotten canon yuri in jojo but Araki bitched out mid-manga
I mean, we eventually did, kind of, but...
Jump publishers push a hard bargain.
dont fucking kidding me
Learn English
Why is that bad news? Because we have to wait until fall?
I'm looking forward to more Jojo yuri.
fuck netflix
I hope some smaller character moments won't be left out in the adaptation, but knowing how much there is to cover...
As long as Jolyne throws the ring at the alligator, I'll be okay.
There is no evidence for the censorship angle, I don't know why people keep repeating it. I get that this is a yuri board and wishful thinking is going to be abundant but let's not pretend Jolyne was ever going to be gay.
Foofy would never smoke the drugs.
Not true, anasui was always supposed to be an androgynous male, but Araki made him too femme so he dialed it back. https://youtu.be/3fJ6bfKk3J4
>hamon beat

Are you serious? That dude never admits Araki made a mistake or retcons...
Are you talking about the guy who nearly freaks out over little horses that never gets explained?
still nothing
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Are you retarded? They release a new batch almost a year after the first one for no practical reason at all. This shit is umacceptable and the reason why Netflix sucks so much?
Dont die!
JoJo part 5 was soo fucking gay I was suprised part 6 wasn't as gay
Well, it has both DIO and Pucci being super gay with each other, though
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3 more days.
It's back.
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i fucking hate netflix
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We all do but at least it isn't nixing their anime and cartoon shows like HBO Max
I think even if Annasui were a girl, I wouldn't like her with Jolyne. I don't like pushy stalker-y girls, I'd rather see Jolyne with a girl she's actually friends with.
Nevermind that annasui is established as a straight up serial killer mindset.
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Reminder that the anime could have had fem Anansui
Only an alternate universe form of both characters that we know nothing about.
So why did araki turn anasui into a guy?
Probably his editor didn't want a lesbian main character.
I think it's more likely that his editor told him there were too many female characters for a manga in a magazine for boys. Araki doesn't really do much plotting ahead, he mostly makes it up chapter by chapter, so it's likely there was no romance planned until the point that Anasui actually did something.
I mean, it can't be stated enough that he's introduced and explained as a creepy ass serial killer and a stalker, so. It's astonishing he even became a love interest in the first place.

Frankly I just choose to ignore it. Or pretend he's just a good friend in the new universe.
Because the manga was running on Shonen Jump at the time. I imagine a female MC was already a hard enough sell to a boys' magazine without a female love interest on top.
It's also possible Araki himself changed Anasui into a dude when he decided he would be the love interest character. I don't know why people default to thinking the choice was forced on him; like it's unthinkable that an old school male Japanese manga writer would refuse to have a lesbian MC in his manga.
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december 1
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What were you expecting from a franchise where literally the only good element is the character designs?
When is release time? I thought it was Dec. 1 that it comes out
I think Netflix releases new stuff at midnight Pacific time.
did you enjoyed it? Production value aside, i love part 6
You'd be a serial killer if you caught your girlfriend and your best friend fucking in your own apartment
I haven't watched it yet. Maybe I'll binge it once everything in this season ends, or maybe I'll watch one episode per week as if trying to recreate the lost JoJo Fridays.
I watched 6 different shows only for it to end like that? Fuck this dude sisters fuck him.
Gwess not becoming Jolyne's prison bitch is so disappointing
Laugh at this fool for not understanding that the ending of part 6 is actually great.

However, we must also admit this is the biggest miss in the history of fiction.
>Death of Jolyne and the Joestars
>Basically invalidates 1-6 of Jojo
Laugh at this retard.
Nevermind the fact that Foo Fighters' whole storyline drives the nail into the coffin about how this new timeline is not the original anymore. The one that he knew lived, fought, and died. Ceasar's got a new start but his friends are all still dead.
>Basically invalidates 1-6 of Jojo
100% not the case. The first 5 parts happen exactly as they did before. All of the changes to the timeline are a result of Pucci ceasing to exist and the "gravity" of their relationships from the previous universe bringing them back together. The fact that this gravity exists between them is how Araki makes part 6 matter for the characters. Their souls remember it.

Other than being confusing, this is the worst thing about the ending.
>This isn't the world Ceasar ended up in
I'd be crying too
The anime could've redeemed itself if it had at least made Anakiss a girl
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Nothing in the ending points to that, neither Pucci not existing anymore, or the other parts still happening. Why would Pucci not existing result in Jolyne having a different name, or Annasui and Hermes not being involved in the crimes that lead to their imprisonment?
Part 6's ending was a total copout on Araki's part. Pucci winning was the only logical way it could have ended in, but he couldn't have the villain winning, so he made Pucci grab the idiot ball and the end and become obsessed with killing Emporio even though he knows he has no means of stopping him. This is after he had been established as the smartest and most pragmatical of all villains the whole part, so it was severely out of character and only happened as a way to defeat him (Emporio shouldn't have been able to wield Weather Report either).
Then there's the bullshit of Made In Heaven needing to go back to the starting point in order for its effects to be permanent, and this not happening somehow creates a new universe different from the previous two. This is all purposely left vague so fans can headcanon what happened and Araki doesn't have to explain shit. Between all this and how little chemistry there was between the main cast, I can see why Stone Ocean is one most hated parts.
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The 2000's sure were rough times for the gays huh
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There should be so much more art of this pairing.
Is this maturbation?
technically yes, heck,I don't even think it qualifies as yuri
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Gwess deserves so much more.
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Tattoo is on the wrong arm, throw it in the trash.
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same artist as filename btw
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Is there porn of these two gals?
There's only this for Billie.
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Her stand does technically have a mind of its own
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